corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Hello again! I’m the anon that asked you about flubotanist!Steve and I’d just like to say thank you for writing more about it! I included some more thoughts on this is the tags, so you’ve already seen these please feel free to ignore!
There was a thought that during one of the blood draws they got to talking about movies they like and Star Wars was brought up, so of course the bandaid Steve used on Eddie that day (post-gauze pad and tape) was navy blue with little Death Stars all over it. I’m imagining all of this with Steve in glasses and Eddie trying his best to look respectfully (and failing miserably lol)
Anyway, once again thank you for taking the time to read and answer, seeing your posts always brightens my day :)) Hope all is well❤️
I’m not seeing half of the stuff in my activity feed that I should be so THANK YOU!! And thank you for sending the initial ask too!!!
You just casually bring glasses steve into this? I’m a GONNER! I’m DONE! Steve’s glasses slipping down his face but not able to reposition them while trying to draw Eddie’s blood because of the aforementioned difficulty with Eddie’s wriggly veins so eddie pushes them up FOR Steve. Eddie doesn’t even realise he’s done it until his hand is pulling away and Steve is smiling a small ‘thanks’ at him.
Eddie goes to pull his other hand up to fuss with his hair but Steve pushes it down ‘ah, ah needle still in the arm. Gonna need you to keep it there.’ Eddie stills at the gentle pressure and feels his face heat up both through embarrassment and the very definite swirling in his tummy from the touch.
Steve finishes taking the blood and puts the plaster on Eddie and smoothing over it with his thumb. ‘Normally I keep these for the kids, my own personal stock. But I think I can make an exception for a regular like you.’ Eddie looks down and sees the Star Wars logo emblazoned on the tiny plaster and smiles ‘are these to get in favour with the kids? Or heaven forbid, are you are a Star Wars fan?’
Steve raises his hands ‘guilty as charged, something about those ewoks man.’ He proceeds to makes a noise that Eddie guesses is an ewok impression and Eddie swears his heart skips a beat. Stunned into silence and staring Eddie puts his jacket back on and tries to think of anything to say. He can’t just leave it like this! He’s got to reengage the conversation, needs to get the last word so Steve doesn’t think he’s a brain dead normie with no thoughts on the cultural touch stone that is Star Wars.
So on his way out the door he does the worst thing imaginable. He can feel the embarrassment crawling up his skin before he’s even finished. He stands up, moves with the rigidity of a rusted clock and says in a deadpan C-3P0 impression ‘I look forward to our next meeting Steve’. Gives a robotic wave and stifly walks out the door as Steve slowly waves back with a bemused look on his face.
Eddie makes it all the way to his van before he is screams and leans his head on the steering wheel so hard the horn starts blaring and so long that somebody knocks on his window to check he’s okay. Somehow he manages to drive home and eventually tells Gareth. He doesn’t stop laughing the whole night, doesn’t stop doing C-3P0 impressions for a week. Eddie considers murder but then rationalises that Steve probably doesn’t go to prisons to take blood so restrains himself. Gareth lives another day, but only just.
What Eddie doesn’t know is across town the exact same thing is happening in Robin and Steve’s shared appartment, only Robin doesn’t let up on the ewok impression for a month.
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