#Balmoral has verbally said
thewolfisawake · 5 months
Balmoral Being an Absolute Sap (aka Him Flirting with Mhoirbheinn)
"How can ah nae end up loving a' about my m'eudail? From your care a' the way t' your spite. ah love every bit. Ah love your violence. Ah love t' show every part of me fir your pleasure. Ah love a' the kinds of strength you have. Ah love you at peace an' restful. Ah adore every. little. reaction. Ah love it a' about you, Bheinnan."
"Nothing is ever wasted, if it is fir you. You dinnae need grand declarations you say but ah have t' say it so that you ken, it's engraved in your being how ceaselessly, devoutly ah cherish you."
"Come now, no need to be modest. Just with a single piercing gaze, strikes true to one's core. A figure already so distinct and to think, we have yet to finish that growth. And a yet waiting prowess laden with potential. How does anyone not notice? How does anyone not flit with the thought they might have encountered a baobhan sith? Or is it a leannan sith?"
"Some days I wonder if you have cursed me. For you are truly bewitching, Bheinnan. Your presence, your touch addictive. And if it were a curse, I have no desire to sever its hold. For it keeps you here with me."
"My leanan sith of destruction and ardor. If my fight be a well-loved canvas, then it only be because of the pull of my muse t' drive me. And a' of it merely a tribute t' my endless devotion."
"When the person ended up every bit of exceptional and then some despite everything…how am I not to fall for him?"
"M'eudail, my eyes always find you. Yes, even back during that time. Especially during that time. After all, how could ah no want tae trace your pure fine frame? Make an excuse tae hae your hair within my grasp? Hae a' excuse in the world tae make your splendid face starred with silver? When the sublime lies abreast tae you, would it not be tantalizing tae want tae partake of him?"
"Nothing of the sort. I have the divine with me, for what reason would I need an imitation?"
"You say to punish you. For you deserve it. Very well, but I will not bloody you because that is what you want and I will not be that kind.Because I know it hurts you when I touch you like this, I will do so. And because it writhes in your heart when I say, 'it is not your fault,' I will speak it. All this and more until you have had your fill of this torture…or until for even a sliver, you can believe my words are true, m'annsachd…"
"It pales in comparison tae the sublime befir me. A candidness thon ah feel only brings me closer tae thon pure brilliant heart. A gentle darkness thon enraptures and embraces yin so close like this. Truly yin so divine."
"A day I could finally capture your attention. A day where I could be able to have a taste of your being. A day of your reciprocation…indeed I have."
"It's pretty but ah hafta try harder fir yin just as lovely as you" (about getting hair accessories for Mhoirbheinn (which he has gotten a lot))
"Tae whit ah owe the honor of being graced by land's blessing made manifest?"
"M'annsachd, you are just that: a blessing. The only hand to reach out when turbulence threatens to drown any dissidence. The wings that keep one aloft. The only true levity of this world."
"I wonder the same. How can I possibly grant the bliss to a most precious being such as you? To the magnitude, no greater than the love you have gifted."
"To rule…that was all anyone wanted of me, asked of me, was why I was born…but you….oh, you…you were the one that gave me everything……you were the one thing I ever wanted for myself….all mine……"
"When I was little, there was a thread like this that brought me respite at a time where there was no hope, no future. What was tied to that thread……gave me strength to carve a path when there was none. So this tie is a reminder of that strength….and a symbol of my eternal gratitude."
"Centuries, I have toiled and reached for this. But this?" he held the diadem for a moment, "This was my duty. But you?" he gently placed it atop his head, hand caress and behold his beloved's face, "You were my dream."
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princessanneftw · 4 years
A new interview with Josh O’Conner, Erin Doherty and Emma Corrin with an Italian publication hints at what we can expect for Anne in season 4 of The Crown.
*translated with Google Translate because I haven’t done my Italian lessons on duolingo all year don’t tell the owl
Not even Anne, in the episodes of the fourth season of The Crown, is having a happy time, as revealed by Erin Doherty:
From a selfish point of view as an actress I'm happy that Anne had so many problems at that time because I love playing characters who are having a hard time. The negative aspects related to the family are also an important element that you can explore and it has been a privilege because you usually think that being a member of the royal family everything is positive and you have no problems, but this is not the case.
According to her actress, Charles's sister had also noted the problems of the heir to the throne:
I also think that Anne is kind of aware that the relationship with Diana is doomed to fail and I loved that in the third season between my character and Charles there was this sense of camaraderie, it's something beautiful to explore. We don't really know what happens between them, what relationship they have, but they are brother and sister and there is affection, they will surely have talked about it.
The unreleased episodes of The Crown will give Anne more space than in the past, and Erin Doherty revealed amused:
When they asked me if I knew how to ride I replied “Of course I can”. In the third season luckily there was no scene that required the presence of horses, but in the fourth one yes, and I spent many months training and I was sorry not to have started earlier because it's a really useful way to understand Anne: when you are on a horse you can't think of anything else, it's almost like a form of meditation, and it's something to distract you from what's going on. Everyone should ride, really!
All of us who worked on The Crown think we had the same reactions and followed the same path. You get the part and you think 'Fantastic!' And then you feel like you are falling into an endless pit and not doing your job, then you get up because you realize that trying to see too many documentaries or anything else doesn't get you where you want. And then when they ask you 'Do you think the members of the royal family watch the series?' You realize that you can't even think about it because it could distract you and create problems.
The royal family has never revealed if they watch the series created by Peter Morgan, but in the documentary dedicated to Anne’s 70th birthday, Elizabeth's daughter answers a question about the series and the fact that Erin has to spend hours fixing her hair and she has simply said “I don't understand why, it only takes me 10 minutes”. Doherty then replied with amusement:
I know! And that's why I love her, I wouldn't expect anything different from her. But my hair resists whatever she did, it rebels. It takes me hours. Only the idea of ​​her sitting there watching me while I try to be like her is terrible, I can't think about it. Maybe when I have completely left this experience behind I will experience the situation in a different way.
Erin, on the subject, also wanted to add an important detail:
Who works behind the scenes is so incredibly good and also demonstrates the skill of the actors because they do not allow them to take control, not to feel too much pressure due to the confrontation. Fashion, especially for these women and people within this family that has such great limits, is an important form of expression. When you wear a particular skirt, a pair of pants, a hat, it's almost as if you feel a sense of rebellion, it's a way to express your voice. And it's interesting to see how they dressed in different periods of their life, it's like they are verbalizing what they feel, the costumes seem as vital as the jokes.
Erin Doherty was able to take advantage of the relationship developed with Prince Philip’s actor in previous episodes:
In this season we see how the marriage falls apart and how she decides to face and manage the situation. She tries to talk to some members of her family to try to understand what she must do and does not get the support and help she wants. I think it's nice to play it because in the previous season it was this young woman so determined, resolute, she knew what she wanted and what she was going to do. This season she's in more trouble and as an actress it's really a gift because she's so strong, and losing control also has an effect on her ego and she has to reevaluate her life. Anne then sees her brother face the same things and offers some guidance, but through her point of view. Tobias Menzies as Philip is fantastic and I poured a lot of my love and confidence into him as a human being because my first scene in the series is with him. Every time I ride with him I feel a little better, I feel a little safer. I think Anne and Philip have very similar personalities and therefore she gets what she needs, even if sometimes it's not what she wants to hear.
Season 4 features many 'private' moments from members of the royal family and Doherty shared a detail of his experience on set:
Thanks to the scenes set in Balmoral, I fell in love with the dog Sam, a kind of golden retriever or labrador, who stayed with me for so many scenes that I was talking to him saying 'Sam, it's so nice to see you again!'.
The fifth season, as has happened in the past, will have a totally renewed cast, but this will not take the current stars away from the show. Anne’s actress confirmed:
Just seeing the cast of next season I would look at her. I can't wait to see who will play our role, I think it's really a rare experience to be able to share something with another person. I will not be the one to contact my "heir", but if someone contacts me to talk about the part I will be happy to meet her.
The actors, however, do not seem willing to meet the royals. Erin admitted:
I would be terrified of meeting Anne because you think you know these people, but I don't, I would be speechless or it would break my heart. I think it would be terrible for me.
The fourth season of The Crown is full of memorable scenes and the three protagonists Erin Doherty, Josh O'Connor and Emma Corrin have finally revealed their favorite moments.
Erin explained:
A very emotional scene with Olivia Colman is where Anne confronts Elizabeth because she doesn't know how to deal with the marriage that is falling apart and the Queen doesn't react in an understanding way, it breaks her heart a little bit, her answer, it's like how much happened with Charles in the third season and Olivia Colman is so good in these glacial moments.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
MM Anon MM ANON …… “What!!! , cook him bloody breakfast “… Another Firm message …… the African question … … “ he’s hiding behind your skirts “ …… an oz apology … a noticeable habit …… “ They have all gone quiet”…… VB’” “piss off David, she’s the kiss of death” …… “Do it on the QT”. …… it’s a palace directive …… “ Have you read the comments on SM” …… he’s putting on a brave face.
“What!!! , cook him bloody breakfast “ This morning, on her twitter , one of a few, she posted the bespoke breakfast she cooked for her husband including blood sausage and she said she had a bowl of fruit😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I won’t give the two accounts l know of , because l don’t want trouble.
Another Firm message The palace is know as the Firm, those who run the show, poor choice of word l know, but it’s the truth. The disaster that is BOJO running now to various EU countries to get them to vote no, so he doesn’t have to make a request of them for a Brexit extension. The Queen is Firm, the will of the people should be heeded. The issue will be brought to court today, but in the end it may not be a legal issue that they can deal with, it may come down to a political one. Then, this constitutional crisis becomes a disaster. With all HMTQ is dealing, for him to put her in this position at this point in Her reign is unconscionable!!!
the African question The trip to Africa will she go?? Thus far the itinerary l have read refers specifically to PH. The bigger and more important relationship building question is will Angola join the Commonwealth. They made verbal comments last year that they wanted to. Whilst there PH will have private meetings with various leaders and work towards that goal. It would be a great thing for him to achieve as diplomatic duty has not really been in his wheelhouse. He has been great at relating to people and developing charities such as the Invictus Games, and Sentebale in Botswana with Prince Seeiso which was founded in 2006.
“ he’s hiding behind your skirts “ Is this reference to PA, spending time at Balmoral and was seen Sunday going to Craithie Kirk with HMTQ? Hiding from questions, demands, and interviews from law enforcement all potentially waiting in the wings.
an oz apology Strong rumours whilst PH and mm were on their tour she was VERY rude to staff and , l believe the High Commissioners wife was told to f*** off. PA, since then made a pit stop there for apologies. I do believe on PE current visit further apologies perhaps even written one from HMTQ were extended to ensure relationships stay strong. Just imagine spewing foul language could potentially destroy years of harmony.
a noticeable habit We have, most of us here, notice when PH is with her or on her outings he wears grey suit, old shoes. When he has been on his own representing HMTQ he is so well dressed and appears so much more contented.
“ They have all gone quiet” The Markle’s have all gone quiet again. Papa popped up as a distract awhile ago. But since then, crickets 🦗, nothing, except her nephew becoming a millionaire selling pot he gave his family name to.
VB’” “piss off David, she’s the kiss of death” VB, has now started a cosmetics line. As a professional collector of high end cosmetics, l can say my reaction and online is very lack lustre. David has had to spend millions and what l have read tens of millions bailing out her fashion line. Let me step back, sorry, VB Victoria Beckham, former Spice Girl posh, is married to footballer David Beckham. I am wondering if he suggested having madam model clothes and cosmetics, as you can see she didn’t like the idea.🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
“Do it on the QT”. QT means quiet, unobtrusively, so something is to be done in that manner. It is surveillance of madam? Since returning from ‘fauxmegnancy’ leave she has been out and about more, and we love it! The more pressing issue which l am not certain is the security threat assessment in Afghanistan which is ongoing ahead of their tentative tour there. This is a non Commonwealth country but relationship building is important but security and safety must be paramount. Those are my two thoughts possible.
it’s a palace directive Buckingham Palace staff have been instructed to alert guests who have audiences with HMTQ NOT to bring up PH or mm. Very firm directive to ‘Talk about anything except one subject.’ Brexit? 'No. The Sussexes.“ Rumours are Queen is growing tired of Meghan’s snubbing of Royal Family occasions. The Mail on Sunday understands the Queen was 'hurt and disappointed’ when Meghan made a last-minute dash to New York to watch Serena Williams in the tennis instead of joining the Royals in Balmoral as planned. The annual Highland holiday is the Queen’s favourite time of the year and she was, according to a source, looking forward to 'a few days of merry chaos’ with the great-grandchildren, including Archie.
Have you read the comments on SM” The vast , Major, huge, majority on social media worldwide are just loathing, mistrust, disbelief, disgust, and on and on about madam, the way she conducts herself. Now this Smart Set, using the name of a Canadian company, Reitmans, she worked with in Toronto. This capsule collection, contains limited sizes, dresses were old stock from 2018 that never sold, the white blouse l believe from a 2015 collection that didn’t sell. The bag ridiculously expensive with a backstory that can be found online, l won’t put it here, but pure vindictiveness.
he’s putting on a brave face. This is PH. He is doing his duty, and doing it well. He has been at it for quite some time. I have no doubt he has very healthy distractions, supportive loving family and lots of us here supporting him and believing in him!
Thank you so much PG!  This is sounding great...always the best from you we get my dear PG!  God Bless you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 17
108: Nov 5
MM ANON …… A prospective congressional candidate ……caLiforniA voting …… bankrolled by Bubba…… 🎼” ain’t nobody Straight in LA”🎼…… Nov.14th , liftoff !! …… “ don’t come back, general consensus ma’am”. //… “ William’ you’ll love the break darling “…… “ 🦄can I come daddy, pleeeeeez!!”…… “bring me back a 🦎”…… “ Well, rather you than me squidgy” …… “ I’m reading these balcony jokes old thing” ……” 🤣🤣 Philip, look at this one ‘ wicked!!”… “make it there problem, it’s her decision “ … “Ad Nauseam.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏��THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 5/2019 Riddle #108 1050 hrs CST
A prospective congressional candidate
Rumours abound of madam seeking elected office in America once she leaves the U.K. Isn’t this marvellous, we are at the point of realistically talking about her being gone!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😁😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😁😁😊😊😊😊!
She certainly has the nonsense speak to be a politician. However, in this digital age, this madam has more secrets hidden that anyone else that l 🔒 🔐 can think of. In America there is no relationship between the media and elected officials to embargo news or comply with the request of the Palace to not run certain stories. At least l don’t think there are. Every little inconsequential and massively consequential behaviour, hobbies, financial “borrowing “ from foundations allegedly, charging for appearances, not reporting income to the IRS, the Internal Revenue Service THAT oversees the tax system in America. Good luck Rachel! Oh yes, ah, there is that pesky little matter of manipulation to marriage allegedly, ⚖️ Treasonous crimes, allegedly, violating the “of the body”law allegedly and a long long list of other possible illegalities, ALLEGEDLY!!
caLiforniA voting
LA, Los Angeles, California is where madam allegedly hails from. Might this be where she has voted, or has she ever even voted? I wonder if she ever has because that would entail her having to think about something and someone other than herself. If she does run for Congress, seems that would be where. The left leaning celebrity driven politics in that state are in her wheelhouse. We have had celebrities, public allegedly lie for and about her. EDG talked about visiting the Sussexes at FC, feeding baby Archie and how much red hair he has, SERIOUSLY PINOCCHIO??SERIOUSLY?? You going to stick with that story??🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🧐🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥, GC, OW , HRC all chimed in.
bankrolled by Bubba
On twitter, archificial is bubs or bubba but a doll cannot bankroll anything. Bubba is Bill Clinton’s nickname. Are we to surmise, MM ANON, that she will be a paid candidate on behalf of the Clintons. This is unbelievable! But London Scoop warned two years ago, down is up, up is down, wet is dry, dry is wet. Her backers are very very obvious now in who they are! Get rid of any conservative Christian values, let the top 1% keep their trillions and manage the worlds money. The Commonwealth is quite a spanner in the mix isn’t it? This is scary stuff kids!!
🎼” ain’t nobody Straight in LA”🎼
Song by The Miracles, content of the lyrics is all about the prevalence of homosexuality in Los Angeles. Who is this referring? Doria?? I know she has a partner, but l don’t know if male or female. Is this pornography? Has madam done videos of this nature? Might this be the excuse she uses to leave the marriage, that she finally has “woke” to who she really is as a woman and is gay? I hope none of this comes across as homophobic, that’s is not my intention💜. Madam just poisons anything and everything!
Nov.14th , liftoff !!
Liftoff usually means a 🚁 helicopter or a spaceship 🚀 taking off! I am spinning that around! BIG TIME! Is November 14th the day the palace will liftoff the hold on the media 📰 and tell them go ahead DM print that million dollar dossier you have been sitting on for two years. Let the media explode the headlines with each and every bit of alleged filth, evidence, alleged misdeeds, financial and others!
“ don’t come back, general consensus ma’am”. //
LG telling HMTQ, if/when madam goes to L.A. or wherever for her six week break/ American Thanksgiving, the consensus, the agreement or majority opinion is she SHOULD NEVER COME BACK!!! All in favour, raise your hand!!!! Oh l see some people raising both hands, up that’s ok😁😁😁😁😁😁
“ William’ you’ll love the break darling ““ 🦄can I come daddy, pleeeeeez!!””bring me back a 🦎”
I have not read this or heard but l am going to suggest something. Prince Harry will have six weeks leave after RS, madam will be going to America, or so it seems just now, l don’t know where archificial will be. I wonder if the brothers are going somewhere to be together, spend time, talk over the horrors of the past two years. Maybe to Balmoral, hunting, fishing, drinking 🍺, just 😎 chilling out!! Prince William is going to Kuwait and Oman December 1 - 4/2019, the first week in December. I can hardly see this as a break but it will be away from the stress and truly with as it seems madam has been all but dealt with and contained, it would be a break! Sounds like our shy, 😁quiet😁 Princess Charlotte🤣🤣😂😂🤣, wants to go along! Prince George continues his love of all things reptilian 🦎 and wants a reptile brought back as a souvenir.
“ Well, rather you than me squidgy”
Way back when, there were the squidgy tapes. Anybody remember those? Anybody remember cassette tapes even??🤣🤣😂😂. Secret recordings privacy of Princess Diana and her lover who referred to her by that name. Squidgy can also mean soft, wet, something that when you squeeze it, it can change shape, like play-doh. According to the urban dictionary has a meaning that l refuse to type or share! I think this is Prince Charles and Camilla discussing her appearance on the 7th of November with Prince Harry YES HE IS ROYAL NOT NOT NOT A COMMONER🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 and madam. The Duchess of Cornwall is the Patron of The Poppy Factory . They will visit The Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. It will be very very interesting if madam shows and what she wears and how she behaves, or make that, misbehaves. We know she has no respect for The Fallen or anyone else except SELF!! Charles is joking with her saying better you than me having to spend time with madam!! I LOVE visualizing these conversations!
“ I’m reading these balcony jokes old thing” 🤣🤣 Philip, look at this one ‘ wicked!!”
My favourite it is, but you are all tired of it by now but, 🔥 firelight, relaxing clothes, 📺 on, cocktails 🍸, relaxing time talking. PP is very much enjoy the lampooning nature of the political comics with various drawings of madam and how she will look 👀 in a cartoon version on the balcony🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Don’t you just love political cartoons? At one time, a cartoonist was murdered when he did a cartoon of a head of a certain religion, so there is a limit on what’s prudent. He points out one, l think l saw one similar, of madam portrayed as a witch! Wicked is a stage play about the witch characters from the classic film, with the gorgeous Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz!
“make it there problem, it’s her decision “
Regarding having a VISA to return to England, l know you have to return to your home country every certain number of months, l have no idea what or where her VISA status is at. So if she goes to America, will she be allowed to return? Sounding like they are letting the staff at the airport deal with her. It’s also her decision if she wants to return to the U.K.
“Ad Nauseam.
Ad nauseam from the Latin, means one is repeated something verbally or by action, like pounding a door, so often that it has become endlessly annoying or tiresome.
Madam making endless demands over and over and over. Pleads over and over and over. Don’t make me attend anything public, l can’t do it please, please, please. Ad Nauseam. I think the phrase Ad Nauseam perfectly describes the general feeling towards madam just now, although l would argue there are stronger adjectives some would use.
November 5/2019 1210 hrs CST
What fun…..thank you dear PG…so appreciated…..😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Skippy submission
109: Nov 6
MM ANON ………” the pest is fleeing the rented nest” SO-HO HO HO !!!………”🎼” don’t give me that do goody good bullshit”🎼…… I’ll catch him , you talk him round” …… “ don’t be naive, it’ll be longer than 6weeks.”……… “I’ve got a cunning plan”………… Mmmm’ money but NOT title!!…… “ the Privy Purse won’t finance that”. …… “ I’ll have a chat with the LCJ, ol’ Netty will fix it.”…… “ done and dusted darling”. …… 🎼” we’ve already said “ so long”🎼………🎼” With a Little help from my friends”🎼. Amen!!
November 6/2019 1115 hrs CST Riddle #109
” the pest is fleeing the rented nest” SO-HO HO HO !!!
Well, madam is done, leaving. She has been kipping at SoHo, probably worn out her welcome!😁🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Never to return!! The Ho stayed at SoHo🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣! This is bloody fan-diddly-tastic!!!😁
”🎼” don’t give me that do goody good bullshit”🎼
MM ANON taking us back to Money Pink Floyd! Yep all about money, living the highlife, not having done anything of consequence for it, except wrong things, violence even. Madam is DEFINITELY not a goody good! I am so excited, l am trying to type so fast! Forgive any of my usual typing errors!
I’ll catch him , you talk him round” “ don’t be naive, it’ll be longer than 6weeks.”“I’ve got a cunning plan”
Like William and Catherine, maybe more intimate family discussing rehab for Harry after this horrific tour of duty of unprecedented nature and length of time. Sounds like they will have him come for that tagliatelle recipe of Catherine’s. I wonder if l could be invited? Anyhow, the length if time in rehab varies, depending on any medical issues and what substances need to be weaned off of. It’s harrowing. After medically stable, 90 days is a usual. They have a plan, all done out of love. Harry has PTSD from losing his mum, his military service and worst of all, this assault on him and his body, mind and soul. He is going to need a lot of love and l know he has that in spades. Harry, l never doubted you, NOT ONE SECOND!! You have been daily in my prayers 🙏🏻, it will continue as you rehab, recover, get your bearings back and start a whole new wonderful life!
Mmmm’ money but NOT title!!
So dealio here is, she will get some sort of financial settlement in the divorce but NO MORE HRH , NO MORE DUCHESS! She can return to her title of evil succubus! Anything to be rid of her and no title!I LOVE THIS! Guys, this is REALLY HAPPENING!! After RD she is gone, and the shit will hit the fan when the media starts printing all their dossiers that they have sat on for TWO YEARS!! Next week is going to be AWESOME!!! God bless you LG and your entire team!!
“ the Privy Purse won’t finance that”
Prince Charles is in charge of doling out money to various royal family members. It’s called the Privy Purse. So they won’t finance any settlement?? Her private jet? I think to be rid of her likely yes. Maybe it’s her divorce lawyers fees? Or some stupid demand she’s making, never ending yammering woman!
“ I’ll have a chat with the LCJ, ol’ Netty will fix it.”…
PP is long long time friends with the LCJ, Lord Chief Justice, Ian Barrett, Baron Burnett of Maldon. This was in a riddle a long time ago. Sounds like PP will speak with him and sort out this aggressive attack against the palace by ABC regarding PA. PP will set things to order with Netty aka Baron Burnett
“ done and dusted darling”.
Done and dusted, meaning everything is done, sorted, over and out, sayanora, goodbye, move along folks nothing to see here, you get the idea!🤣🤣🤣😂😂 l am giddy l am so happy about this!!😁😁😁😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 prayers answered, thank you dear Heavenly Father🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Madam is done, her stranglehold is no more! Two more appearances, tomorrow and RS, if she shows! Then forever out , she will NEVER EVER EVER BE ALLOWED ENTRY IN THE U.K. AGAIN EVER!! She will be on a watchlist so she cannot sneak back for whatever nefarious reason she might have!
🎼” we’ve already said “ so long”🎼
Closing song from the Carol Burnett show, remember that? I’m so glad we had this time together, just to share a laugh and sing a song, seems we just got started and before you know it, it’s time to say so long. The only lyrics that apply are so long, but l was singing as l was typing. Remember she dressed up as a frumpy maid with the mop and bucket as she sang? Oh l am over the moon excited! HMTQ looked STUNNING today in the bright ROYAL PURPLE and gorgeous brooch. She was DEFINITELY sending a message, l am the Queen, l Reign and the Crown has won! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻 GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
…🎼” With a Little help from my friends”🎼. Amen!!
I love this song, l’ll get by with a little help, this is our Harry. He will and is surrounded by loving family, can reconnect with all his close mates that he was forced to shut out. He will be just fine, in face more than fine. He is so well loved and everyone will be so glad to see that woman gone! As we used to say, let the door know hit you where the good Lord split you🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 BYE RACHEL!!!
November 6/2019
1200 hrs CST
This sounds great! Exciting days ahead….I have more I would love to say, it can’t because don’t want her to know….thank you PG this is great! Thank you for doing this much appreciated….and you MM Anon thank you for sending in these fantastic riddles! 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
110: Nov 7
MM ANON …… Royal blue class…… navy blue @ss……… royal winning ……… smug grinning …… “ a quiet word in your shell-like Harry, she embarrassed you”…… “Sunday night ma’am, alone!!”…… Royal Trinity …… 🎼” leaving on a jet plane , don’t know “🎼……… “Exeter airport, not far from Babington ma’am”……”What!! a brotherly tour LG?”…… SANDRINGHAM sand pit…”one disaster at a time,old thing”……” Melania has royal discretion Philip”…… “ God knows Philip, money?”…… “whatever’ but not in bloody black and white “
Prayers for mr🐼 and our dear 🐼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 7/2019 2250 hrs CST Riddle #110
Royal blue class…… navy blue @ss……… royal winning ……… smug grinning
Appearances today at various Remembrance ceremonies. Catherine looked stunning in her Royal blue. Might l suspect a pregnancy just based oh how very tired she looked or is it just all the crap with madam etc, plus having three children. She looked every bit the Royal Duchess and future Queen she is. She carries herself with this innate elegance, you cannot buy nor fake it. She was, as always, stunningly beautiful.
Madam on the other hand, oh where do l start. Copycat massive wig, trying to match Catherine’s gorgeous hair. Coat half open, a coat not fit for the occasion. Fake hair covering the poppy. Boots?? Really?? And that constant blanking smug look and emu attitude, this too one cannot buy, it’s her innate sense of entitlement. She’s just so inappropriate!!
“ a quiet word in your shell-like Harry, she embarrassed you”
Someone offering Harry support for the way madam behaved today. He even had to tell madam, or rather signal to her to close her legs as she was again standing as if she were going to straddle something! Poor Harry. Harry had to quietly signal this to her. He looked so official and outstanding in his dress uniform!, doing his duty today, ignoring her keeping focused yet a side eye monitoring her behaviour. He was in his own shell, focusing on the solemnity of the occasion and sick and tired of being tethered to her. Almost done Harry, Sunday she’s gone!!
“Sunday night ma’am, alone!!”
Madam will get on the plane and leave the U.K. FINALLY AND PERMANENTLY! Pending possible alleged treason or charges. No RPO, no security, no one to carry her bags, ALONE!!!😁
Royal Trinity
Without a doubt, Prince William, Duchess Catherine and Prince Harry. They will resume where they were before madam came onto the scene. Harry will need time to recover but getting back to being Royal and amongst people who love him will go great lengths. The people will be so glad to see madam gone, Harry will soar in popularity, the love for him will soar.
🎼” leaving on a jet plane , don’t know “🎼……… “Exeter airport, not far from Babington ma’am”
Great old song, l used to play this on the piano and sing a lot. Don’t know when I’ll be back again, oh babe l hate to go, YEAH RIGHT RACHEL! You’re happy as a pug in a sty to be getting out of England! Exeter is a city east if London l think, sounds like her alleged private jet to L.A. will be leaving from there.
”What!! a brotherly tour LG?”
Sounds like, remember a previous riddle where l interpreted William and Harry may take some time at Balmoral to hunt, fish etc, celebrate madam being gone. The. Cambridge children wanted to go, remember? Well it sounds like LG has a smashing idea to show the solidity of the brothers relationship and help Harry readjust, the two boys, l call them goys in my head, the two Princes May do a few appearances/occasions together. Banner idea LG, banner l say!!!!
Sandringham is where the Royal family goes to enjoy their family Christmas time. Catherine, despite having been with William for years was not invited until after they married. Somehow, and it perplexed many of us, madam was included before she and Harry wed. Sand pit can be a sand pit to play in or it can be a metaphor for sink ing in quicksand, burying things in a sandpit, keep things buried like secrets etc. I wonder what madam did there, did she go in areas she wasn’t meant to? What is the secret from the sandpit there?
”one disaster at a time,old thing”” Melania has royal discretion Philip”“ God knows Philip, money?”…… “whatever’ but not in bloody black and white “
HMTQ and PP, gorgeous relaxing evening clothes, today l picture her in velvet of a purple colour, and a lovely throw over her knees of a lovely plaid wool. The 🔥 fireplace is full, warm and crackling, can you feel it? So cosy and warm. PP is wearing black, cozy wooden sweater. Sharing cocktails 🍸, maybe some cream caramel for PP. he was hankering first some the other night. Close time, talking over the concerns they share. PP is reassuring her, one crisis at a time, madam and yet another attack on the royal family through PA. I truly think that was the original plot but the backers couldn’t get through.This is a decade or more long plot to destroy the Monarchy. This is only what we know, IMAGINE all that has happened that is top secret!!! As earlier riddle said Melania Trump has had foul things printed about her that were lies, she sued and won! So seating her next the Harry at the NATO banquet will be very appropriate!
They are talking about something madam has done or will be doing, possibly politics and pondering if her motifs money. Well that’s her motive for every filthy thing she has ever done so…,likely YES!
Talking about a family portrait for Christmas, again mantis previous riddle. PP funny, a blithe attitude but tired of madams black and white photos, 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, only colour portrait!
November 7/2019 2345 hrs
I absolutely love how you turn the riddle into exciting tales! One can so easily visualize the scenario. Thank you so much, so appreciated….good times are coming!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
111: Nov 9
MM Anon
MM ANON … beyond the bathrobe..…hit the spot(not)…never on a Sunday …… 🎼Sun-day my Prince will come🎼…LA Confidential …… morning TV. …… The Late shows …… “And now a surprise guest ‘Princess Megan and Prince Archie”…… “And now a word from her sponsor”…… A Meg-a endorsement … “you can have my jet”…… please!! a little decorum”…… Who’me
November 9/2019 1630 hrs CST, Riddle #111
beyond the bathrobe
Well madam attended the The Poppy Factory Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey with Harry on Thursday , Camilla was dr ordered to bed with a chest infection. Now that was odd because Wednesday she had an appearance and tonight she was there. I think she just was not well enough to deal with the unpredictable madam!! She wore a boucle fabric coat by her favourite, Canadian company Sentaler, boy l bet they wish she would STOP!! The nature of the fabric and style of the coat really had the appearance of a cozy bathrobe, certainly nothing near appropriate for such a solemn occasion. As a matter of fact, the hooker boots, massive amount of makeup, FALSE eyelashes, weird belt etc etc shall l go on? I think we all agree! For the longest time she has loaded on the bronzer especially in Africa. We have been told repeatedly she likes the natural look and her freckles aka she doesn’t have any decent makeup nor money to buy. Wow was she decked out on Thursday! I just cannot get over false eyelashes which l don’t fancy anyway, but the smug face at this solemn occasion, she never fails to fail. That cross of hers was like a child had stamped it, VERY clear which two were royal and hers was not. Then there were the games of her not standing where she was directed too, at one point Harry had to motion to her and at another point she stood so close that HE had to move to take the salute at last post. If he hadn’t moved his elbow would have smashed her in the face. Wow did he look and do well. I love how the papers said he was so protective of her🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Watching her was more like it, so she would behave! Huge wig, l could go on and on.
hit the spot(not)
As above, l should have included this, she was told where to stand, then moved, Harry had to signal to her. After she put her cross in, she returned standing too close et etc etc. Never hit the spot she was meant to be standing. Surely madam would not purposely do that would she???🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
.never on a Sunday
Old song called never ever on a Sunday, Petula Clark. I always thought she was the prettiest girl ever. This song is all about loving, no loving on a Sunday because that’s her day of rest, used to be Sunday was the day of rest, was it really? For some l guess, farmers never, nurses, ambulance, firefighters, police, factory works and on and on. Well Sunday is madams last royal performance, off to America after that! Hallelujah?? No loving for her tomorrow, or any other day. People just are so beyond sick of her and her behaviour. Tomorrow bye bye Rachel. Get on that sweet old airliner and fly to L.A. l have no doubt Justice will catch up. BUT at least with her gone, the Royal family especially Harry is done with her filthy smug presence.
🎼Sun-day my Prince will come🎼
The Sun, what will they be printing in tomorrow’s edition??? This song is from Disneys animated classic Snow White. Someday my prince will come, she sings it awaiting her true love, as all the old Disney cartoons ended. Sunday is madams last day for an appearance with Harry!!! My he has conducted himself so well at these services!! I am still waiting madly for liftoff day, the 14th!! I used to tell this lame joke, all my jokes are lame🤣🤣🤣😂😂 but here it is. What did Snow White do while waiting for her pictures to be developed?(oh you have to be old enough to remember when we had to mail our thingy from the camera to process our film and a week or two later we got our photos! Does anyone else remember that?) Anyhow back to Snow White, whilst waiting she sings SOMEDAY MY PRINTS WILL COME,,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣Lame, l told you😁
LA Confidential
This is a fantastic modern, well 90’s version of a classic film noir, excellent movie. More to the point here, it is a magazine about the goings on in L.A. etc. Has madam got a tell all interview planned for her return home? I wonder how much she is going to charge for that? Lies, lies, and more lies. Lies infinity!
morning TV. …… The Late shows …… “And now a surprise guest ‘Princess Megan and Prince Archie”…
Yes, l have no doubt she will be raking in the money making appearances. Probably GK morning show, plus ABC morning show that attacked Prince George for taking ballet and the Palace, madam will be going for the jugular. She will be on home turf, and she will lie more than you have seen up till now! There are a bunch of late night chat shows in America, l am certain she will do the rounds. Introducing herself as Princess🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, how is she going to come up with Archie??? That should be very very interesting. We KNOW she will be on EDG (Ellen de Generes )show, liar also.
And now a word from her sponsor”
This in old time radio and tv, is how they used to announce the ads, usually the radio shows had one sponsor. This may mean madam will be do some adverts. I think more likely, some big name ie GC, AC, BC, HRC, OW etc etc will come crawling out of the woodwork, supporting her publicly and quite like financially as well. People at this level could make all her IRS problems disappear!!
A Meg-a endorsement
Mega means huge! Meg is short for madam.So l am assuming or interpreting that BO, MO, HRC, BC, one or all will raise from the swamps and announce an endorsement of her for some sort of political office. This is far far FAR FROM OVER kids!
“you can have my jet”
Someone is giving her their jet. Is this just to get her out of England? I don’t think so. I think this is one of her backers, in this scheme, who will now switch to backing her us U.S. politics giving her their jet to use to travel about, make appearances, politic nature and likely endorse her as well. I sure hope Lady Justice wins here because if she is swimming politically with these big fish, she’s untouchable! How scary is this? I have contemplated writing your president because he will definitely be attacked by this cabal and her! Of this l have no doubt!
please!! a little decorum”…… Who’me
The dress she wore tonight was a repeat of the red/auberguine she wore at OYW at Windsor Castle. Huge open neck, barely a spot to pin her poppy, not that she cared. That dress was so unflattering. Decorum and madam do not go hand in hand. She has no manners, respect, elegance etc. Then when challenged she bats her false eyelashes who me??🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. No respect for the fallen, none. The amount of time she kept her head sort of bowed after she placed her cross was so fast, if you blinked, you would have missed it! But kids let’s take heart she will be gone. Don’t watch American news, l really pray ⚖️ is done.
November 9/02019 1745 hrs. CST
Thank you! Looks like she thinks she will be successful in the US! Oh her backers have an agenda…..I am so relieved she is moving on….don’t fret US….she will face justice….she just doesn’t believe it. Thank you so much PG! Awesome job once again.😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Skippy submission
112: Nov 10
MM ANON …… game,set and lies…… “ that royal DR conversation actually took place “……… game, set And Siberia …… William isn’t enamoured …… “Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣………”So-Ho hook-up?? really”……… “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing “…… “ pray it stays!!”…… “extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”……… “ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “ …… “Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 10/2019 Riddle #111 1320 hrs CST
May I first say how gorgeous HMTQ, Catherine, Sophie all of them, the boys in their dress uniforms, amazing! Tears from HMTQ we’re for a multitude of reasons and to see Catherine lean in , l assume to ask if she was alright was the most amazing photo!
game,set and lies
Game, set, lies, in tennis it’s game set, match. Everything throughout this entire ordeal with this woman has been a game and full of lies. I do not think she would know what truth is, if she spoke it or lived it she might self-combust!
“ that royal DR conversation actually took place “
DR could be dining room, Doris Ragland, Divorce rules, . A royal conversation could mean a heated conversation or quite literally involving royalty. I know last Christmas there were rumours that Doria Ragland was invited to Sandringham for Christmas, but she did not attend. Then it was put down as gossip. Is this what MM ANON is referring to? But why now?
game, set And Siberia
Games on the balcony, remember TTC??? Well madam was on a separate balcony at the Foreign and Commonwealth Trade building today called the Siberian balcony. Actually quite funny, but not. In Russia, or the previous USSR, people who were unliked for various reasons, protesting or various other political reasons were sent to the gulags in Siberia. It’s the harshest, coldest environment. So appropriate that symbolically, HMTQ ha her be on the Siberian balcony!
William isn’t enamoured
What is this regarding the sleepover that Princess Charlotte wants? It’s not next to that clue, so l think it’s something else.
Well he obviously has never been enamoured with madam, does he have concerns about how she left? This clue confuses me in that there are so many possibles. Maybe he thinks madam should have flown commercial, but the private jet was part of the negotiation to get rid of her.
“Bare legs, ever ready Rachel “🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wore boots on Thursday even though she was told to wear tights/pantyhose. Naked legs at the dress evening last night and l am assuming a repeat today. Continues her big finger up to HMTQ. Why be different now?
”So-Ho hook-up?? really “the RPO HAS to keep quiet!!! …… “ a scandal to far old thing ““ pray it stays!!”
My goodness who did she hook up with? The RPO knows, saw all and must be kept quiet. Must be something huge if it’s a scandal too far and must be kept quiet. Good heavens, might explain where her new clothes have come from. Whoever she hooked up with, must be very wealthy, famous and something that must be kept quiet! Wow madam never misses a chance to sin does she? I am not going to say who l think it might be but l certainly have a very strong suspicion!
“extra protection , NO , let her pay!!”
No protection, she can pay for her own after the ceremonies today. No RPO to go with her to America. She will have to look after herself but l am quite certain she already has that handled. Wild cats like her know how to scrape and scratch for what they want. HMTQ is very clear in what she is saying, refusing extra protection and that she can pay for any regular protection out there in the big bad world.
“ her little friends ‘ it’s a called a sleepover William “
Sounds like little Princess Charlotte and her friends are keen to have a sleepover! Oh those were such fun! I would love to be a fly on the wall. I know how my six year old niece runs her family🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Little girls with strong personalities have a way of doing that. I love it!!
“Yes,Edward and Sophie “…… “wheels up ma’am ,… thank god LG
Countess Sophie was previously scheduled to visit New York and Toronto this week, solo. Now l wonder if Edward will fly with her and madam will be supervised by them to make sure she deplanes in New York! What a rude awakening that will be. No security, on her own, unless whoever the nig wig she hooked up with at SoHo is footing her bills. Madam is very adept at that. Wheels up, means the jet has taken off. SHE IS GONE!!! Thank God LG, HMTQ very relieved.
Now l picture, the family, in their own ways celebrating that this day has finally come! HMTQ and PP, we look in, again we see, the 🔥 blazing, warm and crackling, the scent and feel of the flames instant comfort. Lovely evening dress, pondering the memories revisited today, intertwined with the hell of the war with madam and her backers. Suddenly cream caramel for two arrives along with special cocktails 🍸. They toast one another to have survival yet another war. 🥂 Cheers to you both! God bless you both.
November 10/2019 1415 hrs CST
I thought this day would never come. Congratulations and a million thanks to LG and his team!!
Thank you dear PG….I wonder when the articles coming out will start saying she is in the US? Or will she continue to play…gaslighting is her favourite PR strategy….but we know…she is gone. Thank you PG great job….always appreciated…🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
113: Nov 11
MM ANON …… “H’ phone Oprah , NOW!!…… “ we’ll stay with SW for a while”…… “ my mother’s already here”. ……… “ Lottie’ tell your little friends to stop jumping on the bed.” …… BREAKFAST!!…… “ OK’ who’s for sticky maple syrup and waffles?”…… Charlotte!!!! behave. …… “ We’re outnumbered George!!”……”NANNY HELP!, …… “Wait and see,ma’am, wait and see!!”…… “yes, my friends in the service!!”… The banquet would be a good time. ……Embroil him in duties to his regiment ……’seven for a secret never to be told
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
MADAM IS GONE!, Riddle #113 1250 hrs CST
November 11/2019 l took the morning to remember the fallen as today is Remembrance Day in 🇨🇦🙏🏻 LEST WE FORGET
“H’ phone Oprah , NOW!!
Prince Harry has been involved in a Mental Health initiative with Oprah for Apple TV. I do not know how much they have done of it or even started, however sounds like he is meant to call her and back out of it.
However, there is only ONE IDIOT IN THE WORLD THAT CALLS HIM H!! and orders him around like that!!! I hope he changes his phone number M! Madam is barely out of the country and she’s yammering for him to find her a place to stay or wanting something from OW! Good God Harry CHANGE YOUR MOBILE!!!!! ASAP
“ we’ll stay with SW for a while”…… “ my mother’s already here”.
As l had proposed yesterday in the riddle, a wild cat like madam finds soft cushions. Well, it does not get any softer that a billionaire like SW and her husband is worth more than that, who we KNOW has been a backer and obviously STILL IS! Now we know where Doria has been kipping to avoid SPLASH news that they hired😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂 paparazzi and why Doria needs an assistant l I couldn’t get that last week when a photo of her ‘assistant ‘ walking her dogs made the rounds. I was saying in a riddle then, why does she need an assistant.This might also explain why she has eight million dollars in her bank account! So this is where madam will have ‘Family Thanksgiving’,OW BO MO HRC BC, the whole entire “family”. How precious, l almost shed a tear NOT,🤢🤢🤮
“ Lottie’ tell your little friends to stop jumping on the bed.” …… BREAKFAST!!…… “ OK’ who’s for sticky maple syrup and waffles?”…… Charlotte!!!! behave. …… “ We’re outnumbered George!!”……”NANNY HELP!, ……
Well little Princess Charlotte had her sleepover. I assumed it would be at KP due to security issues. Waffles, giggly girls, William seeking solace in George, little Louis is too young yet😂😂🤣🤣. William screaming jokingly for Nanny Maria Borollos, but she likely is with Prince Louis. I would love to have been a fly on the wall, l know l say that in every riddle but it’s true each time l say it!By the way William, l am still waiting for my waffles!😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😁😁
“Wait and see,ma’am, wait and see!!”“yes, my friends in the service!!”
LG in conversation with HMTQ. She is wondering or commenting on media release of info date LIFTOFF!!!!NOVEMBER 14 according to a previous MM ANON riddle! How will things be released, all at once? LG supportively saying just wait and see, excitedly by the exclamation marks. I am sure after all this waiting the press has done, sitting on all this golden horrible but news breaking secrets of madam, it’s going to be brilliant! I am certain LG has been involved.
HMTQ also voicing concern over madams next move, as obviously once a narcissist always a narcissist, and even though madam never LIVED with the a Royal family she was privy to many events including Sandringham. I have no doubt throughout this entire ordeal the family, spoke to her only as politeness would require and never ever EVER shared information. Nonetheless, she was in the palace, observed how they do things, etc, she holds a lot of information and l don’t know what her departure agreement included but l definitely see fee doing the tv rounds, magazines, PR will continue and a book of my life if she was a duchess or some such garbage!
As we know LG has many connections in the world on intelligence, all over the world. He will be in touch with some of these individuals and keep track of what madam gets up to. I am certain President Trump who brought such valuable intel on his state visit last time, that he has has his homeland security department monitoring her and her backers!!!
The banquet would be a good time.
The NATO banquet is December 4/2019. HMTQ will host NATO leaders, it will be an all out elegant affair. I can hardly wait for the photos. This would be a good time to what. Perhaps put out a notice of formal separation on the day if the banquet? I cannot see HMTQ doing anything to overshadow such an event. I wonder if , as has been mentioned twice in riddles, that Prince Harry will be seated next to Mrs. Melania Trump for the evening. Perhaps some announcement may be made that day about a position for Harry to serve in the military. A huge part of me would love a formal announcement of separation, but that’s unlikely but l still want it, hey maybe annulment? Something!!!
Embroil him in duties to his regiment
HMTQ is pondering how best to have Harry era climate to his life now that madam is gone. How glorious. The public will want to see him and know he is finally regaining his health and happiness. Sounds like involving him in his past military career is the answer. Given his Invictus Games and involvement in mental health issues and his own, this is a phenomenal idea. I do believe it will be a bespoke role, created especially for him, non-combat of course. He has so much experience and it will help him rebuild his confidence tremendously. I can foresee a number of roles for him. This is fantastic!
…’seven for a secret never to be told
This is from an old rhyme about magpies. Great big beasts of a bird, black and white, they extremely loud and eat others eggs etc. I remember one Sunday afternoon a friend of mine and her husband live on a farm and she has a bunch of us for dinner. We got talking, they were saying how many magpies they had and the great annoyance they are. Well right after dinner, out came the rifles and we all spent a good few hours riding them of the problem. It was marvellous. DONT JUDGE until you have lived on a farm and had these massive rats with wings stopping at your or your children’s heads!! They remind me of ravens, always made me think of Poe, Edgar Allen Poe. The Raven, read it! Wow sorry kids, l REALKY DIGRESSED there, but l think you like my elaborative writing!
Anyone, back to the clue, the nursery rhyme is below.
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told.
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird,
You must not miss.
Seven for a secret never to be told. This was in yesterday’s riddle. HMTQ feels imperative, RPO MUST KEEP SCHTUM(quiet), the manner of how Prince Harry Met madam, as MM ANON put it yesterday in PP words, a’a scandal beyond a scandal’.
What hell hath this succubus wrought on or beloved Queen and Prince Harry, the entire royal family, England, the U.K. and our beloved Commonwealth. We have many many friends in other countries who share the horror with us as faithful friends and we so love them for it!!
November 11/2019 1350 hrs CST LEST WE FORGET
Thank you dear PG! Fantastic read once again….your personality shines through, and I love that…interesting days ahead! Thank you🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
114: Nov 13
MM ANON ……… 🎼” let the Sunshine”🎼…… who pulled the short straw?……… palm trees at Sandringham …… “ pass the Dorito’s darling “……… Sophie’s surprise ……“ I love the belt sweetie”. … Preg-nont…… “ I love the belt sweetie” ……… “yes , smile and serve them gru-el”…… Christmas?” Musical chairs old thing” ……… more of a 12 by 6 ……… small expectations …… Kate’s red carpet …… “ bet she goes for the lovers knot.” …… Hobson choice.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜THANK YOU MM ANON LOTS OF 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
November 13/2019 1730 hrs CST , RIDDLE#114
🎼” let the Sunshine”🎼
Old song let the sunshine in, face it with a grin smilers never lose and frowned s never win. Also from the age of Aquarius. Either way SS, Sunshine Sachs, madams PR agency, one of them known for using ‘dark arts’, deeply dark things. They have in overdrive going back and forth with the Palace today is battling statements. They have absolutely NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE DEALING WITH RIGHT LG????
who pulled the short straw?
Usually when there is a task needing done and no one wants to do it, tour draw straws and one straw is shorter and THAT person gets or has to do the thing no one wants. What might this be. RPO babysitting madam? Royal sitting next to madam at the Christmas? Who knows where Christmas will be, but this is involving madam for sure and no one wants to do what needs done! Maybe it’s who sits next to a Doria at a Christmas!
palm trees at Sandringham
Rumours of madam on the beach in the Caribbean. Are they going to put some pal trees in so madam feels like she is in L.A. when she is there for Christmas??? This is so ridiculous!!
pass the Dorito’s darling “
Oh, is Doria coming for crimbo too?? Oh dear, Dorito has been the way madams is referred to by many. Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla are dining and Camilla, l can see her all dressed for dinner, making this cheeky comment to Charles, and Charles’ red face getting redder as a broad smile and chuckle ensues. By the way, l am NOT joking at his red face, l have several times here written my concern about that along with his red and swollen hands. His birthday is tomorrow let’s remember! He is on tour in India now.
Sophie’s surprise
Sophie was meant to fly to NYC with madam. Something happened and madam didn’t show up for the flight. I looked online earlier l could find nothing about Sophie in NYC. She is also due in Toronto for a women’s empowerment conference/anniversary.
“ I love the belt sweetie”
Madam wore a Gucci belt on RS , worth a few months rent! Is this a catty comment or a genuine from MA or the crying makeup artist? Most public comments were scathing and many think she is trying to look like she’s pregnant or let people think she may be.
Madam has been wearing her belts very high, tight clothes etc. The last few days PR talking about a second child and she was seen holding her tummy at Royal Hall for RD evening service. Yes yes games games games .
“yes , smile and serve them gru-el”
Another SS doozy PR crap, madam volunteering🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 at a homeless shelter near Frogmore, millionaires homeless now!??🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 on Thanksgiving, in a country that doesn’t celebrate it🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Sorry you just cannot make this garbage up. It’s like they have a room full of zoo animals pressing buttons for ideas! No offence to zoo animals! Gruel is slop, if you ever read a Dickens that’s what they fed the children in Oliver, tastes terrible but enough to keep you alive,
GRU or GRU is the name for the former USSR KGB secret police. Surely GRU is not at play here?!
Christmas?” Musical chairs old thing”
Madam for Christmas?,Doria for Christmas?, lots of moving around so everyone takes a turn politely talking to Doria and madam. Oh come on, MM ANON, we all know THERE US NO POSSIBLE WAY they are going to be there! I have explained the game of musical chairs in a previous riddle.
more of a 12 by 6
💜💜💜💜This, l firmly believe, is where madam is. Contained , either by bars or in a psychiatric a facility, her mind having fractured and split apart by the stress all of her own doing. Good luck to all those minding her!!!💜💜💜💜
small expectations
Great Expectations, by a Charles Dickens about the French Revolution…it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..explains everything happening in England/the U.K. now. Here we have small expectations, that is what we have or of madam and she is cornered yet her OR is working overtime and each time today BP has countered played the PR. This is a public game of chess with someone who cannot even play checkers!
Kate’s red carpet …… “ bet she goes for the lovers knot.”
This is a reference to the NATO gala banquet that HMTQ is hosting. Catherine, as usual will wear The Lovers Knot Tiara, l hope she wears a red or green Christmasy gown. I can hardly wait for the photos!!!
Hobson choice.
This goes way way back, even a film made. I haven’t seen it though The phrase is said to have begun with a livery stable owner, Thomas Hobson in the 1700’s England, who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest to the door or taking none at all. A Hobson’s choice is a freely made choice only one thing is offered. Because a person may refuse to accept what is offered, the two options are taking it or taking nothing. In other words, one may “take it or leave it”.
Madam is in a pickle, so to speak, a tight sour situation. She, wherever she is, although l have a confident idea exactly where she is, is cornered with only one choice and she loathes to accept it! TICK TOCK🕰 TICKITY TOCK RACHEL! THE BELL HAS ALREADY TOLLED FOR THEE!!
November 13/2019 1820 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG…much appreciated….🙏🏻💜💜💜
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