Is It Better To Rent Than Buy a Home Right Now?
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You may have seen reports in the news recently saying it’s more affordable to rent right now than it is to buy a home. And while that may be true in some markets if you just look at typical monthly payments, there’s one thing that the numbers aren’t factoring in: and that’s home equity. Here’s a look at how big of an impact equity can have and why it’s worth considering as you make your decision. What the Headlines Are Based on The graph below uses national data on the median rental payment from Realtor.com and median mortgage payment from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to compare the two options. As the graph shows, especially if you’re not looking for a lot of space, it can be more affordable on a monthly basis to rent:
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But if you’re looking for something with 2 bedrooms, the gap between the median rent and the median mortgage payment starts to shrink to a difference that may be more doable. The median monthly mortgage payment is $2,040. The median monthly rent for 2 bedrooms is $1,889. That’s a difference of about $151 a month. But here’s what happens when you factor in equity too. How Equity Changes the Game If you rent, your monthly rental payments only go toward covering your housing costs and your landlord’s expenses. So other than saving a bit more per month and maybe getting your rental deposit back when you move, the money you spent on housing each month is gone – forever. When you buy, your monthly mortgage payment pays for your shelter, but it also acts as an investment. That investment grows in the form of equity as you make your mortgage payment each month and chip away at what you owe on your home loan. Your equity gets an extra boost as home values climb – which they typically do. To give you a clearer idea of how equity can really stack up fast, here’s some data for you. Each quarter, Fannie Mae and Pulsenomics publish the results of the Home Price Expectations Survey (HPES). It asks more than 100 economists, real estate professionals, and investment and market strategists what they think will happen with home prices. In the latest release, those experts say home prices are going to keep going up over the next five years. Here's an example of how equity builds based on the projections from the HPES (see graph below):
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Imagine you purchased a home for $400,000 at the start of this year. Chances are, since you bought, you plan to stay put for a while. Based on the HPES projections, if you live there for 5 years, you could end up gaining over $83,000 in household wealth as your home grows in value. Here’s how that stacks up compared to renting, using the overall median rent from above:
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While you may save a bit on your monthly payments if you rent right now, you’ll also miss out on gaining equity. So, what’s the big takeaway? Whether it makes more sense to rent or buy is going to vary based on your personal finances. It’s not a good idea to buy if the numbers truly don’t work for you. But, if you’re ready and able, adding equity as the final puzzle piece may be enough to help you realize buying is a better move in the long run. Bottom Line When it comes down to it, buying a home gives you a benefit renting just can’t provide – and that’s the chance to gain equity. If you want to take advantage of long-term home price appreciation, let’s go over your options. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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Should I Move with Today’s Mortgage Rates?
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Should I Move with Today’s Mortgage Rates? When mortgage rates spiked up over the last few years, some homeowners put their plans to move on pause. Maybe you did too because you didn’t want to sell and take on a higher mortgage rate for your next home. But is that still the right strategy for you? In today’s market, data shows more homeowners are getting used to where rates are and thinking it may be time to move. As Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody’s Analytics, explains: “Listings are up a bit as life events and job changes are putting increasing pressure on locked-in homeowners to sell their homes. Homeowners may also be slowly coming to the realization that mortgage rates aren’t going back anywhere near the rate on their existing mortgage.” A recent study from Bank of America sheds light on some of the things homeowners say would make them sell, even with rates where they are right now (see visual below):
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What Would Motivate You To Move? Now that you know why other people would move, take a minute to think about what would make a move worth it for you. Is it time to take a chance and go for your dream job, even though it’s not local? Are you looking for a neighborhood that has more to offer and a close-knit sense of community? Maybe you just need more space, you’re looking for your next great adventure, or you want a house that opens up rental opportunities to pad your income. And here’s something else to consider. Mortgage rates are still expected to go down over the course of the year. And once that happens, there’s going to be a big rush of buyers jumping back into the market. While you could delay your plans until rates drop, you’ll only have more competition with those buyers if you do. So, does that mean it’s worth it to move now, even with rates where they are? The answer is: that it depends. You'll want to consider today’s mortgage rates, where they’re expected to go from here, and what would prompt you to want to make a change as you decide on your next steps. An expert can help with that. Bottom Line Other homeowners are getting used to rates and deciding to move. Let’s chat to go over what matters most to you and if it’s time for you to jump back into the market too. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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The Benefits of Downsizing When You Retire
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If you’re taking a look at your expenses as you retire, saving money where you can has a lot of appeal. One long-standing, popular way to do that is by downsizing to a smaller home. When you think about cutting down on your spending, odds are you think of frequent purchases, like groceries and other goods. But when you downsize your house, you often end up downsizing the bills that come with it, like your mortgage payment, energy costs, and maintenance requirements. Realtor.com shares: “A smaller home typically means lower bills and less upkeep. Then there’s the potential windfall that comes from selling your larger home and buying something smaller.” That windfall is thanks to your home equity. If you’ve been in your house for a while, odds are you’ve built up a considerable amount of equity. And that equity is something you can use to help you buy a home that better fits your needs today. Daniel Hunt, CFA at Morgan Stanley, explains: “Home equity can be a significant source of wealth for retirees, often representing a large portion of their net worth. . . . Retirement planning can be complex, but your home equity shouldn't be overlooked.” And when you’re ready to use that equity to fuel your next move, your real estate agent will be your guide through every step of the process. That includes setting the right price for your current house when you sell, finding the home that best fits your evolving needs, and understanding what you can afford at today’s mortgage rate. What This Means for You If you’re thinking about downsizing, ask yourself these questions: - Do the original reasons I bought my current house still stand, or have my needs changed since then? - Do I really need and want the space I have right now, or could somewhere smaller be a better fit? - What are my housing expenses right now, and how much do I want to try to save by downsizing? Then, meet with a real estate agent to get an answer to this one: What are my options in the market right now? A local real estate agent can walk you through how much equity you have in your house and how it positions you to win when you downsize. Bottom Line Want to save money in retirement? Consider downsizing – it could really help you out. When you’re ready, let’s connect about your goals in the housing market this year. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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Why Access Is So Important When Selling Your House
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Why Access Is So Important When Selling Your House If you’re gearing up to sell your house this spring, one of the early conversations you’ll have with your agent is about how much access you want to give buyers. And you may not realize just how important it is to make your house easy to tour. Spring is the peak homebuying season, so opening up your house to as many showings as possible can really help you capitalize on all the extra buyer activity we see at this time of year. Since buyer competition ramps up in the spring, buyers are going to want to move fast to see your house once they find your listing. And, if they see it and fall in love with it at a time they know they’re competing with other buyers, you may be more likely to get the offer you’re looking for on your home. Understandably, you want to keep the disruptions to your schedule to a minimum, and you may be stressed about having to keep it clean, but it’s worth it. As an article from Investopedia explains: “If someone wants to view your house, you need to accommodate them, even if it inconveniences you. Clean and tidy the house before every single visit. A buyer won’t know or care if your house was clean last week. It’s a lot of work, but stay focused on the prize.” To figure out what’s best for you, your agent will walk you through options like the ones below. This list breaks things down, starting with what’s most convenient for buyers and getting less buyer-focused as the list goes on: - Lockbox on the Door – A key is available via a lockbox, which makes it easy for agents to show the home to potential buyers. This gives the most flexibility because the key is on-site and convenient. - Providing a Key to the Home – An agent would have to stop by an office to pick up the key with this option. This is still pretty convenient for showings, but not quite as simple. - Open Access with a Phone Call – You allow a showing with just a phone call’s notice, which can be great for someone who sees your house while driving by. - By Appointment Only – This gives you a more advanced warning so you can get the house tidied up and be sure you have somewhere else you can go in the meantime. But it’s also a bit more restrictive. - Limited Access – You might go this route if you only want to have your house available on specific days or at certain times of day. But realize this is the most difficult and least flexible of the choices. As an article from U.S. News Real Estate says: “Buyers like to see homes on their schedule, which often means evenings and weekends. Plus, they want to be able to tour a home soon after they find it online, especially if they're competing with other buyers. If your home can be shown with little or no notice, more prospective buyers will see it. If you require 24 hours’ notice, they may choose to skip your home altogether.” Your agent is going to help you find the right path forward based on your schedule and what’s working for other sellers in your area. And if you’ve got a hardline on granting buyers more access or have interested out of town buyers that just can’t be there in person, your agent will get creative and help you explore other options like video tours, virtual showings, and more. Bottom Line When it comes to selling your house, you want to be sure to get as much buyer activity as you can. Let’s connect to talk about which level of access helps make that possible. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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Moving to a New City for a Fresh Start
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Entering a New Chapter: Moving to a New City for a Fresh Start
Moving to a new city can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. It's a chance to start fresh, pursue new opportunities, and potentially discover who you are in a way you never thought possible. However, when you are making the move after experiencing a personal low, navigating these challenges can feel daunting. Fortunately, with a little patience and determination, moving to a new city can be a transformative experience that helps you on the road to healing. Read on for some thoughts and tips from Realtor Brian Chandler to help make your move a little easier.
Making the Move
Oftentimes, moving to a new city is the perfect solution to restart your life. New surroundings and a new home can energize your senses and pave the path for personal and perhaps professional growth. Reach out to real estate expert Brian Chandler to find the right neighborhood for you and settle into your new area!
Pursue Your Passions by Earning an Online Degree
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One of the most effective ways to bounce back after a personal low is to turn your focus toward your passions. By taking the time to reflect on what brings you joy and fulfillment, you can open up doors to new career paths or hobbies that you'll truly enjoy. For example, if IT and computer systems has always been a passion of yours, enrolling in online education courses could help you earn the necessary qualifications to pursue a career in this field. Not only will this give you a sense of purpose, but it can also help you build new relationships and connections with others who share your interests. In addition to developing your knowledge in areas like networking, scripting and programming, taking online courses allow you to pursue a degree while working or managing other responsibilities.
Take Your Time Adjusting
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Moving to a new city, especially after a personal low, can feel incredibly isolating. Remember, learning to adjust to your new environment is a process that takes time. It's normal to feel discomfort, anxiety, or a sense of loneliness initially. However, as long as you are patient and persistent, the rewards can be worthwhile. Take time to seek out social activities, or join a group that promotes a common interest. BetterUp notes that the more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the quicker you will begin to adjust to your new surroundings.
Use Technology to Get and Stay Connected
Living in the digital age comes with numerous benefits, one of which is technology that can help you stay connected and learn about your new city. Join online forums to find out about local events, or get involved with social media groups that focus on the area you have moved to. There are also numerous platforms that help new citizens acclimate to new environments. These range from personal training apps to transportation and restaurant booking services that can help ease your transition. By staying connected to your new community online, you can remain engaged and informed.
Focus on Positivity
When dealing with personal challenges, it can be easy to fall into a spiral of negativity. However, when you are moving to a new city, it's important to focus on positivity. Instead of dwelling on the negative experiences that contributed to your move, shift your perspective to focus on the new opportunities before you. Remember, every time we are faced with a challenge, we have a chance for growth and personal development. By keeping a positive attitude, you can shape your experiences and potentially make new lifelong connections.
Find Ways to Get Involved in Your New Community
One of the best ways to feel connected and engaged in your new community is by getting involved in different ways. This can include participating in local events or volunteering with a local charity. Happiness.com points out that giving back can have positive impacts on both your mental well-being and the community as a whole.
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You might also consider joining a local club or group that aligns with your personal interests. By getting involved and meeting new people, you can create new personal relationships that help you develop a sense of belonging and fulfillment. Navigating the challenges of moving to a new city after experiencing a personal low can be tough, but with persistence, patience, and positivity, it can become an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By focusing on your passions (and possibly pursuing a degree), giving yourself time to adjust, using technology to stay connected and learn about your new city, and more, you can make your new home a place of healing, hope, and happiness. Take it one day at a time, be kind to yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out when you need support. Your new chapter is waiting, and you are more than capable of embracing it. Find out why Brian Chandler has been ranked in the Top 5% of Realtors in the US. Team up with Brian today by calling 720-808-1007! Re-establishing your life and career in a new area takes time. But when you have a proactive plan for your move, you’ll find it easier to manage a smooth business relocation, help your kids feel at a home, and build your new network. With these tips, you’ll be ready to embrace this new chapter of your life. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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Moving to a New City for a Fresh Start
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Entering a New Chapter: Moving to a New City for a Fresh Start
Moving to a new city can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. It's a chance to start fresh, pursue new opportunities, and potentially discover who you are in a way you never thought possible. However, when you are making the move after experiencing a personal low, navigating these challenges can feel daunting. Fortunately, with a little patience and determination, moving to a new city can be a transformative experience that helps you on the road to healing. Read on for some thoughts and tips from Realtor Brian Chandler to help make your move a little easier.
Making the Move
Oftentimes, moving to a new city is the perfect solution to restart your life. New surroundings and a new home can energize your senses and pave the path for personal and perhaps professional growth. Reach out to real estate expert Brian Chandler to find the right neighborhood for you and settle into your new area!
Pursue Your Passions by Earning an Online Degree
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One of the most effective ways to bounce back after a personal low is to turn your focus toward your passions. By taking the time to reflect on what brings you joy and fulfillment, you can open up doors to new career paths or hobbies that you'll truly enjoy. For example, if IT and computer systems has always been a passion of yours, enrolling in online education courses could help you earn the necessary qualifications to pursue a career in this field. Not only will this give you a sense of purpose, but it can also help you build new relationships and connections with others who share your interests. In addition to developing your knowledge in areas like networking, scripting and programming, taking online courses allow you to pursue a degree while working or managing other responsibilities.
Take Your Time Adjusting
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Moving to a new city, especially after a personal low, can feel incredibly isolating. Remember, learning to adjust to your new environment is a process that takes time. It's normal to feel discomfort, anxiety, or a sense of loneliness initially. However, as long as you are patient and persistent, the rewards can be worthwhile. Take time to seek out social activities, or join a group that promotes a common interest. BetterUp notes that the more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the quicker you will begin to adjust to your new surroundings.
Use Technology to Get and Stay Connected
Living in the digital age comes with numerous benefits, one of which is technology that can help you stay connected and learn about your new city. Join online forums to find out about local events, or get involved with social media groups that focus on the area you have moved to. There are also numerous platforms that help new citizens acclimate to new environments. These range from personal training apps to transportation and restaurant booking services that can help ease your transition. By staying connected to your new community online, you can remain engaged and informed.
Focus on Positivity
When dealing with personal challenges, it can be easy to fall into a spiral of negativity. However, when you are moving to a new city, it's important to focus on positivity. Instead of dwelling on the negative experiences that contributed to your move, shift your perspective to focus on the new opportunities before you. Remember, every time we are faced with a challenge, we have a chance for growth and personal development. By keeping a positive attitude, you can shape your experiences and potentially make new lifelong connections.
Find Ways to Get Involved in Your New Community
One of the best ways to feel connected and engaged in your new community is by getting involved in different ways. This can include participating in local events or volunteering with a local charity. Happiness.com points out that giving back can have positive impacts on both your mental well-being and the community as a whole.
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You might also consider joining a local club or group that aligns with your personal interests. By getting involved and meeting new people, you can create new personal relationships that help you develop a sense of belonging and fulfillment. Navigating the challenges of moving to a new city after experiencing a personal low can be tough, but with persistence, patience, and positivity, it can become an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By focusing on your passions (and possibly pursuing a degree), giving yourself time to adjust, using technology to stay connected and learn about your new city, and more, you can make your new home a place of healing, hope, and happiness. Take it one day at a time, be kind to yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out when you need support. Your new chapter is waiting, and you are more than capable of embracing it. Find out why Brian Chandler has been ranked in the Top 5% of Realtors in the US. Team up with Brian today by calling 720-808-1007! Re-establishing your life and career in a new area takes time. But when you have a proactive plan for your move, you’ll find it easier to manage a smooth business relocation, help your kids feel at a home, and build your new network. With these tips, you’ll be ready to embrace this new chapter of your life. For more great content, be sure to check out the Brian Chandler blog.
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Aging in Place: Key Features to Look for When Choosing Your Forever Home
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As we approach our golden years, the concept of aging in place becomes increasingly important. The desire to spend your retirement in a comfortable and familiar environment is shared by many. However, to make this dream a reality, finding the right home is crucial. This article shared by Realtor Brian Chandler will guide aging homebuyers on the key features to look for when searching for the best place to spend their golden years and age in place.
Single-Story Living
One of the most significant considerations for aging homeowners is the layout of their homes. Opting for a single-story residence offers several advantages. First and foremost, it eliminates the need to navigate stairs regularly, reducing the risk of falls and mobility challenges. Single-level living spaces are more convenient and accessible for seniors, making daily activities more manageable and less physically demanding.
Need Peace of Mind? Consider a Home Warranty
Investing in a home warranty can provide aging homeowners with peace of mind. These warranties typically cover essential systems and appliances, including heating, cooling, electrical, plumbing, and kitchen appliances. As these components age, they become more prone to breakdowns, which can be expensive to repair or replace. A home warranty ensures financial security and helps homeowners avoid unexpected repair costs.
Tackle Small Problems on Your Own
Need to test the air quality of your home? Not sure how to clean out a vacuum cleaner? Before you rely on someone else to help you with this problem, use online resources like Safe Smart Home. These websites provide all sorts of common household tips and tricks that can save you a lot of time and money. So, before you hire someone to unclog your vacuum, look for an article that explains how you can tackle this task on your own.
Low Maintenance Exteriors
Low-maintenance exteriors are a must for aging homeowners. Consider materials and landscaping choices that require minimal upkeep. This not only reduces physical strain but also lowers maintenance costs, allowing you to enjoy your retirement without the burden of constant home maintenance. Opt for durable siding, easy-care gardens, and minimalistic landscaping designs.
Wheelchair Ramps for Accessibility
Even if you or your loved ones do not currently require a wheelchair, having wheelchair ramps installed in your home is a smart investment. Ramps significantly enhance accessibility for seniors and those with mobility challenges, such as walkers or canes. Various ramp options are available, including permanent installations and portable ramps, ensuring you can choose the most suitable solution for your home.
Invest in an Accessible Bathroom
Bathrooms are a critical area where accessibility features are needed. Installing grab bars in strategic locations can greatly enhance safety. Additionally, consider walk-in showers with non-slip flooring and other accessibility features to make bathing and toileting easier and safer.
Wider Doorways: Easier Navigation
Wider doorways are an often-overlooked feature that can greatly improve the quality of life for aging homeowners. They accommodate mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers, making it easier to move around the home independently. If your chosen home does not have wider doorways, consult with contractors about the feasibility of widening them to suit your needs.
Ample Lighting: Brighten Your Golden Years
Adequate lighting is essential for aging in place safely. Good lighting improves visibility and reduces the risk of accidents. Consider installing task lighting in work areas like the kitchen and bathroom and use motion-sensor lights to provide additional illumination in hallways and stairwells. Well-lit spaces create a brighter and safer environment for your golden years.
Choose a Home Near Old Friends
Choosing a home in retirement offers a golden opportunity to rekindle past connections and rejuvenate old friendships. Settling near old friends can be an invaluable decision, particularly if one has a desire to reconnect and relive shared memories. The familiarity of faces, the recollections of bygone days, and the joy of shared experiences can greatly enrich one's golden years, providing not just companionship, but a deep sense of belonging and community. Beyond geographical decisions, the digital age also offers incredible tools for reconnection. Alumni websites, for instance, serve as wonderful platforms to search and reconnect with schoolmates from decades ago. Simply by searching by high school or graduation year, one can reignite friendships that might have faded over time, bridging the past with the present and bringing a heartwarming continuity to one’s life journey. Aging in place is a goal many of us aspire to achieve. To ensure a safe and comfortable retirement, it's crucial to prioritize specific features when choosing your forever home. Consider opting for a single-story layout, investing in a home warranty, selecting age-friendly products, and more. By carefully considering these features, you can create a home that truly supports your golden years, allowing you to age gracefully and independently while enjoying the comfort of familiar surroundings. Ready to find your new forever home? If so, get in touch with Realtor Brian Chandler today by calling 720-808-1007. Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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Are Higher Mortgage Rates Here To Stay?
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Are Higher Mortgage Rates Here To Stay?
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Mortgage rates have been back on the rise recently and that’s getting a lot of attention from the press. If you’ve been following the headlines, you may have even seen rates recently reached their highest level in over two decades (see graph below):
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That can feel like a little bit of a gut punch if you’re thinking about making a move. If you’re wondering whether or not you should delay your plans, here’s what you really need to know. How Higher Mortgage Rates Impact You  There’s no denying mortgage rates are higher right now than they were in recent years. And, when rates are up, that affects overall home affordability. It works like this. The higher the rate, the more expensive it is to borrow money when you buy a home. That’s because, as rates trend up, your monthly mortgage payment for your future home loan also increases. Urban Institute explains how this is impacting buyers and sellers right now: “When mortgage rates go up, monthly housing payments on new purchases also increase. For potential buyers, increased monthly payments can reduce the share of available affordable homes . . . Additionally, higher interest rates mean fewer homes on the market, as existing homeowners have an incentive to hold on to their home to keep their low interest rate.” Basically, some people are deciding to put their plans on hold because of where mortgage rates are right now. But what you want to know is: is that a good strategy? Where Will Mortgage Rates Go from Here? If you’re eager for mortgage rates to drop, you’re not alone. A lot of people are waiting for that to happen. But here’s the thing. No one knows when it will. Even the experts can’t say with certainty what’s going to happen next. Forecasts project rates will fall in the months ahead, but what the latest data says is that rates have been climbing lately. This disconnect shows just how tricky mortgage rates are to project. The best advice for your move is this: don’t try to control what you can’t control. This includes trying to time the market or guess what the future holds for mortgage rates. As CBS News states: “If you're in the market for a new home, experts typically recommend focusing your search on the right home purchase — not the interest rate environment.” Instead, work on building a team of skilled professionals, including a trusted lender and real estate agent, who can explain what’s happening in the market and what it means for you. If you need to move because you’re changing jobs, want to be closer to family, or are in the middle of another big life change, the right team can help you achieve your goal, even now. Bottom Line The best advice for your move is: don’t try to control what you can’t control – especially mortgage rates. Even the experts can’t say for certain where they’ll go from here. Instead, focus on building a team of trusted professionals who can keep you informed. When you’re ready to get the process started, let’s connect. "If you are thinking about buying a home in today's market, it is important to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can help you navigate the challenges and find the right home for you. I would be happy to help you find your dream home. Please contact me today to learn more." Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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Key Skills Your Real Estate Agent Must Have To Sell Your Home
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Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have
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Selling your house is a big decision. And that can make it feel both exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. But the key to a successful sale is finding the perfect listing agent to work with you throughout the process. A listing agent, also known as a seller's agent, helps market and sell your house while advocating for you every step of the way. But, how do you know you've found the perfect match in an agent? Here are three key skills you’ll want your listing agent to have.
They Price Your House Based on the Latest Data
While it may be tempting to pick the agent who suggests the highest asking price for your house, that strategy may cost you. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement when you see a bigger number, but overpricing your house can have consequences. It could mean it’ll sit on the market longer because the higher price is actually deterring buyers. Instead, you want to pick an agent who’s going to have an open conversation about how they think you should price your house and why. A great agent will base their pricing strategy on solid data. They won't throw out a number just to win your listing. Instead, they'll show you the facts, explain their pricing strategy, and make sure you're on the same page. As NerdWallet explains: “An agent who recommends the highest price isn't always the best choice. Choose an agent who backs up the recommendation with market knowledge.”
They’re a Great Negotiator
The home-selling process can be emotional, especially if you’ve been in your house for a long time. You’re connected to it and have a lot of memories there. This can make the negotiation process harder. That’s where a trusted professional comes in. A skilled listing agent will be calm under pressure and will be your point-person in all of those conversations. Their experience in handling the back-and-forth gives you with the peace of mind that you've got someone on your side who’s got your best interests in mind throughout this journey.
They’re a Skilled Problem Solver
At the heart of it all, a listing agent's main priority is to get your house sold. A great agent never loses sight of that goal and will help you prioritize your needs above all else. If they identify any necessary steps you need to take, they’ll be open with you about it. Their commitment to your success means they'll work with you to address any potential roadblocks and find creative solutions to anything that pops up along the way. BankRate explains it like this: “Just as important as the knowledge and experience agents bring is their ability to guide you smoothly through the process. Above all, go with an agent you trust and will feel comfortable with. . .” Bottom Line Whether you're a first-time seller or you’ve been through selling a house before, a great listing agent is the key to success. Let’s connect so you have a skilled local expert by your side to guide you through every step of the process. In conclusion, buying or selling a property can be a complex and confusing process, and it's natural for buyers and sellers to have a lot of questions. As a real estate agent, I'm happy to answer any questions my clients may have, and I'm committed to providing them with the guidance and support they need to help them make good decisions. Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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The Timbers In The Pinery On My Typical Morning Walk
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Home Prices Are Not Falling | Find Out Why
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Home Prices Are Not Falling
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During the fourth quarter of last year, some housing experts projected home prices were going to crash in 2023. The media ran with those forecasts and put out headlines calling for doom and gloom in the housing market. All of this negative news coverage made a lot of people have doubts about the strength of the residential real estate market. If it made you question if you should delay your own plans to move, here’s what you really need to know. Home Prices Never Crashed Disregard what you saw in the headlines. The actual data shows home prices were remarkably resilient and performed far better than the media would have you believe (see graph below):
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This graph uses reports from three trusted sources to clearly illustrate prices have already rebounded after experiencing only slight declines nationally. That’s a far cry from the crash so many articles called for. The declines that did happen (shown in red), weren’t drastic but were short-lived. As Nicole Friedman, a reporter at the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), says: “Home prices aren’t falling anymore. . . The surprisingly quick recovery suggests that the residential real-estate downturn is turning out to be shorter and shallower than many housing economists expected . . .” Even though some media coverage made a big deal about home prices pulling back, the slight correction that happened is already in the rearview mirror. Basically, this data shows you home prices aren’t falling anymore – they’re actually going back up. What’s Next for Home Prices? The consensus from experts is that home price growth will continue in the years ahead and is returning to normal levels for the market. That means we’ll still see home prices appreciating, just at a slower pace than the last few years – and that’s a good thing. Some news sources will see home price growth slowing and put out stories that make you think prices are falling again. The return of misleading headlines like those is already having an impact on how homebuyers are feeling again. You can see how this affects general opinion in the Consumer Confidence Survey from Fannie Mae (see graph below):
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While the percentage of Americans who think prices will fall has been slowly declining this year, the latest Consumer Confidence data indicates that’s ticked back up recently (shown in red). This change is surprising especially since the home price data shows prices are going up, not down. It tells you the impact the media still has on public opinion. Don’t fall for the negative headlines and become part of this statistic. Remember, data from a number of sources shows home prices aren’t falling anymore. Bottom Line Even though the media may make things sound doom and gloom, the data shows home prices aren’t falling anymore. So, don’t let the headlines scare you or delay your plans. Let's connect so you have a trusted resource to cut through the noise and tell you what’s really happening in our area.  
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While the real estate market can be unpredictable, understanding potential factors that could contribute to a decrease in home values can help homeowners make informed decisions. Economic factors, housing market trends, shifts in demographics, changes in government policies, and infrastructure developments are just a few elements that may impact property values in 2023. As a homeowner, staying informed about market conditions, working closely with a knowledgeable realtor, and making strategic choices can help mitigate any potential decrease in your home's value. Remember, the real estate market is cyclical, and while your home's value may dip in the short term, it may rebound in the future as market conditions change. As an expert realtor, I am committed to helping you navigate the ever-changing real estate market, home values with mortgage rates and ensuring that you have the most accurate information about the value of your home. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your time in reading my blog post, and I look forward to speaking with you soon. Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer, with over 45 years of experience, located in the Denver Metro Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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If you want to have morning Walks Like This, you need to move to the Timbers. #TheTimbers #ThePinery #ParkerColorado #BrianChandler
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Downsizing Your Home For Seniors ? Smart Tips To Consider
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  Senior Downsizing Guide: Tips to Simplify Your Life and Enjoy Your Golden Years
As people grow older, they tend to gather more possessions and memories. For many seniors, downsizing can be a difficult task as it involves deciding which items to keep and what to let go of, especially sentimental ones. However, with the right approach and guidance, it can turn into a fulfilling experience that simplifies life by clearing up space and reducing clutter. This blog post from Brian Chandler provides valuable tips and insights to help seniors navigate through this process.
Get Family Assistance
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The first step in downsizing is to enlist the help of loved ones. Downsizing can be exhausting both physically and emotionally, so having someone there to lend support and encouragement can make a big difference. They can also help with heavy lifting and decision-making and even provide moral support during the process.
Begin Early to Limit Stress When Downsizing
Starting early is key to reducing stress when downsizing. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time to sort through everything. Downsizing is not a task that can be completed in one day, so it’s important to set realistic expectations and pace yourself. Starting early also allows you to take breaks when needed and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Create a Plan to Downsize
Making a downsizing plan is essential to know where to start. This plan should include a timeline and a list of all the tasks that need to be completed. Having a plan in place can help you stay organized and focused on the end goal. Break down the process into smaller tasks and tackle them one by one to make the entire process more manageable.
Convert Essential Papers Into Digital Files When Downsizing
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Digitizing important documents into PDFs can help you save space and reduce stress; click here for more info on how to merge files. Not only will this make it easier to keep track of all your important paperwork, but it will also make it easier to access them when needed. This is especially important for seniors who may need to access important documents, like medical records or insurance policies, regularly.
Sort Items Into ‘Keep, Sell, and Discard’ Piles
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When downsizing, it’s important to decide what to keep, sell, and discard. Start by making a list of all the items you want to keep and then decide what to do with the rest. Selling items that are still in good condition can bring in some extra cash, while donating items to charity can also be a great option. Remember to be mindful of sentimental items and consider passing them down to family or friends.
Let Go of Your Old Home When Downsizing
Deciding on what to do with your old home can be tough. Selling, renting, or giving it to family are common choices. It is crucial to let go of the emotional attachment to the old home and instead focus on finding the right home to age in place. Look for features that make the new home comfortable and safe, such as single-level living, wider doorways, and grab bars in the bathroom. By doing so, transitioning to a new home can be a positive experience. Although downsizing is not an easy feat for seniors, it can be tackled with some smart strategies. It's important to take breaks during the process and give yourself enough time to adapt to your new environment. With determination and patience, downsizing can be a satisfying and triumphant undertaking. Brian Chandler is here to help you find that home you’ve been looking for. Call 720-808-1007.
Final Thoughts
Downsizing your home can be a great way to simplify your life, reduce your expenses, and free up time and energy for new experiences. By assessing your possessions, finding the right-sized home, and making the most. Watch the 7 video series on downsizing on YouTube. Click on the video below. Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 What is it like Living In Parker Colorado? Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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Upsizing? 6 Tips For You As You Grow Your Business
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Tips for Upsizing as You Grow Your Business
Is upsizing the missing link? Working from home and running your own business has some obvious perks, such as zero commute, being in charge of your schedule, and being able to spend more time with your loved ones. But it also has some drawbacks, as you can get easily distracted and sidetracked, especially when you’re sharing the space with family members and pets. So when you think it’s time to upsize, follow these tips from Brian Chandler to help your business thrive. 
Find the Perfect Location
If you’re thinking of upsizing to  a bigger home to accommodate your growing business, don’t forget to consider the kind of neighborhood you want to move into. Do you rely on foot traffic to bring in customers, or are you a B2B operation with little or no visitors coming into your office? Do you need supplies or large equipment delivered on a regular basis? How much noise does your business generate, and could it potentially inconvenience your new neighbors? All this needs to be taken into account when deciding on where to set up shop. And don’t forget the needs of your family as well: if you have school-aged children at home, find out in what school district the area you’re considering moving into is, and get advice and recommendations to see if it would be a good fit for them.    
Buy A New Home For Upsizing
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If you’ve been renting an apartment or house and you’re planning on buying your first home, consider how much space you’ll need to accommodate  your small business. Will an extra bedroom be enough, or will all your equipment and supplies require you to set up shop in the attic, basement, or garage? If so, are you planning on spending time remodeling a space? Will you be able to finance renovations? Working with an experienced real estate agent will help you find the perfect property not only by upsizing for your business but for your family as well. After evaluating your budget, get pre-approved for a home loan and contact your realtor to start looking at properties that match your criteria.  Then, you can really start looking for properties. Depending on your budget and your timelines, you can consider fixer uppers in your area. They can be substantially cheaper than moving into a ready home. But be wary of “as is” properties unless you have time and money to invest before moving.
Use a Home Management App
Once you’ve found and settled in your new home, look into a home management app to help you stay organized – especially if you have some repairs ahead of you! A home management app can provide you with a wealth of resources to help you with projects, from professional advice to how-to videos, and even video chats with experts; take a look and you’ll be amazed at what it can do!
Structure Your Business as an LLC
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After upsizing to your new home and as your business grows, you’ll need to set yourself up as a real entity instead of running a sole proprietorship or partnership. Structuring your business as a limited liability company isn’t just about enjoying pass-through taxation and personal asset protection. It will also help establish yourself as a real professional and inspire greater confidence in your clients and prospects. So start an LLC to take advantage of these benefits. You can file the paperwork yourself or work with a formation service that will take care of things for you. So pick a unique name for your business, and check the rules and regulations in the state you live in before filing the required paperwork to establish your LLC. And if you need help but don’t want to spend money on a lawyer, consider using an online formation service to get your LLC started.  
Sharpen Your Business Skills
Now that you have enough space for growth, consider getting a degree in accounting, business communication, or management. This will give you the tools you need to hire people, organize teams, delegate tasks, make financial projections, and optimize your processes to increase your sales and revenue. Check out online classes for getting a Bachelor’s business degree and see if this is a good direction for you as an entrepreneur as you strive to take your company to the next level.
Find the Perfect Home By Upsizing For Your Changing Needs
Moving into a bigger home can help you grow your business while keeping you more focused and productive. So pick the right location and a floor plan that will work for you and your family. If your home needs some work, invest in a home management app to help you stay organized and get the job done right. And don’t forget to invest in yourself as well by going back to school to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills!  Brian Chandler is here to help you find your dream home. Call (720) 808-1007.
  When you’re ready to purchase a Colorado home, make an appointment with experienced realtor Brian Chandler. Would you like a real estate agent to review your home's needs?  Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer, with over 45 years of experience, located in the Denver Metro Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 What is it like Living In Parker Colorado? Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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Parker Colorado Real Estate Market Update - Get The Latest
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The Housing Market's 'Inventory Crunch': What Homebuyers and Sellers Need to Know
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A Comprehensive Analysis of the Housing Market's "Inventory Crunch"
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As we reflect on the recent summer home shopping season, it becomes apparent that something unusual was afoot. The primary culprit behind this unusual calmness in the real estate sector can be attributed to the meteoric rise in mortgage rates, a situation that reached its zenith in mid-August, with rates currently maintaining their highest level in two decades. This unexpected turn of events has thrown both homebuyers and sellers into a state of inertia, giving rise to what economists are now terming an "inventory crunch," as outlined in a recent Realtor.com® report. During August, the number of homes available for sale witnessed a staggering 7.9% decline compared to the same period in the previous year. This decline becomes even more striking when we juxtapose it with the pre-pandemic period of 2017–19, which boasted nearly double the number of homes available for sale in comparison to our present circumstances.
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Remarkably, this dwindling inventory is impacting both sides of the real estate bargaining table. For prospective homebuyers, the ascent of mortgage rates has pushed monthly housing costs beyond the reach of many, rendering the dream of homeownership increasingly elusive. On the flip side, homeowners with existing mortgages at significantly lower rates are understandably reluctant to relinquish their favorable terms. Realtor.com® Chief Economist Danielle Hale eloquently summarizes this dilemma, stating, "This differential has led a lot of homeowners to choose to stay in their homes instead of selling and moving, and is a key contributor to low housing inventory."
How do mortgage rates affect inventory?
Interestingly, the effect of rising mortgage rates on inventory isn't straightforward. As Hale points out, "The number of homes available for sale had climbed in late 2022 and early 2023 as mortgage rates climbed." However, this upward trend eventually encountered a threshold and has recently "lost momentum." Given the Federal Reserve's indication of potential benchmark interest rate increases before year-end, concerns linger regarding the possibility of further mortgage rate hikes.
Will home prices cool off come this fall?
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So, will home prices experience a cool-down in the fall? The housing shortage persists despite a slight cooling of median home prices from July's $440,000 to $435,000 in August, although they still register a 0.7% increase compared to the previous year. However, the odds are that prices will remain inflated until a more substantial inventory increase rectifies the supply-demand imbalance. As Hale explains, "Listing prices have been buoyed by scarce inventory." To mitigate the dearth of existing home sales, some buyers have shifted their attention toward new construction. Nevertheless, Hale rightly points out, "While new-home sales have been increasing, construction activity isn't elevated enough to fully bridge the low inventory gap."
An ‘uptick’ in new listingson the market
Amid this relatively gloomy scenario, there is a glimmer of hope. Seller activity, though limited, shows signs of life. From July to August, there was a modest uptick of 3.5% in the number of newly listed homes. As Hale observes, this late-summer increase in newly listed homes is somewhat unusual from a seasonal perspective. While inventory remains constrained, the "unusual uptick in newly listed homes" in August holds promise of a resurgence in seller activity as we head into the fall season—an optimal time for homebuyers. However, many homeowners opting to sell their properties do not appear inclined to offer substantial concessions to buyers. Clint LaCour, an agent and principal at LaCour Properties in New Orleans, sheds light on this perspective, noting, "Sellers believe that low inventory suggests they can command higher prices. However, with interest rates at their highest level in many years, buyers are adopting a cautious stance and will only proceed with a purchase if the property is reasonably priced."
Where are the number of listings growing?
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Despite the prevailing listing drought in most metropolitan areas, several Southern cities are experiencing a notable surge in listings compared to the previous year. Cities such as Memphis, TN (+30.7%), New Orleans (+29.2%), and San Antonio, TX (+18.4%) have witnessed a robust uptick in available listings. Meanwhile, the pace of sales continues to slow down. Nationally, typical homes spent 46 days on the market in August, which marks an increase of five days compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, this duration remains shorter than pre-pandemic levels. LaCour notes that buyers are becoming more discerning, taking their time in the selection process. As he aptly puts it, "Houses priced correctly are selling. Properties that linger on the market are typically overpriced, present condition issues, or are located unfavorably—or sometimes, a combination of all three." As we approach the autumn season, it appears unlikely that a sudden inventory surge is on the horizon. Danielle Hale aptly summarizes the situation, stating, "With many existing-home sellers opting to stay put due to the continued rise in mortgage rates, I foresee this dynamic remaining unchanged in the coming months." Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer, with over 45 years of experience, located in the Denver Metro Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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How Can a Moving Checklist Help You Prepare for Your Move?
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Congratulations on successfully acquiring a new home. The process of finding a suitable residence can be quite demanding, not to mention the challenges of packing for the impending move. However, there exist strategies to economize on your moving expenses, along with proven recommendations for managing the transition to your new location.
Discover a Moving Company
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How Can a Moving Checklist Facilitate Your Relocation Preparation? While it might seem that the majority of your preparations were centered around the logistics of the move, the journey isn't concluded just yet. Regardless of whether you have meticulously evaluated various moving companies, opted for a cost-effective moving service, or identified the top-rated long-distance moving enterprises through online research, the process can still feel overwhelming, particularly when coupled with the challenges of adjusting to a new residence. For those relocating within the local vicinity, these concerns might be less pronounced. Utilize this comprehensive guide to ensure your readiness for both the relocation process and the subsequent transition into your new living space.
Essential Steps Prior to Moving
It's important to acknowledge that the process of moving can be considerably daunting, especially if you haven't adequately prepared. Ensuring that you've checked off all the necessary pre-moving essentials well in advance can significantly streamline the experience.
Gathering Necessary Supplies
Upon finalizing your new residence, the initial step in the moving process is to gather the appropriate supplies. Securing essential moving materials a few months ahead of time ensures that you're fully equipped to efficiently pack your belongings in boxes and be well-prepared for moving day. From larger necessities like moving boxes, packing tape, and bubble wrap, to smaller essentials such as box cutters, permanent markers, and scissors, it's imperative to assemble the requisite moving supplies to simplify the process.
Transferring Utility Services
Much like your belongings, your utility services should also be seamlessly transferred to your new address. The transition of utilities necessitates careful planning, involving communication with each utility company to inform them about your impending move and your intentions to transfer or discontinue their services. While the core utilities encompass electricity, gas, water, and phone services, don't overlook the necessity of addressing internet connectivity, television services, waste disposal, and other monthly services associated with your location.
Creating an Inventory and Commencing Packing
Initiating the packing phase by creating an inventory of items to be transported to your new dwelling, those to be donated, and those to be discarded, is a recommended approach. An inventory not only helps avoid unnecessary duplication of items but also identifies any additional essentials required. Once this organization is in place, the actual packing process should proceed smoothly.
Essential Tasks upon Moving into Your New Home
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Moving into a new residence involves more than merely unpacking boxes. In addition to the task of unpacking, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the new environment, understand its functioning, and prioritize tasks for an efficient start. Here are nine key considerations for your transition: Conduct a Comprehensive Walkthrough If feasible, taking a tour of your new home while it's vacant can provide valuable insights before moving in. This approach allows you to envision how your belongings will be arranged without the influence of existing furniture. Additionally, it's an opportunity to validate the terms of the sale, address any pending repairs, confirm the status of included appliances, assess the functionality of outlets and fixtures, among other things. Promptly reporting any issues ensures a smoother resolution process. For long-distance moves where in-person visits might be impractical, virtual walkthroughs with a realtor or the use of 3D scans for remote tours can offer alternative perspectives and accurate measurements. Safeguarding Children and Pets When moving with young children or pets, ensuring their safety in the new environment necessitates extra precautions. In addition to conventional safety measures like securing outlets and addressing sharp edges, be attentive to potential hazards specific to the moving process. Ensuring that sharp tools like scissors and box cutters are inaccessible and segregating boxes containing hazardous substances (such as cleaning supplies and fragile glass) from play areas are among the important safety steps. Develop an Unpacking Strategy Although the urge to begin unpacking immediately might be strong, a systematic approach is more effective than random unpacking. While labeling boxes prior to the move is crucial, planning the sequence of unpacking upon arrival is equally important. You'll likely require kitchen items sooner than items for the living room, unless you're content with takeout and prioritize setting up your TV. Strategize what needs immediate unpacking and follow that priority order. Organize Utilities and Connectivity Undoubtedly, you'd prefer not to experience your first night in darkness in your new home. Hence, ensure that your utilities (electricity, heating, gas, and water) are prepared for your arrival date. Also, account for essentials like Wi-Fi, telephone connections, and cable services. While some companies facilitate the transfer of services from one location to another, others might require the termination of services at the existing location before establishing new ones at the new address. Since setting up these services might involve appointments, plan ahead to ensure timely installations. - Identify Vital Components As the adage goes, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Familiarize yourself with critical components in your new residence to ensure you're well-prepared. Identify the circuit breaker, fuse box, and water valve locations. Verify the proper functioning of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Establish escape routes for your family in the event of a fire. If your new location is prone to natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes, formulate an emergency action plan and identify suitable shelters. - Establish a Security Framework Prioritizing safety in your new home is paramount. While this concept varies from person to person, taking steps such as changing locks to limit access for previous residents, installing motion detectors or security cameras, implementing smart doorbell technology, or even installing a comprehensive home security system are essential considerations. Moreover, modern tools can help you gauge the safety of your neighborhood and guide your decisions regarding security measures. - Thoroughly Clean the Space When your home is entirely empty, it presents a prime opportunity for comprehensive deep cleaning. Address every nook and cranny, every windowsill, and every floorboard. If time permits between the closing of the deal and the influx of moving boxes, seize the opportunity to give your home a thorough scrub-down. - Update Your Address If you haven't already completed this step during your moving preparations, be sure to update your address across all your communications. Arrange for mail forwarding and update your credit card billing address. This extends beyond credit card companies to encompass services and retailers where your information is stored. Notify significant entities such as your bank and insurance provider. Plan a visit to the DMV and inform friends and family of your new address. - Familiarize Yourself with the Neighborhood Welcome to your new community! Amid the unpacking process, consider taking a walk or drive around your new neighborhood. Familiarize yourself with nearby stores, community centers, and points of interest that will soon become your preferred destinations. Numerous social platforms cater to neighborhood-specific interactions—joining these can provide insights into local events and activities. Building connections with neighbors is a valuable practice that contributes to making your new house feel like home.
Post-Moving Essentials
While the prospect of settling into your new residence is exhilarating, it can also be overwhelming, especially amidst the sea of moving boxes. To ease this transition, consider creating a moving essentials kit that encompasses items necessary for move-in day. This might involve cleaning supplies, fresh bedding, a toolkit, and more. Additionally, post-moving tasks include:
Formulating an Emergency Response Plan
An emergency response plan is a vital document outlining the sequence of actions you and your loved ones will take during critical events. Upon moving into your new dwelling, conduct research to acquire contact details for the nearest hospital, fire station, police station, and other essential facilities. Include this information in your emergency response plan.
Scheduling Maintenance Work
Upon moving into your new residence, you might identify maintenance needs that require immediate attention to ensure optimal living conditions. Whether it's repainting rooms, addressing HVAC repairs, enhancing landscaping, or other tasks, scheduling these maintenance activities soon after moving in is advisable. This proactive approach accelerates the settling-in process, allowing you to enjoy your new home sooner.
Changing Locks for Enhanced Security
Upon moving into a brand-new home, it's prudent to change the locks to bolster security. There's a possibility that previous occupants retain copies of the keys, or duplicates might be in the possession of friends and neighbors. Prioritizing security by replacing locks ensures your peace of mind. Take this precautionary step without delay.
Supplementary Insights
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Congratulations on your new home—a culmination of careful planning. Consider a few additional considerations to ensure a seamless transition: When purchasing new furniture for your home, factor in any foreseeable changes, such as future family expansion or pet adoption. If relocating to a distinct climate, be cognizant of the implications for gardening and landscaping design, as growing zones can vary significantly. If you anticipate another move in the near future, contemplate retaining some moving boxes to mitigate the need for purchasing new ones.
Essential Tasks in the Initial Six Months
While immediate repairs and renovations are common after moving into a new residence, there are certain tasks to address within the first six months to preempt potential issues. For instance, installing a whole-house surge protector, replacing traditional rubber washing machine hoses, and flushing the water heater to eliminate sediment that impairs efficiency are recommended actions.
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Remember, you need not undertake every task independently. If time or energy is in short supply, enlisting assistance for the unpacking process is a viable option. Furthermore, don't be concerned if your new dwelling doesn't immediately feel like "home." The process of acclimatization takes time. Incorporating personal touches gradually will foster a sense of belonging as you adjust to your new surroundings. If you’re relocating to the Parker, Colorado area check out the relocating to Parker Colorado website. Real estate agent Brian Chandler is your regional expert! He can help you find the right neighborhood and property to meet your needs. Visit him online or call him at (720) 808-1007 to get your relocation process started. If you are considering relocating to Parker Colorado, or are in the process of doing so, I hope this post has been helpful. I have shared some tips on how to settle into your new home and community, as well as information on how to start your own business. Moving is always a big change, but it can be an exciting one too. I wish you all the best as you make this journey and explore all that our beautiful state has to offer. Real estate pro Brian Chandler of RE/MAX Alliance Group is a top producer and sales trainer located in the Parker, Colorado, area. Whether you’re buying or selling, team up with Brian today! 720.808.1007 Read more articles like these Top Realtor Info Contact Brian Chandler
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