#Because you know somewhere in the governments database there's photo records of him
frayazicat · 7 months
what if Triplets Dan, Danny, and Ellie?
like, people like to make at least Dan and Danny twins, but why not all three?? i never see that happen.
here's what i'm thinking. Reveal Gone Good, but Danny now has to tell his parents about the OTHER TWO biggest secrets he's kept from them; Dan and Ellie. he's a little hesitant cause this is not Phantom Planet compliant so they don't know about Vlad.
Dan's still in his thermos timeout thinking about what he's done and Ellie is...somewhere.
so, he tells them about his clone and his future self. this includes what Vlad has done to him. does it include who did this? maybe, i don't know. dealer's choice. anyways, the Fenton parents want to meet their new kids.
Team Phantom gets in touch with Ellie to get to FentonWorks as soon as possible while Danny introduces them to Dan.
it..might not go as planned, might end up fine, that's also dealer's choice. but! in the end, they somehow redeem Dan. Ellie arrives and the duo are welcomed into the family!
but, there are two problems now.
1) how do they explain away their new children?
and 2) Dan is full ghost (and adult-sized, i'm not sure the parents are old enough for a kid his age) and Ellie is an unstable clone - both half Vlad, and really not wanting to be half Vlad.
their solution to the second problem? make new bodies for them! they made two fully stable Halfa clone bodies from Danny, had Ellie and Dan fuse their cores inside these clones near the end of making them, and waited for them to pop out of the tubes at the same age as Danny! this might take some help from Clockwork and Danny to pull off without more melting clones..
anyways! now, they have three Halfa children. all they have to do at this point is find a way to explain the sudden appearance of TWO MORE KIDS!
their solution for THAT problem? hack into the database and change the medical files so it showed that THREE kids were birthed instead of one; Danail Jack, Daniel Jackson, and Dannielle Jacklyn Fenton. Dan, Danny, and Ellie.
but the parents take it SO MUCH FURTHER. they bribe the local schools and hospitals, they make fake receipts of things bought for them and fake records of government child support, and they even photoshop younger versions of Ellie and Dan into the family photos to make it legit. heck, they might have even gone back in time via Clockwork to add the birth certificates! they're THAT committed!
so, we got a new family of six gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing their way into legitimacy.
"What do you mean we only had two kids this entire time? Look at these records! Look at how similar they are to their triplet brother! The evidence says otherwise!"
"Listen, if you just play along and say nothing contrary to anybody who asks, we'll stop ghost hunting or driving for one month every time you do so. Sound good? We'll even put in some money to sweeten the deal."
"If we never had these children before, then why do we have memories of Dan viciously beating up Danny and Ellie's bullies at school?"
that sort of thing.
they're COMMITTED. it's INSANE. the town is going CRAZY.
where did these kids come from?? did we seriously forget about two teen kids for sixteen years??
(things go off the rails when Sam and Tucker get in on the action.)
now, i'm putting this under DCxDP, cause of just ONE little detail. Ellie's obsession involves moving, right?
well, what if the Fenton family becomes a wandering family of crime-fighters/mad scientists with an interest in the occult?
what if they get on the JL's radar because of one too many supernatural cases being solved by the Fentons in the JL's local cities?
they're at Gotham? suddenly, it feels as if the air is lighter and that it's not as drenched in evil and insanity as before. what did they do? fought the curses in the local Lazurus Pit like someone wrestling a pig in their mudpen.
they're in Metropolis? Lex woke up one day to find his entire stash of Kryptonite was missing with no trace. what did they do? the triplets broke in after sensing the gems and ate them like candy, their natural ghostliness shorting out the security feed as they do so.
they're in D.C.? all of the ghost relics in the local museums have been stolen with only a note saying, "Sorry for the disturbance! These were too dangerous for the living, so we put them somewhere safe! Don't worry! :)" left behind. what did they do? they took them and chucked them into the ghost portal where some allies on that side put them in safe places.
and that's all i got.
TL,DR; Fenton family goes full mad scientist in order to welcome Dan and Ellie into the family before packing up and wandering the states, effectively gaining the JL's attention with their suspicious and crazy appearances.
(i hope i didn't accidentally steal this idea from another. if i did, i'm sorry. feel free to smack me or something if that's the case.)
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phantoms-lair · 4 years
Koro-Sensei’s Awakening
What do you want to be?
The question was the first thing that pierced the darkness his mind was wrapped in. He’d been asked that before, and he’d remembered his answer then. “Weak” He’d wanted to shed his identity of The Reaper. To live in the world Aguri had lived in .
The tentacles had complied, not with his word but his intention. The ‘Super Being’ was certainly not weak. But he’d been able to connect to people, to experience their sorrows and triumphs. He only had one year to live after that day, but a better final year he couldn’t ask for.
And, as it turned out, it was only a year due to his own foolishness. He approached his goal - teaching Aguri’s class, as he would have something from his old life. Something that must be done from a position of strength. He set himself up as the monster, bringing catastrophe if they didn’t give in to his one odd demand of being a teacher.
And in the end, that was what killed him. He’d built himself up as a threat too big to ignore, ensuring he’d never find peace. It hadn’t seemed to matter that much when he was going to die soon. He’d never expected to be saved, to find out he had been saved months ago. But by then it was too late. What do you want to be?
 He knew he didn’t want to be The Reaper. Did he want to be Koro-Sensei? Yes and no. While he liked both his speed and his tentacles, he didn’t want to be the world-threatening super being again. He just wanted to exist, to learn, to teach.
What do you want to be?
“I want to be me!” he yelled into nothingness. The voice fell silent, and darkness took him once more.
His next bout of awareness was slow and sluggish. There was an oxygen mask on his face and he was connected to various equipment. With what little strength he had he tore them out and tried to flop out of bed. But his tentacles weren’t moving right, he had to escape!
“Easy Koro-Sensei.” The voice was comforting, familiar. It was someone he could trust. He felt himself relax. 
“Don’t want to get hooked up again.” he muttered.
“Now that you’ve awoken, you don’t have to.” The voice reassured.
“Good.” was the last thing he murmured as he fell asleep again.
The next time he awoke he was more cognizant, but wasn’t sure what to make of his situation. He was on a bed in what looked like a hidden room. There was medical equipment, but as promised it wasn’t hooked up to him.
But what was really perplexing him was the fact that he had legs and feet. In addition to four tentacle arms. Judging by feel his face was human and his hair...well he wasn’t sure what was going on there. 
It was tentacles, he could tell that much, but thinner strands, like the monofilament ones he’d used for the surgery that saved Kaede’s life. Yet at the same time he could feel them merging into thicker tentacle strands, which then dissolved back into thin ones.
“I have brought you breakfast,” The door opened and Koro-Sensei wondered if it was a dream. “You seemed to enjoy sweets, so I’opted for french toast, with a side of fruit.”
“Ritsu? How are you here?” He stared as what seemed to be an older version of his student, or at least the image his student projected.
“A robotic body I inhabit.” The Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery (though she seemed to have abandoned the last two parts) answered, putting the tray in front of him. “And after breakfast we can work on your cover.”
“My cover?” He asked, as his stomach gurgled, enticed by the food. “I do not know why you regenerated with a more human appearance, but it is to our benefit. Though the ‘Assassination Classroom’ incident has been marked resolved with your death, it would be troublesome if someone connected your appearance and realized you were still alive.”
Point. It had probably been years after his not-as-deadly-as-he-thought death, judging by her appearance, but no need to stir the pot. Still... “Don’t you think these might give me away?” he asked, waving his tentacles.
Ritsu merely smiled. “While you eat, let me tell you about a new phenomenon called ‘Quirks’.”
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avaritia-apotheosis · 3 years
Phantom Children Ch.4
In Which: exposition for exposition's sake exists, and Vlad looks way more suspcious than he ought
| AO3 | Prologue | 3 | [4] | 5
VLADIMIR MASTERS. Human male in his mid-forties, and most notably the founder and CEO of VladCo, a billion-dollar industry that mostly specializes in manufacturing weapons and technology. Graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin despite having to drop out due to a lab accident in his second year, landing him in the hospital. Despite being based primarily in Wisconsin, he made an unexpected move to Amity Park Illinois shortly after reuniting with his college friends Drs. Madeline and Jack Fenton.
Not even a year later, Masters ran for mayor of Amity Park and won the election by a landslide. Suspicious, considering Masters being an unknown and the former mayor Montez being quite popular. It’s during Masters’ tenure in office that reports of ghost attacks to the Justice League steadily died down.
“Why?” Damian asked.
Barbara shrugged, pulling up a few files on the screen. “I originally had a theory that related to VladCo’s buyout of Axion Labs—a technological research and manufacturing company that’s mostly local to Amity—being a factor. Within the last couple of years, they had been experimenting with highly volatile chemicals with hallucinogenic properties. Amity had always been known for being extremely superstitious with its ghosts, and if Axion Labs had somehow accidentally released that chemical into the city, well…” She leaned back into her chair, hand twisting in the air. “You could bet how that ended up. The hysteria around ghosts only grew worse in the last two years, with suspected sightings from once every few weeks to multiple in a single day. Early attempts to capture sightings were unsuccessful, and soon enough Amity Park was just written off.”
Much like the mass hysteria surrounding the urban legend of the kuchisake-onna in Japan in the late 1970s, Bruce thought. He pulled up some news footage from Amity Park dated a few years back of citizens being interviewed about their ghostly encounters. Beside these videos were a few photos taken by a shaky camera, showing bright blurs of light streaking across the sky or vaguely humanoid shapes rising from the ground.
“So VladCo., bought out Axion Labs, improved its security, and slowly helped detoxify the town?” Damian shifted his weight onto his other leg and crossed his arms.
“That’s what I thought, but—”
“But the ghosts ended up being real.” Bruce pulled up a video of a field reporter-slash-weatherman taking cover as a figure dropped from the sky, breaking through the walls of a building. The figure—features distorted by an eerie glow—shot out of the rubble just in time before a green blast hit it.
Oracle enlarged other news footage with a few taps on her keyboard. Beings zooming through the air. Massive plants erupting from the ground. Technology coming to life. Each video more worrying than the last, and most showing some footage of a figure bathed in a white glow. “I’d be hard pressed to call any of these faked.”
It begged the question as to how Amity Park survived this long unscathed. Since, if he remembered correctly, even the Dark Leaguers tended to avoid Amity Park like the plague. “They have their own heroes, then?”
“Think along the lines of vigilantes with unofficial support.” A few more files popped up on screen. One showcased a female in a full-length black and red body suit on top of a hover board. The other was a male; young, perhaps a teenager, with white hair and a black and white suit. Hazmat? “The Red Huntress and the Phantom of Amity Park.”
“More like enemies working on the same turf. Sources place Phantom as appearing first, though it seems Red Huntress has more government support in the end despite there being no official statement. They seem to be the most effective ghost hunters in town, though far from the only ones. The Fentons of Fenton Works are also acting as ghost hunters, though their track record of success leans more towards their anti-ghost tech than any hunting. The town’s even attracted visitors from the Ghost Investigation Ward; a side branch of Cadmus though a now defunct organization.”
“This doesn’t make sense,” Damian said. “If anything, this should be more than enough reason for a League intervention. Why the Justice League didn’t come sooner is the real question here.”
Bruce’s lips thinned. “That’s because we were warned off it.”
While there was no rule against heroes entering another hero’s city, there were certain unspoken rules that demanded that JL members avoid claimed cities or stay just outside of city lines until given permission to enter. Some were especially strict about it such as Batman’s ‘no metas or outsiders’ rule. Others were more lenient, simply requesting a warning before entering.
Amity Park, despite having no listed heroes in the database, was marked with heavy ‘Do Not Interact’ warnings for humans and metas alike.
“Justice League Dark said that under no circumstances should the League interfere in Amity. The situation was never explicitly laid out for us except to say that everything was being handled.”
“Oh yeah,” Oracle chimed. “Constantine even had it bolded, underlined, italicized, and in all caps. The occult community was very clear about everyone staying away—and apparently this decision had support from Amity Park too.” She pulled up another document. “That’s probably what led to the decline in their ghost reports, actually. Amity’s claims were considered bogus and brushed aside. No one outside their town—not even their sister town of Elmerton—believed them, so they simply stopped asking for help.”
Strangely, it reminded Bruce of Gotham. Both cities existed in its own isolated sphere, unwilling to let any outsiders interfere in its business.
“It’s safe to assume, then, that whatever Ra’s al Ghul wants with Amity, it has to do with these ghosts. Do we have anyway to contact the town’s vigilantes?”
Oracle shook her head. “Ghost attacks within the past few months have slowly died down along with sightings of Phantom and Red Huntress. Your best bet is asking Masters directly.”
Damian glowered. “Masters blatantly sent out an invitation for Batman to my father. How do we know that Masters hasn’t somehow found our secret identities?”
“Unlikely,” Bruce said. “Vlad Masters, despite his wealth, has done well to keep a low profile. He’s met Bruce Wayne a total of three times within the last decade and Batman not at all.” That, and with the kind of spyware Batman has, he’d be able to tell when, where, and who was trying to dig deep into Batman’s past. Masters hadn’t even registered as a ping.
“Besides, there’s always a few rumors of Wayne Enterprise’s involvement with Batman. All this tech has to come from somewhere, no?”
“How long is Masters staying in Gotham?”
“Umm…” Oracle leaned forward in her chain and flipped through a half-dozen windows. “Going by his reservations at the Gotham Royal Hotel, he’s leaving tomorrow.”
Bruce pivoted on his heel, heading deeper into the Cave. “We better make this count, then.”
According to Oracle’s intel, Vlad Masters was staying at one of the executive suites in the Gotham Royal Hotel. A titanic structure with forty-eight floors, two towers, and the gothic aesthetic that never seemed to leave Gotham’s architecture.
Scaling the building as well as entering the suite proved no challenge for Batman and Robin. But upon entrance, it was abundantly clear that the room was vacant.
“Are you sure you guys are in the right room?” Bruce could hear the clicking of Oracle’s keys through their comms. “Masters had reserved the suite on the west tower.”
“Yes we’re in the correct room, Gordon,” Robin hissed.
“Codenames only, Robin.”
Robin clicked his tongue, sweeping the common room for any hidden bugs or cameras as Batman scouted out the rest of the room. The bed was made to hotel standard and the bathroom towels all completely replaced. There were no clothes in the hotel closet or dresser.
The only thing left that indicated occupancy of the room was an unmarked manila envelope unsubtly tucked within a pillowcase.
Robin tensed at the sight of it. “A detonator of some sort?”
Batman rotated the package, holding it up to his scanner. “Doesn’t seem to be. Regardless, it might be better to take it back to the Batcave and locate Masters ag—” The envelope started ringing. A standard ringtone found in most phones. Quickly, but carefully, Batman opened the manila envelope and dumped its contents onto the bed. A ringing burner phone and a flash drive came tumbling out.
Batman threw the flash drive at Robin before answering the phone, holding it up against his ear but saying nothing.
Silence. Then, Masters’ voice filtered in through the phone with a strange echo-like quality. “Good evening, Batman! I’m so glad my invitation managed to get passed along.”
Batman growled into the speaker, “What do you want, Masters?” He signaled Robin to do another sweep of the room for any signs of Masters they might have missed.
“I sincerely apologize for not being there to meet you myself; incredibly rude of me, I know. But it cannot be helped, the shadows are growing ever bolder.”
“So, you are aware then, of the League of Assassins’ presence in Amity Park?”
“A league of assassins? What a terrifying notion that is.” Batman frowned. It was unlikely that they had misread his words at the gala, so why was he acting unaware now? Could he be watched? “Why such a group would appear in my little town, I wouldn’t even dare to guess.”
Robin came back into the room and signaled back ‘negative.’
“Why did you call for us, Mayor Masters?”
“Do you know what is so very tragic, Batman?”
“This is strange,” Oracle said. “I can’t pick up his signal. He’s not appearing on any of my cameras, either.”
“When someone so young dies much to soon.” A pause. “Could you even imagine such a thing? A parent burying their own child.”
Batman could. He had no need to even imagine it because he lived it.
“Some very close friends of mine have been weighed down by the shadows of death and I require help in providing them the closure they need.”
“Are the Fentons the targets, then?”
Masters paused. Then let out a breathy laugh over the phone. “Oh, if only it were that simple.”
“So a different target.”
“Everything you need to know is in the flash drive I’ve enclosed in that envelope Whether you take up the case is entirely up to you—though I do hope you take it. Regardless, if he is not returned soon then I assure you that a disaster unlike any you have seen before will arrive.”
Batman narrowed his eyes. “Is that a threat, Masters?”
“No,” He laughed. “That was no threat. That was promise.”
The phone line disconnected just as Oracle exclaimed that she finally found Masters boarding his flight back to Amity Pak.
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isisapollon · 5 years
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Alien Tech at the Vatican + The Jesuits + Archons ++
Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye was ‘Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. “Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.”  https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1224-emery-smith/ Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.” After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example, Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years. And they have an underground base under the Vatican. So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.” You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago. I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery. Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post. “Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” …. Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican David: But what you’re describing right now is like straight out of a sci-fi movie. It must have been just breathtakingly incredible. Emery: It was the most amazing thing . . . one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, . . . David: Wow! Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican https://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/transcript-cosmic-disclosure-alien-tech-at-the-vatican.html TZ here again: I’m thinking of course directly that I hear Emery say re the special city “, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” …. That ‘their’ plans to create this special city is not for the love of humanity – no – it’s the next stage in their plans to keep the sheeple occupied with something new and fantastic that they have created to keep us happy and still in quarantine and under control etc.…. that’s how they have always done it. It’s all a game to them our controllers – its all under their control and has been – BUT THEIR GAME IS SOON OVER. For the reader to understand just a little more about how the Jesuits work I will take some earlier information provided by Cobra as an example.
Cobra told us very early on, on his blog that the Jesuits had been controlling the ‘show on this planet’ for 500 years. We learned that a certain number of archons had incarnated into black nobility families and the archons were in control of the Jesuits. I must point out that so many are going to be shocked really shocked when all the truth comes out. For a couple of years (2013-2014) when posting, writing my website and blog I was still being fooled by Jesuit bloggers so called whistleblowers and helped to spread their information believing them to be true ‘truthers’ when in fact they were working in disguise for the Jesuits. You have to keep in mind that these wily, manipulative Jesuits are following – keeping control over all developments on this planet which means they always have to be ahead of the game and provide ‘good guys’ and ‘saviors,’ etc. for the next part of their quarantine control. Here an excerpt from one Cobra update called ‘The Jesuit Agenda’ from Nov 28th, 2013. …“The Jesuit plan is to let the Light forces purge the Illuminazi faction (Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Cheney & Co.) and then secretly team up with the Rothschilds to take over the process of creating the new financial system. Their agents are present on endless negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and they are trying to steer the agreements closer to the Jesuit agenda. This is the source of proposals to make the Pope the new M1 (monetary controller). This is the reason why the new Jesuit Pope is promoting the idea of a central world bank. They are also seriously considering the idea of allowing a worldwide debt jubilee so that they would be portrayed as saviours of humanity under the wings of »benevolent« Catholic church. They would then promote the Catholic cult in a renewed, more publicly appealing way, and gradually absorb other religions into it (starting with Buddhism) until they would reach their goal of a global religious mind programming cult, at the same time keeping all past atrocities of the Catholic church under the carpet. Through special compartmentalized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinfo coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources. I (Cobra) have a list of people and groups inside the truther / liberation movement that are either under direct Jesuit control or are manipulated by the Jesuits and it may or may not be released in the near future. The Jesuits are working under the command of the Archons to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth. It is good to know that the Jesuit organization is a 16th century creation of the Farnese family, which is one of the most powerful papal Black Nobility families in Italy. One of the reasons the Jesuits have created WW2 was to orchestrate a worldwide gold grab to finance their black budget programs to maintain the quarantine status of our planet (secret space program, deep underground military bases). Operation Golden Lily was a Jesuit operation and general Yamashita was a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits:” to read more about this go to links provided below this article.” I would really like to recommend to everyone who is not familiar with Cobra’s early updates to go to this page on my website where it’s all gathered neatly update after update and you will find information about this planet that no other blogs would have been able to provide. HERE IS A LIST OF THE ARTICLES ON THIS PAGE – created in November 2014 The Elephant in the Room/Explosion of Information/True Storm of Disclosure Imminent Cobra’s Three Photos 1A] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS ~ MAY 8TH, 2012 1B] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS CONTINUED ~ MAY 10TH, 2012 2] ARCHONS ~ CURRENT ARCHON SITUATION UPDATE ~ MAY 26TH, 2012 3] ARCHONS ~ ARCHONS INTERFERE IN CABAL SURRENDER NEGOTIATION ~ JUNE 7TH, 2012 4] ARCHONS ~ HISTORY RE ARCHONS + THE VEIL [MATRIX] JUNE 18TH, 2012 5] ARCHONS ~ LAYERS OF CONSPIRACY ~ JULY 15TH, 2012 6] ARCHONS ~ EXPLOSION OF LIGHT   ~ JULY 26TH, 2012 7] ARCHONS ~ ETHERIC ARCHON GRID ~ JAN 03RD 2013 8] ARCHONS ~ PLANETARY SIT: UPDATE ~ ETHERIC PLANE ~ OCT 15TH, 2013 9] ARCHONS ~ FALL OF THE ARCHONS UPDATE ~ JANUARY 12TH, 2014 1] JESUITS ~ THE JESUIT AGENDA ~ 28TH NOVEMBER 2013 2] JESUITS ~ Knowledge of the Dangers of Jesuits was Spread in the 1880’s Through the Work of Helena Blavatsky Channeling Master Kuthumi – Founding the Theosophical Movement 3A] The Jesuits the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and their different roles from 13/09/2013 by TZS 1A] THE CHIMERA ~ APRIL 8TH, 2014 1B] CHIMERA ~ JULY 7TH, 2014 1C} CHIMERA ~ AUGUST 5TH, 2014 1D] CHIMERA ~ 8TH SEPTEMBER 2014 1E] CHIMERA ~ 16TH SEPTEMBER 2014 1F] CHIMERA ~ OCTOBER 7TH, 2014 The Secret Space Program Cont. from my website this is how I present the above list of articles; It has been a widely discussed question on this planet about who the ‘power behind the throne’ really has been. It was not until the 8th April 2014 that we received the final ‘key’ to this truth. Up until that date we have believed that the main archons who created the matrix/veil have been running the show via the core Jesuit group worldwide. We learned earlier about their being archons in physical bodies among the black nobility families. Suddenly we are informed about this other archon group known as the chimera. In later interviews with Cobra we have learned that these two groups of archons cooperate with one another yet keep to their distinctive groups. You will get all the details about these groups here on this page. My personal belief is that the so called ‘elephant in the room’ that Cobra referred to early in 2014 is none other than the Jesuit archon group. Why I maintain this is very simple. The Jesuits through their evil tentacles spread out across the entire globe through a multitude of schools, universities, and institutions of one kind or another and especially in the Catholic and Islamic world have affected the control of just about every subject of interest there is in existence. Of course, these groups alone would not have succeeded in this endeavor if not for the fact that they managed to unite forces with others. They have enlisted the support of various Reptilian groups and have been running affairs through the two main groups/families that we know as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. All of the details as to who controls what within these various groups are supplied here on this page in great detail. Most of the information has come through Cobra and the Resistance Movement – RM. I myself compiled the article about the Jesuits and the warnings given about them 120 years ago from the Ascended Master Kuthumi via Helena Blavatsky from a much longer Theosophical article. I have also compiled and written the article The Jesuits, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. To continue reading: https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/introduction/dark-cabal-rulers PS: I feel that I have to give a personal ending to this information and why I still feel the anger popping up when I consider the Jesuits and their control. I was born in Dublin Ireland. Many will be aware that this country was one of the most Catholic countries on the planet. Everything about my life was controlled from day 1 by the Archon Jesuit controlled Catholic church. I have always had a need of contact with spirit. When there was nowhere to turn I turned to Mother Mary and Jesus. I can say right now that this use of HIS name (Jesu) for ‘their’ control makes me angry. ALSO, do not believe that I am so stupid as to blame the entire Jesuit group. Probably 2 out of 3 Jesuits are good people. I am speaking about the CORE approx. 10% of them who run the show – probably no more than 14-15% of the Jesuits know that this group controls the entire planet! Aged 13-14 or so I became interested in reading about astrological sun signs. One Sunday sitting in the local Catholic church I found myself looking up at the roof of that right winged part of the church. There were 4 corners to that valve and lo and behold there are the four cardinal signs in astrology!! The Eagle (higher aspect of Scorpio) the water bearer (Aquarius) the Bull and the Lion. That’s when things got a bit confusing. We were warned about dabbling in things like astrology by the priests and nuns. Somewhere between 95-96% of Irish schools were run by various orders of priests or nuns. Chi Rho symbol + Alpha and Omega So why on earth were the 4 cardinal astrology signs on the roof of the church? They have a rule you know to show everything ‘out in the open’ yet concealed. By my bedside I have a memorial card from the funeral of my father who died in 2008. My sister and I chose the texts etc. that we wanted on this card to be given to friends and family. One thing that we did not choose was the emblem that is part of the design on the front and back! of this little card namely, the Chi Rho symbol. This is another symbol that I thought s lot about when seeing it in front of me at Sunday mass on the altar cloth etc. trying to understand its meaning. I was thinking maybe the P is for Peace and the X is like the x in the word Pax – peace. I studied Latin at school. But no not! The Chi Rho is the symbol of the archon Constantine the Great the Archon who created the Christian cult,found on coins of that time etc. X 1000’s of other places. See more evidence of this on the link above this paragraph. Here another excerpt from The Event info Page 2 on my website – paragraph heading is the 2nd Khazar Invasion The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great 306-307, converted to Christianity and in 313 issued the Edict of Milan which declared tolerance for the religion. which then led to the Council of Nicaea twelve years later. There, in 325 AD, under the influence of the Archons, Constantine gathered all the bishops, and all of the priests to standardize the religions of the Empire, in what amounted to a hostile takeover of Christianity by the Cult of Sol Invictus. The Cult was the official religion of the Empire and it was thoroughly infiltrated by the worshipers of Baal, who had come to Rome with the Royal families of the Egypt and middle-east when Rome had conquered and annexed them. Using the new Catholic Church, they implemented an empire-wide mind control program based on the idea of Heresy, allowing them to persecute anyone who would not agree their teachings. In the western Roman Empire, by 393 AD people were living in fear of reason and the personal connection to the Source. By this cause, the civil government was without practical direction and became easy prey for waves of Barbarian tribes to destroy the Roman Empire by substituting their armed control of secular law for that of the Empire. The Archon infested church created bishoprics to rule the hearts and minds, while giving the right to extract taxes to the Barbarians. It was at this time that the Catholic Church destroyed all of the Goddess Temples. The archon and reptilian {Khazar} invaders tore down each temple and built archon temples over these sites – with the intention of stifling the energy. *** The purpose of the use of Heresy was to destroy rights of people to think for themselves. Mystery schools, Christian gnostic groups and nature worshipping paganism were replaced with Christian cult mind programming. This programming was enhanced with the creation of virtual reality hells on the lower astral plane, which were then used by the Church to strengthen its position. The Bishop of Milan known as Theodosius the Great {this soul was totally Archon controlled} destroyed all the old mystery schools. He ordered the burning of the Alexandria library and the books were destroyed or put into the Vatican library. Link to this page here; https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/the-event/the-event-2
The last pic describes the ‘acceptable’ church version of why we have the Chi Rho symbol everywhere. Here also from ARCHON update nr 9 (list above) “The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome: In their »map room« inside that building they have shaped the destiny of the world during 16th and 17th centuries: It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator: http://www.senatorfarnese.com/”
Map Room from 16th Century + Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770’s I could go on and on about the wiles of these Jesuits but there is so much more info on the website links I’ve provided above for those interested. However, I just remembered one other link to information about the truth behind the WW2 holocaust from my website: This will truly shock anyone who has not heard of it before so be warned. I worked for many hours and weeks to provide an overview of a much longer article about this subject that Cobra provided earlier on in an update; Synopsis of The Vatican Holocaust Part 1 of 8 “The Great Pentagram of Evil” The Sacrifice of 18 million non-Catholics to the Devil/Satan https://www.veritasgalacticsweden.net/introduction/important-news PS – again! Finally if I hear or read any more comments whether on PFC or my blog that are in ANY WAY derogatory of Cobra and his non-stop work for the liberation of this planet I will remove them directly. I have lost all patience whatsoever with ignorance, stupidity and downright evil. I am glad that he finally spoke out himself recently. Despite the loss of his beloved Isis to the dark side people continue to try to attack him. OK they just don’t understand and they neither have the time or the patience or the willingness to do the work and discover the truth, so they are a sorry bunch who will eventually wake up. Namaste and Love
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dyinghorizons-blog · 6 years
So about your family II - Innocent
Hey folks, figures I’d write this up and try to maybe make a little series out of it. Let me know what you think, good bad or ugly. Have at it.
“You did what!?” Sendric exclaimed.
“We took a sample of his blood you collected and ran it through the GCSS medical database. There was a DNA match, so we did a data crawl on all information relating to that individual and took a chance,” Jack stated. “While he may look different, you can’t change your DNA. Hell, if he had fingerprints we would have examined those too, just to verify -“
“YOU CAN NOT DO THAT!” Sendric was furious. “DNA is the sole property of the individual, and under Directive 103.3 is -“
“You don’t do DNA matches because you feel they intrude on people’s privacy. Which is extremely shortsighted, and frankly my superiors and I are at a loss as to why you still refuse to use these types of measures when faced with terrorism on this scale. Additionally,” Jack continued, halting another interruption, “Humans are not a member of the GCSS, and therefore not under any obligation to follow your directives. We saw that you were having a problem similar to what we had decades ago. We offered to help. You accepted. So, if you want our continued assistance, maybe you should begin considering some methods you may find reprehensible are necessary.”
Sendric fumed. The audacity of this newcomer to the galactic stage was infuriating. Terrorist or not, privacy or not, there were strict laws governing the use of DNA. Namely that it should not be used. What if people started to alter DNA or program it?
“So how did you get the records anyway? That information is on a secure database. Not even I have access to that.”
“Secure? My understanding is it took less than 15 minutes for our hackers to break in, get the information, and get out,” Jack said simply.
“You broke in!? This is getting worse and worse...” Sendric was starting to get a headache. “Do you know how much trouble you and your organization is going to be in?”
“Not much. Legally we aren’t bound to follow your laws, you have nothing but my word that your systems were hacked, and in short order we will have all the information needed to start dismantling this terrorist organization for you. I think your superiors will gloss over some minor indiscretions.”
“You know what? Fine. But I’m making this a matter of official record. When the public hears about this, it’s going to be your head on the plate,” Sendric said. Maybe that will make the human work within the parameters of the law. Jack just shrugged and left, presumably to go back to terrorizing the detainee.
Spies. Criminals with a government paycheck. Sendric had heard that somewhere. He detested them. They listened to no one but their own consciousness and that was often times nonexistent.
He took a breath, turned to his terminal, and began typing up his report. He had to stop several times to get up and slink around his office to stop his emotions getting the better of him. He could make a personal note at the end of his report, but the body of it must be fact and nothing else.
“How did you find my family?” Jo’skar asked.
“Went to their last known address and took photos.” Jack said, putting on a confused look.
“I mean, how did you know they were my family?” Jo’skar was going to treat with this person very carefully. He was obviously very intelligent and dangerous. He threatened his family, after all.
“Ah. That, I think I will keep to myself for now. But, I think it’s time you start answering my questions.”
Or they will pay the price. Jo’skar grimaced. “Fine. Ask your questions.”
“You were a mining foreman before you joined the Rim Coalition. Why did you leave?” Jack asked.
Not the question I thought he would ask... “Because the Core takes all our hard work, all our resources, and uses it to better themselves while leaving us on the Rim with nothing.” He felt some anger ripple through him on that point, but he knew he couldn’t start spewing dogma at this man.
“I understand that...” Jack muttered under his breath, but Jo’skar heard him anyway.
“Is your species also on the Rim?” He ventured.
“More or less. Though a rather desolate part of it.”
“Every part on the Rim is desolate. That’s why what the Core is doing is wrong. That is why they have to be stopped!” Maybe he could make this being feel some sympathy for him. After all, they were both being exploited.
“Good thing my species keeps all their goods then.” And just like that, Jo’skar’s hopes were dashed.
“Why did you leave your family behind? They believe you died in an explosion at the mining site on Theranus VI. Why would you leave your family behind, and allow them to believe you died?” The interrogator asked this quietly, almost sympathetic. As if abandoning ones family was the worst thing one could do. And he was right. Except...
“They wouldn’t have been safe. I had to choose between them, or fighting for the entire Rim. You can’t have both in something like this.” Jo’skar hardened his heart. He would not breakdown at this.
“And so you actually take the lives of fathers and mothers, forcing them to abandon their families when they would rather not. You take that choice away from them,” the human said, but without malice or accusation. It was a statement of fact.
“They make their choice -“ he started.
“THEY MADE THEIR CHOICE TO LIVE AND TO LET LIVE!” The human stood up, slamming his fists on the table clearly furious. How quickly he switched between emotions was astounding. “They chose to live the best they can, not harming anyone. They follow the rules. They lived lives in peace, AND YOU ENDED THOSE LIVES!”
Jo’skar was feeling humiliated. And angry. “I only struck at those responsible for the theft of property of the Rim! I never once attacked innocents!”
The human opened the folder he had placed there earlier that day. On top was his photo, and small writing in a language Jo’skar couldn’t identify. His native language likely.
As the human flipped through, he noticed there were photos of places he had been in the last [15 years]. People he had met. Charts and graphs telling stories about him that Jo’skar had no way of knowing. The more he flipped, the more recent the photos appeared. Until...
“Ah, yes here we are. GCSS University. [2 years] ago. Law school. Judge Falind was to give the keynote speech to the graduating students. Do you remember this?” The human asked. Before Jo’skar could answer, he pressed on. “218 casualties. 44 deaths, the rest either severely wounded or critically maimed. And that’s just from the initial blast. Analysis on the blast radius, materials, and likely construction look shockingly similar to another bomb, one that you supposedly died in, and another recently recovered... in your possession nonetheless.”
Jo’skar was nervous now. He really did not bomb that building. He was simply transporting a bomb made by the Coalition. He said as much, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
“So what I’m thinking now is that you didn’t care about the civilian casualties. The innocents harmed by your bomb.”
“I didn’t build that bomb!” Jo’skar said, hoping the man would listen to him. Yet the interrogation continued.
“I think you did. Explosives are used in mining. You were a mining foreman turned terrorist. Had access to the materials to build a bomb. It’s not hard to make the connection. You built that bomb, hurting 218 innocents for the sake of one person. An individual you deemed a threat. There were children...”
“I DIDN’T BUILD THAT BOMB!” Jo’skar shouted. “There are lots of miners in the Coalition. None of us ever built bombs before, we just know how to use them!”
“Then who the Hell built them? If not you, then who!?” The human was just as agitated as Jo’skar was.
“Some ex-military guy, I only met him once!” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Jo’skar was shamed. The human had calmed down immediately. His face no longer red, not breathing heavily. He smoothed his shirt down and sat.
“You’re not lying to me, are you Sar’aal? That would be a great shame for everyone involved.”
“I am not lying,” not even flinching at the sound of his true name, Jo’skar almost whispered it. How did he give such critical information to this person so easily? Wasn’t he supposed to be stronger than this? Maybe it was the innocent lives...
“...I believe you. And I will make sure my superiors believe you too.” Jo’skar took no comfort in that. “I need his name, Sar’aal.”
“Ven-tal. I am done with your questions now. Send me to the executioner. I have nothing else to provide you.” Jo’skar looked at the human. The human looked back at him.
“No. I think we can help each other, actually.”
#hfy #hwtf #thoughts #humansarespaceorcs
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dracusfyre · 6 years
Square K5: Dear Thor (you’re still a dick)
Warnings: None
Rating: General
Relationship: Loki/Tony
Words: 2,964
Summary:  Tony writes a letter to Thor and thinks back over the years since he got soul bonded to Loki (AKA Five Things Tony Learned About Loki) For Square K5: Five Things.  This is a Sequel to Square R4: Read the Fine Print and Square R1: Conspiracy of Ravens. I’ve officially turned all these soul bond fics into a series called Loki Radio.
for @tonystarkbingo
On AO3!
Tony turned off his monitor and spun idly in his chair, finally admitting that he was not going to be able to concentrate on work.  There were too many thoughts spinning around his head to focus on equations right now.
“Can you, like, carry a letter? Not just relay a verbal message?” Tony asked the raven sitting on the monitor, basking in the warm air coming off the CPU fan.  The bird quorked and fluffed its feathers, bobbing its head up and down.  “Awesome.” Tony stopped his chair and searched through his desk for a pen and a piece of paper, because writing a letter to an ancient Norse god/alien to be delivered via magic raven seemed like something that should be done by hand.
Dear Thor; Tony began, then squinted at Dear.  He got a new sheet of paper and started over.
  I hope this letter finds you well. Tony made a face. “Goddammit, this is why we invented computers,” he muttered and got a third sheet of paper.
  I want to let you know that you can stop avoiding me now, I’m not mad about the thing with Loki anymore. Not saying that you don’t still owe me one or a dozen favors, not the least that another bottle of that mead you brought that one time.
  The past two year or so has been pretty interesting, to say the least.  I’ve definitely learned a lot about Loki that someone didn’t bother to warn me about.  For one thing, you could have mentioned that he is a nosy bastard. I mean, seriously. He has the whole universe to screw around in and he can’t help but meddle here on Earth?
beware the readmore
          Tony glanced out from under the car he was tinkering with and saw Loki looking down at him expectantly.  With a sigh, Tony rolled out from under the car and wiped his hands before accepting Loki’s helping hand of the floor.  “What do you need, Loki?”
          “Do you know anything about this man?”  An illusion of a man appeared in the middle of Tony’s lab, scowling darkly out at the viewer.  He had long brown hair covered by a baseball hat and was wearing clean but worn clothes.  Tony squinted and walked around the illusion, but despite the fact that the man looked vaguely familiar Tony couldn’t place him.
          “No…JARVIS, can you run a facial recognition on it?”
           “Of course, sir.”  Loki had long ago ceased to search for the source of the disembodied voice after Tony had explained what an AI was. “No matching records in any current photo ID database, sir,” JARVIS reported after a moment.
           “Huh,” Tony said in surprise, sitting down at his computer and opening a new window.  “Where did you catch a glimpse of this guy?”
           “He’s been following Captain Rogers for ten days now but refuses to either engage or make contact.” Loki leaned against Tony’s desk and crossed his arms, drumming his fingers on his biceps thoughtfully.  “I thought at first it was an enemy, but now I’m not so sure.”
            “JARVIS, expand search to archived records, foreign databases, and all intelligence community databases,” Tony said.  He rolled around the corner of his desk so he could look Loki in the face.  “So why have you’ve been following Captain Rogers, Loki?”
           “Information is power, Stark,” Loki said with an enigmatic smile. “You never know.”
           “Loki, it is a specific clause in the contract that there will be no more attempts to take over-” Tony started, but was interrupted when JARVIS announced, “Sir, I have a match.”
           Tony pointed to his eyes and pointed at Loki in an I’m watching you gesture before he went to his desk to see JARVIS’s results.  Images and archived news articles appeared, showing a slightly younger version of the man clean cut and wearing a uniform.  After a moment of scanning, Tony’s eyes zeroed in on one image and expanded it.  Steve Rogers, wearing a World War II era uniform, had an arm around the man’s shoulders and they were smiling at the camera, caught in the middle of some sort of celebration.
           “James Buchanan Barnes?” Tony read aloud.  “Uh, that seems doubtful, considering it says right here that he died in 1941.”
           “Appearances would argue otherwise.”  Tony jumped when Loki spoke right in his ear.  Loki reached over him to scroll through the information on the screen.  “Clearly he was a friend and contemporary to the Captain eighty years ago, but what is he doing here now and why is he treating Rogers like an enemy?”
          “Indeed.  JARVIS, put all of this in a new file for me to look at later.” The images obligingly vanished, and Tony turned to face Loki.  “What are you planning, Loki?”
          “Why so suspicious, Stark? I’m just…curious.”  There was that goddamn mysterious smile again and then Loki was gone.
On the other hand, I don’t know if it’s the contract or Loki’s own contrary nature, but there have been a few times where he was really helpful, even if it is in a “careful what you wish for” kind of way.
           It’s strange the way your body reacts when you get bad news, even for someone who has gotten more than his fair amount of bad news.  When Tony heard the words, “Mr. Stark, this is Officer Weber, with the Hamburg Police. I’m afraid there’s been an accident,” he felt his body go numb and his ears start to ring; his vision seemed to both sharpen and go gray as everything slowed down.  Except his heart; that was pounding hard enough to hurt.
          Pepper was a business trip to Germany, and had taken Happy to drive her around.
           “What happened?” He managed, fumbling for his desk chair and sitting down heavily.  “Is everyone ok?”
           “Mr. Hogan and Ms. Potts are in the hospital, in stable condition.  They were driving to the Hamburg airport when someone clipped their car; Mr. Hogan lost control and they hit a retaining wall.”
           A car accident. Tony felt nauseous. “Ok. But, they are-”
           “They are fine, sir,” Officer Weber said, sympathy warming his clipped accent. “Ms. Potts wanted me to make sure you were notified.”
           “Thank you. Tell her I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Tony was already on his way upstairs when the line went dead, taking the steps two at a time. “Shit,” he muttered to himself. “Pepper has the jet.” He paused for a second and said, “Fuck it, I’ll take a suit,” even though he had gotten Very Stern warnings from many governments about flying it across international borders without proper authorization.  But ‘proper authorization’ pretty much meant ‘Only On Avenger’s Business,’ but what was he supposed to do, fly commercial? It would take hours for him to-
           “What’s the matter?” Tony jumped when Loki spoke, and that was when he noticed Loki lounging on his couch.
           “Pepper and Happy were in an accident.  They’re in Germany, and I have to figure out the fastest way to get there without earning myself a military escort on the way.” Tony fisted his hands in his hair, trying to think. Wallet. He needed his wallet and his phone. Clothes? Nah, he could buy clothes, having a suitcase would only slow him down.
           Loki sat up, looking mildly concerned. “Are they injured?”
           “Well, they’re in the hospital, so they’re injured at least a little.” Tony took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart so he could think. Pepper would not thank him for making a mess for her to clean up later.
           He only realized he was pacing when he almost ran into Loki, who was holding a hand out expectantly. “What?” Tony said, staring at the hand and then up at Loki’s face.
           “Let me send you to Germany,” Loki said, making a come on gesture with the outstretched hand.  “You’ll be there in seconds.”
           Tony hesitated for the barest moment, but he could feel Loki’s sincerity so he took his hand and sure enough, he was standing outside Hamburg hospital between one heartbeat and the next.  He blew out a relieved breath and resolved to find some way to thank Loki.
           It wasn’t until later that he realized that he didn’t have his passport, or a passport stamp, or basically anything to indicate that he was in Germany legally since he had not, in fact, gone through border control at all.  Overall though, as Tony waited in the Interior Ministry office, waiting to speak to the head of German Border Control, he had no regrets.
Somewhere I heard that he’s known as the God of Lies, but that just seems like bad PR.  He doesn’t lie nearly as much as he likes people to think he does; I don’t think I’ve ever heard him tell an actual lie at all. He doesn’t even cheat at poker (I think).
           As Tony’s regular poker group grumbled on their way out the door, Tony leaned his chair back on two legs and studied Loki.
           “You know, for someone known as the God of Lies, I don’t think you even bluffed through that whole game,” Tony mused.
          “It’s more fun to give people just the right amount of information and let them lie to themselves,” Loki said with satisfaction as he stacked up his poker chips.  However much money he may have on Asgard, he had just become a millionaire on Earth in one night.  There had been a $250,000 buy-in for this particular game and Tony was the only one besides Loki walking away with any chips, mostly because he had figured out Loki’s game before anyone else.  He had even virtuously refrained from trying to cheat through the soul bond, both out of fairness and because the only information coming across Loki Radio had been the emotional equivalent of tuneless humming. “So what do I do with these?”
          “Well, I can give you the cash equivalent, unless you want to keep a bunch of plastic chips that have no inherent value.  Has there been something you’ve wanted to buy?”
          Loki shrugged and toyed with one of the chips, running it between his fingers. “This was entertaining.  Is there someplace I can do more of this?”
          Tony blinked for a long moment, lost in the mental image of Loki in Vegas or Monte Carlo.  “You know what, yes. Yes there is.  Gimme a second to change clothes, because I want to see this.”
He is, however, aggravatingly smug and superior. Which I should have known.  How in the hell do you deal with that ‘know it all’ attitude, especially when it turns out that he’s right? Is this part of the reason why you guys fight so much?
           “This Accord is a farce,” Loki said, tapping the thick document resting on Tony’s dresser, leaning against the wall as he watched Tony get ready for the meeting on the Sokovia Accords. “You are one of the most powerful men on the planet. You should be dictating the rules, not having them dictated to you.”
          “First of all, I didn’t ask your opinion,” Tony said, frowning in concentration as he worked on a complicated knot in his tie.  “Second of all, I would expect nothing less from someone who grew up under an absolute monarchy.  In a democratic system I’m no more powerful than any other person.”
          Loki snorted at that and raised his eyebrow.  “Yes, I’m sure your wealth and status count for little,” he said dryly. “At least in Asgard no one suffers from poverty, starvation, or illness. Or is that part of why your political system is superior to mine? Your citizens have the freedom to die of easily preventable causes?”
          Tony scowled at Loki in the mirror.  “I didn’t say it was perfect.  Do you really think you could come in here knowing nothing about humanity and do better?”
          “Of course,” Loki said, giving Tony a condescending look. “Humans are like children. You can try to explain to them what is best but they can’t be trusted to actually do it; it is far preferable to trick them into doing what they should be doing anyway.”
          Tony rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, ok.  That’s not an option on the table here.  And remember, not trying to take over the world was a specific clause in your contract.”
          Loki airily waived the comment away. “What are Captain Rogers’ objections then?”
          “He believes that the system can’t be trusted to make the right call.  But you can't say that you're defending the system and then act like you're above the system. It can't be ‘do as I say not as I do’ because that makes you no better than any garden-variety vigilante.”
          Loki shrugged. “If that’s how you feel. It's not as if I need to agree with you. Since I'm not a citizen of Earth, this agreement has no jurisdiction over me.”
          Tony turned to look at him suspiciously. “That is an extremely specific comment to add to this conversation. Who have you been talking to?”
          Loki smiled and changed the subject. “Are you bringing a suit?”
          Tony gestured to himself, straightening his cuffs. “I'm wearing a suit.”
          “I would suggest you bring something a little more robust,” Loki said, pushing himself away from the wall. “I get the feeling that there will be bloodshed before this is all over.”
And you know how they say it’s always the quiet ones that surprise you?  Here I thought Bruce had a temper.  I’ve seen Loki aggravated, impatient, and cross, but there’s only been one time that I’ve seen him really lose his temper.  Gotta admit, it was pretty terrifying, even if I wasn’t on the receiving end.
          Steve knelt over him, eyes wild, shield raised.
          “No! No!” Tony raised his arms to protect his face, flinching as Steve brought the shield down.
          Between one moment and the next Loki appeared and caught the shield before it could fall. His eyes flared green, incandescent with rage.  He bared his teeth at Steve as the building around them shook, dust raining from the ceiling.
          “You would dare,” Loki said dangerously, ripping the shield from Steve’s hands and flinging it across the room. It barely missed Barnes and embedded itself into the wall with a sharp, echoing tone that seemed to echo absurdly long in the concrete bunker.  Steve scrambled to his feet and backed away.
          “I wasn’t-” Steve ducked and threw himself to the side as the shield came slicing through the air towards him, gouging another gash in the concrete.
          Loki took a step forward, lips flat and green light coiling tightly around his hands and arms.  He spread his hands and the concrete rippled and shook, throwing Steve off his feet.  Barnes staggered towards a fallen pistol and a flick of Loki’s fingers slammed him against the wall and kept him there.  Steve climbed to his feet again, fists raised with a look of resolution on his face.
          Loki’s eyes narrowed and turned his wrists, facing his palms towards the floor.  Steve staggered and fell as Loki’s magic forced him to his knees. “Beg for a forgiveness you do not deserve,” Loki snarled.  “And you may die quickly.” Steve let out a groan from behind clenched teeth as he fought against the force holding him down.
          “Stop!” Tony sat up with a scrape of metal against concrete. “Loki, don’t,” he said tiredly, letting his head fall back against the concrete column.  “Just…send them away.”  When Loki nodded and raised his hands Tony added, “Somewhere on Earth. Just not here.”
          Loki’s jaw tightened as if to argue but he reluctantly complied; with a gesture Steve vanished, and then Barnes was gone a moment later. When they were alone he knelt at Tony’s side, lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes skimmed over the bruises and blood on Tony’s face.   His hands hovered over Tony as if looking for a safe place to touch while the soul bond thrummed with concern and smothered rage.
          “I’m ok,” Tony said, knowing even as he said it that he probably sounded far from ok, which was fair, because he really was. “Help me out of this, will you?”  Loki nodded and followed Tony’s instructions, fingertips skimming over damaged plates as he set them aside.
          Finally Tony was freed from the heavy weight of the armor, which had become suffocating as the systems failed, one by one.  He buried his head in his hands and sat back against the cement pillar, breathing in the frigid air, and after a minute, Loki joined him, sitting close enough that their shoulders brushed.  As they sat in silence, Tony realized that at some point over the past year, Loki’s presence had become comforting rather than aggravating.  He let himself lean against him, borrowing Loki’s strength until he felt steadier.  Eventually, he turned his head to catch Loki’s eye and held out a hand.  “Let’s go home?”
All in all, I guess what I’m saying is, I understand why you pulled a fast one over on me with regards to the terms of this agreement in order to save his life.  And not just because he's family.  Tony tapped the pen on the desk for a while, trying to figure out what to say.  So come by when you have a chance.  We’ll have some mead and catch up.
                     -Tony S
          "Good enough," Tony told the raven as he signed the letter and folded it into thirds.  He opened the top drawer to his desk, full of nuts and seeds, and let the raven eat its fill as he taped up the edges of the letter.   "Thanks, Ed," he said as the raven took the letter carefully in its beak, flapped its wings a couple of times, and disappeared.
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