#Barnaby doesn't cheat with Julie Wally or Home
indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
I've been thinking about Frank again and it lead me to remember how Bad he is at chess. So here are my Neighborhood Chess headcanons! 🏠♟️
Frank - Horrible at chess, takes forever to make a move, constantly overthinking, but can recite the textbook rules word for word.
Julie - God at chess. The Chess Master, Undefeated Champion (Chesspion?). She's only ever lost One game and it was against Jonesy back in the cave. They don't talk about it.
Barnaby - Knows how to play chess but would rather mess with the other player (Frank) and use slight of hand to steal/replace pieces on the board. Good at chess while cheating, decent without.
Howdy - Knows how to play chess but always tries to make trades/offers to the other player to swindle a win. "My pawn for your knight! What do ya say?" Is decent at chess but impatient and breaks the rules.
Eddie - Forgot how to play chess, completely wings it. The first time he played with Frank he felt bad when he won. He had literally just copied Frank's moves for half the game because he didn't know what he was doing. Still feels bad when he wins against Frank. Bad at chess but only because he doesn't remember how to play. Would be decent if he remembered.
Wally - Julie taught him how to play chess. Takes a while to move but unlike Frank there's a benefit. Is very quiet when playing. Says "That's the Most!" everytime he wins. Good at chess.
Poppy - Very anxious when playing. Has trouble moving the pieces but makes her moves as fast as possible to get the game over with. Gets overwhelmed, is bad at chess.
Sally - Pretends to be Very good at chess, the best even, practically invented it! Is actually mediocre. She turns the game into a dramatic tale everytime. Monologues over every piece she loses and makes up a piece of story with every move. No one wants to play chess with her except Wally and Julie. Frank only does so because he is determined to win One game of chess and Sally is second worst. She lost to Eddie once and never played chess with him again.
Home - Can't play without assistance. What do you expect he's a house? Houses don't have hands, silly! If someone (Wally) helps move the pieces he's good at chess. No one knows where Home learned how to play chess. Somehow still beats Frank even if no one helps.
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