legalpoet · 3 years
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A Lovers Prayer In my daily prayers, I pray that you will be mind for ever. I say your name each, and everyday with a thousand kisses, and a thousand whispering wishes that you will forever be by my side. Just missing you, oh God I missing you!!! Leegal Poet © all rights reserved @ copyright BOOK: ISIS AND OSIRIS POETICA https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=1548055682 www.staticpoetry.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlmQFKHaIh/?igshid=r1ue98oqnrf8
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poetalegalis · 3 years
Yet another lonesome day, 
she sits on that lucky park benchh 
that mocks me with a piercing smile. 
With inviting eyes across the fishing pond
under the shade of a ‘want to be’
giant crooked bonsai tree, 
she seems to call...
Playing proxy lover’s chess,
watching each other’s next move
in the middle of a cold concrete city park.
so near
but yet so far off in the dark.
Salivating in anticipation 
for an impossible amorous encounter.
Tantalized by her fat, 
blood engorged lips,
setting off a firestorm 
within my love starved heart.
Jealous of the warm grinning bench taking my place, 
gently holding her above her curving waist.
beauty in a never ending dream,
that could not possibly be real. 
But she tickles my heart, 
while playing proxy lover’s chess 
in the cold concrete city park.
There he sits across this wide abyss, 
but he does not bark? 
Yet another lonely day sent adrift, 
pushed apart 
by towering concrete prison sticks on the march.
so fine a man to spend his time fondly staring...
Loving me with his hungry eyes,
sending me passionate love letters on the silent wind.
I reply with my best fragrance downwind. 
To steal his fate, 
I bat an eye, 
with a few dribbled drops 
on a wet bitten lower lip.
But I grow tire and I am old,
and must now be bold…
Legal Poet
Wayne Ferron:All rights reserved @ copyright 
0 notes
legalpoet · 3 years
An Artist Endeavour
She died,
and no one cried.
Not once,
but twice
in selfless sacrifice.
To create her masterpiece,
but still was not appreciated in the least.
Although her most beloved legacy
was carved from her living soul.
That flow like the Nile
at a high price
from her very eyes.
Awash with bloody golden tears
frozen in time without fear.
The artist is undervalued!
Some say that it is the large cerebral cortex
that puts us at the top of the food chain.
But I beg to differ,
for the Oceans have active big brains.
Others say it is the use of tools
that make us more superior
in the survival game.
But I still beg to differ,
for other creature genetically grow the same.
I do claim,
it is “An Artist Endeavour”
that makes us animals human beings.
Which suppress
the beast,
and cause the climb
of the inverted evolutionary tree.
It was the intimate romance
between the potter and her clay
that developed a craft,
and forced use aboard the civilized raft.
Preparation for one’s interpretation
of an artistic rendition
born from a coming storm
is everything in this illusionary game.
The medium,
is only an inadequate mediator for the articulation
that acts as a container
for the priceless experience we sustain.
Watch the horizontal,
and angled lines.
The warm rays from the source
casting the beautiful shadows,
and patches of reflecting light
that dance on the subject
like theariatrical moving beams.
Intelligent illumination is essential,
to balance the presentation,
and following the rules of the ancient schools
to set the mood.
Carefully plant the painted spells.
Weave your colour potions mixed with passion
to harvest your subject’s soul,
and vanquish the stagnant cold.
As the gentle press brush consume
the spirit of the vision
penetrating the empty virgin cotton veil.
Extracting the essence from
from nameless comrades floating by
in the running stream of life.
Exciting the white fabric slate
with rhythmic eruptions
of titillate painted poetry.
Spreading a rich seductive rain
on the flat sterile desert plain.
A breathing form takes shape
in the chaos of the erotic storm.
For an artist does not
or create.
But is one of the actors
in an amorous ballet,
participating in the ritualistic orgy
of a lover’s play.
The sensual caress
of the voluptuous curves of the stone.
The tender massage
of the texture patterned medium.
Until the perfect piece is orgasm
into a climax of existence,
and is now complete.
Binding a small enchanted world into an instant
upon a canvas screen.
They are lovers you see,
helpless romantics,
and each ingredient must sincerely play it’s part
to secure full marks.
There it is!
A void euclidean shape
cut from a silent empty geometric plain.
The paint sings it’s ballad,
with each and every brush stroke,
waltzing with the choreograph
manifold of colour acrylic lines.
The water colours
curls about it’s bending on the pitted page
like growing fractal lines.
The oils dance
with a rainbow
in refracting sparkling angelic light.
The talking rock
crumbles and falls apart
leaving a godly image
that could be no other form
in the chaotic storm.
It is the purpose of the art
that make us different,
and also make us human.
To record our humanity
preserving our sensibilities
wrapped in dignity.
Historical indexing of our earthly mark
creating the art that record our part.
“Listen… to the silence”
while the rock screams!
Borrowing a single picture
from the continuous movie of human existence.
A small sliver from homosapians collective unconscious,
bound by a cyclic synergy of art,
and humanity reinforcing itself symbiotically.
It is this vanity
that spawned the same humanity,
and evolved one of many intelligent beast
to inquire why?
Think twice before taking a bite
of the forbidden fruit,
to reverse and return to paradise.
Art breed science
and forces the question of intelligence.
“Listen… to the silence”
while the canvas speaks!
Once the picture poisons,
there is no cure.
Be careful and precise,
less your audience gaze falls off the precipice
of your magical slice of life into the abyss.
See over there,
upon the single painted page
from the pantomime on centre stage,
and to the left.
The primary,
and just above
the face that acts as the secondary.
A dramatic performance of
and the intermarrying of straight and curved aids
is the painter’s baited page.
That springs the trap,
to secure the unfolding story line
reeling you in like a seduce victim
wrapped up in silken twine.
Forcing you to stay for awhile
in one frame of her paradise.
Leegal Poet
© Wayne Ferron : All rights reserved @copyright
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legalpoet · 3 years
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EROTIC INDECISION Yet another lonesome day, she sits on that lucky park bench that mocks me with a piercing smile. With inviting eyes across the fishing pond under the shade of a ‘want to be’ giant crooked bonsai tree, she seems to call... Playing proxy lover’s chess, watching each other’s next move in the middle of a cold concrete city park. So near, but yet so far off in the dark. Salivating in anticipation for an impossible amorous encounter. Tantalized by her fat, blood engorged lips, setting off a firestorm within my love starved heart. Jealous of the warm grinning bench taking my place, gently holding her above her curving waist. Voluptuous, sultry, beauty in a never ending dream, that could not possibly be real. But she tickles my heart, while playing proxy lover’s chess in the cold concrete city park. There he sits across this wide abyss, but he does not bark? Yet another lonely day sent adrift, pushed apart by towering concrete prison sticks on the march. Handsome, so fine a man to spend his time fondly staring... Loving me with his hungry eyes, sending me passionate love letters on the silent wind. I reply with my best fragrance downwind. To steal his fate, I bat an eye, with a few dribbled drops on a wet bitten lower lip. But I grow tire and I am old, and must now be bold. “Why don’t you come inside?” “Have some hot cocoa, black cake, and a bit of delicious palm wine on the side.” Don’t be shy!” “Your long awaiting paradise is all warm, comfy, and bubbly inside.” Leegal Poet BOOK: ISIS AND OSIRIS POETICA https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=1548055682 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuGz0sMNuS/?igshid=dpzi9mb0znv8
0 notes
legalpoet · 3 years
Yet another lonesome day,
she sits on that lucky park bench
that mocks me with a piercing smile.
With inviting eyes across the fishing pond
under the shade of a ‘want to be’
giant crooked bonsai tree,
she seems to call...
Playing proxy lover’s chess,
watching each other’s next move
in the middle of a cold concrete city park.
So near,
but yet so far off in the dark.
Salivating in anticipation
for an impossible amorous encounter.
Tantalized by her fat,
blood engorged lips,
setting off a firestorm
within my love starved heart.
Jealous of the warm grinning bench taking my place,
gently holding her above her curving waist.
in a never ending dream,
that could not possibly be real.
But she tickles my heart,
while playing proxy lover’s chess
in the cold concrete city park.
There he sits across this wide abyss,
but he does not bark?
Yet another lonely day sent adrift,
pushed apart
by towering concrete prison sticks on the march.
so fine a man to spend his time fondly staring...
Loving me with his hungry eyes,
sending me passionate love letters on the silent wind.
I reply with my best fragrance downwind.
To steal his fate,
I bat an eye,
with a few dribbled drops
on a wet bitten lower lip.
But I grow tire and I am old,
and must now be bold.
“Why don’t you come inside?”
“Have some hot cocoa,
black cake,
and a bit of delicious palm wine on the side.”
Don’t be shy!”
“Your long awaiting paradise is all warm,
and bubbly inside.”
Leegal Poet
0 notes
legalpoet · 3 years
Vagina Dialog
Excuse me,
I am not trying to be rude
or acting obtuse.
But bear with me for a short little while,
and hop along for a common sense ride.
If you love our woman,
it will fill you with pride
despite my vulgar tide.
One cannot hate any woman
without hating oneself.
Just because we are kicked out of paradise
does not give one the right
to call a woman…
These vile decrepit names
our beloved woman are forced to bear
by knaves
without shame
in ignorance and self hate.
No sense or sensibilities
of wherefore they came.
I cannot repeat or remake
or else I will be branded
an ignorant angry disgusting mate.
I will be banned
from the poetic distribution stand,
and it is not because I am a man
The shameless conversation about
gang banging,
and hate.
About heroines we should appreciate
for our community sake.
It was a woman
who squeezed us from between her legs
after her vagina;
then pop.
Shooting us into to society's shop.
We came into being
in the womb of a woman.
Our first lesson we partake
in a pre-baby state
resonating through the hallowed halls
of her living uterine walls.
We heard her angelic voice
pervasive like a goddess
echoing all corners of the domain
in which she reign.
It is the closes thing to God speaking
that we can proclaim.
We formed and developed
in the bowels of her flesh cave of refuge.
She persevered and persisted.
After having her lips
and tear;
wrapped around her hips
then forcing out a crying basketball
from a small folded hole
the size of a very tiny bowl
beyond her sensitive vagina hall.
After eighteen hours
of excruciating rhythmic screams
no one could ever miss.
Heart wrenching howls
of unstoppable pain.
To gain a small piece of eternity,
and to be counted as a link
in life’s continuous chain.
Everyone experienced the first sensation of light
after being pissed out of a female's crotch,
and emerging from a mother’s heavenly gate.
Birth from a cervical cavern
to experience a spiritual metaphoric transition.
Breathing the first breath of life,
then cut the lifeline
to the only heaven we new,
losing the umbilical cord as we grew.
Savour the first smells
after her pussy exploded,
and pushed us from her blessed well.
Spend the rest of our life
trying to re-enter paradise;
as though the mating ritual
was a repetitive religious right
performed each and every night
in dim flickering candle light.
The path to heaven’s door
is a long double twisting spiral ladder
each mated pair
must claim the journey they wish to share.
The farther we go,
and the higher we climb
is the closer we get to the coveted prize
for there you will find “Nirvana’s Grove.”
Where milk and honey flows
from twin mountain peaks
not far beyond our reach.
Just across the savanna,
down and up a small concave valley,
then over a hilly hump
before reaching the promised land.
Where a
hooded guardian stands.
To enter this forbidden land.
Where silken non green grass grows wild and free.
To savour the flowers from Eden’s secret garden,
and pluck the forbidden fruit
while fully ripe in due season
for loving a woman is pleasing.
A place where angelic songs from a divine maiden
falls like persistent rain in all seasons
perforating the air for a noble reasons.
Calling back home to her lost symmetric half’
like a lost key finding his respective lock,
to enter her heavenly clock,
and partake of womanly treasures,
making the rivers of life to come alive
for a very long time.
Causing her tick tock
to strike nine many many times.
But don’t forget a deep gaze
into her two oval eyes,
and be lost in her paradise,
for this is where we belong if we be strong.
Leegal Poet
Wayne Ferron:All rights reserved @ copyright
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legalpoet · 3 years
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
For love delayed,
is love lost.
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
In deep deep,
deeper love;
vale in a field
of blooming flowers.
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
In seductive blissful joy,
with smiling oceans of greens,
inviting sunflower fields,
and erotic opening daffodils.
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
My deepest of loves,
underneath the warm setting sun
in the mid summer’s eve, please.
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
My wet dripping Love,
amongst the swimming
goldfish rainbows,
and deep
french kissing orchids.
Walk with me.
Talk with me.
Amongst dancing pink flamingos
in impossible rivers,
and teasing hibiscus,
with crimson flower skirts,
and salacious emerald blouses.
Walk with me my dearest of love.
On this here valentine’s day
my dearest love;
in the deepest
and devotion
without witchcraft or potions.
Just let us walk together,
hand in hand without any plans.
In spiritual ecstasy
like love was meant to be.
Sharing our sorrows,
and hopes for this very hour
for far far better brighter tomorrows.
Legal Poet
All rights reserved @ copyright
0 notes
legalpoet · 3 years
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A Lovers Prayer In my daily prayers, I pray that you will be mind for ever. I say your name each, and everyday with a thousand kisses, and a thousand whispering wishes that you will forever be by my side. Just missing you, oh God I missing you!!! Leegal Poet © all rights reserved @ copyright BOOK: ISIS AND OSIRIS POETICA https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=1548055682 www.staticpoetry.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CKyap1THvgl/?igshid=8oltliajtchm
0 notes
legalpoet · 3 years
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An Artist Endeavour She died, and no one cried. Not once, but twice in selfless sacrifice. To create her masterpiece, but still was not appreciated in the least. Although her most beloved legacy was carved from her living soul. That flow like the nile at a high price from her very eyes. Awash with bloody golden tears frozen in time without fear. The artist is undervalued! See over there, upon the single painted page from the pantomime on centre stage, and to the left. A dramatic performance of lights shadows objects space, and the intermarrying of straight and curved aids is the artist baited page. That springs the trap, to secure the unfolding story line reeling you in like a seduce victim wrapped up in silken twine. Forcing you to stay for awhile in one frame of her paradise. Leegal Poet BOOK: ISIS AND OSIRIS POETICA https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=1548055682 www.staticpoetry.com © Wayne Ferron : All rights reserved @copyright https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlUOHrB9YP/?igshid=oi9ebdhk7nfu
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