#BFDG story
BFDG prompt 1
[Okay I really liked this, it was a prompt from my doom discord server. it came out really well so I'm editing a bit more and posting it here! not perfect but hope you like it]
“Please, anyone, if you can hear me, if you're out there…” The woman spoke into the small microphone. She closed her eyes tight to the sounds outside of the room the woman was stuck in, the screams had only partly stopped.
At least the human screams.
“Is anyone left?” She asked, defeated but still having to try as she curled up. “The Arc base is overrun, I dont… don’t know if there’s anyone else alive.”
All her and their data was backed up off site, something should be saved. Hopefully to be found once the demons pulled back.
“Is anyone else alive?” The woman asked quietly, paused as there was a deep vibration and screaming from the demons outside the room she was in. “Please…don't come.”
She did not want to die, but did not want more to as well. It reflected in Elena’s voice as she curled up tight for a minute while hearing the slightly muffled, not really human-adjacent scream before hearing the hell altered and full demonic creatures getting excited and running around her hiding spot. She wanted to ask for help, but knew it was hopeless so a soft whimper slipped out as she tried to shut the communication systems off.
“Help me…” the wisped words slipped out as it shut off. 
There was an increase of activity on the other side of the walls. Did the demons find another survivor? Elena could only tuck herself farther under the table and curl up, trying to calm down her heart. Though knowing it was only a matter of time before something broke into the office room she was in. Everything was ringing and time fuzzed, just as the woman realized there was an eerie quiet as her breathing got under control again. There was a creaking at the main, double set of doors before a stressed sound of metal was heard. Elena could only cover her head and try to hold her breath as she could only hear the pulse of her blood. Fighting the panic as the office was broken into.
It took a long minute to realize she was not homed onto, and torn apart. A strange sound finally broke through, a low rumbling that was steady, but also…tapping. Elena looked up through her shielding her arms. There was a mass of….metal?
It took almost too long to recognize that it was someone kneeling down beside the big table. The size scale was so off that it took a few moments to realize it was a form kneeling down. A massive hand was tapping the ground in a pattern, and that low rumble was… becoming softer? As if to draw her attention to him. 
Olive, black and tan armor, almost alien like metal over massive limbs. Intricate but also solid to hold up against the groves of fangs and claw marks. Part of the armor on the closer left leg was…healing itself?
The massive form, a practical giant in comparison, started to shift. The rumble paused and Elena could hear and see a deep breath. Then the rumble started again, low and thunder deep, almost a vibration in the air as the big creature put both hands on the ground, lowering themselves down until a helmet the woman had only seen in security feeds was peering under at her.
All at once, she recognized who was staring at her. 
How could she not? She spent the last several years studying this being from a distance.
But knowing a lion was massive and seeing one up close were two very different things.
The Slayer was watching her very much like a predator. Glowing green eyes were focused on the small human- gods his thigh seemed bigger than her whole self-!
“...help?” The word slipped out of Elena before she even realized that she said something. 
The large head tilted to one side, clearly hearing the whispered words. Then shifted as the rumble almost seemed to pick up. He was moving, sliding his left arm under the table, moving it to tilt as his shoulder slid under. The blade in his forearm was retracted, but the massive hand had Elena reflexively flinching away from the Slayer, even though she knew he was more… belevent, or neutral towards humans. And then the tilt of the table had what was on top sliding off to clatter and crash. Elena yelped and jerked away from the sound-
And into the large hand suddenly behind her.
Her neck slid between his fore and middle fingers before the massive hand closed around Elena’s whole upper chest. Arms pinned, she could suddenly smell the metallic scent of blood, realizing the black was… it was demonic blood that had been…burned? Death char clung to the Slayer as he pulled her out of her tentative safely and into the open.
The table rocked and crashed back down once he pulled the woman free and sat up, still kneeling and all but dwarfing the human. His other hand came up, catching her legs that weakly tried to kick in protest and chuckled.
He chuckled at Elena.
The giant was amused at her attempts to get free? At her fear? Was the Slayer not as belevent as she thought? The woman whimpered, unable to help it as she was, for the lack of a better term, examined. She was tilted and shifted, the other massive hand holding her knees together and-
And then the impossible grip loosened? 
She was being moved, the grip on her legs released. There was a scramble from Elena as she was lifted and pressed to the Slayer's right shoulder. Once her feet were braced the giant's left hand then loosened and let her drop onto the shoulder. His head was tilted to watch her as his right arm came up, giving the human another spot to brace against.
He purred at her, once finding that Elena was holding onto his armor and collar ridge herself. Standing up with a slight hunch, grabbing the rifle-like weapon in his left hand. The big head tilted to watch as he checked the energy weapon over. 
Elena made an interesting sound, confused but clinging tight to this only source of safety as she was carried not unlike a toddler. Once realizing what was around them as the Slayer walked, she pressed her head to the thick neck beside her, hiding from the torn remains of those that did not get to the evacuation ship. 
There was a low sound that vibrated from the Slayer and through Elena. Like feeling the earth itself shifted and pulsed through her bones.
Reassurance. Protective.
The Slayer rumbled the Primordial words out, he had already cleared most all the demons and possessed. Taken and freed the trapped soles. He just had to get this human to the safety of his portal. It should open up by the mentioned backup servers. Things he needed to get anyways for Vega, and his Elite Guard should have that all secured by now 
His steps were steady and long, in a ground eating pace as he left the hell created slaughter. Then his own slaughter of the demons. All the while giving a low rumble to reassure the only survivor he found.
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leggyre · 6 years
I like your bun buns. They are great (then oc and the real one) Also here's bfdg (bathtub frog dream Girl) and today i took off my retainers in my sleep by dreaming i crushed it into powder. Went to sleep with two, woke up with one, and my Mom foundd it beneath my pillow. I didn't even sleepwalk. Why did i do this? I also have more dream stories, if you want any, like the dinosaur skeleton the time travel one X2 and the Indian donuts also if you aren't the guy who likes weird dreams im sorry
Yes, it is I... The collector of Odd Dreams(tm) AND THAT SOUNDS WILD.. I remember breaking mine in my sleep more than once. I dunno how but I did it. They weren't under the pillow, though.Feel free to share ur adventures 👏👀
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BFDG prompt 3:
22: BFDG “Reaction to Slayer finally getting his armor”
“Sound off, who’s not dead?” Winston’s voice rasped as he gasped for air. His rebreather system struggled to keep up from that last dash. The Guardsmen Commander scanned the display on his head's up display. Then turning to do a physical headcount, six others beside himself not including the big guy. So far so good even as two were collapsing now that Slayer had finished barricading the door before the thumps started.
The big guy was standing back up, watching the vibrations before nodding in satisfaction. They would have a few hours at least before reinforcements came. They did not need that long here. Slayer huffed a greeting, smiling as Bitty swung around him in the air, glad the little drone made it. 
“How long do we have?” Richard asked after everyone made sure their small team was still alive. 
Slayer made a face as he turned, thinking about it he held up his hand with four fingers up, then carefully lowered one at the second knuckle.
“Three and a half?” Richard asked, getting a nod. “...Minutes?”
Everyone paused to turn to stare at the giant not-really man. Slayer grinned and shook his head, holding his hands close even with his modified weapon in hand. Then spread the space out wide.
“Hours?” Winston tried, sighing in relief with the other Guardsmen at the grin and nod. “Thank gods. Okay everyone reload before checking and treating any wounds. How are you doing, Jackson?”
The black armored man looked up and then started a bit as the mass of Slayer was kneeling beside him. “I can still feel my hand, but I think the bio foam is degrading in the heat.”
Jackson shifted, but let the demigod carefully lift the smaller man’s damaged right arm. Being exceedingly gentle with the inspection, turning to chuff at Winston, who had the last can of the foam. Most of those present had to use the stuff, supporting injuries until they could get back to the nearest exit portal. Taking the can that was tossed over, opening it as he had been shown and been watching. Fit the nozzle into the crack in the armor like it had been done before, then a few spots- snorting and then leaned down to sniff the older, now bloody foam that was pushed out.
Infection was trying to start. Not too bad but something they needed to watch. Slayer reached up to pat Jackson’s helmet as if trying to ruffle hair, giving him the can that still was pretty full. Getting up to walk around the once tomb chamber, eyes tracing the walls.
His prison. His tomb.
The demigod snorted, looking up at the ceiling and recognized he used to stare at it when the blood priests used to…feed Slayer souls and the liquid energy. 
Shaking his head firmly, pushing those memories away he walked around the room. Finding where the draw of his attention was. Almost in the direct line from the main entrance. He rumbled then chuffed a warning sound going back to the door. Growling at it and there was scrambling to get away, turned and leveled the modified plasma weapon at the wall. The Guardsmen flattened out and got further out of the way as Slayer's weapon whined softly at the over charge before letting it fire. Cracking the slate and stone as much as weakening it before setting his gun down on the podium that once housed his sarcophagus. Taking three long strides and put not only his momentum but his whole self into punching the cracks. Widening them as the demigod used brute force of the physical kind to pry out the chucks until he found…
“Is that a glove?” Richard asked as his prosthetic right arm was limping hanging while Winston was helping him clean it. 
“...holy shit.” Winston found it appropriate to curse, getting a rasping laugh from Slayer as the demigod used his knife to help pry out the gauntlet from where it was imbedded into the stone. The armor twitching in response to him as he pulled the parts out in a whole piece of glove and forearm cover.
Shaking the dust off the armor and himself, Slayer gave a satisfied rumble as he fitted the familiar piece onto his right arm. Flexing his hand and felt the part shift and alter to fit his current state. Not that hitting stone with his bare hands seemed to affect the big guy, but with that gauntlet on he cracked through the stone faster. Pulling a part out at a time, but only putting on the gauntlets to help himself get everything out and cleaned up. The darkened armor was oddly lightening somewhat, starting with the gloves as if it was pulling power from Slayer himself.
He flexed his hands and prying the helmet out from where it was embedded into the stone. The last part. It took about forty minutes to get everything out and then moved to where the sarcophagus used to be. Pulling out several things from subspace freely now to wipe down the inside of the Praetor suit first, getting all the grit out.
Slayer did not mind the Guardsmen that came to see what he was doing. If anything grinning and showing off his armor, able to tell now when they were impressed by the subtle body language. Different from his Argenta, but still as curious.
“What's this?” Winston asked as he poked at a large pile of the black fabric. What he assumed was fabric as Slayer was trying to clean the worst of the demonic gorenest off his legs. The death ash staining his skin was just barely given an attempt, enough to get the worst off.
Slayer glanced over and poked a knuckle at Richard's middle. Humming as he tried to use the Argenta silent language.
“We need to work on direct communication some more.” Richard noted, watching the demigod huff in agreement before pointing to the fabric then to the armor. 
Getting up, the Slayer stretched…and dropped his pants. Grinning at the groans of protest as the guards scattered, Slayer half sat to get his under suit on. His bulk seemed bigger without the layering of scarring readily visible to distract; his outline stood out more. 
Boots were found, check again for anything inside before fitted on. From feet up, his armor was finally getting put into place. Now and then a part was taken back off but with some help from smaller hands got the pebble out. He stood up slowly, rolling his shoulders to help settle the back and chest plates into place. Slayer wondered if he should teach the guardsmen how to help him get his armor on. He could and did get it on right, the Praetor suit was fully activated and responsive to his body as it should. Altering to fit and the cover as much as his form as the Praetor suit realized that it's wearer was technically and compared to before underweight. Though the humans never seemed to realize yet why the demigod got frustrated at himself, Slayer had lost muscle mass when trapped.
He would start gaining it and his old strength again now that he was fighting and absorbing energy again. Now he could get it back at a faster pace with the suit! 
“Holy fuck,” Richard noted as he stared openly from where he sat on the ground, the elite guard composter rattled just enough. Also trusting this giant of a man to let their guard down just that bit despite where they were. The big guy was…big, being twelve feet tall on bare feet, with the almost alien-like armor he filled out in mass more.
“Big guy?” Cruz asked as she stared upwards, managing to hold her ground as Slayer turned his attention to her. He grinned wide at the fully armored woman, and showed off his helmet to her before putting it on. Smoothing a thumb over the glyph before he stood a moment in full gear.
…Slayer leaned forward and gave himself a full body shake. Unknowingly it was something not unlike what the guardsmen did when they were in full armor for the first time after a shift off. As if it were a universal thing to do, something so oddly human to shimmy and settle into the armor.
There was a faint humming from the Praetor suit itself, the demigod looking at his rigged weapon on the ground. Picking it up to slip into the suit's weapon storage. Let the Praetor suit link up to it. Then the Slayer pulled out his trusted Argenta made ballista.
“I don't know what that is, but I like it.” Winston's voice drew Slayer's attention.
With the helmet on they could not see the giant man's expressions. But his own body language reflected excitement as the demigod sat down on his heels. Turning the weapon around in his hands and seemed happy if not eager to show it off as the guardsmen that came back closer. Showing off how he still had the muscle memory to open the weapon, check the power cells were all charged and put back together.
“What's the kickback?” Jackson asked, getting a few odd inches of space between large fingers as a response. “Decent? Does your armor help with that?”
Slayer nodded, with a happy chuff and freed his right arm to curl it up as if to show off a flexing bicep. Armor and his strength!
Cruz reached out as the armor lowered, being aloud to look over the massive hand. Her own covered fingers seemed oddly slim as she traced over the back of his right gauntlet. Hells, Jackson looked to have dainty hands in comparison too where he was trying to investigate the massive minigun like weapon. Some of the black flaked off under her touch, showing a dark olive tone under it. “What other goodies do you have?”
Slayer tilted his head, paused looked at where Richard was still sitting and resting. 
Everyone saw he had an Idea as Slayer perked up. Shamelessly shoving his ballista into Jackson and Winston’s hands. Effectively distracting them as he rocked forward and then looming over the worst injured Guardsman. His armor only adding to his bulk and blocked out a few touches’ light.
“Uuuum, what are you doing big guy?” Richard almost flinched as the demigod set a large, glowing blue bottle to the side of the human that was pulled out of Slayer's subspace. Then yelped as the massive hands closed around the Guardsman.
Outside the once tomb chamber there was a pause in the onslaught. An older Knight snapping until there was some quiet. Only it was not really quiet, even with the several foot thick door sound just making it out. Muffled but clearly some sort of yelling from the mortals inside. The demons exchanged worried looks when a thunder deep voice started laughing distinctly.
Was…. Was the Great Slayer eating the souls for himself before emerging?! 
The knight looked around, there should be one of the Barron's Prowlers around to send another message back- The doors burst open and the fully armored Slayer pulled back, letting the three Guardsmen fire his ballista before swinging his personal shotgun up to fire at those still alive. The horde outside screamed in horror realizing their only real predator was seemingly back at power.
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BFDG prompt 2
[I think I might be posting some of the doom prompts from my discord here now but have the second BFDG prompts]
21: BFDG “The big guy encountering a shrine to himself that a grateful, slightly misguided, employee set up”
He caught the new scent first, a mix of it coming from the air circulation system and sensing a new-to-him soul. 
Slayer opened one eye from his spot in the makeshift bed. It was two lengths of almost four feet of foam mats that were attached together to be long enough a long fabric for a dust shield was used as a sheet. It was clearly rigged but also…
It was thousands of times better than the pumice stone of the sarcophagus. Just this side of heaven as far as Slayer was concerned as he shifted again on the foam mats. Just enjoying both that no part of him was forced to grind against stone, and that he was clean. For once he was not smelling a mix of his own blood and the tainted stuff from demons.
Feeling the smaller form against his side grunt and shift himself, Slayer froze, remembering he was not alone. Waking up fully out of his dosing nap, he lifted his head to check on Jackson. The Elite Guard that was Slayer's current ‘guard’ was looking up from using the massive arm pinning him as a work table. 
One of those cute squeaky, round drones of his were being cleaned on a cloth set on Slayer's forearm. Jackson had his helmet off and flipped to hold his tools. Had he been a normal human himself, just the weight of the arm resting on him would be enough to completely trap Jackson against the Demigod’s side. Plus the give of the foam…
But Jackson was not a normal human anymore, he was a Guardsman, and one that had willingly had some playful wrestling with the giant a few hours ago. Jackson could lift the big arm, yet seemed as lazy as the Slayer was now. Not that the Slayer minded, he rather liked the Guardsmen now, more so seeing them as willing as his old Sentinels to face hell and fight with him.
Slayer reached across himself with his left hand. Playful but still lazily messing with the short hair with three fingers. Feeling a small hand press into one of his fingertips.
“Awake again big guy?” Jackson asked, tossing the metal ball in the air and watching as Bitty the drone uncurled to catch itself in the air and buzz around. Not quite able to understand the size scale of a twelve foot man.
“Hmm.” Slayer huffed, using the same hand to make the so-so gesture over Jackson's head. Watching the smaller man neatly pack his tools away in the cloth on his arm before subspaceing it. Slayer was just about to either dose, or see if he could get the Guardsman to play again when he caught the faint smell of burning paper and a static like feeling in his gut. 
Alarmed, recognizing the feeling of almost forced worship, Slayer sat bolt upright. Catching the startled Jackson around the middle with his right hand. It was a few awkward moments as the Slayer was admittedly not used to laying on something soft but he managed to get upright. Kneeling beside the mats on the ground and looking around. He paused, blinked at the startled Guardsman before slowly setting Jackson on his own feet. 
“Something wrong?” Jackson asked as he picked up his helmet. Watching Slayer nod before adding, “Another breach?”
Slayer gave a firm shake of his head as he stood up. Jackson was immensely grateful that the big guy had the improvised shorts on now as he was let go and found himself staring at a fabric colored hip. The big guy was walking to one of the blocked doors of this converted cargo bay. Easily lifting what he stacked here to block it, surprising not making much sound doing so.
Jackson followed after, watching the body language and Slayer's face. He was not showing that hunting focus but just seemed concerned over something. One large hand dropped to his middle for a moment as the door was cleared and Slayer sat on his knees. Undoing what he did to jam the door so easily it hinted he was a lot more experienced with technology then some thought. 
The cargo door opened upwards, showing a darkened hall as the smell of burning candles and paper was clear now to unaltered, super predator senses. Several things clattered to the ground and Jackson saw a bench being used as an altar table. He saw the startled person on. The other side lock up as the big guy reached forward. The civilian squeaked as he was just plucked off the ground where they were sitting and pulled over the makeshift altar. Glowing green eyes looking over the mortal before frowning and then looking back at Jackson.
The big guy looked worried, chuffing for attention from the Guardsman. As if asking if this was real, as he held the stiff human with both hands, trying to support their back and head. “Hm?”
“It’s alright,” Jackson said, mostly to the civilian as he came over, helmet hooked to his side as the Guardsman reached out. Hands on a big wrist to guid Slayer to moving and settling on his knees, then setting the human down too. “I think you startled each other. Are you okay there?” 
Jackson checked the name tag and recognized one of the patches on the man’s sleeve as being a part of the cleaning staff. Not sure if this person was trying to clean the altar up or was adding to it, the guardsman made a note to get the hall cleaned up as that was a fair few candles. 
“...they said I needed to…” a tiny, soft and scared voice squeaked, then almost whimpered as a massive hand came up. Only for a confused sound to come as Slayer was surprisingly lightly petting the comparatively tiny man’s head. Shaking his own head.
Huffing at Jackson, Slayer got up and picked up the mortal under the arms. For a moment holding the human at arm’s length like a stray cat or toddler he did not know how to hold properly. Moving back to his bed, Slayer set the human there and walked into the dark hall, stepping over the half formed altar. Down the hall to grab a trash can he could just see. Methodical and neat, the might as well be giant came back and cleaned up. Huffing out the candles, ash brushed into the can.
He only paused at a thin sheet of metal, turning it back and forth as something caught his attention. It was his glyph painted on there, but not something rushed or smeared with blood. He brought it back into his bay-room to look at the sheet in the better light. Able to see the different colors of hondrends, if not thousands of painted… dots? Someone had taken time to make this, using different colors and types of paint so it looked almost shimmering.
Slayer looked up at hearing a squeak, seeing the normal human finally sitting on the edge of the thick foam mat. Jackson had managed to calm the person down, Slayer had half listened, getting just enough to understand someone had pressured this human into trying to worship…him. Thus the static feeling, but that was thankfully gone now. The human had also noticed what Slayer held and was burning bright red in a blush.
Coming over, the demigod crouched on his heels beside the two, tilting his head before nudging the human’s leg. Smiling at the meeping sound, then pointed to the artwork of his glyph. Did this human make this?
With a look at the Elite Guard, and seeing that Jackson was just so…relaxed and calm, the smaller man took a breath and nodded, “I…made it.”
Slayer purred, leaning over the two to set the painted metal at the ‘head’ of his bed. Having no sense of personal space it seemed, as the demigod shifted to try and be friendly, ruffling the reddish brown hair before getting up again. Slayer dragged the bench inside so it would not be another altar, re-jammed the door and barricaded it again before coming back. 
This time he was notably more confident and just picked the human up, even if they made a frightened but cute sound. He braced them against his own right shoulder and started walking to the main door, the one that led to a taller main hall and…
“Ohh, you just want food at the mess hall big guy.” Jackson laughed, trotting after, “Its okay Miller, he’s just going to leave you in the local kitchen. If you want to make him something to eat, he’ll love that more than trying to make a shrine.”
“...food?” Miller asked in a small, confused voice, staring over the bare, scared shoulder at the guardsman, and the ground that was well over ten feet away now. The giant purred under the human at the mention of food.
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B.F.D.G. 08: BLEEAHK- that was a bad idea
[Ao3] [ffnet] Full chapter in links!
The Slayer did not go too far from where he left his new human. He could not as the Demigod realized that she was not equipped at all to survive alone. Just far enough away to get a good reading of the scents and a basic layout before looping back. Finding that the main halls were just big enough for him to walk through as he paced a bit. Investigating a bit as the Slayer just caught a glimpse of the other humans retreating around a corner again and then behind what seemed like airlock doors. He was finding quite a few of those really!
That… made some sense actually, to have several fail safes for breathable air.
He heard the scrambling in the hall that he used before, head snapping around and away from where he sensed the living souls. The near giant launched back the way he came. Following the sound and down a now familiar hall with the big windows that showed the Martian landscape and the colony.
The little human was just starting to move, sitting up and looking around. Only to yell as one of the black slicked possessed creatures was climbing up on the machines she had been left on. The fear drew the creature up on the colorful machine and another one latched onto a machine at her feet.
The Slayer lunged to get over there faster, a snarling growl slipping out. The lower gravity was still throwing him off as he cleared the distance faster than he was expecting. So he crashed into those colorful machines while just able to grab the first altered thing. Shoulder hitting them and rocking the things, and fronts of two of the three crumpled and seemed to just pop open. Sending a few things scattering across the ground with a clatter and thumb of plastic, metal and glass.
The human scream that resulted had an instant reaction. A few moments of chaos that seemed much longer than it really was. He grabbed that first creature and was trying to break it when the second one climbed on top of the machines. Having to grab at that, the Slayer gave a confused but insulted sound as the second hell altered possessed slipped out of his hand as the black oily substance on it let the thing wiggle free. It reached for the human's leg as she was trying to curl up.
The human cried as the Slayer grabbed the second creature with both hands. It made a squelching sound and twisted as if inside its own skin to try to bite his fingers. He grunted in surprise as she fell off the hiding place, half behind the machines. The Slayer gave a frustrated sound as a third black shape was scrambling over his back and was jumping for the living mortal as the broken but still living first possessed rolled over.
He needed both hands to grab the two things, as well as hold onto the slippery one-
The Slayer did not think, he just acted and reacted. Feeling something squished and popped wetly as the same altered teeth that helped him tear into the restraints in his sarcophagus now sliced through demonically altered flesh. Hard enough char was starting to form in his mouth as he caught the third creature and the first in his hands.
Like what happened in the sarcophagus it took more effort to kill the things then it should have. Caving the first creature's chest in and throwing it back. Then had to hold tighter to the last and flexed to start ripping it apart. Annoyed at the strange vine like growths in it-
…and then the taste of the oil that was on the creature he bit finally sank in, a few seconds after the fact. Not even that strange metallic sweet of proper, healthy blood. It was almost rancid and fatty. Engine grease would, and did taste better he knew from experience.
Do not ask what the experience was.
Technically it was two experiences, but he also knew that Human made engine grease and Argenta made were alike but different.
"...blaaaahh-aahk…" The Slayer spat, gagged and tried to get the fluid out of his mouth as the possessed were charring around him. That one that he bit was tossed down the hall as it seemed to be moving. It was weird and tasted bad and it was like there was a thick layer of that rancid oil under the skin-
The Slayer made a face not unlike someone might do when they suddenly had unexpected acid reflux. That moment between realizing it was a horrible taste and then betrayed that it happened in the first place. The near giant of a man started to lift a hand to try and clear the taste, then realized that the same black oily substance was all over them and coughed. Gagged and then… the demigod dry heaved there in the hall.
The little human was just barely peeking from around the farthest machine that was broken. Mostly seeing the giant's shadow at first and then just the Slayer's top half. He heaved again hard enough some of the traces of liquid energy he had been, well, fed, while trapped in hell came up. Not that that was much better, but not rancid like the oily stuff.
He shifted to start pushing himself up, debating on at least trying to rub the oil off on his shoulder or something-
The Slayer's left hand landed on one of the things that fell from the machines, he started to wince, feeling it crunch. Then jerked away as it… imploded? Exploded? His right shoulder hit the one machine that he did not damage before. Though now its small locks broke and there was a flood of some sort of packets against his shoulders. There was a rather ungraceful moment of him trying to get away from the stuff, triggering some more pop and splashing hisses of fluid.
He was sitting near the human when he finally started to place what the things were. Sitting there out of range of popping anymore…cans. Bottle. Both.
He started to recognize these things. Or at least he recognized that he used to know what these things were. The Slayer sat for a good minute, frowning at what he was seeing. He leaned forward and plunked up one of the undamaged cans, scowling at it as if offended it's kin did that to him.
It was as the big guy was slowly turning the can, squinting at the text on it, that the nearby human, still mostly hiding, wondered if he could read.
In reality, the Slayer could and did read and write quite well. Both human and Argenta languages, several of the latter in fact.
At least…he thought he could still read the old human language. The spoken language was recognizable to the Demigod. Even if it was accented to him. These things had text that were… semi familiar in how the letters were but at the same time like those letters were… wrong. Backwards maybe?
Almost like backwards or spelled so odd it was almost something else.
"It's…" a very small voice spoke, drawing the glowing gaze to his left. The human swallowed almost audibly, as she tucked her face down against her knees. Oddly, it helped her speak again without being able to see anything. "It's a Drizzle Sprint drink. Soda?"
The Slayer blinked slowly at the tiny human, looking at the can again. Soda?
Why was that… familiar?
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BFDG 09 Misplaced?
[ffnet] [Ao3] full chapter in links!
The other humans were definitely just that bit too far ahead of him now. The Slayer could smell better the longer he was away from the sarcophagus, and just being aware again. In other words the Slayer could track those he was after by scent and by sensing the living souls. Or at least one of them he had gotten used to during these last several nights. Exactly how many he was not sure.
The problem was they kept running away from him. Or was it the strange, oily possessed that they were running from?
The Slayer paused and knelt beside one of the heavy air lock doors, glancing around just in case something was going to try and jump on his rear end again. Then reached out with his free hand to feel over the mostly smooth door. Shifting how he knelt and held the human just a bit more firmly against the left side of his chest. Feeling her head against his neck in his current crouched position as he found a hand hold.
He tried not to dent the metal, it was an airlock after all, but something creaked under his fingers as the Slayer slowly lifted the door up. Muscles flexed and rippled from arm down to his back. He had to concentrate really hard not to flex his left arm or hand, so as not to hurt Cassidy. His new human charge was already limp again, at least not reacting much as he carried her.
The Slayer was trying to stay in the larger main halls, but more than once he had to stoop to get through the smaller doors. He missed the Argenta architecture all at once, now that he could compare it to human made structure. Argenta made things were always inclined to be on the larger, if ornate side. He did not almost hit his head nearly as much, or have to ease through a doorway back then. At least the main halls were a good sixteen or fifteen feet tall, giving him just a few feet of leeway to stretch.
A high pitch screech from one of these new creatures had Cassidy flinching against him. The Slayer reflexively growled a low note as he looked up, holding the human a bit more firmly against his chest as if expecting something to try and grab her. Trying not to hurt her as he ducked under the lifted door, wincing as the door dropped a little faster then he expected. It scraped his back and the giant growled as he turned to eye the door. Not seeing any of his blood but his back smarted.
Weapons fire had him swing his free hand from reaching behind him to double check, to the front as the Slayer reflexively moved to guard who he held. A thunder deep rumble came out of his chest as he looked around the dark hallway. Only light coming from somewhere ahead before the screaming of possessed rose in the air.
He was getting up at the same time a human voice yelled. The Slayer stretched out his full stride as he made it five paces before grunting as he hit his head on a low vent. It did not hurt but was annoying as the Slayer growled at it, before having to hunched lower as he moved. Free hand lifting off of Cassidy to reach up and help him find lower things. As wee as he could see in near dark he was not back in the habit one might say.
Too late the Slayer realized he had felt smaller hands holding his wrist when he was covering the humans head just in case. He grinned wide in the dark, his new little one had been moving on her own? Was she trying to get comfort-
How do you give comfort to a human-?
The Slayer grunted again as he stood too soon and clipped a door frame. "...ugh."
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B.F.D.G. 07 Slayer Wakes
[Ao3] [Ffnet] full chapter in links (Big thank you to Amazionion/Horseyneigh2002 for helping editing this chapter, I've been staring at it far too long. But I love it now even more!)
The little human was as… soft as he had been hoping she would be.
So, so small- his whole hand wrapped around the lean chest from behind. Her neck fit between his middle and ring fingers and the Slayer had to abort his first action to shift his hand now holding the child- woman? Adult? Kid?- so as to not hurt her. She had not seemed to be a child when he was listening to the humans talk this night, or shift. She was still the same size as an Argenta youth, and it was confusing to him.
He had to adjust his grip, pulling the small human across his front, let go for a moment to switch to holding her front and side, and finish pulling the human (what was the name again?) and pin her safely against his right side with that arm. Holding her against himself as the Demigod sat up, instead of half tossing or dropping the human on the other side of the sarcophagus like the first planned to do. Finding out how soft the human was made the Slayer change his mind.
He had to be so careful not to break bones with his right hand. Though he likely left red marks that would turn into large bruising (he's so sorry little one- he knows you are so fragile- please don't hate him- he knows you are so scared of him- he tried to stay still for you as long as he could-). While letting reflexes kick in and grabbing the approaching demon's head in his left hand. The Slayer was not at the right angle to keep the human from seeing as he flexed��and lifted the scrambling creature. Almost human, maybe it once was given how weak the bones were, but had raw hell energy crawling through what was left of the innards. Some sort of living vine twisting around bones inside the corrupted form and breaking out at the joints.
For just a moment, as the yellow glowing eyes focused on him for the first time. The demon trembled as fear sank in to reflect in the skeletal face.
The Slayer growled and lifted it, slamming the hell spawn down onto the side of his sarcophagus. Trying to not clench his right hand (-so small- gentle- be gentle with her- it's so, so little so soft and scared- forgive him-) on the small living life he held. Once, twice, three times before there was a wet crunch as the bone of the thing's face gave in first before the rest of the weakened skull caved under his hand. That took longer than it should, even with the lower gravity or no, it should have given out under the first blow. Too much had been drained from the Slayer over the possible ages he was trapped. He was not at his full strength and was annoyed about that.
He felt the trigger of magic still clinging to the sarcophagus then, shifting to pull the human up (-do not cry little one- he will protect you-) as he rolled towards his right. Wrenching his left arm as hard as he could to pull out slack in the chain. Snarling as there was sudden tension in the ones attached to his ankles. It was a simple but effective way to trip him up, and he just barely kept from landing his full weight on his new human.
Sprawled out awkwardly on the… metal floor, he shifted. All of his abdominal muscles clenched and he had to arch his back in an uncomfortable way to land sideways. The Slayer sucked in air and gave something between a grunt and a frustrated growling as something twisted in his left knee as his own weight did something to damage himself. Yet at a quick look down, and he huffed a half sigh of relief. The Slayer had not hurt the human, did not land on them. They were limp, half sprawled over his forearm, and dark eyes were wide open staring unseeingly at the scarring on his pectoral muscles. She was almost between them really. But safe. Safely not squished.
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BFDG 06 Scary Things
[Ao3] [ffnet] Full chapter in the links
He smelled the difference in the air, cracking an eye open to glance around. Only to almost sit up in the semi quiet room as the gravity shifted. The Slayer just managed not to but his eyes were open and he was looking around. Catching the reflections of the humans in the equipment around his sarcophagus.
The air was being more noticeably scrubbed in a closed system now. He could have sworn he heard something shift in that big door too. The Slayer took a good look at the room, the lid of the sarcophagus was partially above him, being held by machinery and away from the equipment in case it fell, but seemed pretty solid if left alone.
Glowing green eyes took in the laser drills that had been slowly working through his bonds. That drone was settled on the floor and seemingly dormant. Giving it a critical examination since the two humans with him were still in a sleepy calm state of waiting. He heard the little one mentioning an air breach code for outside, but with how calm the two humans were about it. It had seemed like they were used to this risk. Though they found emergency masks and small tanks nearby, they had that curtain type of calm of one who was used to and knew how to handle that same risk.
Margery had even encouraged the smaller one to nap and get some rest. Playfully agreeing to start reading aloud until Cassidy fell asleep in the uncomfortable back office. She only recently stopped reading aloud and settled into a content silence.
As much as he would like to know more about this Duke Morgan and the cook in the book he was now listening intently to. Stretching out his senses as something… Ran by on the other side of the reinforced wall to his right. The last sigel pulsed and tugged on his mind, but it was only one now and now that he was aware and paying attention…
The Slayer could sense something growing near. Something he could almost remember, the name to match the feeling was not coming out of the fog that clung to his mind. He remembered enough to know it was bad and debated on sitting up to start breaking the last bonds. Just four total left around his ankles and wrists. He glanced at the reflection of what was behind, then took a better look to see the still peaceful expression on the older of the two humans, Margery was smiling as she read on her data pad.
The other girl… birdie? She was laying down on the ground with a thin cushion from somewhere out of his line of sight. She was so scared of him, and he had yet to really move properly around her.
He would really scare her, likely scare both humans really, to sit up unexpectedly. The old being looked down, still trying not to make any sound to draw attention as he experimentally flexed his core muscle for the first time, his middle completely lost that slight soft look in the middle to show the abdominal muscles under. Not so slowly re-testing his body, flexing his muscles up through and in his chest, shoulders, down the arms until his hands closed into fists. Head tilted to watch, keeping half an eye on the reflections to show if the humans were paying attention. Thankfully not, Margery was still absorbed in her book and the little sleepy squeaks coming from the girl were… very cute, but also showed she was sleeping.
The Slayer looked down, watching his left hand give a tremble as his body fought the last two sigels. Then slowly, deliberately opened his hand as his palm openly bled through the last bandage his new humans had put there. He could see the pattern of the Sigel in his left palm, feeling it burning as the fog in his head pushed and flowed against his awareness. A last ditch effort of that seal to try and drown him in the confusion and nightmares.
He could smell the spilled blood, not of his but…but… Argenta blood. Not human blood, it was an illusion. The scent of his blood filled the air before something finally broke against his will. The Sigel burned and if his palm was exposed to open air, it might have sizzled. Only one left and he could freely flex both his hands as his palm started to heal properly.
He looked towards the metal that showed the reflection of the humans. Still thankfully distracted, but he was also moving slowly enough to not make any sound with the chains. The Slayer sat back in his sarcophagus for a few moments. Then started to test the muscles in his legs like he had for his upper body.
The Slayer could bend his right knee to the side, careful not to rattle the chain. The left leg was not fully responding just yet but the last Sigel was on that heel and trying to fight him.
There was no outside scents from this space, but his mind cleared a little bit more to recognize there was a danger near. Something that…. something he could almost name as the Demigod looked around. Checked that the two humans were not focused on him-
Margery had her head up, staring above them just before he heard the scittering above. The Slayer almost sat up again but made himself lay back, watching the ceiling too. Tracking the sound as a second sound came from the vault door, like scratching. Not claws, it was like bones scraping on the metal to him.
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[Ao3] [ffnet] full chapter in links
Something was distinctly wrong.
It crawled and prickled against Winston's nerves from at the base of his neck and up the back of his head. It would have made his hair stand up on end if he had any left, still felt like there were goosebumps.
Feeling that odd goosebumps prickle but against his instincts instead of physically that is. Like something crawling under the scalp and prickling through. It was something the man was familiar with over the last years that Winston had to track it down. Not give to the first impulse to freeze, Winston had far more training and hard earned lessons.
The new scarring on his head and back pulled to remind him of the most recent lessons.
"Vega, what's the count so far?" Winston asked, having a feeling as there was a warning click before Vega spoke inside his helmet comms.
"I am forty percent through roll call, but there are several rigs that are showing in odd places for their normal habits." VEGA spoke, bringing up a translucent window in Winston's heads up display on the lower left to show the count of 25 anomalies so far with the count of the colony. "According to the active monitors they are not dead, but are giving no indication of, or minimal neural activity."
"Where at?"
"One location is at the sub level three of the complex you are in Commander. The second location is near the Lazarus labs, the complex beside it to the north to be precise."
Winston stopped short, pressing a hidden comms switch in the side of his chest plate. A sustained pressure that had to be held for five seconds. It would send a first warning alert, so to say, of a possible breach from the other dimension. It was a quick, quiet way for rapid attention without panicking people.
His men would start to converge on his area. "Vega, link me to Deegan. He should be by the advanced research sprawl."
"Yes commander," VEGA answered promptly, and was already activating the battle network for the Elite Guard without being asked. Giving it top priority in the communication systems. VEGA did not have to be told to start isolating some areas and giving a warning about an atmosphere breach as the need to move people still awake in the hazard. It was thankfully still so early in the morning that it was 'night' for most of the colony.
"Winston." A voice growled over the comms more than the rasp of his own, "What's going on?"
"I think we have two possibilities for a proto-gore nest." Winston said, "One where I'm at with the big guy we dragged back, and the other over by your current location."
The snarled curse was in French, Deegan took a breath, "Vega?"
"I'm sending you the location of the odd reading of… nine confirmed individual rigs." VEGA sad, also pinpointing the location near Winston. "There are two separate channels in the battle network for the teams heading to your locations."
"That's… under the base ground level." Winston realized stepping to one of the now closed vents, listening before starting to the lift that they moved the big guy through in the first place from the portal tower to here. He paused and stared at something that had been seemingly cut off by the closing vent slats by the lift.
Winston stopped to pick up what looked like a withered vine. It was almost like the black from bruising and had an almost skin feel to it through his gloves.
"Vega make sure my step daughter is safe?" Deegan was asking on the comms, a moment of selfishness as it sounded like he was jogging in his end.
Something… slithered to Winston's right, just on the inside of the wall he was beside.
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[Ao3] [ffnet] Full chapter in the links
"...no don't you dare-"
There was a startled yelp that came out of the little human mostly inside the base workings of the main laser cutter. A sound that was edged in pain but not agonizing, it sounded half like an offended bird, half whine.
Margery's head popped up and she rushed across the room to where she had left the younger, shorter woman. Missing the distinct twitch of the normally still form in the room. "Cassidy? What happened?"
The only other person in the room whimpered as she was helped up, with the set up cardboard box between her and the giant it helped her from being scared, as she peeked. Her view is still mostly blocked by the sarcophagus. It was a simple little 'shield' that Winston had come up with to help Cassidy work without locking up every time she saw the giant, not quite man.
Cassidy did not know why she froze and fawned so easily every time she saw him. Him…? What was the name VEGA had the name come up with in the translation?
The young woman shivered, what a title to be given from… hell. She huddling against the older woman that pulled her out of the electronic guts of the cutter. Cradling her left arm that was trembling still. "...ow."
"Are you okay chica?" Margery fussed, unable to help it, she knew this young woman really well now. Cassidy was one of those more than happy to come and learn about cooking and even cleaned up after herself more than other technicians. Yet over all she was a good person, but also one that had been headhunted right out of her school, and all but stolen from her original job by Dr. Hayden.
"My arm is numb," Cassidy sighed, trying to rub feeling back into it, wincing and then started to pry her oversuit off. Margery had this area thoroughly cleaned up before she showed up to work. It should be safe, and the older woman was helping to take off the outer layer to see what the damage was.
A deep, but sharp cracking coming from pumice stone inside the sarcophagus had a second startled yelp coming from Cassidy. Accidentally knocking out her tentative shield of safety while trying to reflexively hide behind the bigger woman or back in the lazer. As soon as it fell and she had a clear view, the young woman whimpered and locked up, staring with wide eyes, almost expecting the giant to sit up-
Margery tensed and after a moment to confirm there was no movement, just a sigh seemingly unconscious sigh like sound. She was shifting and using herself to block the poor girl's view, "It's okay chica, it's okay it's just the pumice breaking again. It's okay birdie, you're okay."
"...sorry," Cassidy's voice was soft and muffled as she kept her head firmly pressed against Margery's front.
It took everything Margery had to not laugh at the small sad tone, filled with guilt but she was being so firmly latched onto with all the force of a starved barnacle. She looked up as the main door opened and Winston stepped in, hand on the rifle on his thigh. "Charles, could you get the barrier up again, and the medical kit?"
The commander looked at the still sleeping form, walking closer and saw the big cardboard piece he had set up fell over. Winston heaved a sigh as tension worked out of his body, as if bleeding out between the armor plates. "What happened?"
"I got zapped." Cassidy said, calming down again herself as she kept being a barnacle, her back being rubbed as her left arm stayed tucked against her front. Very thankful for Margery's patience with her. She reminded Cassidy of a younger version of her late grandmother. Only taller, and had a lot more muscle under a deceptive layer of fluff. "...and I panicked, I'm sorry Mr. Winston."
The scarred man, though he had his helmet on right then, crouched on his heels and picked up the cardboard and set it up. Made sure it was stable and got up to check the giant in the sarcophagus, other than nothing the bandages needed replacing again… he was still and quiet, that steady calm breathing that had been there over the last week. Winston twitched his fingers, bringing up the feed from VEGA on the vitales, just a small jump in the heart beat that was in time with the yelp that drew Winston back from his almost lazy patrol of the sealed level.
Was he… this 'Great Slayer' starting to hear things?
"He's still asleep," Winston announced despite his mental note to check things, his voice dropping to as soft of rasp he could manage now. Going to fetch the medical kit left by the door and checked through it. It had been properly refilled again, that was good.
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[Ao3] [ffnet]
Big Fu**ing DemiGod 02: [full chapter in links above]
For a long, tension filled few moments, both women stared intently at the hulking form. Both startled at the cracking sound, though for some reason Dr. Pierce was even paler than normal. She had that mostly subtle but still distinct tremor from her chronic pain.
Though VEGA noticed it was slightly different from normal. Margery looked at the hell-predator's body, as if confused as her eyes tracked the length of his arm and then from knee to ankle. As if Margery was confused where Dr. Pierce was frightened.
"Dr. Pierce, you don't have a mask or any other PPE, you should not be in this area." Margery was turning to the other woman, walking over after seeing there was no movement from the sleeping giant. "Doctor, you need to leave this area. Mis Pierce?"
There was a pause, Margery staring intently at the other woman. Scanning the face, the frightened and pained expression before daring to lightly touch a half raised hand.
"Miss Olivia!" Margery straightened and used the voice normally reserved for her sons when they were younger, or her not quite so smart staff members.
The disappointed mom's voice.
That finally worked, jarring the doctor out of her seemingly all consuming shock she had been. Thankfully Margery had been expecting the slap to her hand, and did not react other than to shift as if about to step into the slightly taller woman's personal space. Making Olivia backup a step, "Wha-"
"Dr. Pierce," Margery still kept that tone, as being talked to like a teen about to get themselves into trouble they could not get out of alone. "You do. Not. Have any PPE. Leave this room before you damage your exoskeleton Dr. Pierce. If you must gawk then do so behind the safety walls. I already put a modesty towel over the big man, so there's no more seeing that part of him."
The other woman's starting indignation was so rapidly and effectively derailed with that last part of Margery's statement, that Pierce flustered.
VEGA was impressed.
"I have not come to gawk at… at…he moved!" Olivia started to say before blurting that out, meaning the crack they had heard
Margery glanced over at the massive but still unmoving form where he lay. "Vega?"
"His heart rate and breathing have not changed at all." The colony's AI spoke up, though noted a few deeper breaths that he did not mention. Yet this living 'artifact' had been doing that constantly off and on since the opening of the sarcophagus, and the monitoring equipment was attached. "The sound heard was most likely the pumice stone cracking under his weight. He was moved quite a distance and went through a few shifts of gravity changes."
Margery stepped closer, scanning over the bulk of a man and then the stone he was embedded into. And where a visible, half inch crack was, "It looks like it broke under where most of his weight lands under his torso Vega."
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