girlscience · 8 months
you ever want to go back in time and beat the shit out of yourself??
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angela-csb-lehigh · 2 years
What were the courses you took so far that have been great, bad, etc?
I came in with no AP credits either due to Lehigh only accepting 4's and 5's or Lehigh just not accepting it for the AP's I took. So the courses I took include every Lehigh requirement. I took BUS 001, BUS 003, CSE 007, ENGL 001, MATH 021, ECO 001. Unfortunately, due to my poor time management and severe homesickness, I didn't pass MATH 021 and I'm retaking it this semester. This semester, I'm taking MATH 021, CSE 017, ECO 045, MGT 043, and EES 021.
Just a quick overview about classes at Lehigh. There's traditional classes which are just lecture based, there's recitation which are discussion based classes led by the TA of the course, and there's labs which are 3 hour long slots to do lab work. (you only need 1 lab for CSB so don't worry too much about this)
BUS 001 and BUS 003 are pretty chill courses but are heavy on group work. The courses generally cover basics for Business and the importance of Communication.
CSE 007 and CSE 017 are difficult Computer Science courses. If you're scared of the accelerated speed of CSE 007, I recommend you take CSE 003 and CSE 004 which is the same as CSE 007 but split through the whole school year instead of in one semester. For CSE 017, if you take it with Oudghiri you will be fine. Just take advantage of her office hours.
ENGL 001 is a hit or miss depending on which professor you take. I took it with Christopher Hassay and he is the GOAT. He's very clear about what he wants on the essays and he's also flexible with deadlines. Unfortunately, you can't see the professor you're taking when you register so it's kinda based on luck.
MATH 021 is a hard Calculus course. Despite having taken Calculus 1 in high school, it covers more than what you would learn in high school and grading is very strict. If you feel unprepared or worried for the course, I recommend you take MATH 000 before you take MATH 021. Another reason I didn't pass my first semester was because I didn't take any Math my senior year of high school (I took it the summer between my junior and senior year of high school) so I've forgotten a lot of the core concepts even from PreCalc. Also, the professors are more lenient with grading during the Spring semester for MATH 021 because there's less students that have already taken and passed AP Calc AB that are doing it for an easy A.
ECO 001 is difficult. There's two professors that offer the class and I won't give a recommendation because they're just different. Professor Marija Baltrusaitiene has easy tests but boring lectures. Her recitation sessions also review sessions. Professor Marija does provide slides on Course Site but goes really fast during lecture. Professor Gunter has better lectures but he's been a little controversial at our school for sexist remarks... His lectures are more entertaining but you HAVE to attend the recitation since attendance is taken and you learn new content during recitation. His lectures are old fashioned and he uses a chalkboard and doesn't let you use your laptop in class. I will say just sit in the front for lectures since the lecture hall is big and sometimes it's hard to see what he's writing. Both professors will cold-call on students to ensure you're paying attention and for participation grades. Gunter's classes are earlier in the morning and Marija's are later in the day.
ECO 045 is a statistics course. The reason ECO 045 is labeled as an Economics course is because it focuses more on implementing statistics into business compared to MATH 231 which is strictly only statistics. I'm taking this course with Professor Muzhe Yang and his tests are harder than the other professors but this professor makes the lectures entertaining. At the beginning of every class, there's a student presentation about data analysis and it gives you insight on how statistics can be used in a real-life setting.
MGT 043 is a management course. This course is also very dependent on the professor. Some professors, like mine, only provide homework’s as optional but recommended readings. Others make you do case studies. My professor is James Brennan, he’s a fine professor. His lecture style is similar to Gunter for ECO 001 as it’s old-fashioned but you can use your laptop and no cold-calling. Yay! Tests for Brennan are also difficult because there’s no practice problems, it’s hard to know what’s going to be on the exam besides using the study guide template provided by Brennan.
EES 021 is an environmental science course. We learn about rocks, earth, geology, and stuff like that. My professor is Kenneth Kodama. He is a good guy but he is not the best at teaching. His slides don’t align with the descriptive content on the midterms and the textbook is practically useless as it’s just different from what he teaches.  Professor Kodama also doesn’t run the course according to the textbook so it’s out of order. In addition, the midterm is super descriptive and you would only know those pieces of content if you’re super quick with writing and good at retaining audio information. He talks way more than what’s presented on the slides. In short, I like the content in the course but not so much of how it’s taught.
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