#Beetlejuice cartoon reboot
kittehbiscuits · 2 months
Concept art for my current Beetlejuice fan project: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice the Cartoon
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Featuring all-new characters such as: The Mortician (not named yet) and... Ron! Yeah, yep, super exciting. I guess I'll include my elevator pitch on the project here;
This is a FAN project, me, and I'm sure many other people wish there was a Beetlejuice the animated series reboot. This project is an UNOFFICIAL pilot episode for what a reboot of the cartoon could be. The goal is a 12 minute long animation with no current time limit. The plot is set out but not all of the writing is done, and I'm currently the only one drawing for it. BUT if you see the all the amazing works the Beetlejuice fandom has to offer and go, "man I sure wish these people all collaborated, with so much talent in the fandom we could make something really cool!" Well, I am looking for your talent! Should you volunteer it. This is unpaid, obviously. Umm so yeah if you're interested please message me! Thx.
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gothvince · 6 months
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i know i redesign my beetlejuice cartoon every other month but i think these ones are gonna stick for a while. unfortunately i never draw any other beetlejuice art
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erolawerance · 1 year
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Lydia Deetz, miss Beetlejuice, lady strange and unusual! Study for the new Beetlejuice comic series which I want to draw because of revolt and to fix old injustice... I see that many Antis and mainstream folks draw and make pics and fanart and some would be cartoon reboots so I think to myself, jeez if I can’find stuff I want to see and enjoy, I’m going back to the roots and original source materials and create something refreshing and unique! Take note that Lydia is not portrayed like a child butt like in the original sources and “Beetlejuice goes Hawaiian” never made sequel, a grown-up woman, fully aware of her feelings and capable to manage difficult situations, like for instance That appealing demon of here... Hope you like it! 
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gryficowa · 2 years
Thanks to someone for telling me what episode of Ben 10 I meant (I can't describe the feelings, so it got chaos, but yeah, it was about that episode)
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"Tales from the omnitrix"
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randomitemdrop · 2 months
Trick or trivia
Happy Halloween! I do enjoy trivia of many types, but one of my favorite genres is what I call the Berenstein Timeline: unmade shows and movies, versions of classic movies where studios and producers made different decisions, some better, some much worse. All of these are real projects that were, on some level, considered (there are some recurring names)
"Heat Vision & Jack", a 90s pastiche of 70s-80s action shows starring Jack Black as an astronaut on the run from the law and Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle
"Jurassic Park" directed by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Alan Grant, Jim Carrey as Ian Malcolm, and Vincent Price as John Hammond
the 90s "Batman" directed by Ivan Reitman; Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy were going to star but couldn't decide which of them would be Batman and which would be Robin
Back in the 1970s the American network was getting good numbers showing heavily-edited reruns of "Monty Python's Flying Circus", so they tried to sell the Pythons on the next logical step: an animated Saturday morning cartoon
"Edward Scissorhands" still directed by Burton but starring Tom Cruise or maybe Michael Jackson
"Return of the Jedi" directed by David Lynch; Harrison Ford was considering not coming back for the third movie and so when he came out of the carbonite there was a chance he would have been Christopher Walken
Guillermo del Toro's "At the Mountains of Madness". Also "the Hobbit" and lots of other things, he seems to have a lot of unmade projects
the 2010s "Star Trek" movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, where the edgy reboot crew visits the Gangster Planet from that one stupid episode of the original series
Everybody knows about the unmade "Superman Lives" starring Nicolas Cage in the title role, but did you know it was going to be directed by Tim Burton and include Christopher Walken as Brainiac, who would have been a green head on spider legs
Harold Ramis didn't particularly want to act on camera, so when they were casting "Ghostbusters" Egon could have been Christopher Walken, Christopher Lloyd, Jeff Goldblum, or John Lithgow. Supposedly the movie was originally intended to be a relatively serious exploration of Dan Akroyd's very real interest in paranormal investigation, although this clashes a bit with the fact that Peter Venkman was originally going to be played by John Belushi and Winston Zeddmore was written for Eddie Murphy who backed out when the character's backstory and most of his lines were cut
John Waters' animated series "Uncle John" on 90s MTV
the original version of "Bill & Ted's Time Van" starring Pauly Shore and Sean Penn
"Red Dragon" (the original Hannibal Lecter novel) directed by David Lynch starring John Lithgow as Hannibal Lecter and Mel Gibson as Will Graham
the 1970s "Dr. Strange" TV series
the 1990s Disney animated "John Carter of Mars"
the 1990s Warner Bros animated "King Tut" musical with songs by Prince
the serious horror version of "Beetlejuice"
Drew Barrymore's 2000s remake of "Barbarella"
the Dungeons & Dragons movie James Cameron was going to make until TSR left the table over merchandising disputes, forcing Cameron to go work on some dumb movie about the Titanic
American "Doctor Who" movie starring Michael Jackson
Canadian "Doctor Who" cartoon by Nelvana starring a Doctor based intensely off of either Jeff Goldblum or Christopher Lloyd
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" directed by Terry Gilliam
"Good Omens" directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Johnny Depp and Robin Williams
"The Black Cauldron" using character and background designs by Nightmare-era Tim Burton
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
I dislike and disagree with Viv in a lot of things, but I gotta agree with her when she says everyone is allowed to cope however they want and you don't get a say about the right way someone should cope, specially when it's in fiction. You are allowed to draw whatever u want. You are causing no harm to real people for drawing characters being raped. People can choose to interact or not with your content. Basically, if it triggers you, you have all the right to block and leave. No one is stopping you.
I think a lot of the defenses Viv makes for herself, and that other people make for her, are true in fandom spaces specifically. If a fan draws Angel being assaulted that's one thing, especially if it's tagged appropriately, but the situation with Angel has become something completely different.
Like, assume I wrote a really raunchy Beetlebabes fic where Lydia was 17. I haven't, and wouldn't, but assume for a second I did, and people thought it was disgusting or my right to do so as a survivor or just my general right to do so as a fan. Whatever camp you fall into.
Then, assume for a second they rebooted the Beetlejuice cartoon and for some ungodly reason, I got the job of showrunner. Complete studio backing, more money to do this than most people see in a lifetime. Then, assume I took every single opportunity to slip in references to my fic, even quoting it directly. All the while, I'm openly gushing over this ship with my friends on Twitter and throwing shade at people who criticized me for this, including survivors and actual minors.
That's a very, very different conversation then whether it's acceptable to slap up a fic on AO3.
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reniculousart · 4 months
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I wanna Beetlejuice cartoon reboot yo
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phantomarine · 5 months
What are some shows, books, games, other webcomics, or any form of media that have lived rent-free in your head for years and years, and subsequently carried and inspired you to create Phantomarine?
In no particular order:
His Dark Materials - for ‘our world but a little different’ stuff and religious conspiracy vibes, also some evil spirit shenanigans in the second book
Final Fantasy X - for tropical locations, more religious conspiracy vibes, a world populated by angry dead spirits, and a BIG BAD FISH
Sinbad: Legends of the Seven Seas - for Eris, just Eris, also that scene where Eris summons a puppet of Sinbad and possesses him is basically my proto-inspiration for how Cheth works
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - for sailing stuff and for Pavel (he was inspired by Komali!)
Baten Kaitos - for costume ideas and some worldbuilding concepts, I just love the colors and the idea of fantasy islands existing after a cataclysm
Beetlejuice Cartoon - for the ‘I’m friends with a weird stripey dead guy and it’s fun’ concept
ReBoot - Cheth is just Reverse Hexadecimal when you think about it
Aladdin: The Animated Series - both FCheth and Halea have some Mirage in them
The Dark Crystal - more stuff about broken spirits/gods that need to be made whole again to save the world, and darkness when it’s appropriate
Princess Mononoke - humans vs gods and how nature suffers as a result, good gray morality characterization
Return to Oz - Halea is literally Just Mombi
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ealvara7 · 2 months
Beetlejuice the Cartoon Series - My Thoughts! (Seasons 1 and 2) ✨️
I decided to write my thoughts about the cartoon as notes in my drafts so I could continue adding on to it as I was watching the series. These are my thoughts for Seasons 1 and 2!
Since I have a lot that I want to say, I will be adding a "read-more" link so you can continue scrolling. Either way, thank you for reading this! ✨️
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I've seen both intros briefly before jumping into the series, and they are absolutely amazing! However, this part from the first intro to just has to be my favorite... 💚 🖤
I like to think that all versions of Beetlejuice are capable of adding whatever they'd like to their outfit in this manner! ✨️
"Well here I am at the Neitherworld Shocking Mall, with grossness wall to wall... but am I shopping for myself? No... I have to buy something for her [Lydia]." (Critter Sitters, Season 1)
Okay... I get the appeal of Toonjuice now.
I mean, I technically have for a little while (watching short YouTube compilations of the show has helped), but there's something about the way Stephen Ouimette plays Beetlejuice that really drives home to me how charming, albeit manipulative, Beetlejuice can be. The way he delivers this line in the show is a good example of that.
I'm also starting to understand how Toonjuice has influenced Musicaljuice's characterization. Both of them begin their respective shows in the same fashion - speaking to the audience. It's something that has honestly become a bit of a comfort for me. Like yeah, this is Beetlejuice.
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I. Love. Lydia's. Outfits! 💖
I've loved toon Lydia's design since the moment I saw it, but seeing her other outfits truly cements how much I adore her design.
"Yeeuck! A cutesy woodland creature!" (Skeletons in the Closet, Season 1)
In some Broadway performances of the musical (based on multiple clips of bootlegs I have found), Alex Brightman, as Beetlejuice, will place a lot more emphasis on his disgust over Lydia's affection towards her mom:
"Why would anyone wanna spend more time with their mother?! YEEUCK!"
The cadence on how he says "yuck" feels reminiscent of Ouimette's version (specifically in the line I had highlighted earlier). I wouldn't be surprised if Alex was inspired by the cartoon for this line.
I've talked a bit about Ouimette's voice acting earlier, so I'd like to hand the spotlight over to Alyson Court for a moment-
I really like her take on Lydia! She's makes her feel a lot more lively and enthusiastic in this version! I personally love characterizing Lydia as a little more of an upbeat goth girl in the musical, thanks in part to the cartoon.
Before I even jumped into the cartoon series, I was already interested to see how they would depict Lydia's school life. While watching, I was coming up with ideas as to what I would like to see in a potential musical cartoon for Beetlejuice.
Personally, I love the idea of Lydia having best friends who may not understand her strangeness, but still appreciate her for who she is. It's a concept that I could personally connect with. I can also see Claire being in the cartoon reboot, but rewritten to be more inspired by Regina George from the Mean Girls musical instead.
I like the dynamic Beetlejuice and Lydia have in the cartoon! Beetlejuice is a chaotic entity, which will occasionally butt heads with Lydia's down-to-earth attitude. Sometimes it can be hard for her to trust Beetlejuice for help, because of the way he approaches things, but it's nice to see the moments where she can appreciate what he has done for her.
He may not be good person, but he will still do whatever it takes to see his best friend happy.
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I'm in love with Toonjuice's cowboy outfit... 💖
I'm a huge fan of big ascots, and the usage of plain white for the pants, gloves, and hat is a very nice touch! It helps to balance out the stripes on his shirt!
He's my inspiration for Musicaljuice's cowboy design! I just really like the silhouette that this outfit gives!
I forgot to mention this earlier, but I now understand Delia's reference to having a cat in the musical! His name is Percy in the cartoon, and I've seen some artists acknowledge him in fanart!
Personally, I believe he passed away long ago... hence why you don't see him in the musical. It was one of Delia's lowest moments in her life, but it was the one that finally pushed her to look at the bright side of things. She believes it's what Percy would've wanted.
I haven't had a chance to draw Delia yet, but if I do, I want her to have a locket with a bunch of crystals around it that holds Percy's picture. 💗 🐈‍⬛️
That concludes my thoughts for Seasons 1 and 2! ✨️
I initially planned to take notes for the entire series in this post, but truth be told... it's been taking me some time to go through the whole show, due to my job and whatnot. With Season 4 being the longest of the series, I will have to come back to this some other time.
That being said... I'm beginning to understand better why a plethora of fans for the musical, especially those who are also fans of the cartoon, express such a great interest in a cartoon reboot.
I joined the fandom with my main interest being the YouTube animatic side of musicals. I've always enjoyed hearing others discuss the process of animation, and I enjoy seeing how it influences character design. Watching this cartoon has made me realize how much of an impact it has made to how we perceive Beetlejuice as a character.
Toonjuice is not only the first instance of a demon-based Beetlejuice, he is also the first instance of a morally grey one. He helped to create the foundation for Musicaljuice, who I believe has shown massive potential for a cartoon series of his own.
The possibility of Beetlejuice the Musical getting its own cartoon series seems to be highly unlikely, but one can only dream...
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childhood90snostalgia · 7 months
90s/00s TV (Personal Memories)
Kids Cartoons
6teen 101 Dalmatians Aaaah!!! Real Monsters Ace Ventura Pet Detective Aladdin TAS All Grown Up Angela Anaconda Angry Beavers Animal Crackers (Telethon) Animaniacs Arthur Babar The Batman (The WB) Batman Beyond (The WB) Batman TAS Beast Wars/Beast Machines Beetlejuice Big Teeth, Bad Breath (YTV) Birdz Bobby’s World (Fox) Bonkers Braceface The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show Butt-Ugly Martians Bump in the Night CatDog (Nickelodeon) Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Cow and Chicken Danny Phantom Darkwing Duck Dexter’s Laboratory Dog City Donkey Kong Country Doug DuckTales Earthworm Jim Fairly Odd Parents Fly Tales (Teletoon) For Better or For Worse (Telethon) Freakazoid (The WB) Freaky Stories Free Willy (ABC) Garfield and Friends Gargoyles Goof Troop Hey Arnold I Am Weasel Johnny Bravo Katie and Orbie (CTV) Kim Possible The Legend of White Fang Life with Louie Little Lulu (HBO) The Little Mermaid TAS The Mask TAS Mega Babies Mona the Vampire (YTV) Monster By Mistake (YTV) Neds Newt The New Addams Family The New Batman Adventures (The WB) The New Woody Woodpecker Show PB&J Otter (Disney Channel) Pepper Ann The Pink Panther Pinky and the Brain Pippi Longstocking Powerpuff Girls The Proud Family The Raccoons (CBC) Recess Reboot The Ripping Friends Rocko’s Modern Life Rugrats Rupert (CBS) Sabrina TAS (ABC) Samurai Jack Short Circutz (YTV) Silverling (Teletoon) Sonic (Adventures of) Sonic SATAM Sonic Underground Stickin’ Around Tales From the Cryptkeeper TaleSpin Taz-Mania Teen Titans Timon & Pumba Tiny Toon Adventures (Fox) Tom and Jerry Kids Total Drama Island Totally Spies Voltron the Third Dimension The Weekenders What’s With Andy The Wild Thornberrys (Nickelodeon) The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends X-Men Evolution (The WB) X-Men TAS Yvon of the Yukon (YTV)
Batman Fireball XL5 The Flintstones The Incredible Hulk Looney Toons Spiderman Tom and Jerry Yogi Bear
Adult Cartoons
Aeon Flux Beavis and Butthead Captain Star Celebrity Death Match Clone High The Critic Cybersix Daria Delta State Futurama The Head (MTV) John Callahan’s Quads (Teletoon) King of the Hill Mission Hill The Oblongs The Simpsons Space Ghost Coast to Coast (Cartoon Network) Spawn Spider-Man the New Animated Series South Park The Tick Undergrads
Beyblade Digimon Adventures 01 & 02 Cardcaptors Gundam SEED InuYasha Mon Colle Knights Monster Rancher Pokemon Sailor Moon Samurai Pizza Cats Shaman King Sonic X YuGiOh Zoids New Century
Television Series
7th Heaven (The WB) Alf (NBC) Animorphs (Nickelodeon) Are you Afraid of the Dark? Baywatch (NBC) Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (Fox) Big Wolf on Campus Boy Meets World Breaker High (YTV) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Canded Camera (CBS) Charmed (The WB) Clueless (ABC) Dawson’s Creek (The WB) Degrassi Junior High (CBC) Degrassi High (CBC) Degrassi the Next Generation (CTV) Dinosaurs The Drew Carey Show (ABC) ER (NBC) Even Stevens Family Matters (ABC) Fresh Prince of Bel Air Full House Gilmore Girls (The WB) The Golden Girls (CBC) Goosebumps Home Improvement Lassie (1997) Little House on the Prairie (NBC) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Nanny (CBC) The OC (Fox) Radio Active Sabrina the Teenage Witch Saved by the Bell (NBC) Sex and the City (HBO) Sister, Sister (ABC) Smallville (The WB) Smart Guy Student Bodies System Crash (YTV) Teen Angel (ABC) That’s so Raven The Twilight Zone (CBS) White Fang (1993) (CTV) You Wish (ABC)
Educational Programming / Children’s shows
Adventures in Wonderland Art Attack Babar (CBC) Banana’s in Pajama’s Barney and Friends Between the Lions The Big Comfy Couch The Big Friendly Giant Bill Nye the Science Guy Blue’s Clues Caillou (PBS) Camp Caribou Captain Planet Care Bears (ABC) Franklin (CBS) The Friendly Giant (CBC) Hammy the Hamster Iris the Happy Professor Kratt’s Creatures (PBS) Lamb Chop’s Play Along The Magic School Bus Mister Roger’s Neighbourhood (PBS) Mr Dressup (CBC) PJ Katie’s Farm (YTV) Reading Rainbow (PBS) Sesame Street School House Rock Sharon, Lois & Bram’s Elephant Show (CBC) Telefrancais Teletubbies Theodore Tugboat Thomas the Tank Engine Under the Umbrella Tree (CBC) Welcome to Pooh Corner Wishbone (PBS) Zaboomafoo (PBS)
Game Shows/Sketch Comedies
All That America’s Funniest Home Videos (With Bob Saget) American Idol The Amanda Show Battlebots (Comedy Central) Canadian Idol (CTV) Crank Yankers (Comedy Central) The Crocodile Hunter Fear Factor (NBC) The Hit List Jackass (MTV) Just For Laughs Gags (Comedy Central) Kids in the Hall Making the Band (MTV) Much Countdown (Much Music) Much in your Space (Much Music) MuchOnDemand (Much Music) Much Mega Hits (Much Music) Much Spotlight (Much Music) Much Top Tens (Much Music) Newlyweds Nick and Jessica (MTV) Playlist (Much Music) Pop-Up Video (Much Music) Price is Right Punk’d (MTV) The Simple Life (Fox) Supermarket Sweep Uh Oh Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) Video and Arcade top 10 (YTV) Video On Trial (Much Music) Where in the world/time is Carmen Sandiego Whose Line is it Anyway? Win Ben Stein’s Money (Comedy Central)
Television Networks/Programming
Fox Kids Much Music One Saturday Morning PSA’s Teletoon TGIF YTV - The Zone / Snit Station / Short Circuitz
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kittehbiscuits · 6 months
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aaa Lydia stuff
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obsessive-ego · 10 months
I had a dream last night where my mom took me to see the Beetlejuice musical
And at the end they announced a reboot for the Beetlejuice cartoon, and it had the maitlands in it
Then we had to walk home
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erolawerance · 1 year
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More polished look of Beetlejuice reboot comic. Now I'm gonna write down good deep stories and start drawing pilot episode. 
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gryficowa · 2 years
For some time now I have been wondering about one episode of Ben 10 (The reeboot that they don't like, and it's not such a bad reeboot, in the sense, it's not outstanding, but it's not tragic)
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It's about the episode where they had a camping (I think so, although they always have one, looking at they have a special vehicle for it) and they told stories (Yes, by the fire, as I remember), at one point out of 100% was a variation to the cartoon Beetlejuice, how did I recognize it? (Except after Tim Burton's animation style… That the characters were drawn in this style, in the sense in this story), in a four-handed language (I don't know what it is called abroad, it's that red alien with four hands), a characteristic language, i.e. striped, it's not the end, an alien (So Ben, because he turns into an alien with the help of an onitrix) held the skull, and from the eye sockets appeared black and white snake, there was also a Dragon Ball version in the same episode, but who cares? Well, I have been wondering for a long time what this episode was called, because watching the entire reeboot to find one specific episode sounds quite a strange idea (Especially for someone like me, hello, you know how many things I have to watch, and I haven't seen them because I'm too lazy and can't focus on them?)
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Well, it started to make me wonder, I don't know why, I just remember this moment from this episode (Mainly references to Beetlejuice), but generally I don't remember much
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I know it's strange that I think about such a shit, but oh, it won't give me peace
I added gifs, mainly because I know how the text blur when there is too much of it (From my own experience, even when I read something in my language, the text ceases to be understandable after some time, and the gifs help me for some reason focus, although I don't know if it works for everyone)
But yes, this one episode is bothering me because I've seen it, but I don't know its title
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beejnbabes · 3 months
Been a while since I posted. But I just want to go on record here and say that I am pretty sick and tired of everyone acting like there isn’t already a Beetlejuice 2. At this point, I will watch the new movie and enjoy it for what it is, personally. But after that, I will continue to ignore its presence and give all my love to the ACTUAL sequel. As of now, the real sequel is beginning to feel to me, almost like a baby that keeps getting left behind, forgotten or abandoned and it hurts to see something I have always loved get treated like that. And before you say “Well, the interest generated from this new movie could reboot the cartoon”, let me tell you that some things are best left as they are. I absolutely love Stephen Ouimette’s Beetlejuice, he is my favorite one. I would be disappointed to see that changed.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Hope Alex gets better VO work after this he’s proven himself to be more than a one-trick Beetlejuice pony between Hazbin, Helluva, and Deadendia.
Actually I wouldn’t mind a reboot of the Beetlejuice cartoon with Alex doing the voice - he already did it for a Teen Titans cameo apparently?
Oh please, no. Let my beautiful Beetlejuice cartoon rest in peace.
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