hohotaro · 4 months
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crystalrainwish · 1 year
What does everyone here think of Backpri and Agematsu's hiatus from Utapri announced on Twitter?
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so backpri huh? I'm always a fan of utapri gals but I do think it's a bit of weird timing for them to ba announced on the first but some fans behavior is questionable. I understand the frustration and hesitation but think it was a bit over the top in some respects. Hopefully if they stay as maybe a spin off or adjacent it will work out but if they bring them into the main series I wonder how it would go? We already don't see Tomochika much anymore, Haruka only had a cameo in the last anime project, not to mention the female characters from the games too. Idk we'll have to wait and see I guess, I'm happy for more utapri content and I drew a lot of fem!starish before uta no princess sama happened. Maybe there'll be a new game w/them? Or at least Heavens bc we still haven't gotten them in really anything since s4 character wise.
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cleaetpauline60 · 1 year
I am so angry about the BackPri project. Like seriously why use the title Uta no Prince/ss-sama??? If you want to make a girl idol group then go for it, but don't use Uta no Prince-sama to make your publicity. The only princess is Nanami Haruka and the fans, nobody else. 
I am a long time fan of Uta no Prince-sama and its universe that makes me so happy. But for the first time, this universe makes me sad.Maybe for some people it sounds ridiculous, but imagine LoveLive making a group of idol guys in one go. I'm sure the scale would be much larger.
My only hope is that they change the title and the universe.I don't want that later when we think about Saotome or UtaPri we think about BackPri.
Also: introduce the project by saying "it's a April Fool's Day joke lol" and then say "in fact it's not a joke: go see the official website ;)" Just no. 
Again, look at this angel. This princess is in my opinion the only princess of UtaPri.
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midorikawawas · 1 year
I can't believe how infamous this year's april fools was for utapri. This is usually the time they excel at gags and stuff....
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amisbro · 1 year
Let's Discuss: Broccoli's new app
So if you haven't heard then allow me to give you the skinny
This is an article that was posted a few days ago and it was about a "Game App" that Broccoli was working on...yes you heard that part right because this one ISN'T under the control (to the best we know) of KLab whom currently still runs the JP server for Shining Live. Now what is fascinating about this is we have only the one screenshot in the post (which is also on Broccoli's Press Release) with STARISH standing on a stage. I THINK (and I could be wrong) but I think these costumes come out of "Maji Love 2000%" which is INTERESTING if you know anything about "Start Dates" for the Anime seasons See the Date for "Maji Love 2000%" was April 8th of 2013 and this image was posted on April 14th of 2023...yes friends this is literally around the 10th Anniversary of that season! I find it fascinating that they are actively doing a callback to that season in their own way but then again when you also think about the fact that they are also going to be incorporation "Raging Entertainment" now its gonna be a lot of fun! Yes kids...HEAVENS makes their official game debut! Now we have to ask some questions 1. Visual Novel or Rhythm game? If you ask me I think this will be another Rhythm Game BUT I think they will take the approach that Happy Elements does when it comes to EnStars in that they are going to do long chapters with segments voice acted per usual. I also think however that the story will actually lead to something (The UtaPri Awards Showdown. SSS ,or maybe a new contest) so that the game doesn't feel "Aimless" which was a big criticism of mine 2. How would songs unlock? If this is a Rhythm game I think we are going to see more of the Happy Elements approach in that songs will be unlocked after events and that there maybe be other ways too (like the equivalent of a "Live Fes" from EnStars). so there is that also. 3. If It's not a Rhythm Game at first could we see "Idol Training game"? Oh sure! Like since we have Shining and Raging Entertainment its not out of the possibility to see that happen. Like literally in EnStars (Basic and Music) there is "Yumenosaki Academy" and "Reimei" so if we go the route of a game like "ES Basic"...sign me up! If you notice that I am using the "Happy Elements" approach its because of the fact that they OWN their games so they don't have to ask for permission to get songs from someone. I think that might have been a problem for Shining Live a little bit because KLab never owned the content for it. I imagine having to ask for permission a lot is quite the tab Now the big thing is this When does it release? We just really heard about this a few days ago so I suspect that we'll not hear about it again (at least in terms of a title) in June when the 13th Anniversary happens. At that time (if we do hear about it then) I suspect the name and game format to be explained and (POSSIBLY) the "Sunset" of SL for the JP server. I only say "Possible" because it still has a lot of players but again this is all speculation on my part. If you ask me about Dolce Vita...I still think that game could be announced also but then Broccoli would have to think about this: If you announce Dolce Vita that HAS to be the only game announcement for the year. You CAN announce the name of the new Game App but I wouldn't announce a release date because people might be more interested in Dolce Vita honestly. I also think that if they do announce that this new game is a Rhythm game and people don't get a proper update on Dolce Vita then there is gonna be a problem. We know about the "BackPri" issue and how that didn't go well with people so I could see that being a real PR issue if something isn't said about DV Anywho fam that is all I have for right now but I am curious to what you think about this because I am really hyped no matter WHAT it turns out to be...not gonna lie I'll be happy as hell if we get a new rhythm game but sad if that means getting rid of Shining Live altogether. Take care fam and talk to you again soon
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