#Banri COULD fulfill that need for him to be useful to someone
keicordelle · 4 months
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Momo confirmed: there can never be a Banri-centric three:vale
And actually, his logic behind this is really interesting. Because at it's heart, the difference is that with Banri, Momo could never have formed the same sort of codependent relationship that he does with Yuki. Banri is capable of taking charge and taking care of himself, and so Momo wouldn't feel the need to step forward and try to help him.
Hell, it's only after he realizes that no one's taking care of Yuki that he reaches out to him in the first place. Momo establishes very well in Re:member that he needs to feel needed and useful to feel loved, or to express his love, and Yuki lets him do that in spades. Banri, though. Banri doesn't need someone to dote on him (or at least so judges Momo) and therefore Momo's acts of service (his declarations of love) are unwarranted at best and unnoticed at worst.
Whether or not this is actually true is a whole separate question. Banri does seem to rely on Momo when he's helping them out backstage (Momo valiantly kills the dreaded spider for him) -- but he does it in a moderate sort of way, taking the time to make sure Momo's not overexerting himself (ie, when he's lugging around more equipment in one trip than he probably ought to be) and that he is generally taking care of himself as much as he's taking care of others.
But Momo seems to want someone who relies on him too heavily. He needs to devote himself fully and completely to another person (perhaps because he feels he can no longer fully devote himself to his own dreams, so he seeks some other outlet, someone else's dream to latch onto to replace that). He gets drawn in by Yuki's sopping wet meow meow nature and the fact that Yuki so clearly needs someone to take care of him, because Yuki is the only one who enables him to express his love in the way he wants to. Needs to, perhaps. Regardless of how (un)healthy that expression and the resulting relationship is.
That's why MomoBan won't work with just each other. That's why they need Yuki to draw them together: Momo needs someone who he can devote his everything to, and Banri can never be that person for him.
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Conditioner (Juban)
note: ngl i think i made them a bit ooc here but SDGJAGF pls i just cant they make me so happy
word count: 1.4k
"Yuzo-san was brutal as ever today," Taichi whined as he got out of the bath.
"Good. Somebody needs to remind this troupe to buck-up or else we'll get overshadowed by the others." Sakyo shifted his glasses, eyeing how tired the rest of troupe members seemed to be. His lead role in Ginji wasn't as difficult to play, given that he already had a yakuza background, but he knew how much the others struggled with their roles. Seriously, how the hell are the yakuza related to hotdogs and juicy weenies or whatever the hell Taichi blabbed about earlier?
"It wasn't that hard, really." Banri piped up from the couch.
"Easy for you to fuckin' say." Juza muttered under his breath.
"Try sayin' that to my face, will 'ya?"
"I said-"
"So! Anyone up for some meat skewers tonight? There was a great sale at the market earlier." Omi spoke up to break the tension between the two. It would be a headache dealing with them if they went full-on brawl mode.
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Taichi could already feel his stomach rumbling.
"In that case, I'd better hop in the shower real quick so I can get started on dinner." Omi moved his gaze to where Juza stood, "Come on, Juza."
Juza gave a small grunt of approval, still glaring daggers at Banri.
"Why must you two always act like such children?" Sakyo pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We ain't children. You're just old."
Taichi snickered at this comment from Banri until he saw the menacing aura that Sakyo emitted.
"The hell did you say to me?"
Taichi prayed for Banri's soul.
"What's that, Juza?" Omi eyed the pink bottle Juza was toying with in his hands.
"Muku got this for me earlier today. He said it was conditioner."
"How nice of him. I never really took you for a guy who uses conditioner. No offense."
"Nah, you're right. I normally don't, but it wouldn't hurt to try it once in a while. It'd be a shame if it went to waste anyway."
Omi chuckled as he rinsed the suds out of his hair, "Thoughtful as always."
Juza felt a faint blush form on his cheeks as he massaged the sweet-smelling conditioner through his locks.
"'S whatever."
Juza and Omi finally exited the bathroom to see Banri teaching Taichi how to properly solve a rubiks cube.
"So then you turn it here, then here, then twist this part up, and you got it." Banri's fingers were quick to solve the cube perfectly.
"Banny I asked you to teach me, not solve it for me!" Taichi wept crocodile tears.
"Ah, my bad."
"Omi! Juza! You're finally back! Can't wait to taste those meat skewers." The redhead happily greeted the two who were fresh from the bath.
"I'll get started right away. Come help me out for a bit, Taichi."
"Sir yes sir!" Taichi made a beeline for the kitchen with Omi happily humming behind him.
Banri and Juza felt an awkward pause in the room before Juza moved to sit with Banri on the couch. Not beside him though, he was at the opposite end from where the blond was sitting.
He didn't know why, but Banri shifted in his seat and fidgeted with the rubiks cube in his hands; Messing it up and then reassembling it again.
"'Grats on practice today," Banri was sure that there was still leftover water in his ears.
"I said 'grats on practice, you deaf fuckface." Was that a blush on Juza's face? "Yuzo-san barely gave criticism on your part for the yakuza shtick. That doesn't mean you'll be top dog, though. I'm still gonna beat your ass."
Banri snickered, "As if. I'm gonna steal the show and have you eat my dust." He turned his body just enough for him to be facing his roommate, "Thanks, though. Whatever, I guess."
His nose picked up an unfamiliar scent; It was sweet and light, which was surprising, since Omi said he was going to be cooking something far from sweet tonight. His eyes wandered to Juza, who was drying his hair with a towel.
"What're you lookin' at?" Juza scowled.
"N-Nothing," Banri stuttered, and he mentally cursed himself for doing so.
"D-Did you use something?"
"A new shampoo or something," Banri chose his words carefully to pretend like he didn't give a flying fuck about Juza (which was quite the opposite, actually, but Banri would rather die than admit it).
"Wh-? Yeah. Muku gave me a new conditioner." Juza quickly looked at the pink bottle again, "Bubblegum. Eh."
Banri felt his breath get caught in his throat. How the hell was he so cute and dumb at the same time?!
"I see."
Banri had this incredibly dumb idea. It was going to satisfy the burning desire building in the pit of his stomach, but it was also absolutely dumb. It was going to give him a sense of fulfillment, but it was also unbelievably dumb.
And you know what? Maybe Banri Settsu was dumber than he initially accounted for.
"You're doing it wrong." He spoke up nervously, to which Juza cocked his eyebrow at.
"The hell are you-"
Before Juza could even finish his sentence, Banri was already up and behind the sofa, with Juza sitting directly in front of him. He grabbed the towel from Juza's hand and started to twist his damp locks between the fabric.
"Settsu, what in the actual fuck are you doing?" Although Juza's voice was laced with venom and despise for the blond, he made no move to dissuade the other from stopping his actions.
"You're drying your hair wrong and it's annoying me." Banri's reply was quick and quiet. He focused on getting Juza's hair dry.
Banri's mind went blank. There was just one word running through his brain right now.
Juza's hair was incredibly fucking soft.
This was the first time that Banri had a feel of Juza's hair right after he got out of the shower, and he hated the fact that it was so soft to the touch. You'd think that his hair would be all rough and dry and spiky with the amount of gel he uses. Maybe it was the conditioner? He silently thanked Muku for that.
The soft texture of his luscious purple locks mixed with the intoxicating scent of bubblegum made Banri's head spin. This was bad.
On the receiving end, Juza was confused and... embarrassed. When was the last time he had someone dry his hair for him? Maybe when he was back in grade school? And for his rival to be the one doing so? This was so weird... and yet, so comforting.
Though he wouldn't admit it, Juza liked how Banri's fingers massaged through his scalp. He liked it how Banri would ruffle his hair with the towel. He liked it how Banri gave his full and undivided attention to him, and him alone.
"There," The male's voice called to him, snapping him out of his daze.
"A-Ah, yeah. Th-Thanks, I guess." Juza coughed to hide the blush on his face.
"Do it right next time. It's annoying when you do it like a dumb kid." Truth be told, there was nothing wrong with how Juza was drying his hair. Banri just wanted to touch his hair. As if he'd ever say that aloud.
"...And what if I don't do it right next time?" Juza's quiet voice ripped the smirk off Banri's face for a split second. It was so fast that Juza's brain didn't even register it happening.
"Guess I'll have to show you how to do it until you get it right." For a brief moment, Juza thought that Banri was smiling at him. A soft, calming smile. Nah. This was Banri Settsu; Annoying, loudmouthed, disgusting, cute (?), calming (???) Banri Settsu. He wouldn't smile at him like that... Right?
"Dinner's almost ready!" Omi called from the kitched.
"Hey! Omi told me that we should call for the others!" Taichi came bounding towards the two, oblivious to the tense atmosphere between them.
"Yeah, I'll call the left wing." Juza stood from where he was seated, annoyed at how wobbly his knees felt.
"I'll go right."
"I'll go with you, Banny! Hey, why do your hands smell like bubblegum?"
"Shut up, Taichi!"
Juza snickered lightly to himself as he went to knock on the dorm rooms.
He needed to thank Muku for the conditioner.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Yuki Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 3: Request Hits 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Gaku: Sorry about the delay, I'm good!
Tsumugi: Is your phone alright, Yaotome-san..?
Gaku: Sorry about the trouble. It's back  to normal now.
Yuki: Back to normal?
Gaku: I installed the palm reading app Nanase was talking about. When I tried to check my reading, my phone froze up, so I had to delete it immediately.
Gaku: Nanase, that app was way too big!
Riku: Huh!?
Riku: B-but, maybe that was just a coincidence..!?
Yamato: Come to think of it, didn't you just talk about how slow your phone's been lately, Riku?
Tenn: Riku, delete that thing.
Iori: If you don't know how, then I'll do it for you.
Riku: Of course I know how to delete an app!
Tsumugi: That app must've taken up a lot of space..!
Mitsuki: Maybe it had a ton of palm reading data from all around the world on it!?
Yuki: And yet none of it was accurate?
Sogo: If you can't use the app, I could help you find a palm reading book.  
Riku: Sogo-san, you're so nice..!
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Tsumugi: I'm glad Yaotome-san's phone is back in working order! It's about time we resume the requests.
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, it's your turn!
Mitsuki: Yep! Mine's to do a flavor test!
Mitsuki: I'll make sweets out of veggies, and you'll have to guess what ingredients I used for each one!
Yuki: Oh. Now that's a showdown
Mitsuki: Cook v.s. cook, lol
Tenn: You're very diligent, Mitsuki Izumi. You even made those donuts for my show
Mitsuki: It's mostly for the show, but I also just enjoy making stuff. Cooking is a ton of fun!
Mitsuki: Plus it helps me relax in between work!
Ryunosuke: Same here! For some reason, I often want to try some really complicated recipe when I'm busy.
Yuki: It's nice to be completely focused on what you're making
Yuki: All that cutting and frying feels therapeutic
Mitsuki: Yeah, exactly! It's like it completely clears your mind..!
Ryunosuke: I totally get what you mean..!
Riku: The three of you would make great moms!
Momo: Wouldn't they be a little too big to be moms!? lololol
Gaku: At least they'd provide a proper sense of security (lol)
Yamato: One of them's on the tiny side, though.
Mitsuki: Shut it, gramps!
Nagi: Cute and  reliable, Mitsuki has it all :-)))))
Yuki: I don't know what you'll make yet, but I'm sure I'll get all of them right.
Mitsuki: Don't think you'll beat me that easily!
Tsumugi: It'll be fun to see your culinary match!
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, you're next!
Yamato: Why don't you talk about your most memorable acting roles thus far?
Tamaki: Oh wow. An actual request
Tamaki: It's just like So-chan's
Gaku: I'm guessing you want all the advice you could get from a fellow actor, Nikaido.
Yamato: Nope. I just figured the listeners would like it, since a bunch of them are gonna be fans of his acting.
Yamato: He probably wouldn't talk about this stuff unless he was formally asked to, anyway.
Yuki: You don't have to hide your curiosity, you know
Sogo: It can be awe- inspiring to ask someone you admire for advice... I know the feeling very well.
Yamato: I told you, it's not for me..!
Riku: Yamato-san, are you blushing..!?
Nagi: Why are you blushing, Yamato?
Mitsuki: C'mon guys, leave him be.
Yamato: For some reason, you're the most annoying one of them all...
Iori: I'd forgotten just how many talents Yuki-san has. Songwriting, performing, acting... He's a flawless entertainer.
Yamato: His moodiness is a big flaw, though
Momo: Tsk tsk tsk! Yuki's moodiness is a part of what makes him so charming~ \(●´Ɛ`●)ノ
Yuki: It's nice to receive so many compliments
Yuki: This request project is great
Yamato: I don't remember complimenting you. But feel free to do my request if you get it.
Yuki: I'll tell you even without the request, if you come drink with Sogo-kun and I
Sogo: Thank you. I look forward to it..!
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Sogo: Yamato-san, I hope you'll join us!
Yamato: Fine, I'll go! You sure are putting a lot of pressure on me... (lol)
Yuki: ^^
Tsumugi: I'm sure Yuki-san's acting advice will be very useful..!
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, you're up next.
Gaku: My request is a little like Nikaido's.
Gaku: Mine's to do a short play without a script.
Yuki: Like improv?
Gaku: Something like that, yeah. I'll write down a few situations and roles for you to pick from!
Gaku: Like Nikaido said, there's a  lot we could learn from your acting. I won't be able to see it over the radio, but I'm hoping I'll pick up something.
Yamato: I never said that.
Gaku: Huh? You didn't?
Yuki: You're so straightforward, Gaku-kun. What kind of roles did you have in mind?
Gaku: I haven't really thought of anything yet, but it'd be fun if they were something completely different from your usual self!
Gaku: Like a brutally strict tennis coach.
Tenn: He'd make a good Italian mafioso
Riku: Or a pilot..!
Rinto: Interesting... I'll have to keep all of this in mind for later.
Momo: Okarin, are you seriously writing this down lol
Gaku: I'll watch some movies and try to come up with more roles.
Yuki: I look forward to seeing what they'll be.
Tsumugi: I'm sure you'd be wonderful in any role!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, are you ready to tell us your request?
Ryunosuke: Mine is to tell us the most impactful thing you've purchased recently.
Ryunosuke: It doesn't have to be expensive, anything unusual will do!
Yuki: I'm not sure what to choose
Yuki: I can't remember the last time I went shopping.
Momo: Our schedules have been packed, especially since the New Year's coming up..! (ノωノ)
Mitsuki: It's nice to have work, but around this time of the year all you wanna do with your free time is sleep!
Ryunosuke: It doesn't have to be that recent, just anything from the past year, lol
Yuki: Have you bought anything interesting recently?
Ryunosuke: Me?
Ryunosuke: I haven't gotten it yet, but that's something I'd like to buy!
Ryunosuke: I want to buy a new boat for my dad. Not that I'll be doing that any time soon...
Gaku: Don't be stupid. We'll be big enough to buy 10 or 20 boats in no time.
Tenn: It'll only take a moment, with all three of us. You can count on that
Ryunosuke: Thank you, Gaku and Tenn..!
Yuki: Buying things for other people is pretty nice
Yuki: Maybe I'll buy something for Momo or Okarin.
Yuki: Does either one of you want a car?
Momo: A car, lololol I'm fine with my current one, lololol
Rinto: I appreciate the sentiment, though!
Yuki: So no? It's tough getting presents for people
Yuki: Maybe I'll just try to remember something I've already bought.
Ryunosuke: Please do.
Tsumugi: Presents are harder to choose when they're for someone you really care about..!
Tsumugi: Momo-san, may we hear your request now?
Momo: Okay (>ω<)ノ
Momo: Mine's to make a request for me to fulfill during our Christmas live!
Momo: It's your birthday! That means you gotta accept my reverse request! \(*´∀`)ハ(´∀`*)ノ☆
Yuki: Momo...
Yuki: But I'm not really in the mood for something like that.
Momo: Huh!? So what kinda mood are you int!?
Yuki: I feel like it's my turn to do something for you
Yuki: So if you give me a reverse request, I'll hit you right back with a reverse reverse request.
Nagi: Reverse reverse? How complicated :-(((
Iori: In other words, you refuse not to get a request from Momo-san..?
Mitsuki: It's like they're playing hot potato with this request thing, lol
Momo: No! It's your birthday! ヾ(o゜д゜o)ノ゛
Yuki: That's exactly why I don't want to give in
Yuki: You can accept either this or a car from me
Momo: A car, lololol You were serious about that!? lololol
Momo: If you wanna get me a ride, then a bike or skateboard will do just fine!
Yuki: I'll go with that, then ^^
Kaoru: So you'll give anything as long as he'll accept.
Rinto: Why do you want to give Momo-kun things so badly?
Momo: Do you wanna ride together..? That'd make me really happy!
Tamaki: Skateboards sound fun
Tamaki: I wanna ride too, Momorin
Momo: Sure thing! And Yuki can, too!
Yuki: I'll watch you two have fun from my apartment
Yuki: It's cold outside
Momo: So you're still not gonna play with us, lololol Then what's the present for!?
Tsumugi: Could it be a Christmas present..?
Tsumugi: Lastly, it's time for your request for yourself, Yuki-san.
Yuki: Yeah
Yuki: I put a lot of thought into it.
Yuki: I decided on something I want, but I'm still not sure
Yuki: If another request wouldn't work better...
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, you did mention that you had a request in mind.
Tsumugi: Something so big that it would give you a heart attack..!
Riku: Huh!? Are you sure you want to make a request that big..!?
Yamato: Why'd you have to pick something that hard for yourself..?
Ryunosuke: You don't need to push yourself that hard for a radio show...
Yuki: It's not exactly for the show.
Yuki: If anything, I thought this project would motivate me to spit it out
Tsumugi: By the way, what is your request..?
Yuki: Tell my partner Momo how grateful I am to him
Yuki: Or something like that...
Yuki: Ah, what do I do
Yuki: I want to delete this chatlog...
Yuki: Aaah, seriously what do I do
Yuki: Momo stopped moving
Rinto: Momo-kun is gripping his phone in one hand and shaking...
Banri: So that's why you wanted to give Momo-kun a present... It all makes sense now.
Gaku: You just wanted to show your gratitude!
Yamato: You've got a pretty weird way of choosing a present, though (lol)
Yuki: Whatever
Iori: But won't it be even harder to say on a radio broadcast?
Yuki: I just realized that, myself...
Yuki: Oh well, it's only one request out of 12, so I probably won't get it
Yuki: Will I..?
Momo: You don't have to.
Momo: I don't need a present, either. Just the fact that you made this request is enough for me!
Momo: If I receive any more than this, I'll be so full of happiness that I'll explode...
Mitsuki: Momo-san's come back to life!
Tenn: He said he'd explode...
Momo: (((《☆★BOOM!!!★☆》)))
Mitsuki: And he did!
Momo: 。゜.+。*.゜(ノω・、)゜.+。*.゜。+。
Tsumugi: Re:vale's affection for each other is so touching... Thank you for a great request, Yuki-san!
Tsumugi: That's all for the requests. Thank you, everyone!
Yamato: Now it's time for his requests to us.
Momo: Now you have to request something from me..!
1. Do you have a request for us?
Yuki: No. But if I have to pick something, then I hope you continue being my friends. And come over for dinner sometime.
2. Do you have a request for TRIGGER?
Yuki: Rely on us more. That's what we're shouldering the burden of being top idols for
3. Do you have a request for Momo-san?
Yuki: Let's keep singing together, just the two of us
Yuki: Please
Momo: Yukiii! You're so cool... 。・゜・(/д`)・゜・。
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Yuki-san! I hope you'll be a nice senpai and fellow chef to me this next year, too!
Kaoru: Happy birthday. Keep looking after TRIGGER.
Tamaki: Yukirin, hbd!!!
Iori: Happy birthday. I appreciate everything you've done for IDOLiSH7. I look forward to working with you again in the future.
Ryunosuke: Happy birthday! I look forward to your show!
Nagi: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you a wonderful year.
Tenn: Happy birthday. We'll continue performing to the best of our abilities, so you may also rely on us.
Sogo: Yuki-san, happy birthday. I will be praying for your continued success.
Yamato: Happy birthday. Let's find a good day to go out for those drinks you mentioned.
Rinto: Yuki-kun, happy birthday! Let's do our best to wrap up this Twelve Hits! project.
Banri: Happy birthday. Keep looking out for MEZZO" and IDOLiSH7.
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, happy birthday!
Yuki: Thank you. I was excited for the requests, but my birthday is just as fun
Yuki: Celebrating, being celebrated, it all feels nice
Yuki: But before my birthday, there's still the radio broadcast. I'll be giving it my all, so you guys better listen
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osakaso5 · 5 years
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 2: Request Hits 1
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for joining, everyone! We'll be accepting requests for Tsunashi-san's RADIO STATION Twelve Hits! here. 
Tsumugi: I'll be your moderator, just like the previous times. I look forward to chatting with you!
Ryunosuke: Hey, everyone!
Kaoru: Ryu's the last member of TRIGGER to do this! Thank you all for coming.
Rinto: Thank you!
Banri: We'll be here to observe, too.
Tsumugi: The requests for Tsunashi-san's radio show will be chosen at random. As usual, we'll start in order from youngest to oldest!
Ryunosuke: I can't wait for your requests..!
Gaku: Ryu was pretty excited before the group chat started (lol)
Tenn: He kept checking the clock, and couldn't sit still.
Ryunosuke: Hey! You don't need to tell them that!
Gaku: He's embarrassed (lol)
Tenn: Definitely
Momo: Ryu, that's so cute! You're like a young boy waiting for his first date to show up \(*´ω`)(´ω`*)ノ
Mitsuki: We'd have a real family outing if all 16 of us went on a date together, lol
Yamato: Not to mention it'd almost be a total sausage fest.
Yuki: Gender doesn't matter, as long as we all have someone to pair up with.
Iori: You really are a free thinker.
Banri: I think he's just lazy (lol)
Tamaki: Me!
Tamaki: I wanna team up with Ryu-aniki
Ryunosuke: Huh, are you sure? Not that I'm unhappy with that or anything, but why me?
Tamaki: It's almost your birthday, so if I go with you, I'll get cake
Ryunosuke: I see, so you'd be in it just for the food (lol)
Sogo: Tamaki-kun, do you realize how disrespectful that is..!?
Tamaki: You can come too, So-chan
Sogo: I suppose I'm glad to have a team now, but still...
Riku: It's like we're choosing partners for gym class!
Kaoru: What are you fooling around for!? Hurry up and start with the requests!
Tsumugi: R-right! Tamaki-san, go ahead!
Tamaki: Yup
Tamaki: Who's your fave member from IDOLiSH7?
Ryunosuke: Huh!? My fave!? Wait, didn't you..?
Gaku: ...Already ask that from me?
Tamaki: You just said you liked all of  us the same amount, Gakkun!
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Gaku: You're still mad over that? (lol) Look, I'm sorry, but I did buy you a King Pudding afterwards.
Tamaki: I ate it already, so I forgot
Ryunosuke: So, you're trying your luck again with me! lol
Tamaki: That's 'cuz I trust in you, Ryu-aniki
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Ryunosuke: Since you're being so straightforward, maybe I should pick you as my fave!
Tamaki: Awesome!!!
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Mitsuki: You're gonna settle for that, Tamaki..!?
Sogo: You should respect Tsunashi-san's genuine opinion more.
Nagi: Now that you have asked both Yaotome-shi and Tsunashi-shi, you will have to ask Kujo-shi, as well.
Tenn: You’re just trying to complete the set, huh?
Riku: I want to know, too! Tell us! Tell us!
Riku: And not just because the others got the same question!
Iori: He'll be in big trouble if he chooses anyone but our center...
Tenn: If you'd requested it from me, I could've answered, Riku ^^
Riku: Aaaaw!
Tsumugi: I'm curious about who Tsunashi-san's favorite is, too!
Tsumugi: Iori-san, you're up next!
Iori: Mine is to do an OX Quiz.
Iori: It's a quiz where you have three seconds to answer questions by holding up an O or X sign. If the questions are intimate enough, Tsunashi-san's fans will get to see a whole new side of him.
Ryunosuke: So basically, I'll have to answer on impulse? That sounds fun!
Ryunosuke: Will you come up with the questions, Iori-kun?
Iori: That's the plan. I'll run them by Anesagi-san first, of course.
Momo: I wanna come up with questions for Ryu, too~ (ノ´д)ノ
Sogo: Um... Would you mind if I helped?
Mitsuki: Ah! I also wanna ask something!
Iori: That would be very helpful. If they're genuine questions, they'll add depth to the quiz.
Yamato: Wow. They're practically fighting over you, Tsunashi-san!
Gaku: You're real popular, Ryu!
Ryunosuke: That makes me kind of happy..! These request corners are so nice!
Tenn: You're a natural born swindler, Ryu. Though that's one of the things I like about you.
Ryunosuke: Huh, s-swindler!? Is that supposed to be a compliment!?
Tenn: Of course. I just said I liked it, didn't I?
Ryunosuke: Really? I'm so happy that you'd say that about me!
Ryunosuke: Feel free to ask me anything, guys!
Tsumugi: I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Tsumugi: Riku-san, you're next!
Riku: Okay! I want him to tell us about the baddest thing he's ever done! 
Riku: Tsunashi-san's really nice, and cool, and great at cooking, and also cool! But I'm curious to hear if he's ever done something naughty!
Yuki: You said "cool" twice there
Gaku: Our Ryu's just that cool!
Ryunosuke: I never knew you felt that way about me! I'm really happy to hear that.
Tenn: It's hard to imagine Ryu doing anything bad, that's for sure.
Riku: I know, right! I don't even have any examples for how he could've misbehaved.
Nagi: Such as waiting overnight in line for a big doujinshi event?
Mitsuki: That's definitely a bad thing to do, but I'm pretty sure Tsunashi-san wouldn't even think to do something like that, lol
Ryunosuke: It's important to respect the rules at a public event!
Rinto: Would that even count as something naughty, I wonder..?
1. What about running in hallways..!
Ryunosuke: That's dangerous! Especially if you happen to slip or trip..!
2. What about wearing the wrong shirt with your school uniform..?
Ryunosuke: There were some kids in my school who customized their uniforms in secret! I never really understood it, so I just wore it as is, lol
3. What about only lip syncing to your school song during assemblies..?
Ryunosuke: I always sang along, but I guess some people are too embarrassed to do that if the people around them aren't singing, either.
Ryunosuke: Sorry, but I wasn't a very naughty kid, lol I spent most of my time at sea, anyway!
Gaku: I thought that went without saying!
Tenn: It would've been interesting if he had a past like that, though.
Kaoru: No! I want him to have been a charming and gentle boy with a little backpack!
Momo: I dunno if many grade schoolers would act like that! lol
Ryunosuke: I don't think I was charming or gentle, either... I was a rowdy grade schooler who ran around barefoot, lol
Ryunosuke: I don't know if I have any stories like what you're looking for, but I'll go look through my childhood pictures and try to think of something!
Riku: Thank you!
Yamato: I'm pretty sure fact that he's willing to look through photo albums for a request is proof that he's more diligent than anything else.
Sogo: His sincerity is so heartwarming!
Tsumugi: I have to say, I'm interested in seeing Tsunashi-san's naughtier side, too! lol
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, could you go next?
Tenn: Yes. Mine is that if he has anything to say to TRIGGER, he should spit it out.
Tenn: It's more just for Gaku and I, though. Ryu's not exactly the type to assert himself, so I thought I'd take this chance to encourage him to speak up
Tenn: It can be something he wants to do, something he wants us to change, or a request for us
Gaku: That's a great request! Ryu, you can tell us anything.
Ryunosuke: Thank you both! In all honesty, I think TRIGGER's about as perfect as can be, so I don't have any requests.
Tenn: You're proving my point. It won't kill you to be selfish every now and then, you know
Ryunosuke: I could say the same to you. You handle everything from work to family matters all by yourself.
Ryunosuke: You were holed up in our dressing room with a cold not too long ago.
Gaku: Right! You really should've said something back then.
Riku: You caught a cold, Tenn-nii!? Are you okay!?
Tenn: I'm fine. It was cured overnight.
Riku: Good..!
Gaku: That being said, couldn't we have gotten you medicine or food or something?
Tenn: You're still going on about that?   We've already had this discussion.
Ryunosuke: It's because you're so reserved about the strangest things, Tenn.
Tenn: It was just a little fever, and I didn't want to infect either of you
Gaku: This again?
Ryunosuke: In all honesty, I'm a little angry about this.
Tenn: You don't get mad often, but when you do, you can be stubborn as a mule
Ryunosuke: I'm only mad because I have a reason to be.
Nagi: Are the three of you fighting?
Tamaki: Stop fighting, you're supposed to be adults!
Mitsuki: Ah, I dunno if I'd call this a fight... I can definitely relate to both Yaotome and Tsunashi-san.
Tenn: We're not fighting. This conversation is over
Gaku: The hell it is!
Ryunosuke: We'll talk later. A group chat isn't the appropriate place for this..!
Tsumugi: I can understand both not wanting to make your friends worry, and wanting a friend to rely on you...
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, you're next!
Nagi: Leave it to me. I shall cleanse the heavy atmosphere of this chat!
Momo: I bet you're really good at that, lololol
Yuki: Well said
Ryunosuke: Sorry, Nagi-kun. Thank you for trying to calm us down!
Nagi: You are most welcome. I will accept fulfilling my request as repayment :-)
Ryunosuke: Got it! I'll try my best to get your request..!
Iori: Whether you're an altruist or opportunist... I honestly can't tell.
Nagi: Sweat not the small stuff! My request is Tsunashi-shi's very own Improvisational ☆  Haiku!
Ryunosuke: A haiku as in the poem with five, seven, and five syllables?
Nagi: Precisely. I will prepare topics that I want you to use as the basis for your haiku recital.
Nagi: I would also like you to add an echo effect to your recital.
Sogo: That's a lot of instructions.
Nagi: One must always strive for the perfect production quality.
Ryunosuke: You're really something, Nagi-kun. Thank you for thinking so hard about this!
Nagi: By the way, you will have to stay up to date on the latest episodes of Magical★Cocona in order to be prepared for my prompts.
Nagi: In particular, you must memorize the catchphrase of the villain from last week's episode, Chief Darkness Bear.
Ryunosuke: T-that really is a lot to remember!
Riku: Speaking of which, didn't you mutter something about him and Tsunashi-san having similar voices the last time we watched it..?
Mitsuki: You're just trying to make him pretend to be that bear guy!
Nagi: (゜3゜)~♪
Tenn: I'd like to know what haiku have to do with this character
Gaku: Really makes you wonder why he wouldn't just ask for an impersonation.
Ryunosuke: You seem to really care about this, so I'll do my best..!
Nagi: I look forward to it :-)))
Tsumugi: I'll have to catch up on the show, too..!
Tsumugi: Sogo-san, you're next!
Sogo: Tsunashi-san is usually very gentle, so I'd like to know what makes him angry.
Sogo: But we just talked about that because he was worried for Kujo-san...
Sogo: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dredged this topic up again..!
Ryunosuke: It's fine. We weren't fighting, really. 
Gaku: Ryu's got a big heart. He doesn't even seem to care if someone's a dick to him, or if someone walks into him on the street.
Ryunosuke: What point is there in getting angry over it?
Ryunosuke: The other person might be having a hard time, too.
Yuki: This guy's a saint
Sogo: I can relate. I don't usually get angry over things like that, either.
Sogo: Though I never forget the names and faces of people who've wronged me.
Yamato: That makes you even scarier! lol
Iori: I'm not sure if that's what Tsunashi-san meant when he said he doesn't get angry over small things...
Sogo: Y-you think so?
Tamaki: I gotta be careful not to do anything bad to So-chan
Banri: He already remembers your name and face, after all (lol)
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Sogo: It hurts my feelings that you're so scared of me.
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Ryunosuke: It's important to have a good understanding of the other person! I think it shows how far ahead you can think.
Ryunosuke: I really admire that about you, Sogo-kun!
Sogo: Thank you..! I'm honored to hear that from you.
Mitsuki: 'Scuse me! Can we take a little break?
Tsumugi: What is it, Mitsuki-san?
Mitsuki: Nagi was trying to rewatch that Cocona episode with Darkness Bear, but he can't find his recording anywhere.
Mitsuki: He's really depressed about that, and I feel bad for him. Do you think we could all look for his hard disk together?
Yamato: Apparently the episodes are still airing, but it's not the  same as a recording.
Ryunosuke: I see..! I hope the recording is still around somewhere!
Mitsuki: Sorry that we had to interrupt you for this stuff!
Tsumugi: The chat has gotten long, so let's take a break. I'll let you all know when we can resume!
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