#Because it's just a physical shell made to kill; full of depersonalisation and derealisation because Bhaal didn't need a personality
y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
*This is the one Sceleritas sent you to kill. Every scrap of your marrow years to end her.* Isobel: "On with you. Unless you want to come back to a gaggle of shadow-cursed Harpers." The Dark Urge: "My blood... It's telling me to kill you. Isobel: "And yet you hesitate." *She doesn't believe you will do it. You can see, she wants to believe there is mercy in all, even in the worst.* Isobel: "You aren't the first to threaten me. But I know the eyes of a killer when I see them. You mean me no harm. Do you? An experienced cleric can tell such things." *The Urge within does not want to talk. The restless Urge starts to scream* Durge: Chase away your putrid desires. *As suddenly as it started, you have tamed the Urge. It slumbers again.* Isobel: "There we are. The real you. Your - affliction, is it? - doesn't rule you, does it."
Her wife might be a half-celestial, but Isobel is the literal angel; some twitchy guy comes up to her and says they want to kill her and she doesn't bat an eyelid or change her tone, she's perfectly calm and talks them down.
On a less positive note: this should've required a will save to repress the Urge. Very anticlimactic.
Although I will handwave it as Bhaal going: "You think you can just say no to me? Fine, spare the cleric. Let yourself believe it's that easy. See how the real you fares when I make you butcher your lover in her place."
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