#Bee does sit up and wait for König to fall asleep first when she realizes he's staying up too late
ghouljams · 1 year
Is it weird that I can't get enough of that king watches and has watched Bee sleep like why do I love how much I hate that you get me??? It's simultaneously giving big dog that sits at the door while you sleep to protek but also something so much eerier like horny sleep paralysis demon??????
König has these instincts that don't really go away from a few months of farm work. He doesn't mean for it to be weird or creepy, he's looking after and protecting an asset. Even when you start dating the first few nights he stays over he doesn't really sleep. His body designates this as first watch and he just... doesn't know how to turn it off.
He watches you sleep and thinks about every terrible thing that could happen between now and when your alarm goes off. Thinks about how soft and vulnerable you are, and how he's the only line of defense between you and those horrible things. And doesn't sleep. He sits in bed awake and alert to any small noise. He doesn't really know what to do besides watch you sleep, he's wide awake but he doesn't want to wake you up when you look so peaceful.
But it's absolute hell the next morning when he doesn't have a relief shift. When he's sliding out of his saddle because he's been awake for 36 hours and he's exhausted. He's not used to long hauls without sleep anymore, he can't handle them like he used to. He doesn't want you to find out about it either, but there's only so many times he can fall asleep at the dinner table before you ask what's wrong.
And when he tells you? When you immediately volunteer to take the first watch so he can sleep, absolutely serious in your offer. Oh, he knows just as sure as the sky is blue and the rooster crows in the morning that he's going to marry you. Especially when you try to joke about wearing him out before bed. He's tired but that gives him a fresh burst of energy better than any drug could.
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