concertabitxh · 11 months
Introducing ✨me✨
Hi hello greetings! I'm ConcertaBitxh, 26, she/they, and this is my ed blog. I'm new (?) to edblr and I need friends and mutuals to keep me motivated on my weight loss. MINORS DNI
THIS IS A SIDE BLOG! I am following you from @the-only-failure-is-never-to-try
I made this blog on 27 October 2023 because I finally accepted that although I don't meet the criteria to any eating disorder diagnostic (except OSFED in the BED and Ana departments), I do have an eating disorder that I've been dealing with since I was 16 that ruined my life and my body. I'm tired of having it control me so I'm going to control it.
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. Facts about me:
。・゚゚・ I'm a psychologist lol (I'm not practicing, don't worry)
。・゚゚・ My ed consists of periods where I can go weeks in restriction followed by weeks where I binge and can't control what or how much I eat and this has been my life for the past 10 years
。・゚゚・ I tried everything to control my weight and binging episodes in a healthy way and I think I'm old enough to realize that's never going to work
。・゚゚・ I love writing, listening to BBC Radio 4's podcasts and rewatching my favorite movies and shows
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. My stats:
。・゚゚・ 163cm
● sw in October 2023: 91.9 kg (BMI 34.5 - Obesity class I bordering class II)
● (re)sw in June 2024: 99 kg (DON'T SAY ANYTHING!!!! I'm ashamed enough as it is)
● gw1: 90 kg 🎆 nevermind babes we're back to square 0
○ ugw1: 67 kg (BMI 25 - borderline healthy weight)
○ ugw2: 55 kg (BMI 20)
○ uugw: 46 kg (BMI 17)
Goal daily max cal intake is 1000. I'm also trying to keep a 12 hours fast every day to ease myself into longer fastings.
。・゚゚・ Vitamins don't count
。・゚゚・ Menstruation week I give myself an extra 200 calories because I want to be kind to myself
。・゚゚・ I'm doing this so I can look as graceful and free as I want to when figure skating and on the lyra hoop, I'm doing this for a pain-free life on my hypermobile joints, I'm doing this for cheap cute outfits, I'm doing this to fit in knee-high boots
。・゚゚・ I SUPPORT RECOVERY and it would be really fucking stupid of me not doing it considering my academic background. I also understand not everyone is ready/wants recovery and it shouldn't be forced upon anyone.
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Okay okay okay
Hear me out
41. you know what, maybe they ARE tired of being nice. maybe they DO wanna go apeshit. And Davenport lol
He should be able to go a little apeshit, as a treat :)
He does deserve to go apeshit!!! From this prompt list! (still accepting!!)
Working in academia for a while tends to earn you a reputation. You could be known as the hard ass, the professor who’s little more than a brick wall that reads off of powerpoint slides, the professor who’s entirely too willing to spill every single detail on why their marriage failed, or even the professor who is abysmally unhelpful to anyone not interested in their research. Through no active attempts of his own, Dr. Davenport has earned the reputation of having the patience of a saint. Even students who’ve never had a class with him, who would have no reason to have a class with him, sing his praises; Rockport University’s a small campus, word gets around.
Davenport never intended to be put upon a pedestal like that, he was just doing his job and doing what he could for his students. He wasn’t one to balk at an assignment turned in a day late, wouldn’t demand a litany of excuses and documentation for a missed class, just an email to let him know the student was doing okay. He was notorious for bringing in snacks on midterm and final days. If his lectures bordered on dry, students never faulted him too much. “He just drones on after a while,” some of his online reviews would begin, “but at least he seems into what he’s teaching.” Holistically, Davenport was one hell of a professor.
But everyone has their limits.
Usually as math department chair, Davenport was able to dodge teaching introductory courses for students who didn’t want to be there and for students who absolutely didn’t belong there. (Even the best professor couldn’t help but occasionally dash the med school hopes of students who failed cal 1). This year though, the department was facing a number of staffing issues which is how he found himself leading a class of non math majors into the fray of finite math. A finite math class that met Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 am. What could go wrong?
Besides about half the class choosing absenteeism over attendance, the class had gone well for much of the semester. Test grades were decent, the students who did show up usually did their best to not be obviously on their phones the entire time, and none of his dry erase markers had gone missing. Truthfully, Davenport couldn’t complain too much.
Davenport shuffled into the classroom and kicked snow off his boots, unwinding his scarf as he did. “Sorry I’m a little late, folks. Spilled coffee all over some books from the library so please please please do not tell Mrs. Istus at circulation about that, I’m hoping she won’t notice. Also, car door was quite literally frozen shut this morning so that was a whole other debacle to deal with. But I’m here, you’re here, it’s Friday, let’s rock and roll through some probability, maybe some introductory stats stuff too.” He stacked his cold weather gear onto the chair before looking out at the blank faces of his students. Great start. He glanced at his outline for a moment before pacing to the center of the classroom. “I always like starting off with independent events, I think they’re useful and can even be fun at parties if you’ve got that one friend who always says ‘now what are the odds of that?’ because now you can let them know!” He laughed a little to himself before walking towards the whiteboard. Looking around the room, he pointed at the twins slouching in the middle row. “Let’s say Taako and Lup over there are getting their nerd on and are playing Dungeons and Dragons later tonight.” Lup blinked heavily and nodded absently while Taako snorted, attempting to hide the fact that he was absolutely checking Twitter instead of listening. “And let’s say they’re both just rolling like crap. They’re trying to kill some evil wizard or something and both whiff it, bad. What are the odds that, using a twenty-sided die, they both roll a natural one?”
Fifteen blank faces stared back at him. He looked around the room, trying to catch the eye of any of his students; they were all pointedly avoiding eye contact, hoping to skirt any attention. Davenport hesitated. He hated cold calling but sometimes he had no other choice.
Magnus Burnsides jerked his head up from his hand where it was previously propped up for the world’s least comfortable nap. “Yeah?”
“What are the odds that Taako and Lup both roll a one on a twenty-sided die?”
He scratched his sideburns thoughtfully, genuinely contemplating the question. “Uh, one in ten, right?”
Davenport’s smile wavered for a moment. “Not quite! Let’s try someone else. Sloane? Any ideas?” Davenport looked at her expectantly.
Sloane blinked and stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. “One in twenty?”
Davenport grimaced a little. “Okay, let’s take it back a step. Who can tell me what the textbook called independent events?” He looked out into the room and saw fifteen scalps; everyone had upped their avoidance tactics. “Taako?”
Taako set his phone down in surprise and sent Davenport a tight smile. “Hmm?”
“Did you catch my question?”
“See, I want to say yes because I feel like you’ll be disappointed if I say no. But no.”
He nodded tiredly. “I appreciate the honesty. Avi? Remember what the book said about independent events?”
Avi shook his head slowly as he smiled apologetically.
Davenport took a deep breath and clasped his hands together. “Okay, did anyone actually do the reading?” Once again, fifteen pairs of eyes declined to meet his. Davenport could feel his blood pressure rising by the minute. “Folks, I really don’t think I ask for a lot. I know most you really don’t care about this class and that’s your business. But you have got to help me help you. You know, I-I really don’t love having my inbox flooded with questions that are answered in the first two pages of the chapter we’re on. But that happens every time an assignment goes out. You’re all smart but you’re not acting like it. And frankly, I don’t know how much more I can take! Those of you that actually come to class spend most of your time daydreaming or checking your socials or just outright sleeping and I’m a little sick of it!”
All his students looked around at each other, saying nothing. Nobody had ever seen Davenport get flustered. Truthfully, nobody had thought it possible.
“And listen, I know nobody wants to spend their time reading a math textbook but I really don’t wanna spend my time trying to get some very basic concepts through your skulls when we could be spending our time more wisely. I know damn well I’m going to stand up here and explain the lesson for today, assign some problems, and get no fewer than ten emails I’ll have to attend to. My differential equations class has been waiting for test grades for three weeks because I’ve been having to spoon-feed this class APR! I’m not trying to be a dick this morning but you’ve got to give me something. You’ve gotta start doing your readings, give me a little bit of feedback in class, and stay off your damn phones. You think you can handle that?” Davenport was a little red in the face. He hated having to go on a tirade sometimes the situation called for it.
The class nodded mutely. Davenport smiled warmly at them. “Okay great. I’m sorry about that, I really am but I do hope you all understand where I’m—”
He was cut off by perhaps the single loudest rendition of the chorus of “Call Me Maybe” coming from a phone in the classroom. Ever head in the room turned to look at Kravitz, who was frantically trying to shut his phone off. He looked back at Davenport sheepishly. “Sorry, I thought it was on silent.”
Davenport silently walked back to the chair where he had stacked his winter gear and started bundling back up. “Uh, happy Friday, everyone. Go home or go somewhere else, I think we’ve all had enough today.”
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calypsomarshall · 4 years
intro !
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⌠ BRITTANY O’GRADY, 21, FEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, CALYPSO NATALYA MARSHALL! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE, & ASSIMILATION + ADVANCED ENCRYPTION; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (dark red combat boots, a mass of messy curls, the smell of coffee and cinnamon spice, ink stains on her fingers, multilingual curses falling off her lips). when it’s the (capricorn)’s birthday on 01/11/2000, they always request VEGETARIAN LASAGNA from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ lily, 20, she/her, gmt ⍀  
[ c h a r a c t e r ; ]
the basics:
Full Name: Calypso Natalya Marshall
Nickname(s): Cal, Callie
Age: 20
Date of Birth: January 11th
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Ethnicity: African American
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken: English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Latin, Dutch, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Ancient Greek, Archaic Latin
Accent: Central American
Relationship status: Single
the personality:
zodiac sign: capricorn
mbti: INFP
temperament: melancholic
element: earth
enneagram type: type 5, the investigator
five positive traits: determined, loyal, hardworking, patient, intelligent
five negative traits: guarded, stubborn, impractical, self-critical, moody at times
likes: the smell of lavender and woodsmoke, the colors purple and red, the sound of busy new york streets at night time, neon lights, reading a good book, being flirted with
dislikes: cigarette smoke, ignorant people, rudeness, being vulnerable, feeling trapped, sports
bad habits: picking at her fingernails, tapping surfaces when anxious
hobbies: reading, learning languages, playing guitar, watching old sci-fi/horror movies, coding, flirting
fears: enclosed dark spaces, clowns, needles, car crashes
[ s t o r y ; ]
born on January 11th to her mother Olympe and her father Alexei, she grew up in a little red-brick apartment in Brooklyn
her mother was a ballerina, having been a dancer all her life, and worked with a dance company as a teacher
her dad was always gone on ‘work trips’ (he actually worked as a spy, but never told calypso as he didn’t want her involved in his life)
he was a big part of calypso’s life when he was home - making blueberry pancakes for her on the weekend, teaching her a little bit of self defense, taking the family out to the movies, etc.
when he died she was 15 and it hit hard - calypso was told it was a car accident by his ‘company’ and her mother (though he was really killed in action on a mission)
her mother, grief-stricken, became distant - and plagued by the secret of her husband’s death, she became entirely focused on her job, leaving calypso alone at home most of the time
calypso became pretty closed off, choosing not to make any real friends to avoid opening up to anyone about her dad
instead spending countless hours reading and learning
she speaks french and russian due to them being her parents’ mother tongues
she used read all of her dad’s old mythology books as it would help her feel closer to him, and bring back memories of when he would teach her about constellations
however, when she was 17 she opened one his old books she found it hollowed out, with two extra passports of his (each holding a different name) and a wad of russian money
her mother finally broke and admitted everything when calypso confronted her, and told her that he was killed in action as a spy (though they were never given specifics) instead of a car crash
she instantly did as much research as she could on her father and how he died, which is how she picked up computer skills and hacking - to bypass firewalls on encrypted websites
managed to crack a firewall of a russian intelligence agency, which was coded in russian, ancient greek, and archaic latin to keep people out -- all languages she knew
this is how she was noticed by the school, as one of the alumni worked for the agency and had to rethink their whole security system after the attack
when she received her letter, she said yes instantly, knowing it was her only chance to either find out what happened to her dad through the school, or gain the skills to find out the truth on her own
she can get super obsessive about things, and buries herself in her studies - unfortunately, not always the ones she needs to be doing for school - but the things she’s most interested in
for example, she currently head over heels into ancient greek / archaic latin
she’s always been in love with the idea of love - her parents were like the romantic movie example of a perfect couple, and she yearns for that perfect relationship
she’s flirty as a result of that, desperate to try out relationships all the time and find love whenever and wherever possible
which results in her heartbroken nature -- she’s constantly searching for the perfect ideal of love, and has never found it, so constantly carries a sadness with her
lots of one night stands, friends with benefits, etc, as a result of that
she has a lot of trust issues due to her parents lying to her over her whole life, as well, so that element will pop up from time to time when she starts getting really close to people
her father gave her a pair or dark red combat boots for her 15th birthday - the last gift she ever received from him - and you will hardly ever see her without them. they’re so worn in they feel like a second skin to her
weirdly good at hitting a target, but still learning how to properly use any weapons - they still freak her out a little, especially as she knows they were somehow involved in killing her father
she still sometimes has panic attacks in/around cars - although she now knows that’s not how he died, she spent two years thinking that was what killed her dad
she’s p thin and small so in a fight her strengths are stealth and agility
but she way prefers being the ‘behind the scenes’ person, like translating or coding
loves mythology and old stories
is basically obsessed with the constellations: she feels like they connect her to her dad’s memory, as well as the fact that they’re a constant factor in life, something she doesn’t have a lot of 
stubborn as hell, once she sets her sights on something she’s entirely determined to get/do it, partially why she’s so good at languages - pure willpower.
uhh she’s really empathetic?? if a friend of hers is sad or angry or anything she tends to adopt those emotions, burdening herself with other people’s problems constantly
that’s also why she’s a vegetarian -- she can’t think about meat separate from animals.
connections page 
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queerbitchbaby2 · 4 years
This is my safe space. Please do not report, just block me. I am pro recovery and if you find any of my posts proana, please let me know and I will delete them. I do not in anyway condone or pressure other people to follow these rules i have in place. They are for my own motivation.
Jog or stair climb 6/7 days
Body weight workout 4/7 days
Intermittent fasting using fastic
2 cups of green tea before first meal
Big container of water before first meal
1 cup coffee with first meal
Upstairs by 10 to avoid latenight binging
24hr fast every sunday
Punishments for binging:
10 min cold shower + 2 min per 100 cal above 1200
10 2min on 1min rest sprint sets + 1 set per 100 cal above 1200
24 hour fast
No social media or TV
Rewards for consistency:
1 week - spa day, face masks, baths, reading,
2 weeks - fun coffee drink from shop, destination hike
3 weeks - nails, massage, or thrifting
1 month - fila disrupter II
2 months - fit bit
3 months - new running shoes
4 months - new bike
5 months - sef defense classes
6 months - septum piercing
Rewards for weightloss:
130: hiking boot cleaner and waterproofing
120: yoga classes or dance classes
110: pixie cut
I will train myself to be thin
If anyone has similar stats or wants to be friends, pls pm me!
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dmnicec · 4 years
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hi everyone! i’m cal and i’m super excited to be here. i haven’t been in a group like this in quite a while so please be aware i might suck at this. i have discord for anyone who cares, also tumblr im, and i’ll try to be active with you guys in and out of character! anyway without further ado, let me introduce you to my evil son~ ♥
full name: dominic riva
nickname: dom
age: 23
birthdate: april 6th
sexuality: nonfunctionally bisexual lol
occupation: cashier at the greenthumb flower shop!
neighborhood: greenwood
bio: full biography here ! it is very long, so below is a bullet point abridged version. that said i really would love anyone to death who actually reads the novel that is his full bio!
he grew up in miami florida before his father moved his family across the country to avoid drama and restart. (that would be 8 years ago now that he moved to eastcliff)
ya see he has all this drama involving, well firstly, his whole life as a kid, all kinds of school drama for years (such as being suspended, fighting, bullying, cheating, you name it). on top of that, there’s some, we’ll call it minor (instead of catastrophic) drama involving dominic finding out about his father having an affair with a younger woman and that who he thought was his biological mother was really his adoptive mother, and that his real biological mother was kind of given the boot and done pretty dirty as he came to find out.
need-less-to-say, he’s a very angry man. very resentful of the world around him, a little untrustworthy and anyone who shows him genuine love and affection or acceptance gets him a bit skittish.
resting bitch face, angry aries, hot and/or cold personality, 23 years old.
he works at the greenthumb flower shop and idk if i need to explain that contradiction but let me tell you in a lot of ways he looks like he absolutely does not belong there.
how do i put this...he’s kind of just an unpleasant person? difficult to get to know, hard to keep close, he’s got a bit of a bad boy thing going on for him. so if you like bad boys with a hot and cold personality and a layered, unfortunate past, he do be kinda flossie tho.
anyway there’s a lot more to him than meets the eye.
don’t be afraid to try with this man ??
i promise there’s softness, tenderness there you can catch in glimpses the longer you know him. a real passion, someone dependable and someone who cares, just as much as you might see someone who’s grown up with a lot of walls in place he struggles to navigate around by now.
tho if you need an enemy, don’t be afraid to take him on either. he’ll fight the flowers, he’ll fight the bees, he’ll fight you, he’ll fight himself, he’ll fight anyone.
stat page is here ! connections here ! hmu anywhere you’d like for plotting!
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allbeendonebefore · 6 years
Ref: Calgary / Calvin McCall
Cal’s comprehensive and updated bio since I keep meaning to publish it somewhere. Feel free to ask questions if there is anything you are curious about or want an explanation for. 
[2015 Visual Ref Sheet Here]
Last Update: May 23, 2018.
Name: Calgary
Human Name: Calvin ‘Cal’ (Brisebois) McCall
Gender: Male
Age: 140s
Human Age: Early 20s
Birthday: November 7, 1874
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: White (Scottish, English)
Language: English
Religion: N/A (Raised Methodist/Protestant)
Other: Biggest city in Alberta, 4th in Canada
Height: 6′0″ (182 cm)
Body Type: Kind of hourglassy but gangly and thin. Sharp al dente noodle limbs but soft thighs/shoulders. Strong legs from speed skating.
Hair: Blonde - more saturated/golden than dirty. More pronounced waves than Ed. Just above shoulder length, bangs just below the top of his ears. Center part. Piece of hair sticks up at the front of his bangs from the part.  
Eyes: Light brown.
Skin: Whitey McWhiterson, freckles. (Tans ok in summer or burns to a crisp. Primarily Scottish. Any Blackfoot etc heritage isn’t immediately obvious on sight)
Details: Ski-jump nose.
“Default” Outfit: Salmon-pink collared shirt, red tie, dark jeans, flame cowboy boots, white cowboy hat, custom up-to-date Flames jersey (McCall, 75) on game days (or Whenever because he’s That Extra).
Everyday Clothing Style: Wild West Executive: expensive, leather, fleece, occasionally over the top and involving Cs or flames motifs. Bolo ties, belt buckles, hats, warm colours, Too Much Red. Oscillates from professional suits to mountain flannel, sometimes combines aesthetics poorly during Stampede.  
Other Notes: I tend to think of him in s-curves or flame shapes- soft curve, sharp point. Pointy curved nose, pointy chin.
- Grew up extremely quickly relative to his neighbours, Industrial revolution kid from the age of steam. Had two major growth spurts in the 1880s-90s, and the 1960s-70s. By the end of the 19th century, he was nearly as tall as Ed. The 70s involved puberty hitting him like a sledgehammer.
- Was a cute, well groomed and pudgy kid in his first decade. Extremely embarrassed of what a well-off childhood he had and likes to pretend he was a lot more wild west than he actually was. By the Depression, it was clear that he was going to be on the thinner side as he got older.
- His hair was short and usually styled carefully prior to the 70s. It was at its longest in the 90s. No idea if the sticky up hair actually represents anything- it was originally meant to be a nod to APH America, so maybe American Hill? Haha.
- Looks kind of dumb with a beard but goes through phases where he's determined to grow one.
- No known physical scars, tattoos, or piercings. Freckles on his face, shoulders, etc.
- In remarkable shape considering how much bad food he eats and how little he exercises and goes outside in his day to day life. Prefers the gym or weekend hiking/skiing in the mountains to literally any other form of physical activity aside from skating. If it's set up as a competition or an olympic event, however, he'll give it his all.
- Has flat feet, needs insoles in his shoes. Also has really smooth and powerful elbows.
- ESTJ "The Executive". Very good at organizing people and sticking to his guns, but can also be a bit too mathematical about things at times. Stickler for planning things out and following through. Really genuinely likes talking to other people and getting to know them, really giddy when he makes it into new social circles. Strong sense of justice and morality that he doesn't like to question.
- His mood literally changes with the weather. Generally he's a bit of a genki type and a go-getter, a people person, etc, but when the chinook wind comes in he does a 180 and becomes irritable and snappy. He also has a reputation for being one of the most stressed out cities in the country (which is why he only lets totally loose 10 days a year). However, he is calm and level headed in a crisis and very dependable.
- Tends to be really hot-headed, easily goaded, and a jealous type. A bit of a crybaby as well who needs extra reassurance, but always feels better afterwards. Also has TERRIBLE road rage.
- Basically thinks of himself as the main character in a national and at times even continental drama, pre-destined to be Amazing from birth. It's not exactly that he displays himself as egotistical, he just thinks he's worked really hard and deserves every good thing that comes his way. He just knew he was going to be a big city since he was a kid. Classic small town boy turned entitled white collar white boy who isn't exactly aware of how much has been handed to him, but doesn't mean harm by it.
- Has a carefully cultivated image and really concentrates on making good first impressions, but also is a very straightforward person. What you see is generally what you get with him, and he really wears his heart on his sleeve. Really doesn't appreciate people who are manipulative or don't say what they mean, but also the sort of person who doesn't want to show all his cards when he is making a bargain.
- Even though he was raised by penny-pinching Scotsmen and waxes poetic about fiscal conservatism, he's Extremely irresponsible with his money. You know how NHL players go grocery shopping on video for laughs because they have no idea how to budget or what to buy? He's like that. The sort of person who says "I spent THIS MUCH" where Ed is "I ONLY spent THIS MUCH!"
- Despite his image of being reckless and thoughtless, he puts a lot of work in when it matters and gets easily emotionally invested in projects and people. He's mostly reckless and thoughtless when it comes to himself, so while he looks quite established and firm he's still crumbling a bit on the inside from overwork and stress.
- Still does his best to project his relaxed and folksy small town side and knows that this makes people underestimate him to their disadvantage. Less embarrassed about his redneck character and more irritated that he's so easily brushed off by others because of his perceived social class.
- The heart of the tension between fiscal conservatism and social progressivism. Really traditional romantic white picket fence guy, but also someone who is really interested in change and new innovations.
- Has a lot of issues with his personal identity which he pretends is not based on tenuous stereotypes, constantly trying to figure out who he is and really plays up the cowboy identity to hide his lack of certainty and to have something constant to hold onto.
- Was the absolute Worst kid in school, really doesn't like doing what he is told and has no patience for academia. Math is the only discipline that makes sense to him (and even then he doesn't really think critically about math as a concept).
- Is extremely neat and organized. He doesn't mind getting dirty as long as he's squeaky clean immediately after.
- His 'family' includes southern Alberta, that is, the former District of Alberta territory which more or less includes those on Treaty 7 territory (Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, etc). Also has a close relationship to those he shares a river with (Banff, Canmore, etc.) Lately however, the other municipalities have felt him growing distant and unfamiliar as he navigates not only being the biggest city in the province but one of the biggest cities nationally as well. Still largely the center of Albertan culture, tourism, and stereotypes in spite of this.
- Close to the municipalities who have since amalgamated, particularly Bowness [Caroline] who he visited frequently in his youth to ignore his problems and play with. They moved in together in the 60s. If he had a 2p, it would likely be Cochrane. Also close to Fort Macleod, who is like his older brother and fellow NWMP fort.
- Didn't really feel a strong kinship with the other western cities in his youth and still is on good and friendly terms if awkward around them. He and Regina would have shared NWMP history, and he tried to take the younger Saskatoon under his wing for all of two seconds before his apprentice surpassed him. Cal tends to have closer relationships with American cities (particularly in Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona etc.) than he does with cities in the other prairie provinces.
- Set his sights on Chicago before Winnipeg, but still maintains an admiration of Toronto and Montreal from a young age despite their complicated relationship. He and Vancouver are relatively close in age and the coast remains Cal's favourite vacation spot. Cal tries to hide his jealousy by being a bit overly friendly with him, but figures it's something that the rather isolated Van Man appreciates. Overall, he is EXTREMELY desperate to make the Big Three into the Elite Four, but has difficulty reading the atmosphere when it comes to them because he's a bit blinded by his ambition to get closer than a simple orbit. On the other hand, he's also the guy with the Let Those Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark bumper sticker and the Big Shots can really get on his nerves.
- Ed remains Cal's worst enemy and also his most steadfast friend. Cal has known him his entire life and can't imagine how difficult it would be to define himself without him, and the two have been known to wreak havoc fighting each other and bring the house down when they are working together. Cal often pretends that such a backwater and isolated city isn't enough to catch his attention, but Ed is probably the first thing keeping Cal from looking more nationally and more internationally outwards as he is the easier to provoke of the two by a narrow margin. The obsession with the other is completely mutual and very little of it is genuine hatred despite Calvin's easily produced list of victories and Ed's lower self esteem and reputation.
- Despite not exercising enough, he loves all winter sports and hockey and speed skating in particular. In his youth, he played polo and croquet often. Always looking for ways to make these games either more extreme and full of stupid stunts or more silly (like human curling). Other outdoor sports he enjoys are quadding and dirt biking. Do Not mention the 1988 Winter Olympics because he will Not stop talking about them.
- Also super fond of horseback riding. And horses in general. And images of horses. And sculptures of horses. And carousels. Is really gutted that he can't keep a horse or a cow at home, so he goes out to Caro's or Bert's ranch when he wants to spend quality time with the animals. Animals are a sure fire way of calming him down. On a related note, he knows how to ride both Western and English style.
- Really into arts and music in particular, but has no sense of social class or refined taste. Really leans into the 'fake it til you make it' philosophy but also brutally honest about things he finds overrated. Likes paintings of dramatic mountain ranges and wild horses the most and has been known to try his hand at it once in a while. Also can play guitar and probably every marching band instrument. Fear the day he picks up bagpiping.
- Loves travelling when he can, not just for business deals. Owns a vacation home in Phoenix, Arizona, (a sister city) probably; also frequents Vegas and Mexico. Banff is a weekly destination for him.
- Learned the art of BBQ from the Americans. He is the Token Grill Dad. Come to think of it, he also loves golf and probably wearing socks and sandals too. Will absolutely judge a restaurant by the quality of the steak (and the person taking him to said restaurant too). His other favourite foods are ginger beef and prairie oysters. Apart from that, his taste in food is like giving an 8 year old unlimited access to a kitchen - 'let's deep fry a cockroach and cover it in powdered sugar and chocolate syrup, that will be great!!' 'What if we put clamato juice and vodka together?!'.
- Like Ed, also really fond of planes, trains, and automobiles. Unlike Ed, he can't stand cyclists and will choose a truck over a bike any day of the week. The newer, shinier and more features, the better.
- Loves anything involving betting and gambling, particularly against Ed. Tries to disguise his love of gambling with fancy adult words like 'real estate' and 'stocks' or whatever. It's probably his oldest and worst addiction. Also loves fairgrounds and carnival games even though they're rigged.
- Drinks a lot. Buys a lot of expensive whiskey and keeps a liquor cabinet in his office. It's his only other major vice- he really can't stand smoking and will get annoyed at people who do it near him.
- His hockey passion is still very strong, but he finds it less exciting when there's not a good rivalry and still has less going for him than Ed historically. Also really jealous of Ed's big dumb new arena for some stupid reason. Also a big fan of football. Wears his Flames jersey and puts flames motifs on everything a little too much.
- Loves fire in general, whether on the grill, a campfire, a romantic fireplace, or a Sunday drive out to Turner Valley to watch gas get lit on fire. It's only a little worrisome. 
- Has a lot of hobbies to cope with stress. Knitting is one of them. Exercise is another, if less used. Also doodles cartoons on his notes during meetings.
- Was 'born' or 'found' on the south side of the Bow River, near the confluence of the Elbow.
- Founded deep in Blackfoot Territory as a North West Mounted Police fort to stop American whiskey runners. Had quite a spoiled and sheltered childhood. Most of the "Wild West" era was already over by the time he was growing up, and the buffalo were already driven to near extinction.
- He comes from a very WASPy background, maybe knew some Gaelic back in the day and definitely had a good deal of exposure to Spanish from a young age. His German and Scandinavian languages are rather good and he's progressing pretty well with Mandarin and so on. He particularly struggles with French and indigenous languages. Cannot learn languages well in classroom settings and especially not when they're mandatory, just has to go out and speak it or listen on the radio at the very least.
- Was raised Methodist/Protestant but is relatively secular lately. Even so, listening to Bible Bill on the radio was his favourite activity during the Depression and it's stuck with him quite strongly. Religion has simply been replaced with the economy.
- Relative to Ed he is a bit more distant from his First Nations roots, having lived through the enforcement of segregation and the development of the reserve system during his childhood, but despite his awkwardness he is working to finally begin his own path to Reconciliation.
- Has always been traditionally right-wing, but also complicit in the inventions of many radical parties including Social Credit and the CCF (now NDP). He has developed a bit of a liberal heart lately compared to some of his neighbours.
- The 1980s was his "traumatic" decade, but his solution to any traumatic decade is to throw huge parties and spend money he doesn't have to pretend like it wasn't happening. Lost a lot of his strength early in the decade and became extremely resentful of the federal government, a resentment that had been percolating since Confederation.
- Historical roles include: the first incorporated city in the NWT, a center of Treaty 7 territory and the district of Alberta, training ground for pilots during the World Wars, heart of ranch land, the O&G industry, and the home of many business headquarters.
- Lived in a sandstone house in his youth, recently bought a luxury penthouse overlooking the Saddledome and the Calgary tower, a short walk from Olympic Plaza. All leather/cowprint/wood furniture, bronze western sculptures, giant paintings of rocky mountain sky. Spends way more money to look rustic than necessary.
- His truck is red (to make it go faster), needs a step to get into, has Flames decals and flags and junk, and gets a lot of use to prove that he actually needs it (he doesn't). God, so much Flames and Stamps stuff.
- Got a business degree when they were super easy to get because why not, now boasts a lot about how it's such a commodity and he's a risk taker and blah blah blah to justify being a monkey of average intelligence who wears a suit. He's That Guy™ in all your Econ classes.
- Probably has a model trainset somewhere that he never lets Ed touch (at least not without meeting very specific criteria).
- A lasso. No reason. Just in case, you know?
- Probably has a hunting rifle that he's fully licensed to use, he just hates using it and keeps it on a wall for decoration because thinking about using it for hunting makes him cry (the other munis make fun of him a lot). Will shoot at targets or bottles, anything but animals.
- Has a chestnut coloured horse named Nellie- she either lives with Caro or with Bert. Has had Several horses over his lifetime and probably thousands of cows.
- Has. So Many. Boots. And Belt Buckles. And All That. You have No Idea. He has a separate walk in closet specifically for Stampede, probably.
- A Calgary White Hat, obviously, just for being him.
- Has a picture of himself as a kid riding a mountain goat. In the museum. No one can know.
- Like Ed, spends the majority of his time working for the city. He suffers a lot when trying to please all the billionaires who keep trying to influence him (Ed on the other hand only has like one).
- Has some experience in trades, probably, but his history is in law enforcement and crunching numbers, cozying up to investors, lots of wining and dining, that sort of thing. He is the sheriff of his boardroom. Loves making slideshows.
- His middle name is Brisebois and he shrieks if you bring that up. Mac calls him Brisy to tease him.
- Prior to working for the city, he "worked" at Cochrane ranch. By "worked" I mean he "supervised" Bert and the gang of Americans and company that showed up on his doorstep; by "supervised" I mean he nearly missed tea time because he was busy learning gross habits from cowboys and drinking coffee with them and getting himself in trouble.
- Bisexual/Biromantic, attracted to both men and women with a preference for women, but his preference doesn't dictate who gets the high beams of his intense love-rays.
- Does not smoke tobacco, but will chew it on occasion (but he hates what it does to his teeth and prefers drinking).
- Has a relatively flat Americanized accent, says "yahoo!" constantly, and when he's out with his buds he just speaks like the guys from On the Bench. Uses increasingly dated/silly western slang (Well if That don’t take the rag off the bush!) when he’s annoyed with people or wants to give them a friendly tease.
- Suffers from migraines that are definitely caused by weather most of the time. He's still trying to learn how to recognize the signs in advance, but often wakes up with them.
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risprinabeachw-blog · 5 years
Dating dragon balls
Who is Dragon Ball Z dating? Dragon Ball Z partner, spouse His jump shot basically consists of Ball moving the basketball from his left hip, to the left of his forehead.  He made it clear that Lonzo would only work out for the L.  However, there are a few elements of Toriyama's statement that could raise concern with Dragon Ball fans, primarily the fact that the movie will focus on and the.  The announcement will come as fantastic news to fans of Dragon Ball Super who were concerned that the forthcoming hiatus would signal another quiet period for the franchise and the fact that Toriyama will be heavily involved can only be a good thing.  Datables Chichi - Favors Strength and Mind.
Design a Dragonball Dating Sim For her first outfit, she wears a red and yellow Saiyan Hero outfit that exposes her midriff and navel.  The thinking behind this decision is currently unclear and viewers don't yet know whether Super will return at some point in the future or be cancelled completely.  That is, until they reached high school.  Could you imagine if the 76ers passed on Markelle Fultz and selected Ball first overall? And not having access to flash, or having any art or music skills to speak of.  There is no doubting that Garcia is very attractive, but she also happens to have some other good looking friends as we can see in this photo.  Simmons made the very bold move to travel to the United States in his sophomore year of high school.
Lonzo Ball's Girlfriend Vs. Ben Simmons's GF: Who's More Attractive? Gonzalez looks great in her Pink Christmas onesie in this Instagram photo taken on Christmas Day, 2016.  Shortly later, she has a friendly Dragon Ball Heroes battle with Beat.  She is clearly in excellent shape and the hike up the mountain did not tire her out enough to be able to strike a pose.  They go against each other until their machine is accidentally unplugged by Froze, who is being pushed around by a pair of bullies making fun of his devotion to his cards.  She looks rather nice with her confident smile, and stylish outfit she is wearing.  Biography Victory Mission Note in Victory Mission In the manga, Note meets Beat after the latter is defeated by.
Who is Dragon Ball Z dating? Dragon Ball Z partner, spouse In the game, she is able to transform into a Super Saiyan, and uses the.  It was only at age 14 when Simmons decided that he was only going to concentrate on playing basketball.  His father transferred to Cal State Los Angeles, where his mother, Tina, was also playing.  She performs the in the trailer she was introduced.  She wears a long, blue jacket along with yellow pants, black boots and a green hat.  He, as many others had anticipated, was excited to be able to work with Ben Simmons — the clear consensus for the number one pick.  Garcia looks lovely in her fashionable outfit on her night out on the town.
Design a Dragonball Dating Sim In much the same way as the Kardashians series, the show follows the personal and family lives of all the members of the Ball family.  The premiere episode gained around 26 million views, and the first season recently ended after airing 10 episodes.  In another tournament, Note defeats her opponent Poko in the first round, and is then put against the Android Elite Nico for the second round.  His first taste of basketball came when he was seven years old.  Lonzo Ball is currently dating University of California soccer star Denise Garcia.
Design a Dragonball Dating Sim He then rotates his elbow in toward his chest, which is when he shoots the ball.  Lonzo would not sign unless the company licensed merchandise from Big Baller Brand.  While we all know about his controversial father LaVar, both his parents were former college basketball players.  With new and interesting characters such as Hit, Jiren and the Angels to explore, some might argue that the new Dragon Ball movie should look ahead for inspiration, rather than into the franchise's history.  After the final, Note and say it is too bad Beat lost but his opponent was a battle machine with no emotion whatsoever Beat reflects to himself that it is not true: she saw him smile.  They soon meet , who also won his match.
Who is Dragon Ball Z dating? Dragon Ball Z partner, spouse I am working on a Dragonball Z dating game,This will be a mix of a visual novel and a dating simulator game, where you can date the handsome Guys from Dragonball Z, such as Vegeta, Goku, piccolo and more.  Gonzalez looks stunning in this modelling pose, while she grasps a basketball and stares into the camera.  A second season has just recently been announced, so clearly there is a dedicated and loyal fanbase.  After the game, Ball confessed that he had strained his hamstring.  She is the leader of against and one of ' closest allies.  He focused much of his efforts on rugby and basketball, having played both in leagues since age 10.  By that we mean that he played many different sports.
Lonzo Ball's Girlfriend Vs. Ben Simmons's GF: Who's More Attractive? In the end, had merged with the multiverse itself, causing to it.  In August 2017, the Ball family started their own reality show that airs only on Facebook, called Ball In The Family. As you can see in the above photo, Dylan Gonzalez clearly has loves wearing red lingerie.  Videl - Favors Strength Launch - Randomly transfers during a date Favors Strength and Ki A.  Judging by the number of comments, she is attracting quite the audience! She is shown to be able to hold her own against opponents such as Frieza's soldiers.  As it turned out, LaVar got his wish and the Lakers drafted Ball second overall.  She has big black eyes and long black hair with bangs.
Dragon Ball Super Anime Movie Gets a Release Date We can only wonder what Simmons is thinking since many of these types of photos are popping up on her Instagram in recent months.  Interestingly, the movie appears to be retaining the Super moniker, at least for the time being.  At least it works well for him so far! It is impressive that everyone in the Ball family has played basketball, at least at the college level.  Although it clearly affected his performance, Ball refused to offer the injury as an excuse for being outplayed and outmatched by Kentucky.  His father, Dave, is American while his mother, Julie, was Australian.  Related: However, Toei via have now announced that a brand new Dragon Ball movie, the 20th thus far, will be released in Japan on December 14, 2018.  Ben Simmons, of the Philadelphia 76ers, is slightly less well-known than Ball, but has a couple things in common with Ball.
Future Mai He attended and played for Montverde Academy in Florida.  Lonzo Ball was a consensus five star recruit out of high school.  Beat wins thanks to his Super Saiyan 4 Goku card.  His stat line, across 33 games, was 19.  It has so far received about 3 million views on YouTube.
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junker-town · 7 years
Will 2017 be Middle Tennessee football’s best FBS season ever?
With one of the country’s best QB-WR combos and veteran coaches, this offense should be set. This defense, though?
This preview was originally published on March 9 and his since been updated.
Middle Tennessee State University has the reputation of a commuter school. It is a reputation the school fights as hard as it can, but with medium-sized enrollment and a big, easy-to-access city (Nashville) nearby, it is convenient for the lifestyle either way.
One thing is certain: MTSU is a hell of an effective commuter school for coaches.
Coaching is a transient lifestyle. For every 10- or 20-year loyalty story, there is the story of a coach who has worked his way up from graduate assistant or analyst to position coach by changing schools and jobs every couple of seasons.
It takes a while to find an opportunity where you can truly differentiate yourself. Until you find it, you're just proving you can grind. A lot of coaches have used Murfreesboro as a place for doing just that.
When Andy McCollum was attempting to build an FBS foothold for Middle Tennessee in the early-2000s, he employed the likes of current Arkansas State HC Blake Anderson, Kentucky co-OC Darin Hinshaw, West Virginia OL coach Joe Wickline, Missouri OL coach Glen Elarbee, Ole Miss LB coach Bradley Peveto, Central Arkansas HC Steve Campbell, former Idaho DC Mark Criner, and former Auburn ST coach Scott Fountain.
Meanwhile, since Rick Stockstill took over at MTSU, the list of impressive passers-by has grown: current Miami DC Manny Diaz, former Cal DC Art Kaufman, former Cal OC Tony Franklin (who has since returned to the Boro), Prairie View A&M HC Willie Simmons, current Arkansas State coordinators Buster Faulkner and Joe Cauthen, Troy co-OC Matt Moore, Appalachian State WR coach Justin Watts, former Steve Spurrier assistant G.A. Mangus, etc.
Among these commuters, however, have stood stalwart head coaches. MTSU has employed only three since 1979. Boots Donnelly reached the Division I-AA playoffs seven times during his two-decade run, and McCollum was given seven seasons to get the Blue Raiders acquainted with FBS before he was let go after four straight losing seasons. Stockstill has been given quite a bit of rope in his 11 seasons, and it has paid off.
As I wrote in last year's MTSU preview (and basically every annual MTSU preview), Stockstill's is a long-term story in a short-term sport. He could have left a couple of times for bigger jobs. MTSU could have dumped him after a 2-10 collapse in 2011. And together, Stockstill and Blue Raiders have upgraded conferences and established steady success.
Now comes another challenge: taking the next step. It has been elusive. MTSU went 8-5 in 2013 but sank to 6-6 in 2014. The Blue Raiders started 6-2 last fall but lost their QB to injury and finished losing three of five. Only once in their FBS existence have they topped eight wins, and that was back in the Sun Belt days.
Is this the year? MTSU returns an outstanding, accurate quarterback in Brent Stockstill and one of the best receivers in the country in Richie James. Continuity is strong in the speed positions (though minimal in the trenches), the Blue Raiders have a couple of early upset opportunities, and defensive improvement could make for about a 7-1 record in conference play.
S&P+ projections are conservative because of the defense, but if you're an MTSU fan, you're thinking now is the time for a statement.
2016 in review
2016 MTSU statistical profile.
For a while, it seemed the sentiment could be applied to 2016. MTSU was a top-50-caliber team toward the end of October; the Blue Raiders beat Missouri and Louisiana Tech and suffered losses only to Vanderbilt (a strange loss by 23 points, despite a 151-yard advantage) and an awesome WKU by one point in double overtime. Because of the circumstances, 6-2 almost felt disappointing.
Everything changed, however, when Brent Stockstill went down.
First 8 games (6-2) — Avg. percentile performance: 48% | Avg. performance vs. S&P+ projection: +4.2 PPG | Avg. turnovers per game: MTSU 1.3, Opp 1.7 (+0.4)
Last 5 games (2-3) — Avg. percentile performance: 27% | Avg. performance vs. S&P+ projection: -19.6 PPG | Avg. turnovers per game: MTSU 2.3, Opp 1.0 (-1.3)
The 51-45 upset of Mizzou made the Blue Raiders 5-2, and the Raiders suffered a letdown in needing a late-game pick six to beat FIU the next week. And with MTSU down 14-7 to UTSA in the second quarter on November 5, he took a hard hit, landed awkwardly, and broke his collar bone.
John Urzua came in and almost immediately threw a pick. He threw two more in the second half, and MTSU lost 45-25. The next week was a blowout at the hands of an otherwise listless Marshall.
The Blue Raiders rebounded to beat Charlotte by seven, and in the regular season finale, MTSU simply put the ball in James' hands. The receiver rushed 22 times for 207 yards and completed five passes for 76 yards as a wildcat formation QB, and he caught four balls for 120 yards in a 77-56 win.
The less said about the Hawaii Bowl, the better. Stockstill returned and threw for 432 yards, but he threw two costly picks, and MTSU lost by 17.
8-5 is never going to be a total disappointment, but this was a what-could-have-been season. That puts a little bit of pressure on the Blue Raiders this fall. You always want to follow what could have been with what actually was.
Full advanced stats glossary.
Beginning in 2006, when he took over Larry Blakeney's offense at Troy, Tony Franklin has had a habit of making offenses better than what he inherited. In his first year at Troy, the Trojans' attack improved from 118th to 98th in Off. S&P+. In his second year, they improved to 54th.
In 2009, Franklin inherited an MTSU offense that had ranked 107th and improved it to 81st. In 2010, he inherited a Louisiana Tech offense that had ranked 75th and improved it to 68th, then 62nd, then fourth. He followed Sonny Dykes to Cal in 2013, held steady for a year (67th from 61st), then improved the Bears to 20th in 2014 and 10th in 2015.
(This ignores Franklin's disastrous stint at Auburn in 2008, in which the Tigers fell from 62nd to 111th. I'm ignoring it because everybody should get a mulligan, and because the politics and old-hands at Auburn that year created obstacles.)
In 2016, Franklin began his second stint in Murfreesboro. He took an offense that had ranked 54th with Stockstill as a freshman and again pulled the right strings.
The Blue Raiders improved to 46th in Off. S&P+ and reached as high as 27th before Stockstill's injury. Franklin's quick-passing principles meshed perfectly with Stockstill's lightning-fast delivery and accuracy. (Franklin's "Screw it, just give the ball to Richie" improvisation against FAU was pretty wonderful, too.)
Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images
Brent Stockstill
On the rare occasion that Franklin stays in the same place for more than one year, significant improvement usually follows. His second-year offenses at Troy, Louisiana Tech, and Cal surged by an average of 32 spots. That would make MTSU a top-15 offense this year, and while that might not be the safest bet, don't act like it isn't a possibility if everyone stays healthy.
Franklin gets Stockstill for another year — two more, if everyone sticks around. The junior had hit an incredible stride at the time of his injury; against WKU, Missouri, FIU, and UTSA, he completed 95 of 141 passes (67 percent) for 1,144 yards, 12 touchdowns, one interception, just four sacks, and a passer rating of 162.2.
Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images
Ty Lee
He was doing this with a receiving corps led by a sophomore (James) and freshman (Ty Lee). Injuries had created an August reset for the MTSU receiving corps, but youth served MTSU well. James was a revelation, and Lee's catch rate was 69 percent. Throw in Ole Miss transfer I'Tavius Mathers and occasional big plays from Dennis Andrews, and you had a terrifying attack.
Mathers and Andrews are gone, but James and Lee could get support from any number of decent backups: seniors Patrick Smith or Shane Tucker, juniors Desmond Anderson or Max Linder, or a large sophomore class that includes mid-three-star Tyshawn Brown, former Tennessee signee Jocquez Bruce, and quite a few others.
If MTSU is dragged down by a reason other than injury, it will be because the run game couldn't quite ignite. Despite extremely pass-heavy tendencies, Mathers still got about 18 carries per game and finished with 1,561 yards and 17 touchdowns. He averaged 6.7 yards per carry, and his backup, Terelle West, averaged only 4.2. And he was running behind four linemen who garnered at least honorable mention all-conference status.
Mathers and three-fourths of the honored linemen graduated, leaving behind the bones of a green running game. That only matters so much when you're throwing a lot, but if opponents don't fear the run, they can pin their ears back a bit more.
Still, it's hard not to give Stockstill, James, and Franklin the benefit of the doubt, isn't it?
Serving as a coaching way station doesn't always mean catching interesting coaches on the way up. Stockstill nabbed the veteran Franklin to lead his offense, and after the MTSU defense sank from 82nd to 118th in Def. S&P+ in 2016, he elected to replace coordinator Tyrone Nix with another veteran: former Syracuse head coach Shafer.
Shafer couldn't quite pull things together as head man, winning just seven games in 2014-15 after beginning his three-year stint 7-6. But he found defensive success, with the Orange peaking at 23rd in Def. S&P+ in 2014. After a year off, he will begin his rebuild as many others have, in the Boro.
Shafer's best Cuse defenses were super aggressive up front, sacrificing a bit of size for speed. One could see that serving MTSU well, and Shafer should find quite a bit to like about a linebacking corps that includes six players who recorded havoc plays in 2016 (most notably juniors Darius Harris and Chris Melton) and adds JUCO transfer Tavares Thomas, three-star redshirt freshman Caleb Felton, and two incoming three-star true freshmen (the wonderfully named Cain McWilliams and DQ Thomas).
Unfortunately, you can only be as aggressive as your line allows you to be, and MTSU's line is a fixer upper. Six linemen recorded more than 15 tackles last year, and five are gone.
Granted, this wasn't an incredibly effective line, but any semblance of play-making is gone. Senior ends Justin Akins and Jahmal Jones combined for 34.5 tackles last year, but none were behind the line of scrimmage [update: Akins and linebacker Shalom Alvarez were dismissed in April for a video depicting animal cruelty], and Shafer has to hope that former reserves like junior Darrius Liggins (2.5 tackles for loss in a bit role) and sophomore Tyshun Render can break through.
Meanwhile, he has to also hope that someone steps up at tackle. Last year's top three are gone, leaving 268-pound sophomore Malik Manciel as the only returning contributor. If three-star JUCO Rosheen Collins (a more robust 296 pounds) and three-star redshirt freshman Rakavian Poydras (298) are ready to roll, then maybe MTSU will get by. But depth could be an issue either way.
There are fewer worries in the back. Despite an iffy pass rush, MTSU's pass defense was reasonably efficient (73rd in passing success rate) and quite adept at preventing big plays (23rd in passing IsoPPP). The pass defense had a decent bend-don’t-break thing going, but the run defense meant MTSU bent a little too much.
While the Blue Raiders' best ball defender (Jeremy Cutrer, with his 13 passes defensed) is gone, the top three safeties and corners Michael Minter and Charvarius Ward (combined: four picks, 14 breakups) are back.
Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports
Safeties Alex Dale & Jovante Moffatt
Stockstill added three JUCO transfers to the back line as well. Pass defense is the least of MTSU's worries and could be a bona fide strength if the run defense isn’t dreadful.
(The run defense might be dreadful.)
Special Teams
Desmond Anderson will be asked to play a larger role in the passing game this year after catching 10 of 18 passes for 126 yards a year ago. But if his kick returns are any indication, he could turn into a decent weapon. Anderson didn't break many huge gainers, but he was the reason MTSU ranked a decent 45th in kick return efficiency. And with place-kicker Canon Rooker (who was a little too accurate, and not quite big-legged enough, to live up to his name), MTSU has a couple of solid efficiency weapons here.
Still, the Blue Raiders ranked only 69th in Special Teams S&P+ despite Anderson and Rooker; the punting game was a bit of a disaster, and Rooker didn't land many kickoffs in the end zone. That will have to improve if MTSU's ranking is to also move up.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 2-Sep Vanderbilt 63 -6.8 35% 9-Sep at Syracuse 60 -12.4 24% 16-Sep at Minnesota 47 -13.7 21% 23-Sep Bowling Green 95 4.1 59% 30-Sep at Florida Atlantic 99 -0.3 49% 7-Oct Florida International 104 6.1 64% 14-Oct at UAB 130 18.8 86% 21-Oct Marshall 101 5.0 61% 4-Nov UTEP 126 12.5 76% 11-Nov at Charlotte 127 10.6 73% 18-Nov at Western Kentucky 51 -13.5 22% 25-Nov Old Dominion 93 3.3 58%
Projected S&P+ Rk 89 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 40 / 128 Projected wins 6.3 Five-Year S&P+ Rk -6.2 (94) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 84 / 87 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* -2 / 7.8 2016 TO Luck/Game -3.8 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 70% (81%, 59%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 7.9 (0.1)
Turnover on the lines is an obvious concern. Shaky protection could wreck the Blue Raiders' offensive plans, and while the run defense can't get a lot worse, there's still room to fall if a green line can't find either depth or play-makers.
That said, Franklin's quick-passing attack is almost designed to account for issues up front, and the MTSU run defense really can't get much worse. And the upside and experience everywhere else on the two-deep is all sorts of tantalizing.
The schedule is set up in three acts.
Act I: Upset opportunities. The Blue Raiders begin with Vanderbilt and trips to Syracuse and Minnesota. S&P+ says there's a 61 percent chance they win at least one of these games.
Act II: The possible winning streak. From September 23 to November 11, MTSU has at least a 49 percent chance of winning in each game, and that's with the iffy defensive projections. There are plenty of landmines here, but an MTSU that exceeds its defensive projections could go 6-1 or 7-0 here.
Act III: Title time. If things are going as well as I think they could, the final two against Western Kentucky (away) and ODU (home) could decide the C-USA East.
If Shafer is able to find some traction on defense, which wouldn't be the most surprising thing, this could be the nine- or 10-win season that has eluded Stockstill for nearly a decade. There are just enough red flags, but I really like this team's potential.
Team preview stats
All preview data to date.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
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ncaa football 08 ps3
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Genre: Sports, Football Developer: Electronic Arts Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: July 30, 2007
Best Team
First go to team management and pick any team, pick the players that is going to be on the field and put there stats up and save it then play the team you made and they will be better [note: this is good for dynasty mode for easy wins]
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Currently we have no unlockables for NCAA Football 08 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
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Trophy List
Administaff Bayou Bucket: Houston vs. Rice Anniversary Award: Bowling Green vs. Kent State Apple Cup: Washington vs. Washington State Backyard Bowl: West Virginia vs. Pittsburgh Battle For Illibuck: Ohio State vs. Indiana Battle For The Bell: Tulane vs. Southern Miss Battle For The Land Grant: Michigan State vs. Penn State Battle Of I-10: UTEP vs. New Mexico State Battle Of I-25: New Mexico State vs. New Mexico Battle Of I-75: Bowling Green vs. Toledo Battle Of The Megaphone: Michigan State vs. Notre Dame Bedlam Game: Oklahoma State vs. Oklahoma Beehive Bell: Utah vs. Utah State Beehive Boot: Utah State vs. BYU or Utah Big Game: Cal vs. Stanford Black And Blue Bowl: Southern Miss vs. Memphis Black Diamond Trophy: West Virginia vs. Virginia Tech Border War: Colorado State vs. Wyoming Civil War: Oregon State vs. Oregon Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate: Georgia vs. Georgia Tech Commander In Chief Trophy: Air Force vs. Navy or Army Common Wealth Cup: Virginia Tech vs. Virginia Cy-Hawk Trophy: Iowa State vs. Iowa Deep South's Oldest Rivalry: Auburn vs. Georgia Egg Bowl: Ole Miss vs. Mississippi Florida-Georgia Game: Florida vs. Georgia Floyd Of Rose Dale: Minnesota vs. Iowa Fremont Cannon: UNKV vs. Nevada Golden Boot: Arkansas vs. LSU Governer's Victory Bell: Penn State vs. Minnesota Governors Cup: Florida vs. Florida State Governor's Cup: Louisville vs. Kentucky Holy War: BYU vs. Utah Ireland Trophy: Boston College vs. Notre Dame Iron Bowl: Alabama vs. Auburn Iron Skillet: TCU vs. SMU Jefferson-Eppes Trophy: Florida State vs. Virginia Jeweles Shillelagh: USC vs. Notre Dame Keg Of Nails: Cincinnati vs. Miami University Legends Trophy: Stanford vs. Notre Dame Lone Star Showdown: Texas A&M vs. Texas Mayers Cup: SMV vs. Rice Missouri-Nebraska Bell: Nebraska vs. Missouri Old Oaken Bucket: Purdue vs. Indiana Palmetto State: Clemson vs. South Carolina Paul Bunyan Trophy: Michigan vs. Michigan State Paul Bunyan's Axe: Wisconsin vs. Minnesota Peace Pipe: Western Michigan vs. Miami University Purdue Cannon: Purdue vs. Illinois Ram-Falcon Trophy: Colorado State vs. Air Force Red River Rivalry: Texas vs. Oklahoma Rocky Mountain Showdown: Colorado vs. Colorado State Seminole War Canoe: Florida vs. Miami Shillelagh Trophy: Purdue vs. Notre Dame Shwartzwaler Trophy: West Virginia vs. Syracuse Sweet Sioux Tomahawk: Northwestern vs. Illinois Telephone Trophy: Missouri vs. Iowa State Textile Bowl: Clemson vs. NC State The Big Game: Arizona vs. Arizona State The Little Brown Jug: Michigan vs. Minnesota Third Saturday In October: Alabama vs. Tennessee Tigers Rag: Tulane vs. Lsu Victory Bell: Cincinnati vs. Miami University Victory Bell: Duke vs. North Carolina Victory Bell: USC vs. UCLA Wagon Wheel: Akron vs. Kent State Williams Trophy: Tulsa vs. Rice.
Unlockable Trophies
AT&T Bowl – Win the AT&T Bowl
Back-To-Back National Champs – Win two consecutive national championships
BCS National Championship – Be the number one ranked college football team
Big East Championship – Have the most big east conference wins
C-USA Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the C-USA conferance
Capital One Bowl – Win the Capitol One Bowl
Chick-Fil-A Bowl – Win the Chick-Fil-A Bowl
Davey O’ Brien Award – Be the best quarter back
Doak Walker Running Back Award – Be the number one running back in the class,field, and community
Gator Bowl Trophy – Win the gator bowl
GMAC Bowl – Win the GMAC Bowl
Hawaii Bowl – Win the Hawii bowl
Heisman Memorial Trophy – Be the most outstanding college player in the United States
Holiday Bowl – Win the Holiday Bowl
Independance Bowl – Win the Independance bowl
Insight Bowl – Win the Insight Bowl
Jim Thorpe Award – Be the number one Defensive Back based on on-field performance, athletic ability, and character
Las Vegas Bowl – Las Vegas Bowl
MAC Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the MAC conferance
Maxwell Award – Be the college player of the year
Meineke Car Care Bowl – Win the Meineke Car Care Bowl
Motor City Bowl – Win the Motor City Bowl
MWC Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the MWC conferance
New Orleans Bowl – Win the New Orleans Bowl
Orange Bowl Trophy – Win the orange bowl
Receiver Of The Year – Be the number one wide receiver
SEC Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the SEC conferance
Sugar Bowl Trophy – Win the sugar bowl
Sun Belt Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the Sun Belt conferance
Three-In-A-Row National Champs – Win three consecutive national championships
Tight End Of The Year – Be the number one tight end
WAC Championship – Have the best conferance wins in the WAC conferance
Rival Trophies
Administaff Bayou Bucket – Housten vs Rice
Anniversary Award – Bowling Green vs Kent State
Apple Cup – Washington State
Backyard Bowl – West Virginia vs Pittsburgh
Battle for Illibuck – Ohio State vs Indiana
Battle for the bell – Tulane vs Southern Miss
Battle of I-10 – UTEP vs New Mexico State
Battle of I-25 – New Mexico State vs New Mexico
Battle of I-75 – Bowling Green vs Toledo
Bedlam game – Oklahoma state vs Oklahoma
Beehive Bell – Utah vs Utah State
Beehive boot – Utah State vs BYU or Utah
Big game – CAL vs Stanford
Black and blue bowl – Southern miss vs Memphies
Black Diamond Trophy – West Virginia vs Virginia Tech
Border War – Colorado State vs Wyoming
Civil War – Oregon state vs Oregon
Clean,old-fashioned hate – Georgia vs Georgia Tech
Commander in chief trophy – Air Force vs Navy or Army
Common wealth cup – Virginia Tech vs Virginia
Cy-Hawk Trophy – Iowa state vs Iowa
Deep south’s oldest rivalry – Auburn vs Georgia
Egg Bowl – Ole miss vs Mississippi
Florida-Georgia game – Florida vs Georgia
Floyd of rose dale – Minnesota vs Iowa
Fremont cannon – UNKV vs Nevada
Golden boot – Arkansas vs LSU
Governer’s Victory bell – Penn state vs Minnesota
Governor’s cup – Lousville vs Kentucky
Governors cup – Florida vs Florida state
Holy War – BYU vs Utah
Ireland trophy – Boston college vs Notre Dame
Iron bowl – Alabama vs Auburn
Iron Skillet – TCV vs SMU
Jefferson-Eppes trophy – Florida State vs Virginia
Jeweles Shillelagh – USC vs Notre Dame
Keg of nails – Cincinnati vs Miami University
Legends Trophy – Stanford vs Notre Dame
Lone Star Showdown – Texas A&M vs Texas
Mayers cup – SMV vs Rice
Missouri-Nebraska bell – Nebraska vs Missouri
Old Oaken Bucket – Purdue vs Indiana
Palmetto state – Clemson vs South Carolina
Paul Bunyan Trophy – Penn State vs Michigan state
Paul Bunyans Axe – Wisconsin vs Minnesota
Peace pipe – Western Michigan vs Miami University
Purdue Cannon – Purdue vs Illinois
Ram-Falcon Trophy – Colorado State vs Air Force
Red River Rivalry – Texas vs Oklahoma
Rocky Mountatin Showdown – Colorado vs Colorado State
Seminole war canoe – Florida vs Miama
Shillelagh trophy – Purdue vs Notre Dame
Shwartzwaler Trophy – West Virginia vs Syracuse
Sweet Sioux Tomahawk – Northwestern vs Illinois
Telephone Trophy – Missouri vs Iowa state
Textile Bowl – Clemson vs NC State
The big game – Arizona vs Arizona state
Third saturday in october – Alabama vs Tennesee
Tigers rag – Tulane vs LSU
Victory bell – Cincinnati vs Miami University
Victory bell – Duke vs North Carolina
Wagon wheel – Akron vs. Kent State
Williams Trophy – Tulsa vs Rice
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
MLB Draft: The all-time team of players who switched positions after being drafted
We deserved a world with Eddie Murray catching and Manny Ramirez playing third base.
Everyone in the majors was a pitcher, shortstop, outfielder, or catcher when they were in high school. Give or take. If you’re playing first base in high school, that means you’re probably not as good of an athlete as the kids playing center, short, and catcher. And right. And probably second and third base. If you’re playing with five different teenagers who are better athletes than you, that probably means you’ll need to be the best hitter on the planet if you want to star in the majors.
You’re not the best hitter on the planet.
That’s why the MLB Draft is littered with position changes because usually the best athletes rise to the top. It’s why before Amos Otis and Hal McRae were two-thirds of a pennant-winning outfield for the Royals, they were high school shortstops drafted in 1965. It’s why Trevor Hoffman will make the Hall of Fame, even though he was an awful shortstop.
Our job today is to make the best possible team from all the position changes in draft history. And by “best,” I mean “most amusing to me, a horrible person who needs chaos to survive.” I’m not trying to make the best team. I’m trying to make the funniest team that would have a chance to score 1,000 runs.
That team would go like this:
Catcher - Eddie Murray
Like I wrote up there, there are a lot of high school catchers who were drafted and moved immediately. They were the best athletes on their team, but the scouts didn’t like them behind the plate long term. Murray was one of those.
He was also one of the most exciting prospects of the ‘70s. He was drafted as a 17-year-old, and he didn’t stop hitting until he was 40, reaching the majors when he was 21, and methodically swatting his way to 500 homers. He was a fine first baseman.
What this article presupposes is that he stayed behind the plate. So I’m a gonna lop off 150 home runs from that career total, just because of the aches, pains, wear, and tear. I’m also going to change him from a consistent 30-homer guy to a consistent 20-homer player for the same reason. Shave some points from his batting average and on-base percentage ... give him fewer 160-game seasons ... heck, we know that he isn’t going to steal 110 bases in this alternate reality.
I ... I think I just described Matt Wieters.
Catching is the worst.
But for this team I have a powerful switch-hitting catcher. I’ll assume he would have been fine defensively because he would have been in catcher boot camp since he was a teenager, and he was a pretty good athlete. He just wouldn’t have been a Hall of Famer.
Honorable mention:
Dave Parker, Dale Murphy, Paul Konerko, Jayson Werth, Justin Morneau, Joey Votto, and Josh Donaldson
First base - Mike Piazza
I almost went with Tim Wakefield. It wouldn’t have been the best choice offensively, but in my alternate reality he still learns the knuckleball, and he would have been like the Shohei Otani of long relief.
Which didn’t seem as exciting when I typed it out. So we get Piazza.
All of those demerits for Murray’s career? We get to add home runs and batting average. Instead of a .308 career average, I’m going to make him a .318 hitter. Instead of 427 homers, he has 600. And instead of an iffy defensive catcher, he’s going to be a super-iffy defensive first baseman.
I guess we could swap Murray and Piazza, but ... no, no, this is far more fun.
Honorable mention:
Rick Honeycutt, Tim Wallach, Luis Gonzalez, Tim Wakefield, Giancarlo Stanton, Christian Yelich
Second base - Coco Crisp
There just aren’t a lot of good players who were drafted with a listed position of second base. Chase Utley was the most notable, but for the most part, it’s an uphill battle for kids who weren’t athletic enough to wrest control of the shortstop position at Iona College.
Crisp gives this team some speed and slashing. Looking at his stats and remembering his defensive prowess, someone, somewhere, made a very good decision about his career. That .912 fielding percentage at second base with 24 errors in Rookie League probably helped the decision make itself.
Honorable mention:
Buddy Bell, Danny Tartabull, Russell Martin
Shortstop - Jim Thome
NOW WE GET TO THE GOOD STUFF. It’s hard to remember Jim Thome as a third baseman because we’re so used to his years as a first baseman. But he played third for six years, and he was generally okay. Just not as good as Matt Williams.
Imagine an 18-year-old Thome, hitting .237/.314/.296 while making 15 errors at shortstop for the Gulf Coast League Indians. He must have been so skinny, so spindly. There’s no way he could have been America’s Baseball Dad back then, even if he was clearly America’s Baseball Dad before he turned 30. He was moved to third base the next year.
In this scenario, Thome sticks at shortstop.
HARGROVE: Alright, Jimmy. You’re my starting shortstop. And Omar, you’re at first.
VIZQUEL: Skip, I appreciate you thinking outside the box, but I have a minor suggestion. What if ...
HARGROVE: I’m the manager, and I’m not going to repeat myself. Now get out there.
THOME: lol owned
There were a lot of contenders for this spot, and I was tempted to go with Tim Raines. Heck, I wonder if Chet Lemon becomes a Hall of Fame candidate if he sticks at short, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Mike Schmidt could have handed the position, too. But I think we’ll all agree that Thome is the funniest choice.
Honorable mention:
Gene Tenace, Amos Otis, Hal McRae, Bobby Grich, Mike Schmidt, George Brett, Willie Randolph, Chet Lemon, Wade Boggs, Paul Molitor, Tim Raines, Eric Davis, Bret Saberhagen, Jeff Kent, Chipper Jones, Jorge Posada, Adam Jones, Ian Kinsler, Dustin Pedroia, Justin Upton, Mookie Betts
Third base - Manny Ramirez
As a single tear rolls down my cheek, I proclaim this to be the most beautiful vision I have ever seen. Imagine the 1995 Indians, scoring 1,000 runs and allowing 1,000 unearned runs in the same season, with Thome at short and Manny at third. We deserve this alternate reality.
Alas, while he was drafted as a third baseman out of a New York high school, he never played an inning of infield in the minor leagues. We’ll just have to close our eyes and imagine what it would have been like.
JOE WEST: Now just how in the hell did you break the base clean in half like that?
RAMIREZ: [shrugs]
Come back, alternate reality. Come back!
Honorable mention:
Dwight Evans, Lou Whitaker, Cal Ripken, Devon White, Jose Canseco, Mike Greenwell, Jeff Bagwell, Jason Giambi, Matt Holliday, Pat Burrell, Mark Teixeira
OF - Todd Helton, Bill Russell, Michael Young
Here we find one of the strangest truisms of the MLB Draft: When you’re drafted as an outfielder, you stay in the outfield. Apparently, there just aren’t a lot of opportunities for kids to show off their infield prowess when they’re drafted as an outfielder.
My methodology went like this: I searched the Baseball-Reference database for players drafted at each position. I would sort by WAR to get the major leaguers at the top, look for players out of position, and then move on to the next year.
I did this twice for outfielders because I was absolutely certain that I had missed someone. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t, which means that outfielders almost always stay in the outfield. Infielders might move out, but it’s very rare for outfielders to move in. Huh. That’s a draft tidbit that I didn’t know about, and I’m giving it to you because I’m not sure what to do with it.
If you can find a flaw in this search, please, let me know in the comments and give me a better out-of-position outfield. As is, it’s pretty athletic, I guess, and Helton has that quarterback’s arm in right.
Honorable mention: Dave Stieb, Jason Kipnis
P - Dave Winfield, Mark McGwire, Buster Posey, Jack Clark, Mark Trumbo
I had to cheat a little with this one, taking some players who were drafted as pitchers out of high school but didn’t sign. When you have a player like John Olerud who could be drafted legitimately at either position, the team announces their decision when they draft him, and that’s generally the end of that. There are exceptions, such as Winfield, who was announced as a pitcher, only to make the majors two weeks later as an outfielder. For the most part, though, when a two-way threat gets one of those ways amputated, it doesn’t grow back.
McGwire went to USC instead of the Expos, where he would have pitched. Posey would have been pitching with the Angels, probably in relief. Jack Clark walked 19 batters in 15 innings while hitting .321 with power, and the Giants figured that one out pretty quickly. Trumbo was drafted in the 18th round of the 2004 Draft as a pitcher, but he appeared in his first pro game in 2005, as a first baseman. I’m guessing either instructional league wasn’t very kind to his pitching, or the Angels knew where he was playing all along.
I do want a simulation that lets us see how well these players would have hit if they were full-time pitchers. They would have been awful, probably, because even the best-hitting pitchers are awful. The best comparison for what would have happened is probably Ken Brett, who is one of baseball’s all-time best what-if stories. He was a great hitter for a pitcher, but he could have been a great hitter for a hitter if someone, somewhere, pushed him down a much different career path.
Honorable mention:
Brandon Belt, Ryan Klesko, Charlie Blackmon, Jermaine Dye, Brad Wilkerson, Bake McBride, Adam LaRoche, Nick Markakis, Howard Johnson, Dave Kingman
Would this team have been one of the best ever? It would have the funniest infield defense ever, I’m pretty sure. And they would probably sock a few dingers, especially when the #9 spot came up. My idea of heaven is a place with a computer that can run these simulations, and it would take me about 200 years to get sick of it.
COMPUTER, tell me what Dave Winfield’s career would have been like if he pitched.
As is, we’ll just have to guess.
Pretty sure we were robbed of Manny at third base, though. Pretty sure someone needs to pay for their crimes against baseball.
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years
Will 2017 be Middle Tennessee football’s best FBS season ever?
With one of the country’s best QB-WR combos and veteran coaches, this offense should be set. This defense, though?
Middle Tennessee State University has the reputation of a commuter school. It is a reputation the school fights as hard as it can, but with medium-sized enrollment and a big, easy-to-access city (Nashville) nearby, it is convenient for the lifestyle either way.
One thing is certain: MTSU is a hell of an effective commuter school for coaches.
Coaching is a transient lifestyle. For every 10- or 20-year loyalty story, there is the story of a coach who has worked his way up from graduate assistant or analyst to position coach by changing schools and jobs every couple of seasons.
It takes a while to find an opportunity where you can truly differentiate yourself. Until you find it, you're just proving you can grind. A lot of coaches have used Murfreesboro as a place for doing just that.
When Andy McCollum was attempting to build an FBS foothold for Middle Tennessee in the early-2000s, he employed the likes of current Arkansas State HC Blake Anderson, Kentucky co-OC Darin Hinshaw, West Virginia OL coach Joe Wickline, Missouri OL coach Glen Elarbee, Ole Miss LB coach Bradley Peveto, Central Arkansas HC Steve Campbell, former Idaho DC Mark Criner, and former Auburn ST coach Scott Fountain.
Meanwhile, since Rick Stockstill took over at MTSU, the list of impressive passers-by has grown: current Miami DC Manny Diaz, former Cal DC Art Kaufman, former Cal OC Tony Franklin (who has since returned to the Boro), Prairie View A&M HC Willie Simmons, current Arkansas State coordinators Buster Faulkner and Joe Cauthen, Troy co-OC Matt Moore, Appalachian State WR coach Justin Watts, former Steve Spurrier assistant G.A. Mangus, etc.
Among these commuters, however, have stood stalwart head coaches. MTSU has employed only three since 1979. Boots Donnelly reached the Division I-AA playoffs seven times during his two-decade run, and McCollum was given seven seasons to get the Blue Raiders acquainted with FBS before he was let go after four straight losing seasons. Stockstill has been given quite a bit of rope in his 11 seasons, and it has paid off.
As I wrote in last year's MTSU preview (and basically every annual MTSU preview), Stockstill's is a long-term story in a short-term sport. He could have left a couple of times for bigger jobs. MTSU could have dumped him after a 2-10 collapse in 2011. And together, Stockstill and Blue Raiders have upgraded conferences and established steady success.
Now comes another challenge: taking the next step. It has been elusive. MTSU went 8-5 in 2013 but sank to 6-6 in 2014. The Blue Raiders started 6-2 last fall but lost their QB to injury and finished losing three of five. Only once in their FBS existence have they topped eight wins, and that was back in the Sun Belt days.
Is this the year? MTSU returns an outstanding, accurate quarterback in Brent Stockstill and one of the best receivers in the country in Richie James. Continuity is strong in the speed positions (though minimal in the trenches), the Blue Raiders have a couple of early upset opportunities, and defensive improvement could make for about a 7-1 record in conference play.
S&P+ projections are conservative because of the defense, but if you're an MTSU fan, you're thinking now is the time for a statement.
2016 in review
2016 MTSU statistical profile.
For a while, it seemed the sentiment could be applied to 2016. MTSU was a top-50-caliber team toward the end of October; the Blue Raiders beat Missouri and Louisiana Tech and suffered losses only to Vanderbilt (a strange loss by 23 points, despite a 151-yard advantage) and an awesome WKU by one point in double overtime. Because of the circumstances, 6-2 almost felt disappointing.
Everything changed, however, when Brent Stockstill went down.
First 8 games (6-2) — Avg. percentile performance: 48% | Avg. performance vs. S&P+ projection: +4.2 PPG | Avg. turnovers per game: MTSU 1.3, Opp 1.7 (+0.4)
Last 5 games (2-3) — Avg. percentile performance: 27% | Avg. performance vs. S&P+ projection: -19.6 PPG | Avg. turnovers per game: MTSU 2.3, Opp 1.0 (-1.3)
The 51-45 upset of Mizzou made the Blue Raiders 5-2, and the Raiders suffered a letdown in needing a late-game pick six to beat FIU the next week. And with MTSU down 14-7 to UTSA in the second quarter on November 5, he took a hard hit, landed awkwardly, and broke his collar bone.
John Urzua came in and almost immediately threw a pick. He threw two more in the second half, and MTSU lost 45-25. The next week was a blowout at the hands of an otherwise listless Marshall.
The Blue Raiders rebounded to beat Charlotte by seven, and in the regular season finale, MTSU simply put the ball in James' hands. The receiver rushed 22 times for 207 yards and completed five passes for 76 yards as a wildcat formation QB, and he caught four balls for 120 yards in a 77-56 win.
The less said about the Hawaii Bowl, the better. Stockstill returned and threw for 432 yards, but he threw two costly picks, and MTSU lost by 17.
8-5 is never going to be a total disappointment, but this was a what-could-have-been season. That puts a little bit of pressure on the Blue Raiders this fall. You always want to follow what could have been with what actually was.
Full advanced stats glossary.
Beginning in 2006, when he took over Larry Blakeney's offense at Troy, Tony Franklin has had a habit of making offenses better than what he inherited. In his first year at Troy, the Trojans' attack improved from 118th to 98th in Off. S&P+. In his second year, they improved to 54th.
In 2009, Franklin inherited an MTSU offense that had ranked 107th and improved it to 81st. In 2010, he inherited a Louisiana Tech offense that had ranked 75th and improved it to 68th, then 62nd, then fourth. He followed Sonny Dykes to Cal in 2013, held steady for a year (67th from 61st), then improved the Bears to 20th in 2014 and 10th in 2015.
(This ignores Franklin's disastrous stint at Auburn in 2008, in which the Tigers fell from 62nd to 111th. I'm ignoring it because everybody should get a mulligan, and because the politics and old-hands at Auburn that year created obstacles.)
In 2016, Franklin began his second stint in Murfreesboro. He took an offense that had ranked 54th with Stockstill as a freshman and again pulled the right strings.
The Blue Raiders improved to 46th in Off. S&P+ and reached as high as 27th before Stockstill's injury. Franklin's quick-passing principles meshed perfectly with Stockstill's lightning-fast delivery and accuracy. (Franklin's "Screw it, just give the ball to Richie" improvisation against FAU was pretty wonderful, too.)
Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images
Brent Stockstill
On the rare occasion that Franklin stays in the same place for more than one year, significant improvement usually follows. His second-year offenses at Troy, Louisiana Tech, and Cal surged by an average of 32 spots. That would make MTSU a top-15 offense this year, and while that might not be the safest bet, don't act like it isn't a possibility if everyone stays healthy.
Franklin gets Stockstill for another year — two more, if everyone sticks around. The junior had hit an incredible stride at the time of his injury; against WKU, Missouri, FIU, and UTSA, he completed 95 of 141 passes (67 percent) for 1,144 yards, 12 touchdowns, one interception, just four sacks, and a passer rating of 162.2.
Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images
Ty Lee
He was doing this with a receiving corps led by a sophomore (James) and freshman (Ty Lee). Injuries had created an August reset for the MTSU receiving corps, but youth served MTSU well. James was a revelation, and Lee's catch rate was 69 percent. Throw in Ole Miss transfer I'Tavius Mathers and occasional big plays from Dennis Andrews, and you had a terrifying attack.
Mathers and Andrews are gone, but James and Lee could get support from any number of decent backups: seniors Patrick Smith or Shane Tucker, juniors Desmond Anderson or Max Linder, or a large sophomore class that includes mid-three-star Tyshawn Brown, former Tennessee signee Jocquez Bruce, and quite a few others.
If MTSU is dragged down by a reason other than injury, it will be because the run game couldn't quite ignite. Despite extremely pass-heavy tendencies, Mathers still got about 18 carries per game and finished with 1,561 yards and 17 touchdowns. He averaged 6.7 yards per carry, and his backup, Terelle West, averaged only 4.2. And he was running behind four linemen who garnered at least honorable mention all-conference status.
Mathers and three-fourths of the honored linemen graduated, leaving behind the bones of a green running game. That only matters so much when you're throwing a lot, but if opponents don't fear the run, they can pin their ears back a bit more.
Still, it's hard not to give Stockstill, James, and Franklin the benefit of the doubt, isn't it?
Serving as a coaching way station doesn't always mean catching interesting coaches on the way up. Stockstill nabbed the veteran Franklin to lead his offense, and after the MTSU defense sank from 82nd to 118th in Def. S&P+ in 2016, he elected to replace coordinator Tyrone Nix with another veteran: former Syracuse head coach Shafer.
Shafer couldn't quite pull things together as head man, winning just seven games in 2014-15 after beginning his three-year stint 7-6. But he found defensive success, with the Orange peaking at 23rd in Def. S&P+ in 2014. After a year off, he will begin his rebuild as many others have, in the Boro.
Shafer's best Cuse defenses were super aggressive up front, sacrificing a bit of size for speed. One could see that serving MTSU well, and Shafer should find quite a bit to like about a linebacking corps that includes six players who recorded havoc plays in 2016 (most notably juniors Darius Harris and Chris Melton) and adds JUCO transfer Tavares Thomas, three-star redshirt freshman Caleb Felton, and two incoming three-star true freshmen (the wonderfully named Cain McWilliams and DQ Thomas).
Unfortunately, you can only be as aggressive as your line allows you to be, and MTSU's line is a fixer upper. Six linemen recorded more than 15 tackles last year, and five are gone.
Granted, this wasn't an incredibly effective line, but any semblance of play-making is gone. Senior ends Justin Akins and Jahmal Jones combined for 34.5 tackles last year, but none were behind the line of scrimmage (Akins did bat down four passes), and Shafer has to hope that former reserves like junior Darrius Liggins (2.5 tackles for loss in a bit role) and sophomore Tyshun Render can break through.
Meanwhile, he has to also hope that someone steps up at tackle. Last year's top three are gone, leaving 268-pound sophomore Malik Manciel as the only returning contributor. If three-star JUCO Rosheen Collins (a more robust 296 pounds) and three-star redshirt freshman Rakavian Poydras (298) are ready to roll, then maybe MTSU will get by. But depth could be an issue either way.
There are fewer worries in the back. Despite an iffy pass rush, MTSU's pass defense was reasonably efficient (73rd in passing success rate) and quite adept at preventing big plays (23rd in passing IsoPPP). The pass defense had a decent bend-don’t-break thing going, but the run defense meant MTSU bent a little too much.
While the Blue Raiders' best ball defender (Jeremy Cutrer, with his 13 passes defensed) is gone, the top three safeties and corners Michael Minter and Charvarius Ward (combined: four picks, 14 breakups) are back.
Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports
Safeties Alex Dale & Jovante Moffatt
Stockstill added three JUCO transfers to the back line as well. Pass defense is the least of MTSU's worries and could be a bona fide strength if the run defense isn’t dreadful.
(The run defense might be dreadful.)
Special Teams
Desmond Anderson will be asked to play a larger role in the passing game this year after catching 10 of 18 passes for 126 yards a year ago. But if his kick returns are any indication, he could turn into a decent weapon. Anderson didn't break many huge gainers, but he was the reason MTSU ranked a decent 45th in kick return efficiency. And with place-kicker Canon Rooker (who was a little too accurate, and not quite big-legged enough, to live up to his name), MTSU has a couple of solid efficiency weapons here.
Still, the Blue Raiders ranked only 69th in Special Teams S&P+ despite Anderson and Rooker; the punting game was a bit of a disaster, and Rooker didn't land many kickoffs in the end zone. That will have to improve if MTSU's ranking is to also move up.
2017 outlook
2017 Schedule & Projection Factors
Date Opponent Proj. S&P+ Rk Proj. Margin Win Probability 2-Sep Vanderbilt 63 -6.8 35% 9-Sep at Syracuse 60 -12.4 24% 16-Sep at Minnesota 47 -13.7 21% 23-Sep Bowling Green 95 4.1 59% 30-Sep at Florida Atlantic 99 -0.3 49% 7-Oct Florida International 104 6.1 64% 14-Oct at UAB 130 18.8 86% 21-Oct Marshall 101 5.0 61% 4-Nov UTEP 126 12.5 76% 11-Nov at Charlotte 127 10.6 73% 18-Nov at Western Kentucky 51 -13.5 22% 25-Nov Old Dominion 93 3.3 58%
Projected S&P+ Rk 89 Proj. Off. / Def. Rk 40 / 128 Projected wins 6.3 Five-Year S&P+ Rk -6.2 (94) 2- and 5-Year Recruiting Rk 84 / 87 2016 TO Margin / Adj. TO Margin* -2 / 7.8 2016 TO Luck/Game -3.8 Returning Production (Off. / Def.) 70% (81%, 59%) 2016 Second-order wins (difference) 7.9 (0.1)
Turnover on the lines is an obvious concern. Shaky protection could wreck the Blue Raiders' offensive plans, and while the run defense can't get a lot worse, there's still room to fall if a green line can't find either depth or play-makers.
That said, Franklin's quick-passing attack is almost designed to account for issues up front, and the MTSU run defense really can't get much worse. And the upside and experience everywhere else on the two-deep is all sorts of tantalizing.
The schedule is set up in three acts.
Act I: Upset opportunities. The Blue Raiders begin with Vanderbilt and trips to Syracuse and Minnesota. S&P+ says there's a 61 percent chance they win at least one of these games.
Act II: The possible winning streak. From September 23 to November 11, MTSU has at least a 49 percent chance of winning in each game, and that's with the iffy defensive projections. There are plenty of landmines here, but an MTSU that exceeds its defensive projections could go 6-1 or 7-0 here.
Act III: Title time. If things are going as well as I think they could, the final two against Western Kentucky (away) and ODU (home) could decide the C-USA East.
If Shafer is able to find some traction on defense, which wouldn't be the most surprising thing, this could be the nine- or 10-win season that has eluded Stockstill for nearly a decade. There are just enough red flags, but I really like this team's potential.
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