#BFM ng: Foxglove
butterfrogmantis · 8 months
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Precontext this is sort of a replacement for my original Kheprii & Diligent dynamic because as much fun as that was it was based off a dream and in my actual au it doesn't really work properly due to in-universe stuff so like it was fun and all but it's more or less retconned now maybe they still had the epic fight and maybe they still had a lil' something but then Kheprii returns to her assigned post and yadda yadda mostly just a fun au rather than being part of the actual Butterverse ya know
SmurfIvy was the head animal handler for the lead Grove scout team. Not just dragonflies, but equipped with a varied knowledge of other mounts for the grove. This is perhaps how she met her wife, SmurfBuddleia. The head of the farming committee and lover of animals herself, bubbly, buff Bud was the perfect match. Their baby did come with some complications – an infant infection needed a lifesaving amputation of her left arm as a child but after that it was a smooth recovery and the family were happy. Until they weren’t.
That night happened. The night SmurfStorm crashed into the grove, panicked and shaking, desperately seeking out the baby she knew had just been orphaned. Stormy’s team of 7 had been reduced to 1 in a freak accident involving a scouting party gone wrong. An unknown human wizard had captured the other 6 members of the scout party to turn to gold. Amongst these were the married couple SmurfTiger and SmurfPoppy, who had recently had a stork delivery, and SmurfIvy, whose wife and young daughter were at home. Whilst SmurfStorm was desperately seeking the orphaned baby (later Quixotic) it was SmurfLily who came to Bud with the bad news.
I mean. There’s other ng that are country kids. Mari simply has a country accent, Wrangler gets involved with a cowboy lifestyle, Sower is a textbook farmer’s daughter and even child Diligent could lay down a banjo himself, but Fuchsia was the grove equivalent. Banjo skills to rival Diligent even with a prosthetic arm - but with a voice that didn’t quite match up, Fuchsia dove hard into the honky-tonk ways of her mother Buddleia for the first few years of her life and was darn-tootin’ proud of it too. Unfortunately it wasn’t always viewed so well by the other grove kids, and Fuchsia started to resent it later on.
Buddleia and Farmer are pretty good friends even if they don’t see each other often, them’s farmin’ folk stick together. The kids? Less so. Fuchsia insists her farm in the grove is much cooler than Dil’s and they have a lot more workers and more animals so why does only Diligent’s tall dad work the village farm … also his little sister is sorta weird looking no offence Fuchsia just doesn’t really hang around babies much they’re too squirmy and gross and actuallly boys are gross too what's she even doing here.
Fuchsia is one of the oldest NG, coming just under Lapidary in the official pipeline list of deliveries (for important ng – truth is there’s a lot more than my ocs wandering around but I don’t have time to dedicate 100+ ocs) Fuchsia very much grows up in the grove but she starts to turn away from her farming life in her preteens. She becomes embarrassed of her mother’s extroverted and simple ways and ends up in a rebellious phase of wanting to be looked up too, starting to look more towards the kind of person her other mother was and resentful she barely remembers her. Fuchsia starts working to become a major athlete – allstar trackstar, rock climber, swimmer, martial artist – she’s got the attitude to match the muscles and a mean fightin’ side to her. She’s not necessarily mean herself but VERY quick tempered and arguably as bad as Tuffy for instigating fisticuffs.
Fuchsia returns to Smurf Village for the first time in years to see her friend Foxglove and wow this place has hardly changed a bit since she was a kid and HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE FARM BOY SHE USED TO KNOW? He’s …… actually super buff wow. Fuchsia joins the Diligent simp club (get in line).
Butttt unlike the majority of the simp club Fuchsia will flat out refuse to admit it, culminating instead in what looks like a one sided rivalry. Truly, despite being one of the nicest dudes around Diligent always finds himself paired with people who want to kick his ass for some reason. Unlike Slacker who originally hated his work ethic and Kheprii who wanted her damn beetles back, in Fuchsia’s case it’s because she’s slightly obsessed with proving herself more athletic than him. Or perhaps she just wants to see him in tank tops. Her goals are beyond your understanding.
SmurfFuchsia and Quixotic have a vague mutual … acknowledgement, since both lost mom’s in the scout party disaster. Quixotic lost both but also gained a whole new family whilst Fuchsia still has 1 bio mom but has become distant from her … perhaps talking with Quixy will give Fuchsia the push she needs to repair the relationship with Bud.
Not Vitriolic tho. That’s putting gunpowder and fire together. Vitty is more of silver tongued fox with less muscle and Fuchsia's more of a physical fighter that can't come up with insults but stick em in a room together and watch em explode. They've definitely kissed
SmurfIvy, SmurfBud, SmurfFuchsia, Diligent, Sower, SmurfFoxglove, Quixotic and Vitriolic are mine
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butterfrogmantis · 9 months
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A collection! Drawing some old sketchbook stuff in digital form, some new stuff, and generally trying to draw a couple of my more neglected ocs (Luddite appears 3 times on this so I guess it's real him hours)
But I suppose I owe some form of explanations;
Uncle Dopey and nephew Luddite. Luddy doesn't appreciate the carrot costume his uncle picked out.
Wrangler cowboy hours
Cousins Popular and Foxglove ft the titular song. Foxglove isn't a pink gal.
Brazen and Twitchy! Ft Brazen's desperate attempt at flirting
Elusory, Quixotic's bestie and Somebody's other recruit in training
Lapidary and Visionary awkward momence <3
Luddite rocks out to the horrible histories song that inspired him
Luddite finds a cool french apron
Vitriolic wonders why she always ends up with coal
Dopey (c) The smurfs
Everyone else is mine
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
Mildly suggestive and also possibly NTOB spoilers but also funny.
Under the cut;
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Retrospective is a bitch.
Also no I will not be elaborating on the specifics of this unless you’re in a certain server
SmurfFoxglove, Nova and Sower are mine
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Day 29 - Cookies!
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Since Foxglove is Blossom's kid and Andante is Lily's, they're friends-of-the-family despite the age gap
... unfortunately, there's quite a big personality gap too XD
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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Hi guys still on holiday but the cottage wifi is good and I haven’t been checking tumblr as much fjdhshdksk HAVE been doin’ a fair few doodles tho! Here’s the little ones :)
And yeah Smurfs don’t - they don’t need TS but I love it when my friends draw it cause character validation and ehh style experiment? Would be easier digital tbh but no computer till this weekend haha.
I do have a slightly strange confession to make though - as a cis woman who has never experienced any real kind of gender dysphoria I have weirdly experienced a sort of third party “hm” moment through a couple of ocs, and I have no real way to explain that phenomenon. I tend to avoid messing with canon characters since it doesn’t feel like my place but having originally created Precocious as (presumably) cis it bothered me for so so so long. The day I finally said “no fuck that this feels weird” and changed him to ftm it was like a massive weight off my back and I’ve felt much better drawing him since.
Again, I have 100% never experienced that in my own personal life and in fact having questioned it have felt uncomfortable with anything but she/her so it is absolutely not a projection, so I don’t really understand it myself, but it kind of fascinates me lmfao. Sort of the same thing with Nova tbh, the absolute androgyny feels “correct” to me. Maybe I’m just *that* devoted to my own ocs. Or I’m an empath /j /j /j /j very much /jk
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
Warm up Crescendo’s~ He’s been kinda neglected till this year so eh .. he gets to enjoy some time
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Crescendo, SmurfFoxglove, Aloof and Quixotic are mine
Willow (c) The Smurfs
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