taxidermycanine · 12 days
Hey not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I'm looking for whoever might be able to offer advice. My wife just told me she's therian today (wolf). I'm completely supportive of it of course. As another wolf therian, do you have any suggestions for things I could do to help her feel more comfortable or support her better?
(Anon ask to protect her privacy because she's self conscious about it)
hi! this is absolutely the right place to ask, welcome :o)
this is very sweet of you to do, and i'm sure your wife appreciates you looking more into therianthropy so you can understand her better!
i hope you enjoy this post, and thank you again for this ask! the tips are under the cut
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species affirming 101: wolves and other canids
hello there! struggling to figure out ways to affirm your therianthropy because you don't know where to start? or maybe you're someone who knows a critter personally and want to learn how to make them more comfortable around you? then sit down and get comfortable because this is species affirming 101 (with me, the dog).
before we go into it, please note:
not all of these things are for everyone, and that's okay! do what feels right for you.
i will try my best to provide alternatives for any food recommendations for those of you with dietary needs, but apologize in advance if i fail to do so.
that the most important thing to affirm your species is through taking good care of yourself and spending some time outside to ground yourself. sometimes these things take time, they'll come to you eventually.
with that in mind, let's begin with the first tip!
NUMBER ONE: clothing
whether you have shorter or longer fur, this point can help you either way! the human body doesn't grow nearly enough hair to feel comfortable sometimes, which is why i wear clothes that are fuzzy, warm, and the same color as my fur. this is especially helpful in the colder months.
as for the warmer months, i recommend purchasing things such as tail keychains, trimming your nails into claws, drawing paws on your shoes. even meditating in a wooded area can help somewhat (at least in my own experience).
NUMBER TWO: snacks
usually when people think of species affirming snacks their mind immediately goes to something like jerky, and whilst that can help a few folk, in my opinion it's much too gritty for me to enjoy comfortably. i prefer eating slim jims for the saltiness and fall-apart texture. if you can't eat meat for whatever reason, i recommend experimenting with different types of mushrooms. a popular choice for meat imitation is the lions mane mushroom. when cooked a certain way, it's crunchy, filling and has a tender texture.
NUMBER THREE: ambiance
something as simple as putting on a video of nature sounds can make you feel more at home. i recommend mixing this with den making (making your bed feel more like a den by adding lots of blankets, going under them to sleep for coverage, maybe a chair or two to keep the entrance visable. i find having some sort of floor mattress works best for this sort of thing)
NUMBER FOUR: comforts
stuffed animals of your theriotype are always a nice way to feel less lonely, especially if you feel like you're meant to have young. acting like they're your pack, your litter, or simply just your belongings can provide heavy comfort during times of feeling isolated.
if you feel like you shouldn't have stuffed animals because you aren't a domestic breed, you shouldn't worry about that. One, you can do whatever you want forerver. Two, there have been many cases of animals finding things like stuffed animals and playing with them, look at this guy!
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NUMBER FIVE: socializing
as canines are social animals, it's important for you to spend time with others, therian or non-therian. if you have human friends, or a human partner, great! if they're comfortable with it, you can have them pet you if you'd like. maybe ask to go on a walk with them for a more discreet option.
i'd also recommend making friends who are also therian so you have others to relate to. it's important to realize that you are not alone in this, and there are so many who feel the way you do right now. if you make some irl, go to the forest together! play in the river! if you're stuck to being online friends for however long, make moodboards! play online games where you can be an animal together! roleplay if that's more your speed! there's plenty to do with loved ones.
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for now, that's all i can think of. for the anon though here's a little more just for you, i wish you and your partner the best.
be there for her, tell her that her being a therian doesn't make you love her any less and that you find her therianthropy beautiful. ask her about what she'd like you to do to help with species dysphoria, if she has any. research about her theriotype with her to show her that you care about it. as another wolf therian myself, the thing that helped me the most is having my own partner be there for me. canines are social animals, be social with her.
my love to you both,
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patchdotexe · 4 months
one of those "a bunch of random characters in one house" crossover comics that slowly turns out to be about fictives in a system
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my-chemical-rot · 5 months
does anyone remember Volcano Shake Em Up
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glamrockbandit · 8 months
..so I finally got Tumblr on my phone again
Got an SD card and sorted out the storage issues lol
Expect stuff eventually maybe
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Why does Frank Iero have so much gender
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desperateoutlaw · 3 years
"Bandit how does your hat stay on-"
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shockbattery · 5 years
I want more siege kins as friends so hey if any of you want a bandit as a friend lmao
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kafziels · 7 years
im inda high on painkillers for a sunburn rn sorry if i say anything incoherent
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rodented-blog · 6 years
me: time to make a blog and get into roleplay! me also: just sends bad asks to my two(2) friends 
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frankfoo3-blog · 5 years
Week 06: Something Awesome Bandit Game Level 26 - 33
Level 26 -> 27
Okay I just ran the program inside of bandit26
./bandit27-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit27 and grabbed the password 
Nice to have a relaxing game after the previous ones 
Level 27 -> 28 
So I need to clone a git repository 
I tried git clone ssh://bandit27-git:[password for bandit27]@localhost/home/bandit27-git/repo but it said fatal, could not create work tree dir 'repo': permission denied 
I googled the error, people were saying to try sudo chown -R **username** /var/www but that didn’t work either
Eventually I realised ... I couldn’t create new folders/files in /home/bandit27, so I made another /tmp/foldernamehere to work in 
Ran the git clone command git clone ssh://bandit27-git@localhost/home/bandit27-git/repo
Typed in the password and a repo folder appeared 
Got the password!
Level 28 -> 29
I did the same thing as the previous level, cloned a repo
I got a README.md file?
It says:
#bandit notes
some notes for level 29 of bandit
- username: bandit29
- password: xxxxxxxx
Hmmm... md files 
I got it!
I googled git commands, and just tried a whole bunch of them
Eventually I tried git show, which showed the changes made to the file README.md
and it shows:
-- password: [password for bandit29] (in red - removed) +- password: (the actual password here) (in green - added in)
Level 29 -> 30 
I did the same thing as the previous level
Git show shows these changes:
-- username: bandit29 (in red - removed) +- username: bandit30 (in green - added) - password: <no passwords in production> (no changes here)
Does this imply that we can use the same password for level 30?
No dice, didn’t work 
I remembered that git creates a hidden .git folder, so I went in there and opened up everything, nothing here either 
After a couple of hours, I looked up a tutorial and damn, how did I miss it
Git branch has an option to show remote branches 
And there it was zzz, dev branch
So I did git checkout dev
Git show ..., yep there’s the password 
Level 30 -> 31 
Same thing as before, but now there’s an empty file 
After trying like every git command out there
I found that running Git tag gave out the word “secret”
So I googled git tag and one you could do with tag was 
git show [tag name]
So git show secret -> gave me the password!
Nearly there! 
Level 31 -> 32
Push a file to the remote branch
I googled how to push files to master and followed a guide
I did the following:
git checkout -b new
echo ‘May I come in?’ > key.txt
git add -f key.txt 
git commit -a “1st commit”
git push origin new:master 
which gave me the password 
You know, I had to write my own git program as an assignment last year, in perl. Andrew Taylor <33
Level 32 -> 33
"After all this git stuff, its time for another escape, goodluck!”
Oh no.... im worried
After i logged in, i get "WELCOME TO THE UPPERCASE SHELL" 
Okay I think I understand, anything I type becomes uppercase 
So I started experimenting here 
Any letters or numbers gives the output :not found
# doesn’t give any output 
! gives syntax error, new line unexpected
/ gives permission denied 
“.” doesn’t give any output
apostrophe ( ‘ ) gives unterminated quote string 
~ gives /home/bandit32: permission denied 
backtick ( ` ) gives EOF in backquote substitution
[ gives [: missing ]
Oh wait, is this an sh script?? The level command hints say sh and man
I’m gonna try to write a little sh script and paste the whole thing in 
Oh wait, a=$( $TERM ) gave the output
xterm-256color: not found, so something’s working
OKOK wait
$TERM gives xterm-256color not found
So I started experimenting with any “$” variables I could think of
$HOME gives /home/bandit32 permission denied
If I try like export $SHELL=/bin/bash it just says export not found 
It was at this point that I tried $0, because I remembered $0 from perl programming 
It made the >> turn into $
Echo “test” works now!! 
Maybe I can set the shell?
So I tried :set shell=/bin/bash, but it didn’t work, :set not found
Ok wait, I have access to the command line now, not sure what I can do, try to copy the password out?
I ran whoami and got bandit33, but wait a minute, shouldn’t I be bandit32? 
I tried cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit33 and it worked!
i got the password and I’m out of here
That’s it!, finished bandit
What did I learn:
Got a refresher on like every git command
Clone, add, commit, log, show, branch, tag, checkout, push, pull 
Because I had to try out every command to see which one would work, I ended up reading up on them all 
I have a bandit.txt diary, 840 lines long containing what I was doing as I was doing it, what I was thinking at the time and what ended up happening. It’s what I’ve been cleaning up/formatting and posting here in the “something awesome” posts. Maybe I should paste it into a paste bin and put the link up as well. 
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taxidermycanine · 22 hours
this is such a silly thing 2 'ask' (comment) but i literally love ur account sm. as another therian its so nice to see ur posts and go "omg me too!!!" theres not enough of us out in the public so ty for ur service /hj
hi!!! thank you so much for enjoying my account, i appreciate it :O<
it's nice to know someone relates to my words, i hope you have a great day (or night), anon
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patchdotexe · 2 months
we'll see if this sticks. if it does, getallemeralds will return to being used for a sideblog. o7
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my-chemical-rot · 5 months
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Florida!!! by Florence + the Machine and Taylor Swift, Daytona Sand by Orville Peck, Spanish Moss by Against Me!, White Crosses by Against Me! //Pictures: map, surfers, post card, fountain of youth; plus my own photography // The Truman Show (1998) // Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm // Wikipedia
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glamrockbandit · 2 years
Might use this a bit more just because I'm seeing people use this more.
Expect me to actually post art here LOL I'm working on an art thing as we speak =}
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Green and yellow one says DINO
Yellow and purple one says BARD
Black and red one says M C R
Dark blue and green one says FALL OUT BOY
Black and white one says V V V V V
Red and black one says RED HOOD
Orange and yellow one says GARFIELD
There are two blue and pink ones, one says THEY/THEM, one says IT /ITS
There are three rainbow ones, one says Q U E E R, one says T U C U T E, and the last says T R E N D E R
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shockbattery · 2 years
thinking about posting more on this blog again
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