#Basco Ta Jolokia
ginkashino · 1 year
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Roleswap Marvelous and Basco.
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regaliasonata · 7 months
Alrighty @skyland2703 that evil idea I had for megaforce.
I mean, Vrak did find Noah interesting….if only this season was good, plus imagine him not just as Noah but also with Basco’s aesthetic 😈
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errorfunction · 4 months
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basco ta jolokia
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"I feel like people get too over-upset over Basco not being used in Power Rangers. Even if what we got wasn't a compressed adaptation of Goseiger & Gokaiger, I honestly think Basco would struggle to fit in unless you maybe removed Ackdos/Mavro and had Basco be the emperor. Even I struggled to fit him in my Gokaiger adaptation project, more out of how the Greater Powers & Ranger Key clone plots aren't a factor there, but the same would likely be true for the actual show had it been done like that."
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ranbuescalation · 2 years
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Sentai doodles!
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
“Let’s make it showy!”
February 13, 2011 - February 19, 2012
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asknarashikari · 11 months
What would happen if Zox meets Basco Ta Jolokia?
I feel like Basco would try to trick Zox into working with him... Zox figures out his plot pretty quickly, but he goes along with it up to a certain point because 1) he's a troll like that and 2) he immediately realized a guy like Basco has some loot tucked away somewhere, and he wanted to get close to him to rob him blind.
When Zox deems that he has played the ruse long enough (probably when Basco crosses some line, like attacking his family and/or friends), Zox stabs him in the back (whether that's figurative or literal is for you to decide) and flees with whatever treasure he got from him.
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garbageontherocks · 1 year
If you do take requests, C, Can you draw Basco Ta Jolokia and Zamigo Delma wearing each other's clothes please?
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I'm not very familiar with Basco or his clothes, but I tried it! Hopefully this is okay!
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pandorasbugs · 2 years
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finished gokaiger it took me so long to register that basco was kei hosogai?!?!>@?!>!? um. meowmeow fusion
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Trick or treat! (⁠●⁠´∇`⁠●⁠)ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Happy Halloween! You get a bit of Basco and Luka dialogue, from a prompt fic that I got severely stuck on in April of last year but which I do still dream of finishing.
“You know, you’re kind of cute.” Basco looks up with a start. He’s just trying to get some shopping out of the way, replace a few things on the Free Joker that Sally broke; he’s in no mood to run into Marvelous’ little yellow thief. And yet—there she is, leaning over the handrail of the upper walkway at this shopping mall with her cheek resting on her hand and smiling down at him, smug as a cat. “You—your name is Luka, right.” “That’s me. Kinda surprised you remembered.” “I have all of your bounty information saved for reference.” He squints up at her. “What’s cute?” “You. You know, how obsessed with Marvelous you are.” Somehow she gets even smugger. “It’s kind of cute.” He sputters. “You think I’m—I’m not obsessed with him.” “Yeah you are. You miss him so bad.” She straightens up, grabbing the railing with both hands now so she can lean out farther. “Who keeps calling their ex cute names this long after a bad breakup?” “Their—did Marvelous say I was his ex?” “No, but it’s obvious you liked him.” A slightly further lean, and if she tries to grab his hat he’s going to shoot her fingers off. “You fucked up real bad, pal. Like, don’t tell Marv I said this, but he’s kind of easy, you could’ve gotten him to do anything for you if you hadn’t been such a massive jerk about everything.” She looks him up and down thoughtfully. “It wouldn’t even really be bad taste, you’re nice to look at. Well, I mean, it’d be doing shit for Zangyack, that’s pretty bad, but he’s done some pretty stupid shit to get laid before.” Basco is, in fact, reaching for his gun, startling several passers-by who scatter in alarm. Luka lets out a little shriek of mocking laughter and flips back off the railing, making a rude gesture at him as she strolls off. “You’ve gotta get over him, man. Have some ice cream, cry a little bit, and then suck it up.”
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2ten6 · 1 year
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ginkashino · 7 months
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Basco sketch so im still the basco fanartist in people's minds
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beesgav · 2 years
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I’ve never seen a tokusatsu in my life but I kind of dig this guy
I like his hat
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wsrf-arts · 1 year
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An Intergalactic Bounty Hunter from an unknown Universe, This strange being withholds the Dark Power of the Morphin Grid. With a snap of his finger, He can summon The Power Ranger Phantoms, The mindless clones of every Power Rangers existed.
Silas was hired by Hydro Demon to target the Alien Rangers as a distraction while he creates a time portal to go back in time to prevent his Father's death.
Silas wields a blade and a blaster which is shown here:
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Silas has been considered as being far more cruel and brutal than his Sentai Counterpart.
Just like his Sentai Counterpart, Silas did have a Pet Monkey named "Salimeh" whom he later killed because he found her useless and annoying.
Silas' armor is based on a demonic pirate.
Silas' armor ( fully body, with mask )
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Sentai Counterparts:
Basco Ta Jolokia from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
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E4- Basco Ta Jolokia from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger ( https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Basco_ta_Jolokia ) please?
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I had to google xD but here we go! Hope you liked it.
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basco would call marvelous a babygirl
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