#Barbieland in fist movie were Kens and Brainwashed Barbies
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
I saw the Ken man ask (the one with the Ken who's supposed to be an overdramatic superhero) and I wanted to know if you'd be cool with a follow up, when the events of kendom happens in the movie Ken man Is having the time of his life since he can now do what he was meant to do and save barbie land from the forces of beach ken, but while he's doing so he and beach Ken at some point have an overdramtic confrontation about how the other betrayed them
Yeah! I'm glad you liked the hcs!
Here's the post of Ken-Man if anyone wants to read em!
As the Kens on both sides of the beach shouted their war cries and charged at each other, you, Barbie, Gloria, Allan, Sasha, and all the other dolls freed from the brainwashing observed the battle from the safety of Weird Barbie's manor.
"And so it begins...they're so wrapped-up in their egos that they cannot see that they're tearing each other apart...and destroying the beach Barbieland knows and loves." You murmured, crouching along the ledge of the building. "I know what I have to do."
"Yeah, you go....do your superhero stuff or whatever. Stall 'em if you can," Weird Barbie suggested as she peered through her binoculars, before turning to the others. "As for us...I think it's time we put our freaking constitution back together."
There was a unified agreement, so while they all headed down to the Pink House to cast their votes, you donned your mask and flew towards the shores.
Finally, you could fulfill your purpose as a hero by saving this world from the forces of Beach Ken and his tyrannical Kendom! You refused to be part of his empire, knowing how badly it was hurting the Barbies despite his insistance that things were better this way.
All your life you've been living in the shadows, rescuing the dolls from mundane situations. And while you did receive acknowledgement and praise, you felt like something was lacking..
Seeing the Kens attacking each other so viciously with tennis rackets, beach balls, frisbees, and pool noodles....that was dangerous in your eyes. People were getting hurt. Your people.
You may just be one man.
But you're Ken-Man.
And it's about time you saved the day.
The beach was in total chaos, but conveniently you had gadgets and fighting skills that most of these Kens didn't have. All the Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Justice League media Ken brought back to this place couldn't prepare any of them for what you had in store.
You dodged a frisbee, grabbing it and flinging it right back to a Ken, hitting him on the back of the head before he fell to the ground. Then you narrowly missed an arrow by doing a flip, kicking up sand as you landed.
Hearing the familiar shout, you spun around, cape swishing dramatically, and suddenly found yourself in a clearing.
Amidst all the Kens fighting around you, there was only one you were focused on:
Beach Ken, donning his lightning bandanna and a black fringe open vest, staring you down with such fury.
"You....TRAITOR!!" He charged at you, ready to swing, but you intercepted his fists, standing nose-to-nose. "What ever happened to being your sidekick?!! You promised I would be as cool as you!! Did that mean nothing?!!"
"I think you got this all backwards." You retorted. "I offered you a place by my side, but you abandoned me the moment you heard Barbie was going to the Real World!"
"Well maybe if you taught me how to do better flips, we wouldn't be here right now!" He pushed you back.
"That's crap and you know it. I taught you every flip in the book! Am I to blame for you not retaining it-?!!" You moved aside as he attempted to hit you with a foam sword some other Ken tossed his way, quickly disarming him. "Look, I know you're sick of living in the shadows. Trust me, I've been that way all my life-"
"Which is why I thought creating Kendom Land would make you happy!! You could've had so much power, a new suit, and recognition!! But you still chose the Barbies..and they convinced you I was the enemy-!!"
"They didn't convince me, Ken. You did that yourself."
For a moment, Ken stood frozen in shock, taking in your words for a moment or two. He didn't expect for you to say them so...coldly.
He clenched his fists, trying his hardest to contain his anger. But even you could see it was gradually fizzling out as he observed all the fighting surrounding you two.
"I never wanted it to be like this...I just wanted her to see me..." He murmured, eyes now cast down to the sand.
You shook your head. "You still don't get it. No amount of backflips or cars or cool clothes will get her to like you."
"....I thought superheroes were supposed to be uplifting and inspirational...and I definitely don't feel uplifted or inspired right now." Ken glared back up at you, eyes glossy with painful emotions.
"Not always. There comes a time where we have to unveil the truth...even if it hurts both sides." You huffed, relaxing your shoulders. "You can stop this. All of this can end right now."
"....can it really?"
Your heart sunk a bit at how lost he sounded. It's obvious that he wasn't fit to be this great and powerful leader the other Kens believed him to be after he brought great "manly wisdom" back from the Real World.
He thought he'd feel better.
But if anything, he only created more problems, and he didn't know how to cope.
He didn't wanna be the villain of this story...and neither did you.
"Of course it can." Smiling behind your mask, you extended your hand out. "The only one stopping you is...well..you. At the end of the day, you're still my friend. And together we can restore this wonderful beach. So...whatdya say, sidekick?"
He blinked a few times as he stared at you, almost considering taking your hand.
"Ken-Man, I-"
Out of nowhere, you were tackled from behind by a random Ken, although you wasted no time in flipping him over your shoulder and slamming him to the ground.
"Way to ruin the moment, Ken.." You sneered, kicking him down before glancing up to see that Beach Ken had ditched you, having his sights set on Tourist Ken from across the way.
AKA the one who "stole" his Barbie when all the Kens were playing guitar at their girlfriends last night.
'Well...can't say I didn't try to talk some sense into him..' You watched as he fought his way to him with noogies and his "hotness", before you decided to flee back into town, breaking up a few fights between Kens along the way.
This wasn't your war to finish.
It was Ken's.
But you're certain you did the right thing.
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