#Baby You’re The Highlight Of My Lowlife (Valentino ♡ Vox)
e-m-p-error · 7 months
[ @seven-circlllxs LIKED For A Starter || Vox ]
[ Valentino + Trina ]
"There we go, Val, perfect!" Velvette chirped, stepping back and marveling at her work.
The vibrant red and blue dress clung tightly to Valentino's chest, showing off his nipple rings and the chain between them obviously. One side of it reached up over his left shoulder, ending in a blossom of a red tuille rose. Down from the bodice was a ruffled, layered tulle skirt in that same red that only went a quarter of the way down Valentino's thighs.
A black garter clung to the left side with a heart-shaped golden D-ring in the center. Stretching from beneath it was a pair of fishnets, red on the left and blue on the right, that disappeared into knee-high black stiletto PVC boots. A golden chain looped several times around his waist, a moth-themed gemmed clip holding it in place on his right hip.
More golden jewelry was looped around his neck, his wrists, and his ankles. He needed to show off tonight, and he was going to show Vox how beautiful he was, damn it. His usual golden claws were in place on his hands, and he wore several rings, all gifts from Vox over the years. A golden choker was clamped around his neck with a large V in the center, encrusted in bright blue gemstones. That one was a suggestion from Velvette that he was digging in the mirror.
A cuff on his lower left arm was golden with a large red heart in the center. A neon blue heartline in the center spiked in an erratic heartbeat, another gift from Velvette.
"You think he'll like it?" Valentino asked, smoothing his hands down the ruffled skirt.
"I know he'll love it." She told him, "Now, shoo! You're gonna be late."
Valentino had never booked it so fast as he did down to the waiting limousine, waiting for Travis to open the door for him. When he finally ducked into the back, he offered Vox a truly dumbstruck, loving smile.
"Buenos noches, Destello~" He greeted, sliding delicately into the bench seat beside Vox and planting a red lipstick-stained kiss on his screen, at the corner of his mouth, "I've been thinking about this all day."
Tell me you've been thinking of me all day.
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e-m-p-error · 11 months
[ @seven-circlllxs || Continued From Here || Vox ]
[ Valentino ]
Valentino's antennae lowered as his eyes narrowed into hot pink slits in his face.
"S-Word Problem?" His tone spelled out the threat without him having to flat-out give it, and he crossed both sets of arms over his chest and stomach. Shifting his weight to his left food, he held Vox's gaze as he ashed his cigarette on the floor of his office. If he was going to be an unhelpful ass, Valentino would beat him at his own game.
"You and I both know Angie isn't, somehow, pathetic enough for her tastes. She likes her wet paper bags of men. Sometimes the little bitch remembers he has fangs." Oh, he did not want to think about Angel Dust right now. It was only stressing him further.
Plucking his cigarette from its holder, he dropped it on the floor and crushed it beneath his winklepicker boot. Making sure to bare the fishnets climbing up his legs, holding his coat up and out of the way, Val rolled his eyes. The only real indication of this was the way his face moved, his mouth drawing into a frustrated frown.
"You and I both know that I don't have to apologize, but she's being an obstinate bitch about this. I didn't do shit." Nothing ever in the history of the entirety of existence could have, would ever be, or had ever been Valentino's fault. He was perfect, immaculate, never made a mistake, and never, once, ever, for any reason, needed to apologize.
Apologies were for nerds and ugly people.
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
[ @seven-circlllxs || Continued From Here || Vox ]
[ Valentino ]
Valentino had started an hour or so before Vox had arrived.
There were already two empty blenders caked in chocolate and cream in his sink, not filled with water and no doubt going to be a pain to wash later. He'd been spending the last minute or so trying to fill the empty bottle of whipped cream vodka in his hand with his tongue to chase the last drops into his mouth. Finally dropping it, he was delighted when Kitty zoomed in from nowhere to catch it before it shattered at his feet. His happiness disappeared as quickly as she did.
Celebrating? This was hardly a celebration.
"We're not." Oh, it was a miracle that he didn't slur those words, but the next ones weren't so lucky, "'S notta cel-bration. 'S... Don' wanna talk 'bouddit."
Reaching for the next bottle of whipped cream vodka, he paused when his hand hovered over the bottle of expensive tequila.
Valentino hated tequila. The taste made his skin crawl, and he only liked it in mixed drinks. When he reached for that bottle when he was upset, one knew it was a drinking-to-forget kind of night.
"Jus' drink, 'Estello." He murmured, "Jus'.. Do't." He didn't want to be drinking alone tonight.
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
You'll Never Make It In Hollywood, Baby
[ Closed Starter For @seven-circlllxs || Vox ]
[ Valentino ]
Stomping through the spaces between sets, Valentino shrugged his robe back on his shoulders from where it had started to droop from them. Anger burned hot pink on his face, and showed clearly in each harsh click of his short, three-inch heels as he sought out the producer.
The flowing red robe trailed along behind him on the ground, its fine silky material shimmering in the afterglow of the stage lights with each small set he passed. The red feathers tickled his chest and legs as he walked, and when he finally seemed to reach his destination, they waved in the air with the sudden stop.
With part of the robe gathered in his lower left hand, he exposed one long, long leg up to his hip. Two straps, one over the fold where his upper thigh met his groin, and the other over the rise of his hip, were exposed, coupled with half of the wings of an elaborate lace moth over his crotch. The leopard print along the straps was just so Valentino. Really, this entire look was incredibly Valentino.
Especially considering he was supposed to be preparing for a shoot in ten minutes and it would appear he hadn't even been to wardrobe, much less hair and makeup. Whatever could he be fussing about, now?
"Daddy!" Nevermind that Vox was in the middle of something, too. That wasn't Valentino's fault. The diva had to pitch his fit no matter what was going on around him, "Daddy! I can't work under these fucking conditions!" Stomp, stomp, half-twirl, sniffle, sniffle, "You have to fix this! Now!'
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
Valentino, Vox, and Vision
Something that Valentino used to be able to handle better in their past together was the light that Vox's head put off. When they met and started their partnership, Vox's light was much dimmer and much easier to actually see.
Becoming partners with a man whose face was a light, however, was what started him wearing his sunglasses everywhere all the time. It helped him to see better than he had in eight years in Hell, though his vision still wasn't the best, any improvement was better than nothing.
As Vox improved and upgraded his head, his face grew ever brighter and even harder for Valentino to see. Once upon a time, Valentino could have fallen victim, somewhat, to Vox's hypnotism, but once his face began to brighten and it was harder and harder to see, he wasn't able to maintain that.
Now, the blue light given off by Vox's teeth is blinding for Valentino, who cannot see those winning smiles very well even with his glasses on. He struggles not to get Moon Eyes over Vox's face when he gets in close, though he doesn't often fight it.
Despite this, Vox's smile is still one of Valentino's favorite things to try to see. He loves it whenever Vox smiles at him, especially those rarer, genuine ones. He will happily deal with being blind just to know Vox is pleased with something he's done.
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e-m-p-error · 10 months
[ @seven-circlllxs || Continued From Here || Vox ]
[ Velvette ]
"Oh, shut it. It was either this or the reptile show." Velvette replied dryly, a smirk on her face as she watched Vox and his clear impatience. There most likely wouldn't be much happening other than the strutting, the posing, and the exit, and she relished in it. Driving Vox crazy was just part of his punishment.
Valentino had been mad at him for... Something. Velvette couldn't get it out of him, but she didn't mind. Vox would get his.
"Would you have preferred being my centipede mannequin? Because we can do that next."
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
[ @seven-circlllxs || Continued From Here || Vox ]
[ Valentino ]
People didn't often give Valentino enough credit.
What they saw, most times, was a very powerful whoremonger. Someone that could sweet talk anyone into anything, or who could deliver a punishment so severe one never crossed him again. They saw a simple man that did simple things and relied on Vox for anything too difficult. He sold his beauty to the masses and they tended to discredit anything else he had built in.
But Valen-fucking-tino was not an idiot.
In fact, he was doing his due diligence right now, bent in half with his lower hands vacuum sealed to his ass and Vox's hand held in his upper left one. His long, slim fingers curled slightly underneath Vox's claws, and his thumb smoothed over Vox's knuckles. While he'd aimed for smarmy and self-assured, his smile was downright predatory, his eyes glinting behind his glasses.
"How's the recording going, Destello?" He questioned, letting that second 'r' in 'recording' carry some heft and a deep purr, "You're almost done, aren't you?"
Maybe he didn't have a built-in Notes app, but he didn't need one. The look on his face was probably enough for even Vox, in his flustered state, to know that Val was taking notes. Every movement, every touch, every breath was a carefully chosen cog in a machine of effortless sex appeal, and there was no questioning that Valentino knew what he was doing.
"Because I was thinking... We could get dinner, Tiburoncito."
Was it necessary for his slick, strong tongue to lave over the back of Vox's hand? Yes. Absolutely yes. There would never be anything more necessary that Valentino could or would ever do again. It left behind tingling, hot pink saliva in its wake, stark against Vox's dark skin.
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e-m-p-error · 9 months
"So.. Where do we go from here..?" (Vox to Val, after the First Morning After - @seven-circlllxs)
morning after starters
[ @seven-circlllxs ]
[ Valentino ]
The moth stared at his phone for a second before sighing softly, his eyes still on his digital calendar. He'd had things color-coded in different shades of red to gauge his interest in them, or in pink for Angel Dust-specific events. He'd noticed that morning that there were a few new things, notably in a very familiar blue.
The blue stood out, stark on the screen, and he sank his chin into his upper hand.
"It looks like we have a date tomorrow night at seven." He finally murmured, sitting up finally, "You... Really liked last night, didn't you?" Half of him wondered if Vox knew how close he'd been to dying last night. He'd had the damn thing in his hands...
"Are you picking me up?"
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e-m-p-error · 9 months
[ @seven-circlllxs LIKED For A Starter ]
[ Valentino ]
Humming as he twisted the bottom of the lipstick, he smacked his lips a few times with a pleased grin on his face. Breezing through the door to Vox's bedroom in his skimpy lingerie, he licked his lips to laden his lipstick with his venom.
Pushing the crushed velvette bow wrapped around his chest up a little more, he hummed as he swayed his hips, looking for his lover.
"Voxxy~?" Val called, perking up a little to listen for any noise. Closet. He heard something in the closet. Spreading his legs as he walked, he readjusted the straps around his ass that held the matching red ribbon around the swell of his butt with his lower hands.
As soon as he arrived in the closet, he teased one hand up Vox's spine as his antennae perked forward.
"Pucker up, Daddy~ Your Sinsmas present is here."
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