that-little-zebunny · 3 years
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Pairing: Loki x Avenger!Reader
Warning: Fluff all the way
WC: 659
Summary: You're new to the team and end up messing it up with the God of mischief on your first day in. Knowing his reputation you're up for a fun time in the compound.
Note: sorry this a bit late >∆< hope you'll like it 💜 If you're up for more lovely works don't forget to chevk out the @the-th-horniest-book-club HBC's Week of Love 😉💗 all the love~ Zephy
Series Masterlist
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Being with Loki as a couple this past week has been one of the best times of your life. He's so different from what people around you say he is. He's sweet, attentive, compassionate and very very caring.
He still does trick you from time to time but you've realized he's only like that to you and to his brother sometimes. He would quietly appear behind you and touch your skin and his emotions would flood your brain. Him missing you after missions that you were not otherer or even just not being able to see each other the whole day. He made sure you feel them and it made you want to just stick yourself on his side like a baby koala. You laughed at that thought, imagining yourself wrapped around your man's very lean and strong body.
Humming as you wait for your last batch of cookies to finish baking, you're thinking about your childhood. How you have to always tiptoe yourway around your own mother and father or how people tried to stay away from you calling you names and all other things.
You brought up your right hand and stared at your palm, caressing the center of it with your palm. Sighing as you traced the lines of your palm. The Oven dinged and you're about to put down your hand when a much larger one wrapped around yours and adoration, happiness, hope and something new... something similar to what you feel when your grandma is around but not quite similar. You shakily took in a breath as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"Cookies…" Loki whispered. He brought your hands to his lips kissing it a few times.
"Yeah, I made cookies." You whisper as you feel the tingles runs from where his lips touch your skin.
"I l-love…" he swallowed and looked at every part of your face. "Cookies." He said with one last kiss on your forehead and hurriedly ran off. You frown as you stare at his retreating back. Shaking your head at the way he acted.
"Maybe I should bring him some once they're all ready." You smiled at that. And you look for the stucks of tea.
"Oh hey! Whoo cookies! I love your cookies." Clint came in picking up one cookie from your cooling rack and shoved it in his mouth. "God, this is good!"
"Thank you." You smile at him as he takes more cookies and shows you a thumbs up as much as his full hands can do.
"No thank you!! Since you came here the kitchen has become heaven so thank you for your cookies, Cookies." He said and walked out.
You were snilling as you went to get your last cookies in their little warm home as you happily repeated what Clint said and something clicked. You shakily lay the baking pan in the counter as you lean on it.
I love cookies...he said I love cookies… I am c-cookies. You thought as you slowly lost the strength on your legs and you fell down on the floor still clenching the kitchen counter as you feel your throat tighten up, you sob. Sobbing so hard as you clenched your chest. He loves you! He said that...h-he…
"YN!!?" You heard Loki's shouted. He ran towards you holding you steady as he guided you to lean on his chest. Turning around to sneak your arms around his shoulder and sobbed on his neck. "My sweet sweet cookies, what's wrong? You're scaring me." He said, combing your hair with his fingers.
"Its me…" you asked him. "I am Cookies…?" You smiled up at him not caring how messy you looked at the moment. He wiped your tears smiling softly at you.
"Yes cookies." He whispered in your ears. "My beautiful Cookies...i love you." He said.
"I love you too! Omg Loki! I love you so much!" You answered back kissing him hard.
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Tag list
Skin to skin: @delightfulheartdream @victias @victias @marvelgirl7 @alexakeyloveloki @newdaynewyearnewlife @multifandomlife22 @the-lake-is-calling
Tom Hiddleston and Characters
@jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @CurlyRed2020
Un-taggable is with stricks :'(
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sunriseverse · 5 years
24. “i don’t blame you, i wouldn’t love me either”
not as angsty as it could be but still…
whatre u doin
im bored
i wish u were here…
i mean im glad ur staying in bed bc ur sick but
Hermann stares at the screen blearily, eyes stinging slightly even with the brightness all the way down. The messages are timestamped an hour earlier, and he hadn’t seen them until just now, exhausted and fast asleep, having crashed in bed for a nap due to the aforementioned sickness.
His brow furrows as he tries to recall what event the other could possibly be attending; as far as he knows, there isn’t any sort of party; if there had been, Newton would’ve talked his ear off about it. If not a party, though, then what?
Newt? Where are you? he types, having to concentrate extra-hard to avoid typos. For a second, the screen reads sent before switching to read at 11:26 PM. After a few minutes, he’s about to give up hope of receiving a reply, but then the little pencil icon appears.
im not in thne lab if thats what ur askign 
im in my room
Hermann smiles slightly at the typos; Newton always thinks faster than he can type or speak, and it’s endearingly extremely clear in moments like these. 
im just
i think? idk i might just be hungry…
The messages are rapid-fire, and it’s like having the biologist by his side; his tendency to go off on tangents in real life conversations transfers over to text, as well, the jump from topic-to-topic, while jaring for outside observers, is familiar to Hermann. Comforting, even.
im in love and it hurts
Hermann draws in a deep breath, surprised. Newt, are you drunk?
no im not stop worrying
okay maybe im overexhausted 
i havent slept in 36 hrs
Newton! Hermann wants to snap, scold him for his feckless attitude, but text doesn’t carry the tone properly. He wants to force the other to take care of himself properly, but he’s aware that Newton is a fully-grown adult, and as stubborn as a two-year-old to boot.
but like ive only had 1 glass…
but im sad and im rly into him but hes not interested…
fuck tendo i tried to give him flowers and he asked me *why*
and the other day i used the “are u a book cuz im chevking u out” joke nd he stared at me blankly
i mean its like
“i dont blame you, i wouldn’t love me either”
Hermann stills, because he remembers both of those incidents. He—he’d thought it was a mix-up, or that the biologist was mocking him. Heart racing, he rereads the messages. Oh. Newton, I’m not Tendo. There’s a second, before the pencil icon returns.
oh god im sorry
ignore that all pls
im so sorry hermann
Wait! Hermann types, but it’s too late. The screen reads sent but remains that way. Hermann’s heart clenches. He wants to get out of bed, race to Newt’s room; demand did you really mean that? but he can barely stand at this point, fatigued as he is.
With a frustrated groan and a sneeze, Hermann settles back under the blankets, miserably hoping he’ll be well enough to try and speak to Newton in the morning. He hopes…oh, damn that. He fervently desires that Newt feels similarly—what was originally simply a crush has grown and mutated in the past decade to something more deeply rooted; the scent of formaldehyde and a quick smile, the intonations that mean fond exasperation and a scratchy call me Newt!
It isn’t love, not in the way it’s classically portrayed, but it’s…something. Something beyond mere friendship, that much is certain.
He drifts off to a restless sleep.
When he blinks awake, the first thought in his mind is ow followed quickly thereafter with Newton! He checks the time. Past nine in the morning. His congestion has cleared up a fair amount, and he no longer feels like falling over when he stands up.
The walk to Newton’s room is a blur; two months post-Slattern (post-almost apocalypse, as Newt would say) the Shatterdome is almost half-empty, and he doesn’t pass anyone in the halls.
The door handle, when he tries it, is locked; he bangs on it, calls, “Newton? Newton!” Despite what most assume, of the two of them, Newt is the only one who can wake up before ten with any amount of regularity, and Hermann doubts he’s asleep.
A few beats pass, and Hermann waits with bated breath, before the locking mechanism clicks and the door swings open to reveal a red-eyed Newton, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a loose, faded graphic tee. “I’m sorry,” he says, voice hollow. “Can we just—can we pretend I never said that?”
“Absolutely not,” Hermann snaps. “For once in your life, Newt, act like an adult and face things head-on.” It’s a low blow, and they both know it, but Hermann, in the face of adversity, is prone to slipping back into old habits.
“I’m sorry,” Newt repeats. “I thought you were Tendo.”
He tries to slam the door shut, but Hermann insinuates his cane in the way, ducks inside before Newt manages to stop him. “Quit saying that.”
“Well what do you want me to say?”
Hermann’s lips pull back in frustration, teeth bared as he hisses, “The truth!”
“The truth?” Newt laughs, semi-hysterically, throws his head back. “The truth, Doctor Gottlieb, is that I am, for some insane reason, irrevocably attracted to you!” He’s almost shouting at this point, hands clenched into fists.
“As am I!” Hermann spits back, almost a snarl.
It takes a second to register, for both of them, what he’s just said, and Newt gapes at him. “You—what?” he breathes, features slack with surprise.
“Yes!” Hermann snaps. “There, I’ve said it—at least I’m not trying to hide from it!”
“I wasn’t!” Newt shouts back, throwing up his hands. “I kept trying to express interest, and you kept thinking it was just a mistake!”
“Well how was I supposed to know you weren’t mocking me?” Hermann questions hotly.
Newt lets out a bark of laughter. “Mock you? The hell, Hermann? I might be a dick sometimes, but I thought you held me in a higher regard than that!”
Hermann glares at the other, flushed, and sputtering. “…apologies,” he says slowly. “I didn’t intend to imply that I think of you as…morally deficient.” Newt huffs.
“You bastard,” he sighs. “You handsome, annoying, brilliant bastard.” This time it’s Hermann’s turn to sputter incoherently, blushing hotly at the compliments, and fixes his gaze on an interesting sketch on the wall, fingers fidgeting with the head of his cane. Newt’s gaze tracks his movements, and from the corner of his eye, Hermann catches him grinning.
“So,” he says, sidling up to Hermann, “what do you say we order take out for brunch and cuddle on my bed?”
Hermann clears his throat, trying not to blush further as Newt slips his hand into Hermann’s, and finally meets his eyes. “I think that’s an excellent idea, Newton.”
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