#Back Pain Treatment in Bangalore
Holistic Solutions for Back Pain Relief in Bangalore
In the current time, there are a lot of people who tend to suffer from back pain. There is a high chance that you might have experienced the pain in the past or going to experience the same in the future.
Further, this can also be one of the reasons behind the leaves that we take from work. Other than this, it can have a great effect on perhaps the lifestyle that you might be having. Thus, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for back pain relief in Bangalore.
Back pain in general can easily last from a few days to several weeks and hence it might affect the active lifestyle that you might be having. Also, if you have had back pain in the past, you might have to deal with recurrent cases of back pain again. However, you can prevent back pain easily if you catch them at an early stage.
So, in this article, we will talk about different solutions for back pain relief in Bangalore. Let us have a look: -
How we stand, sit, work, and move plays a significant role in maintaining spine health. Also, if continuous posture is maintained, then a lot of stains can be put on the spine such as intervertebral discs and muscles.
Also, prolonged postures can be one of the significant causes of back pain. So, some of the things that you need to do to maintain your posture are as follows: -
Take regular breaks
Provide adequate support to your back
Workspace needs to be recognized
Move your body
If you are looking to take back pain treatment, then muscles present near the spine need to be strengthened. In this way, you would get much-needed relief from stains on your back.
So, if you work out or keep moving, then your spine will gradually develop adequate muscle strength. Some of the activities in which you can engage are swimming, jogging, Pilates, yoga, etc. such that you can keep yourself fit. Besides this, you should also engage in exercises through which strong core muscles can be built such that the back can be supported. 
If a balanced meal is taken at regular intervals, then a lot of lifestyle diseases can be kept at bay. There are often when lifestyle diseases cause hindrance in back pain recovery. Also, supplementation can be taken such that bone health is improved.
Once the testing has been done, you can ask the physician to prescribe any joint or bone supplement.
When back pain treatment is undertaken, one thing that is often neglected is resting. So, if you don't sleep well, then the ability of the body to heal is affected severely. Thus, it is advised that you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Besides this, you can also take short rest during the day time such that back straining can be prevented.
All life aspects can be affected by back pain which includes work, leisure, etc. So, if you want to treat the back pain, then you would need to make several changes in your lifestyle. These include taking a lot less stress, living properly, keeping a positive attitude, staying active etc.
If a healthy weight is maintained, then your body can recover from back pain a lot more quickly. Due to obesity, a lot of stress is put on the back muscles. Also, due to weight fluctuations, core muscle stability is affected.
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journeytowellness80 · 11 months
Back Pain treatment in Bangalore
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Back pain is a prevalent concern that affects a significant portion of the population, leading to discomfort and decreased quality of life. One of the fundamental approaches to back pain treatment in Bangalore involves a comprehensive assessment by healthcare professionals. Medical practitioners specializing in orthopedics, physiotherapy, and pain management conduct thorough evaluations to determine the underlying causes of the pain. This diagnostic step is crucial in tailoring an effective treatment plan that suits the individual's needs. Back pain treatment in Bangalore extends beyond the clinical setting. Holistic approaches, including yoga and alternative therapies, have gained popularity for their potential benefits in managing and preventing back pain. These practices focus on promoting overall well-being, stress reduction, and enhancing the mind-body connection.
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sagarhospitals1 · 1 year
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astrahospital1 · 1 year
Astra hospital is the best orthopedic hospital in Bangalore. Our orthopedic doctors provide comprehensive bone and joint care. Our bone specialists treat conditions like arthroscopies, osteoporosis, ACL reconstruction surgery, frozen shoulder etc. Book an Appointment today
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sagarhospital · 1 year
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curemypainindia · 2 years
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travoncore · 24 days
Nourish Your Backbone: Ayurvedic Back Massage for Spinal Health in Bangalore
Revitalise your spine with our back massage for optimal spinal health in Bangalore. Explore specialised Ayurvedic therapies at our Panchakarma clinic in Kalyan Nagar, catering to arthritis, sinusitis, migraine, and skin diseases. Nourish your backbone and embrace holistic well-being with our expert Ayurvedic treatments.
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unitedhospital · 3 months
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ayurvedicclinic-87 · 1 year
Obesity is described as ‘Medoroga ‘or ‘Sthoulya Roga ‘in Ayurveda. Continuous indulgence in high-fat food, fried items, etc., along with a sedentary lifestyle leads to excess accumulation of body fat which gets deposited in the numerous body channels.
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ayurvedicclinic-86 · 1 year
PCOD is a condition where the ovaries release a lot of immature or partly mature eggs and eventually they become Cysts. Weight gain, irregular periods, thinning hair, and acne are common symptoms of PCOD.PCOS is the condition in which ovaries produce higher levels of androgen than usual, which interferes with the development and release of the eggs.
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sreeprathama · 2 years
Computers, working stations, hectic work schedules, watching television in the wrong position, and reading while sleeping are responsible for adding additional stiffness to your neck & back, leading to the problem of serious neck & back pain.
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Understanding the Causes and Treatment of Chronic Back Pain
Each year many people tend to suffer from back pain which can range when it comes to severity. Thus, it is one of the common medical problems that are faced by several people all across the globe.
So, you start feeling the pain instantly due to injury or accident. Further, it can also get developed due to body generation and age.
Unfortunately, there are some times when doctors misdiagnose back pain. Thus, it can result in unnecessary surgical procedures and medications. Hence, it is advised that you opt for the best doctor when it comes to back pain treatment in Bangalore.
So, in this article, we would be discussing everything about Back pain. Let us have a look:-
Understanding the back pain
You should first understand the type of back pain that you are having before you opt for treatment. Back pain is divided into three groups based on the severity and duration of the pain.
Acute back pain is one of the common types of back pain and it can last from a few days to weeks. In general, it happens due to certain trauma such as falls or accidents. In majority of the cases, the symptoms would get better over some time through self-care and rest.
Subacute is the subset of acute pain and it can easily last from 6 weeks to 3 months.
Lastly, chronic is the back pain that lasts for 12 weeks or even longer even if the underlying cause or injury is treated. But, the good thing is that chronic back pain affects only a certain section of people.
What are the symptoms of Back Pain?
Some of the symptoms of Back Pain are:-
Muscle ache
Stabbing or shooting pain
Muscle spasms
Decrease in Physical fatigue and stamina
Muscle spasms
What are the causes of Back Pain?
Some of the most common reasons associated with back pain are strains and sprains. In general, the sprains are caused due to tearing and overstretching of the ligaments. On the other hand, strains happen when there are tears in the tendons and muscles.
There are often when people have to deal with slipped discs. This usually happens when the material which is present inside the spinal bulges tends to rupture while putting a lot of pressure on the nerve.
 Radiculopathy is a condition that happens due to inflammation and compression of the nerve root of the spine. So, once the pressure is put on the root, then it causes numbness, pain, and a tingling sensation. In common, it happens when a herniated disc is compressed in the nerve root.
 If a traumatic injury happens such as a fall or car accident, then it can result in back pain ranging from mild to severe.
What are the treatment options available for Back Pain?
Some of the treatment options which are available for back pain are:-
Cold and hot Compresses
Strength Training
Steroid injections
Nerve block therapy
Spinal mobilization and manipulation.
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journeytowellness80 · 11 months
Back Pain Healing Therapist in Bangalore
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In the bustling city of Bangalore, individuals seeking solace and relief have found their sanctuary in the realm of healing therapy. The demand for effective healing therapies in Bangalore has surged, giving rise to a growing community of healing therapists dedicated to restoring both physical and emotional well-being. Among the prevalent concerns that draw seekers to these practitioners is the ubiquitous issue of back pain.
Healing therapists in Bangalore specialize in a diverse array of modalities, each rooted in ancient traditions and contemporary insights. These skilled practitioners harness various techniques to facilitate healing, harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. Those who have experienced the adept hands of a healing therapist in Bangalore often describe it as a transformative journey, where stress melts away, and balance is restored.
In the heart of this bustling metropolis, back pain treatment in Bangalore has emerged as a beacon of hope for those grappling with discomfort. These treatments are not just a mere alleviation of symptoms but a comprehensive approach addressing the root causes of back pain. Combining the wisdom of traditional practices with modern medical knowledge, back pain treatment in Bangalore offers a holistic path to recovery.
As the city continues to evolve, the prominence of healing therapy in Bangalore and its practitioners remains unwavering. The city's residents have come to recognize the immense value of these therapies, not only for their ability to alleviate physical ailments like back pain but also for their profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. The synergy between healing therapy and Bangalore's fast-paced lifestyle is evident as individuals increasingly seek the expertise of healing therapists to find respite, restoration, and rejuvenation.
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sagarhospitals1 · 1 year
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Sagar Hospitals is the best neuro hospital in banashankari and Jayanagar. We treat condition related to brain and spine surgery like epilepsy surgery, advanced stroke care, head injury, poly trauma and comprehensive neurological care. CT, MRI, PET & Neurosonology scans are available to diagnose and treat brain and spine conditions. We have the best neurologist in banashankari and Jayanagar
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astrahospital1 · 1 year
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sagarhospital · 1 year
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