phasebun · 2 months
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| Sol Nath | Bhaal's Spawn | Assassin/Poisoner | Tadpoled | I Love Idiots
You've selected: Main Quest [violence]
Side Quest [love]
 Now that Bhaal's spawn and her crew are back in their old stomping grounds, it became hard to resist the temptations of their past. Duty always came first, but the love of gold always came second. Finding a "murder list" of names peaked Sol's interest,  and while stalking an Upper city elf on the list, she noticed his son sneaking out of their beautiful abode one night. Uncloaked and unguarded...
The team has tracked his morning routine of a brisk jog and a visit to a coffee shop 5 miles from his home, as well as his night routine and the routes he takes to return home when he sneaks out.
For days, they would wait and watch, and for brief moments, the family home would be empty enough for Sol and Baelor ( the half drow ) to sneak inside for a few minutes to get an idea of the floor plan. Many of their windows are never locked.
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1-millioneyes · 1 year
Everyone is talking about the wrong thing when it comes to daenaera and aegon what we should be talking about is how insane the rate they were having kids was
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viceroy-jericho · 3 months
Today I unlocked the first fanfic featuring a certain pairing achievement with Seraphax/Baelor drabble. Men from «The Lion: Son of the Forest» (Mike Brooks) have been living in my head rent-free for a while.
There it is (chapter five).
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4. Punish Fucking — Серафакс/Баэлор
Стоя на коленях перед Серафаксом, Баэлор едва усмиряет биение своих сердец; жест схожий по своей сути, но в значительной степени отличающийся от преклонения колена перед своим генным отцом более десяти тысяч лет назад.
— Я подвёл тебя, рыцарь-капитан, — вновь повторяет он, когда на мостике остаются только двое: он сам, склонивший голову в неопределенном выражении, зависшем между раскаянием и демонстрацией покорности, и Серафакс, погруженный в свои мысли на командном троне. — И я прошу о том наказании, которое ты только сочтешь достаточными, чтобы искупить...
— Помолчи, Баэлор, — рука лорда-чернокнижника, к удивлению Самозванца не закованная в керамит, ложится на его загривок и медленно поднимается вверх, взъерошивая короткие светлые волосы.
Не в силах сдержать непристойно тяжелого вздоха, Баэлор чуть сильнее пригибает голову и льнет к прикосновению.
— Пусть и принес скверные вести, нарушив мой приказ... — чернокнижник вцепляется в померкшее золото прядей у самых корней недостаточно сильно, чтобы вырвать, но достаточно, чтобы член Самозванца заинтересованно дернулся. — Ты поступил мудро, брат.
Струящийся голос Серафакса поставлен идеально, он ударяется об обшивку "Клинка Истины" и возвращается властным эхом, заставляя Баэлора почувствовать укол слабости в согнутых коленях.
— Но раз ты так жаждешь повода вновь доказать мне свою безусловную преданность... — Самозванец, ведомый рукой лорда-чернокнижника, бесстыдно подползает ближе к командному трону и кладет подбородок на холодный доспех, где тот скрывает бедро. — Я предоставлю тебе такую возможность.
Баэлор касается керамита налившимися краской губами, и это вызывает на лице Серафакса странную улыбку; слышится шорох ткани и тихий лязг. Самозванцу до зубного скрежета хочется распластаться прямо на мостике и отдать себя воле рыцаря-капитана, но тогда он лишь сильнее разочарует его, попрепятствовав свершению планов уже дважды менее чем за час. А потому Баэлор, не издавая ни звука, недвижимо и покорно стоит на коленях, разомкнув губы для аритмичных толчков Серафакса, довольно щурящего свой единственный глаз. И, сглатывая, про себя молит о прощении.
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sandpaper-blues · 1 year
109 - Baelor
aka Holy crap, has Sean Bean ever survived to the end? This was the episode that make my mum go “If you had told me it was going to end that way, I never would have started watching!”  Well, Mum, I counter with the words of Dr. Roommate: “Come for Sean Bean, stay for the stories.” As I’m wracking my brain in search of a Sean Bean role in which he actually survives, let’s survey the episode that…
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rosaluxembae · 1 year
Look, all I'm saying is if Lord Blacktyde didn't want he son to convert to the Faith of the Seven, maybe he shouldn't have named him after Baelor the Blessed
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wodania · 4 months
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fire and blood
the kings (and rhaegar) of house targaryen
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visenyaism · 2 months
I’m SO glad you called Ned an “enabler”.
Ned gets so much praise (and hate ??) for warning Cersei before wanting to sell her out to her rapist but I disagree with that praise. No one looks at the patriarchal violence lurking beneath. You know exactly the nature of the man you’re dealing with, you saw him slapped Cersei so hard she fell to the floor and threatening to slap her again, and you think giving one flimsy warning will be enough ?? Ned is absolutely a misogynistic fool. When Robert comes back from his hunt he’ll tell Robert the truth and he thinks Cersei will have enough time to flee with her guard and children and retinue ??
“Wherever you go, Robert’s wrath will follow you”, Ned knows that sooner or later (in a few weeks, a few months), Cersei and her children will be slaughtered, he just postponed their deaths. Ned would have received a letter informing him that Robert eventually murdered Cersei and her children and think “how could this have happened ? At least, I wasn’t the one holding the knife so I don’t have their blood on my hands.”
@translannisters and @kristevanstark have much more coherent thoughts about this than me on their very fun deeply excellent asoiaf podcast but yeah in AGOT ned ends up taking this almost wife-like role (stay with me here) with robert where he’s trying to gently guide robert into doing the right thing without ever setting hard boundaries or really flat-out saying no. And ned resents cersei for not being as good at this with her abusive husband as he is. you can really see it in that conversation with cersei where he straight up says well anyone (like me) would’ve been happy to marry robert why couldn’t you have just been better because as a fellow robert baratheon dickrider he refuses to acknowledge that there IS no “doing better” at gently guiding this chaotic abusive man with absolute power into doing the right thing when he does not want to.
ned stark is a HUGE enabler of robert with a big case of “i refuse to see it” syndrome. him watching robert hit cersei and not intervene is like when stannis watched robert hit joffrey and didn’t intervene or all of the standing by as atrocities happened that people like Jaime Lannister and Arthur Dayne did. It’s absolutely an essential part of his character but i think it can be hard to see because we only see him through his wife and children and vassal house’s eyes who still very much see him as a perfect martyr figure.
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ceriseo · 2 months
on the surface level baelor the blessed seems like a great deviation from previous instances of the trademarked targaryen crazy, but hes actually one of the purest examples of such. its just that instead of basing his maniacal egocentric worldview on his valyrian blood he places it on his perceived piety in the faith of the seven. and so instead of carpet bombing the riverlands and basking in everyones total reverence of him and abusing the woman around him he just makes everyone conform to his zealotry and basks in their total reverence of him. and of course abuses the woman around him.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 3 months
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Valyrian Couples: Part I
Aegon I Targaryen & Rhaenys Targaryen
Aenys I Targaryen & Alyssa Velaryon
Aegon (son of Aenys) Targaryen & Rhaena Targaryen
Jaehaerys I Targaryen & Alysanne Targaryen
Baelon (son of Jaehaerys) Targaryen & Alyssa Targaryen
Viserys I Targaryen & Aemma Arryn
Rhaenyra Targaryen & Daemon Targaryen
Aegon III Targaryen and Daenaera Velaryon
Viserys II Targaryen and Larra Rogare
Daeron I Targaryen, Daena Targaryen and Baelor I Targaryen
By JotaSaraiva
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phasebun · 2 months
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| Sol Nath | Bhaal's Spawn | Assassin/Poisoner | Heat Wave
I like the idea of a bhaalspawn’s cult maintaining a more organized (yet still morbid and grimy) “organization” feel. Such as black market ware, underground tunnels, contracts and ect. As a spawn of Bhaal with divine blood running through her, she used this as a way to gain connections (as well as her strength ofc) when she would sell in the market herself when she was younger. She’s a more….flashy spawn (thanks to one of her mother's addictions to gold jewelry) lol but trains daily (spar matches with the crew) and more.  Pre-tadpole & tadpoled Sol is known for how lethal her poisons were (praise the drow). She even sold in bulk to Gortash, a family recipe her mother snuck and taught her.
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Maybe a controversial opinion but if I was a peasant in King's Landing I would have fucking loved the weird bare-footed Jesus guy who randomly gave me coin after years of the monarchy pretending I don't actually exist. I have never seen his sisters, idc. Did his cousin get captured in Dorne? Idc about that I never saw him either. He banished prostitutes and their children? Great, my husband can't give me syphilis now and I don't have to care about any bastards. All I know is that this man acknowledges my existence and just throws money at me that will feed my family for the next 20 years. Like, the Seven bless the King! This is the best fucking time of my life
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dalberadiata · 8 months
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Baelor the Blessed
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knightsickness · 2 months
if you were in charge of the hypothetical hbo blackfyre rebellions show, what directorial choices would you make to improve upon the source material?
this is not improving upon the source material so much as tailoring it to my tastes
start w baelor’s court i feel strongly about this. first episode a sort of bizarre womanless church of a court with a king wandering around barefoot in rags and the girls in the maidenvault. in my blackfyre rebellion show we’re doing themes about women and themes about the faith and also prince aegon unworthy breaks daena out and daemon blackfyre is conceived. baelor dies shortly after this maybe bc of shock and horror maybe bc viz ii poisons him i kind of like the latter bc ->
aegon poisons his own dad to get the throne quicker. i would want at least a season of aegon iv reign i want them to do the mistresses and the increasing number of bastards at court properly. aegon psychologically tormenting naerys and aemon and ignoring weakling daeron in favour of his handsome chad bastard son daemon
not the first to say this but i want aemon to also be creepy to naerys but to desperately punch this down bc shes so Good she would be horrified by his affections. daeron isn’t his
aemon and naerys not idealised beautiful arthurian knight and lady i want them to be PALE and SICKLY. drawn and stricken-looking with that pink eye makeup thing they do to the targtowers. aegon comparatively conventionally handsome deteriorates over the season w gout and five million stds
daemy blackfyre charismatic jock kid intentionally similar to young aegon who broke daena out. daeron fucking hatess him once he takes the throne hes taking out his feelings towards his own shitty dad on his shitty dad’s bastard he liked more than him. telling daemon he can’t have two wives bc its wrong and this is the real world and barely able to keep a smile off his face about it when daemon leaves in a huff
focus on barba missy and bethany + the bracken blackwood feud in general. i want barba to be weirdly close w aegor as her perfect royal son her golden ticket connection to the throne
bittersteel focus <- non negotiable for me hbo would neverr do this. in the sense that hes an unmarketably misogynistic homophobic old-gods-hater deeply unpleasant catholic brute in a love triangle where theyre just dating and he has a problem with it. horse girl. keeps throwing tantrums. loser. only guy there without magic powers or blonde hair. manipulating his half brother w the kingsword into usurpation
those cruel intentions promo posters where theyre all draped over each other but its their stupid triangle. shiera makes him and bloodraven kiss for her amusement
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melrosing · 4 months
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Egg 3 and family
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begging hbo to make the opening sequence for dunk and egg (at least for the hedge knight) some sort of puppet show or at least involve puppets of some kind
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Myriah’s willing to do anything for her sons… Even if that means beating a level of Super Marwyn Brothers that they haven’t been able to pass on their BoyGame
Based of course on this iconic photo lol
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