#Because Jacket goes back to these impulses throughout the game and they simply hit the id ego superego theory and gives us insight on
c1tyhaunts · 6 months
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THE EGO, ID, AND SUPEREGO. and although my hatred for Freud stems deep, Jacket/Richard's psyche, perception of self, and thought processes filters through the concept that he has three actors within him controlling his actions: his instincts (ID), his perceived reality (Ego), and fragments of his morality (Superego).
In the HM games, his actions are often interjected by Richard, Don Juan, and Ramsus, which are the physical manifestations/representation of his brain processes during his coma.
Ramsus leans to his ID - his impulses and behavior; the adrenaline seeking tendencies, the need for the next high. This is Richard's addictive behavior personalized, and those thoughts are often angry, sharp, and snapping.
Opposing that is his superego, the reminders that he's only a human, after all - the soft touch of Don Juan, represented as the women he uses for solace. These thoughts minimize his behavior, reminds him that internally, he can be a good person if he tried. These thoughts are tender, playing to his heart strings. To some degree, he yearns for these perceptions to be true.
Until he leans into his Ego - Richard. The identity that has been with him from the start. Richard is who he is, from birth to death. These thoughts are literal, direct, and completely based in objective truth. And yet, Ego often sits quiet, letting the other two dictate his actions as if he refuses to realize that everything is his fault at the end. So often, Ego is neglected for the highs the other two provides.
Richard Fritz doesn't want to face the truth, and when he does, it's because there's no high to chase anymore.
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