#BUT still relevant to what i’m saying. they’re all conected
margaetyrell · 1 year
dancing with our hands tied and hits different are indeed fragments of the same story. but so are wonderland and cowboy like me. and here comes the part where i confess that dwoht (for me!) can be both a love song and a sad/breakup song, just like clm. but hold on, before anyone kills me... let me try to explain (i’ll separate each song by colours to make the parallels more clear).
here’s how dwoht also works as a breakup song. first of all: I COULD’VE spent forever with your hands in my pockets. You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it, I had a bad feeling → And you asked me to dance but I said, “Dancing is a dangerous game”. Oh, I thought this is gonna be one of those things → They say that if it’s right, you know. Nothing has ever felt so wrong → We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it. And we pretended it could last forever. like when you had a bad feeling something was going to happen and “you should’ve seen it coming” (I should’ve slept with one eye open at night) but you kept dancing and refused to see it. hoping it’d work out eventually. AND THEN comes the bridge. which in dwoht it’s like, i would do ALL these things and get burnt in my own house even if it catches us inside. i would stick with you and hug you no matter what IF! i could just dance with you again. it doesn’t say “if that means we can keep dancing” or something like that. it’s a could that almost sounds like a shouting prayer. but if that still feels unclear, go back to the start where the lyrics literally say “could have”.
dwoht is about the fear of something ruining the love you have (or had), which are common fears that appear in the beginning of a relationship, but they also do at the end of it. therebefore, it’s still a song about the fear of this love being ruined by x or not being strong enough to face the mess around it (which was the mess that you wanted! → you made a mess of me) and so that motivates them to keep trying, keep dancing. because they just can’t help falling in love with each other. like gravity keeping you with me. but what happens when they no longer want that mess...? only time can confirm or deny these fears, that are seen quite a lot thoughout her most vulnerable songs. in these 4, they are also very loud. until they conclude with: In the good in the world, you once believed in me. And I felt you and I held you for a while → Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon → You held on tight to me ‘cause nothing’s as it seems → Oh, and you held me close. How was I to know that? → Is that your key in the door? Is it okay? Is it you? Why the wound is still bleedin'? You were the one that I loved → I reached for you, but you were gone. I knew I had to go back home → With your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con. And I’m never gonna love again → I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us and I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I’d hold you as the water rushes in... If I could dance with you again.
*this is completely inspired by kathryn’s analysis which fucked me up and it took me forever because i’m not very good at it. so if you’ve read all of this, thank you. if it still doesn’t make any sense though, please be nice to me. i tried <3
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amitlee · 3 years
Could you do 12 with lee Eret!? It’s fine if not I just haven’t seen a lot with Eret!
So crazy story, I had started writing down my ideas for thoes promts and I had lee Eret down for this one, so I am stoked to do this!
12. “Why are you wearing a crop top?”
Summary: There is one person Eret goes to when he is in a certain mood, maybe a tag team wouldn’t be so bad.
Lee!Eret Ler!BBH
The sun rose, bringing another morning across the Dream SMP. It was a beautifully average day, the cows were mooing, bees were buzzing, and children were screaming. Eret awoke in his castle, he decided that he would go out on the server today. He dressed in his normal pants and royal mantle but exchanged his shirt for a nice crop top. Eret was not known for having lee moods, he was highly revered as King and was seen as neutral if not leaning Ler.
For this very reason, when he had lee moods there was one person he would go to, BadBoyHalo. Bad was trustworthy, kind, and could be absolutely ruthless.
So here he was, taking a nice stroll to the Badlands in search of his friend. As he was walking he mind wondered what the next half an hour or so of his life entailed; did he want a soft or rough wrecking? Did he want to be wrecked at all? He sighed, he had always been rather indecisive.
“Eret, hey!”
Eret was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the voice of the very man he was looking for.
“Bad, it’s good to see you! How have you been?” Keeping it casual, maybe he’ll just take the hint.
“Not to shabby, and you? I like the shirt by the way, is it just for fun or does it mean something?” The question was innocent and paired with an interested smile.
“I’ve been- uh- good. The shirt! Yeah, I like it too! It could be taken in many ways, I just- I just like it kinda.” The regal fumbled over his words and began to figit as his felt his face flush.
The interested smile changed to a look of concern and amusement, “Kinda? Is everything alright?” Bad asked, he put a hand on the smaller man’s shoulder.
Screw Bad and always being so nice. Eret knew there was no way to dampen his blush by now. “Y-yeah Bad I’m finE-“ he squeaked in suprise at the contact. “Ya know... there is this thing we do sometimes and I might be in a certain mood for it maybe.”
“Ohhh, you silly muffin! Is that why you got all flustered-awww! Go ahead and ask for me please.” He could be ruthless. Bad knew how much teasing affected Eret and he intended to start early!
“Bad- I- can we- you... Bad this is so mean.”
“Mean?! This is adorable!! You are adorable! You know what, screw it.” Bad threw Eret over his shoulder and began to walk back to his and Skeppy’s house. (Just a reminder, Bad is canonically 9 foot something so this is physically possible and not too awkward. Ok sorry! Amity out✌️)
Eret yelped at being tossed like a sack of potatoes, he didn’t really mind though. Bad always walked with a pep in his step, so he was jolted around a little, only adding to the playful and giggly atmosphere.
“We’re going to have so much fun, do you have anything particular in mind? I know you couldn’t ask for it, cutie, but can you push me in the right direction?” They approached his house fairly quickly because of Bad’s long ass legs and Eret could feel butterflies erupt in his stomach, he was already feeling giddy.
“Uhum I just want to be wrecked please...” His voice trailed off towards the end of the sentence and went completely limp in Bad’s arms.
“Aww, you really are adorable. Don’t worry little lee, we’re here!” Bad gently dropped Eret on the bed and took a second to appreciate him. From his pink cheeks and and crop top to things you couldn’t physically see, Bad was truely honored that he held Eret’s trust.
Bad sat on Eret’s thighs and put the man’s hands above his head, “these-“ he gestured to his hands, “-stay right here, ok?” He let his own hands rest on Eret’s sides.
Eret flinched as his arms were guided above him, giggles filled his chest, barley being held in. “Yep!” He cleared his throat, “Yep! That’s goo-great with me.”
And so it began. Bad let his fingers spider from Eret’s lower sides to his upper ribs, throwing random pokes in occasionally. He watched as Eret fell into titters. Gradually he upped the pace until Eret graduated from titters to light laughter.
“Not many people know this Eret but I actually am quite the musician. Now, I wouldn’t call myself a Wilbur, but I’ve always been rather good at the piano. Do you know what is similar to a piano?” Bad watched fondly as the King registered his question and spoke through his giggles.
“Whahahat is lihike a piahaha- a piano?” Eret couldn’t meet his friend’s gaze, but he genuinely pondered the question. He didn’t see how music was relevant to this situation, but Bad never ceased to make fun little conections.
BadBoyHalo giggled and replied “Ribs!” He skittered his fingers under the crop top to vibrate his fingers into Eret’s ribs, making him throw his head back and struggle to hold up his arms. “The bones are like the keys and you make the music! There are many different ways to tickle tickle tickle ribs as well, so they can make many different noises.”
Eret snorted amidst his laughter when Bad dug between his ribs, keeping it light but still firm. When Bad lighted to scratching both sides of the ribs instead, he was rewarded with high pitch giggles and much more squirming.
“Hmm... Do you think raspberries would work well, Piano?”
Eret closed his eyes and shook his head, “Nohoho! You dohohon’t play piahahanos like thahat Bad! Whahat kind of muhuhusician are yohuhu?” He couldn’t help but be a little cheeky.
Bad gasped and stilled his fingers. “Now that, mister, was just uncalled for. I invite you into my home and give you the tickles you desire and this is the thanks I get? I don’t think so.” Bad resumed the action of his hands at Eret’s ribs and took a deep breath before blowing a raspberry on Eret’s belly.
“W-What... Bahahad wait! WahahaIIIT NOHOHO!” Eret all but dissolved into the mattress as two spots were targeted at once. His laughter peaking for a moment before calming slightly. He was about to speak again when Bad drew in another breath and blew another raspberry, this time shaking his head into the smaller man’s stomach. Eret cut himself off with a squeal and dropped his arms down to push at Bad’s shoulders.
Bad raised his head and slowed his hands until his pointer fingers were tracing shapes onto the skin. “Eret. Thoes aren’t your arms not being where they’re supposed to be, right?”
Eret drew in a breath to respond, “I-“
“Because if they are... well, I’m sure you know what happens when people break the rules.” Bad willed his voice to drop and held eye contact with Eret.
“Whahat happens?” Eret asked through giggles.
Bad leaned in to whisper in his lee’s ear, “They. Get. Punished.” He emphasized his words with pokes to Eret’s stomach, he gathered Eret’s hands in one of his own and pinned them back to the bed. When he finished he leaned back to his original position and blew series of small, well calculated raspberries on Eret’s stomach and ribs, leaving his free hand to scritch and spider the other’s armpits.
Eret borderline screamed as his squirming began anew. His armpits had always been a weak spot, abb bed combined with raspberries on two spots! It was very tickly. He let laughter overtake him as he basked in the sensation for a few moments.
“Bad? Eret? What’s going on?” Skeppy had gotten back to his and Bad’s shared home to the sound of screeches and immediately rushed towards the source.
Eret’s blush darkened significantly, especially when Bad didn’t lower the intensity of his tickles.
“Oh, hi Skep! Sorry, I had a situation to deal with. Well Eret, don’t be rude, say hello to Skeppy.” He blew another raspberry, “Or better yet, why don’t you tell him what’s going on, if you’re comfortable. Answer him this, why are you wearing a crop top?” Bad looked over Eret for signs he was uncomfortable. All he found was a flustered, giggly, content person. So he continued.
Skeppy leaned closer, “Is he? Awww!”
Bad giggled again and released Eret’s hands to be able to squeeze and pinch his thighs while keeping his other hand teasing the man’s upper ribs, now attacking two of Eret’s most ticklish spots. “At least say hello~”
“WAHAHA- I WANTED TIHIHICKLES! BAHAHAD PLEHEHEHEASE!” Eret squeezed his eyes shut again, he knew he was reaching his limit even though he was enjoying every second of it.
Bad slowed his hands so he was rubbing away the ghost tingles. “And there we go, I never would have guessed!” He teased.
Skeppy got onto the bed with his two close friends and properly greeted the guest “Hello Eret! Good to see you again!” They both smiled and exchanged small talk for a while until Bad sat up.
“Ok everyone, cuddle-pile! Get in here you two, this is triple the aftercare for the brave one who took all those tickles like an absolute champ!”
And so everyone cuddled close, regained strength, and promptly took a nap.
Whew! That took a while on my end, sorry about that by the way. I have another fic on the way! I’m still in a big dumb mood so it will probably take me a day or two!
As always, thank you so much for the ask and for reading my things! I love you all and have a great day💕❤️
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sleepingprinceonice · 7 years
Georgi, the 3rd Yuri - Part 4
DISCLAIMER: This is a long meta. I wrote this along with a friend and we spent pretty much a week analyzing a lot of stuff, from the anime scenes to interviews and even song lyrics. There’s a ton of text, many links and it can get kind of pretty image heavy in some parts.
To help with this, and for organization’s sake, we divided this meta in 4 parts.
Part 1 - Georgi, the Chekhov’s Gunman and 3rd Yuri in Yuri!!! On Ice
Part 2 - Georgi, Victor, and The Sleeping Beauty
Part 3 - The types of love and Victor’s long hair
Part 4 - The romantic songs and Victor’s first love
The romantic songs and Victor’s first love
If Yuri!!! On Ice talks about love, then of course we’ll have romantic songs in some of the programs. Stay Close To Me, A Tales of Sleeping Prince and Serenade For Two are the examples we have here, and all of them are praised - and with good reason. A lot has already been analyzed about Stay Close To Me, and it was confirmed that this song is Victuuri’s theme; however, when you analyze the lyrics along with the other two songs, it’s clear that it goes beyond that.
These songs are connected and they communicate with each other constantle, and they tell a story not about Victor and Yuuri, but of a possible old relationship of Victor, in the shadows, with Georgi.
Sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? Fanfic fuel, maybe? Honestly, we’d think so at first too, but when you put this together with the fact that Georgi is a Chekhov’s Gunman with huge potential and is someone who’s pretty much Victor’s opposite, it gets clear that yes, there is a real possibility of Victor and Georgi having something in their past.
Before we start to talk about how the songs are related, we need to understand them individually.
Stay Close To Me is Victor’s free skate song. He already told us that his program songs tell stories, and we do have, in fact, a narrative for this song. It tells the love story of a man who lost someone, but hears a far away voice and, even though he doesn’t recognize who’s calling, he goes for them, since the person who’s calling sounds as alone as him.
Here we have a solitary Victor communicating with music to the audience. He is solitary, the ice doesn’t make him as happy as before, and he goes in search of this distance voice without even knowing if the person behind it is alive or dead - and in the end they’re alive, and they both reunite in a happy grand finale.
Sounds familiar with a certain fairy tale?
Great, because we’re now gonna about A Tales of Sleeping Prince. The title already makes a reference to The Sleeping Beauty… But if Georgi lost Anya, why does the song has Tales in its name? Maybe because his heart was broken more than once?
And why is the song called Sleeping Prince if the one who sleeps in the fairy tale is the princess? The answer lies in the fact that Georgi, as we can see in his costume for this program that has elements of both genders, interprets both roles. He is his own prince, and at the same time is the sleeping princess, and he needs to find himself to wake up. Still, even if this is an incredibly personal journey, in The Sleeping Beauty the prince finds the princess with the help of a certain someone: the Lilac Fairy.
Sleeping Prince, then, gives us Georgi’s point of viev about himself, but he also needs external help - someone who can encourage him to wake up, someone who listens to the “wake me up” that is repeated in the backround many times during the song. His Lilac Fairy.
Now Serenade for Two seems to be the one that makes less sense with the characters, since it’s Michele’s free skate song, and the anime made itself clear in showing us his depedency problems with his sister, Sara.  The moral of this small arc is that love also sets free, and Georgi points to us that Michele skates with lost love… And this proves us that he knows that sensation.
If Stay Close To Me is Victor’s theme and A Tales of Sleeping Prince is Georgi’s, Serenade for Two is the fusion of both character’s point of view.
And it is through the analysis of these songs, of their word play and metaphors, that we can see that they create a narrative about an past relationship, a hidden one... In the shadows.
In the shadows, like where Georgi stays. In the shadows, just like when Victor lost his long hair in the first scene in episode 1.
Song identification guide:
Stay close to me
A Tales of Sleeping Prince
Serenade for Two
For this analysis we need to start… From the end! It starts exactly at the final echo of A Tales of Sleeping Prince:
[Wake me up!]: This is a desperate plea that echoes far away, Georgi begs to wake up, he can’t take being abandoned anymore. The answer, however, is at the start of Victor’s Stay Close To Me.
I hear a voice crying far away: A voice crying far away… As in an echo?
Have you been abandoned as well?: "You” who? If Victor didn’t knew Yuuri before this program, he wouldn’t be questioning him if he was a solitary as him (and, actually, loneliness doesn’t really applies to Katsuki, because he himself admits to be surrounded by people who love and support him). Is there anyone with a bigger similarity with Victor then, someone as surrounded by loneliness than Georgi?
Tell me now, its dark: Tell me now. Why now and not before? Besides that, it’s dark. Are you in the shadow again, Georgi?
There is no star in the sky: Oh, yes, we see, it’s because Victor, the Russian star, is gone...
Where are you?: Where have you gone, Victor? Well, of course Georgi knows where, but, far away, that distance seems enormous, something he can’t understand.
Come now, lets empty this glass of wine soon: Let’s finish this soon - someone’s in a hurry. Victor, probably, to finish his career as a figure skater. It’s also relevant to know that wine is associated with riches and grace, just like his skating style. Besides that, in European culture in particular, the act of drinking wine is associated with appreciating life. Victor’s anxious to go away from the ice once and for and then finally start to appreciate life and love, two things he lost.
I'll start getting ready: Victor starts to prepare to end his career, to drink his glass of wine
Why are you leaving me?: Why? Has the reason for their separation been made clear enough? Georgi’s stil hurt about this.
Now be silent: Contrast with the next line. Now be silent, to hear me say. Then now, after all this time, Victor will explain himself and make things clear, now that he’ll be leaving the ice, now that he can enjoy life.
Let me hear you say: “Then let me hear what you have to say”. Probably the reason Victor gave him at first wasn’t enough, he couldn’t understand nor accept, but he still wants to hear Victor.
Let me be your love: Explains itself.
With a sword I wish I could cut: Cut with a sword… Like cutting your hair with scissor blades. It’s also interesting that the sword reminds us of a fairy tale imagery, a theme that both Victor and Georgi share in common with The Sleeping Beauty. It’s also important to notice that the part that begins here is not sung on the duetto, the version that Victor and Yuuri skate together at the season finale.
Those throats singing about love: I want to cut all throats that ressonate love songs. Why does he want to get rid of such memories so much? Why do they hurt him or revolt him so much? This part is a lament, and a confession.
Show me your heart: Here, Georgi encourages him to speak. Show me your heart, show me what you’ve been keeping away during all this time.
I see the brightest star: The brightest star, Victor! Georgi sees him again! He’s coming back, the sky’s not dark anymore; Georgi’s waking up.
I wish to seal in the cold the hands That portray those verses of burning passion: I want to cut, I want to end once and for all these lies (love stories and such) that I brought upon the ice. Because he may have felt obliged to cut away his own love to keep working on the ice and tell other people’s love stories, in a painful irony.
I'll give you my heart: Victor’s so hurt… Georgi won’t hesitate to give him his own heart.
This story that makes no sense: It makes no sense. Staying here (on the ice) doesn’t make sense anymore. Skating gave him everything, but also took him everything, at the same proportion.
Will vanish tonight along with the stars: Conection with the beginning of Sleeping Prince, the metaphor of the dark sky with no stars. Besides that, the story will vanish along with the stars, in this case with the stars going away from the scene (Victor and Georgi, both old for the sport, retiring).
If I could see you from hope: The hope of being saved.
Let me be the one I'll always be Be there for you I promise to save you: And the promise to do so.
I'll save you now: Complimenting with the lines above, Georgi promises to be at Victor’s side, promises to save him now. Why, if he couldn’t do it before?
Eternity will be born: The last line of the part that’s not sung on the duetto at the season finale. It’s interesting to see that it speaks about eternity, and yet Victor and Yuuri don’t skate about it... From this information we can deduce narratively that they still have points at their relationship that they need to work on, or, in another hypothesis, that they’re not faded to be together forever - at least not now.
Stand close to me: Asking for someone to stay with him, and the answer comes right away.
Oh baby I'm coming: Expains itself.
Don't go I'm afraid of losing you: Victor didn’t want to break up, that’s why he asks for Georgi not to go away. This brings even more the following question: for what reason did they broke up? Victor’s also solitary. He has the chance to have something special with another person, but he fears losing the conection that’s narrated in the following lines. He’s desperate.
You're not alone I promise to save you I'll save you now: But you’re not alone, Victor! I promise I’ll save you now! Georgi’s answer is clear: he won’t let them to be separated anymore, now he’ll make sure to save him.
Your hands, your legs My hands, my legs The heartbeats: The heart metaphor, also present in Sleeping Prince, making a connection with said song (I'll give you my heart).
Are fusing together: This is a huge metaphor for a deep and real relationship. While the previous lines talk about the physical (sex, basically), the line just before this talks about heart, more specifically heartbeats. The two people in this song are so close that even the heartbeats are syncronized. It’s literally a fusion of souls, something spiritual and really deep - not the fleeting and lustful love of Eros, represented here by no one but Yuuri himself.
Let's leave together: Victor goes away, but not alone. He goes with someone, a person who, just like him, also needs to finish what they started on the ice. In this case, Victor and Georgi will leave, together. It’s relevant to note that Yuuri’s still young enough to skate, so it doesn’t make sense for him to leave with Victor in this context.
Now I'm ready: Now, for what? Now why and, especially, for what? What happened for Victor to be ready now, but not before? Unfinished business with someone of his past?
[Wake me up!]: It’s the plea that echoes itself. Victor’s not the only one that needs to be saved. Georgi wants to wake up again for love, for life.
No matter what I'll save you now: It’s important to see that these lines about saving/kissing have no matter what. This is unconditional love. It doesn’t matter if Victor or Georgi have 1 or 100 golden medals, whatever. Georgi’s ready to save himself no matter the circumstances, and he wants to save Victor too, without the expectation to get something in return.
[Wake me up!]: You can see that the wake me up is distant, just like the voice mentioned at the beggining of Stay Close To Me, who’s calling for Victor. Georgi needs to wake up, and even though he needs to do so alone (since he’s the prince and princess of his own faity tale, evidenced by his costume), he needs someone to guide him - Victor, the Lilac Fairy, who guides the prince to kiss the Sleeping Beauty.
No matter what I'll kiss you now: No matter what and now, which make themselves presents during the whole song, reinforcing that the unconditional love stills exists at the present time (and that it can still manifest itself).
[Wake me up!]: The plea still echoes, until the begging of Stay Close To Me.
No matter what I'll save you now: "It doesn’t matter what they’ll say now, I’ll never let you go again”. There’s nothing that chains them to the ice anymore with the retirement. With no more masks, they owe nothing to the world.
[Wake me up!] No matter what I'll kiss you now I'll always be Be there for you I promise to save you I'll save you now Oh baby I'm coming You are not alone I promise to save you I'll save you now: All of these repeated lines, reinforcing what has been said before: I’m here for you and I won’t leave you. I’ll save you now, Victor, you’re not alone.
You always made me strong: Someone always made Georgi strong. It wasn’t Anya, but someone who was present in his life for more time. In this case, Victor, someone who Georgi saw as an inspiration for him to get better as an skater (since he was always in his shadow, but he wants to be appreciated for his art before anything else).
I'm not alone: I’m not alone! Georgi’s able to save himself so he can save someone else, who’s no one but the person who guided him, since Victor also needs help. It’s the search for himself, for his own love before he’s able to give it to another person.
I promise to save you I'll save you now Oh baby I'm coming: More reinforcement of his promises. Just like a prince, right?
Through the dark: Through the dark, because Victor’s not a star anymore, he’s not in the sky, yet Georgi doesn’t want anything with his status as a professional and wants to save him as a person, even if this means walking through the dark (without Victor) alone.
I promise to save you I'll save you now: Not a question, but a guarantee: I will save you and I’ll save you now!
After analyzing the two songs, you know what else is interesting? A Tales of Sleeping Prince plays at the background, without lyrics, when the skaters in Barcelona are hanging out together. It’s during the scene when Phichit announces Yuuri’s engagement with Victor, and the same scene when Victor told them that he’ll only marry Yuuri if he wins gold. It’s pretty ironic that a song with lyrics about always being close with someone is played during a scene when Victor puts in a condition for their marriage to happen.
Another thing that reinforces the idea of this possible past relationship is that, while Stay Close To Me and A Tales of Sleeping Prince have each a story in their lyrics, Yuri on Ice doesn’t have any. While everyone thinks that Stay Close To Me is about Victuuri only, Victor skated to it alone, telling the story of a lost love and the desire to get it back. Meanwhile, in his free skate, Yuuri skates about the many kinds of love that he feels and that supported him through his career, but this story doesn’t need to be told in words. Contrary to Georgi and Victor, Yuuri doesn’t have a love story to tell, not yet.
And now, to finish with the song’s analysis, Serenade for Two:
Whenever I hear you bands begin to play: Whenever I hear, indicating here communication above everything - something that still needs work in Victuur, and something explicitated in Stay Close To Me and Sleeping Prince, where the lines talk amongst themselves.
It's a serenade: Serenades are songs normally played during the night, in small verses. Normally below a window, to court the person who’s watching from above. Who’s always on the podium? Who’s extremaly artistic in his programs? Besides that, the fact that the serenade is nocturne matches perfectly with the other lines and all of the metaphors involving the moon, the stars and the sky, that are present in all of the three songs.
For two: If it’s “our serenade for two”, here it’s a vision that fits both, because the song is about them together.
How do I forget you: And how could they forget each other if they were side by side, growing together and sharing space in both their lifes and on the rink?
this feeling inside: What happened in the past stays in the past, but the feelings love on, as it can be seen in their individual songs.
I am always watching over you: Always, as in now. Victor, who’s always at the top, can’t watch anyone, but who’s the person that’s always in his shadow?
Whenever I see you: This line can be an alusion to Georgi watching Victor skate, and how he fell in love with his skating in the past, that was once full of life.
Stars in your eyes: Important!! In the anime, during episode 9, the close in Georgi’s face starts right at this line. His eyes shine in nostalgia as he speaks about lost love.
Brighten up the sky: In the anime, the close persists during this line as well. We don’t really have to say at this point that the stars metaphor is an alusion to the other songs now.
For me: The close ends right there.
We're dancing in the moonlight: They’re dancing now! The serenate worked, and as they dance in the night, they’re booth on equal points with each other. This may also mean that they used to meet each other in the shadows, hidden away from other people.
Tonight you will belong to me, only you…: The said soul fusion in Stay Close To Me comes to play here. Sex is something they both can find with other people, but this line makes it explicit that what they had was beyond physical.
You mean the world to me, my lady: Explains itself. Also the lady here is not a problem, since Victor and Georgi don’t care about gender and this is not an issue in the universe of the anime.
I can be as brave as a knight for you: Who’s the prince of his own story?
If you want, I can be like a sharpened knife: A sharpened knife... Like a prince’s sword.
No one loves you like the way I do: OH FOR GOD’S SAKE!!
Let's fly over the moon: Foreshadowing the the song’s ending, until the clouds hide the moon away. Also a metaphor for them to elevate themselves even higher together, since they were dancing under the moonlight before.
Don't get me wrong: This line points to a possible failure at their communication at some point. There may have been a misunderstading, byt what was it? And for what reasons?
Maybe I'm foolish enough to want you to love me: “Maybe this won’t last, maybe I’m just deceiving myself, but that would be enough”.
For only tonight, will you be the one for me Until the clouds hide the moon away...: If the clouds cover the sky, no one can see the stars moving, no one can find out about Georgi and Victor. A secret relationship.
Whenever I touch you, music seems to stop I've never felt this way so true: Again, the line explains itself. The intensity of the feeling is obvious.
In the end, it is possible to see that the songs in fact communicate and tell a story, and it takes us to believe that, yes, Georgi and Victor used to have something in their past, and this something may be a key point to the future development of their respective arcs in the second season.
This can even influenciate Victuuri as well, be it in the (albeit really small) possibility of them breaking up to move forward as individuals and Victor reunites with Georgi again (just like in The Sleeping Beauty) or as narrative fuel for Victor to mature emotionally as he tries not to repeat the mistakes of his past relationship with the one he has with Yuuri now, moving them forward in what they need to work the most: communication.
And it’s not in the songs only that the night is present. In the legend of Akai Ito, a classic seen in japanese romances and inherited from China, there is a story about a God that only appears at night. This god conects soulmates with the red thread of fate e, even if the circumstances separate them and life makes them twist, the two souls are destined to search for each other until they get together. The further they’re away from each other, the sadder they get; the closer, the happier. And the red thread never breaks.
When you put this together with all the hints about Georgi being a Chekhov’s Gunman - the emphasis brought upon his character in interviews, how he’s always in the background of many scenes, his paralels and links with the other main characters -, it’s clear that he can play perfectly the role of a past love of Victor, the first love that’s hinted at the beggining of the anime, and that both his character and this information can still be very important to the series development.
After all, Victor said he had a first love, he just didn’t told us who it was.
And we don’t have only 2, but 3 Yuris here. And one of them was present in Victor’s life before the other Yuris we know. Only him can present us with his role to the narrative.
Georgi is a key character to Yuri!!! On Ice’s narrative, and we all should pay attention to him.
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nodesiretogrowup · 3 years
ok, here’s my play-by-play
gotta love those parallels to the first episode
modern disney shows LOVE them some goats
she got monster catfished
Luz and King are me and my puppy. she likes to run off w/ things she SHOULDN’T be playing with (like my socks)
new opening is MAJESTIC
I like that they animated the video footage to be all pixel-y
DAWWW, KING (maybe he can be her “pet" when she gets back home)
“She’s doing her best now” mood
I love the Thirty and Flirty mug I turn 30 in Sept so...relevant 
I feel like Lilith could hear Luz, because she starts to smile when Luz says that they could become friends
poor Hooty
to be fair to Lilith I would also slam a window on someone who popped up out of nowhere and scared me
show of hands-who thinks the Stab-Catcher is gonna come back at some point and be/be used for something important
Eda STILL hit the bullseye, so King was probably safe
I don’t know why but “this week we’re bounty hunters” made me laugh. maybe because it sounds like the start to some reality show about some shmuck doing random jobs every episode
Luz showing off her GUNS to her mama
I also love that Luz speaks in Spanish when she talks to her mom
"I love you, Mom. I promise, I'll be back home soon." T_T
“Do you own anything that isn’t COVERED IN FEATHERS?!” funny joke about Eda being a bit of a slob or foreshadowing?
also I want that shirt
“I’m trying to stay civil” *FUCKING KICKS A DUDE OVER* Eda, my love, never change
Eda had a bit of a Karen moment there
DAT GROWL! *swoons*
I really like the egg couple, they cute
Gun Show Round 2-Lilith
“heh heh, you’re a TRADER!” King likes to kick ‘em when they’re down
The Golden Guard is a stupid name. it REEKS of trying to be cool but failing, this kid’s a nerd. like, I wouldn’t be impressed by someone with that name I’d think they were a knock-off superhero
the “genius teen prodigy” hmm? I know people are comparing him to Eda, and rightfully so, but that could also apply to Gus. I mean, he’s technically a pre-teen when we first meet him, but STILL. 
I love that Lilith just says vomit. she really isn’t so above it all lol
Greg’s List, lol
WANTED-YOU, A FRIEND! aw, hope that person finds a friend
ok, the Cutie Pie kind of disturbs me. THOSE DEAD EYES
I’d like to pretend Lilith and Eda are having two different conversations
“That’s rough, buddy” THAT’S ZUKO’S PHRASE
and King just takes his lollipop and pushes him lol
then Luz steps on him
“I can’t change the past, but I can still change the future.” a good mindset. and maybe foreshadowing some time travel in the future?
I really relate to Luz in this episode. I feel like a burden on my family, especially my parents because I’ve had health problems since I was a kid and am still living at home. they reassure me that I’m not but still
this episode gave me a lot of Treasure Planet vibes and I mean that in the BEST way
I’m mad that the captain is in league w/ the emperor, he seems like a cool dude
this is a realistic portrayal of siblings. one of my sisters will bring up the time I threw a remote at her
why did Lilith pull the spell out of the book?
Bestie, Lulu. oh Hooty, I love you. who else kinda wants a Hooty nickname?
“We can find out their secret crushes! We can give them cute couple names.” HOOTY TOTALLY USES LUMITY TO REFER TO LUZ AND AMITY. HE IS ONE OF US
“A good friend would respect her wishes but a BETTER friend would help her no matter WHAT.” well his heart’s in the right place
the stained glass windows on the back of the ship remind me of the windows at the Mystery Shack
pirate Luz is adorable
“I HAVE MANY DEBTS!” I love this dude
Luz has come SO FAR! MY SWEET CHILD!
King just hanging w/ the other “parrots”
“BOO!” oh hush King, it wasn’t that bad
I love the little noises King makes
SO MANY TRIANGLES! King must feel at home lol
poor King
when we gonna get fire bee Pokémon?
didn’t think I’d feel bad for Lilith this early on
has Hooty gone out fire bee hunting before?
I knew the moment we saw the selkidamus that it was a mama
at first I thought the ghost pirate was part of the Emperor’s plan to capture Luz and the captain was in on it
I love that Luz ends up with just cubes under her feet
GG IS THEATRE NERD (I’m calling him GG because the Golden Guard is long and I don’t want to type it)
“Because none of you can use real magic.” I think GG is projecting a bit here. I think his magic is artificial/tech based
I bet that plant doesn’t eat flesh and GG was trolling them
I love this little shit lord
I feel like the selkidamus is just a red herring. GG doesn’t even take it in the end
I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t look like DANGLING. THEY’RE LIKE 2 INCHES ABOVE IT. YOU WEAK, GG
aw, the whimper Luz makes
does GG really think King’s a bird?
King and Soos both conk out when it gets dark. wish I could do that
Lilith, you’re relatively smart, why did you use a FLAMMABLE OBJECT against FIRE BEES?
“No witch is an island.” such wise words
Lilith clapping at the VIOLENCE!
this WHOLE SCENE made me WEEP! I could relate to Luz SO MUCH and Eda lets her know that she has made her live BETTER! SO MANY TEARS!
BABY!!!!! I find the selkidamus baby WAAAAAAY cuter than the Cutie Pie thing at the beginning
GG finds King endearing? I smell a future plotline with these two
“Gross.” “YOU’RE GROSS!” these are children, someone help Luz come up w/ better insults
I bet King doesn’t smell and GG is just trying to act cool
“BY-EEEEEEEE” this child is in NO WAY straight
I think GG might be looking out for Luz. he wasn’t gonna take her in, just Eda. and all he does is tell her to stay out of trouble because the Emperor is a bad dude. I think he might relate to Luz on some level, maybe even admires her (in a nonromantic way) for going toe-to-toe w/ Belos and being able to hold her own
aw, Eda looks so proud of herself, and she should be
selkigris. I remembered from and episode of Futurama that the whale version of this (I don’t remember what it’s actually called) was worth good money
that pose Eda strikes after she jumps in the selkigris, beautiful
and King found a skull
Hootisfer! I love it! I want a nickname from Lilith!
“I’ll protect you, Hootisfer.” TOO CUTE!!
I feel like the KNEW they were being watched and the Emperor WANTED Luz to see him w/ the door. I bet he was PISSED when he found out no one saw him/heard his cool quip
I really enjoyed this episode. I think it was smart to limit the cast to just the Owl House crew and see where they are before we see everyone else.
I think GG might be like a magic clone/son of Belos mixed with some of Eda’s magic to make him more powerful/unbeatable. And that Belos might be planning to transfer his soul into GG’s younger body. And there is not a DOUBT IN MY MIND that Belos is actually a human. WE DON’T SEE HIS EARS! 
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