#Belk & Co.
alovesongtheywrote · 11 months
i feel like everyone's gonna be asking for this but i'm gonna need a nightmare academia part 912828277 if that's how long it'll take for those two to finally kiss
♥ Summary: will you settle for them very briefly holding hands? in this chapter of nightmare academia, reid and the reader shut down a party and lie to the police. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: the reader cries over the two-headed calf poem, spencer wants to throw himself out a window, the cops show up and. are cops. discussions of sex, drug use and alcohol consumption in passing, and i think that's it?
♥ A/N: ough, this is gonna be the last happy chapter for a while- but it isn't gonna be sad in the way you're expecting :/
♥ Word Count: 3341
Series Masterlist
So.  You were right.  Reid’s friends wanted you to fuck- and they weren’t the only ones.  They weren’t the only ones by a long shot.
Since the first bet had been placed, the betting pool on whether or not you and Reid were doing it had only grown.  There were more things to bet on now, too- who topped, who bottomed, whether the two of you used handcuffs from Reid’s FBI days, etc.  Your students were degenerates.
Your co-workers were running their own bets.  Professors Evans and Peters had a running bet on whether or not the whole affair was a friends with benefits thing.  Other professors made a game of seeing how many times a day you and Reid would visit each other’s offices.  
The head of the criminology department, Professor Belker, assumed the two of you had some sort of secret relationship- and she was generally fine with that.  She just wished you and Reid wouldn’t cause so many disturbances about it.
About a week after the George Michael incident (which only ended after you and Reid got someone to smash the musical mechanism) you and Reid were called into Professor Belker’s office for a meeting about your behaviour.  
The meeting took place later in the evening.  Reid arrived fifteen minutes early.  You arrived five minutes late.  You were also crying.
Upon seeing you, your co-workers stood.  Concern rose in Belker’s chest, but panic rose in Reid’s.  You were crying.  You shouldn’t be crying.  Reid decided there and then that he didn’t like seeing you cry.  
“Professor (L/N)?  Is everything okay?” Belker asked as you took a seat next to Reid.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Professor Reid just put that one poem about the two-headed calf in my office.”
It had been a prank- just a prank to lower your mood.  He knew that the poem would upset you, but it wasn’t supposed to do this.  You weren’t supposed to cry-
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine in like-” you checked your wrist.  When you noticed your lack of watch, you grabbed Reid’s wrist instead, “Five minutes.”
Spencer had heard that tone before- it was the one Hotch used when he got a little too invested in cases, or when he acted out of line and spit hard facts at local cops.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you-”
“Reid, it’s fine, I swear, I just-” you sniffed, “The cow is just a baby, you guys.  As he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.  No matter how many times I read that damn thing, I always end up crying.  I don’t know why.”
You were trying to be professional, but it was really hard.  That poem is so fucking sad.
“Did- did you know that crying has a self-soothing effect?  It activates your parasympathetic nervous system which helps you to relax-”
“Reid, please-” Belker held up a hand, to stop him, but you held up a hand to stop her.
“No,” you took a deep breath, “Let him talk, I brought this on myself.  Besides, it’s helping.”
Spencer perked up at the instruction.  He quickly looked to his superior for permission, but before could even begin to nod her consent, he was spouting off facts about tears in a way that only Spencer Reid could.  He didn’t stop until there was a smile on your face.
He smiled back.
“Well, now that you’ve calmed down, can we move on to the true purpose of this meeting?”  Belker raised her eyebrow.  She had posed her words as a question, but you both knew that she was making a statement.
“Yes, we can, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, just- maybe don’t read that poem during any classes.”
You tapped at your chair sheepishly, “Absolutely.”
Belker nodded at you and drew in a long, slow breath, “Now, I understand that the two of you have a… unique working relationship.”
She paused.  In the space she left behind, you and Reid nodded.
“Now, this is fine.  Whatever is going on between you is none of my business.  As long as everything is reported to HR in an appropriate and timely manner, it doesn’t matter to me.  With that said,” the woman leaned forward, eyebrows rising again, “I need to be sure that the two of you can work together- without disturbing the student body at large.”
“Of course we can, I apologize for previous inconveniences,” Reid kept his voice calm, though internally, he kinda wanted to fling himself out the window- it would spare him of any and all future embarrassment.  It might also spare him from making you cry again.
“I apologize also- and I would like to make it known that I didn’t know the George Michael music wouldn’t stop.  The mechanism was supposed to shut off once the cabinet closed, I don’t know what-”
Belker gave you a look that stopped you in your tracks.
“Again, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.  Just as long as the two of you can-”
Then, from the distance- a funky pop beat cut off the distinguished professor halfway through her sentence.  The song was loud enough to make you jump, but quiet enough that you couldn't quite make out what it was.
Belker rose from her desk and turned her gaze to the window, glaring off into the night.  You followed her gaze.  There, standing out in the middle of the darkened campus, was a rainbow glow of light.  It radiated out from one of the frat buildings.  If you focused, you could hear the cheers of drunk students echoing off the various buildings and into the dark.
You expected Belker to give an exhausted sigh, or to roll her eyes at the nature of college kids, but when she turned, a smile lit up her face.
“This is the perfect opportunity.  (L/N), Reid, I want you to take care of this.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, tilting your head.  Belker ignored your question.
“Professor Reid, you have a history with law enforcement, yes?”
Spencer nodded, not saying a word.  Belker’s smile grew, reaching her eyes and setting tiny fires inside them- or maybe that was just the reflection of the lights outside.
“Perfect.  If the two of you can take care of this without incident, then I’ll know for sure that the two of you can work together, and no one will have to be moved to a different department.”
“Was that on the table?”
“Don’t mind that now.  Just go deal with this before someone in the neighbourhood calls the police.”
It was a valid concern.  You stood quickly, giving your superior a two-fingered salute.  Reid followed behind you with less enthusiasm.  Once the two of you were out of her office, Belker grinned to herself.  Was this whole thing an effort to make you and Reid go out to a place that was not college?  Perhaps.  Whether or not it was, that was something she would keep to herself.
You and Reid wandered through the darkened campus side by side, heading to the rainbow-coloured lights of the frat house.  Honestly, they were pretty hard to miss- and even if you had, you could always follow the sound.  Music blared, echoing in the air with the excited shouts of students.  You still couldn’t make out the song’s lyrics.  At that point, you were pretty sure they were Swedish.  
In opposition to the noise of the party, you, Spencer, and the rest of the campus were mostly silent.  Your footsteps echoed off the various buildings.  The pavement before you was illuminated by shitty outdoor lights, the rainbow light from the frat house, and the few classroom windows that remained lit at this hour.
Your tears had long since dried, but your skin still felt a little tacky in the light evening breeze.  Beside you, Reid’s gaze was glued to the ground.  He had been silent since he made his apology, and you were mostly fine with that.  In your opinion, there wasn’t much to talk about.
“I’m sorry I made you cry.”
Apparently, you were wrong. “Hey, don’t mention it.  You fixed me, remember?” you gently rammed your shoulder against his, “All your crying facts made things better.  Besides, I’m gonna get you back for it.  That’s a promise.”
When you turned to face him, he had a small smile on his face.  You counted that as a success.  You shifted your gaze back to the pavement in front of you, walking with an extra spring in your step.
“Do you think Belker was serious about making one of us change departments?” he asked.  
“Probably not.  But if she was, you don’t have to worry.  I’m the one that would have to move.”
“Oh?” Spencer raised an eyebrow.  He knew about your degrees.  He knew you were a good professor.  He just didn’t know why you were so confident that you would be the one to switch departments.
“Mhmm.  You have how many years of experience in law enforcement?  A million?  Two million?”
“Hey, I’m not that old-”
“You dress like you’re that old.  Seriously.  I can imagine you teaching dinosaurs about the concept of psychopathy.  I’m sure they’d all come away much smarter.”
Reid paused before letting out a very confused, “Thank you?”
“Don’t mention it.”
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments before Reid turned to face you again, “For what it’s worth, you could teach anything.  You could teach the phone book and your students would learn something.”
“So could you.  Quick, give me a fact about the phone book.”
He didn’t even hesitate, “The first phone book was published in 1878- hey, wait-”
“See?  Honestly, if they let you, you could probably do both our jobs and teach a course about the phone book.”
“I doubt that.  Besides, if anyone were to teach a course about a book, wouldn’t it be the person with a doctorate in English?”
“Don’t accuse me of being literate.  Besides, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m kind of dumb.  I got into teaching by mistake.  Honestly, I kind of got my doctorates by mistake.  So if one of us is going to teach a course about a phone book-”
“Wait, what do you mean you got them by mistake?”
“I don’t know.  I didn’t really- it didn’t feel like I put in the same amount of effort as everyone else.  It just kind of happened to me,” you stopped walking, “Anyway.  Here’s the source of the noise.”
On your left, the frat house stood in all its rainbow glory.  Spencer was so invested in your conversation that he had almost missed it.
“So,” you leaned towards him slightly, just to make sure he could hear you, “How do you want to do this?”
“Should we find someone and ask them to turn the music down?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “You can try that.  I’m just gonna turn the music down myself.”
Before he could stop you, you had already disappeared, vanishing behind the massive doors of the house and leaving Spencer alone and out of his element.  He wasn’t alone for long.  About two minutes after you left, a chant rose from inside the house.  At first, he couldn’t quite make it out, but then he heard it clearly-
The second you got inside, you felt the overstimulation starting to creep in.  There were bodies everywhere.  The stench of alcohol and weed hung in the air like a cloud of smog.  It was bright- far too bright, and the strobe effect that the lights took on was almost enough to trigger an epilepsy attack.  The music was deafening, but you could somehow hear snippets of conversation over it as you wandered through the house.
“Oh, they’re totally fucking.”
“Hey man, pass the chips!”
“Don’t speculate on them, they’re your professors!” that was Opal’s voice.  
“Let’s stay in the building.  It’s too fuckin cold outside.”
“It’s fall.  What did you expect?”
“I don’t know, man.  The elf subplot in those books is so fucking weird.”
“Dude, you wouldn’t even have to pay me to fuck him.  Professor Sexy is just that- Professor Sexy.”
“He looks like a long Victorian child, dying from the plague.”
(Technically, if he were Victorian, it would be tuberculosis.  You kept the thought internal and continued to search for the speakers.)
“Dude, I got pulled over the other day and I hadn’t done a damn thing wrong.  Why?  Oh, you already know why.”
“Fuck the police!”
The sound was small- and it was so loud in the room that you assumed if you repeated it, no one would hear you.  Your opinion would be lost among a thousand screaming voices. 
So, you said it.
“Fuck the police.”
Within seconds, the house devolved into chaos.  Kids were standing on tables and couches, doing the worm and grinding on each other, all while yelling, “Fuck the police.”
By the time you found the speakers, you were laughing too hard to properly turn the music down.  
So at first, you turned it up.
Outside, Spencer pinched the bridge of his nose.  This had to be your payback- your revenge for him making you cry.  Honestly, he wasn’t even upset.  Just impressed.  Then he heard the sirens.  Blue and red lights flashed against the house, against the other buildings on and around the campus.  Someone had called the police.  
Students swarmed out of the building, running across the campus and back to their dorms with bongs, beers, and snacks in hand, all while chanting, “Fuck the police.”
Spencer didn’t see your face among the crowd.  As the officers stepped out of their cruiser, their faces red with emotion at the chant, Spencer darted into the house.  He slipped between students, searching the faces that passed him for you.  
He used his height to his advantage.  It helped.
When he found you, you were slumped over a speaker, cackling so hard that you couldn’t stand straight.  Your face lit up when you saw him.  Spencer could feel something warm fill his chest, and he tried very hard to kill it, just as you tried very hard to school your expression back to something less luminous.
You both failed.
“Are you hearing this Reid?  I didn’t even plan it, they just started saying, ‘Fuck the police.’”
“That’s great, that’s so cool, the cops are here.”
In less than a second, the smile dropped from your face.  When you spoke again, the joy had been stripped from your voice.  You sounded terrified.
“What?”Without another word, Reid grabbed your wrist and pulled you outside.  There, you watched as the police tried their very best to stop any students they could.  They didn’t manage to catch many- they did, however, manage to grab Opal.  
You watched as one of the cops grabbed her arm, her face screwing up in a wince at his grip.  Her braids flew out behind her as the officer pulled her closer.  You jumped down the stairs, practically running towards your student.  Without a word, Spencer followed you.
The cop saw you coming.  Opal saw you, too.  He let her go, and she ran towards you, stopping a few feet ahead.
“Are you okay?” you asked, just brushing the top of her shoulder with your fingertips in an effort to keep her steady, “Is everything okay?  Can you get back to your dorm safely?”
She nodded at you, quickly reaching up to pat your hand.
“Okay, go.  Don’t be afraid to call campus security.”
Like a flash, the girl was off, racing towards her dorm.  When you turned back, Reid was staring at you.
“What?” you asked, pulling your arms across your chest protectively.
“It’s nothing.”
The cop- the one who had grabbed Opal so harshly- did not agree with that statement.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?  I could bring you in on obstruction of justice!”
“Shutting down this party,” you answered, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Responding to a noise complaint,” the officer spoke to you like you were stupid, “I was going to apprehend that subject for questioning.  Can you not smell the illicit substances?”
“Okay, well, she’s gone now.  And the source of the noise has clearly gone silent.  The party has dispersed, so it looks like you won’t have to apprehend anyone.”
You were right.  The campus had gone dead silent.  Someone had shut off the lights, too, leaving you, Reid, and the cops with only the shitty campus lights and the blue and red glow from the police cruiser.
Still, the cop glared at you, “And what do you know about police work?”
“Well, y’know.  I just have doctorates in criminology and law.  No big deal.”
The man looked you up and down, clearly judging you, “I have a hard time believing that.”
“Why is that?” Reid stepped forward, putting himself between you and the officer, “Dr. (L/N) is well respected in their field.  They’ve written numerous in-depth papers on the benefits and downsides of various policing policies and criminal justice strategies.  Their conclusions are always brilliant, and your field would improve if officers like you would bother to examine their research.”
A blush crept onto your face as you listened to Reid.  Did he really think so highly of you?  Of your work?
“If you ask me,” the cop spoke again, “All you academics are a bunch of useless degenerates.  I have half a mind to-!”
“OH MY GOD, YOU’RE THAT FBI GUY!!” the cop’s partner cut him off, “You were on the team that took down The Silencer!!  And the Seattle Strangler!!  Oh, I have so many questions.”
Beside you, Reid noticeably tensed up in discomfort.  Without thinking about it too much, you grabbed his hand.
“Unfortunately, Dr. FBI guy is currently suffering from a bout of retrograde amnesia- sadly, he remembers nothing from his FBI days.  If you want your questions answered, I recommend contacting Derek Morgan, he’s lovely to criminal justice students!”
You pulled Reid away before either cop could respond to your final cry of, “Have a nice night!”
Neither you nor Spencer realized you were still holding hands until you reached the main building.  Until then, his long fingers sat intertwined with yours like they belonged there.  
Your face burned as you pulled away from him.  In the quiet of the atrium, you both fell silent.  The only sound was the buzzing of the fluorescent lights above.
“I fucking hate fluorescent lights,” you weren’t sure why you said it.  It really came out of nowhere, and you were just starting to regret it when-
“Really?  So do I.  That's why I can’t stand hospitals.”
“Oh, I get that.”
The two of you smiled.  You had probably agreed on things before, but for some reason, this felt like the first time.
“Hey, thanks for having my back earlier,” you crossed your arms and swayed back and forward slightly.
“Ah, it’s no problem.  I meant it.”
Heat rose to your face again, but before you could ask him if he really did mean it, he was speaking again.
“Thanks for getting us out of there when you did.  I’m not in the mood to answer questions about grisly murders right now.”
“Damn it,” you grinned, “I was just going to ask about the worst cases you’ve seen.  Oh well, I’ll leave it for another night.”
“I appreciate your sacrifice.” “My sacrifice?  It’s basic decency, Spencer.”
The smile on his face matched yours.  
Meanwhile, back at Quantico, Penelope Garcia was not smiling.  In fact, she was grimacing.  She had accidentally gazed upon some gorey case details and it had kind of ruined her night- at least, it had until she saw just where the murders had taken place.
She dialled a number into her phone- Morgan picked up on the first ring.
“What’s up, baby girl?  Do we have a case?”
“We do!  And you’ll never guess where.”
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts
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rad0529 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Belk Exclusive 1/4 ct. t.w. Pear Shape Diamond Necklace 18" Cable Chain NWT.
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chorusfm · 7 months
Ben Folds Announces New Tour
Ben Folds has announced some new tour dates. Emmy-nominated, multi-platinum selling music artist Ben Folds announces the return of his popular “Paper Airplane Request Tour,” performing solo shows across the US starting May 30, 2024. What initially began years ago as a request for songs as encores will once again be a central element in Folds’ shows when he engages audiences to make their song requests via paper airplanes. “The last time I did this on tour the response was overwhelming, with literally hundreds of paper airplanes with song requests being launched on cue from fans at the start of the second half of each of my concerts,” said Folds. “It’s the purest, most low-tech form of engagement that creates a special bond with my audiences.” Folds, who released his most recent album “What Matters Most” to critical acclaim, has been in studio in recent months working on his first holiday album targeted for release later this year. He’ll also be featured in a special PBS broadcast this spring that spotlights his ongoing “Declassified: Ben Folds Presents” concert series he curates as Artistic Advisor to the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center. MAY 30 – CHARLESTON, SC – CHARLESTON MUSIC HALL 31 – AUGUSTA, GA – BELL AUDITORIUM JUNE 1 – PEACHTREE CITY, GA – THE FRED 2 – PELHAM, TN – THE CAVERNS 4 – CHARLOTTE, NC – BELK THEATER 6 – SAVANNAH, GA – DISTRICT LIVE 7 – VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – SANDLER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 8 – ROCKY MOUNT, VA – HARVESTER PERFORMANCE CENTER 9 – PITTSBURGH, PA – 3 RIVERS ARTS FESTIVAL 11 – RICHMOND, VA – LEWIS GINTER BOTANICAL GARDEN 21 – LOWELL, MA – LOWELL SUMER MUSIC SERIES 22 – GREAT BARRINGTON, MA – THE MAHAIWE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 23 – HAMMONDSPORT, NY – POINT OF THE BLUFF CONCERT PAVILION 25 – KENT, OH – THE KENT STAGE 27 – TOLEDO, OH – PERISTYLE THEATER 28 – POTESKEY, MI – BAY VIEW JOHN M. HALL AUDITORIUM 29 – KALAMAZOO, MI – KALAMAZOO STATE THEATRE JULY 30 – BOISE, ID – MORRISON CENTER AUGUST 2 – STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO – STRINGS MUSIC PAVILION 5 – BOULDER, CO – CHAUTAUQUA AUDITORIUM 6 – BEAVER CREEK, CO – VILAR PERFORMING ARTS CENTER --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/ben-folds-announces-new-tour-2/
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tastydregs · 1 year
Ikea Trembles as Scientists Invent Flat Packable Robot
Origami Bot
A team of researchers at Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have come up with an ingenious, origami-inspired robot that can turn itself into a huge number of three-dimensional shapes.
Best of all, it can fold and unfold itself like a piece of flat-pack Ikea furniture, which its creates say makes it an ideal candidate for assisting astronauts inside the cramped environment of a spacecraft.
As seen in a video demonstration, the bot — called Mori3 — can dexterously walk and pose with four flattened limbs, or even roll around once bent into a ring shape.
"Our aim with Mori3 is to create a modular, origami-like robot that can be assembled and disassembled at will depending on the environment and task at hand," said Jamie Paik, director of EPFL's Reconfigurable Robotics Lab and co-author of a new paper published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence about the unusual bot, in a statement.
Polygonobots, Assemble
The robot's unusual polygonal shape when folded, essentially a flat triangle, forced the researchers to start from scratch.
"We had to rethink the way we understand robotics," said co-inventor Christoph Belke, a post-doctoral researcher in robotics at EPFL, in the statement. "These robots can change their own shape, attach to each other, communicate and reconfigure to form functional and articulated structures."
The researchers are now investigating whether multiple robots could attach themselves to each other to be even more useful.
"Of course, a general-purpose robot like Mori3 will be less effective than specialized robots in certain areas," Paik said. "That said, Mori3’s biggest selling point is its versatility."
More on weird robots: Scientists Finally Invented Robot That Can Sweat Heavily
The post Ikea Trembles as Scientists Invent Flat Packable Robot appeared first on Futurism.
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ssenseofficial · 7 years
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the new influencers by valentino-lover featuring a leather zipper pouch ❤ liked on Polyvore
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brynfoley-blog · 6 years
Pale romantic shimmer
Pale romantic shimmer by valorierose featuring word wall art ❤ liked on Polyvore
Badgley Mischka peep-toe pumps / Christian Dior card case wallet / Carolee choker necklace / Bling Jewelry sea shell jewelry / Belk Co cz jewelry / Irene Neuwirth stud earrings / Bridal ring / Vintage hair accessory / Concepts in Time word wall art
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Sin título #4751 por ceciamuedo con silver jewellery
Carolina Herrera floral embroidered dress, 68.065 UYU / Calvin Klein ankle wrap sandals, 8.800 UYU / Ivory purse, 7.745 UYU / Silver jewellery, 12.215 UYU / Belk Co freshwater pearl jewelry, 8.545 UYU
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itsgoldlocks-blog · 7 years
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Veronica. by quiche featuring a handbags crossbody ❤ liked on Polyvore
GRLFRND distressed denim skirt, $250 / Marc Jacobs handbags crossbody / Royce Nappa Leather Foil-Stamped Passport Jacket / Belk Co 14k bangle / Round pendant necklace / Antique diamond ring / Illesteva matte glasses / Dolce Gabbana cheek bronzer, $59 / ThE SELBY SHOP, $130 / GIANVITO 105, $695
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cindymmfan · 7 years
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Hey Cindy... by cupcakecouturegirls featuring sterling silver jewelry ❤ liked on Polyvore
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crowbones · 7 years
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What did you do with my heart? by lost-blu featuring stud earrings
Short sleeve dress / WithChic high waisted legging, $19 / Black heeled boots / Ice diamond jewellery, $940 / Belk Co sterling silver jewelry / Sterling silver bracelet charm / Sterling silver jewelry, $87 / Pendant jewelry / Stud earrings / Glossy lipstick / Nail polish
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rad0529 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Belk 1/4 ct. t.w. Pear Shape Diamond Pendant Necklace with 18" Cable Chain NWT.
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Untitled #452 by hallierosedale featuring sterling silver jewelry
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thefashionblueprint · 7 years
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blossom by rosiee22 featuring a red purse ❤ liked on Polyvore
MANGO cable knit sweater / H M denim miniskirt / Zara block-heel shoes / Sam Edelman red purse / Les Néréides pink earrings / Belk Co gold bangle / Eyevan 7285 metal glasses, $425
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Hey 👑🐝 by shanerfowler featuring pointy-toe pumps
Off White short sleeve t shirt, $245 / WearAll high waisted pencil skirt / Jimmy Choo pointy-toe pumps / Off White genuine leather handbag, $1,000 / Belk Co 14k necklace / Yellow gold earrings, $40
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kingdashauney · 7 years
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Adidas Queen by goodgirldeja featuring a day pack rucksack
Adidas activewear, $54 / Adidas Originals logo socks, $20 / Topshop Lace Strappy Bodysuit, $9.46 / Monse genuine leather boots, $1,510 / Sugar Thrillz day pack rucksack / Gold diamond jewelry / Statement diamond ring / Belk Co 14k white gold jewelry / Topshop sun visor, $4.05 / Rolex mens watch / Peel mask
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ofarenaissancewoman · 7 years
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Untitled #10507 by veterization featuring American Eagle Outfitters
V neck dress / American Eagle Outfitters hosiery / Grey shoes / Belk Co white gold jewellery / Mossimo cloche hat
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