#Belisa Maldonado
encantoartdump · 2 years
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So in the RP I'm in with @lizzywrites1 & @aquaauratora Bruno and Belisa's twin sons Adriano and Mancio (I'll post them later and edit this with their link) have the gift of limited time travel (Adriano can travel to the past, Mancio can travel to the future) and they wanted their mama and papa to meet sooner than they did in life...
In doing so the butterfly affect happened and... lo and behold... Bruno and Belisa ends up having three children alongside Pepa and Julieta's first three. Pushing the Triplets to fourth, fifth and sixth born. The twins seventh and eighth, and Laila ninth born.
This is the oldest of the butterfly affect kids:
Ezra Nacio Maldonado-Castillo-Madrigal
ALT Name/Nick Name: Lucky D.O.B.: September 13, 1929 Eyes: Clover Green (Activated gift Glows Gold) Hair: Black Brown, like Bruno. High Fade with side swept dreads. Skin: Tan Height: 5'8" Clothing Style: always has chest slightly exposed with untied tassels and shirt has mid-forearm length sleeves. Shirt is very faded green with diamonds (a symbol of luck in Colombia) in a faded but slightly darker green. Pants are essentially better-fitting versions of his papa's, with nice comfortable shoes that match the pants. He wears a sombrero vueltiao that is also green in color, but only wears it on the back of his head as to not mess up his dreads. Colors: Green, light green and brown Mom: Belisa Delphia Maldonado-Castillo-Madrigal Dad: Bruno Jorge Hernando Madrigal Alma Gemela (If Known): N/A Gift: Probability Manipulation Talent (If Non-Gifted): N/A Job: gives an extra boost to people who need a little extra luck that day… or can take luck away if what someone is doing isn't favorable. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
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encantoartdump · 2 years
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Trying out a new quick comic style-
Comic based off of an OC I created for an ongoing RP-
“How Bruno met Belisa”
Poor sweet girl from outside Encanto, the niece of the Burro breeder- Belisa hates Burros... her true passion is her murciélagos. But she’s seen as incredibly odd- her pale green eyes and her early arrival into the world that ended her parents lives granted her the stigma of being cursed- and has been a punching bag physically and mentally by the people of her old town... but found comfort and love in Encanto... in Bruno.
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encantoartdump · 2 years
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Belisa Delphia Maldonado Bruno's Bride (an OC)
A mysterious woman that began living in Encanto with her Tío (The burro man). She comes from a village outside of Encanto and was subjected to a lot of unsavory things in her old village due to her misfortunate birth.
During a Guerilla raid in her village, her mother and father were in hiding when her mother -from stress- went into an early labor. Due to this, the Guerilla found where they were and slaughtered her parents just as she was born. Left to be raised by her Abuelo.
Because of this, and her pale misfortunately colored eyes, the village superstitiously blamed all mishaps and misfortunes on Belisa. Resulting in her being punished by beatings, stoning, etc. Her entire back is covered in varying sizes of scars, around her neck, wrists and ankles, one on her chest and some scattered on her arms legs and knees.
Her quiet nature, and sweet considerate disposition is conditioning from her time in her old village. Only 37 years old, she often subjects herself to things she doesn't enjoy just to appease those around her. As a child, in her old village, she learned the roads and pathways so that she could walk the town with her eyes closed. Believing if her 'cursed eyes' weren't there- that bad things would stop happening. The superstitious villagers also would pay her no mind so long as her eyes were closed. When her Abuelo passed away in her arms- the villagers became like wild beasts, blaming her for his passing as well. To which she fled- not allowed to mourn his death, or even see to it he was properly buried. Knowing that... after her parent's deaths... her Tío had sought a new village away from the darkness the one they lived in had to raise his burro in peace. So she too, sought the same sanctuary.
Belisa isn't too fond of burro, though. They tend to attempt to lay on her, push her with their heads, sit on her- essentially bully her. But she does have ONE thing she loves the most in the entire world... well... several thousand things... BATS! She is friends with several thousand different species of bats, and will often be found with some under her shawl- sleeping the day away. Much to her Tío's dismay... but this was the conversation piece that helped the suddenly visiting older male Madrigal in her Tío's store front one day come out of his shell. After all... he said-
"Bats are just Rats with the blessing of flight!"
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encantoartdump · 2 years
Wrote up Bruno meeting my OC Belisa for the first time
Taken and completely flourished from an RP @lizzywrites1 & @aquaauratora are still doing.
At the time Bruno's player was someone else, but he has since been taken over by aquaauratora, thankfully. The initial meeting was an absolute sty... so much of what was written was flourish to make it coherent as RP doesn't often easily translate to an easy-to-read mini-fic.
Please Enjoy!
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encantoartdump · 2 years
Ahhh wait you've already answered those hmmm
3, 6, 8, 12
3. For writers: Something you wish readers knew?
We work very hard to bring you our ideas while also appealing to you. We spend hours upon days plotting, planning writing, rewriting… all we do this for is for stress relief and to make people happy. PLEASE don't hound us for updates, or anything of the like… we are simply anxious balls of self-depreciation and doubt that often get discouraged even on our BEST works when we don't get the outcome we hoped we'd get. Sometimes- even if it's hard to think of something to say, or you feel like you'll be unheard… it's the difference between getting comments and no that influences our motivation. We're fragile beans.
6. Who's your favorite OC and who do they belong to?
(already answered but why not say it again!) Belisa Delphia Maldonado (mine) Sofia Mari-Paola Munez (mine) or Elena Ruiz (@prophetic-hijinks)
8. Smut in fics or keeping it Gen?
As long as it's acceptable smut. Nothing underaged- nothing 'in the family'- nothing with animals- and so long as it doesn't bring the character OUT of their usual personality. Smut is good- kinks are good… just… balance it with the character… and sometimes there are instances when a completely OOC situation will be HOT HOT HOT… for a character- like Bruno being 1000000% dom. That will go against their character… but there's just a time and a place. You know?
Fic writers should be allowed to freely write what they wish… within reason (I say this in terms of no proshipping). =w=
12. You’ve gotta kick one canon character out of Encanto. Sorry.
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encantoartdump · 2 years
5 and 6 :))
5. Any Encanto pet peeves? Can be canon or fic related.
I can't stand proshipping- it's not right in any means. Just because 'it's a cartoon bro' doesn't mean it's still acceptable.
I also can't stand people making Bruno child-like. He's can be innocent, and he can be inexperienced… but he's a 50 year old man with social anxiety and abandonment issues. He can be shy, he can be sweet- but making him into a complete toddler when it comes to interacting at all is just a bit much. It's clearly OOC for him, because of how he -in the movie- interacts with Mirabel, and later with the rest of the family. Meek- but opens up quickly and is goofy and sweet.
ALSO can't stand people NOT giving me more Luisa stuff. She is a PRECIOUS BEANSTALK AND DESERVES ALL THE LOVE.
6. Who's your favorite OC and who do they belong to?
Belisa Delphia Maldonado (mine) Sofia Mari-Paola Munez (mine) or Elena Ruiz (@prophetic-hijinks)
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