forwantofacalling · 1 year
agreed with all the tags in that Miguel post, and i read this somewhere else, but it's so deeply ingrained into me that i also now need for Rio and Miguel to get into the biggest pettiest untranslated screaming match
!!! GOD i think that would be so nice
mostly because rio is going to kick his ass into next tuesday. someone's messing with HER little boy? fuck that. who cares if he's spiderman, she wouldnt take any of it.
it would be good for miguel too. to get his ass kicked. SOMEONE needs to pick his ideology apart and who better than a mother with the wrath of god in her.
ok funny words aside, id love to see him interact with a loving family, one that he was actively advocating for hurting (through inaction but like. irrelevant). i think it would do him good to meet the people miles is willing to risk so much to save. its been a long time since he last understood the feeling, i think. he has this sort of fuckd up notion that spiderpeople should be ready to bear any loss to protect the greater good. a kind of resignation, id call it. he would benefit from having something to protect again.
i think back alot to the first spiderverse movie, and the scene where all the spiderpeople are knocking miles around and berating him to keep getting up .i think about the emphasis that was put on that principle being the central piece of a spiderperson's ideology. no matter how many times thye're knocked down, they get back up. thats the most important part of being a spiderperson.
and then we follow into atsv where our primary antagonist is someone who has failed exactly that. an inverse of everything a spiderperson SHOULD be. someone who gave up. who lay down and took it. someone who says "yeah okay, being spiderman means you have suffer." no!! the whole spirit of spiderman, the whole reason they fight at all, the whole reason they exist, is to represent that desperate, stubborn hope that things dont have to be this bad. that uncle ben didn't have to die. not theirs, not anyone else's. thats why that line "we are all Spider-man" in itsv is so important. its not about who's 'supposed' to be spiderman. its about choosing to believe that your actions matter in making the world a little bit better. and miles made that choice already.
and thats why miguel is so very wrong!!! he gave up. he's accomodating for fate. not fighting it. not changing it. im thinking about rio's line, "our family doesn't run from things, miles".
yeah. anyway.
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