banner123 · 5 months
Warning & Caution Signs.
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Warning signs typically convey messages about potential hazards or dangers. Both signs are essential for maintaining safety in various settings.
 Warning Signs Indicate potential hazards that may cause harm or danger. Draw immediate attention to specific hazards. Prompt individuals to take appropriate precautions.
 Caution Signs Indicate potential hazards that may cause minor injuries or damage. Characterized by bright colors, usually yellow, and feature symbols. Convey cautionary messages. They serve as a reminder. Banner House delivers all safety signs across Australia.
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justtruthfulme · 6 months
Check out this post… "Be Alert".
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nishp · 1 year
World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day
🐾🚗 On this World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day, let's pause to reflect on the impact of road accidents on our furry and feathered friends. It's a day to raise awareness, promote road safety, and work towards reducing the harm that wildlife and domestic animals face on our roads. 🌍🦔
Every year, countless animals fall victim to road accidents, and many are injured or killed as a result. We can all play a part in protecting wildlife and pets from harm while on the road.
By taking these simple steps, we can make our roads safer for animals and reduce the number of tragic accidents. Let's drive with compassion and respect for all creatures that share our planet. 🚗🐾❤️
Share your thoughts, stories, or ways you're contributing to animal road accident awareness and prevention. Together, we can protect our animal friends.
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nul-aizasavesyou · 2 years
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Using social media as a tool by offering information and guidelines with real-time notifications and cautions. Social media is yet another. conduit for sending alerts and messages from emergency services warning. This is true for events like natural disasters. tornadoes or storms.
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Social media played a huge role in disaster response during calamities. Trough social media every family can easily communicate their relatives from other places especially during calamities.
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Social media provides social work educators a way to connect with colleagues from around the world. Through the use of Twitter or a specialized community on Facebook, educators can share information and resources in real-time. In addition, they can collaborate on research projects, presentations and even publications.
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fatimaibba · 2 years
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Every family may readily contact with their relatives through social media, especially those who live abroad. Social workers can use this as a tool to enlighten people during disasters. Social media, in particular, can be used to communicate information by our government.
Given the rise in natural disasters over the previous several years, it is anticipated that this trend would continue in the years to come. The result of a natural danger is a natural disaster.
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bigtvtechman · 3 months
BeAlert : Cyber Crimes Increasing in India | Beware Of Cyber Crime Frauds @chotanewsofficial
BeAlert : Cyber Crimes Increasing India | Beware Of Cyber Crime Frauds @chotanewsofficial #CyberCrimes #cyberfrauds #cybersecurity #chotanews Chotanews Telugu Short News APP ChotaNews is a premier news reading app tailored specifically for those seeking Telugu news updates. it’s dedicated to delivering the latest updates in politics ,Entertainment , weather forecasts, and job notifications in…
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sudhanshujimaharaj · 9 months
अपने जिम्मेदारियों के प्रति सदैव सजग रहें।
#SudhanshujiMaharaj #responsibility #duty #BeAlert #motivation
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aiwango · 1 year
MLM :- https://lnkd.in/dhp8xZrj                      #mlm #ScamAlert #beware #beware #besafe #BeAlert #ScamAlert #beware #beware #besafe #BeAlert #piu
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detectivezedd · 1 year
#Episode 10#Title: welcome Back.The light suddenly came on toreveal my room mate, Israel. ” OhMy God you scared the hell out of me” I said as he jumped onto hisbed. ” Secret service code 009, bealert at all times. ” Israel saidlaughing to reveal his white set ofteeth. ” Sir Ajan called you backalso?” He asked as I sat on my bed located on the right side of theroom, his was on the left side.”Yeah”…
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Hey, Receive the whole assignment together as i indicated earlier Thank you.NoInterview QuestionsResponse1. Have you read the hospital Internal Policy andProcedure (Internal Disaster Plan)? Tell me what thisplan means to the job that you do?Yes, familiarizing myself with this plan helpsme undertake my daily activities as per theset standards, especially during critical times,such as disasters. This helps to reduce theseverity of the disaster’s effects in terms ofloss of life, especially to the vulnerablepatients in the ICU whose lives have beenentrusted to us.2. Does the plan provide you with enough informationabout dealing with internal disasters such as fire,flood, and power outage?The disaster plan provides me with most ofthe information that I need to deal with anydisaster. For example, access to responsefacilities such as fire alarm, location ofemergency exits, and other proceduresregarding to evacuation policy is provided.3. How do you activate an internal disaster response?Following response protocols, for example,initial notification using the hospital alertsystems. Then the staff members will bealerted as the notification proceeds frompartial to full activation depending on thelevel of the disaster.4. What is the code that is used to activate the fire alarmat the hospital?5. What is the difference between red and green codes instate of internal disasters based on the hospital plan?6. How many times have you participated in evacuationdrills? Is it effective and is it increased yourpreparedness for facing internal disasters?Code Red: FireCode Red notifies and calls forappropriate response in the actual orsuspected fire outbreak while code Greengives the command that initiates theevacuation process.I have participated in an evacuation drill fourtimes in the past two years. The drills areeffective since they have enabled me toenvision what might happen in case of adisaster and the proper action that should betaken. This works well when very fewmembers of the team plan and execute thedrills putting all other members in a realsituation7. After performing an evacuation activity, can youidentify areas to resolve them in order to increaseyour preparedness for internal disasters?Yes, I am in a position to notice what wentwell and what went wrong from which I givefeedback regarding the observation that Imade that will guide how to improve ourdisaster response.8. How many times have you participated in a realhospital evacuation? What went well and what needsmore practice or training?I have participated once. What went well wasthe notification of the disaster through the firealarm, which alerted all staff members,patients and visitors about the possibility offire. This being the first time to be in a realsituation, chaos quickly ensued. Most staffmembers who were in charge were throwninto panic leading to a weak chain ofcommand.9. Have you reviewed the fire evacuation map recently?When?Yes, I have reviewed a fire map recentlyabout 2years ago.10. How many exits does the hospital have? Do you know Fourteen exits, and I know them all. Myall of them? What about your department?department has 3 of them.11. When seeing a fire in a room or in any area of thehospital, what are the steps to do?The first step is to remove the patients,visitors, and any other personnel dependingon the proximity to the fire area. Then I willconsider doing the same in the adjacentrooms, disconnecting oxygen lines formoutlets, activating the fire alarm, and makingefforts to contain the fire if it is safe to do so.12. In your opinion, do you think that the exits,emergency doors and hospital signboards aresufficient to facilitate evacuations during internaldisasters? Please explain.Yes, the emergency exits in my departmentare enough. The number has increased basedon past experience, which guided even theexits’ location for efficient response.13. How can you protect patients in time of internaldisasters? How do you continue to provide careduring the evacuation?What are the means and equipment required in the14.
hospital to increase preparedness to face internaldisasters such as fires and floods?15. What do you suggest the hospital to provide you withto be more prepared for internal disasters?The first step to protect patients in the eventof an internal disaster is by removing them ifthey are near to the area of the disaster. Careshould be given by ensuring that there is acontinued supply of the necessary treatmentby looking for alternative means within thehospital to support life in critical conditions.The hospital should ensure that all the safetystandards are in place will maintained andworking.Consistent drills are essential to be able toimprove our mastery of evacuationproceduresNoInterview QuestionsResponse1. Have you read the hospital Internal Policy andProcedure (Internal Disaster Plan)? Tell me what thisplan means to the job that you do?Yes, policy and procedures play a critical roleas they provide an efficient and effective planof action in the event of disasters. This istargeted to reduce the number of causalitiesand property destruction. For instance,helping patients in ICU who are not in aposition to evacuate to safety on time2. Does the plan provide you with enough informationabout dealing with internal disasters such as fire,flood, and power outage?Indeed the policy plan has attempted tosensitize me by providing details on anyanticipated disaster. For instance, I know theaction to take in case of fire, especially theprocess to follow when initiating an alarm. Ialso have the know-how to undertake thepublic address system that will ensure properevacuation.3. How do you activate an internal disaster response?In the event of a disaster occurrence, I shouldalert the authority via the communicationsystems in place. With their collaboration, theactivation will shift from alert, partial, to fullactivation phase, depending on themagnitude.4. What is the code that is used to activate the fire alarmat the hospital?Code Red: Fire5. What is the difference between red and green codes instate of internal disasters based on the hospital plan?Code Red’s main purpose is to serve as anotification that calls for proper response inthe actual or even suspected fire outbreak.The green code provides a notification thatwill signal evacuation to commence.6. How many times have you participated in evacuationdrills? Is it effective and is it increased yourpreparedness for facing internal disasters?Six times, for the past three years. The drillsare useful since I get to have a chance toimplement the knowledge and the training, asstated in the internal policy and procedure fordisaster management.7. After performing an evacuation activity, can youidentify areas to resolve them in order to increaseyour preparedness for internal disasters?Yes, because the activity exposes me to a realsituation more than what is provided in thepolicy procedures on an internal disaster plan.This exposure helps identify the gaps andfind appropriate actions to improve theresponse to the disaster.8. How many times have you participated in a realhospital evacuation? What went well and what needsmore practice or training?For the two years, I have worked here, I haveexperienced one real fire disaster. All thesafety standards were in place, especially thepublic address system, modern automatedemergency exits, and clear signals thatprovided direction to these emergency exitsto ensure safety. However, due to thedistanced location of the first respondents, thefire got out of control, causing more damagethan expected.9. Have you reviewed the fire evacuation map recently?When?Yes, I have the latest one being three yearsago.10. How many exits does the hospital have? Do you know The hospital has seventeen exits, and myall of them? What about your department?department alone has four.11. When seeing a fire in a room or in any area of thehospital, what are the steps to do?The first step is to remove the patients,visitors, and any other personnel dependingon the proximity to the fire area.
Then I willconsider doing the same in the adjacentrooms, disconnecting oxygen lines formoutlets, activating the fire alarm, and makingefforts to contain the fire if it is safe to do so.12. In your opinion, do you think that the exits,emergency doors and hospital signboards aresufficient to facilitate evacuations during internaldisasters? Please explain.Yes, the exits are sufficient to facilitateevacuation. Recently the hospital grouped thedepartments and allocated the exits thatshould be used by every department in caseof a disaster.13. How can you protect patients in time of internaldisasters? How do you continue to provide careduring the evacuation?The first step is to evacuate the patients ifthey are within the proximity of the disaster.Care should be given by requesting supportfrom other departments to provide attentionto those in critical condition.What are the means and equipment required in the14. hospital to increase preparedness to face internaldisasters such as fires and floods?To improve in disaster preparedness,the hospital management should considerhaving complete disaster response facilities inplace that are well maintained.15. What do you suggest the hospital to provide you withto be more prepared for internal disasters?Modern technology should be put in place todetect any danger which will facilitatesmooth and quick evacuation process.NoInter… CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER
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www.treasureforourhearts.com Lin
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leben-will-leben · 4 years
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Some people call me brave. I don't think bravery is the right word to describe my actions in handling my BRCA2 gene mutation. Because do I really have a choice? I feel it's a necessity to be proactive, to be in charge of my health. I can't stop thinking of: What if I hadn't seen the broschure on genetic counseling in my doctors waiting room? What if I had trusted in his telling me that I don't have to be afraid, that my mom's ovarian cancer doesn't mean that I will have it, too? Why didn't he tell me right away that genetic counseling is available? Those thoughts drive me crazy at night. A 60-80% lifetime risk for breast cancer is high, I don't want to wait and hope I'm in the 20-40%. A 20-40% lifetime risk for ovarian cancer is maybe not so high, but since my mom died of ovarian cancer I said byebye to my ovaries and fallopian tubes last friday. I don't need them anyway, I'm 55 years old. No, I'm not brave, this is something I have to do. But I'm thankful for all kind people who cheer me on and send nice messages to me. It means a lot to me! Thank you!
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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Stand firm, brothers and sisters!
For more daily reflection, verse and encouragement, you may follow us. You can also like, follow and visit us on:
Website: https://youngdisciples.org/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yd153
Twitter: @YD153
Instagram: @youngdisciples2020
Pinterest: Young Disciples International
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ileasfitlife · 5 years
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Hope everyone is doing ok!! Yall be safe out there and watch out for the crazy people hoarding the toilet paper 🤣🤣 #coronavirus #staysafe #bealert https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uN0Flg6cU/?igshid=16cclja7tj9nk
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paraphraze615 · 5 years
Funny how I thought this was a stupid joke until I heard @ras_kass say the same thing on "Nature Of The Threat" and went to do some research for myself. So if you wonder I stopped celebrating Christmas, now you know. #Christmas #MerryChristmas #MerryChristmas2019 #TheTruthAboutChristmas #TheHistoryOfChristmas #Saturnalia #PaganHolidays #Boondocks #TheBoondocks #BoondocksQuotes #HueyFreeman #AHueyFreemanChristmas #DoYourResearch #BeAlert #PayAttention #PeepGame #FreeGame #BahHumbug #JesusBirthday #YeshuasBirthday https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f9L4fh-LL/?igshid=1gsmaq1cftams
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xpresssms · 5 years
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COVID - 19 Corona virus Disease
SYMPTOMS 🛑Cough 🛑Headache 🛑Fever
PREVENTION 🔹Wear a face mask 🔹Avoid contact 🔹Wash your hand 🔹Avoid touching face 🔹Cook food throughly 🔹Avoid travelling
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