kyurochurro · 11 months
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I DONT USUALLY POST OCs HERE, BUT HEY LOOK I MADE A NEW SONA!!! :D their names gonna be Churpo! she’s an alien cat thing, living in the 25th century in a far off planet as a designer! Of course heavily inspired by 60s fashion trends but mostly a silly brand of retro futurism :3 I’ve been needing an updated one hehehe
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rewiredthethirdblog · 2 months
I just have to recap yesterday. Legit made 4 friends. And i wore the same hoodiend undershifr from bed nobody could tell lol. Pilling and all. So first tunza fun aaron lim born in 02' i think. Wmmt6 then he added me on his facebook. I remember his phone being so heavy lol shouldve commented but we were still talking cars etc. He was like whoa when i said i might be getting an 86 for 20k. Its like he couldnt believe i could drop that kinda money. I feel so cool thinking about it. But he also doesnt know im not going to finance it. 2014 model will be bought outright.
Then he told me id love deadpool x wolverine which i did came back booked it for 4:15 thinking itd have beyter seats but nope just like 3:30 at reading cinemas premium the next one also was full so picked an end seat second row from back. Girl there moved her cup cause yes I paid for my seat. Initially thought she was hot and she put her lip gloss on minutes into the movie in the way only a girl would do. And then she looked at me directly as i was giggling etc and then i looked at her a bit but we never locked eyes or anything she was with her family who were really cool but older kinda country vibes. She really warmed upto me only meaniute in then by the end of it she was practically waiting for me to chat her up etc cause she made her whole family stick around for end credits sequence whilstthe mum wanted to go. End credits was just swearing like a sailor funny as but expected more. I guess with how ludicrous the movie became it couldnt take itself seriously. I feel tho deadpool and wolverine is the perfect aussie marvel film. Two sarcastic etc idiots in it for our entertainment. I of course didnt want to ruon my deadpool experience so didnt utter a word but just enjoyed it all. Sat in my seat looked at my phone a bit and let the family go past me. I got up at very end and left last person to leave cinemas cause anxiety a little kicked in to make sure i got all my belongings in my bag. Checking multiple times. Anyways got out of cinemas her family outside bsthrooms looking at next films on the wall. She clesrly went bathrrom and i left for tunza fun again. Aaron lim wasnt there i messaged him but yesh long story short he said hell be there after film but ended up leaving at 5. Then i eneded up yalking to tunza fun lady there even more and wow. Every fiber of her was excited for me to be into her. Full smiles n helpful and so nice extra nice. Shed never correct me just help me further. Shes a total submissive.perfect grounds for a relationship. She had tits and ass too despite covering it up all in the outfit. So her body fills out nice.
Bought the best $4 end of specialz sandwhich chef chicken wrap in spinach wrap ever. So full and it was only a half piece!
I think it waz here then i Went back to reasing after esting it and the lines were empty so i waited asked about if they do reruns and got chatting to this girl. She was so nice little chat. She mentioned she saw mad amx fuross three times i said i dont belueve her haha. But she had to end the chat kinda early cause unknown to me the time.was getting closer and queues were getting fired up. What shouldve happened is another girl come out to server the other customers but nope lol. So yeah our convo cut short by way of circumstance. But i could tell how submissive she already was for me. Titght lil body this one tanned too. Dont think she had much tits or ass. I never got a look. She mightve had a nice body. She waz pretty enough faically for sure. And deff kind. I said thsnks n left. But mid convo this other girl. The temptress lets say. Could tell she was a cocksucker cause she looked me in the eyes and approved instantly of me. Surprised she didnt just tskeovef the convo then and there lol. Just approval. Teasing me to find her n fuck her she is.
Then went to kmart n saw a blonde brown or black girl almost a model kinda like the best calm curious confident jessica alba vibes. I felt instinct to turn around with my glasses. And she made eye contact with me. We both like each other. Even from a good 10m distance. Store was closing early over the speakers so.. Had to get something from kmsrt. Not enough time. Got myself size 8 black sandals because this msterial i tend to slip n slide in so small is better should be good as for house runs strapped in af too. Took it to slef checkout she felt something for me i waited in line she kindly let me know register was open. Its like she didnt wanna see me in pain of waiting. She felt me deeply and yet she didnt evej show it. I just bought it and left. A girl loves it when a guy wants her but doesnt need her. I expressed that by not turning around then. I went out of ksmrt with my shoes. Forgot about buyin a bag. back to sandwhich chefs asked the fella if it was closed got myself yhe potsto scslops for six. Amszing deal. Havent esten and at the tike of this writing i went to bed so esrly its still unopened epic brekky tho!
Anywho i went into tunza fun as i had an idea. Told the hotnicecutesexymytype lady to scan my card. No funds. Told her that my card i scanned it twice so.. Machine took all yhe credits. I asked do the machines do that? She gsve me a free game. Haha she also had to embarass herself cause she scanned two old style tunza bluedot cards and apologised then realised she needed a new style card. (yup I had given her my old style card somehow when explaining my case but it crossed neither of our minds only this morning i relaised lol)
So she after several minutes got back nd gave me a free game new swipe. So cute how she literslly there to serve me submissively. She plays the submissive part well. She knows shell get dicked down later. And my cum in her horny lonely mouth. She knows ill.molest and cum in her so much shell love it.
Anywho maori skinny chad lookindude and his fst gf and lil bro in the wheels i versed them. Was fun. Lil banter but i guess he wasnt used to making new friends cause he wasnt open much. But we all enjoyed. Think he just wanted us to add each other on the phones asap mostly. Thats why he whipped out his phone middle of the race. But dude lookex like a chsd. Anywho i gave his evo some bashin eith my z and he gave back but he n his lip bro totally was racing clesn i had to be the dirty one i wsnted to spice it up i had to make it interesting. He won the free game and hes soft spoken cause i didnt even hesr what he was saying but yesh his lil bro who i congratulsted on the win won and he got up and then maori chad got up and took a seat for the free game. I didnt know what to do so left lol. I coupdnt tell if he didnt wsnns break character in front of gf or was just shy but i had to go lol. Already made too many friends anywho but bet bro wouldve been chill af to know fr he seemed like 24 and such a good dude. With his kinda pedo glasses but if he didnt wear em hed look a stud. I just couldnt believe his gf was so fat n dark next to him must be true love. Her fsce waz pretty tho id fuck her only if she dropped 50kg. But id never think of doing that to him. Just saying for context why is he clearly dating down. Her bigness must be nothong compared to the love n cooking she gives him ig.
So i took my potsto scallop contsiner off the arcade dahsboard (which was wrspped nicely so couldnt tell what it was.) and took my shooes and greeted the hot lady wiping the floor near the entrance. Her so clesrly bending over down to me acting all sublissive for me. Id ssy shes round 28 max but maybe even 23. Walked back to get in the car but also saw people still queuong up so ssturdsy cinemaz always busy for wolverine eh!
Also gotta love how old employes of tunzafun and reading cinemas especially were all replaced by even younger and hotter girls. So hot the girls in reading esp. There was like 4 or 5 girls i saw working there. All petite didnt find a single one who couldnt be my type. The tall ladys mustve quit or found boyfriends lol. Im remebering the "pornstar latina" type of girl who came out to see who the man was chstting up this nerdy skinny nice girl. She instsntly gave me the nod and eye contact of approval. And went back in. She wanted me. Lil seductress. She knew im fuckin hot dressed like this even. My beard trimmeed not exactly small but styled nicely like wolverines n my hair messy kinda like a wolverine too. But either wsy you know sluts would still do me in this outfit even if my beard was bigger n a mezz n looked bad to me. The color contrazt of my skin n hair n outfit is hot af enough to cum in thier mputh repeatedly. Lol
So glas i wrote this up. Its past 8am now. Think i started at 730am.. Or before. Gotta go clean uo my lower half snywho. Ill edit this later but hsppy to relive it first thing in morning snd some in my dreams. Morning is perfect time to document the previous dsy.
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pjarox-journey · 5 years
Breath of the Wild - Session #9
Going North~
Sooo, it’s been a few busy days, but i was able to play a bit more! Yay! \o/ Last time i got back to Kakariko, where Impa gave me my old clothes back. But its time to do my job as hero. Four Titans are waiting to be freed from Ganons curse!
...although, this task might have to wait a bit longer. I still don’t feel ready to takes those on yet. First of all, i need a bit more hearts and equipment. Or more like... more space for weapons. Which means i have to go to the forest of the Koroks, where i will meet Hestu again. I have gathered enough Korok seeds for a few more upgrades, as you know, and... being able to carry more weapons around is always good. I don’t know, where Link stores them, but honestly, i don’t care. He has like 80 apples in his bags, too, so... whatever.
I left Kakariko through the north-east exit, passing by the great fairy in the small forest. I told you about the plateau there? That’s where i headed. Something in my memories told me that there was another shrine to find, and i couldn’t say no to that, could i?
But there wasn’t only a shrine there. Nonono, of course there were...
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...flying nuts. You know what this might mean, right?
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Stop throwing around stuff, #48!!
Well... whatever. One more Korok Seed for me. I gathered some more food in the area (as always) and went to search the origin of the music. Of course it must have been Kass, and after a quick search, i found him on a nearby rock.
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Long time no see, birbman!
He was singing another song of legends. About a crowned animal, which the hero rode... And you see the plattform behind him? It might have to do something with a shrine...
Another riddle, yes. A fairly easy one, to be honest. Do you know any crowned animals you can ride? If you yelled “Deer!”, you are correct! And somehow there are living some deers in the nearby forest. As if someone had intended this!
While i was chasing the deer (PLS STAY STILL!!) night came, ending day 16 of this journey. I had to fight some skeletons that thought they might have a chance against me. I also found another Korok nearby. He loves running around, just like the deer... >.>
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And as i fought some more skeletons, i, uhh... kinda cought the deer.
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Why does these things keep running into me?!
Lucky me, i guess. With the help of the deer, i was able to spawn the Miz-Yo-Shrine (still german!). Sadly, this wasn’t a free shrine, but... i did not write down anything about it. Huh. Must have been uninteresting. But i found a thunderblade!
From there, i ventured further north, into territory yet to explore, with another tower i had to climb. Northern of Kakariko lies a swamp-like area, full of monsters, with a path leading to the domain of the Zoras. I had to fight some battles, including a sleeping Hinox.
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Link: 1, Hino: 0
Their weapons were not the best, sadly, but as i had aqquired some strong and durable during my mountain trip, it didn’t bother me that much. Of course, i found yet another Korok here.
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Stonecircles are their passion. (#50)
But as there were way too many enemies around, i just... kinda ran past them. They tried to stop me though, but i was faster! Haha! And when i reached the hill with the tower on top, i did the same. I had no intention to destroy my weapons just because like 20 monsters thought to defend it, especially some silver Bokblins. Nope! Go bother someone else!
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Tower activated!
On top of the tower was a Zora, somehow. He told me that he came here because the ground was rumbling, and suddenly the tower appeared, and took him with it. Since the towers were activated around 20 days ago, which means... how is he still alive?! Why didn’t he tried to climb down? Jump down? An absolute madman, this guy, seriously.
From the top of the tower i flew a bit south again, because i had spotted some more Octoplatforms there. I found a Rhodondit and an Ice staff there - nothing fancy, although the staff might be handy at times. But to be honest, i rarely used these items, and my inventroy was full with other weapons, so... i will need to grab it once i get back again.
I kept exploring the swamp, where i took down some more Lizalfos (they are everywhere here!), but this time with STEALTH! And you know what? I underestimated how strong stealth is in this game.
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Down. You. GO!
I was able to oneshot them, as you can see. So if i can kill most mobs with stealth... i won’t have so much problems with breaking weapons! But stealth is hard, and to be honest, i don’t like to play stealthy, but... it can’t be helped, can it?
But as i further ventured through the swamp, the game reminded me of something very critical i might have forgotten.
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...playing stealthy doesn’t sound so bad at all, i think. Yes, that’s a guardian there. And not a destroyed, but a real one. It has still his six legs, and a very functional laserbeam, which it likes to show to everybody who meets is eye. Haha... eh... RUN LINK!
It didn’t spot me though. So i sneaked into the nearby shrine, the Data-Kusu-Shrine (#16, german), did whatever i had to do, and ran away. On my way, i found yet another Korok (#51), as i could have expected. (Imagine a pic of them, because i kinda forgot to take one). There was a nut hanging from a big tree - you just have to shot it with an arrow, and you’re good.
Yet another shrine was nearby, which i wanted to do, too, so i went a bit into the zoras domain, where every few steps a Zora told me, that prince Sidon was searching for a Hylian. It was a bit annoying, to be honest, but... Sidon has to wait.
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No i don’t want to buy anything! Go away, Zora #529!!
I had to fight even more Lizalfos on my way, but since it was raining, sneaking up to them was fairly easy. I didn’t know that at first, but the game was kind enough to give me this information in a loading screen.
The shrine i had seen was the Sao-Kohi-Shrine, and it was another trial of strange. But this time, it was an easy one. The small guardian had mere 375 HP, so i was able to deal with him fairly quick.
From there, i ventured further north, following the path to death mountain, the home of the Gorons. I had to leave Fiona behind on the plateau, and as there is a stable near the mountain, i could get here back there.
On my way, a few Bokblins were attacking travelers, and i grew tired of them, i challenged them, despite the silver one there.
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...and fly!
Those Knights Broadswords really are something, yep. And as it was a silver Bokblin, he even dropped a few minerals. Money! Yesh!
At the stable a woman told me i should prepare myself before visiting the Gorons. I mean, they live on an active volcano, and it might be a bit too hot there. Like in “Hot enough to catch fire in an instant”. That’s how hot it is there. I don’t know how i handled it in my first playthrough, but some friends of mine just... ran over the mountain, burning. Something i don’t intend to do. The better alternative is to buy one or more potions from the lady which will protect you from becoming a well done steak. They might be a bit costly, yes, but they are totally worth it.
But as it is not my intention to visit the mountain yet, i refused. Instead, i visited the nearby shrine, the Moa-Kishto-Shrine (german, #18), and asked the stables owner to bring Fiona to me.
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With the end of day 18, i had my horse back, and was ready to leave the mountain behind me. I still want to reach the forest, as i told you, and with Fiona, i might be a bit faster. At least, thats what i’m hoping.
Anyway, this was it for todays session, and... well, i’ll see when i have enough time to play some more! So thank you again for reading this, and stay tuned for next time!
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jupiterisagirl-blog · 7 years
Un named: i wrote this out of pure boredom and depression please tell me what you think!
It was a warm spring day, the birds were singing frolicking in the sky. The traffic was loud like heards of elephants trampling across the desert. In a small hospital room a woman laid in the white bed, tubes and cords connecting to her like she was a battery powering the big pharmaceutical companies to "cure" her of her ailments. At her side was her daughter, she held her hand tightly humming the tune of her mothers favorite song. She smiled closing her eyes imagining she was front row looking up at her beautiful daughter singing 'Hoy Quiero Confesar' by. Isabel pantoja. The words sliding off of her tonge rolling into the air absorbed by the ears of the calm and emotional crowd. "Its time to eat mrs. Garcia" the words broke through her splendid day dream disintegrating it into the depths of her brain. "Sorry i didnt mean to bother you. We just follow the schedule." The tall nurse said as she laid the tray down on mrs. Garcias lap then left the room closing the door slowly behind her. "Want me to go get you some real food mamá?" Her daughter said knowing her mother well enough to know she hated the hospital food. "It would be sweet of you mija." She reached into her purse fishing for money she prayed she had. "Dont worry mamá i have it." She kissed her mothers head and pulled the hood of her jacket over hers, leaving the room. She walked down the hallway the smell of medical equipment and disinfectant swirled around in the air like a thick translucent fog. She felt as if every step she took more and more people laid their sharp eyes right on her she picked up her pase almost as if she was scared, only because she truly was the anxiety of people around her made her head buzz and her skin crawl her stomach churned feeling as if she would explode at any moment. She reached the door quickly escaping out, the harsh sunlight hit her light gray jacket she felt it through the thin fabric heating up her skin like a small plug in heater. While she made her way to the main sidewalk she put her headphones in one at a time not taking her eyes off of her feet as if she had done it a million times. Down the street was the small latin café that her mother dearly enjoyed. The road was almost like a video game to her everyone could be an enemy she thought as she never looked at one person. She would get lost into the music her hands in the pockets of her jacket the rhythm filled her ears swirling around her brain masking every negative thought she was having it took her to a place of enjoyment she closed her eyes swaying her hips a little not realizing the boy infront of her, all of a sudden "CRASH" they were both on the ground covered in papers she was laying ontop of something she slowly opened her eyes and looked at what cushioned her fall, she was laying ontop of someones chest she then quickly got up trembling she reached down to see if this stranger was un harmed "i swear i didnt see you i-i was side tracked i am so sorry!.." she looked down at him and lifted the paper from his face she caught a glimps of pinks and blues looking at the paper it was one of the most beautiful intricate drawings she had ever seen. "Wow did you draw the-?" She suddenly stopped and looked down at him he was stocky and pretty scruffy he was darker than her but not much taller he wore a blue jersey and some black jeans. He was the most beautiful man she had ever encountered. He looked back up at her most of her body covered by a baggy jscket and jogger pants. "Yesh i did draw these." He said as he had been trying to pick them all up. "Sorry i shouldve watched where i was going." He chuckled showing his bottom snaggle tooth it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. She remained in awkward silence then handed him the paper and quickly sprinted off busting into the cafè. "Fuck that could've ended so terrible fuck fuck fuck." She muttered to herself then sat down at a table for a moment to gather herself. The hood of ger jacket fell down exposing her messy bun of very tight wavy almost black hair, her skin was very tan with an olive undertone, she had dark brown eyes and full lips. Her hand ran accros her jogger pocket to get her wallet but she didn't feel it in there she felt the other pocket not feeling it she started to panic all of a sudden the sunshine from the window was blocked, she looked up to see the handsome man she had crashed into moments earlier he had a slight grin holding her wallet. "I think this might be yours?... Carmen Rodríguez?" He said as he smiled looking at her id in the clear slot of the black wallet. Her face was flushed and she reached up for it. "Th-that's me...thank you for finding it i almost had a panic attack." She said and pushed a faint smile out. "Of course it was the least i could do for knocking into you." He put it in her hand. He had hairy arms and tattoos covering his hands clearly they went up into his sleeves. Her heart was fluttering she had never met someone so attractive before the feeling of bravery suddenly popped into her like someone filling a balloon then popping it. "Would you like to grab something to eat with me?" She asked hesitantly she was so scared he would say no. "Absolutely! I actually was on my way to eat anyways haha." He laughed and lit up like a fire. They both sat down and began to talk about everything and nothing she giggled and ate be did the same. He had revealed her name to him he was Christian pérez. "You were really born in puerto rico?" She asked with a fork in her hand. "Haha yeah i haven't been back to the island since i was 8 though. What about you little miss cubana hehe." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Ive actually never been to havana my abuelita said it wasnt a good place to go though. They are really in poverty its sad." He pushed a nervous chuckle. "Oh im sorry to hear that but hey can i get your number id love to do this again, if you would?" He said scooting forward getting his phone. The two exchanged numbers and left the café, as she walked into her mothers hospital room she smiled. "Mija you took forever i was worried." Her mother said looking up at her "im so sorry mamá. I kinda met a boy..." her mother jumped a little excitedly. "You did how did it go??" Her mother was full of questions all afternoon they talked. She kissed her mother goodnight and walked outside to go home. She had let her long hair down to breath a little as she smiled walking home. The breeze blew through the building and past her. She felt happy but she kept thinking about the secret she didn't tell him. A few weeks had passed and carmen was on her front step getting ready to play her music, she was wearing a pair of light blue torn short shorts with a black crop top with roses right on top of her small breasts. She was waiting for Christian sitting on the concrete railing she wasn't paying attention behind her all of a sudden two big arms wrapped around her waist and a scratchy short beard burried into her neck. "Im either being attacked by a big foot or my date has finally shown up." She giggled. "Why not both!" He kissed her cheek and she turned around and gave him a big hug. The two were going to his mothers house for dinner. They held hands as they walked along the sidewalk. "I hope she doesn't hate me." She said looking forward. "Why would she hate you?" He looked down at her. "I dont know i kinda look like a hooker." She giggled covering her mouth because she was insecure about her smile. "Id sure pay for you you." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. The two stopped at a big red door and he knocked. Moments later a older woman with short curly dark hair opened the door she had a red night gown on. "Mijo! Youre late!" She gave him a big hug and then looked at carmen. "And you must be carmen he did say you were beautiful he was very right!" The old woman chuckled and walked in her house as did the two could. The smell of home cooked food filled the small apartment and the table had been set. "You two pull up a chair and dig in carmen honey you look like you're wasting away." Carmen giggled and sat down scooping a big plate of rice. After everyone had eaten and got aquatinted Christian held Carmens hand showing him his old room she sat on the bed looking at all the anime posters. "Wow this sure is...something." She said as she looked around "yah im a nerd." he stood in front of her and she stood up he ran his hand along the side of her neck his fingers going into her kitchen area the black wavy hair was soft to the touch and felt like silk against his fingers she closed her eyes and felt his hand with hers they werent much bigger but hers were much softer. "Carmen youre the first girl ive ever technically dated and i dont know im truly falling for you." He said looking into her eyes his eyes were brown and the other a hazel color she got lost in them on multiple occasions. He slowly leaned in to kiss her feeling her soft rose petal like lips against his, she slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck and kissed back. Suddenly they fell onto his childhood bed and rolled over to where she was ontop. Her hair kept falling into his face so he held it up for her. He slowly felt his hand up to her chest grabbing at one of her breasts, her heart began to pound faster in her chest she slowly lifted her shirt off exposing her small breasts. She was embarrassed at the size and shape but all he coukd think about was how beautiful she was he reached up and kissed the top of her breast making his way up to her neck leaving a trail of blue-green bruises he slowly reached into her pants she was so caught up in the moment of feeling like a normal girl she forgot about her little secret. His finger tips felt a slender sausage like appendage be reached his hand back and she realized what happened. "Chris..i-i can explain." He stood up and looked at her and started removing his shirt. She was confused as he lifted uo the black shirt he revealed a binder covering his chest. She was astonished and jumped up into his arms she held him tightly and kissed him deeply she felt relieved and free like a bathtub of water was drained and let off of her. "I never knew babe.." she said as she looked in his eyes "that makes two of us hehe." He giggled and kissed her again.
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