#Baron Blitzkreig
sebeth · 8 months
All-Star Squadron #7
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“Carnage For Christmas” by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Jerry Ordway.
The December 22, 1941 edition of the Washington World’s headline states “JSA Disbands”, “Decision Rumored Since Dec. 9 Confirmed”, and “Statement Reveals Eight Current Members Have Enlisted In Armed Services Under Real Names!”
Private Al Pratt (Atom) strolls the streets of Washington DC and bumps into a giant of a man.  Al goes his own way as we follow the giant.  The giant’s revealed to be Baron Blitzkrieg. The Baron and his henchmen plan to assassinate Winston Churchill, scheduled to visit the United States, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Blitzkrieg first debuted in World’s Finest Comics #246, published in 1977.
Al is suspicious of the rude foreigner but puts them aside as he doesn’t want to be like “the paranoids who’re finding Axis spies under every bed, since Pearl Harbor”.
Al, now dressed in his Atom costume, visits FDR at the White House.  FDR asks about the other members of the Justice Society. 
“I’m in training to be a tank-corpsman myself, stationed in Virginia but then, you already know that, don’t you, or else Pvt. Al Pratt wouldn’t have gotten a special leave to report here tonight.  Hawkman’s a Tyro – a ‘Dodo” I think they call ‘em in the Army Air Force on the west coast while Sandman’s looking forward to handling the 37-mm. anti-aircraft cannon. And Dr. Fate, who’s spanned the gaps between the worlds, will soon be practicing to be a parachute trooper. Though he’s technically blind…in a way…Dr. Mid-Nite’s alter ego has been commissioned a captain in the medical corps. He and his assistant Myra are in the Pacific war zone right not, working on a crash cure for tropical fever.  Starman’s other self is in flight training, too…at Fort Randolph, near San Antonio, while Johnny Thunder’s joined the Navy, heaven help it!  The Spectre’s keeping busy here at home but the last I heard, even Green Lantern had enlisted!  I’m not sure about our other honorary JSA’ers…”
Props to Myra for following Dr. Mid-Nite into the war.  That is love and loyalty.  If you’ve read Geoff John’s JSA, you know that poor Myra suffers a violent end. Yes, it’s due to her association with Dr. Mid-Nite.  People theorize that Charles was gay and if so, I feel sorry for Myra.  Charles would have loved her but not in the romantic sense. I feel Myra would have been willing to be his “beard” in the less enlightened times of the mid-20th century.  It’s surprising the duo never married – as romantic partners or platonic partners.  Neither Charles or Myra married anyone else.  Of course, Wesley Dodds and Dian Belmont never married.  The Justice Society was filled with individuals rebelling against society’s expectations!
The Flash and Hourman are the members of the JSA not mentioned by the Atom. Unbeknown to the JSA or the Squadron, Hourman is a prisoner of war in Japan but the Flash’s whereabouts are a mystery.
The honorary members are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, possibly Robin?  Ma Hunkel, the original Red Tornado, was later revealed to be an honorary member.
Ma Hunkel wouldn’t have been active.  I haven’t read much Golden Age Wonder Woman but I assume Diana was involved with the U.S. army in some capacity given her connection to Steve Trevor and Etta Candy.
Superman wouldn’t join the military as he needs to stay far away from the Spear of Destiny’s influence.
Robin is underage so he wouldn’t be eligible for the military.  Batman is a surprise.  The rest of the non-superhuman members joined the various military branches but Bruce decided staying home and punching robbers in the face was more important. Maybe he felt he was needed at home to run Wayne Enterprises?  Of course, Green Lantern runs his own company, and it didn’t stop him from enlisting.
FDR ushers the Atom into the next room where Hawkgirl, Liberty Belle, Johnny Quick, Robotman, Firebrand II and the Shining Knight are waiting.
Atom questions FDR: “But what about Plastic Man?  If it’s old home week, shouldn’t our FBI liaison be here?”
FDR informs the Atom that Plastic Man is “on special assignment, alas…but he sends his regards.”
FDR tells the heroes about a suspected plot to assassinate Winston Churchill.  FRD orders the heroes to escort Churchill to the White House.
Hawkgirl, Liberty Belle, and Sir Justin patrol the sky.  Liberty hitches a ride on Winged Victory.  Hawkgirl complains about the cold.  Well, you are the one wearing a bikini top in December.
Firebrand and Johnny Quick patrol the roads.  Johnny reveals he’s bought a Christmas gift for Liberty Belle.
Robotman and the Atom are at the piers waiting for Churchill’s ship.  Robotman and Atom continue their mutual admiration-inferiority contest. Atom wishes he was built like a tank and Robotman would love to be human.
The ship arrives at the pier but is bombarded by German torpedos.  The All-Stars work together to save the ship and crew.  They also capture the German U-boat.  Baron Blitzkrieg switches out the real Churchill with a robot duplicate during the chaos.
Liberty Belle realizes Churchill isn’t the real one when he doesn’t recognize her despite meeting her months ago.  Churchill approaches FDR and explodes!  Everything’s okay as FDR was Plastic Man in disguise: “The FBI – and the Secret Service, natch – were afraid something like this might happen so I took his place.”
The All-Stars rescue Churchill but Baron Blitzkrieg escapes.
The issue ends with Churchill and FDR addressing the crowds on Christmas Eve.
An average issue. Most Nazi comic book villains are boring and one-dimensional to me – Red Skull, Baron Blitzkrieg, etc. In real life, Nazis are terrifying and repulsive. In comics, they’re boring. Highlights of the issue were the Libby-Johnny romance and the Atom-Robotman mutual inferiority-admiration society.
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windona · 1 year
A/N: Fine. I might have done a bit too much research on German nobility who supported the Nazis for this, since DC didn't give Baron or Baroness Blitzkreig a civilian name. TW Baroness Blitzkreig is a Nazi and talks like such.
“Baroness Getrude Herzog von Mecklenburg to you, untermensch!” 
Geoforce laughed. “So you’re not even the direct heir to the Duchy of Mecklenburg!” 
Baroness Blitzkreig raced toward him to punch, though only managed a glancing blow before Brion covered himself in lava. “My grandfather may have been unfairly passed over, but when the Fourth Reich reigns supreme that shall be corrected.” She sneered. “Even royal blood is inferior if it is mongrel blood.” 
Star bolts hit the self proclaimed Baroness, driving her back. “You prove an inferior warrior,” Starfire said as she rained bolts down.
Looking up, the woman snarled. “Another day, then.” With that she sped towards the one place nobody was in position to cover, making her escape.
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