#Beauty Salon Darwin
beautyboutiquedarwin · 11 months
Beauty Salon Darwin | Beauty Salons | Beauty Boutique Darwin
Beauty Boutique Darwin is the most trusted beauty salon in Darwin that gives you the best and most satisfying beauty services, such as skin needling, facials, waxing tinting, etc., to enhance your skin aesthetics. Visit the website to know more
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mask131 · 1 year
Occult Paris (1)
« When materialism rules, magic rises. », Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-bas, 1891,
 My local library has a beautiful book called « Paris occulte » that describe the occultism wave and the occult world of Paris. It is filled with a lot of info that is deeply fascinating – and while if you live around Paris you’ll know about a good chunk of it, a lot of people often never heard of it all. So, as usual, I thought of sharing it online.
  In 1934, the writer, occultist and opium addict Maurice Magre wrote that there were around then thousand devil-worshipers in Paris. He claimed that there were satanic temples everywhere, and that it was an open secret: there was one by the side of the Jardin des Plantes, and another next to the gare Montparnasse. When he put down his thought about the “world of magic, witchcraft and the supernatural” in his era, he divided the people involved in it in several categories. First, a “lot of charlatans and quacks, it cannot be denied”. Then a “lot of selfish experimenters who are only guided by their physical and moral interests”. Follows “a few curious people who throw themselves in the unknown for the sole pleasure of research. And finally “hopefully, some scholars and scientists that study magic with a purely disinterested mind.” And maybe, “maybe there are one or two wise people free of all petty intentions…” [You can find these notes in Magre’s book La Magie à Paris, Magic in Paris, a book he published under the pseudonym René Thimmy]
The history of the interest and passion for the supernatural in Paris is as old as the town itself. Back when it was the Gaul town of Lutèce, there were druids. In the Middle Ages, there were Knight Templars. Paris was the city of Nicolas Flamel, the alchemist, or Nostramadus, the astrologist-prophet, of the comte de Saint-Germain, rumored to be an immortal alchemist, and of the comte de Cagliostro, the 18th century sorcerer. But it was in the middle of the 19th century that the fascination for the occult sciences became an enormous phenomenon. In all the salons of the upper Parisian society, tables were made to dance and move in order to communicate with the dead. It was such an epidemic that the archbishop of Paris had to explicitly forbid spiritism to all Parisian Christians. But it was all in vain: Napoléon III himself, in the Tuileries, attempted to summon the spirit of his uncle, Napoléon the first!
In paralle, the industrial revolution changed the way everything was created and produced. Positivism, rationalism and scientism won over all the minds. Charles Darwin claimed man descended from the monkey, Karl Marx created a materialistic conception of history, and Friedrich Nietzsche affirmed that God was dead… And spiritualism was thriving. For the pioneers of these occult sciences, it was no mere salon game or entertainment. On the contrary – men like Allan Kardec, Éliphas Lévi or Papus – presented themselves very seriously, as the keepers of an ancestral knowledge, and wanted to make a school out of it. Let’s not forget that this movement spread itself in a newly rebuilt Paris, completely changed by the great works of Haussmann: maybe the destruction of entire neighborhoods of the Old Paris woke up some ghosts?
There was in Paris an incredible number of secret societies, filled with astrologists, theosophists, Rosicrucian, Gnostics or Satanists. To each their religion, to each their cult, to each their worship and rite. A lot among them actually had started or were in the middle of religious studies, before deciding to leave their seminary, ordination and liturgical clothes, to better worship new gods. While alchemists locked themselves in their cabinet in hope of creating the philosopher’s stone, authors and artists openly created based on their fascination for the supernatural: Hugo the giant, Nerval the melancholic, Huysmans the decadent, Satie the facetious… And the world of science soon followed, as many renowned scientists tried to take photographs of ghosts, and the astronomer Camille Flammarion, at the Observatoire, practiced experiences on mediums.
The Great War did not put an end to the occultist wave – but amplified it. The press identified the Germans with the devil ; spiritualists and fortune-tellers kept giving patriotic prophecies, and when the dead are buried, mothers, sisters and brides keep trying to communicate with their spirits. After the hell of the trenches, the world seemed suddenly very uncertain, due to it expanding massively – be it by Freud revealing the existence of the subconscious, or by Albert Einsten’s works on physics. This new fear in front of the unknown and the indescribable fed even more the influence of wizards and magicians on the population – now their visions were massively advertised by the press, no matter if they appeased the worries or on the contrary excited the passions. And very often, occult sciences and regular sciences intertwined when some rationalist souls tried to use paths not seen through a keen eye by the Faculté – numerous famous doctors, in the Sorbonne itself, tried to study the nature of ectoplasm. As for the general population, all scientific precautions and prudence were thrown out of the window: they all followed blindly the wizards, prophet an fakirs. It was the rule of René Guénon that practiced an apocalypse for the materialistic civilization ; it was the rule of Maurice Magre that taught sexual magic at Montmartre or Montparnasse. It was when Gurdjieff became a spiritual guide, and the fakir Birman needed an entire postal truck to have his mail delivered each day. Every popular newspapers and every women’s magazine offered an horoscope, and Madame Fraya was considered “the greatest fortune-teller of the whole century”. Politicians themselves started to hire magicians, wizards and mages by their side – barely disguised under the official title of “advisors”.
Of course, the unfolding of history and the flow of time very often ridiculed or destroyed the predictions and career of these oracles and crystal ball-readers – the celebrity of yesterday could become very well a hated figure today, only for a new obscure and unknown prophet to rise to fame the following day. And, it is the paradox of the world of occult sciences, no matter how much discredit was thrown over it, the passion and interest for the supernatural never stopped and ever weakened – it seems that talking with the invisible world is too essential to the human soul…
 Taken from Bertrand Matot’s Paris occulte, Parigramme.
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browzbeauty · 4 years
Benefits of a Rejuvenating Facial Therapy
Don’t you feel you need to pamper your skin the largest organ of your body? Everyone loves to get pampered and when it comes to taking extra care of the skin we literally give it a second thought. Before going into details we will like to tell you just one thing- your face needs all that attention, are you ready to give it? Among various types of face pampering, a facial deserves to top the chart of offerings which salons normally provide. Facials are considered elementary when it comes to reaping benefits of skin care.
Facials- a brief overview
Facial is considered a certain kind of spa therapy involving skin massage which makes the facial skin softer, younger and cleaner; in other words facial truly transforms your face. Have you been facing too many breakouts lately? It could be because your skin already has clogged pores; and who is going to remove the dead cells, giving your face a dull look? Only facial is the best way to retain youthful and beautiful skin. Besides, if you are frowning over parched skin which already looks too dehydrated, always visit one of the renowned and most reliable beauty salons in Darwin where your skin will be pampered for effective outcomes.
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Learn more about the benefits of seeking a facial
Facials are literally the saviour you have been looking for. They protect your skin from harsh impacts brought upon by sun exposure, smoke and various environmental elements.
Stress is more common in women. Hence women age faster. Facials are considered a rejuvenating way to reduce stress which is a catalyst for premature ageing. Besides, stress is considered a primary factor which aggravates acne and dead skin. Women who would want to push back ageing can indulge into facials as it comes with a number of benefits. Skin inflammations too can be treated with facials.
The benefits of facials are not restricted to what a salon offers. Aestheticians recommend appropriate home skin care so that clients can enjoy the benefits even when they are at home.
Facials offer a thoroughly transforming experience whereby you will feel more relaxed and rejuvenated. Facials make your skin look and feel amazing. With such therapeutic touch you can let go of ageing. If you don’t want the wrinkles and crow’s feet to show up out of nowhere, just hop into a beauty salon and talk to the aesthetician regarding your skin type and the kind of problem you have been facing. The expert will accordingly choose something extremely beneficial for your skin type.
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tiptopcruises · 4 years
Finding the best Galapagos Islands vacation package
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The Galapagos Islands first piqued the interest of human beings back when they sparked the inspiration of Charles Darwin, eventually leading to the scientific theories that shape much of the world today. Now, the Galapagos Islands are one of the premier travel destinations in the world. With Tip Top Cruises and Tip Top Travel, you’re getting more than one of the best Galapagos boat tours available: you’re getting a complete getaway experience unlike any other.
Tip Top First Class Cruises with up to 16 passengers, offers a pleasant, family and intimate atmosphere characterized by a personalized service, so you can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery a Galapagos Islands vacation package has to offer.
First Class Cruises
You can also rest assured your island getaway isn’t having a negative impact on the environment. As one of the Best Galapagos Cruise Operators, Tip Top Cruises is dedicated to a more renewable tomorrow and that’s why we take measures to reduce energy and water consumption.
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Fresh produce is brought in from the islands and fair wages are provided to islanders who assist in cruise operations. With Tip Top Cruises, you can truly relax knowing that your visit to the Galapagos Islands won’t have a negative impact on the fragile environment of this beautiful destination.
Find Your Best Cruises
Passengers can enjoy different levels of accommodation in the M/C Tip Top II, M/Y Tip Top IV and M/C Tip Top V, allowing you to completely customize your cruise experience. At the Tip Top, guests will enjoy enhanced security and air-conditioned cabins. Onboard amenities include a sun deck, bar, salon, and comfortable dining room with seating for up to 16 guests. As our name implies, Tip Top Cruises aims to be the best.
For a completely unique and personalized cruise experience, contact us at Tip Top Cruises today. Experience the Galapagos Islands in luxury and comfort. Our personnel – from the chef to the captain are committed to providing quality service and an unforgettable vacation, every single time.
Blog source: https://www.tiptopcruises.com/2021/01/finding-the-best-galapagos-islands-vacation-package/
To get the latest updates visit our blog and follow us on Facebook, Instagram.
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Your search for lustrous & long-lasting brow henna service in Canberra & Darwin ends with us. Our brow henna is made up of 99.5% natural, organic ingredients that offers a wide range of colours to suit any skin colour tone and rejuvenates your skin from underneath.
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Necesitatea extensiilor de par – moda se schimba si coafura odata cu ea
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Pentru ca moda este in continua schimbare, pentru ca femeile vor sa fie in pas cu noile tendinte, pentru ca ele merita o coafura impecabila indiferent de context, de anotimp, de eveniment, pentru ca nu toate femeile sunt inzestrate de la Mama Natura cu o podoaba capilara perfecta, extensiile reprezinta cea mai buna metoda de infrumusetare.
Extensiile de par natural sunt disponibile in salonul de frumusete Free Styke, atat extensiile cu keratina, microring, cu clips, cat si cu banda adeziva sau coada de par natural.
Scurt istoric al indepartarii parului nedorit
Indepartarea parului pentru imbunatatirea imaginii corpului uman are o lunga istorie. Corpul are peste 5.000.000 de foliculi de par si, in timp ce parul pare a fi destul de inutil, serveste, intr-adevar unui scop. Parul ajuta la reglarea temperaturii corpului, mentinand confortul oamenilor in anotimpurile reci sau in zonele cu clima rece. De asemenea, ajuta la protejarea corpului de elementele exterioare, cum ar fi murdaria. Dar daca parul este atat de natura si de ajutor, de ce femeile petrec atat de mult timp eliminand parul de pe propriile trupuri?
Totul se intampla in numele frumusetii, bineinteles! Practica indepartarii parului feminin nu este noua, ci se intampla chiar si in Roma antica si in Egipt. Unele dintre primele masini de ras, fabricate din cupru, au fost folosite in Egipt si India in jurul anului 3000 i.Hr. Femeile egiptene isi indepartau parul de pe cap, iar pe cel pubian il considerau total necivilizat. In Roma secolului VI i. Hr. oamenii foloseau pensete, pietre ponce si depilatoare pentru a elimina parul nedorit, iar egiptenii din Perioada Cleopatrei foloseau un amestec de zahar pentru a extrage parul.
Epoca moderna a epilarii a fost incurajata de teoriile lui Charles Darwin cu privire la selectia naturala si la faptul ca oamenii au evoluat atat de mult incat nu mai au nevoie de par pe corp ca si antecedentii lor. S-a pus mult accent pe faptul ca oamenii cu mai putin par pe corp sunt mai atractivi din punct de vedere sexual. Asadar, femeile albe din clasele superioare si mijlocii asociau pielea neteda cu feminitatea, deci faceau tot posibilul sa-l indeparteze.
Extensii de par cu keratina | epilare totala la salon | freestylebeauty.ro
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  De-a lungul timpului, s-au dezvoltat si diverse modalitati de a indeparta parul nedorit, astfel de la lama s-a ajuns la crema epilatoare, epilator electric, epilarea cu ceara, cu zahar sau epilarea cu ajutorul luminii pulsate. La inceput, fiecare femeie se epila acasa, iar odata cu trecerea timpului s-au deschis saloane de infrumusetare, adica locuri in care femeile si barbatii puteau merge pentru ca cineva sa aiba grija de trupul lor.
Daca sunteti in catutarea unui loc in care sa beneficiati de epilare totala la salon, trebuie sa ajungeti la Free Style Beauty, un salon cu renume din Bucuresti. Accesand http://freestylebeauty.ro/ puteti programa si alte tipuri de servicii, precum aplicare de extensii de par cu keratina, manichiura, coafor, masaj sau cosmetica!
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arthisour-blog · 8 years
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Portret Charles Robert Darwin Paul Adolphe Rajon, Walter William Ouless 1852/1888 From the collection of Rijksmuseum Details Title: Portret Charles Robert Darwin Creator: Paul Adolphe Rajon, Walter William Ouless Date Created: 1852/1888 Physical Dimensions: h mm – w mm External Link: See more details about this work on the Rijksmuseum Website http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.229339 Medium: etching
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. Its world-famous masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age include the Milkmaid by Vermeer and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. The Rijksmuseum itself is also a masterpiece. The collection is presented in a stunning building with amazing interior design. In 80 galleries 8,000 objects tell the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history, from the Middle Ages to Mondrian. Every year, over 2.5 million visitors travel through the ages and experience a feeling of beauty and sense of time.
Paul Adolphe Rajon 1843 – Jun 8, 1888
Paul-Adolphe Rajon was a French painter and printmaker, who started his career as a photographer while studying at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Isidore-Alexandre-Augustin Pils. Rajon was a friend of Émile Boilvin, Philippe Burty, Félix Bracquemond and Louis-Charles-Auguste Steinheil. He was awarded medals at the Salons of 1869, 1870, 1873 and at the Exposition Universelle of 1878. He etched both contemporary works and Old Masters as well as portraits, including ones of Ivan Turgenev, Théophile Gautier, J.S. Mill, Charles Darwin and Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Rajon was critically praised in France, England and the United States, through the acquaintance with the New York-based American print dealer Frederick Keppel.
Portret Charles Robert Darwin Paul Adolphe Rajon, Walter William Ouless 1852/1888 was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Hair Industry to Gift Free Services to COVID-19 Hospital Workers – WWD
The hair industry is joining forces to offer COVID-19 health-care workers free services through a digital platform launched by celebrity hairstylists and longtime friends Lucy Halperin, Jeremy Tardo and Amanda Shuttleworth.
All three live in Los Angeles, where the initiative was born. Familiar names in the world of hair are among the bunch to join the cause and offer their talents, including David Babaii, Mara Roszak, Ted Gibson, Benjamin Mohapi, Johnnie Sapong and Jenny Cho — whose clients collectively include the likes of Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Billie Eilish and Meghan Markle. So far, major L.A. salons such as Mèche, Nine Zero One, Ramirez Tran Salon and Sally Hershberger have also signed up, though the endeavor is open to all states. A total of 53 salons and freelance hairstylists have joined to date.
“We want it to be inclusive to everyone,” Halperin said. “Whether they have one chair or 100 chairs, every salon is important.”
“It’s an army of hairdressers we’re building,” added Tardo.
Services will be available for two weeks via Frontline Fortnight, as it’s called, a nod to Halperin and Shuttleworth’s British roots. Hair professionals and health-care workers are able to sign up directly on frontlinefortnight.com. It’s an honor system, said the founders, and anyone with a hospital ID working during the pandemic is able to benefit.
“That includes the person answering the phone, the janitors…,” said Tardo, a colorist who’s worked with Miley Cyrus, Jared Leto and Miranda Kerr.
Though the idea for Frontline Fortnight was sparked in March, and the site is up and running, a launch date has yet to be set. Evidently, it’s due to the surge of coronavirus cases across the country and news on Monday from California Gov. Gavin Newsom to roll back reopening of salons.
“We’re trying to be very sensitive to the fact that the hairdressing industry has been hit pretty hard by the whole pandemic and a lot of hairdressers have been out of work,” Tardo said. “We really want to allow those people to be able to go back to work and make money for a period before we ask them to provide free services. That, combined with the fact that obviously the pandemic is ongoing, we can’t personally be responsible for sending first responders into people’s chairs all over the country when they’re still dealing with COVID-19 patients on a day-to-day basis.”
Clockwise from top left: Lucy Halperin, Jeremy Tardo, Amanda Shuttleworth, the trio behind Frontline Fortnight, and site creator Daniel Landrocheat.  Courtesy
The site also invites visitors to donate to the Professional Beauty Association’s pandemic relief fund, which is providing aid to those facing financial hardships.
“We thought, ‘What can we do with all this time that we have?’” Tardo continued. “We’re not doing anything we feel is productive enough. We’re obviously not making money right now.”
The hair salon business has been hit hard. It was a relief to the industry and hairstylists to return to work, following Newsom’s announcement allowing salons to reopen on May 26. Many had been unemployed since March 19, when nonessential businesses were ordered to close. But now, the roll back is another blow.
“I understand that it is to reduce spread, but for me, I’m having a much, much more difficult time personally with it this time around, I have to say,” said Shuttleworth, who works with Tardo at L.A.’s Benjamin Salon as a hairstylist and hair extension specialist. “There seems to be little to no monitoring of house parties or going out or congregating….[The team has] gone to extraordinary lengths to make the salon safe and clean. So, for me, to not be able to go to work when I look outside or I see people eating outside close together with no masks on…it just seems unfair.”
For Halperin, who works as a freelancer, life is different these days. She’s usually on the move, dividing her time between between L.A. and London, working as a makeup artist and men’s groomer for clients that include Brad Pitt, Jason Bateman, Steve Carell, Kate Mara, Mia Wasikowska and Kaia Gerber. When work resumed, however, she had one job total.
“I had a shield, a mask,” she said of the experience. “It took me so long to prepare mentally, actually. It’s quite emotional. It’s just the process of working. It’s so different. I don’t think that there’s going to be the red carpet for a while. Cinema is being closed again, so that will set back premieres. I know a couple of my actors had premieres, and we did no press. I wasn’t involved in anything. Normally, I would go to their house, do makeup. I normally do all their press junkets with them. They just do everything on Zoom from their house now….The days of the big premieres are a long time to come.”
Tardo normally splits his time between L.A. and New York, working in freelance and in the salon. “For me, both of those things were nonexistent overnight,” he said.
To adapt, he created at-home hair kits for clients and offered FaceTime appointments to walk them through the steps: “I would put together, personally in my home, a kit with their color formula and all the tools that they needed in order to do these color applications for mini touch-ups on their roots.”
“I have clients who just send me money, because they’re worried I haven’t worked,” shared Shuttleworth.
When they were back in the salon, the first two weeks were “really busy,” though that changed as coronavirus cases rose, she said.
“As soon as the numbers started to climb, it went quiet for everyone,” she continued. “People were too scared to get back in. I noticed that [compared to] the first two weeks, it could not have been any different.”
Still, despite the hardships, the three are determined to unite the community and give back to health-care workers. The entire operation, including the site (created by Daniel Landrocheat of creative agency Grl), is built and managed free of charge with the help of peers.
“It’s great to see that in the worst of times, you do see the best of humanity,” Tardo said. “We’re all going through this together.”
“We’re a really resilient bunch,” Halperin said. “The industry will recover.”
“I think this is an opportunity for us to grow and change,” Shuttleworth said.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent,” added Tardo, quoting Charles Darwin. “It is the one most adaptable to change.”
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3976Sog
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riichardwilson · 4 years
5 Ways to Pivot Your Business During a Crisis
April 17, 2020 10 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” —Charles Darwin.
In a matter of weeks, everything changed. Uncertainty is the only thing that is certain. Most businesses have been greatly disrupted and negatively impacted. Companies, CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, employees and business owners are facing a time of great uncertainty and what lies ahead is unclear.  
Related: A Disrupter’s Guide to Getting Back to Center During Times of Uncertainty
Entrepreneurs know that some of the best businesses come out of the worst times — because sometimes in our darkest moments, new ideas and innovations provide beacons of light. All we need is the glow of a great idea. What new companies, products, movements will be born out of our new reality? As an entrepreneur and CEO who has weathered the dot-com bubble burst, September 11th, and the market crash in 2008, I know firsthand the potential devastation facing businesses today. The economic impact of what we are now experiencing is unprecedented but there are still opportunities to come out stronger than ever before. 
I’ve personally had to pivot many times, and while it can be scary, it can also be a time of growth. Now is the time to experiment, create and innovate. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s tough to pivot your business during times of immense change. Before pivoting, I recommend first to stabilize your business to the best of your ability. It is important to tighten your belt, evaluate your costs and ensure you take the necessary actions to weather the crisis. 
There are likely changes you wanted to make in your business but haven’t and now is a time to act. Evaluate your talent, review your contracts, decide what is truly necessary to run your business. Make sure you spend your cash wisely. Look closely at your financials to see how you reduce your losses. It’s time to streamline so you can move forward without the weight of unnecessary cost burden.
Related: How to Adapt Your Messaging to the Sudden Change in the Marketplace
A business that was weak during a good economy is greatly exposed in a bad economy. If your business is not working now, and was not working well 6 months ago, it may be time to re-examine its long term viability. Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Use this crisis to get out of businesses that aren’t working and haven’t been for some time. Invest your time and energy on what is working vs what is not working. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself!
It is also a good time to take advantage of the financial resources available. Many of the companies in my portfolio have applied for the federal government’s paycheck protection program. If you haven’t already, it is important to educate yourself on the many forms of aid, resources, and support made available. 
Once you have stabilized your business it’s time to focus on the future. Here are 5 ways to pivot your business to not only survive, but also to thrive:
1. Embrace the digital way 
If you’re primarily run out of a brick-and-mortar store, it’s time to find the digital version of whatever work you were doing. Can you deliver your product or service electronically? Restaurants have been hit especially hard by the pandemic, and many have transitioned to online delivery and curbside to-go orders. Panera Bread has taken things a step further, by making it possible for customers to order groceries online along with their usual sandwiches and salads.
If you own a boutique, now is a great time to launch an ecommerce store with a 90-day Shopify trial. If you’re a fitness instructor, you can hold your regular workout classes virtually with Zoom. If you are an interior design company, pivot to virtual consultations, you can also create content with links to buy products. Real Estate agents have embraced a virtual presence, from doing 3D tours, Facebook Live and virtual walkthroughs, to even featuring homes on TikTok. My local liquor store is offering home delivery and doing cocktail making courses and wine tasting sessions via Zoom. With everyone stuck at home, the demand for online content is higher than ever.  
Ask yourself: what you can provide online?  
2. Leverage your existing assets and resources
Leverage your current assets and resources and align them with your customers’ current needs. What could you change in order to fulfill those needs? 
Businesses of all sizes are already making successful pivots in order to fill different customer needs and continue to operate.Cosmetics manufacturers such as LVMH, which owns lUXury perfume and makeup brands, have switched to making hand sanitizer, leveraging their expertise and production capabilities. Large clothing manufacturers such as Gap, Nike, Zara, and Brooks Brothers, are using their factories to make masks, gowns and scrubs. 
Amid the steep ride-sharing demand decline, Uber launched an On-Demand Work Platform, going from ride sharing to labor sharing. Through Uber’s Work Hub, Uber drivers can connect with other Uber platforms, including Uber Eats, Uber Freight and Uber Works, or a growing number of companies using Uber’s system including McDonald’s, PepsiCo, UPS, FedEx, and Walgreens. This pivot allows Uber to leverage its largest assets, technology and vetted workforce and supports drivers in finding access to alternative work.  
Related: How To Manage Your Mental Stress
Ask yourself:  What do people need most right now?  How can your company fill that need with your existing resources? If your business is unable to operate, is there a way to pivot to digital or a business that is deemed essential?
3. Deepen loyalty with existing customers
We’re all in this together. Be real, authentic and transparent about your efforts to serve your customers as best as you can – and let them know how they can support you in return. Loyal customers are champions for your company and brand ambassadors. Continue to maintain a strong relationship with your clients whether directly, individually, in newsletters, and or/via social media. Show them you care. Trust matters (more than ever)! 
With people spending more and more time online, it’s a great time to share relevant and engaging content related to your business. One local interior designer has been sharing photo montages – including a handwashing themed series with a collection of beautiful bathroom images.  A local salon is sharing a series of photos of stylists each holding up a sign featuring a different word, collectively telling customers that “we miss them, and we’ll see them soon.” 
Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park that is a favorite for hosting kids’ birthday parties, has 160 locations that are temporarily closed now. To help give back to families who still want to celebrate while staying at home, Sky Zone is offering free virtual birthday parties for kids for up to 10 guests, supporting parents and keeping employees working. Sky Zone is making a meaningful and memorable impact on children, parents and the community, deepening their customer relationships.
Figure out the best way to engage with your current customers and do so in creative ways.  
Ask yourself: How can I best engage and communicate with my customers now? What can I do to encourage my current customers to support my business? What are other companies doing to engage customers that I could also be doing or could help my business?
4. Explore the benefits of collaboration
There’s an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  The objective of collaboration can be new ideas, exploring synergies, and creating new business partnerships, where 1+1 = 5.  Partnerships can help give you access to new customers, new products or new markets. What partners can you work with that also have resources you can leverage? Is there a partner you think could help sell your product or service to their customer base? What could you offer them in exchange? Is there an opportunity to bundle your products together? True partnerships and successful collaborations are win-win. 
Related: 3 Simple Steps to Start Your Side Hustle
It’s also important to collaborate with other businesses for support and ideas. Being a local or small business can feel especially isolating, but there is power in numbers and more ideas. Make an effort to connect, whether it’s a neighboring business, a local chamber of commerce, industry trade group, or even a Facebook or LinkedIn group.  
Collaboration doesn’t have to be on a grand scale to be effective. For example, once their storefronts closed due to COVID-19, local ice cream parlor NORMAL Ice Cream partnered with Diabolical Records to offer a home-delivered package deal of 3 pints of ice cream and $30 worth of vintage records for $50. They announced the partnership on their social media pages and sold out within hours! 
Many companies have forged innovative partnerships during this time. 
Ask yourself:  Who could I collaborate with?  What businesses do I have synergies with or common customer profiles?  What current partnerships would be mutually beneficial to my business? 
5. Try and fail (and try again!)
There has never been a better time to try (and fail!). Now is the time to experiment. Quickly launch new ideas with minimal investment. Focus on results. Learn and improve with each iteration. Not everything you try out will work. And that’s okay. Expect to fail. Move on. It may take multiple attempts to figure out what works for you. Be brave. Have courage. Persistence pays off in the end.
There are many famous pivots. YouTube was once a video dating site. Twitter was once a podcasting network named Odeo. Play-doh was once a wall cleaner that pivoted to a beloved children’s toy.
Even the most successful and famous companies have had numerous failures – some of which you may not even remember  –  Google’s social media Orkut, Coca Cola launching Coke Max, and  Amazon’s Fire phone. Inventor Sir James Dyson created 5,126 vacuum designs until he finally invented a bagless vacuum that worked.
Ask yourself:  If I do a small test of a new idea and it fails, what is the worst that can happen and what knowledge can I gain from trying?  How can exploring a new partnership or collaboration benefit me?
Embrace the pivot
If your business has been greatly impacted by the current crisis, you’re not alone. It’s important to remember that great companies can be built in hard times. I started my first company after the dot-com bubble burst which eventually grew to over $100M in annual revenue. Many of the successful companies you see today — WhatsApp, Uber, Credit Karma, Pinterest, Slack, Venmo, and Square were all founded during the 2008 Recession. Embrace the pivot!  Don’t focus on what you can’t control…think about what you CAN. 
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during-a-crisis/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/615679148334186496
0 notes
douglassmiith · 4 years
5 Ways to Pivot Your Business During a Crisis
April 17, 2020 10 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” —Charles Darwin.
In a matter of weeks, everything changed. Uncertainty is the only thing that is certain. Most businesses have been greatly disrupted and negatively impacted. Companies, CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, employees and business owners are facing a time of great uncertainty and what lies ahead is unclear.  
Related: A Disrupter’s Guide to Getting Back to Center During Times of Uncertainty
Entrepreneurs know that some of the best businesses come out of the worst times — because sometimes in our darkest moments, new ideas and innovations provide beacons of light. All we need is the glow of a great idea. What new companies, products, movements will be born out of our new reality? As an entrepreneur and CEO who has weathered the dot-com bubble burst, September 11th, and the market crash in 2008, I know firsthand the potential devastation facing businesses today. The economic impact of what we are now experiencing is unprecedented but there are still opportunities to come out stronger than ever before. 
I’ve personally had to pivot many times, and while it can be scary, it can also be a time of growth. Now is the time to experiment, create and innovate. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s tough to pivot your business during times of immense change. Before pivoting, I recommend first to stabilize your business to the best of your ability. It is important to tighten your belt, evaluate your costs and ensure you take the necessary actions to weather the crisis. 
There are likely changes you wanted to make in your business but haven’t and now is a time to act. Evaluate your talent, review your contracts, decide what is truly necessary to run your business. Make sure you spend your cash wisely. Look closely at your financials to see how you reduce your losses. It’s time to streamline so you can move forward without the weight of unnecessary cost burden.
Related: How to Adapt Your Messaging to the Sudden Change in the Marketplace
A business that was weak during a good economy is greatly exposed in a bad economy. If your business is not working now, and was not working well 6 months ago, it may be time to re-examine its long term viability. Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Use this crisis to get out of businesses that aren’t working and haven’t been for some time. Invest your time and energy on what is working vs what is not working. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself!
It is also a good time to take advantage of the financial resources available. Many of the companies in my portfolio have applied for the federal government’s paycheck protection program. If you haven’t already, it is important to educate yourself on the many forms of aid, resources, and support made available. 
Once you have stabilized your business it’s time to focus on the future. Here are 5 ways to pivot your business to not only survive, but also to thrive:
1. Embrace the digital way 
If you’re primarily run out of a brick-and-mortar store, it’s time to find the digital version of whatever work you were doing. Can you deliver your product or service electronically? Restaurants have been hit especially hard by the pandemic, and many have transitioned to online delivery and curbside to-go orders. Panera Bread has taken things a step further, by making it possible for customers to order groceries online along with their usual sandwiches and salads.
If you own a boutique, now is a great time to launch an ecommerce store with a 90-day Shopify trial. If you’re a fitness instructor, you can hold your regular workout classes virtually with Zoom. If you are an interior design company, pivot to virtual consultations, you can also create content with links to buy products. Real Estate agents have embraced a virtual presence, from doing 3D tours, Facebook Live and virtual walkthroughs, to even featuring homes on TikTok. My local liquor store is offering home delivery and doing cocktail making courses and wine tasting sessions via Zoom. With everyone stuck at home, the demand for online content is higher than ever.  
Ask yourself: what you can provide online?  
2. Leverage your existing assets and resources
Leverage your current assets and resources and align them with your customers’ current needs. What could you change in order to fulfill those needs? 
Businesses of all sizes are already making successful pivots in order to fill different customer needs and continue to operate.Cosmetics manufacturers such as LVMH, which owns lUXury perfume and makeup brands, have switched to making hand sanitizer, leveraging their expertise and production capabilities. Large clothing manufacturers such as Gap, Nike, Zara, and Brooks Brothers, are using their factories to make masks, gowns and scrubs. 
Amid the steep ride-sharing demand decline, Uber launched an On-Demand Work Platform, going from ride sharing to labor sharing. Through Uber’s Work Hub, Uber drivers can connect with other Uber platforms, including Uber Eats, Uber Freight and Uber Works, or a growing number of companies using Uber’s system including McDonald’s, PepsiCo, UPS, FedEx, and Walgreens. This pivot allows Uber to leverage its largest assets, technology and vetted workforce and supports drivers in finding access to alternative work.  
Related: How To Manage Your Mental Stress
Ask yourself:  What do people need most right now?  How can your company fill that need with your existing resources? If your business is unable to operate, is there a way to pivot to digital or a business that is deemed essential?
3. Deepen loyalty with existing customers
We’re all in this together. Be real, authentic and transparent about your efforts to serve your customers as best as you can – and let them know how they can support you in return. Loyal customers are champions for your company and brand ambassadors. Continue to maintain a strong relationship with your clients whether directly, individually, in newsletters, and or/via social media. Show them you care. Trust matters (more than ever)! 
With people spending more and more time online, it’s a great time to share relevant and engaging content related to your business. One local interior designer has been sharing photo montages – including a handwashing themed series with a collection of beautiful bathroom images.  A local salon is sharing a series of photos of stylists each holding up a sign featuring a different word, collectively telling customers that “we miss them, and we’ll see them soon.” 
Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park that is a favorite for hosting kids’ birthday parties, has 160 locations that are temporarily closed now. To help give back to families who still want to celebrate while staying at home, Sky Zone is offering free virtual birthday parties for kids for up to 10 guests, supporting parents and keeping employees working. Sky Zone is making a meaningful and memorable impact on children, parents and the community, deepening their customer relationships.
Figure out the best way to engage with your current customers and do so in creative ways.  
Ask yourself: How can I best engage and communicate with my customers now? What can I do to encourage my current customers to support my business? What are other companies doing to engage customers that I could also be doing or could help my business?
4. Explore the benefits of collaboration
There’s an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  The objective of collaboration can be new ideas, exploring synergies, and creating new business partnerships, where 1+1 = 5.  Partnerships can help give you access to new customers, new products or new markets. What partners can you work with that also have resources you can leverage? Is there a partner you think could help sell your product or service to their customer base? What could you offer them in exchange? Is there an opportunity to bundle your products together? True partnerships and successful collaborations are win-win. 
Related: 3 Simple Steps to Start Your Side Hustle
It’s also important to collaborate with other businesses for support and ideas. Being a local or small business can feel especially isolating, but there is power in numbers and more ideas. Make an effort to connect, whether it’s a neighboring business, a local chamber of commerce, industry trade group, or even a Facebook or LinkedIn group.  
Collaboration doesn’t have to be on a grand scale to be effective. For example, once their storefronts closed due to COVID-19, local ice cream parlor NORMAL Ice Cream partnered with Diabolical Records to offer a home-delivered package deal of 3 pints of ice cream and $30 worth of vintage records for $50. They announced the partnership on their social media pages and sold out within hours! 
Many companies have forged innovative partnerships during this time. 
Ask yourself:  Who could I collaborate with?  What businesses do I have synergies with or common customer profiles?  What current partnerships would be mutually beneficial to my business? 
5. Try and fail (and try again!)
There has never been a better time to try (and fail!). Now is the time to experiment. Quickly launch new ideas with minimal investment. Focus on results. Learn and improve with each iteration. Not everything you try out will work. And that’s okay. Expect to fail. Move on. It may take multiple attempts to figure out what works for you. Be brave. Have courage. Persistence pays off in the end.
There are many famous pivots. YouTube was once a video dating site. Twitter was once a podcasting network named Odeo. Play-doh was once a wall cleaner that pivoted to a beloved children’s toy.
Even the most successful and famous companies have had numerous failures – some of which you may not even remember  –  Google’s social media Orkut, Coca Cola launching Coke Max, and  Amazon’s Fire phone. Inventor Sir James Dyson created 5,126 vacuum designs until he finally invented a bagless vacuum that worked.
Ask yourself:  If I do a small test of a new idea and it fails, what is the worst that can happen and what knowledge can I gain from trying?  How can exploring a new partnership or collaboration benefit me?
Embrace the pivot
If your business has been greatly impacted by the current crisis, you’re not alone. It’s important to remember that great companies can be built in hard times. I started my first company after the dot-com bubble burst which eventually grew to over $100M in annual revenue. Many of the successful companies you see today — WhatsApp, Uber, Credit Karma, Pinterest, Slack, Venmo, and Square were all founded during the 2008 Recession. Embrace the pivot!  Don’t focus on what you can’t control…think about what you CAN. 
 Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
Via http://www.scpie.org/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during-a-crisis/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during-a-crisis
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
5 Ways to Pivot Your Business During a Crisis
April 17, 2020 10 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” —Charles Darwin.
In a matter of weeks, everything changed. Uncertainty is the only thing that is certain. Most businesses have been greatly disrupted and negatively impacted. Companies, CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, employees and business owners are facing a time of great uncertainty and what lies ahead is unclear.  
Related: A Disrupter’s Guide to Getting Back to Center During Times of Uncertainty
Entrepreneurs know that some of the best businesses come out of the worst times — because sometimes in our darkest moments, new ideas and innovations provide beacons of light. All we need is the glow of a great idea. What new companies, products, movements will be born out of our new reality? As an entrepreneur and CEO who has weathered the dot-com bubble burst, September 11th, and the market crash in 2008, I know firsthand the potential devastation facing businesses today. The economic impact of what we are now experiencing is unprecedented but there are still opportunities to come out stronger than ever before. 
I’ve personally had to pivot many times, and while it can be scary, it can also be a time of growth. Now is the time to experiment, create and innovate. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s tough to pivot your business during times of immense change. Before pivoting, I recommend first to stabilize your business to the best of your ability. It is important to tighten your belt, evaluate your costs and ensure you take the necessary actions to weather the crisis. 
There are likely changes you wanted to make in your business but haven’t and now is a time to act. Evaluate your talent, review your contracts, decide what is truly necessary to run your business. Make sure you spend your cash wisely. Look closely at your financials to see how you reduce your losses. It’s time to streamline so you can move forward without the weight of unnecessary cost burden.
Related: How to Adapt Your Messaging to the Sudden Change in the Marketplace
A business that was weak during a good economy is greatly exposed in a bad economy. If your business is not working now, and was not working well 6 months ago, it may be time to re-examine its long term viability. Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Use this crisis to get out of businesses that aren’t working and haven’t been for some time. Invest your time and energy on what is working vs what is not working. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself!
It is also a good time to take advantage of the financial resources available. Many of the companies in my portfolio have applied for the federal government’s paycheck protection program. If you haven’t already, it is important to educate yourself on the many forms of aid, resources, and support made available. 
Once you have stabilized your business it’s time to focus on the future. Here are 5 ways to pivot your business to not only survive, but also to thrive:
1. Embrace the digital way 
If you’re primarily run out of a brick-and-mortar store, it’s time to find the digital version of whatever work you were doing. Can you deliver your product or service electronically? Restaurants have been hit especially hard by the pandemic, and many have transitioned to online delivery and curbside to-go orders. Panera Bread has taken things a step further, by making it possible for customers to order groceries online along with their usual sandwiches and salads.
If you own a boutique, now is a great time to launch an ecommerce store with a 90-day Shopify trial. If you’re a fitness instructor, you can hold your regular workout classes virtually with Zoom. If you are an interior design company, pivot to virtual consultations, you can also create content with links to buy products. Real Estate agents have embraced a virtual presence, from doing 3D tours, Facebook Live and virtual walkthroughs, to even featuring homes on TikTok. My local liquor store is offering home delivery and doing cocktail making courses and wine tasting sessions via Zoom. With everyone stuck at home, the demand for online content is higher than ever.  
Ask yourself: what you can provide online?  
2. Leverage your existing assets and resources
Leverage your current assets and resources and align them with your customers’ current needs. What could you change in order to fulfill those needs? 
Businesses of all sizes are already making successful pivots in order to fill different customer needs and continue to operate.Cosmetics manufacturers such as LVMH, which owns lUXury perfume and makeup brands, have switched to making hand sanitizer, leveraging their expertise and production capabilities. Large clothing manufacturers such as Gap, Nike, Zara, and Brooks Brothers, are using their factories to make masks, gowns and scrubs. 
Amid the steep ride-sharing demand decline, Uber launched an On-Demand Work Platform, going from ride sharing to labor sharing. Through Uber’s Work Hub, Uber drivers can connect with other Uber platforms, including Uber Eats, Uber Freight and Uber Works, or a growing number of companies using Uber’s system including McDonald’s, PepsiCo, UPS, FedEx, and Walgreens. This pivot allows Uber to leverage its largest assets, technology and vetted workforce and supports drivers in finding access to alternative work.  
Related: How To Manage Your Mental Stress
Ask yourself:  What do people need most right now?  How can your company fill that need with your existing resources? If your business is unable to operate, is there a way to pivot to digital or a business that is deemed essential?
3. Deepen loyalty with existing customers
We’re all in this together. Be real, authentic and transparent about your efforts to serve your customers as best as you can – and let them know how they can support you in return. Loyal customers are champions for your company and brand ambassadors. Continue to maintain a strong relationship with your clients whether directly, individually, in newsletters, and or/via social media. Show them you care. Trust matters (more than ever)! 
With people spending more and more time online, it’s a great time to share relevant and engaging content related to your business. One local interior designer has been sharing photo montages – including a handwashing themed series with a collection of beautiful bathroom images.  A local salon is sharing a series of photos of stylists each holding up a sign featuring a different word, collectively telling customers that “we miss them, and we’ll see them soon.” 
Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park that is a favorite for hosting kids’ birthday parties, has 160 locations that are temporarily closed now. To help give back to families who still want to celebrate while staying at home, Sky Zone is offering free virtual birthday parties for kids for up to 10 guests, supporting parents and keeping employees working. Sky Zone is making a meaningful and memorable impact on children, parents and the community, deepening their customer relationships.
Figure out the best way to engage with your current customers and do so in creative ways.  
Ask yourself: How can I best engage and communicate with my customers now? What can I do to encourage my current customers to support my business? What are other companies doing to engage customers that I could also be doing or could help my business?
4. Explore the benefits of collaboration
There’s an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  The objective of collaboration can be new ideas, exploring synergies, and creating new business partnerships, where 1+1 = 5.  Partnerships can help give you access to new customers, new products or new markets. What partners can you work with that also have resources you can leverage? Is there a partner you think could help sell your product or service to their customer base? What could you offer them in exchange? Is there an opportunity to bundle your products together? True partnerships and successful collaborations are win-win. 
Related: 3 Simple Steps to Start Your Side Hustle
It’s also important to collaborate with other businesses for support and ideas. Being a local or small business can feel especially isolating, but there is power in numbers and more ideas. Make an effort to connect, whether it’s a neighboring business, a local chamber of commerce, industry trade group, or even a Facebook or LinkedIn group.  
Collaboration doesn’t have to be on a grand scale to be effective. For example, once their storefronts closed due to COVID-19, local ice cream parlor NORMAL Ice Cream partnered with Diabolical Records to offer a home-delivered package deal of 3 pints of ice cream and $30 worth of vintage records for $50. They announced the partnership on their social media pages and sold out within hours! 
Many companies have forged innovative partnerships during this time. 
Ask yourself:  Who could I collaborate with?  What businesses do I have synergies with or common customer profiles?  What current partnerships would be mutually beneficial to my business? 
5. Try and fail (and try again!)
There has never been a better time to try (and fail!). Now is the time to experiment. Quickly launch new ideas with minimal investment. Focus on results. Learn and improve with each iteration. Not everything you try out will work. And that’s okay. Expect to fail. Move on. It may take multiple attempts to figure out what works for you. Be brave. Have courage. Persistence pays off in the end.
There are many famous pivots. YouTube was once a video dating site. Twitter was once a podcasting network named Odeo. Play-doh was once a wall cleaner that pivoted to a beloved children’s toy.
Even the most successful and famous companies have had numerous failures – some of which you may not even remember  –  Google’s social media Orkut, Coca Cola launching Coke Max, and  Amazon’s Fire phone. Inventor Sir James Dyson created 5,126 vacuum designs until he finally invented a bagless vacuum that worked.
Ask yourself:  If I do a small test of a new idea and it fails, what is the worst that can happen and what knowledge can I gain from trying?  How can exploring a new partnership or collaboration benefit me?
Embrace the pivot
If your business has been greatly impacted by the current crisis, you’re not alone. It’s important to remember that great companies can be built in hard times. I started my first company after the dot-com bubble burst which eventually grew to over $100M in annual revenue. Many of the successful companies you see today — WhatsApp, Uber, Credit Karma, Pinterest, Slack, Venmo, and Square were all founded during the 2008 Recession. Embrace the pivot!  Don’t focus on what you can’t control…think about what you CAN. 
 Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during-a-crisis/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during.html
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
5 Ways to Pivot Your Business During a Crisis
April 17, 2020 10 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” —Charles Darwin.
In a matter of weeks, everything changed. Uncertainty is the only thing that is certain. Most businesses have been greatly disrupted and negatively impacted. Companies, CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, employees and business owners are facing a time of great uncertainty and what lies ahead is unclear.  
Related: A Disrupter’s Guide to Getting Back to Center During Times of Uncertainty
Entrepreneurs know that some of the best businesses come out of the worst times — because sometimes in our darkest moments, new ideas and innovations provide beacons of light. All we need is the glow of a great idea. What new companies, products, movements will be born out of our new reality? As an entrepreneur and CEO who has weathered the dot-com bubble burst, September 11th, and the market crash in 2008, I know firsthand the potential devastation facing businesses today. The economic impact of what we are now experiencing is unprecedented but there are still opportunities to come out stronger than ever before. 
I’ve personally had to pivot many times, and while it can be scary, it can also be a time of growth. Now is the time to experiment, create and innovate. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s tough to pivot your business during times of immense change. Before pivoting, I recommend first to stabilize your business to the best of your ability. It is important to tighten your belt, evaluate your costs and ensure you take the necessary actions to weather the crisis. 
There are likely changes you wanted to make in your business but haven’t and now is a time to act. Evaluate your talent, review your contracts, decide what is truly necessary to run your business. Make sure you spend your cash wisely. Look closely at your financials to see how you reduce your losses. It’s time to streamline so you can move forward without the weight of unnecessary cost burden.
Related: How to Adapt Your Messaging to the Sudden Change in the Marketplace
A business that was weak during a good economy is greatly exposed in a bad economy. If your business is not working now, and was not working well 6 months ago, it may be time to re-examine its long term viability. Winston Churchill once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Use this crisis to get out of businesses that aren’t working and haven’t been for some time. Invest your time and energy on what is working vs what is not working. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself!
It is also a good time to take advantage of the financial resources available. Many of the companies in my portfolio have applied for the federal government’s paycheck protection program. If you haven’t already, it is important to educate yourself on the many forms of aid, resources, and support made available. 
Once you have stabilized your business it’s time to focus on the future. Here are 5 ways to pivot your business to not only survive, but also to thrive:
1. Embrace the digital way 
If you’re primarily run out of a brick-and-mortar store, it’s time to find the digital version of whatever work you were doing. Can you deliver your product or service electronically? Restaurants have been hit especially hard by the pandemic, and many have transitioned to online delivery and curbside to-go orders. Panera Bread has taken things a step further, by making it possible for customers to order groceries online along with their usual sandwiches and salads.
If you own a boutique, now is a great time to launch an ecommerce store with a 90-day Shopify trial. If you’re a fitness instructor, you can hold your regular workout classes virtually with Zoom. If you are an interior design company, pivot to virtual consultations, you can also create content with links to buy products. Real Estate agents have embraced a virtual presence, from doing 3D tours, Facebook Live and virtual walkthroughs, to even featuring homes on TikTok. My local liquor store is offering home delivery and doing cocktail making courses and wine tasting sessions via Zoom. With everyone stuck at home, the demand for online content is higher than ever.  
Ask yourself: what you can provide online?  
2. Leverage your existing assets and resources
Leverage your current assets and resources and align them with your customers’ current needs. What could you change in order to fulfill those needs? 
Businesses of all sizes are already making successful pivots in order to fill different customer needs and continue to operate.Cosmetics manufacturers such as LVMH, which owns lUXury perfume and makeup brands, have switched to making hand sanitizer, leveraging their expertise and production capabilities. Large clothing manufacturers such as Gap, Nike, Zara, and Brooks Brothers, are using their factories to make masks, gowns and scrubs. 
Amid the steep ride-sharing demand decline, Uber launched an On-Demand Work Platform, going from ride sharing to labor sharing. Through Uber’s Work Hub, Uber drivers can connect with other Uber platforms, including Uber Eats, Uber Freight and Uber Works, or a growing number of companies using Uber’s system including McDonald’s, PepsiCo, UPS, FedEx, and Walgreens. This pivot allows Uber to leverage its largest assets, technology and vetted workforce and supports drivers in finding access to alternative work.  
Related: How To Manage Your Mental Stress
Ask yourself:  What do people need most right now?  How can your company fill that need with your existing resources? If your business is unable to operate, is there a way to pivot to digital or a business that is deemed essential?
3. Deepen loyalty with existing customers
We’re all in this together. Be real, authentic and transparent about your efforts to serve your customers as best as you can – and let them know how they can support you in return. Loyal customers are champions for your company and brand ambassadors. Continue to maintain a strong relationship with your clients whether directly, individually, in newsletters, and or/via social media. Show them you care. Trust matters (more than ever)! 
With people spending more and more time online, it’s a great time to share relevant and engaging content related to your business. One local interior designer has been sharing photo montages – including a handwashing themed series with a collection of beautiful bathroom images.  A local salon is sharing a series of photos of stylists each holding up a sign featuring a different word, collectively telling customers that “we miss them, and we’ll see them soon.” 
Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park that is a favorite for hosting kids’ birthday parties, has 160 locations that are temporarily closed now. To help give back to families who still want to celebrate while staying at home, Sky Zone is offering free virtual birthday parties for kids for up to 10 guests, supporting parents and keeping employees working. Sky Zone is making a meaningful and memorable impact on children, parents and the community, deepening their customer relationships.
Figure out the best way to engage with your current customers and do so in creative ways.  
Ask yourself: How can I best engage and communicate with my customers now? What can I do to encourage my current customers to support my business? What are other companies doing to engage customers that I could also be doing or could help my business?
4. Explore the benefits of collaboration
There’s an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  The objective of collaboration can be new ideas, exploring synergies, and creating new business partnerships, where 1+1 = 5.  Partnerships can help give you access to new customers, new products or new markets. What partners can you work with that also have resources you can leverage? Is there a partner you think could help sell your product or service to their customer base? What could you offer them in exchange? Is there an opportunity to bundle your products together? True partnerships and successful collaborations are win-win. 
Related: 3 Simple Steps to Start Your Side Hustle
It’s also important to collaborate with other businesses for support and ideas. Being a local or small business can feel especially isolating, but there is power in numbers and more ideas. Make an effort to connect, whether it’s a neighboring business, a local chamber of commerce, industry trade group, or even a Facebook or LinkedIn group.  
Collaboration doesn’t have to be on a grand scale to be effective. For example, once their storefronts closed due to COVID-19, local ice cream parlor NORMAL Ice Cream partnered with Diabolical Records to offer a home-delivered package deal of 3 pints of ice cream and $30 worth of vintage records for $50. They announced the partnership on their social media pages and sold out within hours! 
Many companies have forged innovative partnerships during this time. 
Ask yourself:  Who could I collaborate with?  What businesses do I have synergies with or common customer profiles?  What current partnerships would be mutually beneficial to my business? 
5. Try and fail (and try again!)
There has never been a better time to try (and fail!). Now is the time to experiment. Quickly launch new ideas with minimal investment. Focus on results. Learn and improve with each iteration. Not everything you try out will work. And that’s okay. Expect to fail. Move on. It may take multiple attempts to figure out what works for you. Be brave. Have courage. Persistence pays off in the end.
There are many famous pivots. YouTube was once a video dating site. Twitter was once a podcasting network named Odeo. Play-doh was once a wall cleaner that pivoted to a beloved children’s toy.
Even the most successful and famous companies have had numerous failures – some of which you may not even remember  –  Google’s social media Orkut, Coca Cola launching Coke Max, and  Amazon’s Fire phone. Inventor Sir James Dyson created 5,126 vacuum designs until he finally invented a bagless vacuum that worked.
Ask yourself:  If I do a small test of a new idea and it fails, what is the worst that can happen and what knowledge can I gain from trying?  How can exploring a new partnership or collaboration benefit me?
Embrace the pivot
If your business has been greatly impacted by the current crisis, you’re not alone. It’s important to remember that great companies can be built in hard times. I started my first company after the dot-com bubble burst which eventually grew to over $100M in annual revenue. Many of the successful companies you see today — WhatsApp, Uber, Credit Karma, Pinterest, Slack, Venmo, and Square were all founded during the 2008 Recession. Embrace the pivot!  Don’t focus on what you can’t control…think about what you CAN. 
  Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/5-ways-to-pivot-your-business-during-a-crisis/
0 notes
coconailspa-blog · 6 years
How to select the perfect nude nail colour for your client
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Barely-there hues are always in style and the sophisticated nude nail look continues to flourish across the runways, on celebrity fingertips and in the salon. Favoured by many for its ‘clean’ look and ability to complement any ensemble – without overpowering, nude nails will never go out of style – and therein lies their beauty. However, when it comes to giving clients the best nude manicure for their skin tone, how does one find the perfect product match? Fortunately, there’s an endless variety of nudes on the market, meaning there’s a shade for everyone and no longer a ‘one-nude fits all’ policy.
“A nude nail look is a timeless, season-less classic that any woman, regardless of age or style, can pull off,” explains Catherine Trowell, sales executive and brand builder for China Glaze. “Nude nail shades can make fingers look longer and more graceful and can match any outfit or occasion.”
“It’s crucial to choose a colour that enhances a client’s skin tone,” says INK London educator, Tracy McGoogan. However, there’s a fine line that nail techs should be careful not to cross when it comes to nude shades. “Too pale and the hands can look washed out or cold; too dark and it can almost make a client’s skin and nails look like they’ve had a tanning disaster! However, once you ‘nail’ nudes, there’s no going back,” assures Tracy. “I love a classic nude nail, it’s a go-to colour for busy clients that prefer a neat manicured look, it’s the perfect nail for an important meeting or job interview and a neutral nail will never clash with an outfit choice.”
When deciding on the perfect nude shade for your client, the first step is to identify their skin tone and then determine undertones. Kathryn Darwin, brand development manager for Palms Extra, explains, “In order to select the right nude colour for clients, consider whether they have pale and fair, medium to olive or dark skin. One tip, used by many when assessing colour, is to look at the veins on the inside of the wrists to ascertain whether they are blue or green. Blue veins indicate cooler undertones whereas green means warmer.”
However, it’s needless to say, there’s a number of methods to determine a client’s skin tone. Julie-Anne Larivière, Salon System GELLUX techspert, employs the mannequin-hand approach when it comes to matching her client with a nude polish. “I have all my nudes lined up next to each other on a colour wheel and I place each shade on the client’s nail until we find the perfect match,” she reveals.
Laura White, education emissary for The Creative Beauty Group, opts for a similar approach when helping clients pick the right nude. “For my clients, the best way to find the best nude is to ‘try before you buy’,” she explains. “All my gel polish bottles have a colour pop ring around the neck, painted with the colour in the bottle, which they can ‘try on’ over their own nail to check the shade against their skin tone.”
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hadimustology · 6 years
Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea
The new skin treatment recommended by French women
Within less than 2 years, Modeling Blooméa® has become a reference in every beauty salon in France making its way to Australia.
Where does this success come from?
Modeling Blooméa® is a French device designed in partnership with beauty therapists, aesthetic surgeons and professional designers to make it efficient, easy to use and a pleasant experience.
Qualified as a very “skin care treatment revolution”, Le Modeling Blooméa® was awarded the Paris 2015 Innovation Prize at the “Congrès International d’Esthétique Appliquée”. One year later, the device got noticed by experts at the Cosmoprof, Hong Kong and received the French Cosmetics Awards 2016.
What is it and how does it work?
Modeling Blooméa is the new alternative to microdermabrasion using innovative macro-exfoliation technology.
Developed 10 years ago by French aesthetic surgeons and recently adapted to the beauty industry with the support of beauticians, Modeling Blooméa®’s three-step skin treatment provides outstanding results in the treatment of stretch marks, acne marks, scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation. The device can be used on the whole body including face, hands, buttocks, breast, belly and hips.
What features distinguish this product from competitors?
Modeling Blooméa® uses a unique three-action system combining macro-exfoliation®, microvibration and light therapy that is much less invasive than traditional microdermabrasion.
The device does not only stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (microvibration), but it also erases imperfections layer by layer to smooth and unify the skin (macro-exfoliation).
Most importantly, every step is performed with a single-use sealed tip to meet strict hygiene requirements and avoid skin infections and rashes. Each tip covers a larger treatment area than most microdermabrasion devices, which ensures an efficient and quality treatment especially on stretch marks.
A soft light is also emitted from the hand piece during the whole treatment (light therapy).
Overall, the guest experience is clearly improved. With Modeling Blooméa®, a therapist can gently treat almost all skin imperfections, on the face and the body.
What benefit does it offer our guests?
With over 94% satisfaction rate, Modeling Blooméa® offers a solution to everyone looking to get rid of at least one of the following skin issues: stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and/or scars.
Modeling Blooméa® can solve the above skin problems with long-term results in just two months!
The three actions of the small device make it a painless process even on sensitive skin!  Visit our friendly qualified therapists at Garden City Brisbane, Stockland Townsville, Willows Townsville and Casuarina Darwin for your first consultation.
The post Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea appeared first on Wax It.
Source: http://waxit.net.au/macroexfoliation-bloomea/
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sepiiduh · 6 years
Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea
The new skin treatment recommended by French women
Within less than 2 years, Modeling Blooméa® has become a reference in every beauty salon in France making its way to Australia.
Where does this success come from?
Modeling Blooméa® is a French device designed in partnership with beauty therapists, aesthetic surgeons and professional designers to make it efficient, easy to use and a pleasant experience.
Qualified as a very “skin care treatment revolution”, Le Modeling Blooméa® was awarded the Paris 2015 Innovation Prize at the “Congrès International d’Esthétique Appliquée”. One year later, the device got noticed by experts at the Cosmoprof, Hong Kong and received the French Cosmetics Awards 2016.
What is it and how does it work?
Modeling Blooméa is the new alternative to microdermabrasion using innovative macro-exfoliation technology.
Developed 10 years ago by French aesthetic surgeons and recently adapted to the beauty industry with the support of beauticians, Modeling Blooméa®’s three-step skin treatment provides outstanding results in the treatment of stretch marks, acne marks, scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation. The device can be used on the whole body including face, hands, buttocks, breast, belly and hips.
What features distinguish this product from competitors?
Modeling Blooméa® uses a unique three-action system combining macro-exfoliation®, microvibration and light therapy that is much less invasive than traditional microdermabrasion.
The device does not only stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (microvibration), but it also erases imperfections layer by layer to smooth and unify the skin (macro-exfoliation).
Most importantly, every step is performed with a single-use sealed tip to meet strict hygiene requirements and avoid skin infections and rashes. Each tip covers a larger treatment area than most microdermabrasion devices, which ensures an efficient and quality treatment especially on stretch marks.
A soft light is also emitted from the hand piece during the whole treatment (light therapy).
Overall, the guest experience is clearly improved. With Modeling Blooméa®, a therapist can gently treat almost all skin imperfections, on the face and the body.
What benefit does it offer our guests?
With over 94% satisfaction rate, Modeling Blooméa® offers a solution to everyone looking to get rid of at least one of the following skin issues: stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and/or scars.
Modeling Blooméa® can solve the above skin problems with long-term results in just two months!
The three actions of the small device make it a painless process even on sensitive skin!  Visit our friendly qualified therapists at Garden City Brisbane, Stockland Townsville, Willows Townsville and Casuarina Darwin for your first consultation.
The post Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea appeared first on Wax It.
Source: http://waxit.net.au/macroexfoliation-bloomea/
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hybrid-evoluti0n · 6 years
Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea
The new skin treatment recommended by French women
Within less than 2 years, Modeling Blooméa® has become a reference in every beauty salon in France making its way to Australia.
Where does this success come from?
Modeling Blooméa® is a French device designed in partnership with beauty therapists, aesthetic surgeons and professional designers to make it efficient, easy to use and a pleasant experience.
Qualified as a very “skin care treatment revolution”, Le Modeling Blooméa® was awarded the Paris 2015 Innovation Prize at the “Congrès International d’Esthétique Appliquée”. One year later, the device got noticed by experts at the Cosmoprof, Hong Kong and received the French Cosmetics Awards 2016.
What is it and how does it work?
Modeling Blooméa is the new alternative to microdermabrasion using innovative macro-exfoliation technology.
Developed 10 years ago by French aesthetic surgeons and recently adapted to the beauty industry with the support of beauticians, Modeling Blooméa®’s three-step skin treatment provides outstanding results in the treatment of stretch marks, acne marks, scars as well as wrinkles and pigmentation. The device can be used on the whole body including face, hands, buttocks, breast, belly and hips.
What features distinguish this product from competitors?
Modeling Blooméa® uses a unique three-action system combining macro-exfoliation®, microvibration and light therapy that is much less invasive than traditional microdermabrasion.
The device does not only stimulate the production of collagen and elastin (microvibration), but it also erases imperfections layer by layer to smooth and unify the skin (macro-exfoliation).
Most importantly, every step is performed with a single-use sealed tip to meet strict hygiene requirements and avoid skin infections and rashes. Each tip covers a larger treatment area than most microdermabrasion devices, which ensures an efficient and quality treatment especially on stretch marks.
A soft light is also emitted from the hand piece during the whole treatment (light therapy).
Overall, the guest experience is clearly improved. With Modeling Blooméa®, a therapist can gently treat almost all skin imperfections, on the face and the body.
What benefit does it offer our guests?
With over 94% satisfaction rate, Modeling Blooméa® offers a solution to everyone looking to get rid of at least one of the following skin issues: stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and/or scars.
Modeling Blooméa® can solve the above skin problems with long-term results in just two months!
The three actions of the small device make it a painless process even on sensitive skin!  Visit our friendly qualified therapists at Garden City Brisbane, Stockland Townsville, Willows Townsville and Casuarina Darwin for your first consultation.
The post Macro-exfoliation with Bloomea appeared first on Wax It.
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