#Neurosurgeon in Jayanagar
sagarhospitals1 · 1 year
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sagarhospital · 2 years
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unitedhospital · 6 months
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storieswithpoonam · 3 years
Destined to meet
It was a bright Sunday evening when Niki tried hard opening her eyes to glace at the time. She reached out to the clock on the side of the bed at an arms distance and saw it was 1:00 pm. She decided this was going to be one of her lazy Sundays. She tossed and turned in her bed as her slender fingers pulled back the blanket on her. It was 3:00 pm by the time she got off the bed. She had decided to go and eat Pani Puri with her best friend Shweta in the evening. “Cut down on the pani puri” she remembered her dad's voice. A wide line formed on her lips as the face of the old man flashed in front of her. ”Old Man” is how she called her father lovingly.
6 ft tall and a disciplined runner, her father Mr. Natarajan was still living the life of an army general. He woke up at 4 am every day for over the last many years she had known him. He said his prayers in the morning and his routine was clockwork.
She got back to her bed and found her phone nowhere in the vicinity. Last night had been a party night and she had no remembrance of how she got home. 30 minutes into the search, the house turned into a mess, but the phone was nowhere.
“Did Niki call yet? It’s 4:00 pm and I am sure she is up” said Natrajan to his wife Sita. Sita was one of those Indian mothers who believed in visiting the temple and praying for the god of her family. She just got back from the temple after praying god to help her find the right boy for her daughter Niki.
“Your Daughter only calls you. She remembers mom only when the next batch of snacks and pickles have to be couriered to her.” said Sita with a playful smile.
Natrajan picked up the phone and dialed Niki only to hear a hoarse unfamiliar male voice saying “Hello”.
“Who the hell are you? Where is my daughter?” said a visibly shaken Natrajan.
“Sir, my name is Nikhil and I found this phone at the pub yesterday. I was waiting for the owner of this phone to call me back.” Said Nikhil.
Even before Natarajan could answer, the phone went dead. Nikhil stared at the phone for one whole minute and put the phone on charge.
Nikhil was a software Engineer. He was from the city of palaces, Jaipur and his job brought him to Bangalore. 6ft. 2in tall, and a fitness enthusiast Nikhil had a drool-worthy appearance. He had his way with people and was always known for building strong lasting relationships.
As the phone sprung to life it broke the silence in Nikhil’s apartment. But what took Nikhil by awe was the picture that was flashing on the mobile screen right then.
“SG?” he said as he picked up the call.
“Niki! Is that you?” she said.
Nikhil disconnected the call and he was staring at the phone in his hand wondering why he disconnected the call. How was she related to the owner of this phone? Was she also in the pub yesterday? The SG he knew had time only for OT (Operation Theater) and she practically made hospital her home over the years.
SG – aka Shweta Gupta is a doctor and a neurosurgeon to be precise. She had a reputation of being a nerd and having a hand full of close friends. She also happened to be Nikhil – Nikhil Gupta’s younger sister.
Nikhil heard his phone ring and knew who was calling him. As he answered the call, he said “SG first listen to me”.
“I was at a pub last night. On the table next to me was a beautiful girl and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her beauty was intoxicating, and she was as rare as a jewel. I had to step out as dad called me and by the time I was back I saw the group leaving. All that I noticed was a mobile left on the table. I picked it up and rushed to the exit only to see her leaving in a cab. I have been waiting for the owner of the phone to call me back. Her father called and as I was conversing, the phone died. As it sprung to life, you called, and I was shocked.” Said Nikhil.
“Idiot, this is my friend Niki’s phone. Her dad called me, and he said a nice guy called Nikhil answered the call, but the phone was not reachable post that. As he couldn’t talk to Niki, I came to her and we spoke to her parents. We have been dialing her number for the nice guy to answer the call. I was surprised to hear your voice as you answered the call.” Said Shweta.
Nikhil sighed and said, “Tell me where are you, I will get the phone to you.”
“We are going out to eat pani puri at 6:00 pm. Come to Jayanagar  BDA complex join us for pani puri by 6:00 pm.” Said Shweta.
Nikhil got into the cab. He knew he had a good 30 minutes before he reaches the Jayanagar BDA complex. He lowered his cab window to enjoy Bengaluru’s evening breeze. As he thought of eating pani puri with his sister he was reminded of a memory.
One evening after football practice, when Nikhil was returning home with his friends, he saw his sister and another girl in their school uniforms next to a gollgappa stall two lanes before his house. As he reached there, Shweta his sister said “Aaj ke gollgape bhai ke treat” and the girls continued to eat. Suddenly, Shweta said “Niki meet Niki.”
As she saw the confused expressions on her brother’s and her friend’s faces, she said “Nikita meet Nikhil”. Because of her father’s job, Nikita moved throughout the country. She studied her 9th and 10th Standard from Kendra Vidyalaya, Jaipur. She was Shweta’s only best friend. Nikhil admired the silent Nikita who was quiet and soft-spoken compared to his sister who was younger than him by two years but ordered around like an older sibling. Occasionally he did hear about Nikita at home but never meet her.
Nikhil reached Jayanagar BDA complex. The complex had bright colors of light and was filled with the hustle and bustle of people who were shopping for various needs. The air was filled with the fragrances of fresh flowers and incandescent from the puja shops on the ground floor of the complex. Nikhil made his way to Shop no. 65 on the left-wing of the complex. Raj Chats & fast food was at a 5-step distance and he saw two girls enjoying pani puri and eating them like there is no tomorrow.
One of them was dressed in a white salwar and had the aura of an angle. The soft breeze pushed her knee-length black lush hair like ripples on a seashore. While his conscious mind was busy comparing images from last night to the person in front of his eyes, his subconscious mind retrieved a name from its database. “Nikita Natarajan” he said.
As Nikhil was rooted to his spot, he suddenly heard Shweta shout “Bhai, come here”. She then looked at Niki and said” Aaj ke gollgape bhai ke treat” and as Nikhil got closer to them, Shweta said “Niki meet Niki”!
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Tips for Choosing Best Neuro Specialist in Bangalore?
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Neuro specialists can be Neurologists or Neurosurgeons – who can treat Brain and Spine issues.
Are you or your caring ones enduring Back Pain, Neck Pain, Brain Tumor, Migraine Headache, or searching for guidance for Brain Surgery, Spine Surgery, or Neuro Endo Vascular Surgery in Bangalore.
If you have significant concerns searching for the best Neuro specialist in Bangalore!
You head over to Google looking for the Best Neurologist or neurosurgeon near me however you wound up getting an enormous rundown of Neuro Practitioners – tracking down the best Neuro expert in Bangalore looks an overwhelming undertaking.
Picking a Neurologist, or Neuro specialist is a significant choice you make before your discussion begins. Neuro experts are a group of specialists nervous system specialists and neurosurgeons and others. You can check accreditations at the site.
If you are in Bangalore, read on to get Tips for Choosing the Best Neuro Specialist in Bangalore.
1. Visit the site
The absolute first thing you can do is to check their site and investigate what they are doing.
2. Request reference
If your PCP is guaranteeing that he/she is a specialist in Neuro expert then, at that point request references to check how certain are they about their outcomes. Requesting references doesn’t intend to pass judgment on any specialist or their calling this would be only useful in your dynamic while picking the best Neuro specialist in Bangalore.
3. Affirm the Credentials
Fundamentally, you will be hoping to talk with an expert with information and the capacity to give you the right sort of treatment. It is significant that the Neuro-specialist keeps awake-to-date to his/her affirmation, is staying aware of best practices, and knows about the improvements in his/her forte region. The Neurologist or neurosurgeon must go through important preparation and has what it takes and experience needed to give the right sort of Neuro treatment.
4. Think about the Experience
In clinical calling, experience sets stand apart from an expert from the rest so think about the absolute experience and the association he/she connected with and delivered the administrations. Keep in mind, the experience of the specialist has an immediate bearing on the treatment result.
5. Ask a specialist for a second assessment
Regardless of what best specialist you are getting conference from is consistent, in the event of any uncertainty, it is prompted that you can go for a specialist for a second assessment. It is useful to thoroughly analyze specialists’ treatment proposals to check whether ideas from one are upheld by others or what are the distinctions.
6. Check their Reviews
The speedy thing you can do is to check their audits or criticism – Patients who have seen and gone through discussion strategy can disclose to you more about it. Audits/criticism is a decent and effective approach to get some answers concerning the center or the specialists and surprisingly about their staff.
7. Request Online Video Consultation
Requesting on the web video conference let you meet, talk, see and break down the general arrangement and point of view about the Neuro related issues including a medical procedure if it exhorted. It additionally assists you with understanding the specialist to-patient correspondence. On the off chance that you meet face to face that would likewise be an ideal choice gave you have adequate time.
If you are searching for the best specialist neuro expert in BENGALURU, NeuroWellness gives great cerebrum and spine care at a reasonable expense in examination with the other clinical treatment alternatives around the world.
Our master Neuro group at NeuroWellness in Bengaluru gives counsel and treatment to all neuro issues.
Please visit
NeuroWellness Brain and Spine Clinic #1224, Ground-Floor, 26th Main, Jayanagar 9th Block BANGALORE – 560069
Phone No +91 72596 69911 +91 73490 17701
Website www.neurowellness.in
Facebook www.facebook.com/neurowellness.in/
Disclaimer: This data isn’t intended to sub for proficient clinical counsel. The peruser is educated to consistently look for guidance concerning a doctor preceding changing any therapy or to get answers to questions concerning a particular ailment.
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sagarhospitals1 · 1 year
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sagarhospital · 2 years
How Anxiety affects your Body
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Anxiety is a commonly heard health disorder which is related to our mind. The word anxious is widely used in our day-to-day life whenever we are very keen to know about something may it be the health of a loved one or even anticipating a rare achievement. However, neurologists in Bangalore associated with Sagar Hospital warn that anxiety can test you as an individual to no end.
Let us try to understand more about anxiety and how it can affect your body
What is Anxiety?
Seasoned medical experts working with Sagar Hospital, the renowned Multispeciality hospital in Bangalore, describe anxiety as a group of disorders that can cause worry, nervousness, and fear. Anxiety can interrupt day-to-day life as in some cases, people cannot identify a trigger and feel anxious for what seems like no reason.
It is quite common for people to feel anxious in some situations, such as before an important presentation or meeting. However, as per consultant neurologists in Bangalore associated with Sagar Hospital, persistent anxiety can interfere with a person’s well-being. The positive part is that anxiety attacks respond well to treatment.
What can cause Anxiety?
Experienced Neurologists from Sagar Hospital, the best neurology hospital in Bangalore, attribute the cause of anxiety to a couple of factors as given below:
Genetic Factors
Environmental changes
Chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases
Stress at work
Stressful domestic conditions
Injuries through an accident
Other mental health disorders
How does Anxiety affect your body?
On feeling stressed or frightened, the brain transmits signals to other parts of the body. Subsequently, stress hormones are released by the body as a response. Prolonged anxiety increases the risk of developing chronic physical conditions. Some of the ways that anxiety affects the body include:
Breathing and respiratory changes
Anxious periods can impact respiration leading to difficulty in breathing.
Cardiovascular system response
Prolonged Anxiety can alter heart rate and cause insufficient blood circulation leading to heart diseases even in an otherwise healthy individual.
Impacts immune function
While rare and short-term anxiety attacks can be a boon to the immune system, prolonged anxiety can have the opposite effect. People with chronic anxiety disorders may be more likely to get the common cold, flu and other types of infections.
Disrupts smooth functioning of the digestive system
The smooth functioning of our digestive system is necessary to help us maintain overall good health. Long-duration anxiety can cause nausea, diarrhoea and stomach infections in people leading to a loss of appetite.
Can impact the Urinary System
Anxiety and stress can increase the need to urinate or increase symptoms of urinary incontinence. It is therefore crucial not to ignore symptoms of prolonged anxiety and take the advice of a consultant neurologist in Bangalore immediately. Sagar hospital, a neurology hospital of national repute in Bangalore, has a versatile team of top neurologists with a proven track record in addressing anxiety to the complete satisfaction of patients.
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sagarhospital · 2 years
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sagarhospital · 2 years
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Sagar Hospitals is the leader in brain and spine surgery, epilepsy surgery, advanced stroke care, head injury, poly trauma and comprehensive neurological care. CT, MRI, PET & Neurosonology scans are available to diagnose and treat brain and spine conditions.
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sagarhospital · 2 years
When To See a Spine Surgeon
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Almost everyone has experienced acute pain in the back at some point in his or her life, and if you have thought about going to see your doctor for this, you’re not alone. Nagging back pain, in fact, is among the top reasons for visits to physicians every year. When patients are faced with persisting back pain that doesn’t go away on its own, it can be confusing to know whom to turn to for the right treatment. Do you go to your primary physician, a therapist, or a spine surgeon?
So, where do you start?
Patients with persisting back pain often assume the worst and wonder if they will need back surgery to correct the issue. However, your first point of contact should be your primary physician. A first-time visit to the doctor generally involves discussions of medical treatments and options that are much more conservative than surgery. These include physical therapy, pain management, anti-inflammatory medication or steroidal treatment. Though the pain in the back can interrupt normal routine and be very painful, in most cases back problems can be treated non-surgically with improvements or even resolution in a few weeks or months.
However, if you have already seen your primary care physician for a physical examination, and have been diagnosed for a spinal condition that is not responding to the recommended treatment with time, then you should consider consulting an orthopaedic or neurosurgeon specialising exclusively in the management of the spine.
Signs that you need to see a spine surgeon
You should see a spine surgeon if you experience the following symptoms regarding your back pain:
1. You cannot function normally and your quality of life is impacted: The pain and reduced function can have you struggling to participate in daily life. You may find yourself struggling to perform daily activities such as sleeping restfully, driving, or sitting straight in a chair for work without experiencing pain.
2. Other treatments are not working: If non-surgical treatments have been exhausted after giving them considerable time, and your condition still does not show signs of improvement, you should see a spine surgeon.
3. Your condition is deteriorating quickly: Conditions like osteoporosis can worsen progressively over time. If your condition is progressive, then you should consider consulting a spine surgeon to have your condition monitored regularly. In these visits, options such as future treatment plans including surgery can be discussed. If there is a sudden deterioration of your condition, then a decision based on sound facts can be made.
4. You experience symptoms of nerve damage: Spinal problems can create serious issues if they cause nerve damage. Watch out for the following symptoms:
Significant weakness in a limb (arm or leg) or inability to move a previously functioning limb.
Pain that is radiating down a limb (arm or leg).
Bladder or bowel issues.
Difficulty in maintaining control of one or both feet.
Fever, night sweats, chills, or weight loss.
5. If you want a second opinion: If you have already seen a physician and are unsatisfied with his or her treatment recommendations, you may want to see a spine surgeon for getting specialist advice. Getting more than one opinion will give you the comfort and confidence in the treatment plan being given by your doctor.
6. You have an injury or accident: Usually, you will have time to explore traditional treatments and make informed decisions before seeking surgery. However, in special cases such as injuries and accidents, you may require spinal surgery on short notice.
What qualities should you look for in a good spine surgeon?
A spine surgeon should be a good communicator who is willing to invest time in helping you understand the recommended treatment options. The surgeon will also be dedicated to excellent outcomes and patient care, have expertise in established practices and be willing to learn new techniques and approaches. Consulting a highly collaborative team at the Brain and Spine Institute at Sagar Hospitals, you will be recommended an orthopaedic or neurosurgeon depending on the exact nature of your condition.
Why should you choose the Brain and Spine Institute?
Patients who come to the Brain and Spine Institute at Sagar Hospital benefit from a multidisciplinary team and have access to the complete breadth of care from our surgeons and doctors who are experts in risk mitigation for patients and quality improvement.
Our team of spinal surgeons have the ability to handle and manage spine-related issues that range from simple to the very complex, all within the same healthcare system.
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sagarhospital · 2 years
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unitedhospital · 1 year
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United Hospital is one of the best neuro hospital in bangalore. Our neuro surgeons treats various neuro disorders like stroke, epilepsy and many more. We are experts in Brain tumor surgery, Minimally invasive spine surgeries, Skull Base Surgery etc. Book an appointment for the best brain stroke treatment in Bangalore
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unitedhospital · 1 year
7 Benefits of Cryotherapy
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Cryotherapy is one of the popular treatment procedures that is rapidly gaining popularity in recent years for numerous health benefits.
Critical care specialists in Bangalore associated with United Hospital explain about the procedure in detail for patient understanding.
Understanding Cryotherapy
According to experienced doctors associated with United Hospital, recognised as the best critical care hospital in Bangalore, Cryotherapy is the practice of exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures for a short duration. This cutting-edge treatment has been a gamechanger especially for people seeking improvement in their overall wellbeing after suffering traumatic moments due to challenging health reversals.
Benefits of Cryotherapy
Experienced Cryotherapy specialists in Bangalore indicate that this is an evidence-based procedure which has brought smiles to thousands of people after having undergone treatments for critical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, brain injuries, orthopaedic injuries or deep skin infections.
Some of the notable benefits include:
Pain Relief : Expert critical care doctors operating at the best hospital in Bangalore explain that Cryotherapy is renowned for its ability to alleviate pain and inflammation. Several patients have expressed satisfaction after being relieved of conditions like arthritis and chronic pains and ensuring a comfortable life.
Expedites recovery from muscular ailments : Experienced doctors associated with the best critical care management centre in Bangalore explain that Cryotherapy has been a hit with athletes and fitness enthusiasts as the cold temperatures associated with the treatment help in reducing muscle soreness and inflammation.
Enhanced Skin health : Exposure to cold treatment can give a healthier look to your skin and reduce the chances of developing skin disorders like Acne, Psoriasis, signs of aging and other skin deformities due to injuries. It tightens the skin leaving it feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
Weight Management : Keeping your weight under control is a proven solution against many challenging and life-threatening health conditions. Cryotherapy can help keeping your appetite under control ensuring that you practice a nutritious diet.
Enhanced mental well-being : It is not just about physical well-being. Cryotherapy is a proven solution to improve your mental health by reducing periods of stress, anxiety and depression.
Improves sleep quality : An important ingredient of good health is good sleep. People with sleep disorders are known to encounter multiple complications, sometime even serious enough to cause concern. Cryotherapy can regulate sleep patters by promoting a relaxed sleep and thereby improving our overall health condition.
Boosts immune system : Cold therapies have filled many patients’ minds with hope and confidence by boosting their immune system. A strong immune system is half work done when it comes to undergoing treatments. It helps reducing frequency of illnesses and keeps you at your very best.
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unitedhospital · 1 year
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unitedhospital · 1 year
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Knee Replacement Surgery: United Hospital is a best total knee replacement in bangalore & jayanagar, Karnataka. Our highly experienced knee doctor, surgeons & specialists team offer treatment for all knee replacement surgery at an affordable cost.
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unitedhospital · 1 year
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