#Beatrice Marchesi
thesummerstorms · 2 years
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Final draft of my Beatrice mood board...
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naporchesi · 6 months
Francesco Marchesi
Italiano nascido na Toscana. +70 anos. Empresário e agricultor. Filho mais velho de Mattia e Donatella. Irmão de Elisa Marchesi. Marido de Beatrice Cassano. Lider do império dos Marchesi. Pai de Pietro, Caterina e Vicenzo Marchesi.
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diveronaevents · 5 years
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How ironic is it, that the city so devoted to warfare, to paying homage to the traditions that are so bloody and brutal, would think to sell themselves as harbingers of love – servants of Eros and Aphrodite. Red and pink flowers adorn the city, are draped along statues and windowsills, are woven through the streets, one string after the other. It makes the air fragrant, heavy with the scent of florals. One might have thought that they had been sprinkled with love potions, for all who walked the streets seemed so blissfully happy. Hand tucked in hand, head resting upon their lover’s shoulder, soft words whispered into the ear of the other. With all the people that roamed about, one might have thought that the city would be a hubbub, loud voices carrying from one piazza to the other, allies alive with the hollers of vendors and tourists alike. Instead, there was only a soft lull to be heard, lazy conversations periodically punctuated with quiet coos and coquettish giggles. The Montagues think they have it, success in their fingertips, cries of victory on their tongues. Perhaps this is it, they think, perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the Capulets. They are ranking in bounties of money, from their reputable ventures to their less-so. The crowds of lovers flock to them, as though they truly are the harbingers of Aphrodite, and they were ravenous for love and lust. They were gluttonous for all that the Montagues had to offer, and they would pay whatever amounts, do whatever it took, to have their lusts satiated.
It was no wonder that the Montagues were so inebriated by the possibility of their own victory.
It was right there, happening before their very eyes.
But, had they looked closer, they might have noticed that it was slipping away before their very eyes. If they had paid more attention to the ghosts that slipped in and out of the shadows, the blades that glinted in the romantic light of the city, they might have known. And they might have been able to banish the ghosts, to cast away the Capulets that dare revel in what the Montagues had claimed to be their night.
It was the small details that slipped by them. The unhappiness that clung to the corner of the woman’s mouth, along with a smear of odd-looking ambrosia. The red-eyed, vacant look of the man who sat upon a stoop, eyes flickering this way and that as though he was waiting for something to occur. The expectant look of the woman who had her head resting upon his lap, with anxious glances cast his way every so often. Then there was the vendor who shifted from foot to foot, speaking in low tones to another, faux-smiles plastered on their faces so as not to let their customers know that something, the most minute of details, was amiss. No one would ever think to notice, though, the man who made his way to the Lamberti Tower, with a bottle in hand and the picture of his lover, crumpled in the other. Why would they?
Soon they would, though. Soon everyone would be looking.
As always, all eyes turn to the city of Verona, which had never been, and never will be a place of peace.
Verona’s horse races rival those of Siena’s – from the brutality of the jockeys, to the viciousness of the crowd when cheering on those they had bet a pretty penny on. And, of course, the backdoor deals that took place to ensure that the winners won, and the losers lost spectacularly. So, when the morning of San Valentino arrived, it was with the heavy mist of oncoming spring and the excitement of grandness with the rising sun. The piazza has been covered in dirt, the horses are pawing at the ground, and the people gather to look on, bills clenched in their hands, grins of anticipation wide on their faces. The announcer steps onto the podium, fingers wrapped around the mic, while he cocks the gun back in his other hand. What better way to get the hearts of young lovers excited for the events of the festa dell’amore than by letting their red blood rush through their veins? OPHELIA and PORTIA sit in a specially constructed skybox, far above the heads of the crowd, a pleased smile on their faces. How could they not be smug with satisfaction at the fruition of their work?
They had yet to count the money, but by their tally and the faces of the crowd, the Montagues would soon be rolling in wealth.
BEATRICE had been wished lucky by them – in bocca al lupo, they had called – and sat atop her horse, ignoring the taunts and sneers of the male jockeys about her. If she had been paying attention, maybe she would have noticed how that one, down there, at the very end – how his hands shook, gripping the reins far too tightly. The way that the horse kicked at the door of the gate was normal, of course, but the way it frothed at the mouth, eyes rolling…that was most certainly something to take note of. But she didn’t. Instead, BEATRICE merely fixed her gloves, rubbed the shoulder of her companion, and whispered a prayer of luck and safety so that she might make her loved ones proud. And she did – for a singularly euphoric moment.
There was nothing but the sound of hooves hitting the loose, wet dirt, the crack of the whip against the heaving, panting creatures. The din of the crowd was lost to the jockeys. All they could hear was the sound of their own victory approaching or slipping away. The golden heart hung above the finish line, glinting and gleaming in the golden rays of the sun. But then one horse whinnied, then another, and another. They tumbled and fell, like trees being cut at their roots, eyes rolling and mouth frothing just as that one odd horse had. Until there was no one but BEATRICE alone, at the finish line, with the once riotous crowd now silent, for the most part. Save for the occasional scream of horror here that slowly rolled through them, like a wave of horror – cresting in the form of OPHELIA and PORTIA standing in their little box, as though they were goddesses, removed from this all. Those high above – lofty and untouchable – never had to suffer carnage, did they?
One jockey shakily stood, the same one whose hands had been shaking before the gates had opened. There was blood on his face, and his elbow was at an odd angle, but still he stood and looked at the writhing bodies of pain beneath him. He looked into the crowd and locked eyes with none other than a man with dark hair and a wicked smile – ORSINO, perhaps – before pointing at none other than PORTIA.
How could you?, he cried out, tears streaming down his bloodied face. How could you? For a golden heart? Because you couldn’t capture your fucking lover’s?
CORIOLANUS couldn’t help but smile a little as the man that ORSINO had paid recited the script word for word, the empty syringes that had gone into the horses’ food and water littering the ground at his feet. He felt like a puppeteer – a true Capulet, playing god with the mortals, pulling at their strings.
There was a heaviness that hung in the air after that – but the Montagues tried to not let it make them stumble in their stride. They plied at those who had been subjected to watching the horror of it all, while assuring those with deeper pockets that dear Pandora would never stage such a thing to ensure that the girl she had placed her money on would win so violently. How could they not be charmed by the pretty bat of her lashes and that velvety voice? The Devil himself would have fallen to his knees and worshiped at her altar, if only she should ask in such a manner. So, with alcohol in hand, they did as was requested of them and set aside their frayed nerves in favor of appeasing Damiano and gracing him with their presence at the little gala that had been arranged by HAMLET and secured by MERCUTIO.
They had no reason to think that anything was odd about the man who carried the picture of his lover crumpled in his hand, his fingers wrapped around the neck of a bottle near-empty. His story you may or may not know. Marchesi is his name and he has had a rather unfortunate series of events occur within these last couple of days – and they have led to his ultimate ruin. It seemed as if God Himself had turned against him, grown angry and shown His wrath that was only documented in the ink of the Old Testament. Not even Job had suffered as much misfortune as he. He did not know, though, that Job had never been sent demons so vicious and unforgiving, so singularly driven by something more fearsome than spite or vengeance. The demons that came after him were devoid of emotion and were guided by one thing alone: duty.
Which made them all the more cutting in their execution of it.
ROSALINE and REGAN had painfully cut away every happiness that he had found in his life, felling one thing after the other in such a quick, methodical manner that no one could blame him for the despair that he felt. He had caught his lover in the embrace of another, had all means of support – both emotionally and financially – wiped away. With no hope of regaining either of them again. Then they had revealed him to be worse still. A man of blood money and an even bloodier past; a sinner who carved himself into a saint with no thought for who else he had to slip his blade into in order to get there.
PERDITA had seen him make his way to the roof and concern colored her gaze as she watched him disappear. Having been invited by MERCUTIO, she grabbed them and rushed up the stairs, their long legs carrying them up one flight and then another. HAMLET followed quickly behind, his heart in his throat, beating so loudly when he had expected it to stop. The door to the roof burst open, the two figures streaming in neon lights upon the dark space that was offered nothing save from the dim light of the city below and the stars above. The bell hung in the space between, but it was silent. Why should it toll for this poor soul when so many others had fallen before it?
They tried to reach for him.
They did not know his name themselves, but still they reached for him.
In vain, though, because he fell all the same – as Lucifer did, as Icarus did, as all of Verona would.
Only IMOGEN would be the one to tell his story and remember his name as it had been – the name of a man who was just as culpable and ruinous as the rest of them. Just as deserving as an opportunity for redemption as every person is.
Damiano did what he could to quiet Ares’ touch on Aphrodite’s festivities. The festa dell’amore was not to be tainted with the mourning of a man who had failed the Montagues so abysmally. So, he did as he did best and spun the story to his advantage – the man had been in love, so deeply in love, and his heart had betrayed him and scorned him. Love letters and testaments of devotion were fabricated and the story was romanticized, as all tragedies are. Looked at with rose-tinted glasses that blinded the onlookers more than they knew. In their determination to cling to their euphoria, they did as those who are still living and breathing and fucking are able to do. They paid their half-hearted respects and moved on to the grander things in life. One of those things just so happened to be the grand opening of the Teatro Nuovo under the Montague reign.
The starlets donned their gleaming costumes and masks, some more simple than others, reciting their sonnets and soliloquies upon the stage that had showcased the swinging bodies of the deceased Witches not too long ago. CRESSIDA tugged TROILUS along on her arm, smile alight and eyes shining as she paraded him around the room – what irony, that this great actor should be upstaged in his skills of acting by the woman who called herself his wife.CLAUDIUS entered shortly after, escorting the illustrious GERTRUDE. It was no surprise to any of those who knew that the Montagues who were mere soldati had donned the costumes of ushers and servers, touting about flashlights or glasses of prosecco. It was not long before people were pulling their checkbooks out of their pockets, all too ready to donate to the causes of the arts with their heads swimming in bubbles and oddly persuasive conversations.
TITANIA was there as well, though none would have known it. They had disguised themselves well, and CORDELIA and MACBETH far better. They milled about, eyes downcast, serving as meekly as they could, slipping in the tainted drugs into the known Sparrows’ food when they could. One could not work as well at wooing their clients when their eyes were drowsing and their trips were…distasteful. But then far worse damage was done by the small things that occurred – from MACBETH slipping a note into TROILUS’ hand, with nothing more than a “your wife’s heart belongs to another. It bleeds in ink.” To TITANIA whispering in an idle and bored-looking woman’s ear that the Capulet wears were far better than whatever pathetically weak strain of ambrosia she and her Sparrow were indulging in.
Then CLAUDIUS looked up, his gaze lingered on that of CORDELIA’s, then on that of the companion next to her. There was no mistaking the eyes of MACBETH. Without a second thought, he motioned to the guards, determined to not let the Capulets ruin another one of their events. The only solution to this was subtlety, but they would be deprived of even that. MACBETH glanced at CORDELIA, grabbed her by the wrists and did as those around him were paid to do – he played the part of a madman, threatening to kill these two innocent people if they did not let him go free.
In front of their sponsors, they had no choice but to play the part of the heroes, GERTRUDE acting the part of negotiator while CLAUDIUS’ jaw ticked in anger. CRESSIDA cornered him from one side, eyes vicious and nails at the ready to claw him, while TROILUS approached him from the other, ready to sweep the poor victim, CORDELIA, away from danger. But all the Montagues had missed the fae-like thing that had watched from above, taking their time to concoct the devilish little cocktail of alcohol and flame. With a great crash, they set the red curtains aflame, causing the majority of eyes to turn, the majority of mouths to open in screams of panic and horror.
Another rained down, and then another.
The stage was set aflame.
MACBETH and CORDELIA grinned at their vengeful angel overhead and tore into the Montagues that stood in the way of their great escape, MACBETH shoving aside TROILUS while CORDELIA clawed at CRESSIDA. It did not take long before another molotov cocktail was sent to save their day. GERTRUDE and CLAUDIUS were trying to stave off the growing flames and, in the stampede of bodies that were desperate for an out, had lost their way.
Their kingdom was being rent apart, and there was only one person that they could blame.
There are those who leave the city in the night, plan tickets in hand and luggage packed haphazardly. The illusion of love is marred now, there is no denying it – perhaps the city is cursed, perhaps love is cursed, but none are keen to find out. They slip through the security of SEBASTIAN and CELIA, who, time and time again, are reprimanded for their lackluster performance. Damiano berates them for their idiocy because the Capulets slip through their cracks like cockroaches. Which means that this event, this one specifically catering to the Americans that roam about, unaware of the curses and dangers that shroud each rising sun and gleaming moon, is going to be the final verdict that decides their sentence. But how were they to have known that EDMUND and MIRANDA were already two steps ahead – having cemented their little farce so diligently? The couple had taken stock of the supplies that the Montagues were determined to ferry to their clientele, eyes lingering on the packages of hearts that they were disguised in. ROSALIND and VIOLA had been clever when doing this, and SEBASTIAN and CELIA would be there to see the shipments through and make sure the money remained intact.
As was LADY ANNE to see where the money went, idly watching from her ivory tower – perhaps a little curious to see how the affairs of the night would play out.
And, at first, everything went quite smoothly. GONERIL assisted ROSALIND, because the latter was still starting at every noise, running her fingers over her bandages at every turn. In short, her faculties were not all there and none could blame her, for it was clear in the explicit wounds that she bore. VIOLA could only be a ghost in this, scared to step into the light where Capulets could see her as clearly as Montagues. Little did she know that there was a man by the name of FLORIZEL who played the part of a ghost far better than she. And he, indebted to a certain someone within the Capulet ranks, haunted her steps just as assuredly.
EDMUND and MIRANDA let one shipment, then another, slip through – so as to give the Montagues a false sense of assurance that all would go well. As the night continued on, they began to grow comfortable in the cadence of things, the carnival lights providing a sense of merriment that would not be long-lived. Before long MIRANDA and EDMUND were coaxing the clientele to EDGAR who stood not too far of a ways away, pockets open and hand at the ready with a palmful of sangue to make their night that much more exciting. But then,SEBASTIAN caught onto the little ploy, fear filling his veins at the thought of the reprimand that was promised. Before he could turn to run back, EDMUND was upon him, desperation driving his movements, fists pounding into the flesh of the other, determined to break and ruin whatever he could reach. EDGAR had to drag him back, only to have GONERIL and ROSALIND stumble upon them both.
MIRANDA threw herself onto ROSALIND, determined to protect her friends to the most vicious of her ability, teeth bared and snarling at ROSALIND who was determined never to be touched in such a violent manner again. The two go at each other while EDGAR tries to intervene, only to be stopped by a smirking GONERIL, whose boredom was clearly beginning to itch at her, having her raring for a fight. SEBASTIAN finds the fight within himself again and throws off EDMUND – which desperate sibling will survive the night to make sure they see their family when the sun rises again?
LADY ANNE watched this all, and saw the shadows stir on her screen, the face of VIOLA lit up in neon hues, merely watching just as she watched. Would she do nothing to help her brother?
VIOLA donned a hood and wrapped her scarf around her face before throwing herself into the fray, grabbing MIRANDA by the hair and hoping to use her as leverage while the others scratched and tussled viciously. But then FLORIZEL appeared behind her, knocked her out cold with his gun, and merely looked at MIRANDA, telling her to make her way. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at her savior, whose face was half-hidden by the shadows, the other illuminated by the colored lights. GONERIL and ROSALIND pause, and that is enough for them to be overthrown by their counterparts, their bodies falling to the ground like dead weight. EDGAR drags EDMUND away, as he did MIRANDA, and the three of them made their way with the liberated money and the names of the new clientele tucked into the back of their mind, as well as their pocket. FLORIZEL gave SEBASTIAN and VIOLA one glance before making a call and throwing the phone upon their forlorn frames.
LADY ANNE hums and takes a sip from her cup. It seems like the tides of fortune have assuredly changed.
It was the grand finale, finally arrived. The week of hell had caused ire within the ranks and whispers of Damiano’s loose grip was beginning to bleed into the expectations they placed on his son. This would be the ultimatum, they thought, the christening of his crown – if he deserved to wear it. ANTONY, MALCOLM, and ROMEO had pulled all the strings that they could to garner a crowd of this size to the event. CELIA was the sole guardian of the affairs, with SEBASTIAN deposed due to the incidents of the days before. It was no bother, though, because she was confident in her ability to handle things. There was not going to be a question of whether or not she would succeed tonight. She would. CELIA watched as they poured into the Hotel Emelia, eyes flickering between the screens to make sure that nothing was amiss. ROMEO greeted those at the entrance, all smiles and charisma, eyes glimmering with hope, hiding something far darker beneath. He was dressed to the high heavens, looking almost god-like in his adornment, an Adonis if there ever was one. It wasn’t difficult to believe that Aphrodite could fall for the likes of him, not when the lights of red and pink shone upon him so.
MALCOLM and ANTONY awaited the guests inside, alert and ever-ready despite their facades that, if one were to look closely, would have reminded them exactly of their fathers. What the Montagues had not expected, though, was the sympathy of those who missed the Witches and worked in the grand hotel. They had snuck in JULIET, KATHERINE, LADY MACBETH, VOLUMNIA, and ROSALINE. JULIET had made it clear that this coup would not take place without her – and VOLUMNIA and ROSALINE had been forced to agree, though they had tried multiple times to dissuade their would-be don. The woman dressed quickly as maids and waitresses, changing outfits with women of similar size and stature who had disappeared into the room. CELIA would be none the wiser when watching the cameras as they exited.
In bocca al lupo, the women of the hotel had whispered. Crepi, the Capulet woman had responded.
The plan had been laid – they were to do to the Montagues as the Montagues had done to them. By spilling a little blood and having a couple of bullets litter the floor, the Hotel Emelia would be theirs. Outside, there was a team of soldiers awaiting orders, guised as nothing more than simple streetwalkers and revelers of the night. They made their way into the ballroom, KATHERINE guarding JULIET and ROSALINE aiding LADY MACBETH whileVOLUMNIA would take the main stage. VOLUMNIA and ROSALINE passed quietly through the guards, dropping them one after the other with the slip of their knife, LADY MACBETH quickly following on their take while KATHERINE began to do the same. They were meant to make their rounds peacefully, quietly, but their watch ended far quicker than anticipated – with a quiet gurgle and nothing more than a widening of the eyes.
That was when CELIA noticed the emptiness of the halls that were meant to be patrolled by her compatriots.
And that is when she began to sound the alarm.
ROMEO had been atop the stage, mic in hand, welcoming and thanking his guests and sponsors for having so graciously attended the event. CELIA’s voice came through his earpiece, but his grin did not slip in the slightest, though his eyes did flicker and cast about the room nervously, lingering on the gazes of ANTONY and MALCOLM. What soldiers remained were quickly sent to the lobby, just as the women emerged into it, KATHERINE stepping in front of JULIET while the principessa cocked her gun, lips pressed together despite the paleness of her cheeks. Just as CELIA arrived onto the scene, KATHERINE shoved JULIET behind a column and began to rain hellfire, dropping one soldier, then another, then another. Each time a gun was shot from their hand. No need to kill when debilitating them was just as clean.
The marble floors spilled with blood all the same.
LADY MACBETH, VOLUMNIA, and ROSALINE swept into the ballroom, shoving through the stampede that tried to found an exit that wouldn’t be full of gunshots and the kiss of Death. There was a moment, a single moment where it seemed as if all paused – the running people, the shrieks of fear and panic, every single breath that filled the room. It stilled. Then another gunshot rang out from the lobby and havoc itself was unleashed. MALCOLM, ROMEO, and ANTONY stood atop the stage, ANTONY and MALCOLM guarding the man that they would one day call their king. One shoot was loosed from VOLUMNIA’s gun then another and another, separating the three men that had tried to present themselves as a unit. It did not take much incentive though, for the moment MALCOLM had laid eyes upon ROSALINE it was as though he was a beast enraged. LADY MACBETH saw ROMEO glance towards the exit and the two rushed towards it, the Capulet woman as quick and poised as a snake as she caught him. VOLUMNIA rushed ANTONY and he met her half-way, the two of them exchanging blows that were meant to kill, one always blocking the other. For a moment, it seemed as though the war was one. LADY MACBETH had ROMEO in the sight of her gun, VOLUMNIA had ANTONY in chokehold – enjoying the feeling of every breath leaving his lungs. But then JULIET burst into the room, having slipped away from the gunfire and the battle that waged on between KATHERINE and CELIA.
A scream of horror loosed itself from JULIET’s lips.
MALCOLM had ROSALINE in his grip, and the knife ROSALINE had once held was now sliding across her throat, nearly half-way in its journey.
The Capulet women left the Hotel Emelia.
ROSALINE was not with them.
OVERVIEW: We hope you enjoy this event, Veronans! As always, feel free to write out these interactions on the dash if you so wish, or headcanon them with the players that are involved. Please keep in mind the injuries that you want your character to have sustained and write them out accordingly. So, to summarize, the Montagues did not have a successful run with the festa dell’amore that they had hoped for. In addition to losing clients to the Capulets, they’ve also incurred a loss in revenue due to all that is being spent on compensating the damage of the festival and renovating the scorched Teatro Nuovo which, until further notice, is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. But, they did manage to capture ROSALINE and are currently holding her as a hostage since they, as well as all of Verona, knows how close she is to JULIET’s heart. All Capulets, Montagues, and Neutrals know that she is captured. But, although the Montagues have sustained heavy losses, there has been a win on their part. They have managed to capture the ROMAN ARENA. The post will be published shortly and the location update will follow. So, please keep that in mind when writing your interactions as well.
Additionally, you might have noticed QUEEN MAB’s absence. She abstained from attending the festival, but shortly before it took place, she decided to make certain changes in regards to her future business practices with the mobs. She will continue to give the Capulets a percentage of the Dark Lady’s profits, however, rather than hand over any relevant information obtained by her Sparrows to the Capulets with no compensation, she’ll now be charging them for it, and she’ll be dealing with the Montagues in a similar manner. Just a small development to keep in mind since QUEEN MAB won’t be taking part in the festival. You may now date your interactions from FEBRUARY 14TH through MARCH 3RD.
Thanks for sticking around for the show, Veronans! Have fun!
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sciscianonotizie · 5 years
Al Teatro Comunale Caserta “Il salotto a teatro” ospita gli attori di “Mine vaganti”
Sabato 18 gennaio alle ore 18,30 al Teatro Comunale di Caserta nuovo appuntamento del ciclo “Il Salotto a Teatro”, incontri tra i protagonisti della scena e il pubblico. Ospiti de “Il Salotto a Teatro”, curato dalla giornalista Maria Beatrice Crisci, saranno gli attori Francesco Pannofino, Paola Minaccioni, Arturo Muselli, Giorgio Marchesi e Caterina Vertova in scena al Comunale con lo spettacolo...
source http://www.ilmonito.it/al-teatro-comunale-caserta-il-salotto-a-teatro-ospita-gli-attori-di-mine-vaganti/
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freedomtripitaly · 5 years
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Il borgo di Bareu o Bareul, come si chiama in piemontese, si trova nella storica regione delle Langhe, ed è adagiato su di un piccolo altopiano a forma di sperone. Protetto dai rilievi circostanti, disposti ad anfiteatro, colpisce subito per la posizione del suo nucleo urbano rispetto ai paesi adiacenti. Barolo, Ph. reve Beatrice (123RF) La storia di Barolo Il primo insediamento di cui si hanno notizie è di origine barbarica e risale all’Alto Medioevo: il nucleo originario del castello fu infatti eretto in quel periodo da Berengario I, come difesa dagli attacchi dei saraceni. Nel 1250 la famiglia Falletti acquisì tutti i possedimenti di Barolo dalla vicina Alba. Famiglia potente di banchieri ed esponenti della nuova borghesia, segnarono il destino di Barolo e delle zone circostanti fino ad arrivare, nel 1300, a comandare una cinquantina di feudi piemontesi. Alla morte della Marchesa Juliette Colbert, nel 1864, fu costituita l’Opera Pia Barolo alla quale lasciò l’intero patrimonio di famiglia. Anche la zona di Barolo ha decisamente subito il periodo della Malora descritto meravigliosamente dal grande scrittore Beppe Fenoglio: la viticoltura è stata abbandonata per dei lavori più sicuri nelle grandi città. Tra alti e bassi, si è arrivati fino ai nostri giorni dove si è capovolto il fenomeno. I giovani scelgono consapevolmente il mestiere del viticoltore, complice la presenza della vicina Scuola Enologica di Alba, mentre i più anziani ritornano a farlo. Castello di Barolo, Ph. Gianfranco Coscarella (123RF) Cosa vedere a Barolo Oggi il borgo è un tutt’uno con il vino: la sua presenza si respira ovunque. Il tipo di nettare che si produce qui fa del suo luogo di origine una sorta di luogo sacro per gli appassionati del buon bere: lasciatevi cullare dal ritmo morbido della vita, dolce come le tante colline che lo circondano. Merita sicuramente una visita il Castello dei Marchesi Falletti, all’interno del quale è ospitato il WiMu, il Museo Etnografico ed enologico del Barolo. La Cappella del Barolo di Sol LeWitt e David Tremlett è uno dei primi e più riconoscibili progetti di recupero e valorizzazione del contesto ambientale delle Langhe con interventi di arte contemporanea internazionale, e quest’anno compie vent’anni. Costruita nel 1914 come riparo da temporali e grandinate per chi lavorava nelle vigne circostanti e mai consacrata, la Cappella di SS. Madonna delle Grazie fu acquistata dalla famiglia Ceretto nel 1970 assieme a 6 ettari del prestigioso vigneto di Brunate, nel cuore della DOCG del Barolo. Ridotta a rudere dopo anni di abbandono, si è trasformata in uno degli edifici più famosi del territorio: la scintilla creativa è scaturita all’improvviso davanti a un bicchiere di Barolo, o almeno così narra la leggenda. Centro storico di Barolo, Ph. Rostislav Glinsky (123RF) Eventi ed enogastronomia Nel weekend del 26 e 27 ottobre vi aspetta Terre di Vite, manifestazione dove il vino e la cultura tornano protagonisti al castello di Levizzano Rangone: vini, storie e parole di decine di produttori provenienti da tutta Italia. Come d’abitudine, nelle sale del castello la cultura troverà ampio spazio con esposizioni, degustazioni guidate, seminari, iniziative letterarie e musica. Per soddisfare il palato non perdete un ottimo Brasato al Barolo o La Cisrà, una zuppa di trippa e ceci tipica delle Langhe. Anticamente veniva preparata con ceci scuri di origine mediorientale, mentre oggi si preferiscono i ceci nostrani, molto più gustosi. Questo piatto povero ha origini molto antiche e si racconta che durante le feste dedicate ai santi, veniva distribuito ancora caldo e fumante, ai fedeli. Il borgo di Barolo, Ph. freeartist (123RF) https://ift.tt/2Nt8izp Barolo, il borgo piemontese da cui prende nome il famoso vino Il borgo di Bareu o Bareul, come si chiama in piemontese, si trova nella storica regione delle Langhe, ed è adagiato su di un piccolo altopiano a forma di sperone. Protetto dai rilievi circostanti, disposti ad anfiteatro, colpisce subito per la posizione del suo nucleo urbano rispetto ai paesi adiacenti. Barolo, Ph. reve Beatrice (123RF) La storia di Barolo Il primo insediamento di cui si hanno notizie è di origine barbarica e risale all’Alto Medioevo: il nucleo originario del castello fu infatti eretto in quel periodo da Berengario I, come difesa dagli attacchi dei saraceni. Nel 1250 la famiglia Falletti acquisì tutti i possedimenti di Barolo dalla vicina Alba. Famiglia potente di banchieri ed esponenti della nuova borghesia, segnarono il destino di Barolo e delle zone circostanti fino ad arrivare, nel 1300, a comandare una cinquantina di feudi piemontesi. Alla morte della Marchesa Juliette Colbert, nel 1864, fu costituita l’Opera Pia Barolo alla quale lasciò l’intero patrimonio di famiglia. Anche la zona di Barolo ha decisamente subito il periodo della Malora descritto meravigliosamente dal grande scrittore Beppe Fenoglio: la viticoltura è stata abbandonata per dei lavori più sicuri nelle grandi città. Tra alti e bassi, si è arrivati fino ai nostri giorni dove si è capovolto il fenomeno. I giovani scelgono consapevolmente il mestiere del viticoltore, complice la presenza della vicina Scuola Enologica di Alba, mentre i più anziani ritornano a farlo. Castello di Barolo, Ph. Gianfranco Coscarella (123RF) Cosa vedere a Barolo Oggi il borgo è un tutt’uno con il vino: la sua presenza si respira ovunque. Il tipo di nettare che si produce qui fa del suo luogo di origine una sorta di luogo sacro per gli appassionati del buon bere: lasciatevi cullare dal ritmo morbido della vita, dolce come le tante colline che lo circondano. Merita sicuramente una visita il Castello dei Marchesi Falletti, all’interno del quale è ospitato il WiMu, il Museo Etnografico ed enologico del Barolo. La Cappella del Barolo di Sol LeWitt e David Tremlett è uno dei primi e più riconoscibili progetti di recupero e valorizzazione del contesto ambientale delle Langhe con interventi di arte contemporanea internazionale, e quest’anno compie vent’anni. Costruita nel 1914 come riparo da temporali e grandinate per chi lavorava nelle vigne circostanti e mai consacrata, la Cappella di SS. Madonna delle Grazie fu acquistata dalla famiglia Ceretto nel 1970 assieme a 6 ettari del prestigioso vigneto di Brunate, nel cuore della DOCG del Barolo. Ridotta a rudere dopo anni di abbandono, si è trasformata in uno degli edifici più famosi del territorio: la scintilla creativa è scaturita all’improvviso davanti a un bicchiere di Barolo, o almeno così narra la leggenda. Centro storico di Barolo, Ph. Rostislav Glinsky (123RF) Eventi ed enogastronomia Nel weekend del 26 e 27 ottobre vi aspetta Terre di Vite, manifestazione dove il vino e la cultura tornano protagonisti al castello di Levizzano Rangone: vini, storie e parole di decine di produttori provenienti da tutta Italia. Come d’abitudine, nelle sale del castello la cultura troverà ampio spazio con esposizioni, degustazioni guidate, seminari, iniziative letterarie e musica. Per soddisfare il palato non perdete un ottimo Brasato al Barolo o La Cisrà, una zuppa di trippa e ceci tipica delle Langhe. Anticamente veniva preparata con ceci scuri di origine mediorientale, mentre oggi si preferiscono i ceci nostrani, molto più gustosi. Questo piatto povero ha origini molto antiche e si racconta che durante le feste dedicate ai santi, veniva distribuito ancora caldo e fumante, ai fedeli. Il borgo di Barolo, Ph. freeartist (123RF) Il borgo di Barolo si trova nella regione delle Langhe, in Piemonte, adagiato su di un piccolo altopiano: qui si produce l’omonimo vino omonimo.
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sulpana · 5 years
Fratelli d’Italia: “Mirandola merita un ospedale di alto livello”, e respinge l’ipotesi di ospedale baricentrico da condividere con Carpi che invece sostiene la Lega.
La posizione è stata espressa alla presentazione dei candidati della Bassa del partito di Giorgia Meloni. Qui le indicazioni di voto sono di scrivere “Barcaiuolo” e “Zagnoli” sulla scheda elettorale. Il primo, Michele Barcaiuolo, è leader modenese del partito, la seconda è Maria Grazia Zagnoli, storica esponente della destra a Mirandola e attiva nel volontariato con l’Ant.
Alla presentazione c’erano anche Massimo Marchesi, già esponente del Popolo della famiglia che ha messo a disposizione la bellissima sede a tre vetrine su via Fulvia, e Gianluca Borgatti, assessore di Finale Emilia che era con la collega di Giunta Beatrice Orlandini. Esponente di spicco di Fratelli d’Italia lui,  nè iscritta nè militante lei, che si definisce “civica”. Marian Lugli, ex di Forza Italia, è l’anima del partito mirandolese e ha creato  questo gruppo coeso con radici ben salde nella destra ex An che si presenta alle elezioni nella coalizione che sostiene la leghista Lucia Borgonzoni. Alleati della Lega, sì, ma anche alternativi su certi temi come ad esempio l’ospedale di Mirandola.
Spiega Marian Lugli: “Fratelli d’Italia cresce e conosce persone nuove e valorizza le persone del passato. Persone oneste e per bene del territorio Persone che conoscono la sanità, il volontariato, i giovani. Noi vogliamo un ospedale di Mirandola di alto livello, non baricentrico”
Aggiunge Borgatti: “Maria Grazia Zagnoli è la candidata del territorio, di tutti i paesi della Bassa, Barcaiuolo è uno degli uomini di fiducia della Meloni, lui è leader modenese. Zagnoli è figlia di un consigliere comunale, ed è stata consigliera comunale dal ’90 fino al 2004, e anche candidata sindaca per An. Ha affrontato la platea del Consiglio comunale in anni ben più difficili di questi. È donna indipendente, combattiva e coraggiosa molto attiva nel volontariato, attività che porta avanti con passione. Noi a Finale abbiamo il problema enorme della discarica, diventerebbe la più grossa di rifiuti speciali del nord italia, li dove c’è stata alluvione e terremoto: tratterebbe 1.300 mila tonnellate di rifiuti speciali che valgono 300 euro a tonnellata, in totale sono 400 milioni di euro che vanno ad Hera, cimitero degli elefanti della sinistra. È notevole l’ostinazione di Bonaccini, ha voluto la discarica a tutti i costi, nonostante aperte violazioni di legge, gli dò atto del coraggio ma è assurdo. Insistere è un atto criminale. Non è una discarica cittadina per raccogliere i nostri rifiuti, ormai non esistono più. I rifiuti urbani vanno negli inceneritori. Ma nella discarica di Finale Emilia ci andrebbero solo i rifiuti da impianti industriali che non sono bruciabili ma che vanno stoccati e seppelliti. Hanno un bel dire che sarà a regola d’arte… Intanto, lì ci sono terreni comprati a 800 milioni di lire e venduti a 2 miliardi e 400 mila lire, 8 giorni dopo: interessi enormi coperti dal piano regionale dei rifiuti”
Maria Grazia Zagnoli si è detta “fiera ed onorata della candidatura, per me politica è passione e passione di servizio. Qui  – ha aggiunto – non si vive male, ma il merito è dei cittadini che si rimboccano le mani non di chi ci governa”. Inoltre “l’ospedale baricentrico non ha senso, Carpi vuole il suo ospedale, ma anche noi”. Zagnoli contesta poi la scelta di realizzare l’hospice di San Possidonio, progetto intercomunale da 5 milioni di euro. “È un’idea da anni 70, altrove gli hospice li stanno smantellando perché sono ghetti in cui si va a morire. Un medico che va a casa del malato costa 30 euro al giorno, in ospedale costa 700 euro al giorno. Noi all’hospice preferiamo un nuovo reparto nell’ospedale di Mirandola per 10-12 persone”. Poi il tema della liste d’attesa: “io è 3 mesi che aspetto una scintigrafia “, fa sapere, delle case di riposo per anziani, “care e insufficienti”, e della sicurezza: “Io sono stata scippata in piazza a Mirandola- ha ricordato Zagnoli – è un tema imprescindibile”. Barcaiuolo ha spiegato che “la Bassa è avanguardia politica della provincia di Modena, governiamo a Finale e Mirandola e nel Consiglio Area Nord Non saremo la sorpresa, saremo la notizia delle elezioni: ce ne accorgiamo di quanto sia cambiato il vento nei nostri confronti. Noi siamo gli unici coerenti, non siamo mai stati al governo. Al governo ci si va con gli alleati come accaduto recentemente con i Cinque Stelle e il Pd. Se vinciamo è la prima alternanza dal 1970 a oggi. E, rivolto alla Lega aggiunge: “Basta torcicollo degli alleati verso 5 stelle ed ex PD. Avremmo piacere che Salvini si sbilanciasse di piu, non ci sono piaciute le strizzatine d’occhio a Renzi, la nostra alleanza deve essere forte come lo è qui” Poi la stoccata a Bonaccini: “in Emilia in 6 anni sono stati tagliati 400 posti letto nella nostra provincia, proprio mentre la popolazione è aumentata e invecchiata. La nostra sanità è d’eccellenza per i medici i tecnici e gli infermieri, non per i dirigenti scelti dal Pd. Mirandola deve avere suo ospedale con cardiologia e neurochirurgia, le nascite, il primo soccorso salva vita (dove i secondi fanno la differenza) non ci possono essere zone di serie A e di serie B”. Poi le infrastrutture “grande fallimento di Bonaccini. La Canaletto da quando esiste non è mai stata modificata, la Panaria è messa uguale. Serve una superstrada che colleghi  il capoluogo all’Area nord e collegamenti migliori tra i paesi della Bassa” Famiglia: “è tempo di una rivoluzione copernicana, sugli asili nido serve un intervento pesante, devono essere aperti fino a 19 e aperti d’estate sennò la loro è una funzione parziale. I costi non sono impossibili”. Barcaiuolo aggiunge poi che le vicende Veleno e Bibbiano meritano altri approfondimenti, “non una finta commissione d’inchiesta. Attendiamo la magistratura e le responsabilità penali. Ma è evidente che i protocolli non funzionano e che quel sistema Val d’Enza per anni vantato come sistema modello per tutta la regione poi è diventato “un raffreddore” come lo ha definito il Pd Boschini”.
Prossimi appuntamenti di Fratelli d’Italia nella Bassa: Sabato 11 ore 11 45 inaugurazione della sede di Mirandola 13 gennaio cena Area nord a Cavezzo Venerdi 17  Giorgia Meloni a Modena alla camera di commercio Ogni sabato banchetti  in piazza
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    Fratelli d’Italia: “Macchè baricentrico, Mirandola merita un ospedale di alto livello” Fratelli d'Italia: "Mirandola merita un ospedale di alto livello", e respinge l'ipotesi di ospedale baricentrico da condividere con Carpi che invece sostiene la Lega.
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tmnotizie · 5 years
CAGLI – “Questo luogo per me è importantissimo. Sono molto legato a Cagli perché mi ha permesso di riempire tanti cassetti di ricordi e di emozioni che metto nel mio lavoro. Rappresenta il tempo in cui ho potuto pensare e vedere con calma, grazie anche alle persone che ho avuto intorno, che mi hanno insegnato il dialogo. Oggi siamo incollati ai social, che anch’io uso tanto, ma ciò che voi giovani dovete costruire sono i contenuti. Quello che mi ha sorpreso di tutti i grandi con cui ho lavorato, dalle star del cinema alle top model, è la forte dedizione al lavoro, la determinazione ed il lavoro fatto su se stessi. Dovete avere un desiderio forte di continuare a cercare, guardando innanzitutto dentro di voi, prima che fuori. Il successo lo determinate voi, non il mondo esterno”.
E’ l’esortazione di Simone Guidarelli, uno dei più importanti stylist e fashion editor italiani (ha realizzato numerosissime copertine per Vanity Fair, Glamour e Harper’s Bazar ed è stato consulente all’immagine di modelle e attrici tra cui Nicole Kidman, Eva Erzigova, Monica Bellucci, Lindsay Lohan) ai 271 diplomati con 100/100 del territorio provinciale (di cui 78 con lode) presenti al Teatro comunale di Cagli per l’evento “La sfilata dei 100”, promosso dalla Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino in collaborazione con il Comune di Cagli, l’istituzione Teatro Comunale di Cagli diretta da Sandro Pascucci, l’Ufficio scolastico provinciale, l’Istituto tecnico “Bramante – Genga” di Pesaro e la Pro loco di Cagli.
Intervistato dal giornalista del Tg3 Massimo Veneziani, l’ospite d’onore della serata, “cagliese doc” come lo ha definito il sindaco Alberto Alessandri nel suo saluto, ha raccontato vari aneddoti della sua attività, che da oltre 20 anni si svolge a Milano e che lo vede spesso in giro per il mondo. “Mi sento forte dentro – ha poi aggiunto – di questa mia origine cagliese, è come una ciambella in mezzo all’oceano, quanto torno i miei amici e la mia famiglia sono qua”.
L’importanza del viaggiare e fare esperienze, ma anche delle radici è stata sottolineata dal presidente della Provincia Giuseppe Paolini. “E’ giusto che facciate conoscenza del mondo – ha detto ai giovani – ma è importante che torniate con la vostra ricchezza per costruire il vostro futuro qui da noi”.
La serata, condotta da Patrizia Paoloni dell’Ufficio Pubblica istruzione della Provincia insieme agli studenti del corso “Gestione eventi pubblici e privati” dell’Itet “Bramante – Genga” (coordinati dalla dirigente scolastica Anna Gennari e dai docenti Roberto Paolucci e Alessandro Piergiovanni), ha visto anche gli interventi della dirigente dell’Ufficio scolastico provinciale Marcella Tinazzi (che ha espresso gratitudine agli studenti eccellenti evidenziando come il loro successo rappresenti una conferma della capacità degli insegnanti e di tutto il personale scolastico di fare una buona scuola) e del consigliere regionale Gino Traversini (che ha evidenziato una serie di opportunità offerte dalla Regione Marche sui versanti dell’alta formazione, borse di ricerca, accompagnamento al lavoro, corsi all’estero, indicate anche nel sito istituzionale).
Nel corso dell’evento (suddiviso in due distinti appuntamenti in considerazione della location e dell’elevato numero di partecipanti e accompagnatori), si è esibito lo studente Gianmarco Primavera con la canzone “La vita ti dà” di cui è autore, vincitrice di un premio assegnato dall’Università di Camerino, così come un altro momento musicale molto apprezzato è stato quello che ha visto esibirsi al pianoforte e sax Donato Suriano e Graziano Pennacchini, rispettivamente docente ed ex docente del “Bramante – Genga”. Ogni appuntamento è stato aperto da un video realizzato dagli studenti del “Bramante – Genga” con il coordinamento dell’insegnante Lorena Farinelli, mentre al termine dei due eventi è stato allestito un rinfresco dalla Pro loco di Cagli.
QUESTI I NOMI DEI 271 DIPLOMATI CON 100/100 di cui 78 con lode:
IIS A. “CECCHI” DI PESARO: Enrico Borra, Diego Cardellini, Giorgio Foschi, Marco Ticchi, Eleonora Baggiarini (con lode), Riccardo Panfilo (con lode), Alice Betti, Thomas Giannetta, Caterina Marzi, Nicola Paolinelli, Mattia Berluti, Marco Tonelli, Cecilia Borgogelli, Martina Sartini, Andrea Abbati.
IIS “DONATI” DI FOSSOMBRONE: Jessica Elia, Roberta Gargiulo, Zineb Outaibi, Noemi Andreoli, Asia Malipiero (con lode), Rebecca Ripalti (con lode), Arianna Sabbatucci, Sara Tenaglia, Hind El Holoui, Tommaso Paoloni (con lode), Linda Rondina (con lode), Maddalena Vedovi, Martina Farsetti, Ouxiang Jiang, Giuditta Rondinini.
IIS “MENGARONI” DI PESARO: Giorgia Aiudi, Veronica Scaini, Chiara Magro, Sofia Marini, Alyssa Ceccolini, Alice Garlati, Marco Sperindio, Jlayng Zhou, Gaia Fabbretti (con lode).
IIS “RAFFAELLO” DI URBINO: Giulia Carpineti, Greta Comedini (con lode), Beatrice Dellonte, Danilo Di Berardino (con lode), Anita Miale, Ada Antonioni, Clizia Mochi, Ilaria Ugoccioni (con lode), Ilaria Federici, Aurora Sani, Gaia Fabbri, Francesca Pia Iannone (con lode), Alessandra Matteucci, Maddalena Bigini (con lode), Laura Cappuccini (con lode), Valentina Casicci, Maria Vittoria Mari, Martina Mazzanti, Valeria Marchionni, Sofia Piccari, Alice Dini, Jennifer Diotalevi (con lode), Matteo Palma (con lode).
IIS “S.MARTA – BRANCA” DI PESARO: Marco Rossi, Massimo Tombari, Davide Mancini, Gloria Tittarelli, Iliria Urru, Concetta Potolicchio (con lode), Asia Maiello.
IO “DELLA ROVERE” DI URBANIA: Denis Angeli (con lode), Giada Pierucci (con lode), Alex Ragnucci, Michela Lani.
IO “MONTEFELTRO” DI SASSOCORVARO: Leonardo Muccioli, Matteo Marco Montanari, Jody Ravaioni, Andrea Segantini.
IPSIA “BENELLI” DI PESARO: Alberto Conti, Caterina Giunti, Alice Battisti (con lode), Samuele Giubilei (con lode), Andrea Scognamiglio, Daniela Arnone, Matteo Barbari, Giorgia Carloni.
ITET “BRAMANTE GENGA” DI PESARO: Dario Ciacci (con lode), Andrea Conti, Dmitrii Doroftei, Zaccaria Pettinelli, Federico Lunadei, Riccardo Tamburini, Alessandro Marcolini, Federico Ugolini, Sofia Pieri, Federico Sutera (con lode), Federico Tognacci, Sofia Galeazzi (con lode), Michele Marchionni, Irene Panici (con lode).
ITIS “MATTEI” DI URBINO: Lorenzo Rulli, Lorenzo Belfiore, Giulia Mencarelli, Andrea Mezzolani, Nicolò Papale, Camilla Penserini, Andrea Pierini, Antonio Emanuele Pepe, Gioele Pascucci, Anna Bresciani (con lode), Giada Giardini (con lode), Giacomo Sbrega (con lode), Lorenzo Vitalini (con lode), Matteo Alessandrini (con lode).
LICEO “STORONI” LA NUOVA SCUOLA” DI PESARO: Emma Giunta (con lode), Francesca Mattioli (con lode).
LICEO “MAMIANI” DI PESARO: Rebecca Fonti, Isabella Gori, Gloria Mazzolini, Alessio Moretti (con lode), Pietro Sanchioni (con lode), Jacopo Scavolini, Diego Vennarini, Giovanni Zagaria, Brian Bartolucci, Rachele Bonometto (con lode), Alice De Simone (con lode), Emma Urbinati, Pietro Carlotti (con lode), Filippo Ferri (con lode), Francesca Filippini, Virginia Tonelli (con lode), Sharon Cortese, Beatrice Faragona (con lode), Armanda Mehmeti, Raffaella Purcaro, Elisa Andreatini, Elena Arcangeli, Pamela Palillo, Elisa Vagnini (con lode), Mattia Damiani, Damiana Dradi, Giulia Ridolfi, Virginia Donati, Virginia Piastra, Anna Polidori, Laura Camilloni, Chiara D’Angelo, Luca Leonardi, Rita Sosta, Lucia Sperandio, Enrico Brunori (con lode), Laura Fuligno, Eleonora Piermaria, Martina Aiudi, Nikol Oleynykova, Alessia Talamelli, Nicole Santacà, Giulia Betti (con lode), Giulia Buscaglia, Sofia Errede (con lode), Christian Santangeli (con lode); Elena De Luca, Sara Gambini (con lode), Mauro Augusto Mondo, Veronica Olivieri, Maruia Luisa Prioli (con lode), Sara Curatolo (con lode).
LICEO “LAURANA BALDI” DI URBINO: Virginia Bastianelli, Benedetta Cecconi, Elena De Angeli (con lode), Maddalena Belelli (con lode), Giorgia Micci, Filippo Alessandroni (con lode), Riccardo Mainardi (con lode), Leonardo Sollazzo, Anna Carbonari, Matilde Dondi (con lode), Federico Sirocchi (con lode), Paolo Angelini, Tommaso Capomagi, Nicholas Pieretti (con lode), Giulio Traversa.
LICEO “MARCONI” DI PESARO: Danila Saltarelli (con lode), Giulia Lazzari, Giulia Saccomandi, Carlo Centis, Tommaso Costantini, Riccardo Cucchiarini, Valentina Moretti (con lode); Arianna Presepi (con lode), Mihai Daniele Hlatcu (con lode), Francesco Imperiale, Davide Marchesi, Gianmarco Miele, Beatrice Foglietta (con lode), Alessandro Mancini (con lode), Giovanni Mariani, Matteo Piunti, Federico Umbri, Giovanni Bartolucci, Ilenia Carboni (con lode), Giacomo cecchini, Agnese Galeazzi (con lode), Anita Gardi (con lode), Paola Grieco, Elia Malaventura.
LICEO “NOLFI APOLLONI” DI FANO: Chiara Fiorelli, Ivan Facenda, Aurora Pozzi, Emilia Verdini, Anna Lisa Zampa (con lode), Martina Broccoli (con lode), Rebecca Lanci (con lode), Veronica Orciari, Lara Sartini, Vittoria Tanfani, Alessia Mei, Sofia Gentili, Cristina Cicetti (con lode), Maud Natalucci (con lode), Tommaso Spadoni, Gian Marco Colombo, Laura Ester Marini, Ginevra Renga, Michela Sabbatucci, Rebecca Tonelli (con lode).
LICEO “SCUOLA DEL LIBRO” DI URBINO: Maya Bernacchia, Angelica Elise Vanni, Caterina Barcelli, Ettore Lombardi, Lilia Mauroner, Gabriel Paja, Jennifer Conti, Lorenza Longhi (con lode), Nicole Tempini, Alessio Dimo, Selene Colonna, Rachele Marini, Chiara Paci, Leonardo Pipicella, Sara Balassone, Matteo Cecconi, Sofia Zenobi (con lode).
LICEO “TORELLI” DI FANO – PERGOLA: Raja Abdoussi, Arturo Cesari, Lorenzo Gramolini (con lode), Tommaso Rondini, Margherita Cercolani, Costanza Piroddi, Chiara Frati (con lode), Sofia Bartocci, Samuele Ceccarelli, Giovanni Orazi, Marco Conenna (con lode), Eleonora Mucchietto (con lode), Elia Buoncompagni, Paolo Giombi (con lode), Francesco Ansuini.
POLO 3 DI FANO – Giulia Alessandroni (con lode), Giulio Zandri (con lode), Chiara Andreoletti, Veronica Vegliò, Alessia Cerreti, Francesca Di Renzo, Alessandro Rovinelli, Anna Massanelli, Alberto Nicolini, Luca Tergolina Gislanzon, Ioan Suldac, Laura Rosati, Gabriel Cerisoli.
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enricocassi · 6 years
La parola «sbarbatello» traduce da sempre una certa supponenza e spavalderia tipica dei ragazzi adolescenti che ancora devono imparare molto — attraverso l’esperienza — ma che vogliono emanciparsi dagli adulti, specie dai genitori.
C’è chi ha rivoluzionato il termine e complice il fatto che «barbatella» sia anche la piantina della vite gli ha dato un nuovo significato.
Si tratta delle «Sbarbatelle», giovani ragazze «dei vitigni» e clan di produttrici di vino – che oggi conta 31 iscritte – che una volta all’anno si riunisce in un evento – tutto al femminile – organizzato dall’Associazione Italiana Sommelier (AIS) delegazione di Asti.
Una seconda edizione ancora più ricca per l’evento dedicato alla produzione vitivinicola al femminile, con 31 giovani produttrici da tutta italia e una nuova location, la Tenuta dei Marchesi Alfieri, a San Martino Alfieri (At).
Dalle 11.00 alle 18.00
Banchi d’assaggio, showcooking, laboratori di approfondimento e musica nel parco.
Le produttrici di Sbarbatelle 2018
Michela Adriano, Adriano Marco e Vittorio, Alba (CN)
Giulia Alleva, Tenuta Santa Caterina, Graziano Badoglio (AT)
Silvia Barbaglia, Az. Vitivinicola Barbaglia, Cavallirio (NO)
Francesca Bava, Bava/Cocchi/Chazalettes, Cocconato (AT)
Giada Brochiero Castella, Bricco Maiolica, Diano d’Alba (CN)
Federica Camerani, Corte Sant’Alda, Mezzane di Sotto (VR)
Lucrezia Carrega Malabaila, Azienda Agricola Malabaila di Canale, Canale (CN)
Chiara Condello, Conde’, Predappio (FC)
Lisa Dal Maso, Fior di Lisa, Lonigo, (VI)
Marta dell’Adami, Le Fraghe, Cavaion Veronese (VR)
Claudia e Cristina Deltetto, Az. Vitivinicola Deltetto, Canale (CN)
Elisa Dilavanzo e Benedetta Marchetti, Maeli, Luvignano di Torreglia (PD)
Margherita Forno, Tenuta il Falchetto, Santo Stefano Belbo (CN)
Angela Fronti, Istine, Radda in Chianti (SI)
Claudia e Valeria Gaidano, Tenuta Tamburnin, Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT)
Beatrice Gaudio, Bricco Mondalino, Vignale M.to (AL)
Elena Gillardi, Gillardi, Farigliano (CN)
Giulia Gonella, Gonella Vini, San Martino Alfieri (AT)
Valentina e Federica Grasso, Ca’ del Baio, Treviso (CN)
Ilaria Grimaldi, Ca’ du Sindic, Santo Stefano Belbo (CN)
Alessandra Marcoz, Tanteun e Marietta, AOSTA (AO)
Beatrice Mondo, Franco Mondo, San Marzano Oliveto (AT)
Monica Monticone, Cascina Rey, Asti (AT)
Alessandra Moretti, Poderi Moretti, Monteu Roero (CN)
Giulia Negri, Giulia Negri, La Morra (CN)
Erica Perrino, Testalonga, Dolceacqua (IM)
Noemi Pizzighella, Le Guaite di Noemi, Mezzane di Sotto (VR)
Marika Socci, Azienda Agricola Socci, Castelplanio (AN)
Cristina Sola, Forteto della Luja, Loazzolo (AT)
Paolo Sordo, Sordo, Castiglione Falletto (CN)
Daniela e Monica Tibaldi, Cantina Tibaldi, Pocapaglia (CN)
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belladoliva · 7 years
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EXCITING NEWS!! Join me this year as I have been asked and honored again to be a Celebrity Sous Chef on September 18 along side the TOP female chefs in NYC including Executive Chef @angiekmar of Beatrice Inn team with us for an amazing evening featuring fabulous food, music and drinks al in support of women with breast and ovarian cancer. Visit sharebenefit.org for more info and to purchase your tickets! #2ndHelpingSHARE #benefit #breastcancer #bcsm #breastcancerawareness #support #cancer #cancersupport #ovca #ovariancancer #charity #foodie #nyc #celebration #cooking #souschefs #celebritysouschefs #fun #music #goodtimes #good @gordongram @masterchefonfox @thefwordfox cause Bella D'Oliva Bella D'Oliva by L.A. Marchesi - Importer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil LIsa-Ann Marchesi - L.A. Marchesi Gordon Ramsay MasterChef FOX (at Bella D'Oliva by L.A. Marchesi - Importer of Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
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themodelmagazine · 7 years
New editorial feature has been published on TMM - The Model Magazine
New editorial feature has been published on http://themodelmagazine.com/2017/06/saints-sinners-franz-fashion-model-management-milano-ita-joao-pedro-martini-de-castilhos-new-beatrice-management-milano-ita-rick-vugts-urban-management-milano-ita-photographed-by/
Saints & Sinners - Franz @ Fashion Model Management, Milano (ITA), João Pedro Martini De Castilhos @ New Beatrice Management Milano (ITA), Rick Vugts @ Urban Management, Milano (ITA) - photographed by Antonio Guzzardo - June 2017 Preview
Check out the June 2017 issue of The Model Magazine to see models Franz @ Fashion Model Management, Milano (ITA), João Pedro Martini De Castilhos @ New Beatrice Management Milano (ITA), and Rick Vugts @ Urban Management, Milano (ITA)
Photographer : Antonio Guzzardo Photographer’s assistant : Stefania Spadoni Stylist : Riccardo Rubino Stylist’s assistant : Fabio Pittalis Hair stylist : Marco Marchesi @ TONI&GUY Hair stylist’s assistant : Nickolas Piazza @ TONI&GUY Makeup : Andrea Raffai Thanks to Diego Giuliarini and Eugenio Gorrasi
Instagrams : @franz.239 @rickvugts @nbmmodels @fashionmodel.it @urbanmodelsmilano @antonio_guzzardo @comemisenti @rick_inky_style @mmarchesi @nickolas_piazza @toniguy-turati @andrearaffai
Wardrobe : Alessio Rossi,Andrea Pompilio,Angelo Cruciani,Angelos Frentzos,Artselab,Asics,Bad Deal,Benedict,Christian Pellizzari,Clone,Costanza Pirazzoli,David Marc,Dolce&Gabbana,EyeLove,Gianmarco Bersani,GoiGmg,Gosha Rubchinskiy,JF London,Monia Romano,Off-White,Peech,Plùs Que Ma Vìe,Ports 1961,Rosantica,Seung Hyeon Kim,Sharra Pagano,Teenage Billionaire,Tom Rebl,Yezael by Angelo Cruciani,and Zineta Style
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thesummerstorms · 2 years
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Not me making a PowerPoint mood board for a character from a game I haven’t played in over a year (and that I’m pretty sure everyone else has moved on from) because it’s relaxing and her aesthetics are still on point. 
(still not sure about the species of the familiar though)
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naporchesi · 6 months
Pietro Marchesi
Italiano nascido em Milão. +50 anos. Empresário. Ex marido de Victoria Galli. Primogênito de Francesco Filho e Beatrice. O mais velho dos herdeiros. Vice presidente da Aurora. Irmão de Caterina e Vicenzo Marchesi. Pai de Apollo Marchesi.
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paperonfireofficial · 7 years
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"SAINTS & SINNERS" captured by Antonio Guzzardo with models João Pedro from New Beatrice Models, Franz from Fashion Management and Rick Vugts from UrbanModels for Paperonfire online editorial. Marco Marchesi from Toni&Guy was in charge of the hair style and make up by Andrea Raffai. For the styling by Riccardo Rubino with wardrobes from Off-White, Ports1961, Alessio Rossi, Dolce&Gabbana, Yaezel by Angelo Cruciani, Monia Romano, Andrea Pompilio and so on. TEAM CREDITS Photography: Antonio Guzzardo Stylist: Riccardo Hair stylist: Marco Marchesi@Toni&Guy Make-up: Andrea Raffai Hair stylist assistant: Nickolas Piazza@Toni&Guy Stylist assistant: Fabio Pittalis Photographer assistant: Stefania Spadoni Models: João Pedro@NewBeatriceModels Franz@FashionManagement Rick Vugts@UrbanModels Thanks to Diego Giuliarini and Eugenio Gorrasi Discover more: http://style.paperonfire.co/2017/06/editorial-saints-sinners.html
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naporchesi · 6 months
Caterina Marchesi
Italiana nascida em Milão. +45 anos. Empresária. Casada com Leonardo Napoli. Única filha mulher de Francesco Filho e Beatrice. Irmã de Pietro e Vicenzo Marchesi. Administra a parte de relações públicas dos negócios e da família. Auxilia nos negócios das fazendas e terras na Itália. Também auxilia na área de patrocínios da empresa do marido. Mãe de Alyssa Napoli.
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naporchesi · 6 months
Vicenzo Marchesi
Italiano nascido em Milão. +35 anos. Empresário. Chef. Filho mais novo de Francesco Filho e Beatrice. Irmão caçula de Pietro e Caterina Marchesi. Vice presidente da confeitaria Marchesi.
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thesummerstorms · 4 years
"You," Beatrice breathes,"you are the lowest of creatures, aren't you? They told me so, but I never truly comprehended til now."
She shakes her head, turns back to her alchemist's tools, wrapping silver and crystal, nimble-fingered, no glance spared for the man rotting in his silk wrappings, her countenance smooth and empty of pity.
And Lucio, well.
He isn't a man who has ever been able to swallow an insult, but it's her coldness that twists the snarl in his chest.
Even pity is a form of regard, in a way, but for all his pretty words and promises, she offers nothing back but the smooth-polished steel of her silence.
She must know something. She was Asra's once, and the niece of the old-crone-witch besides. She has to know more than she's letting on.
But for all his generosity, despite everything he's done for this shit hole of a city, she won't even offer him so much as the courtesy of looking at him.
She is ignoring him, him the Count of Vesuvia. She is mocking him. She means to kill him by secret-keeping.
But he won't have it.
He lunges. The golden-arm flashes in the torchlight anger-bright. A beaker shatters, prismatic shards crunching beneath the witch's boots as she stumbles, pale arm wretched backwards in his grasp. Small drops of blood well across her skin beneath gold-tipped claws, and she hisses, unable to help herself.
Lucio smiles. He tightens his grip.
"Your Count asked you a question, Witch."
She stares back over her shoulder at him, and there is a heartbeat, the frailest of pauses, as the blood pools down from her wrist, splashing and staining. He almost thinks he can smell the iron.
And then brine. Ozone. Like the sea in a storm.
"Let. Go."
She drags her eyes up, up, up along the golden arm and his tensed shoulders until red sclera meet eyes dark. She can't ignore him now.
It isnt a Witch's look she's giving him. If the silver blade she'd handed Jules for her potion was close enough to hand, Lucio is absolutely certain she would sink it between his ribs. But the knife is still on Jules' belt, and Lucio has seen more battles than this witch has years to tell.
So this is what it takes to earn her attention then? Well, Lucio knows violence. Knows how to leverage it. Asra should have warned her, but Asra is gone.
"Lucio." There's the smallest flicker where her fingertips cut into the palm of her fist, so fast he might have missed it had he not been paying attention. And that smell again, like a sea-haunted wind. "I said-"
"Bea?" A familiar voice cuts in, "I need your help with- AGH."
And then the cacophonous clatter of metal crashing to the floor, and with it yet more glass. Lucio turns, scowling, his game with the Witch immediately forgotten as he catches sight of Jules, bent crooked and awkward, over the remains of the beside table, the shattered remains of a potion vial dripping from the doctor's hand.
Immediately, Lucio finds himself flushed again with rage. Those ingredients are expensive, shipped from the far-flung coasts of the world, and more than that any one of them might hold his cure. And now there's thick black liquid, viscous and costly, drizzling over Jules' gloves and into the floorboards. Mercedes and Melchior dart from the doorway to the wreckage of the delicate instruments, noses sniffing delicately at the puddles.
"Ah, Bea?" The doctor flushes, "Do you, uh... happen to have a broom?"
"Are you out of your mind?" Lucio seethes, and when Julian doesn't answer, his hiss becomes a yell. " MY MEDICINE, JULES."
And so intent is he on the slump of the doctor's shoulders, on Mercedes distressed whimper as a paw brushes to close to broken glass, that he forgets entirely about the witch now rushing down the servant's stairs.
Misses, too, the flash of the doctor's grey eyes as she leaves, how they soften with release. Misses the crease in the Doctor's brow, new and nothing at all to do with ruined potions.
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