mindtrip · 1 year
caring about everything and nothing, all at once.
it’s indifference, anxiety, exhaustion — all in one.
there’s a concrete wall in front of me, it seems to go on for miles.
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celotehharian · 2 years
A Day in Yogyakarta
Satu hari mana cukup di Jogja :)
Yuhuuuuuuu akhirnya setelah pandemi ini berakhir kita bisa bernafas dengan menghirup udara yang berbeda dan akhirnya aku memilih kota yang tidak pernah gagal untuk didatangi kembali. Yaps Jogja! Jogja yang katanya punya magnet buat narik kita buat terus-terusan balik kesana, anehnya mau di datengin berapa kali pun jogja ga pernah ngebosenin ya? Jogja emang salah satu kota yang "perfect combo" kenapa? karena selain kota pelajar, Jogja juga memiliki berbagai pilihan spot wisata dan kuliner yang endulita banget. Meskipun bolak-balik ke jogja tapi tetep bingung kalo ditanya destinasi favorite dan kuliner yang kekinian banget karena semua wisatanya favorite dan kulinernya itu loo, aduh bikin ngiler banget..
Tapii, ada beberapa spot yang bakalan bikin kangen banget sama jogja salah satunya hutan pinus yang ada di Mangunan, Bantul. Hawa sejuk khas hutan pinus akan menyambut kalian dari kejauhan. Hutan pinus yang dingin dengan kabut emang eksotis banget buat mengabadikan moment-moment indah. Ketika tubuh kalian sudah merasa kedinginan, terdapat banyak cafe yang menyediakan aneka pilihan minuman hangat. Harga tiket masuk serta harga makanan yang terjangkau membuat tempat ini tidak pernah sepi pengunjung meskipun malam hari
Neeeeext karena Jogja terlalu memikat untuk tim rebahan, sembari jalan-jalan di kota Jogja sedikit mlipir dari alkid mencari rekomendasi dari beberapa teman katanya ada burger yang perlu di coba buat para pecinta burger. Dan ternyataaa, mamahke jogja kini memiliki inovasi baru selain aneka kue untuk buah tangan yang rasanya gaperlu ditanyain lagi, mereka meluncurkan produk baru yaitu bleger. Dengan mengusung tema cafe, kini menikmati aneka produk mamahke jogja bisa secara dine-in. Pilihan menu makanan yang bergitu menggoda membuat saya kesulitan menjatuhkan pilihan hingga saya memutuskan mencoba menu baru dari mamahke jogja, chiken bleger
Chiken bleger by mamahke jogja ini berisi chiken crispy yang gwede banget daan yang bikin unik adalah ada potongan nanasnya loh. Saos mayonise yang ga pelit sama sekali dan dikombinasi dengan chiken crispy yang juicy ditambah sensasi manis-asam-segar dari potongan buah nanas bikin citarasa yang unik dan nagih banget. Porsi chiken bleger yang gede emang pas banget buat tipe makanan yang endes karena mau dibagi ke temen pun bakal tetep puas banget. Tapi masa chiken bleger yang enak banget ini rela buat di bagi-bagi sih? ;)
Naaahhhh, dua rekomendasi tadi semoga bisa kasih tambahan referensi biar ga situ-situ mulu yaa kalo ke Jogja. Jogja tuh luuuass bangeett, makanya kalo ke Jogja cuma sehari mana cukup :p yang pasti jangan lupa oleh-olehnya beli di mamahke jogja yaa!
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buonabeef-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Who barbecue's the best ribs in all of #Chicago? Read the latest article from Chicago Italian Beef and see their top five favorites! http://ow.ly/XVc030dvEVH 
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mindtrip · 1 year
job hunting is probably one of the most demoralizing and tedious things to do, especially when you’re stuck at a job you hate.
coworkers and family are telling me that they can “feel” myself getting the job i want soon.
i just hope they’re right.
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mindtrip · 1 year
i just dreamt that i died… or was it a dream?
i was dreaming normally. i don’t remember what was happening exactly, but i suddenly felt faint/dizzy in my dream. i ceased what i was doing or saying in that moment, and collapsed to the ground and everything around me turned to black. fear filled within me, i could feel myself slipping into nothingness. my thoughts were telling me “no, not yet.” with images of my family and my girlfriend in my mind. as i fell deeper into death, i couldn’t shake the increasing sensation of a deep meditation. my body was one with the universe. i felt peace just fall all around me, i didn’t feel like i even had a body, so i tried to succumb to it. to get closer to this peace. but somewhere else, i knew that i couldn’t leave my loved ones behind. in a state of limbo, i knew i needed to flip myself over in the real world because i’m pretty sure i stopped breathing- i was about to suffocate myself to death. i vaguely remember rolling over and my soul was sucked back into my body, and i woke up after that.
i don’t think i’ll ever forget that sensation. i truly felt like i was actually dying.
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mindtrip · 1 year
even though i was sad, i still viewed aspects of life in a rose colored lens.
i don’t anymore.
i’m just sad.
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mindtrip · 1 year
it's so easy to waste time on social media. it wasn't always this bad. the pandemic affected all of us in the worst ways, and i do think it was the driving force that made me regress by 5 years. i'm still trying to recover that lost time.
i've lost myself, my passions, and have ultimately turned into a shell of someone i wanted to become.
as i scroll through tumblr again, i realize that i'm just browsing with the intent of finding a distraction. i'm relearning to live in the moment and appreciate the things i once did.
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mindtrip · 1 year
third person pov
i turned 25 almost a month ago, and in many ways i still feel like the scared 15 year old i was. my self perception is fragmented - i know that much. it has been years and years of working on myself, but it's hard to put the pieces together. it's a matter of how, and if it's even possible.
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mindtrip · 3 years
It’s been a while...
I’m not even sure if anyone who follows me is still active on this website, but hello to those who are here! I logged in because of pure nostalgia. I hope everyone is doing well. Maybe, if I find my niche, I can start posting here again. I’m not that interested in what I used to post about here, so let’s see how this goes. 
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mindtrip · 6 years
interest check
so.. it’s been 98 years since i’ve updated CSN. i was just checking to see if.. you know, is anyone willing to read the rest?
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mindtrip · 7 years
i have a research paper due monday that i’ve yet to start... welp. sigh.
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mindtrip · 7 years
hope everybody’s holidays/breaks/days have been great.
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mindtrip · 7 years
i’m so ready to write
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mindtrip · 7 years
i attribute the process of me getting better to dan and phil, but especially dan because i always felt that i could relate more. he’s honestly enabled me to be more confident and more stable than i’ve ever been. and phil, who’s just a bright presence that makes me happy. i’m forever grateful for them being such a profound force in my life.  
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mindtrip · 7 years
all that matters in my life in this very moment is john cameron mitchell 
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mindtrip · 7 years
how do i expect myself to be more social-able when i turn down opportunities to hang out with people? like really dude?? fucken hell. 
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