#Balls these questions are getting a biiiiiit personal here
vespidolive · 7 years
Do you believe in God? Why? Why not? Is that too personal question?
It is a bit personal but I will answer this anyways. I ask those of you reading this to please keep an open mind, due to the nature of this question.
I was raised in a Christian household, therefore you can probably guess which religion I belong to.
I do believe there is a God. However, I don’t think of Him in a way usually associated to Christians.
It is an unfortunate stereotype for Christians to be “bible thumpers”. AKA those types that will damn you to hell for just about anything and believe they are above everyone else because they’re so “pure” and “saved”. They think that just because they believe in God, they’re allowed to treat people like shit. Heaven help you if you call them out of their bad behavior.
I made a post a while back about geniuses and how they aren’t above anyone. No one is above anyone unless they have earned it from those around them. I think of God more like a good dad. He’s there when your feeling sad/scared/alone, He’ll protect you (or send someone to protect you), He’ll give pretty good advice if you ask, (if you can find the humor) makes dad jokes on funny shit you did, and He loves you no matter how much you screw up. It kinda helps me to think of him as a dad because it makes him less scary. When you’re scared of someone, your less likely to go to them for help. 
“Bible Thumpers” like to present God as a judge, ready to cast down anyone who disagrees with them into hell at the drop of a hat. 
Ironically enough, the bible encourages Christians to love others unconditionally, no matter who or what they are. If they prove hard to love, pray for them and ask God to help them. You never know if they might need it. In fact, unconditional love is a very big theme in the bible. Reason Jesus died? It was for humans, the species known for having the LONGEST HISTORY of screwing up, to have a chance to go to heaven. Whether or not they go is up to the individual, but at least they have a chance. 
I believe that I should help those in need however I can. Whether it’s giving advice, teaching them how to fight, or just simply being a shoulder to cry on. I help however I can. If they have questions about God and Christianity, I’ll answer what I can and advise them where they can get more information, but I can’t force someone to become a Christian. I can’t force someone to be saved.
I can’t force someone to love some being they just barely met. 
It’s best to let those find their own path and help them when they ask for it. That’s what God is currently doing with humans right now, if you think about it. Let people find their own way, and if they ask for help, be there. The shit you’re going through; you wouldn’t be going through it if He didn’t think you could survive it. If it feels like it’s too much, tell him and he’ll lighten the burden, but only if you truly believe he can help you. And once the shit has passed, guess whose proud you survived it? 
It breaks my heart when “bible thumpers” turn people away from Christianity. Their hate, intolerance, and outright ignorance is honestly sad. Humans don’t have the power to damn anything to hell. If I remember correctly, Jesus damned a fig tree once. He spent the rest of his time helping those in need and telling the corrupt to fuck off in the most delightful way possible. 
We don’t know what will and wont get someone sent to hell, but what we can do is have open minds (and hearts) for those in need. We shouldn’t judge others, that’s not our business. We should be doing everything we can by helping them. And what better way to help then to love and ask “Dad” up there to keep an eye on them?
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