#Battle City
myassuter · 3 months
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"LOST" - An YGO fancomic (read from left to right)
Thank you @paesthethyc for helping me with the translation and giving me feedback to improve the drafts!!
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danthepest · 3 months
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Some fun Dark Marik shots from THAT episode. The team were working their socks off animating it and of course Takahiro Kagami's legendary art style and direction.
I swear every one of these could be used as a reaction image or meme.
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darkmagicians · 6 months
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Kaiba: Could you FIGHT and KILL and TRAMPLE on the hearts of your friends...? Mheh heh heh...
Kaiba: wait hey no I meant like metaphorically hold on what the fuck??? what the fuck?????
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immediately upon seeing the art for this chapter, bc of the four panel layout and label text w their life points i was like oh shit it's the
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i have not thought about this specific meme in like. years. i have no idea what summoned it to the forefront of my mind for this specific occurrence
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battlecitysitch · 1 year
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I will never be over Yami high fiving Joey's fist bump here.
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thrashunderpressure · 2 months
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thewittyphantom · 7 months
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This is apparently a meme and I can see why. XDDD
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askstrangeweird · 5 months
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"I’ve given this friendship speech a thousand times already. Hasn’t it sunk in yet?" <3
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This took me a while but i finally got to draw Tea Gardner / Anzu Mazaki from the original series of Yu-Gi-Oh! Writers should have done more with her! She has a ton of outfits i wanted to draw but i chose these 3 for now lol.
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foreverwithyugioh · 5 months
Do you ever think about the fact that Yami Marik's first act of villainy was to get rid of Marik's crop top?
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spiiiiiral · 7 months
a little something i made today
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but-a-humble-goon · 16 days
Yugi's win against Bakura at Battle City feels frustratingly unearned. Multiple episodes long battle of wits just ends with "for the purposes of this duel alone Slifer the Sky Dragon is simply exempt from the rules of the game and functionally works as a 'resolve conflict' button to get Yugi out of this unwinnable situation," which is funny because Yugi literally defeated and acquired Slifer in the first place by relying on him being bound by the easily exploitable rules of Duel Monsters and using a cheap loophole to win by DQ. Which, for the record, was an actually cool solution to an unwinnable situation.
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danthepest · 3 months
I absolutely love the conversation between Kaiba and Atem in their final duel in Battle City.
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This is the closest Kaiba has come to opening up to anyone. And Atem is disappointed in him. He has been fighting people whose sole motivation was greed, anger and hatred. After Death-T and Duelist Kingdom, Atem expected Kaiba to be better. To move on, to fight for something more than that.
Yet here he was. After everything they've been through, still motivated by anger and hatred. And Atem is well aware of the cycle by this point and he's trying to get Kaiba to understand that it's a self destructive path. There is neither peace or satisfaction waiting at the end.
And as Kaiba says, Yugi/Atem is part of his past. The past that was still controlled by his upbringing before Atem shattered his mind. For Kaiba to move on, he needs to defeat Yugi. To prove that he's better so that he can conquer the last remnant of a past he wants to forget.
A part of him wants to let go of the hate and anger that fueled most of his life, but he contradicts himself later when he says those same things give him power. Not realizing just how trapped his is by them.
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Atem respects and admires Kaiba's talent, skills and determination and wants to break the cycle. He wants Kaiba to let go of the pain that drives him so that his life isn't so empty. So that he can be happy. He wants him to learn that having friends and people who care about him is not a weakness.
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He may have even been getting through to Kaiba until he dropped the "power of friendship" line. Kaiba knows how much of a corny line that is and Atem saying that's what he lost to was insulting to him.
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Atem realizes he's lost Kaiba with that line. He questions what their relationship even is at this point. Why can't they bury the hatchet?
Its a great example of how both have done horrible things to others and had horrible things done to them, but deal with it differently.
Kaiba would rather rage and destroy everything that hurts him. Never letting go of the wrongs done to him. Yugi and Atem? They are able to move on because they forgive. Yugi forgave Jonouchi and Honda for how they treated him. Yugi & Atem forgave the Kaiba brothers for the attempted murders and hospitalizing his grandfather, while Jonouchi still holds a grudge over it. Yugi was even willing to forgive and accept Dark Bakura when he came to help during his battle with Ryuji Otogi. He even forgave Ryuji and his dad for nearly getting him killed and separated from Atem forever.
Forgiveness is a part of healing and moving on. For Yugi, it comes naturally. Atem learned it through him. But Kaiba?
For Kaiba, forgiveness is admitting defeat. To him it's like saying that what was done to him doesn't deserve punishment. That it was acceptable. Perhaps even deserved. And worst of all, that it can be ignored.
And he lashes out at Atem, ending the conversation.
It takes his encounter with Ishizu later and Mokuba's outburst to truly make him understand the dangerous path he's going down. Ishizu's willingness to die on the island if Malik can't be saved reminded him of his own back in Duelist Kingdom and it shakes him. Its what convinces him to give this whole "trust" and "friendship" garbage a chance. (In the anime he just kinda...changes his mind about leaving. They cut out the bit with him realizing he and Ishizu weren't that different entirely and I will always be salty about that).
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He still plays it off as him wanting to prove its all bunk, but by the end when the island is destroyed, he's beginning to learn the lesson Atem has been trying to teach him. And unlike the anime, he's gone for the rest of the manga. There's no Dartz or Kaiba Gran Prix. They go straight to the Millenium World arc and Kaiba is absent in it except for one of the final pages, being too late and missing the duel between Yugi and Atem.
Say what you want about Yu-Gi-Oh, but the manga has some stellar character writing.
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sarahg-fanarts99 · 2 months
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I also joined the trend with my Nonexistentshipping. 😄✨
Context?... While Yugi and the others were in the virtual world, Malik and Samara went to investigate Noah's place further. This is the scene where Malik has trouble accessing the password of a locked door. Yes, this is a Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged reference. 😆
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princessofgames · 10 months
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katietdm-4077 · 3 months
I call it...
The Wings of Light AU
So we all know that Yami Yugi intercepted the blast of fire from the Winged Dragon of Ra during Mai's duel with Yami Marik(ima call him Melvin in this post. If you know, you know) to save her and Joey, right?
I got to thinking. Yami is a Pharaoh, and therefore has a tight connection with the Egyptian Gods, even if he can't remember his past. What if Ra, seeing Yami's courage and strength as he shields his friends, recognizes his Pharaoh's selflessness despite being under Melvin's control, and rewards it?
Ra uses the last of the flames in his attack to transfer a portion of his power to Yami(which will store itself in the Puzzle when Yugi is in control). As Yami falls to the ground after protecting his friends, burns mar his back past the burned remnants of his clothes(seriously, how the actual hell did his clothes NOT burn in the anime? WTF kind of material is the jacket made of?).
But what's startling is how the burns are shaped exactly like wings.
Yami is dragged back to Yugi's room so his friends can look after him, and Kaiba, while in awe of Ra's power, has this strange feeling inside him. That something is transpiring that they all cannot see.
Kaiba duels Ishizu in the background(you know the duel) while Yugi's friends tend to Yami, who's burning up with a bad fever as Ra's power tries to settle into his body. He refuses to give Yugi control in order to protect him from the pain, but only hurts himself.
Kaiba returns from his duel, shaken by the visions of his past and feeling split in two, like his past and present selves are trying to coexist at once. He wonders if this is what Yugi deals with, mind flashing back to Yami's collapse, and something unknown compels him to check on Yami. Obviously when he turns up in Yugi's room, everyone gets suspicious, even more so when Kaiba says he was simply checking in.
Joey, of course, demands a more concise answer, and Kaiba admits it; "I came to check on the Pharaoh"
Deadly silence follows. Kaiba has just admitted Yugi and the Pharaoh are two different people. Kaiba of all people is coming around. Kaiba reluctantly admits what happened during his duel with Ishizu, he himself feeling torn apart into two identities, on of past and one of present.
At that moment, the wing-shaped burns on Yami's back start to glow, diverting their attention, and they feel Ra's power filling the room. Melvin also senses Ra's energy and comes skulking out of the shadows to see the weakened Pharaoh. He sees an opportunity to take out the Pharaoh, but Kaiba, ever alert, detects Melvin and steps forward to defend Yami(He doesn't understand why he's suddenly so protective, but fuck it. If Yami dies, the Geek Squad will NEVER let it go and Kaiba does not want to deal with that nightmare, tyvm.), demanding Melvin leave at once.
Melvin simply knocks Kaiba aside with the power of the Millennium Rod, and Kaiba strikes the wall, more visions appearing(having been triggered by the Rod's power), and he cries out in pain.
His cry somehow reaches Yami, and something inside the unconscious Pharaoh snaps and he's suddenly awake and hellbent on dealing wrath to whoever just hurt Kaiba. There's a bright light, and suddenly Yami is tackling Melvin to the ground, huge golden wings having sprouted from his back, identical to the Winged Dragon of Ra's wings. The room feels warm like the sun, and Yami exudes a calming, yet powerful energy as he demands Melvin leave at once or suffer severe punishment.
Melvin flees the scene, not knowing why the Pharaoh now has Ra's power when he still holds the God Card, but he's determined to find out why.
Meanwhile, Yami calms down, and realizes the pain of his burns are gone, and turns to check his back, and sees the wings that he's sprouted. He realizes it's Ra's power, and while he's sure anyone would be excited and honored to be bestowed such a gift, he's also afraid. What did this mean for Yugi? Would Yugi be able to handle Ra's power?(Luckily, they quickly discover the wings and Ra's power are only present when Yami Yugi is in control, as Ra recognized Yugi is still too inexperienced with magic to handle such a gift of power yet.)
Kaiba, who is regaining his composure, is completely floored by Yami's wings, finding himself...drawn to the Pharaoh in some way. Not liking having feelings, Kaiba hastily thanks the Pharaoh, before fleeing himself, clearly shaken. Joey of course calls Kaiba ungrateful, but Tea shakes her head and says Kaiba looked scared. Yami feels weird, hoping it's not him Kaiba is afraid of.
(also if anyone wants to make art of Yami with Ra's wings I HIGHLY encourage it because that's just a cool concept all on it's own)
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