#Because you need the PROLONGED absence of Ga On for that to happen
amethystina · 6 months
Hi, I hope you're doing better! I was wondering what your take would be on Yohan's reaction to Ga On if he slipped into a coma after a serious attack or something. Because obviously there would be some abyss shenanigans, but do you think he'd be split into wanting to hover and protect Ga On while he's asleep or just getting revenge? Which do you think he'd prioritise and what do you think he'd be thinking?
I also just wanted to let you know that I find your work amazing, especially Who Holds the Devil and The Gentle Light. You mention how you're worried about letting us down with it, but I think you forget how much you've already given. It's not that we're expecting something and that you could disappoint us, but it is what you do that makes us love it more. The way you think and write are incredible, as is your perspective on the characters and their interactions. Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort!
Oooooh! That's a really interesting question! I think my answer, at least when it comes to the finer nuances, would depend on a) when this happens (i.e. during or post canon), b) if they know who might be behind it (because during canon it would be easy to assume it's Jung Sun Ah or the like) and c) what their relationship is at the time (i.e. are they still just coworkers or are they in a romantic relationship).
But, in broad strokes, I think Yo Han would prioritise getting revenge. Not because he doesn't feel a need to hover — he definitely would — but because he's a pragmatic, efficient, and goal-oriented person down to his core. Meaning that as soon as it's established that Ga On is in a coma and that there's nothing Yo Han can do to help him, Yo Han will admit that his time is best spent elsewhere.
After making sure that Ga On has the best care money can buy and bodyguards to protect him, of course.
The thing about Yo Han is that he can look past his own emotions and focus on what needs to be done in a way — and on a level — that few are capable of. Which at times makes him look rather unsympathetic, sure, but is honestly one of the ways he shows concern. Like, to him, just sitting there waiting for Ga On to wake up would probably feel like an insult to Ga On and Yo Han's devotion to him. Yo Han's instincts would tell him to DO something about it instead but, since he's not a doctor, his presence in Ga On's hospital room makes no difference whatsoever. Which means he'd decide it's better for him to focus on trying to catch and punish those who hurt Ga On.
That's not to say that he also won't spend as much time as possible hovering — especially if they're in a romantic relationship. This also depends a little on where Elijah is, but I wouldn't put it past Yo Han to — after a long day of chasing the culprit — make a habit of sleeping in Ga On's hospital room instead of going back to the house. Because Yo Han HAS to sleep eventually and so he might as well do it where he has Ga On close by.
What little time he doesn't spend chasing leads and making plans, he'd spend with Ga On.
And yes, this definitely means Yo Han wouldn't really be taking all that good care of himself, neither physically nor mentally. Like, if this is post-canon and he and Ga On are in some kind of relationship? Just IMAGINE how lost Yo Han would feel. It's clear, even in the drama, that Ga On's presence reminds Yo Han to be kinder and gentler, not just to those around him but also himself. Ga On often mentions how much Yo Han grounds him in Who Holds the Devil, but he doesn't seem to realise that it's the same for Yo Han. The only difference is the way they need to be grounded and what behaviour that grounding is preventing.
And a post-canon, lovestruck Yo Han who suddenly finds himself without Ga On's gentleness and kindness to soothe and calm him?
Yeah, that won't go well.
Not in a way that Yo Han would necessarily care about, though. Or, maybe more accurately, he'd decide it's worth the sacrifice to find whoever hurt Ga On. Even if he, deep down, would know that, no, Ga On would NOT agree with that. Ga On wouldn't want him to put himself or his humanity at risk. But that's not the same as actually having Ga On there to tell him to stop.
Like, to be honest with you, I think Yo Han might even end up being extra reckless and violent because some part of him hopes that means Ga On will come back to him sooner. As if he can force Ga On to wake up simply by doing the thing he knows Ga On hates. Maybe he's even punishing Ga On a little?
"Look at what you made me do, Ga On-ah, when you're not here to stop me."
"If you don't wake up soon, I'll do something even worse."
"This is what happens when you leave me."
Which isn't reasonable (or healthy) by any means — especially for such a calm and collected person as Yo Han — but he's also a frightened, abused child who never got to develop his emotions and social skills in a good way.
He's never been in love before.
He'd be so scared.
And desperation makes us unreasonable, especially when we're afraid we might lose someone we love. He'd grasp for whatever stability he can, especially since his usual anchor isn't there anymore. He'd look fine on the outside but, on the inside, he'd be a mess. There would be fear and pain and anger and helplessness and sorrow and hope and longing. And he wouldn't really know how to deal with all of that since, at that point, he's probably gotten used to processing most of his feelings with Ga On's — knowing and unknowing — help.
Yo Han, like many children with his history, is very adept at regulating his own emotions, mainly because he had to as a survival tactic. He probably learned from a young age which ones he was allowed to show and all the other ones were suppressed until he was out of his father's reach. He's also good at reading a room since that, too, is necessary for survival in a violent household. Granted that Yo Han now mostly uses those skills to manipulate and intimidate people, but he is well aware of emotions, how to curb them, how to influence them, and how to use them to his advantage.
What he doesn't know is how to process them in a normal and healthy way. But, in the drama, we see him begin to test the waters when it comes to using Ga On as a sounding board. He says things, sees how Ga On reacts, and gets clues on how a more well-adjusted person would process that information. And I think that's something Yo Han would continue doing, bouncing his emotions off of Ga On to see what's actually a reasonable reaction.
But, more importantly, to get validation. To see, with his own eyes, that his fear, hurt, anger, pain etc. is valid. Ga On feels it too, just from hearing of Yo Han's trauma so, clearly, it mustn't be wrong for Yo Han to feel that, too. It doesn't make him weak. He's allowed to feel that way.
I think that Ga On would become Yo Han's emotional lodestar. Which I wouldn't call healthy, exactly, but what about their relationship is? x'D
ANYWAY. The delicious consequence of this is, of course, that Yo Han is left directionless and adrift, with no way to properly handle all the very intense emotions he's feeling. And that probably means that when Ga On finally wakes up again (be it weeks or months later) Yo Han will be in such a state that the moment Ga On hugs him, he'll break.
Or, well, as close to breaking as you can get when you're Kang Yo Han.
All the emotions will come rushing to the surface since his brain just recognised that the person who usually helps him deal with all of that is back and so now it's safe to let it out, right?
Yo Han vehemently disagrees, I'm sure, because he's got a reputation to uphold! And he can't just suddenly break down in his sugar baby's arms! Especially since said sugar baby just woke from a coma and is still weak! This is so inconvenient!
Unfortunately, he doesn't have much of a choice.
Sucks to be you, Yo Han.
But at least he has Ga On there to hold him, kiss him, and make it better?
SO YEAH. Something like that, I guess? I think Yo Han would be HELLA worried but is also too goal-oriented not to choose to focus on revenge. He'd probably become incredibly restless if he didn't.
Thank you so much for your kind words 💜 To be honest with you, I often forget what I've already written. Not literally (I remember it with surprising accuracy a lot of the time) but it's sometimes difficult to remember that I've already written 400k when I always have to focus on posting the next chapter and then the next chapter and then the next chapter. I rarely get the time to sit down and just revel in what I've already written? Especially since I want the story to continue just as much as the rest of you.
And while the majority of the comments are absolutely lovely, I do sometimes get ones demanding new chapters or ones questioning the choices I make in the story (especially the length). They're definitely in a minority so far, but that doesn't stop the fear that, sooner or later, they'll become the majority.
And, more than anything, I fear the moment when I'll write a bad chapter. I don't even know what would constitute a bad chapter or what I would have to do for it to become one, but I'm still afraid of it.
Which probably isn't reasonable, but since when are our anxiety brains reasonable?
So I try my best not to think about it, and receiving such kind messages as yours definitely helps. Thank you 💜 I'm so very glad to hear that you like my works, especially my takes on the characters since that is (perhaps not so surprisingly) something I put a lot of effort into and take a lot of pride in, too. I LOVE these characters and want to do them justice by writing them as best I can, even if that means the fic ends up being the behemoth it now is because they cannot move faster than a glacier x'D
So yeah. Thank you so, so much. Both for the fun question and the encouragement. It means a lot to me :)
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dollsonmain · 26 days
I've forgotten how to sleep and startled myself when I looked in the mirror on my way to bed last night. The eye wells in my skull were very, very visible. Slightly less bad this morning.
So sleep hasn't happened due to both anxiety/stress and the AC having been broken for a while. AC was out for about a week and once it was fixed, I was too stressed about the absences thing at school to sleep the first night, and then too stressed last night because Son broke his school laptop yesterday and we have to tell That Guy today, AND That Guy had gone out partying with friends after work which means he drives home like that in the middle of the night and I always worry he's not going to make it. I can't sleep until I hear the garage door open. If he crashes, with the way he has our finances set up, Son and I are effectively homeless immediately. Part of why I am trying to work. Him not coming home until 1am also prolonged the anticipatory anxiety of having to wait to tell him the problem and get over the aftermath.
And then I woke up at 3am like always and couldn't get back to sleep.
Work stuff ish again
I will not complain about being expected to work 6 hours a day because that's less than a "normal" job anyway, but really at that point I'd rather work a full 8 and get benefits.
I very much think it should be illegal to schedule people juuuuuust under the cut off for benefits to be required by labor law. You should have to either schedule people 40 hours or 20 hours, no in between, IMO. Scheduling someone exactly 20 hours gives them plenty of time to go work SOMEWHERE ELSE for the other 20 hours without having to worry about being scheduled to work 60+ hours a week because both employers are cheapskates that will work you 30 hours.
I also need to completely change my daily routines AGAIN to get to work on time.
My current-new routine is:
wake up at 3:30 and get my morning coffee
sit around and wait for That Guy to leave for work which is usually 4-4:30
Son gets up and we have the morning together
Son leaves for school at 6:50
I don't get hungry until somewhere between 7 and 9 and will have breakfast then
depending on how exhausted I am I will or will not do chores between 5 and 10
leave to walk to work at 10:20
get to work at 10:40/10:45
work 11-3
That Guy picks me up on his way home from work, though I did have to walk home yesterday
do chores
dinner between 4-5 or so
vegetable time
Now, I'm going to have to skip my morning coffee because it makes me poop and I don't want to be pooping while I'm also the only cashier at work.
So it's going to be like....
wake up around 3 and shower OR shower in the evenings and deal with being gross from night-sweats at work so wake up at 3:30, I do prefer to show up to work nice and clean but it is a gas station...
force feed myself some sort of solid food while waiting for That Guy to leave for work around 4-4:30
make sure the boy gets up no later than 5
leave to walk to work at 5:20
get to work at 5:40-5:45
work 6-whenever (she hasn't decided when????)
leave work to walk to home whenever that happens to be and I'd rather it WASN'T noon because it's going to be stupid hot, then, but stop on the store's "porch" to put on sunscreen real fast... which means I need an opaque travel size bottle for sunscreen, and eat something so I don't pass out on the way home (yesterday I took a small bread roll and some jerky and ate that and drank a second V8 Energy while walking)
get home around 1 if I left at noon because the walk home is slower than the walk to work
eat a real lunch? finally have my poopin coffee?
Son and That Guy get home at 3
I'm going to have to prep and take multiple sugar drinks so my blood sugar doesn't bottom out while at work. Right now I've been taking one bottle of water with a Real Lemon lemonade drink stick mixed in and I forget to drink it but it's there so I can slam it before leaving. I'll need to also take a meal replacement shake got sugar, salt, and other nutrients, I think, and an extra water.
Manager keeps trying to get me to buy something at work before my shift starts and I'm like no thanks those are MY monies, now, you're not getting them back on your overpriced bottled water.
Today I need to do laundry, deal with the fallout of telling That Guy that Son broke his school laptop, go to Kohl's and see if I can find some New Balance cross trainers to wear to work since I will be doing walking, standing, and lifting and I think cross-trainers would be the best option AND already know NB is the brand they primarily carry, need to find a hi-vis vest or couple of belts because I'll be walking to work in the dark, and That Guy said he'd take me to dinner today for leaving me to have to walk home from work Yesterday but what does that matter? That's going to be every day from now on.
A few more paychecks and I'll look for a scooter again. Or something. Still kind of like the idea of getting a cargo trike, ngl. Would be harder to steal than a bike anyway.
I don't know what I'm going to do in the winter.
Running a salary and income tax calculator and factoring in about $3k in short-term hobby income, even putting that no tax is withheld, it looks like I'd expect a tax return of $3k? Because there's about $3k in tax credits??? Whatever. I'll figure it out when it's closer to the right time.
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Chapter 8
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
Ao3 Link
It’s the next Wednesday when the Foster Bitch climbed the stairs up to Techno’s room. Knocking on the doorframe twice, she entered without waiting for an answer.
“Tommy hasn’t been to school all week, and the school called about unexcused absences.” She frowned at him. “You share a room with him, and don’t you drive him to school? Where is he?”
Techno threw his earbuds on his bedside table. “No idea Ma’am. I haven’t seen him since you sent him to pick me up from the station last Thursday. He woke up early and took the bus. I figured he was mad at me and at Tubbo’s. Dream’s been suspended for the incident, so I couldn’t exactly ask him.”
“Don’t you have his number?” she asked in an accusatory tone.
“Yes. But you confiscated his phone two weeks ago.”
“Oh.” She seemed to be taken aback for a second. “Shouldn’t you have Dream’s?”
“That’s for work. Like I said, I thought Tommy was at Tubbo’s. I didn’t think anything was wrong.”
“Mr. Richmon is in the kitchen.”
Ranboo’s dad. “Oh fuck.” Techno rolled out of his bed. He honestly would rather stay on his phone, but she was clearly offloading this on him, and Techno was going to make sure Tommy still had friends. Going to Ranboo’s was the best dinner Tommy ever gets. He doesn’t eat that much when he’s over, because he’ll just vomit it up, but the leftovers he takes back last the two of them a good week. Tommy may not want to be a bother and use up their resources, but Techno knows that he thinks of those leftovers as paying Techno back for everything he does.
Techno rushed down the stairs, jumping two at a time. The old stairs creaked as his feet hit their tops, the planks bending under his weight. In a moment of hesitation Techno stopped suddenly, sliding a little on his socks. He took a moment to collect himself, before making his way into the kitchen.
“Mr. Richmon,” greeted the Foster Bitch appearing next to him. “This is Techno, he’s probably the closest person to your son as Tommy hasn’t been around lately.”
“We’ve crossed paths,” Techno said, straightening his tee-shirt collar.
“Parent teacher interviews, was it?” Mr. Richmon asked, sending a little glare to the Foster Bitch and offering Techno his hand.
His grip was firm, but Techno’s was comparable. “What brings you here?”
“I haven’t seen my son since Friday.”
“I’ve been calling him in absent for a prolonged family issue, but I am well aware of the company he keeps.” Mr. Richmon kept his tone light, but the accusation is heard loud and clear as he pulls out a chair for himself.
Techno tips his head in understanding. “His friends aren’t that bad,” he defends. “But I understand your concern with Tubbo and Purpled’s brothers.”
Mr. Richmon gestures to Techno, “And Tommy’s.”
“I’m not Tommy’s brother. This is a group home. We aren’t related,” he dismissed immediately. “The other guys are blood though.”
Both the Foster Bitch and Mr. Richmon gave him weird looks at his comment.
Techno took them in stride. So what? He knows he’s lying to himself more than he’s trying to convince them. “I can ask Dream and Punz if they know anything,” Techno suggested. “I assume you don’t want to be seen with them?”
Mr. Richmon nodded. “Of course not. This place is dingy enough.”
The Foster Bitch looks affronted, but Techno shushed her with a look. “I’ll try to find your son, but might I recommend going to the police.”
“The less the police know the better,” Mr. Richmon said like it was a mantra of his.
Techno nodded, already trying to figure out how he was going to deal with this. He was the getaway driver who did his homework. Sure he knew a few things, but he didn’t have any street skills. He remembered the purple hoodie at the gas station; he might have wanted to stay oblivious, but he knew who he saw.
Techno and Mr. Richmon left the house at the same time. They got into their respective cars and they drove in opposite directions. Techno headed to Punz’s place--might as well check if they were there. Techno honestly doesn’t know why he had Punz’s key on his lanyard, but due to it he didn’t bother needing to knock.
“Techno’s here!” he shouted; can’t ever be too careful at the mercenary’s house. He doesn’t hear anything back, and since anyone who could possibly be here would shout back in greeting, he assumed that the place was empty. But it doesn’t hurt to check around.
The thing about Punz and his profession is that he had to keep tabs on his targets, and the way he practiced and kept his skills sharp was by keeping tabs on his close associates. Therefore, he normally knows when people plan to stop by.
Techno walked into the living room and found a sticky note on the family computer. “Initiation collateral. Alive,” he reads.
Techno moved the mouse and the screen opened up to an article on one of the dark web sites. “New Las Nevadas Member: Merc. Punz’s Baby Bro.” He quickly scrolled down to the cover photo: open white van doors with Purpled and Tommy grappling on the ground, Ranboo and Tubbo nowhere to be seen. “Shit.”
As he skims the article he pulls out his phone and calls Dream.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Tommy’s for sure not sleeping at your place is he?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
“For sure? Is everything okay?”
“No. Is Tommy there?” Techno pressed.
“No, and Tubbo hasn’t checked in with me for a while.”
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Techno lifted his shoulder, trapping the phone there so that both of his hands were free. He scrolled back up to see the picture again, confirmation that it was, in fact, real. He let out an unsteady breath, and shook out his hands.
“Why? What happened?” Dream’s voice picked up anxiously. “Did you hear something?”
“Yeah. So did Punz.” Techno took a deep breath. “Did he tell you anything?”
“I haven’t spoken to Punz in about a month,” Dream said.
“Mr. Richmon came by the home asking for his son.”
“The kids aren’t at Ranboo’s?” Dream asked, concern hardening his tone.
“Nope. Purpled’s on the news. The way that you’re on the news.”
The line was silent. “Fuck.” The sound of something breaking echoed down the line. “That’s. Bad.”
“Hope its ransom.”
There was a rustle on Dream’s end of the line, as if he was moving something. “Fuck. I’ll look into it. What did Purp get into?”
“Las Nevadas.”
“Fuck. Purpled. Why? What did Mr. Richmon say?”
“That Ranboo was missing and that he came to me because you and Punz live in too much of a shithole for him to visit.”
“I don’t live in a shithole!”
“This place is dingy enough, were his exact words.”
It’s been a week. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy were thrown into the same room. It’s objectively a nice room, but a prison is still a prison no matter how lavish the cell. The beds were really comfortable, but it was barren besides them.
They don’t see Purpled again, instead Fundy Soot is the one to bring them their three meals a day. You’d think that one could never get sick of pizza, but eventually--especially with the mood so sour--there comes a breaking point.
“Did someone order a meat-lovers?” The door opens and Fundy is inside the room with three cardboard plates, two slices on each. “Your dinner is here.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy said digging into his slices.
“No, I don’t think I will.” Fundy smiles vindictively. Sue him, he hates babysitting duty. “Who’s gonna shut me up? Your brother?” he asks, looking at Tubbo. “That little amateur couldn’t do anything. Petty thieving is the highest form of sin you know?” Fundy said like he was reciting something.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy repeated, noticing how Tubbo froze.
“You too? What’s your brother going to do? He’s just the fucking getaway driver. He can’t help you. Big Brother Techno Blade isn’t as strong as you think he is, little Tommy.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Tommy shouted. “Techno may be friends with Dream, but he’s not doing that shit.”
“Didn’t you pick him up from the station? You’re lying to yourself. You know that Techno is in with Dream.”
“No he’s not! And don’t you have something better to do with your time? College or some shit?”
Fundy chuckled humourlessly. “The faster you eat, the faster I’m out of your room.”
Tommy glared and shoved a whole slice into his mouth.
“No one’s coming to save you,” he taunted.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full. We sent the ransom video,” he said moving onwards. “Instead Mr. Richmon hired Techno and Dream for free. Seems Daddy doesn’t care about his son enough to save you immediately.”
That’s the point that Tubbo broke. Tubbo could take a verbal bashing; Tommy would be pissed if he attacked on his behalf; but Ranboo? Ranboo was the most innocent here and didn’t need familial jabs.
Tubbo lurched from his bed and swung at Fundy Soot, sending him down to the floor. “Where the fuck is your big brother? He fucking failed you if you had to get dragged in the life style to survive.” Tubbo punched Fundy again after he was down. “Where is he huh? At least my brother managed to keep me out of this shit.”
Tommy rushes over to pull Tubbo back. “Shh. Shh. We can’t afford this. He's top dog here.”
Fundy laid on the floor, arms out and protecting his face.
“We’re done eating,” Tommy growls. “Get out.”
Ranboo, thoroughly shaken, picks up the plates and puts them in Fundy’s hands, standing in between the two groups so Fundy couldn’t retaliate. If any of them needed to come out of this looking pretty it’s him: the rich boy.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #205: Shadow of the Claw!
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March, 1981
"... And the CLAW shall inherit the Earth!” isn’t even what the villain plan is, come on, cover copy person.
Yellow Claw was going to have a bunch of kids, make them fight to the death, and then the super child was going to inherit the Earth.
The actual cover is neat though. I like how all the red draws attention to the center where red is not.
Yes, I am good at talk about art.
Anyway, last time on Avengers: a woman named Shu Han who had been brought to Yellow Claw’s island to be one of Yellow Claw’s many wives (despite being a genius physicist athlete and could honestly be a superhero in her own right with those skills) sent out a distress signal which was eventually received by the Avengers. A lot of goofy stuff happened, Vision got captured like a dingus, Wasp did none things, a cyborg slime kraken was fought, and eventually Yellow Claw was like ‘whaaaat Shu Han doesn’t love me? Fine, begone!’ and told the Avengers to gtfo his island so he can start living his harem anime protagonist self-insert fic and also take over the world.
Which brings us to now.
After his dingus-like capture, Vision needs to be recharged because photons are his sweet calories and he never diets.
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In fact, weirdly, he’s hungrier than usual this time. Sixty-seven whole additional solar units more than usual hungrier.
I don’t know how much a solar unit is. Even as a ballpark. But Iron Man finds it noteworthy so I’m noting it.
Meanwhile, in the only one person sitting room, Wasp retcons some actual actions into the last issue so that her entire screentime wasn’t pointless.
Maybe I should learn to be more patient on multiple part stories.
No. No, its the comic writers who are wrong.
Anyway, while Wasp was spying on Yellow Claw, she noticed some weird equipment in the research lab, including a lot of tubes filled with odd, sparkly mist.
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Unfortunately, that’s all she managed to see before Yellow Claw told the Avengers to gtfo his island.
Which leaves them without much they can do about Yellow Claw.
Sure, they suspect he’s up to something. Hell, Iron Man would even admit that they know he’s up to something.
But being able to prove it is a different matter. And since Yellow Claw’s island is in disputed waters, moving without proving could lead to political fallout.
Captain America: “Iron Man is right. If we had proof that the Yellow Claw poses a global threat, international law would allow us to investigate. But as it is, we don’t have a single, tangible clue to--”
And then Jarvis walks in and tells them that the Yellow Claw’s top assistant, Dr. William Liu, is here to speak with them.
The timing this man has. Outstanding.
They scan the man to make sure he’s not walking in with a bunch of laser guns stuffed down his pants and then let him in.
And Dr. Liu pleads for the Avengers to help him. Cap asks why they should help or even trust one of Yellow Claw’s men.
Dr. Liu: “I could no longer live with the horrible nature of the master’s plan! That is why I secretly left the island, hoping that my absence would go unnoticed until I could reach you, and tell you of-- AAAGGHH!”
He doesn’t get to finish his warning because his crotch suddenly explodes.
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I don’t know how else to describe it.
Apparently Yellow Claw rigged his assistant to explode in case of treachery or just for funsies. A barely alive, crotch exploded apparently a cyborg all along Dr. Liu realizes that Yellow Claw must have remotely activated his destruct code.
He gives the Avengers some coordinates in Australia and begs them to stop Yellow Claw.
Dr. Liu: “... Y-you must stop... the Claw! Y-you’re the only hope for... the children...!”
And then he dies. And based on panels, it seems like his chest exploded more than his crotch. His pants are intact.
This was the proof the Avengers needed to act, so as soon as Dr. Liu’s body is carried away by ambulance, the Avengers prepare to leave.
But Jarvis finds a note on Vision’s door begging leave from the mission.
Vision: “I regret that I have not yet recuperated to the point where I may participate in Avengers’ activities. Please understand. I do not wish to be disturbed.”
What an oddly formal ‘I’m sick, don’t come in’ letter to pin to your door.
Iron Man is perplexed since he oversaw Vision’s recharge himself and the solar gas tank should be full. But Scarlet Witch says that Vision has his reasons to do things and they should just carry on without him.
So off they go in the Quinjet.
But as soon as they take off, Vision goes to take the second Quinjet.
Why, he’s not sick in his room at all!
Hours later, the Avengers arrive in Australia, of course passing over a kangaroo, or else how would we know its Australia?
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And at the coordinates poor exploded Dr. Liu gave them, they find a cave. And in the cave they find a secret base where that sparkle gas Wasp saw being loaded onto three missiles.
Y’know. I think I gave Vision too much shit last time for his stealth fail. Because the Avengers as a whole get spotted while they’re scoping out the missile cave.
Black Panther needs to give them all some refresher learning.
MEANWHILE, though. Back at Yellow Claw’s island, Vision ditches his Quinjet and intangibles into Yellow Claw’s base.
When he reaches Yellow Claw’s throne slash harem room where Yellow Claw welcomes him back and asks him how the hell he discovered he had been tampered with.
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Vision explains: 1) that he required extra power to recharge, 2) that he detected ultra-wave radiation being emitted from Dr. Liu when he blew up, 3) detected the same radiation from his own bad self. Thus he deduced that he had been altered to be an unwitting mole through which the Yellow Claw could spy on the Avengers and that the alteration was what was draining extra power.
Also why Vision ditched the Avengers and came here instead.
And it was all a very smart move up until it was a dumb one.
Yellow Claw was prepared that Vision might figure things out and show up again so the doorway had a Vision trapping trap installed in it and now Vision is trapped in the Vision trapping trap.
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After all his ‘I’ve come alone to defeat you’ bravado, Vision can now only defiantly claim “the other Avengers will turn your dreams into dust!”
You Tried, Vision. You Tried.
But Yellow Claw isn’t done having been one step ahead of things yet.
See, he let Dr. Liu escape and warn the Avengers because based on the broken into vent he knew that Wasp had been in his base and probably saw enough to suspect something was up. The coordinates Dr. Liu gave the Avengers was a trap!
A trap of three strong mooks with really dumb names.
Bludgeoner, Transformer, and Compressor.
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Guarantee these guys won’t be recurring.
Anyway. Iron Man and Jocasta repulsor and eyeeeeee beam at the three so Transformer can readily demonstrate why his name when he absorbs the energy and blasts it back at them.
And Bludgeoner and his big hammer hands bludgeon Wonder Man and Captain America.
And Compressor, why if you guessed that his big ol cheese grater hands compress the air between them to put the squeeze on anyone stuck between, ... wow. That’s a really good guess.
You’re good at comic books, friend!
Scarlet Witch uses a hex bolt to drop a stalactite on Compressor to free Beast but the fly swatter hands man crushes the rock and shoots the shrapnel back at Scarlet Witch.
And Wasp is as useless as she often is. Sigh.
Iron Man tries to swing behind Compressor and repulsor him but Compressor blasts air and sends Iron Man SKRRUURRUNCH into the cave dirt, carving up a furrow.
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Sure, this has been only two pages but this is a bad showing against three dinguses with dumb names. I mean for crying out loud, a man named Compressor just bodied a guy called Iron Man.
Back at the Claw Cave... no, wait, that’s confusing. The Avengers are fighting in a cave. The Claw Condo? Back at the Claw Condo, Yellow Claw tells Vision that hey his friends are going to die gruesome and frankly embarrassing deaths but maybe Vision could eke out a little win for himself.
Claw has long platonically admired his construction and capabilities and with Dr. Liu exploded, he does need a new second-in-command.
To sweeten the pot, he’ll even explain his villainous plot because I’m sure we’ve all been wondering about that.
Yellow Claw: “You see, my line was created to rule this planet -- though mankind has stupidly resisted that inevitability. But now, despite the chemical concoctions that prolong my existence, I grow old. My years are numbered. And that is why I selected these women, exemplary in both body and mind, to assure a form of immortality.
For each shall bear me a son, and in time those sons shall fight each other to the death! The survivor, the fittest, shall then fulfill my fate by becoming supreme ruler of the Earth!
Though I swear, he’ll not be subjected to the same obstinacy, to the blind sense of human freedom that has frustrated me for these many decades!
For within those cryogenic storage banks is genetic material gathered from the world’s most physically and mentally perfect humans! And from that matter, my heir will create a new order, a new population, all raised to obey by a single edit: unswerving reverence to my son!”
Vision: There is a flaw to your logic, Claw. You seem to forget that there are already several billion people on this planet -- people who will never serve the likes of you.
Yellow Claw: Ah, once more you underestimate me. For at this very moment, the missiles at my Australian launch base are being readied for take-off. Once in orbit around the Earth, they will dock with my private spacecraft.
Then at my command, they will release a specially formulated vapor, one which will permeat the entire planetary atmosphere, rendering everyone on the globe -- except for those here in my closed-environment sanctuary -- irrevocably sterile!
With no children being born, the Earth will be barren in the space of a few generations -- barren save for the followers of the new Yellow Claw!”
Okay, so, credit where it’s due.
That’s a VERY evil plan.
Sterilize planet, replace humanity with genetically servile slave race, make babies fight to the death for the right to rule that whole shebang.
In terms of a dick move that's a major league one.
So when Yellow Claw asks if Vision will become his new number Liu, Vision answers: “Perhaps, miscreant. Perhaps I will join you... in hell!”
Yellow Claw isn’t too bothered by the refusal and even decides to let Vision have a front row seat to his plan being fulfilled.
And I don’t mean tying him to the front of one of the missiles.
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I mean, Yellow Claw’s throne room launches from his base as a hot rod pink spaceship, sold separately.
Back at the Avengers fight, Wasp does a thing.
Honestly, its a pleasant surprise.
Her powerset of ‘be small, shoot tiny lasers’ not being much of a help, she thinks outside the box. She scoops some dirt from the cave floor and jams it into Bludgeoner’s arm joints to slow him down.
And then Wonder Man clocks him in the face. Who bludgeons the bludgeoners indeed.
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It does go to show that a ‘useless’ power like Wasp’s can actually be very useful if you write her smart. A superhero team should be more than just big punches, more than just spectacular powers. Wasp has great combo potential for playing things strategic and that should be something the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are too.
Beast realizes that Wasp had a really good idea. The Avengers outnumber these three jokers so why not gang up on them with teamwork? Besides, they’re not working together in any way so the Avengers might as well.
So Beast grabs Transformer’s shield arm to leave him open for Jocasta to OPTIC BLAST!
And Cap throws his mighty shield to know Compressor’s arms apart so Iron Man can kick him in the face.
Which is impressive since Iron Man was flat on his ass in the immediately previous panel.
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Apparently this was a gaffe caused by the pages being edited separately and the error not being caught before the book went to print.
As far as things go, not the worst error! I didn’t even notice it until it was pointed out.
Anyway, in a fit of pique from his dumb name dudes losing the fight, Yellow Claw kliks a button. The goons join hands or whatever weapon they have passing for hands and then they blow up.
Yellow Claw: “It is done. It cost the lives of three worthy operatives but at last -- the Avengers are dead!”
Ah, villains. Always ready to flip the board if they start losing.
And with the Avengers totally dead for realsies no foolin’ Yellow Claw is free to launch his missiles full of sterility vapors.
Actually, he could do that by remote so I don’t know why he had to wait for the Avengers to be explode. He could have just launched the missiles while they were busy fighting.
With the Avengers dead I guess the book will be about- can’t think of a good one for that recurring goof. So yeah, the Avengers aren’t dead.
Scarlet Witch used her powers to shield the team just in the nick of time.
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Captain America: “Thanks, Wanda. If you hadn’t cast that protective hex sphere around us just in time...!”
Scarlet Witch: “Don’t mention it, captain. I rather enjoy being alive myself!”
Although, I didn’t know she could just shield people with her powers like that. Unless she altered the probability that explosions hurt so that they didn’t. Yes, that sounds plausible.
The two flying members of the team, Iron Man and Wonder Man fly out of the cave after the missiles, still determined to save the days as heroes often do.
The missiles launch into orbit and then something really goofy happens.
I’ve been saying missiles because the comic has been saying missiles and I guess they are technically missiles. But if I asked you to imagine a supervillain launching some missiles full of a chemical weapon, would you imagine this?
When the missiles launch into orbit they link up with Yellow Claw’s hot rod pink spaceship.
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When I first saw this, I thought: is he going to launch them again from his spaceship? A bit of an unnecessary additional step.
But no. That is not what is going on here.
The man is just super committed to his iconography. The missiles join the spaceship and then bend to make it clear its supposed to resemble a claw.
That’s the kind of goofy nonsense I’m here for.
Iron Man and Wonder Man show up, to Yellow Claw’s alarm, and try to attack the hot pink spaceship but bounce off uselessly. The thing is protected by a strong force field.
Yellow Claw probably goes ‘phew’ internally and gets on with his evil plan.
With the missiles bent, as missiles are known to do??, to resemble claws, they can begin to spray the sterility gas into the atmosphere.
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Yellow Claw: “Soon, it will be over! When enough vapors are released to mingle with the entire atmosphere -- the shadow of the Claw shall cover the Earth!”
And with things looking grim, Vision decides that things are down to him. I mean he did go off alone and is now stuck inside the enemy’s spaceship. He’s in a good position to mess things up.
So stuck suspended in a trap, he increases his density and mass to his limit and beyond! One ton, two, further!
The energy bubble holding him gives way to his weight, allowing him to make contact with the deck of the ship. Adding his weight to that of the ship and throwing it out of orbit.
The ship will crash into Earth and at this point, it can’t be stopped.
Yellow Claw is fairly pissed.
He smashes the device holding Vision captive and then starts trying to kill him with his bare hands.
And he’s capable of hitting Vision when he’s intangible because he studied Vision while he was a prisoner, the first time he was a prisoner. And created circuity to his metal sleeves that lets him tangible the intangible.
And thus he tries to strangle Vision.
I’m not sure he needs to breathe. Probably why Yellow Claw is punching him instead in later panels.
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Vision points out that this fight is fairly pointless and that Yellow Claw could be using this time to escape but Yellow Claw is determined that he get something accomplished today.
And then the ship crashes into the ocean.
A short time skip later and the Avengers have parked the Quinjet on the ocean (it buoyant) and are searching for the Vision.
How did they know the Vision was here? Didn’t they think he was recuperating back at the mansion?
Apparently another gaffe but one that could be handwaved. Earlier in the issue when the three dumbnames appeared, Yellow Claw appeared on a monitor to taunt the Avengers and Vision was visible behind him. Captain America even appears to be pointing at Vision like ‘hey I know that guy from work.’
So conceivably they knew he was with Yellow Claw when his ship crashed.
Iron Man gives up on searching the ocean, not being able to find the Vision in the water but Vision just peaces in from the sky. He intangible’d out the ship just before the crash. He’s totally fine.
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Scarlet Witch: “I am glad that you are safe, my husband. And I’m glad that the danger has ended.”
Vision: “No, my love. Though it is true that the Yellow Claw is dead, that he will no longer plague us with his particular form of madness -- there are too many others like him, others who would rise to power by crushing the freedom that is every being’s birthright.
And as long as any of them remain unchallenged -- the danger will never end.”
With that, Vision sort of stares out across the ocean moodily. Because a true Avengers story ends with someone staring at something moodily.
And I dunno! Maybe it was the extended break from doing this liveblog but this two-parter wasn’t as bad as I dreaded.
Supposedly, part of the impetus of the story was to do a last hurrah story for Yellow Claw and then shove him under some furniture because his yellow peril character concept was growing increasingly awkward.
After one more story in Marvel Fanfare with Cap, Yellow Claw was shelved for nearly three decades.
And man launches sterility gas missiles into space to form a giant claw to make it so that his successor can repopulate the Earth with a new, freedom hating breed of humanity is pretty great as far as comic book nonsense goes.
Although, in retrospect, I’m realizing that this was basically the same plan the Sentinels that kidnapped Scarlet Witch had.
Sterilize the planet with Wanda’s magical uterus and then replace humanity with a genetically engineered kind that could not mutate.
Comic books are weird.
Next time: Human Torch guest stars. Everything is on fire.
Follow @essential-avengers or like or reblog or send me questions or tell me I’m doing an okay job or do nothing. There are many choices available. But I would appreciate feedback.
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Sully Safi Kidnapping: Property Hidden Treasures in Canada
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Historically, a meltdown in the U.S. economic climate such as the one we're experiencing would certainly surge a wake of negative development through Canada. Until now, that's not happened and also some optimists question if Canada is bending its financial self-reliance for the first time. With an abundance of natural resources, the globe's second-largest country has actually warded off recession signals so far as well as Canada's warm real estate market remains to hum.
  Sully Safi Kidnapping
  While development in the metropolitan regions, such as Vancouver and Calgary, is anticipated to slow to single-digits in 2008, various other locations are forecasted to see sharp rises in property prices as home buyers as well as capitalists look for cheap land while also capitalizing on the boom in Canada's oil, gas and farming sectors.
  Unlike U.S. financial institutions, Canada's banks never supplied subprime fundings and also have actually been able to prevent the credit dilemma that's surprised the U.S. Canada also has reduced its interest rates because its makers rely on selling exports to the American market and those sales shrink as the Canadian dollar rises against its U.S. counterpart.
  " Softer development means lower interest rates and reduced rates of interest declare for the housing market," Gregory Klump, primary economist for the Canadian Real Estate Organization, told CTV this month.
  So Canadian real estate investors and also house purchasers are able to secure a reduced rates of interest on a home mortgage despite the fact the economic situation is in a prolonged period of sustained growth.
  Right here is a look at 3 Canadian property spots that must see considerable increase in demand this year:
  1. Sooke, British Columbia - A component of the Greater Victoria Realty market, Sooke is a suburb of Victoria, the resources of Canada's westernmost district. Located to the west of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Sooke benefits from a warm environment, expanding infrastructure and also from the absence of land past it. To the west of Sooke is the Pacific Ocean as well as a large swath of primitive region that includes a protected national rainforest. Just dirt roads access those areas, implying Sooke is the end of the line as far as GVRE real estate is worried. As Victoria and its eastern suburban areas end up being crowded, need for residential properties in Sooke will enhance.
  2. Gwillimbury, Ontario - If Toronto was positioned a little farther south it would certainly be in the USA and also it would be the fourth-largest city there. As well as if lakefront property an hour's drive from a big metropolis in the UNITED STATE was readily available you would certainly think it would be valued in the millions. By comparison, Gwillimbury as well as its neighboring towns located on Lake Simcoe are exceptionally affordable. Yet as development in Ontario remains to sprawl that's likely to alter.
  3. Greater Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Bitterly cold and level, Saskatchewan has been the butt of several Canadian jokes, but that's transformed. Farming is flourishing and the work market is clicking along at a sizzling rate. House costs have adhered to, with realty in Saskatoon being one of the most in demand. In January, the dollar worth of real estate deals in the area jumped 87 percent from January 2007 and year-over-year sales of property systems enhanced 37 percent, according to the province's property organization.
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appliancesreviews · 5 years
Key features of the matrices in modern TVs
Today, TV set is one of the most technically complex devices. The competition between the main leaders of this segment is accompanied by their constant improvement. A wide range of offered models with a lot of technical characteristics sometimes makes it difficult to choose the optimal TV. The matrix is one of the main elements of the TV and significantly affects the cost of the model and its capabilities. Their qualifications can simplify the choice of the most suitable TV. Modern TVs form images using LCD or OLED technologies. Plasma technology, unfortunately, did not stand the competition. Of course, the market still offers these TVs, but the development of new models by companies has already terminated.
LCD models
Some consumers sometimes do not quite understand the difference between LCD and LED TVs because of the incorrect terminology of some companies. In fact, the LED screen is an LCD screen with an improved LED backlight that replaced the less efficient fluorescent backlighting. LCD is the most common type. The image in such TVs is formed with the help of polarized light, the several filters and controllable liquid crystals. Forming an image on the LCD-TV screen is carried out by passing of polarized light through the liquid crystals. Light flow is created with the help of the backlight. The backlight types are divided into CCFL (cold cathode) and LED (light emitting diodes).
CCFL backlight
CCFL technology (cold cathode) is based on the use of fluorescent lamps behind the matrix. PROS: - uniform illumination. CONS: - large thickness. - high power consumption. - localized control of backlight is impossible.
LED backlight
Today LED technology almost fully has superseded the CCFL backlight. PROS: - low price; - static method of image forming (absence of dithering) is well suited for displaying images and photographs, and is safely for the device; - high brightness; - small thickness; - low power consumption. - local backlight control; - long service life (10-15 years); - relatively low price of models with large diagonal. CONS: - large response time; - risk of burning pixels; - uneven of backlighting; - high levels of black. It's equal from 0.02 nit in UV²A matrix with Direct -LED backlight, and up to 0.2 nit in IPS. - unsatisfactory image depth; - dynamic resolution is only 300 - 700 lines. By the way, the NVidia graphics card with monitor on IPS matrix may not work optimally. It's advisable you to check the preset mode in the video card settings. Manufacturer often establishes the limited mode default.
Types of LED backlight
LED backlight is divided into the Direct-LED and Edge-LED backlighting. But modern expensive models often use a more advanced Full array. Today it provides maximum image quality playback.
*VA matrix
This type is a compromise between "TN + film" and IPS matrices. MVA matrix (Multi-domain Vertical Alignment) is the most popular. This technology is developed by Fujitsu Company. PROS: - large viewing angles; - good color rendering; It's the better compared to "TN + film" matrix, but worse than for IPS matrix. - low input lag; - deep black; - low price. CONS: - The reduction of image details in shadows compared to IPS.
IPS (SFT), PLS, S-PVA, UV²A matrices
IPS (in-plane switching) or SFT (super fine TFT) technologies have been developed by companies Hitachi and NEC in 1996. Accordingly, NEC uses the SFT abbreviation, and Hitachi - IPS. This matrix is ideal for TV's of average price segment and today mainly is produced by LG Company. The analogs of matrices with this technology from other manufacturers are called PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung Company, Super PVA from Sony-Samsung (S-LCD) and Super MVA from CMO Company. However, this is an incomplete list. Manufacturers are constantly developing new versions with improved characteristics.
PROS: - good color rendering; - good contrast ratio; - wide viewing angles. CONS: - too high black level (~ 0.16 nit, 1nit = 1 cd / square meter). - too large input lag. These matrices are installed on almost all LG TVs 3-9 series, Philips 4, 6 series, Panasonic and many others. The presence of an IPS matrix is checked very simply on the screen without protection. IPS does not save the plume on the screen in case of a touch of a finger.
PLS matrix is designed by Samsung Company as an alternative to more expensive IPS matrices. PROS: - high brightness. - good color rendering. - wide viewing angles. - low price; - low energy consumption. CONS: - large input lag; - low contrast; - uneven backlight.
S-PVA matrices are also produced by Samsung Company. They are designed for TVs of a higher level compared to IPS. PROS: - deeper black levels (from 0.05 to 0.1 nit depending on the backlight); CONS: - viewing angle is less. - color rendering is worse compared to IPS matrix. This matrix is used in Samsung models of 7-8 series, Sony TVs 7-8 series, Philips TVs 7-8 series and in others models.
UV²A matrices are produced by Sharp Company. Today, many experts believe that this the most perfect matrices. They have a wider viewing angle compared to S-PVA, but smaller compared to IPS-matrix. PROS: - deepest black level (0.02 - 0.06 nit). CONS: - Sharp Company produces an insufficient quantity of these matrices. This matrix is used in the 9 series of Philips and in the top series of Sharp.
Matrix OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode)
Today it's the most advanced technology of image forming in TVs. It's based on organic light-emitting diodes. The image is formed with the help of self-illuminating diodes that glow under influence of an electric current. Each cell is a separate light source. Therefore, the need in the backlight is absent. The operating principle of this technology is shown in the diagram. LG and Samsung Companies are the leaders of developments in this area. The price of these devices is significantly superior the cost of similar LCD and plasma TVs. But, LG Company promises a significant price reduction.
PROS: - very small thickness. Display thickness is only a few millimeters. - very low input lag; - almost unlimited contrast. For example, Sony XEL-1 provided a contrast ratio of 1,000,000: 1. - very low power consumption. This factor is often critical for portable devices. - very wide viewing angles; - wide prospects of using flexible OLED display. CONS: - different speed of pixels degradation. At present, this problem is solved with the help of compensation by software methods. - relatively short service life. The service life of modern models is about 10 000 hours. For comparison, this value for LCD TVs is equal to 60.000 hours and 100.000 hours for plasma TVs. - very high price. Today manufacturing cost of OLED-displays is very high. Additionally, there is another aspect. Several models of Samsung Company initially were perceived as OLED-TVs. Subsequently emerged that these are very thin LCD TVs with LED backlight.
Plasma TVs.
These TVs are still available, so their key features may be of interest to their fans. The image is formed with the help of luminescence phosphor under action of UV rays. TV does not requires a backlight because an each cell is an independent light source. Thickness of the first plasma TVs was too large due the size of cell. But thickness of the modern models do not exceed 1,5 in. The diagonal size begins with 42". Plasma matrices have different marketing names.
Plasma TV features
This technology has several important advantages, including: - perfect black color; Black level in the Panasonic models of 2012 is only 0.008 nit. - high dynamic resolution; Dynamic resolution is 1080 lines. - very high image depth; Playback of high-quality content is significantly different compared to LCD TVs. Image has the greater depth, saturation of colors and strongly marked effect of volume. - High screen refresh frequency due to very small input lag; - high contrast. Unfortunately, this technology has a lot of disadvantages due to fuatures of its design and technology.
This list includes: - some models have insufficient brightness; - low quality playback of photos. This is caused by the formation of gradations due to dithering. - high price; - thickness of the plasma TV is 1.5-2 times greater compared to LED TVs; - high energy consumption. Electricity consumption is approximately 2 times higher than for LED TVs. - high weight due to the large amount of glass in the device.
Technology features
- the brightness of the phosphor decreases with time; - there is possibility of burnout luminophore under prolonged display of static image. Implications are manifested when the TV is turned off or on a dark background. "Burning out" of cell can occur if the screen during several days displays motionless contrast image. However, modern models have a protection system. The backlight turns off automatically if the user forgets to turn off the TV. - pixels are distinguishable on the display from close range; - work of plasma TV can become unstable at an altitude of 2000 and more meters above sea level. It's due to the differential pressure in the cells and the outside. Furthermore, in these conditions, the TV starts to generate extraneous sounds. - ionization of the gas at the plasma creation can generate high-frequency noise; - presence of residual image. This happens after several hours of displaying the static element on a black background. The display may appear silhouette that disappears after a few tens minutes. Therefore, the plasma TV is not recommended for use as a monitor.
Only model with a high-quality anti-reflective coating provides visualization of their advantages. Otherwise, the advantage of plasma TV will be manifested only in the dark. This video illustrates the differences and features of OLED and QLED technologies. Read the full article
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moys16 · 6 years
Advantages Of House Sitting Bonsall CA
By Donna Wilson
Leaving your valuable for a prolonged period of time is usually a huge mistake. Apart from your neglected property attracting thieves, it also invalidates your home indemnity if you have not been around for more than 30 or 60 consecutive days. As a result, many householders opt for house sitting Bonsall CA for the security of their homes when not around. Locking your doors and leaving without seeking the help of a live-in, the sitter might seem like a good idea, but in most cases, it is not. Your house is the most expensive asset should not be left unattended, and as such, you should hire someone to take care of it and ensure it is in order until you return. The most important thing the sitter is expected to do is to maintain your property in the condition they found it in and provide care to your pets if you have any. There should also be an agreement on how you wish your property to be handled and your way of communication agreed upon in advance. The greatest advantage of hiring a live-in house sitter is the fact that your fluffy friends will be attended to. Animal psychologists say that changing the environment of your pets could affect their emotional and physical health and for this reason beats the purpose of moving your pets to the animal shelter for the duration you will be absent not to talk about the cost involved. Not everyone is aware of your absence which leads to them calling or dropping by. The sitter with your permission will handle phone calls, pilled mail and this will provide a link between you and the home while you are away. There is usually a vacancy clause, which is put into use if you neglect your home for a long period or if you expose your home to any damage. The insurance company will term it as negligence on your part and that means in case of a misfortune, you will not be covered and you will incur losses. In the event that your household might need some replacement or adjustments your live in home sitter will be useful in that, he or she will be around to do the necessary. You can imagine what would happen if the power goes out with all the perishables in there. Preparing your home for your absence might prove to be a really tiresome task. From ensuring all water taps and all the gas outlets are closed to making sure you do not have crawling insects on the floor when you come back. The home sitter ensures that everything runs as smoothly as if you were there. Quite a percentage of property owners will request their friends or relatives to ensure the safety of their home while they are the way. This is a cheaper way of ensuring your resident is safe, but it is not effective because they might be unable to ensure the security of your home and pets all the time. Without someone in your home, it might encourage burglars to invade your household.
About the Author:
You can find an overview of the benefits you get when you use professional house sitting Bonsall CA services at https://ift.tt/2MhxlXf right now.
Advantages Of House Sitting Bonsall CA via best4dogs https://ift.tt/2McPFSb
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distastefultbh-blog · 7 years
The Greatest Information to Gas Fired Electricity Plant Fireplace Dangers
půjčovna elektrocentrál Gasoline-fired electric power vegetation are rising in acceptance. Canada has currently started to section out coal-fired power vegetation in favor of gasoline-fired power vegetation. Fuel is considerably less high priced and a cleaner type of gas than coal. Nevertheless, with a surge in gas-fired electrical power vegetation being designed, a nearer glance demands to be taken on the hearth dangers within just these crops. In 2010, the Kleen Strength Programs Electrical power Station, a blended cycle fuel and oil energy plant, experienced an explosion in the turbine building when all-natural fuel was becoming purged from the gasoline line. Six persons were being killed. In 2014, the Didcot B Energy Station, a gas-fired plant, had a major cooling tower fire. The hearth spread from one to 3 cooling towers. Thankfully, no one was injured. Even so, it does serve as an case in point of what can happen in fuel-fired electrical power vegetation and the will need for right fireplace protection. Fireplace hazards are ample in fuel-fired power crops. With all-natural fuel, lube oil, and combustible materials throughout these plants, a modest spark can expand into an inferno. Fuel-fired power is on its way to starting to be just one of the most significant producers of electricity in North The united states. With much less than twenty% of the global coal-fired capability residing in North America, gasoline is bringing up the rear and establishing itself as a contender for king of electricity output. But what are the fire hazards in these vegetation? Cooling Tower Cooling towers are misleading by title. It's a cooling tower. It has h2o flowing by it. Even with these details, they do pose quite real fire dangers. Cooling towers incorporate combustible resources throughout the framework: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fiberglass bolstered plastic, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, polypropylene nozzles, and wooden. While the water flowing by means of the cooling tower may possibly hinder a hearth, the h2o is not just about everywhere. There are dry spots and from time to time the water is turned off for routine maintenance. Scorching function incidents, smoking cigarettes, or electrical arcing can cause fires that can unfold quickly with the abundance of fire gas. An additional way cooling tower fires begin is from outside sources like Didcot B Energy Station. NFPA 14 states, "A important proportion of fires in h2o cooling towers of combustible building are triggered by ignition from outdoors sources these as incinerators, smokestacks, or exposure to fireplace." It goes on to make clear fires that commence in cooling towers, "Ignition within these constructions can be brought on by welding, or slicing operations, cigarette smoking, overheated bearings, electrical failures, and other warmth or spark generating resources." Cooling towers require quite precise fire defense that is developed and set up in accordance with NFPA and FM World wide expectations. Whether or not the tower is crossflow or counterflow, a fire safety system can be designed to meet up with its desires. Yet another merchandise of observe is the corrosive mother nature of cooling towers. Because of the damp atmosphere, fireplace safety can deteriorate speedier than in other environments. Contaminated drinking water, absence of pH balance, and the warm natural environment can guide to the deterioration or corrosion of fire sprinkler piping. It is crucial to timetable annual inspection, tests, and maintenance to ensure that the fire security is however up to par. Steam & Fuel Turbines Lube oil is the most frequent trigger of turbine fires. In a current review referenced by FM International, during a 15 year period, seventeen huge turbine creating fires resulted in $400 million in gross decline. Lost creating capability was at twenty million MWh. The regular decline for every fire was $24 million US bucks with an average of a 24 7 days outage. In the FM Worldwide report referenced above, FM World wide sites fire functions in which fire protection was present. In illustration just one, a scorching area ignited leaking lube oil on a steam turbine workers activated a water spray program. The hearth was extinguished with out house injury, and the generator was only down for 6 hrs. In instance two, an oil leak in a gas turbine started out a fire. The fire was suppressed with gasoline suppression. It confined the injury to $twenty,000. That is a 199.66% decreased damage charge from the normal. For steam turbines, the ideal computerized fire protection technique is a water-based process, which can act promptly and faucet down the fireplace. For fuel turbines, it is suggested to use inert gas fireplace suppression. Inert gasoline is a good option to Co2 suppression due to the fact it is non-lethal and safe and sound with humans existing. Generator A lot like turbines, a generator's primary hearth hazard is lube oil. Lube oil might be released throughout any range of maintenance errors or owing to deterioration. Lube oil is generally unveiled in a spray formulation, owing to the large stress. Spray lube fires become big rapid, and it is very essential to have fireplace defense existing. The very best fireplace protection for a generator hearth is inert gasoline. It will not damage the devices or influence the overall health of close by plant personnel. Compressor Compressors have normal gasoline that can leak and result in explosions and subsequent fires. Pure gas is hazardous in amount of in excess of 5%. When organic gas reaches 5-15%, it can explode when temperatures achieve 1,a hundred sixty five degrees. Thinking about an undeveloped, post-flashover fireplace is about one,000 levels and a fully developed fuel fireplace reaches about 1,500 degrees, it will not likely acquire prolonged as soon as a fireplace spark ignites for the normal fuel to attain an explosive degree. All-natural fuel also has the extra risk of getting colorless and odorless. A scent is additional to pure fuel, but if it is going by way of soil, the scent could be scrubbed. Yet another issue is natural gas' tendency to reignite as soon as extinguished. The best fire security for compressors is gas detection and hearth sprinklers. Gas detection can inform plant staff of a gas leak just before it grows out of control. An automated hearth sprinkler system will preserve the hearth less than management ahead of it can distribute and potentially extinguish it. Transformers If you comply with energy sector information, you will see transformer fires peppered through. Transformer fires are risky and hard to handle. They generally start off with a quick-circuit. A little small-circuit results in an electrical arc that vaporizes the oil within the transformer. In significantly less than a second, an explosion can occur. Deluge fire sprinkler programs are recommended for transformers. Transformer fires are intense and need to have instant, complete action. Deluge fire sprinklers drench the instant place, pouring h2o on the transformer. This aids control the fire until finally it can be extinguished. Guarding persons, assets, and creation is a prime priority for all companies. Energy plants can decrease damages, their staff's security possibility, and lost creation time by setting up and maintaining appropriate fireplace defense for each area of the gas-fired electrical power plant.
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The Final Information to Gasoline Fired Energy Plant Fire Dangers
půjčovna elektrocentrál Fuel-fired electric power plants are developing in reputation. Canada has previously started to phase out coal-fired electrical power plants in favor of gas-fired electric power crops. Gasoline is significantly less pricey and a cleaner form of gas than coal. Even so, with a surge in fuel-fired electricity crops getting designed, a nearer look requirements to be taken on the hearth hazards within these plants. In 2010, the Kleen Energy Programs Electricity Station, a put together cycle gasoline and oil electrical power plant, experienced an explosion in the turbine constructing when natural gasoline was currently being purged from the gas line. 6 men and women were being killed. In 2014, the Didcot B Electrical power Station, a fuel-fired plant, experienced a big cooling tower fireplace. The fireplace unfold from a single to three cooling towers. Thankfully, no just one was hurt. On the other hand, it does provide as an illustration of what can transpire in gas-fired electrical power vegetation and the need to have for correct hearth security. Fireplace hazards are considerable in gas-fired electrical power vegetation. With all-natural gasoline, lube oil, and flamable materials all through these crops, a little spark can increase into an inferno. Gas-fired power is on its way to turning into one of the largest producers of electricity in North The united states. With less than 20% of the global coal-fired ability residing in North America, gasoline is bringing up the rear and developing alone as a contender for king of electricity generation. But what are the hearth hazards in these crops? Cooling Tower Cooling towers are deceptive by identify. It is a cooling tower. It has drinking water flowing by it. Even with these details, they do pose incredibly actual fireplace dangers. Cooling towers have combustible resources through the framework: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fiberglass bolstered plastic, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, polypropylene nozzles, and wood. Although the drinking water flowing via the cooling tower may hinder a fire, the water is not just about everywhere. There are dry places and sometimes the h2o is turned off for upkeep. Scorching function accidents, smoking, or electrical arcing can bring about fires that can unfold quickly with the abundance of fireplace gas. An additional way cooling tower fires get started is from outside sources like Didcot B Electrical power Station. NFPA fourteen states, "A considerable proportion of fires in h2o cooling towers of combustible design are induced by ignition from outside resources this sort of as incinerators, smokestacks, or exposure to fireplace." It goes on to reveal fires that start off in cooling towers, "Ignition inside of these buildings can be triggered by welding, or cutting functions, smoking, overheated bearings, electrical failures, and other heat or spark making sources." Cooling towers need very precise fire protection that is intended and put in in accordance with NFPA and FM Global requirements. Regardless of whether the tower is crossflow or counterflow, a hearth security method can be created to meet up with its desires. Yet another merchandise of be aware is the corrosive character of cooling towers. Because of the moist surroundings, fireplace protection can deteriorate faster than in other environments. Contaminated water, absence of pH stability, and the warm setting can lead to the deterioration or corrosion of fire sprinkler piping. It is crucial to routine yearly inspection, testing, and routine maintenance to assure that the fireplace safety is however up to par. Steam & Gasoline Turbines Lube oil is the most widespread trigger of turbine fires. In a new research referenced by FM World wide, through a fifteen year time period, seventeen substantial turbine making fires resulted in $400 million in gross loss. Dropped generating capability was at 20 million MWh. The common reduction per fireplace was $24 million US dollars with an average of a 24 7 days outage. In the FM World wide report referenced higher than, FM World wide sites hearth functions in which fireplace security was existing. In example one particular, a hot surface ignited leaking lube oil on a steam turbine workers activated a h2o spray technique. The fireplace was extinguished without assets damage, and the generator was only down for six hours. In example two, an oil leak in a fuel turbine started a fire. The fireplace was suppressed with gas suppression. It limited the injury to $20,000. That is a 199.sixty six% diminished hurt cost from the average. For steam turbines, the very best automatic fireplace defense technique is a h2o-primarily based program, which can act quickly and tap down the hearth. For gas turbines, it is encouraged to use inert gasoline fire suppression. Inert gasoline is a great choice to Co2 suppression simply because it is non-deadly and safe with people current. Generator Substantially like turbines, a generator's key hearth hazard is lube oil. Lube oil may possibly be introduced in the course of any variety of servicing errors or due to deterioration. Lube oil is generally unveiled in a spray formulation, because of to the higher force. Spray lube fires become huge rapidly, and it is incredibly important to have fire defense existing. The finest hearth defense for a generator hearth is inert fuel. It will not damage the products or influence the health of nearby plant personnel. Compressor Compressors have organic gasoline that can leak and cause explosions and subsequent fires. Natural fuel is harmful in quantity of in excess of 5%. When normal gas reaches five-15%, it can explode when temperatures attain 1,165 degrees. Contemplating an undeveloped, submit-flashover fireplace is about 1,000 degrees and a totally formulated fuel hearth reaches about one,five hundred levels, it would not get prolonged as soon as a hearth spark ignites for the organic gas to attain an explosive level. All-natural gasoline also has the additional risk of currently being colorless and odorless. A scent is extra to all-natural gasoline, but if it is heading by way of soil, the scent could be scrubbed. Yet another challenge is organic gas' tendency to reignite once extinguished. The finest fireplace defense for compressors is fuel detection and hearth sprinklers. Gas detection can notify plant staff of a gas leak prior to it grows out of control. An automated fire sprinkler technique will hold the fire below management prior to it can spread and perhaps extinguish it. Transformers If you observe energy sector information, you will see transformer fires peppered during. Transformer fires are risky and difficult to control. They typically commence with a brief-circuit. A modest short-circuit makes an electrical arc that vaporizes the oil inside of the transformer. In much less than a 2nd, an explosion can happen. Deluge fireplace sprinkler devices are recommended for transformers. Transformer fires are fierce and will need rapid, extensive motion. Deluge fire sprinklers drench the immediate region, pouring h2o on the transformer. This helps control the hearth right up until it can be extinguished. Safeguarding persons, house, and creation is a best priority for all firms. Electricity plants can lessen damages, their staff's basic safety danger, and missing generation time by putting in and keeping proper fire defense for just about every place of the gas-fired energy plant.
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