#BeautifulOtomeHell fanfic
beautifulblhell · 4 years
An Ordinary Morning (Banana Fish Fanfic)
Pairing: Ash x Eiji
Summary: All Eiji wishes was to be with Ash and live an ordinary life together... Or was that too much to ask for?
Warning: Contains angst and spoilers for the end of the anime/manga.
A/N: I would like to thank KingSirahk, who helped me with so much more than just proofreading! Thank you!
The gentle aroma of miso soup drifted in the quiet morning air.
Eiji poked his head around the door and saw no signs of response in the bed. Walking over, he gently shook the person buried under the duvet.
Eiji grabbed the edge of the duvet and flung it into the air, before walking over to the window and opening the curtains. The bright summer sun greeted him, casting its warm rays onto the person curled on the bed.
“Wake up, Ash.”
The young man emitted a groan as the sunlight hit his face. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled, reaching his hand out to grab the duvet and proceeded to pull it over his head.
“That’s what you said ten minutes ago.” Eiji crossed his arms, trying to sound stern, yet he could not help but let a smile slip onto his face. “Breakfast is already ready, so hurry and get up. Otherwise you won’t be getting any food.”
Eiji returned to the kitchen. He was finishing spooning two bowls of rice when he felt a presence lean against him. Ash rested his chin on Eiji’s shoulder and sniffed. His breath tickled Eiji’s ear.
“Why’s there no meat?”
“I made salmon.”
Ash pulled a face. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Salmon is good for you. Here,” He said as he hands Ash a plate topped with a piece of grilled fish and smiled wryly when he saw the skeptical frown directed at the fish. “Fine, I’ll make steak for lunch.” Hearing this, Ash’s expression immediately brightened and a small laugh escaped from Eiji’s lips. Seeing Eiji laughing at him, Ash pouted, a slight pink dusted his cheeks, and he poked at Eiji’s cheeks. “Don’t laugh, I’m still growing. It’s no wonder that you are so short if this is what you eat.”
It became a routine for them: Eiji making breakfast, waking Ash up, eating breakfast, then going for a stroll afterwards, if the weather permits. It was these short, precious, everyday moments that Eiji treasures so much, with nothing coming in between them.
Ash stood by the front porch, waiting for Eiji to finish locking the doors. In the summer air, Ash’s hair danced in the gentle breeze, shining all the more brightly in the morning light. When Eiji turned around, he reached for Eiji’s hand and naturally entwined their fingers together and gave Eiji a bright smile that made even the sun pale in comparison.
“Let’s go, Eiji.”
They walked along the beach, leaving behind a trail of footprints imprinted on the white crystal sands. Two pairs side by side. The sound of the waves gently breaking against the sand, washing ashore a thin line of white mist, before rolling calmly back into the sea. Seagulls flew overhead, crying out, their white wings spread against the cloudless blue sky, freedom etched to the tip of their wings.
They stopped right at the edge of the sea, feeling the waves softly washing over the tip of their toes before receding.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Ash murmured. Eiji brought a hand up to his eyes and gazed at the ocean. He didn’t realise Ash was looking at him.
Endless blues of bright azure, deep sapphire, and rich aquamarine dance underneath the sun, causing thousands of white, glittering light across the surface to shimmer like jewels against the bright blue sky. This beauty could take one's breath away and yet in Eiji’s eyes, nothing could be compared to the beauty of the man standing next to him.
It was so peaceful standing here with the salty sea aroma enveloping all around them. The cool water washing all their worries away and the calming sound of waves hiding the noise of any human activities. It was as if they were in a world that only consisted of
themselves and the deep blue sea. Eiji closed his eyes and breathed in the ocean; tasting the salt on his tongue and feeling it seep into his lungs. Ash watched him with a tender look in his green eyes.
“The sea reminds me of Japan. When I went to my grandparents’ house in the summer, I could see the ocean from the window in my room.” A wave of nostalgia washed over him as he squinted at the water and the memory brought a smile upon his face.
Emerald eyes become troubled for a moment. “Do you miss Japan?”
Eiji shook his head. How could he feel homesick, when the person standing next to him embodies the very meaning of home?
It was bliss to be able to wake up every morning and hear the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore, and most importantly, with Ash by his side. If this could last for eternity...
Ash suddenly dropped Eiji’s hand.
“Sorry, I gotta go to the library.” His voice was cold, suddenly devoid of any emotion, his expression faraway.
...The library?
The sudden shift in topic jarred Eiji in his tracks.
Was there even a library around here?
A library...
Somehow, the word sets off a warning bell inside his brain and dread begins to spread in his chest as he hurriedly goes to grab Ash’s hand with a shout, “Wait!”
But Ash had already turned around, his back now facing Eiji, and walked forward, away from him. Panicking, Eiji tried to grab Ash’s hand, but missed, his fingers grasping nothing but the empty air.
Without realising, a deathly stillness had settled over. The waves stood still, the birds hung unmoving in the sky and the heat of the sun was gone, replaced by a cold chill. Then, the scene around them cracks like a mirror before shattering and falling away, revealing an expanse of darkness that surrounds them. It was impossible to tell which way was forward or which way was back. The only thing that Eiji could see was Ash, slowly getting smaller and smaller as he walked steadily further into the blackness.
“Ash, wait!” Eiji’s horrified cry echoed eerily in the gloom, as he hurriedly ran after Ash. But no matter how hard he ran, Ash kept on getting further and further away.
He shouldn’t have let go of the hand.
The darkness was suffocating, slithering into his lungs, choking him, until Eiji was gasping for breath. His legs started to cramp, his mind deprived of oxygen, but still, he pressed forward, forcing himself to work harder, faster. Keep running, keeping running.
Out of nowhere a solitary snowflake fell. Then, another one descended, then another one, and another one, until it turned into a blizzard. The wind whipped mercilessly around him, causing the icy air to pierce like a thousand swords into his bones, freezing him from the inside out. With every breath the white clouded his vision, yet nevertheless his eyes never left the back in front of his eyes.
His strangled yells were drowned out by the fierce, howling of the wind. But then, Ash paused and turned back towards Eiji with a small smile.
Hope spreads through Eiji, giving him a sudden burst of energy as he runs towards Ash. He was so close, Ash was just within his reach. Eiji extends his hand-
Ash’s mouth moved slightly but the wind swallowed his words.
In the next moment, another gust of strong gale blew around Ash, shrouding him in white. From within the darkness beneath the storm of ice, a skeletal hand extended. It curled its bony fingers around Ash’s shoulder, and with one, finally angry shriek of the wind, Ash was gone.
Within a blink of an eye, the storm had vanished as quickly as it came.
His trembling voice dissipated into the void around him that had once again reappeared.
“Ash?” Only silence echoed back.
“Ash?” He called again, desperation seeping into his voice.
Eiji cried out, “Ash! Where are you?!”
The desperate hoarse voice screamed on, again and again. No, he must have not ran hard enough. Ash must be here somewhere. He HAD to be...
As he took a step forward, a crackling noise sounded below his foot.
He looked down and saw several sheets of paper, scrawled with familiar handwriting.
Because it was his writing.
Eiji’s chest becomes constricted as invisible chains appear out of nowhere, shackling him down and forcing him to watch as the scene unfolds in front of his eyes.
Small splashed of red slowly seeped inwards from the edge of the pages, dissolving the black ink until it became a darker, murky red.
Like blood.
Eiji wanted to turn his head away, to close his eyes, but his body won’t obey, frozen in terror.
The words slowly blurred as the red creeped inwards, until it finally reached the last untainted sentence in the middle. Eiji had just enough time to register the words in his brain before the red engulfed the black ink, curling around it.
The pieces of paper stained with a dark blood red stared at him accusingly. From the darkness, it felt like a thousand eyes were glaring at him, blaming him, with whispers chanting over and over again that it’s all his fault.
He clutched his head between his hands and fell onto his knees, giving out a broken scream as if his soul had been ripped from his body. The pain in his heart took a physical form, threatening to tear him apart. He threw his head back and screamed towards the heavens that had abandoned Ash, towards the vicissitude of life, and most of all, towards himself, who shouldn’t have left Ash-
A blurry ceiling came into view.
At first, confusion clouded his brain. It took him a while before his disoriented mind could re-piece back reality. He blinked as the remnants of the tears rolled silently down his cheeks, leaving two damp trails, side by side.
The sound of people bustling in the busy street and traffic below sound muffled to his ears as if he was underwater; unconnected to reality.
He tightened the blanket around him and laid there; simply waiting for sleep to come.
It was morning, the sun in the grey sky had risen, but his sun was forever gone. Only in his dreams could he be with Ash again…
Before he drifted off, the words from the letter echoed inside his mind...
“ My soul is always with you.”
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beautifulblhell · 5 years
Code: Home Ch1
Finder Fanfic: Asami x Akihito
Summary: Akihito, a young genius hacker living in with Asami. Working in an internet cafe in the day and coming home to Asami in the night. Peaceful life, isn’t it?Well, that’s not going to last anymore. The past that he had left behind start to resurface when a certain someone reappears, threatening Akihito and Asami’s life. With no choice, Akihito is forced to confront the shadow of his past. Except the shadow knows too much about Akihito...
Click click click
The rhythmic sound of tapping of keyboard echoed in the small booth.
A young man with blond hair sat scrunched up in front of a computer, staring intently at the screen with a slight frown, all the time his fingers flew across the keyboard.
Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded, and the young man jerked up before cursing under his breath. Using one hand to rub the spot between his eyebrows, he used the other to press stop on his phone. Then, with a yawn, he leaned back against the chair and stretched.
“Finished just on time,” he mumbled, and leaned back down to shut the computer and pack his things.
Opening the dark booth, he squinted against the harsh light of the corridor, wincing slightly.
He was just going to turn left to head towards the exit, when he saw that the door to the booth next to his was slightly open. He glanced inside.
The boy’s shoulders were slumped, and an aura of dejection emitting from his being. On top of that, his dark hair was messy, and wore clothes that looked as if they hadn’t been changed for a few days.
Perhaps he heard the blond man’s footsteps, the messy haired boy suddenly turned his face towards the door and locked eyes with the blond man.
Crap , though Akihito, recognising the helpless look on the boy’s face.
“Akihito-senpai, please wait here for a second!” With a sudden burst of energy, the boy shot out of his seat and ran towards the end of the corridor. Before Akihito could proceed what had happened, he was back, holding a can of iced coffee. Sliding the last few metres on his knees, he prostrated against the floor to Akihito.
“Akihito-senpaaaai, I beg of you! This is the last time! I promise! Please help me!” The boy cried agonisingly.
Akihito sighed. “Didn’t you say that last time was the ‘last time’? And the time before that? On second thought, didn’t you say every time was the ‘last time’?”
“Please! I swear this is the last time! If you don’t help me I will never see tomorrow’s sun!”
Akihito shook his head in defeat. “Fine, I’ll help you.”
The boy cried in relief. “Thank you so much, Akihito-samaaaaa! I love you!”
“H-hey, don’t rub you snot-covered face on my clothes!”
“Ah, please accept this!”
Kai held up the can of iced coffee.
Akihito stared at it, pretending to be offended. “Is that all my service is worth, a can of coffee?”
“I’m really sorry, I really can’t afford anything else at the moment! I promise once I finish this I’ll make up to you!” Tears welled up in Kai’s eyes again, and he stared at Akihito like a tortured puppy.
“It’s fine, I finished my work anyway, send me the details and I’ll get it back to you before the day ends.” Akihito patted Kai’s head.
“But you have to go home and get some sleep.   Right now you look like a withered cabbage.”
After exchanging goodbyes, Akihito left Kai, who was still crying on the ground with relief. Several heads were popped out from the other booths, staring at them in wonder.
Outside, Akihito strolled further down the street to the convenience store.
There weren’t any convenience stores near where he currently lived, only those upscale luxury stores with expensive imported stuff from God-knows-where, probably Mars.
The doors of the store opened with a familiar chime as Akihito stepped in, followed by a cool blast of air from the air con.
“Welcome,” a soft voice greeted him from the cashier, to which Akihito smiled and nodded in response.
Taking a detour through the sweets aisle before heading towards the ready meals section, Akihito dithered at the wide range of foods available, still not used to the freedom of choosing whatever he wants to eat, but in the end, he still bought the cheap yakisoba set with a bottle of ramune.
The young man at the counter was in his late twenties, and looked more suitable in front of a fashion magazine than in front of a cashier in a cheap convenience store. The name tag displayed his name as ‘Natsume’.
Natsume had just started working here a few weeks ago, and since Akihito comes here everyday, they were both familiar with each other, and since Natsume seemed like a pleasant person, sometimes they even exchanged a word or two.
With his dinner in hand, he went back to the parking area of the internet café to where his beloved Vespa stood.
Riding along the streets, he passed the familiar run-down apartments until the scenery blended into the high-class imposing condos.
Penthouse apartment. In the middle of Tokyo. Akihito could practically smell the money coming off from the people living there. Except for him. Even the housekeepers here have a more stable income than him. No wonder the concierge’s mouth was agape the first time he came here.
Once he opened the door to the apartment, he held his breath, automatically listening for footsteps, then shook his head when he realised that it was no longer necessary for him to be so cautious.
Taking off his shoes and carrying his dinner to the living room, Akihito dropped his dinner on the table in front of the sofa. After changing and grabbing his laptop in his room, he sat crossed legged on the sofa. Opening his email, he smiled wryly at the message Kai sent, with so many crying emojis at the title.
Cracking his knuckles slightly, he began to work.
An hour later, Akihito closed the lid of the laptop. It wasn’t as much of a challenge as he hoped it would be, but then again, some peace and quiet weren’t so bad either.
He yawned and closed his eyes. It’s been a long day. Maybe he would take a quick nap before eating dinner... just 30 minutes of break...
It was dark
So dark
And silent
Everything turned blood red, and he choked.
The pressure on his neck intensified.
Blood rushes towards his head, and his ears rang.
Fingers dug deeper into his neck.
He clawed desperately at the object suffocating him, but all his hands met were empty air.
Dark spots appeared against his crimson vision, and he could feel his conscious slowly slipping away.
His lips parted to form the words, yet no sound came out.
I don’t want to die
I don’t want to be alone
Please, anyone
Save me
Akihito was steadily slipping into oblivion.
The dark seemed so welcoming, so safe.
The voice was muffled, as if he was hearing it underwater.
The voice was more distinct now, and suddenly, he was pulled up, towards the light that had appeared overhead him.
“Akihito, wake up.”
And Akihito woke up.
In one fluid motion, he jerked up and quickly curled into a ball, trembling, his head in his arms. His heart pounded inside his chest and his mouth felt paper dry as he waited for the inevitable, except...
“Akihito, it’s me.”
The voice was soft, yet an underlying tone of command forced Akihito to look up from inside his shell. He slowly lifted his head upwards to peek through his arms that acted like bars in front of his face.
A pair of narrow golden eyes were staring at him, with a hint of concern in the depth of his gaze.
In an instant, relief flooded through Akihito, draining away all his energy, and he slumped against the sofa.
“What the heck, don’t scare me like that,” he grumbled, yet was secretly glad that it was Asami whom he saw when he woke up.
“A nightmare?”
Akihito tensed, before saying sharply: “Did I say anything?”
Asami started at him for a second, before merely shaking his head and stood up.
Asami Ryuichi.
The man that was more like a god than a mortal. Akihito has yet to meet another human that rivals Asami’s beauty. Even Natsume paled in comparison.
And he was the one whom Akihito currently lived with.
“By the way, where did you get that? It tasted like salted cardboard.”
“Wha-? You ate my food? That was my dinner!”
Akihito scampered up and looked at dismay at the box in front of him. Only half of the yakisoba was left.
“That doesn’t seem to qualify as food.”
“Well, excuse me if commoner’s food doesn’t suit your-highness’ rich palate, but us peasants care more about stuffing our stomaches than the taste.”
“You could have ordered food using my card. You have already memorised all of my card details, no?”
“As if I would use your card.” He snorted. “I can earn my own food at least. Hah, I’ll just finish this.”
Akihito ate a few bites half heartedly before giving up. It’s true. It indeed tasted like salted cardboard. Or salted leather shoe soles to be more precise. Plus that nightmare had left an unpleasant sinking feeling in his stomach so he wasn’t feeling too hungry.
“I’m going to bed. Good night.” Akihito stood up with the box half full of food and dumped it in the trash in the kitchen before heading towards his bedroom.
Asami looked up from his documents in his hand.
“Want to sleep in my bed tonight, Akihito?”
“Hah?! Why would I, you perverted old man?! Stay at least three metres away from me when I’m sleeping,” Akihito yelled and slammed his door shut.
In the now silent living room, Asami sat there, looking at the sofa where Akihito had slept with a displeased look on his face.
Morning came all the too quickly, and Akihito sat up blearily, rubbing his eyes. He didn’t sleep well. The nightmare continued during the night. He could only hope that he didn’t  screamed anymore.
After finished washing up and getting dressed, he was greeted by a low humming noise of conversation when he opened his bedroom door.
Who is here so early in the morning?  Akihito wondered. Asami was usually still asleep at this time of the day. Akihito walked quietly towards the living room, wanting to take a peek at the visitors without disturbing them, hoping all the way that it was not Asami’s bespectacled secretary.
Before Akihito could get closer to hear clearly what the two men were saying, they seemed to have noticed Akihito’s arrival and the low hum of conversation abruptly stopped.
Akihito, knew that he can’t turn tail now, opened the door.
Asami sat in one of the armchairs, somehow still looking imposing in a white bathrobe, and the other person sat opposite Asami. His trench coat hung behind the chair, and wore a waistcoat with a dark tie. His short hair was neatly trimmed and on his face sat a pair of glasses, yet Akihito could not help the smile blooming on his face.
Akihito bounded over to Kuroda.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were back? Wait, when did you get back? How was Osaka? Did you visit any hot springs? I’ve heard that some hot springs got medicinal properties, is that true?”
Kuroda laughed as Akihito fired off hundreds of questions.
“Wait, let me get a word in please,” he smiled. “I only got back yesterday evening. As it was too late, I didn’t notify you of my arrival as I didn’t want to wake you up. The original plan was to come back tomorrow, but we cleared things up quicker than expected so I’m back early. And yes, I did visit the hot spring. It was very relaxing. I highly recommend you going there sometime. Also, here,” Kuroda turned around and rummaged though his pockets before taking out a small bag with a ribbon on top, and handed it to Akihito.
“Lavender scented bath salts with calming effects. It should give the user a good night sleep.”
“Oh wow, thanks! I’ll try them tonight!” Akihito beamed at the present, then suddenly seemed to remember something as he dashed to his room and back, with a sheaf of documents in his hand.
Asami raised his eyebrows questioning but Akihito shook his head and said seriously, “It’s confidential,” before handing it to Kuroda.
“Then I’m glad that I finished this yesterday. Here, proof that Kawaguchi had been laundering money. He asked me to look into Kamado’s email to see if there’s anything juicy, but since I saw in your emails that you were interested in Kawaguchi, I helped you to dig out some dirt on him.” Akihito grinned cheekily.
The corners of Asami’s lip curved upwards and he took a sip of his whiskey before asking, ”Client confidentiality?”
Akihito stuck out his tongue at him.
Kuroda smiled wryly. “This is a great help, so thank you, Akihito, but to hear that my emails were read...”
“Don’t worry, there’s nothing interesting about your emails. Only thing though, those shots of the cat were really ugly.”
“So you also looked into my photo album...”
Akihito laughed.
Just then, Akihito’s phone rang. He took the phone out of his pocket before pulling a face.
“I gotta go. Work calls.”
Kuroda started to get up but Akihito waved at him to sit down.
“Don’t worry, you and that boss guy over there continue your chat before I interrupted you. I’ll see you guys later.”
The front door closed with a soft click, and a heavy mood settled over the living room.
“Ryuichi, how is he doing?”
Asami was silent for a few seconds, before shaking his head and replying grimly: “He’s still having nightmares.”
Kuroda sighed softly. “It’s been 2 years.”
“Some scars take a long time to heal. Others never do.”
“We can only hope that it’s the former one.”
The two men sat motionlessly, each lost in their own thoughts. After a while, Asami spoke up.
“Any news?”
Kuroda shook his head.
“Nothing substantial.”
“But he’s still alive.”
Kuroda looked at Asami carefully.
“And what would you do if he was?”
Asami flickered his eyes towards Kuroda, a quiet storm brewing behind his eyes. “He still screams himself awake at nights, and sometimes he doesn’t want to go back to sleep because of the nightmares.”
“And I suppose that he’s dead set against any sleeping pills.”
Asami nodded darkly.
“I won’t keep you here any longer. I’ll keep in touch if anything new comes up, but keep in mind he’s got quite a network of allies.”
“The more people that are involved the more likely there will be a traitor to come out.”
Kuroda nodded, before heading off.
Asami’s mood didn’t lift the entire day, and it worsened during his meeting with a small clan’s head, who came to Asami hoping for business deals.
It was already nearing the end of the discussion when the elder man made the blunder.
“So I’ve heard that you’ve been keeping a pet by your side for quite a while now? My, my, isn’t this quite unusually for the great Asami? However, it would be my greatest honour to meet this lady of yours someday.”
His words meant no harm, but simply said at the wrong time.
The last word hadn’t left his mouth when the whole room became frigid.
“I-is something wrong, Asami-sama?” The man asked nervously, playing with his hands.
“And where did you get this information, Yamaguchi-san?”
“A-ah? It’s just there’s rumours floating around...” Yamaguchi’s voice died when the temperature in the room dropped another 10 degrees, and the look in Asami’s eyes froze him before he babbled. “I-it was the head of the Sh-shimada-gumi who told me that. I swear I don’t know anything else, please believe me...”
He was still babbling by the time Asami left.
Inside the car, the only sound that could be heard was the purr of the engine. Kirishima took a quick glance in the rear view mirror, and   found Asami’s brows tightly furrowed.
Akihito’s security is going to tighten , Kirishima thought, half dreading the process of finding another victim as Akihito’s bodyguard.
Indeed, his prediction came true.
“Change the security for Akihito to 24/7 except when he’s inside the apartment with me. Keep watching him even if he’s inside the apartment but I’m not there.”
“Yes sir.”
Akihito spotted Kai waving at him near the back of the café.
He looked much more refreshed. A bath, a good night sleep and a change of clothes really do wonders.
“Over here, Akihito-senpai!”
Kai was literally radiating sunshine and flowers with his enthusiasm, and Akihito could help but smile when looking at his bright face.
The café that Kai told him to come to was a really popular café, and its patrons were mostly girls or couples, as the cute cakes were highly popular with females. Akihito secretly wanted to come but didn’t have the guts to come as a single guy.
“Thank you again for last time! You really saved me! Please order whatever you feel like, it’s all on me.” Kai’s eyes were sparkling. It seemed like the guy yesterday wailing about work was entirely different person. I should have bought sunglasses , staring at this new sunshine Kai hurts his eyes.
“How did you get a reservation here? I heard that you usually have to book in weeks in advance.”
“Ah, I asked the owner for help, and he helped me to reserve a place for us today. Seems like he knows the owner here.” Kai beamed innocently.
The owner is weak to cute boys like you. Watch out or he will end up devouring you. Akihito thought.
Suddenly the couple sitting next to him stared at the TV in surprise.
“No way, isn’t that guy, like, the super famous politician or something?” The guy said.
“Oh yeah, it is! It’s Kawaguchi-sensei. Apparently there’s rumours he’s going to be the next prime minster. ”
The name caught Akihito by surprise and his eyes automatically gravitated towards the TV at the back of the room. The scene currently showing on the screen was a man with his head bowed being lead away by police officers. They were surrounded by reporters whom were all trying to shove their mics in the man’s face while asking questions. A voice said: “Police officers are seen escorting Kawaguchi Koda away from his house after reports came in of him laundering money. This will no doubt be a stain on his career and the possibility of him becoming the next prime minister is rapidly decreasing. And now we have reports in that all of his assets are frozen by the police until further notice.”
“Ah, I was going to vote him as the prime minster. Politician are all the same, dirty scumbags.”
“Yeah, as they say, ‘you really can’t judge a book by its cover’.”
The café was instantly abuzz with the latest news, yet Akihito’s mouth was wide open. The words ‘all his assets are frozen’ kept replaying in his head, yet is was as if his brain was frozen, unable to comprehend those simple words.
“Akihito-senpai? Is something the matter?” Kai peered at him worriedly.
“Argh!” Akihito let out a frustrated groan. “Damn it! I won’t be paid at this rate.” He banged his head on the table in frustration.
“Kawaguchi-sensei is your client?” Kai’s eyes widen in surprise.
“Shhh. Not so loud. But yeah, he is. Or was. With his accounts frozen I won’t be paid.” Akihito’s voice was bitter. And the help he gave Kuroda came back to bite his ass.
“Oh.” Kai frowned before saying, “Look, you helped me yesterday, and because you finished so quickly, I also got a bonus. How about I give you half the amount I got?”
“No it’s fine.”
“But I feel bad. How about just the bonus? My patron was quite generous this time.”
“It’s fine, I’ll just be broke for a few days before my next pay. I’ve already got another job lined up,” Akihito gestured at his phone.
“Will your rent and everything be okay?”
Don’t worry, I leech of my ‘landlord’ at the moment,Akihito thought.
“Then at least let me order you another creme brûlée,” while speaking, he waved down the waitress to place the order.
“If you ever need anything, doesn’t hesitate to ask me okay? Though I might not be able to help much with work, but if you ever need somewhere to stay or someone to talk to, I’ll be here, okay?” Kai smiled and held Akihito’s hand with both hands.
“Thanks.” Akihito smiled. Truthfully, he actually liked Kai, though usually he hated people who were so talkative and always leaked so much energy that Akihito simply felt tired just by looking at them. Maybe it was because Kai never probed about his private life or past, or knew when to stop pushing for answers.
Then, their orders came.
The creme brûlée looked delicious. With its bubbling scorched sugar and the hint of yellow creaminess below that. Akihito had just taken one mouthful of bliss when Kai stared wide eye at something behind his back. Then he leaned forward and whispered excitedly to Akihito.
“Hey! There’s an ikemen behind you! He’s so good looking! But what’s he doing here in a suit and alone?”
And for the second time in the day, Akihito froze.
Akihito turned around slowly, praying to whatever diety that was listening to him right now that his suspicion would be false.
Of course, fortune never seemed to favour him, and with a sinking feeling, he saw a man in a suit sitting a couple of tables away from him. Staring straight at him.
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beautifulblhell · 5 years
Welcome Home Ch1
Finder Fanfic: Asami x Akihito
Summary: Akihito is living with Asami, yet he refuses to say "Welcome Home" to Asami. Will Asami be able to get Akihito to welcome him home, or will danger take Akihito away first? 
0 1:36am  
A black silhouette was pacing backwards and forwards like a caged animal in front of the entrance of an abandoned warehouse. Every so often, the shadow would jerk its head towards any sound coming from nearby, standing still, but after realizing it is not the sound that it is after, it would resume its pacing. Soon the silence was broken by a distance sound of two engines. The shadow paused once more, head cocked to the side, and listened. When it realized the sounds were getting closer, it hurried towards the entrance of the warehouse, and nonchalantly leaned against the decrepit frame.  
The sound of the cars grew louder and louder until two pairs of headlights swerved from the side of the building and turned towards the entrance. Bright lights illuminated the black figure, revealing a tall man clad in a long black coat and hat. It was impossible to tell where his body and shadow separated, as if they were one. The tall man didn’t move a muscle as the cars came to a stop a short distance away from him, but the dark glitteringorbs beneath the hat followed the cars’ every movement without blinking.
As the sounds of the automobiles cut off, the second car’s doors opened, and a small army of bodyguards spilled out, surrounding the first car, guarding whoever is inside. Then, the driver’s door of the first car opened, and a huge man stepped out. Dressed in a black suit and a pair of sunglasses like the rest of the bodyguard army, he went around the car and opened the passenger door and remained bowed as he waited. Waited for his superior, his boss, the person that could end his life with a single gesture, to come out.
A man stepped - no, it was more accurate to say that he squeezed with all his might against the car’s door frame, then, with a pop, he was free and rolled forward, his flock of bodyguards surround ing him instantly. How so many bodyguards fitted into one car will forever be a mystery.  
Donning a bright purple suit, the ball of a man tottered forward, breathing heavily. The fabric around his waist stretched alarmingly, threatening to tear open any second. A striped gold and red tie were tied under his green shirt collar. Without the tie one would have trouble telling that he possessed a neck. The shoes were a maroon colour, polished until it reflected the huge balloon stomach. Every short, pudgy finger was adorned with a least one flashy diamond ring. The authenticity of the diamonds ha s yet to be confirmed. The fat around his face seemed to fold down and hide his little eyes, though there was a gleam that indicated where his eyes were. His mouth opened, showing two rows of yellow teeth, with the occasional gold teeth. T he nose was crooked, giving the impression that it had been broken too many times. Maybe he used to play sumo, or maybe he really annoyed someone and they bashed his face repeatedly against a wall. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the beads of sweat rolling down his shiny forehead. While wiping near his hairline, his whole hair moved backwards, showing more forehead.  
Mr Shadow strode forward to greet Mr Gaudy, bowing slightly, but jerked upright again, as if afraid to keep his eyes away from the small army before him. Mr Gaudy seemed pleased with this, and stood even straighter, pulled his head back and proceeded to look down on Mr Shadow, which was quite hard since he was at least four heads shorter. Mr Shadow held out the briefcase he was carrying, opened it and showed the contents to Mr Gaudy. Mr Bodyguard turned on a flashlight he magically had with him while his boss inspected the goods. Mr Gaudy was obviously satisfied, and he smiled, opening wide his mouth, his fake gold teeth flashed, reflecting the light from the torch. Motioning with his hands, Mr Bodyguard No. 2 stepped out and held out a thick A4 envelope. Mr Shadow handed over the briefcase and accepted the envelope and peered inside quickly, but decided it was too dangerous to stay to check, hurriedly bade Mr Gaudy farewell and slithered back into the shadows. Mr Gaudy soon disappeared into his car and drove away.  
Unbeknownst to them, their secret rendezvous was all captured through a viewfinder...  
“Hmph, amateurs.” The photographers muttered. “ Hewould never do something this easily to be caught.” Only the wind caught his words, carrying and dissipating them into the darkness.  
~ The next day ~  
“Hahaha!” The Chief Editor ’s booming laughter echoed throughout the whole editorial department.  
“ Hmph , we all know why he is so happy,” Mitari , a fellow journalist, grumbled, and took a swing of his canned coffee.  
“Why are you sucking on lemons so early in the morning, Mitari ?” A cheerful voice rang out. A hand clapped on Mitari’s back, which caught him in surprise and made him choke on the coffee.  
“Ew, gross, I just saw coffee spurting out of your nostril s. Ahh, I should have taken a picture, could have been another headline photo for me then.” The mop of blond hair shook in fake sadness, while there was no masking in the cheeking grin.  
“Don’t get such a big head just because the Editor likes your picture, newbie.” Mitari barked.
“Yeah, yeah. Mr Old Timer.” The blond smiled goofily and headed towards the Chief’s office. “We will sit tight on our ass all day and wait for the gold mountain to fall onto our head, shall we? Except we might be smashed to death. Urgh.” He pretended to shudder at that thought. “Though that might do wonders to your face. Maybe it will smash a permanently smile on your face?” He smiled innocently towards the veteran journalist.  
“Maybe I will smash your face inwards if you don’t stop annoying me.” Mitari growled, which just earned a laugh from Akihito as he opened the door and disappeared into the office.
“Hmph, we will see how long that bravado of his lasts.”  
“ Haha , give him a break. Not many youngsters these days shows guts like him, right?” Another fellow journalist laughed and tried to pacify Mitari .  
The photo that Akihito took was indeed good: the angle, the clarity. Mr Gaudy, the politician that had been captured by Akihito’s viewfinder, will definitely be working at McDonald’s at the end of the day, if they were desperately short of staff. Or maybe at a street food vendor. Mr Shadow, the drug dealer, no doubt got in trouble with his own boss, stealing and reselling drugs that belonged to his boss. The normal punishment would be cutting of his little finger , present it to the boss and be banished, but Akihito reckoned that the fish tonight in Tokyo Bay will end up with a feast.  
Despite being happy that his photo ended up on the frontpage news, Akihito was aware that just because of this once doesn’t mean that he could take it easy. The other journalists would certainly try and surpass him. But maybe he could just celebrate today as he got extra pay since the Chief was feeling generous (the Chief had not been a fan of Mr Gaudy). But even though he got quite a lot, he could never compare to him. This was probably no more than a tip he leaves in those fancy-ass restaurants.
Akihito strolled out of the building, humming, spirits high. Maybe he could afford to splash out, buy some premium Wagyu beef for Shabu-shabu hot pot tonight. Just thinking about it made his mouth water, and his feet naturally made him walk faster towards the fancier supermarket, which sells the Wagyu beef that he eats. Just. No way was Akihito going to that super fancy shop that sells Wagyu beef a thousand times more expensive than normal wagyu beef. What made them so different? Does the shop wrap them in thin sheets of gold and sprinkling some truffles? With a giant diamond studded on top? After all, Wagyu beef was already expensive enough and if he wasn’t going to eat any then damn him, Akihito will eat all of it. Totally not why his purse refuses to allow him to go there. Anyway, he already looks out of place in here, where the slightly more ‘upscale’ housewife shops and gossip about whose wrinkle grew deeper by 1 picometre and whose pimple grew bigger by 1 nanometre.  
Parking his vespa at the parking spot next to a shiny black BMW (Akihito had to resist the urge to bump slightly against the car to scratch its shiny new surface), he took off his helmet, sucked a big breath, and speed walked towards the entrance. Giving a quick nod to the salesperson who welcomed him, he grabbed a basket and proceeded to grab his shopping in record speed. Akihito had already memorized the whole layout of the shop so he doesn’t need to waste time trying to locatewhere something is, and, even worse, ask a salesperson in those fancy suits for help . Pray God that they don’t change the layout anytime soon.  
Udon , check. Cabbage, check. Tofu, check. Kombu, check. Premium Wagyu beef, Akihito winced at the price, check. Enoki mushroom, check. Shimeji mushroom, check.  Aaaaaand , Akihito grinned evilly, shitake mushroom, check. Fresh shitake mushrooms, since they got way more flavour than dried shitake mushrooms. He wondered what people would think that he wouldn’t eat a simple thing such as shitake mushroom. Akihito laughed inwardly, and realized that he was smiling when the housewives were doing the whole staring-whispering thing at him. Akihito couldn’t care any less at this point, already coming up with fifty ways of hiding the shitake mushroom. Maybe wrapping them inside the wagyu beef? Chopping them up to atomic size and blend them into the soup?  
At the cashier, the final amount made Akihito gulp and he made a quick prayer to whatever d ei ty that was listening to him that his card wouldn’t be declined, then remembered that he got extra pay today so he definitely had enough. Akihito gingerly picked up the receipt, glanced at it to make sure that they didn’t charge anything extra (refusing to look at the final amount), then quickly scrunched it up into a ball and chucked it into the nearest bin. Stuffing his groceries into his Vespa, he opened up his phone.  
To: Ultimate Final Boss  
: Shabu-shabu hot pot 4 2nit. Be on time. Or beef will be all mine mwahaha
To: Glasses-san  
: Make sure the evil warlord is back early from his conquer 2nite. Cheers Glasses- chan  
Strapping his helmet on, he zoomed across the roads, finally arriving at the condo, and parked his vespa in the underground parking space. With his shopping in hand, Akihito stepped into the elevator and rode to the top floor.  
With a ping, the elevator arrived at the penthouse level, and Akihito carried the bags out, shuffling all the bags into one hand, while the other hand dug into his pocket to fish out his key, or his spare key, to be precise, and unlocked the door.
A gust of cool air greeted him when he flung open the door. Placing his shoes at the genkan, he put the bags down and stretched, arms raised above his head, letting the cold air wash over him. How lucky one is to have working air conditioning, especially during the summer, and to be able to leave the air con on while no one is home, Akihito shook his head, grabbed the bags and headed towards the kitchen.  
By now, the kitchen was overflowing with Akihito’s presence.  A whole cupboard with double doors was dedicated to Akihito’s snacks. The fridge was stacked full of vegetables of all different sorts of colour. Pots and pans of different sizes were laid out on the counter to dry.  
Akihito changed his clothes, put on an apron, andproceeding to make a feast.  
Akihito had just finished setting up the table for Shabu-shabu when suddenly a pair of steel arms wrapped around him from behind, caging him.  
“Woah!” The plate of sliced Wagyu beef nearly went flying. “Jeez! If they had fallen on to the floor, we would still have to eat it! Damn, that’s half my salary in there.” Akihito grumbled.  
Before he had time to say anything else, a hand snaked around to his face to turn his head to the side , and a pair of scorching lips crashed against his.  
“ Mm m , wait.” He gasped. Before he had time to protest, a burning hot tongue invaded his mouth, twisting and sucking his tongue, and the hand on the back of his head pushed him firmly against him.  
His smell filled his nose, the smell of a faint cologne and Dunhill smoke.    
Akihito’s brain stopped working. The world seemed to rev olve around him . Or maybe it did. Maybe all the stars and planets did orbit around him . Akihito wouldn’t be surprised if they actually did.  
Asami Ryuichi.  
Chiselled jaws that even Zeus would be jealous at. Raven black hair that had slipped from its place and had fallen onto his eyes. Smouldering gold orbs stared deeply into his eyes, as if they could see Akihito’s soul. Akihito trembled slightly, enjoying the gaze that never failed to make him shiver in excitement.  
“Hmm.” Asami’s lips tug ged upwards slightly, and his thumb gently caressed Akihito’s lips.  
“W-what were you thinking?” Akihito pretend to fume, desperat e ly trying to cool his flam ing cheeks.  
“That your glistening lips look very delectable right now , h ow can I hold myself back?” Asami smirked, and inched his face closer to Akihito’s.  
“Wait!” A hand slapped across Asami’s mouth. “I’ve got Wagyu beef!”  
Asami’s eyebrows quirked upwards. Then a devilish smirk appeared on his face. He tongue flickered across Akihito’s palms, and bi t them slightly.  
“B-Baka! Stop it! Otherwise I will only allow you to watch me eat the beef!” Akihito desperately tried to pull his hand back.
Asami’s hand caught Akihito’s wrist and wrapped his tongue around Akihito’s forefinger.
“Hmm, I hope that you will satisfy my hunger?” Asami leaned in and whispered seductively into Akihito’s ears, his teeth graz ed against the younger man’s earlobe.  
“Ahh, you bastard.” Akihito moaned, finally resigning himself and pushed his chest toward Asami, wanting more contact.  
To his surprise, Asami pulled back, grinning evil l y.  
“Fufu, I quite like this hungry look on your face.”  
“Twisted bastard.” Akihito grumbled, shoving Asami away from him so the yakuza couldn’t see how red his face had become.
He quickly grabbed the plates that were filled with meats and chopped vegetables and set up the table, all the while muttering curses under his breath, and throwing scowls at the older man. Once everything was set, he threw himself across the table, a rms crossed against his chest, looking warily at the man opposite him.  Asami had changed into a simple white shirt, buttons undone at the top, showing his muscular chest. Akihito quickly adverted his eyes as Asami smirked at him, noticing what he was staring at.  
“You are late.”  
“I tried to come home as soon as I can.” Asami opened a can of imported beer, tilted his head back and took a gulp. Akihito couldn’t help noticing the condensation from the can dripping down from Asami throat before slowly making its way to his chest. Akihito swallowed noisily and teared his eyes away before he gets too turned on.  
“That doesn’t make it okay for you to be late. And you are late by a whole hour. I should have eaten all the beef myself.”  
“But you didn’t.”  
“Maybe I should have.”  
“By the way, where’s my welcome home?” Asami tilted his head to the side , staring at Akihito.  
“Shut up, you arrogant bastard, I'm not your wife. I’m going to start to eat . Itadakimasu ” Akihito snatched up a piece of Wagyu beef and put it in the pot, swishing it around and shoved it in his mouth, wishing that the smirk on Asami’s face didn’t make the bastard so sexy. No, EVERYTHING the man does make him look like some kind of god. Every male on the planet will feel inferior when being compared to Asami. Probably even the way that he accidentally trips would look graceful, though Akihito highly doubt that will happen, Mr Glasses Secretary always makes sure that nothing comes to harm his boss.  
By the time they were finished, the sky ha d become completely dark . Akihito leaned back, and patted his full stomach.  
“Ahh, I can’t eat any more.” He groaned and looked over at the man across him . A small pile of mushrooms was at the corner of his bowl. Asami noticed that Akihito was looking at his bowl and smirked.  
“It doesn’t matter how small you cut them up, I can always pick them out.”  
“Only pre-schoolers are picky about their food.” Akihito stuck out his tongue at him. “That was so good.”  
“The quality of the beef wasn’t that good.”  
“Insufferable rich bastard.”  
Asami stood up and opened the doors for the balcony, gazing outside. Akihito soon stood next to him.  
A look of surprise passed Asami’s face as he realized what Akihito was holding.  
Akihito shrugged.  
“Figured you might need it.”  
Asami took the box of his Dunhill cigarettes and the lighter, smiling slightly.  
Asami he ld out a small white box. Akihito’s eyes widened at the sight of the logo on the box.  
“Isn’t this from the really famous bakery shop that you have to reserve months ahead for a seat and it’s nearly impossible to buy a cake from the shop as the line is hours long and by the time you are at the front everything is already sold out? How did you get this? Did you know that I always wanted to taste this?” Akihito gabled, raising up the box gingerly , looking at it in awe.
“Of course I knew, since a certain brat wouldn’t stop talking about it for days.”  
“Oh.” Akihito mumbled. It was true. When the first time he saw on the news that the shop was open, he knew that he wanted to try their cakes. Everything looked so good and amazing, but it was virtually impossible to get a seat. Either you wait ed for months or you knew the owner of the bakery. Or if your name was Asami Ryuichi.
“So ...what’s the occasion?”
Asami tilted his head. “No reason. The owners wanted me to taste it. I thought they might suit someone else better.”  
“ Haha , they should have known better than to feed you sweets.”  
Akihito opened the box carefully. Nestled inside were a Mont Blanc cake, a slice of cotton cheesecake and strawberry shortcake. All his favourites. He didn’t know what to say. He knew that Asami didn’t like sweet things, but he remembered all of Akihito’s favourites.  
Probably an understatement, but that’s all his brain could think up of.    
Asami clearly thought so too, and arched one of his eyebrows , amused.  
But Akihito couldn’t care less right now. He wasted no time before taking a huge bite of the cake and moaned, closing his eyes. “Dis iz zooooo guut”  
“I don’t understand what you are trying to say.”  
Akihito poked his tongue out at the older man, and took another great mouthful. “ Seriously. Amazing. I think I just saw heaven. You sure you don’t want a bite?”  
“Hmm, maybe I will.”  
Before he could utter another word, Akihito’s head was tilted back, and a mouth crushed against his fervently, taking his breath away.  
Asami pulled back and licked his lips, staring hungrily at Akihito, “Not bad. But I wouldn’t compare this with heaven. Maybe I should show you what heaven really feels like.” He then swooped down to claim the photographer’s lips again. The kiss burned Akihito’s lips, and the heat spread throughout his whole body. His whole being ached for Asami. He twisted his hands around Asami’s neck, pulling them closer. His mouth pressing equally passionately to Asami’s, tasting him  
Without breaking their kiss, Asami scooped Akihito up and carried him to their bedroom, the box of cakes lay long forgotten on the table.  
It was late at night, just before dawn, the darkest time of the day, when Asami’s phone beeped quietly once. The screen flickered to life, its bluish light lit up the ceiling eerily, casting a small, faint blue circle on the ceiling. The light made the shadows more prominent, darker, before disappearing. Asami’s eyes snapped open, and turned his head to look towards Akihito, who was lying across his arms, fast asleep. Gently, he cupped the latter man’s face, slid his arm out and lowered Akihito’s head into the pillow. Standing swiftly and silently, he took a nearby bathrobe, wrapped it loosely around himself, grabbed his phone and left the bedroom. The door closed with a soft click.
“ Kirishima .” Asami’s voiced was clipped. He wasn’t happy to be woken up in the middle of the night.  
“Asami-sama, forgive me for waking you up at this hour, but I do believe that you need to hear this as soon as possible.”
“What is it?” The pair of g olden eyes narrowed slightlybefore he poured himself a tumbler of whiskey without ice, and gulped down a mouthful. The alcohol burn t his throat, and cleared his head.  
Kirishima could hear the displeasure in his boss’s voice, but he knew that his boss would prefer to hear about this as soon as possible. He coughed slightly before resuming. “I believe that we found someone suspicious sniffing around asking about Takaba. The information was all varying. We would need time to confirm who it is, but judging from the amount of work done, it seems to be either a very talented individual or a very small group of people. Their intentions are still unknown at this point, but I thought it would be better to inform you.”
“Arrange someone to guard Akihito 24/7, but do it discretely, don’t let him or anyone else notice them. Keep me updated.”  
“Hai. Goodnight, Asami- sama .”  
The phone beeped, signalling the end of the cal l.  Asami raised the tumbler to his lips, but decided against it. His eyebrows furrowe d, and his eyes flashed dangerously. Someone got a death wish.  
Asami returned to the bedroom quietly. Akihito has sprawled across the bed, arms and legs everywhere, with the duvet twisted around him. A small smile graced upon his face, before his face hardened again. He would sort everything out in the morning. He gently untangled the limbs and duvet, covering Akihito with the blanket, before slipping into the space next to the younger man. Akihito mumbled something about can’t any more, and turned towards Asami. His even breathing was the only sound in the silent room.
*The Next Day*  
Akihito was coming out of the underground parking on his vespa. He had just finished making breakfast when he got a text about a job. He had left the breakfast(traditional Japanese breakfast that the yakuza likes) on the table for Asami , who was still asleep. The sun shone upon him, and the wind blew against his hair that had escaped from his helmet. He clicked the indicator for his right lights, and was ready to turn onto the main road, when suddenly he felt a chill down his spine. He quickly stopped and looked around, but nothing looked out of place. He frowned slightly, but shrugged and decided that maybe he was getting a cold or something, and drove the vespa down the road.  
The shadow in the alley stared a t the road after the photographer had long gone.  
“ Takaba Akihito.” The voice hissed, dripp ing with venom and pure hatred, as if the words itself was acid that burnt his mouth. Then, he took a step back and melted into the shadows.  
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