dori16 · 16 hours
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Beatrice's Path of Change
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She didn’t get her daily box of cheerios..
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sindrakart · 2 months
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eidoloncoatl · 25 days
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Art trade thing for @will0thew1sp :>
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nappiwonderland · 5 months
Make way, make way! The hybrid of fashion has arrived 🌺Adelaide 🌺!!!
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That's right, my oc arrived Billie bust up ready to pass the next catwalk 😌✨⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐✨
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chaoticmoron · 2 months
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I love her more than I thought I would.
time to make a blog for her raghdhfh-
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ssstupid-sssnake · 6 months
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jhixysart · 4 months
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I love Charlie and all but like guys.... i really gotta draw more of Cottonbelle her fish husband and their daughter Lu-..
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catsr-reallycool · 7 months
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i made this not too long ago
WORRY NOT! Beau always asks before he hugs Fantoccio!
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muffinpost · 8 months
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basilgaff · 2 months
just testing the brush
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(idk what to post)
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blitziegamez123 · 5 months
"Today was-"
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A wild Barnaby offers you to hold his young which is carefully wrapped up as a burrito… do you accept???
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sindrakart · 2 months
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im goofing around with him
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shadowtoons · 1 year
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Probably make more lol
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parasiticstars · 3 months
To Teach an Old Dog: #1
re re re re re re uploaded bc tumblr keeps fucking it up
TW: BBU/pet whump, casual mentions of dehumanization, institutionalized slavery, and suicide idealization, and me being very pretentious
Kavan’s back hurts. Of the numerous things wrong with his situation, this is what he decided to focus on in an attempt to stave off the impeding sensory overload— and this is the only familiar, non-Pet-fuckery problem he has.
The bit was fastened too tight and digs in the corners of his mouth. He can feel drool starting to crust his beard. He’s disused to the shoddy buzzcut his masters captors gave him in an attempt to make him presentable before auction; he'll certainly never take the feeling of hair on his ears for granted again. The ear tag is pulling on already mutilated earlobes, adding to a budding headache just behind his eyes. The concrete floors look and feel like they haven’t been cleaned ever. The auctioneer’s voice is solidly the fourth most irritating sound he’s ever heard in his life.
Alas, nothing Kavan attempts to focus on staves off the visceral, skin-crawling feeling of too much. No matter how many times the man gets shuttled in and out of auctions and captors like a head of livestock, he’ll never truly get used to the non-personhood, the sheer objectification of it all. Nor will he get used to an audience leering and inspecting him and the other Pets people around him like the products they’re advertised and sold as.
Nobody seems to be interested in him, thank god. Kavan’s getting too old for most people’s tastes— even as a labor Pet, being above thirty is automatically considered a liability, as if he’d crumple into dust the second he set foot onto a construction site or a plantation or wherever the hell else. Has he felt close to it? Definitely. But that didn’t mean he would; even though some places, water and breaks weren’t a given.
(Why would they be? Employers and contractors who use Pets rather than workers don’t need to abide by silly things such as OSHA and basic human decency.)
But regardless.
With the slowly increasing amount of times he’s talked about like his expiry date has run out, Kavan wonders when he’s going to just be taken out behind the shed.
He wonders if he’ll do it himself one of these days.
A prod to the small of his back forces him to straighten, making him nearly drop his sign in the process. His attention snaps back to the crowd, all crammed together in this dingy-ass building in those dingy-ass folding chairs betting on dingy-ass people.
Long had Kavan lost the naïvety that Pet owners were this special type of evil, so impossibly cruel and uncaring that they simply couldn’t be human. Regardless, the fact that everyone here is so unassuming still screws with him. He could hypothetically see any one of them, say, at a Starbucks bitching at the barista about their overpriced order, or shopping at Trader Joe’s, or working in their cubicle, or at a PTA meeting. That in particular jars him.
Nobody around them would know that said person was willingly participating in legalized slavery, lacking even the flimsy pretense of “rescuing” their aunt’s-grandma’s-brother’s-husband’s-neighbor’s-girlfriend’s-niece’s Pet or whatever else they’d want to virtue signal on their Facebook wall or status or whatever else.
(Are Facebook statuses still a thing? God, Kavan’s been out of the loop too long. He doesn’t even know how long.)
One woman in particular has set sights on him. Judging by the fine cut yet plain color of her coat, the disgusted-holier-than-thou glances she’d occasionally give whoever she was seated near whenever they did anything particular crude, the brand name Ceilos, she’s probably fuck-off rich trying not to look fuck-off rich. What would someone like her want at a low scale labor pet auction like this? Why is she eyeing him in particular? Why are her irises barely darker than #FFFFF?
Catastrophizing is, it seems, a very time consuming activity. It muffles the rest of the auction, the auctioneer’s droning that would soon settle the man’s fate, the assistant taking away the sign Kavan was holding and tugging at the rope attached to his collar.
He stumbles as he’s led off the platform and into the pen for inspection. Through the buzzing of his ears, the sound of heels clicking follows.
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