#Because fun fact!! to ensure they aren't poached by humans
locke-n-k3y · 7 months
janette might get given a sword/dagger btw in plot- adele sleep with your eyes OPEN/hj i do have a fucked up way of them both dying btw if you would like to hearrrr
HARLEY??? DUDE. I CAN’T HE’LL BE ON MY MIND ALL DAY. hrhrhdhdhdndgdj You can’t make a silly guy like this locke/j you totally can and everytime its amazing hdshdhsbj
Adele when Jan GETS YOU /Silly
I LOVE HARLEY SO MUCH OKAY?? So more information about him and Marie having to leave eachother, basically one of Harley's coworkers followed him to learn about this 'incredible discovery' he was talking about, and they saw him with Marie, they came out and revealed themself, and Harley talked Marie down from straight up killing them to preserve her secret, unfortunately the consequence of that was that after Harley left she had to disappear so that the guy wouldn't actually be able to lead people to her. She left behind a singular egg [containing the twins] and a message to Harley apologising for having to leave him and explaining why she did, so he left for England again, sad and now saddled with this??? Egg??? He incubated it and woke up one day to these two lil goober babies!! [Technically already about 5 months old due to being in the egg and developing more before birth than a typical human baby, so they walked/spoke a LOT earlier than normal babies would]
I haven't decided if the twins meet Marie again but if they did Leo would LOVE his mum and Poppy would have COMPLICATED feelings around it
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