#Back when I was musing on when I foolishly got sunburnt a few months ago
askthekuvaqbrothers · 3 years
It's all Fun and Games
(TW: Injury)
“I’m heading to work now.”
Hermes adjusted his coat, feeling a collision with his leg the moment he reached for the door.
“Don’t go!”
Holding in a small sigh, he knelt down and ran a hand through his son’s green hair.
“It will only be for a little while Cletus. Just be patient.”
“Then take me with you!”
“I’m going to work. It’s not a safe place for children.”
“I’ll be good! I’ll sit still!”
Hermes sighed, “You know if I take you, then the other two will want to come too.”
Cletus frowned, not at all pleased with what he was hearing, and frowned harder when his brothers came up behind him, Rufus prying at his arm.
“Come back, we can’t play Junk Knights and Orbit Pixies with only two!”
Hermes smiled, “See? You’ve obviously got a game going on. Time will fly while you’re playing, and I’ll be back before you know it.”
Argus joined in, pulling Cletus’ other arm, and successfully dislodging him from their father’s leg. Unimpeded, Hermes now took his chance to leave.
“Be good.”
The door clunked shut. Pulling from his brothers grasp, Cletus considered wailing on the door and crying for Hermes to come back, but the man’s long strides probably meant he was already far from the door, and crying was just grotty and exhausting. Besides, Rufus was already grabbing at him again.
“Back to you position pixie! I was just about to battle to the death against the evil Controller.”
“Yeah, you know it’s my favourite part.” Argus grinned, punching a fist into his palm.
“I don’t wanna. Let’s… play something else.”
Rufus pouted, crossing his arms, “Like what? It’s gotta be more fun than Junk Knights.”
“What about…” Cletus looked around the house, then to the door, before a devilish smirk grew, “Hide and Seek?”
“-But we play it outside.”
Rufus’ eyes lit up, but Argus put his hands on his hips.
“We’re not allowed outside without Dad.”
“Yes, but he always takes ages with work, so as long as we’re back before him, he’ll never know.”
“Yes! Let’s gooo!”
Rufus ran straight to the window in the kitchen, being the only one that opened to let out the smoke that came with Hermes’ cooking. It required him to scramble up the cooking furnace, and once he was on top and at the windowsill, he paused to offer a hand.
“Hurry up! I already have a perfect hiding place!”
Argus stepped up, accepting the hand, and allowed himself to be pulled higher. As the space on the furnace became cramped, Rufus slipped out the window and Argus in turned helped pull Cletus (and the plush toy he never let go of) up. Once they’d cleared the fall, the three made their way to the centre of town, standing by one of Gizmo’s emergency call stations.
“Right! Since you wanted to change the game, Cletus, you’re the seeker.”
“Okay. I’ll close my eyes and count to a hundred then.”
The green haired boy adjusted Poisonous into the crook of his arm, then turned and began counting.
“One, two, three, four…”
With a grin Rufus sprinted off, vanishing into the warren of a town, Argus swiftly following after. When the sound of their steps on the metal walkways went silent, Cletus stopped counting.
“Finally.” He brought Poisonous to eye level, “Now, what should we do now that we have some peace and quiet?”
The plushie’s crooked eyes stared off.
“Impeccable idea. Perhaps we could even go for refreshments.”
It must have been almost half an hour later when Argus found Cletus lounging in the shade, absently patting his plush toy. He looked up, and tried to feign surprise when he spotted the glare.
“Oh, you found me?”
“I believe you were supposed to be the seeker.”
“Is that so? I must have misheard…”
“How long were you going to sit here?”
“Don’t know, how long were you hiding?”
Argus sighed, the one that made it known he was not in the mood to play along with Cletus’ game. The green haired boy pouted in turn.
“Well I caught on to your alternate game, but Rufus is still hiding.”
“…Can’t we just wait until Dad is back? He’ll come looking for us anyway.”
He looked up to where he could just make out the entrance to the mines. Argus followed his gaze and paused, thinking.
“I suppose that wouldn’t hurt. He can only ground us.”
Cletus relaxed, scooting over enough that Argus could have some shade too. Another hour passed by before they finally caught sight of Hermes striding out into the open, where the two chose to wave him down. When their father caught sight of them, he was clearly disappointed, until something else crept into his expression.
“Boys, what are you doing here? Where is your brother?!”
Cletus rolled his eyes, “Don’t worry, he’s probably still hiding from our hide-and-seek game.”
“How long ago was this?!” Hermes was quickly starting to panic, Rufus being the one he knew shouldn’t be left on his own, “We need to find him.”
“Sure, I guess so.” Argus stood, dusting himself off, “If we shout that he’s won he might come out?”
Cletus reluctantly stood as well, following his father and brother as they began calling out. Rufus not coming home honestly sounded like a good deal to him; no more being hit in his sleep, no more grubby fingers going through his stuff, more peace and quiet. Sure, Argus may start demanding more of him, but it wasn’t the worst trade off.
Another 30 minutes and there was still no sign of their red-haired sibling. There was also no signs of fire and/or explosive destruction, which was both a good and a bad sign according to Hermes. Good, in that they weren’t having to deal with a destroyed town, but bad in the question of what Rufus was up to instead.
“Maybe he fell asleep?”
“Maybe he fell in a hole. Maybe it’s a really deep hole, and we’ll never see him again.”
Hermes ignored Cletus’ comment, which cause the boy to frown. He didn’t understand what the big deal was, it was just Rufus. He’d heard people say that Hermes couldn’t handle three sons, so surely it would be better if he just had two now. They should just accept he was gone and go home. The sun was right above them now and the whole mountain the town was on had begun to boil, heat waves rising off every metal sheet used in its foundation, and Cletus could feel his pale skin begin to tingle-
“Found him!”
Argus was standing on a small mound, looking down into a ditch that wasn’t visible from just the normal paths. A large piece of metal on the edge of it was also free of rust, leaving it blindingly shiny and the prefect distractor. Hermes scrambled through the scrap to reach the hiding spot, dropping down to pick up the missing boy. As he re-emerged, Cletus felt his skin crawl.
Rufus’ skin looked almost the same colour as his hair, and in places it had clearly begun to blister. The idiot had been sitting in the sun the entire time, with both the sun beating down on him and the giant reflector next time him, and he hadn’t thought to move. As he was being jostled, said fool managed to crack open an eye.
“…n’fair, -in’t say Dad could help…”
To where he promptly went limp. With a semi-strangled noise, Hermes began to move back to town, giving a brief command to the other boys to follow as they beelined for Gizmo’s clinic.
“Heat stroke, and a nasty lot of sunburn. You know, there’s a wonderful thing called ‘common sense’…”
Hermes bowed his head further, ready to accept the usual lecture, but all he got was a sigh from the town’s medic as he returned to his desk.
“I’ve applied some salve to the burns, which will need to be re-applied regularly. I would like to say he’ll be bedridden for several days, but considering who we’re dealing with here, I suggest you enforce bed rest and make sure he doesn’t rub off the salve as it needs to set in. No running about, no going outside, no excessive play. And make sure he stays hydrated.”
Gizmo looked to the two healthy brothers, where while Argus nodded solemnly, Cletus’ gaze remained on the floor. There wasn’t any blame being passed about for why they were outside in the first place yet, but all Hermes had to do was ask and Argus would tell, and Cletus would find himself without dinner for the next week.
‘Stupid Rufus.’
Hermes thanked Gizmo, collected Rufus, and quietly told the other boys to follow. The whole trip home was in silence, and it was eating Cletus up inside. Even when they were inside, Argus watching over Rufus on the bed, Gizmo didn’t say anything, simply lighting the stove and beginning dinner. Cletus sat himself at the table, distractedly plucking at Poisonous’ threads, running over the many possible punishments that could be unjustly given to him. It wasn’t his fault Rufus was an idiot with no self-preservation, if he’d just hidden somewhere normal and safe then they’d all get off with just a grounding but no, he had to get himself hurt and make it a big deal and all the blame would fall on poor little Cletus for just wanting some peace and quiet-
“Are you not hungry?”
Cletus jumped, completely unaware time had passed to the point that dinner was in front of him, Argus and Hermes seated beside him.
He didn’t understand why their father hadn’t asked yet. In fact, he only felt more confused when a hand rested on his head, soothingly running through his hair.
“It’s alright, I know it was kind of scary to see, but Rufus will be fine.”
This was wrong. That wasn’t his hang-up at all. Sure his own skin crawled at the sight of him now, but that wasn’t the issue. Was he really not going to ask why they were outside of the house, where he always told them not to be?
He stared into his bowl, before suddenly pushing away from the table.
“Are… are you not going to ask?”
Hermes tilted his head, “Ask?”
“W-why we were outside, why we hadn’t listened to you?” Cletus trembled, a confused jumble of emotions swirling within.
Argus eyed him, “…He wants to know why you haven’t punished us yet.”
“Punish-? Oh. Oh boys.”
Hermes carefully moved to kneel by Cletus, pulling him into a hug, before he offered an arm out for Argus to join. With two sons in his embrace, he let out a breath.
“Yes, I am disappointed you ignored my rules, and that it had led to injury, but more than that, I’m just thankful you’re all still here. I never thought I’d have a time in my life to be a father, but after everything, I now can’t imagine myself without you three.”
He squeezed them both tightly.
“I just hope that this world will last for you…”
“Cletus, don’t poke you brother.”
“But he’s trying to lick the salve again! This is the only way to stop him.”
Cletus turned back to Rufus, only to see his brothers tongue going once again for the back of his hand, so he yanked at his bright red ear.
Now with a dollop on his finger, Cletus sniffed at the medicinal mixture, almost daring to taste it himself.
“It doesn’t even smell that nice.”
“It smells like a plant I bit once!”
There were many things Cletus could have questioned, but he didn’t get the chance as Argus came into the house.
“Gizmo said this should help.”
Hermes accepted what Argus handed him, and after turning it over in hand, he realised how it worked. With a reluctant sigh, he knelt before Rufus, and swiftly wrapped what was essentially a plastic cone around his neck. The boy squirmed, not coordinated enough to dislodge the device, before he accepted fate.
Neither of his brothers could resist laughing at the sight.
Bonus: The scribble that inspired this
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