#Bella Vous Cream
luminiamore · 4 months
a stefan salvatore love story.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔
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"Freesia, would you kindly refrain from playing in that man's dreams," Came a soft, southern, silky voice amid an enchanted forest.
A beautiful forest it was. Majestic oak and towering pine trees stretch towards the heavens, their branches glittered with clusters of shimmering dewdrops and flowers that glint like precious gems in the soft light. A chorus of bird song fills the air, accompanied by the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional flutter of wings.
"Ah! S'il vous plaît, Bella. I am not playing. I am merely teasing," The goddess giggled, a delicate smile adorning her features. She opened one chestnut-colored eye to take a peek at her sister.
Belladonna stood stoically, her captivating face betraying no emotion, clad in a cream-colored strapless gown that gathered slightly at the forest's edge. Meanwhile, Freesia was adorned solely in vines and a kaleidoscope of blossoms, her usual attire in the confines of her woodland abode.
"You're well aware we're seeing him tomorrow, hun. Why such teasing antics-" A melodic voice cuts the ancient witch off.
"Is Freesia inserting herself in Stefan's dreams once again? You're making him doubt your existence, sweets. That is if he hasn't already. You know-" The fairy addressed her best friend, a soft fluttering accompanied her statement.
"Yes, thank you, Fi. That's what I was just telling our lovely best friend here." Belladonna quickly cut off the fairy before she could start rambling. A habit of hers. She only gives a sheepish grin before she settles down on a log a few feet away from the pair.
Freesia gives a pout to the two women. Did he really doubt she existed?
Her voice trembles, "I just want to give him some hope. He's been burdened for so long, and it pains me to see him like that."
There's a soft whistling the trees emit at the end of her statement as if comforting her. She gives a sad smile.
"I know, sweets. And he won't feel that way anymore because we're headed to Mystic Falls tomorrow, yes?
The ancient fairy quickly utters. And almost as if the goddess was never down in the first place, she gives a bright smile, birds tweeting around her at the sheer aura it gave off. "Yes! Oh, I'm so excited. Is Nea coming with us?"
This time, Belladonna answers, the green leaves moving in a tornado-like motion under her whim, "Of course, she wouldn't leave us alone in that supernatural-infested town. She's feeding right now, so she'll likely meet us tomorrow at the house."
The house, a beautiful one it was. It was abandoned when they first stumbled upon it, vines and leaves taking over its walls. Freesia saw the perfection in it, and so she insisted on renovating it. It wasn't too far from the Salvatore boarding house; besides, it couldn't be viewed by any non-human creature. Thanks to a lovely spell by her sister.
It was simply a way for them to blend in, they didn't really need it. Selenea lived in the ocean, and the other three girls were found solitary in the forest. It was the source of their power, and they never felt more safe. They figured that since they were newcomers to the small town, a ball seemed suitable to introduce themselves. And that's precisely what they were going to do.
"Allons-y, d'accord? After all, we have a ball to prepare for; we haven't even gotten our dresses yet." Freesia abruptly stands, her vine dress still holding tightly onto her skin.
"I know a wonderful dress store in Italy." Is all the ancient witch says before she opens a portal with a wave of her hand.
The tiny fairy squeaks at the prospect of shopping, and Freesia enthusiastically claps. They both follow her into the shimmering light, giggles and laughs following after them.
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chapter one. chapter three.
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kiddoovanilla · 7 months
🌟 Revue / crash test : Major love - Too Faced 🌟
On ne m'a rie demandé mais ... aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de faire un petit "tuto" makeup... oui, oui, vous avez bien lu ! 😅 Je suis pas vraiment une pro, mais j'avais envie de partager ça avec vous. La Major love est ma toute première palette de chez Too Faced (même avec toutes mes palettes, pas une Too Faced avant elle 🙄), je DEVAIS la tester ! Les couleurs sont plutôt "sobres", les fards un peu poudreux mais facile à travailler. Un gros coup de cœur pour les teintes vertes irisées qui sont crémeuses à souhait !! 🥰
Etapes :
1️⃣J'applique ma base en spray The first base spray de Beauty Bay. J'apprécie vraiment le coté rafraichissant et léger qu'elle a sur ma peau. Elle n'a pas d'effet glowy, matifiant ou autre, elle va uniquement servir de barrière à ma peau.
2️⃣Je m'occupe ensuite de mes sourcils avec le Lift & Snatch teinte Espresso de NYX. J'ai pas mal de trou à combler dans mes sourcils, je cherche principalement à les combler avec et je les fixe ensuite avec le Clear brow gel - Anastasia Beverly Hills. Ce n'est pas un gel qui va servir à plaquer les poils, attention, il va simplement les "maintenir" en place.
3️⃣Pour les yeux, je procède en 2 étapes. Je commence par appliquer le fard crème No budge cream eyeshadow teinte Dune de chez ELF, puis le fard Squad goals dans l'ensemble de mon creux de paupière. Dans le coin externe, je mets le fard Surrender your love pour intensifier mon regard sans le durcir et en coin interne et l'espace restant de ma paupière mobile le fard On duty. On passe ensuite à l'eyeliner que je fais avec le Hydraliner Doodles (noir) de SUVA beauty, dilué avec Duraline de chez Inglot qui va le rendre waterproof. On finira les yeux après le teint !
4️⃣Pour le teint, je commence par appliquer sur mon dessous d'œil le Banana Bright+ Vitamin CC Stick de chez Olehenriksen qui va illuminer et hydrater le contour de l'œil avant le concealer. Je continue avec le concealer nouvellement sortie de chez Fenty, le We're even en teinte 220W. Hydratant, il ne me fait pas d'effet craquelé ou desséché sous l'œil (bon par contre il n'est pas creaseproof même une fois fixé...) et je le travail au pinceau pour un rendu plus léger sur les zones que je veux illuminer. Depuis peu, j'ai envie de faire du contouring/bronzer, j'applique donc le Sculting touch stick teinte 200 de chez KIKO (je ne crois pas qu'il sois Acné safe, car j'ai eu plusieurs boutons sur les zones où je l'ai appliqué ...). L'étape du blush ! C'est mon chouchou en ce moment : le stick teinte Blossoming de Sophia+mabelle. Le coté irisé va illimuner encore plus mon teint. Je poudre le tout avec la poudre libre Baby bake teinte Pound cake de Huda Beauty (elle a une odeur ... de parfum de grand-mère mais heureusement elle s'estompe vite). L'application à la houpette me permet de bien presser la matière pour matifier à long terme ma peau grasse. Puis on se débarrasse de l'excédent en balayant avec un gros pinceau !
5️⃣On termine les yeux à présent ! En ras de cil, j'applique le même fard que dans mon coin externe puis le Shadowstick en teinte Sip&sparkle de Fenty en point de lumière en interne. On termine enfin avec le mascara Hella thicc de Fenty pour les cils supérieurs (j'adore vraiment son effet!!) et le Cils sensational de Maybeline pour les cils inférieurs (sa brosse est vraiment idéale pour les tout petits cils).
6️⃣On boucle le teint avec une touche de blush teinte 1 de chez Makeup revolution et la teinte Glow en highlighter de la palette Mrs. Bella goldies de chez BH cosmetics.
7️⃣Dernère étape : les lèvres ! Je trace le contour avec le crayon Lipliner teinte Spice de chez Primark, je rempli avec le liquidmat Lolita de KVD et je termine avec le Clear gloss d'Anastasia (je mets rarement du gloss par dessus mon RAL mais j'aime bien l'effet, j'avais peur du transfert mais ce n'est pas arrivé !! )
Un dernier coup de spray fixateur le Mist&fix de chez Makeup Forever, et VOILA !! 🤗
Avez-vous déjà tester les palettes Too Faced ? Lesquelles préférez-vous ? et que pensez-vous de mon makeup ?? 🥰
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
World Champions - (Rose Lavelle x reader)
For this one the reader is a male so sorry about it but I kinda need it for it to be a guy for this because he's going to be on the French Men's National Team
Y/n's Pov
I fix my cap on my head as I walk through the streets trying not to be recognised which is even harder now with the women's world cup on in France. And it's not hard to pick them out as there are fans carrying their countries flags and where their home colours. I smile when I see a French jersey walking the streets.
I smile when I see a bunch of kids playing with a ball. One kid had the ball and started juggling it and tried to do an around the world but loses the ball as it rolls towards me. I smile as I stop the ball and start juggling it while walking back toward the group of kids. I kick the ball up and balance it on my back. While I'm hunched over I take off my sunglasses as I hold out my hand to shake one of the boys hands. The boy gasps as he jumps up and down before shaking my hand. They start speaking in rapid french as I laugh and talk to them for a bit. I take a few quick pictures before I'm on my way again.
I walk down the street to my original destination my favourite ice cream parlor. The shop was a small quiet one that kinda hidden on a side street that I stumbled soon one day and have been coming to since. To come here you would either have to know where your going or you just happened to stumble across the place.
When I walk in I see a group ahead of me having trouble ordering. The owners are friendly with me seeing as I'm a regular here. "Salut Pierre, tu as besoin d'aide?" (This came from google translate so sorry if this isn't correct. Hi Pierre, do you need some help?"). "Ce serait super merci Y/n" Pierre nods (That would be great thank you Y/n). I turn back to the group but I freeze when I realise who I'm talking to.
"Sorry we were here first" the defender says as she narrows her eyes at me. I shake my head and smile at them, "No no no. It's not like that. Pierre doesn't speak English so I was just wondering if he needed help with your order as I guess none of you speak French". The small red head blushes, "Oh sorry". "Would you mind ordering for us. Our french isn't the greatest" one of the blondes speak up. I smile, "Of course what are you having?". They all tell me their orders and then I turn to Pierre, "Puis-je obtenir un chocolat, une fraise, un citron, un oreo, une route rocheuse et mon habituel s'il vous plaît?" (Can i get one chocolate, one strawberry, one lemon, one oreo, one rocky road and my usual please?") Pierre nods and tells me they'll be done in a minute and they'll be dropped down to the table.
"Merci beaucoup" I thank him before turning to the girls, "they'll bring them to the table in a bit". They nod as they follow me to a booth and sit down. "Thanks for helping us. I don't think we ever would have been able to order if it wasn't for you" the brown haired midfielder smiles. "You know I would have thought you would have been fine seeing as one of you played for PSG when they were younger" I tease as the blonde blushes, "In my defense it's a bit rusty". "So I take it you know who we are so?" The freckles defender asks from beside me. I chuckle, "Well I mean who doesn't know one of the best teams in the world".
"We never got your name" someone asks. It's then I realise I never took off my hat and sunglasses. When I pull them off I can see all their mouths drop open causing me to laugh, "I'm guess you know who I am as well it seems". "Your Y/n L/n! Of course we know who you are!" Sonnett exclaims. "And your Emily Sonnett, Lindsey Horan, Kelley O'Hara, Mallory Pugh and Rose Lavelle of the US women's National Team" I answer. "You watch womens soccer?" Rose asks. "Of course I do. I always watch your games. You have some of the best players in the world on your team" I smile looking directly at her which causes her to blush and look down slightly.
Before anyone else can speak Pierre comes with a tray with our ice-cream and hands them out while he passes me my big sundae. Sonnett's eyes go big, "What is that?!" I smirk, "One of the greatest things you will ever taste". "Can I try some?" Rose asks shyly. "Sorry World Champions only" I tease, "maybe if you win the world cup then I'll share". "Yeah Rose world champions only" as Kelley swipes some of my sundae before I can stop her. I laugh as I fist bump Kelley as Rose pouts but I slide the bowl toward her as she tries some of mine. Rose smiles happily at me while taking some of mine.
I continue to talk to the girls about the world cup and everything else until we're eventually done our ice cream which was finished a lot quicker due to Rose stealing mine. Right before we leave I walk up to Pierre and pay for everyone. "You didn't have to do that you know? We could have paid" Rose smiles. I shrug, "You can pay me back when you finally get equal pay". Kelley snorts, "That may be a long time".
I shake my head, "Honestly it's ridiculous but I don't think you should be getting equal pay-". Before I can finish Kelley interrupts me  trying to size me up but it doesn't work as I kinda tower over her, "What did you say?" I laugh, "You didn't let me finish! I don't think you should he getting equal pay with the men's teams when you are clear better than them. I think you should he getting paid more. Like they didn't even qualify for the world cup, which you have won 3 times already". "About to be 4!" Mal shouts as Lindsey and Sonnett join in. Once again Kelley's face turns pink, "Sorry...again". I shake my head, "It's fine. I understand where your coming from".
Kelley smiles at me before she runs ahead and jumps on Mal's back leaving me to walk behind them with Rose. "This is your first world cup yes?" I ask as we walk. Rose nods but I can still her bite the corner of her lip, "Yeah. I just hope everything goes okay". "Well from what I've seen your one of the best midfielders in the game so I don't think you have anything to worry about" I say as I nudge her shoulder slightly. I can see a slight pink tint come to her cheeks, "Well unless you face France that is". She nudges me as I laugh loudly which causes the ones in front of look back at us.
For the rest of the walk I learn more about the American midfielder and she is extremely excited when I tell her about my little husky Bella. Sadly we reach their hotel which mean going our separate ways, "Well this is us". I nod, "Well if I don't see you again. I wish you the best of luck with your games and the equal pay". Mal smiles at me, "Thanks Y/n. We should meet up again if you have time so we can pay you back for the ice cream". "Your fine consider it a thank you for all your doing to impact women's soccer" I shrug. "Will you be coming to any of the games?" Emily asks as I catch her giving Rose a quick look. Rose elbows her as I laugh, "I will definitely try to come to some of your matches".
The rest of them smile before saying a quick goodbye and heading inside which leave Rose and myself alone. "I don't think they're very subtle are they?" I ask as I motion to them trying to hide as they watch us. Rose sighs and shakes her head, "Not at all". "Well I hope this isn't the last time we meet. I enjoyed talking to you" I smile down at her. She blushes crimson, "Yeah it was fun". I think for a moment before chancing it as I gently take her phone out of her hand, "Well how about if you ever want to explore France you can give me a call and I'll be your tour guide" I say as I type my number into her phone. Rose laughs and nods, "You'll be my first call".
I smile as I kiss both of her cheeks which causes her face to go completely red as I chuckle, "Jusqu'à la prochaine fois ma belle fleur".(Until next time my beautiful flower). She tilts her head at me, "What does that mean?" I shrug and smile, "Can't remember. Au revoir Rose". And with that I walk home leaving her flustered behind me.
I sigh but clap as the referee blows his whistle signalling the end of the match which ends in the US favour. Although I'm happy they won it was bittersweet seeing as they were after knocking out France of the running. I find myself on the pitch consoling some of the players. "Pas de veine. vous avez bien joué, vous méritez d'être allé plus loin" I say to Henry. (hard luck. you played great you deserve to have gone further). She nods glumly before walking off to talk to her teammates. My eyes trail to the American side watching them celebrate their well earned victory. My eyes land on a certain midfielder who's jumping up and down celebrating with her teammates.
I start to walk over but I decide against it and let her celebrate the win. I walk toward the tunnel when someone calls my name. I turn to see Kelley running up to me with a big smile plastered on her face. "Hey Kelley. Great game". She smirks at me while raising an eyebrow at me, "Are you that upset we knocked out France that you left the pitch instead of talking to us?" I toss my head back and laughs, "I thought I would let you celebrate the win instead of bothering you guys". "Well I don't think Rose would mind you bothering her" she teases as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I cough as I try to hide my blush when I hear the clitter clatter of cleats walking towards us.
I look down the tunnel to see the team walking towards us. When Rose spots me she jogs up to us and hugs me, "I didn't know you were coming today!" "Well I said I would come to some of your matches didn't I? You played great by the way" I compliment. Again her cheeks tint pink while everyone smirks at us, "Thanks". "You mad we knocked out France?" Emily teases as she pokes my cheek. I roll my eyes as everyone laughs, "I'm sad they didn't get farther but I'm happy that they lost to you guys".
"Does that mean you'll buy us more ice cream?" Mal jokes. I snort, "Come back to me when your World champions and I'll see". "Well I want the one you got last time" Rose smiles. "Do you not remember? That's for world champions only. You gotta win first" I tease. "Yeah Rose have to be apart of the world champions club" Kelley teases as she wraps an arm around Alex. "Fine but that means you have to be there watching when we get to the final" Rose grins.
I shrug, "Okay but I'll need to get a jersey so everyone knows who I'm supporting". "You should wear your favourite players jersey" Lindsey smirks. "Maybe I will. I already have someone in mind" I smile. "Who would that be now?" Rose asks a smile gracing her face.
"Tobin Heath of course" I smile cheekily. Rose pouts while everyone laughs and I high five Heath. Everyone starts to walk to their dressing room which leaves us alone again while she still pouts at me, "Are you seriously going to wear her jersey?" "Well I mean she is an unreal player AND she's a world champion". She shoves me as I burst out laughing, "Your mean". "I'm joking! I'm joking! I'll probably wear number 16's jersey. She's been on fire recently" I say once my laughter ceases. "Yeah I hear shes a pretty good player" Rose smiles. "I guess I better go find one of her jerseys then" I grin.
We stand there for a bit longer and I laugh as I can hear the shouts coming from the girls locker room, "I better let you get back to your teammates". "Yeah before someone comes looking for me" she nods. "Au revoir ma belle fleur" I whisper as I kiss both her cheeks again. I smile as her face heats up again and groans, "What does that mean?" I shrug before I start walking away down the tunnel.
"Win a world cup and I'll tell you"
"Your insufferable!"
I was up on the feet as Rose scored the second goal of the match against the Netherlands. The stadium was deafening as all the US supporters were on their feet celebrating. I watched as Rose was swarmed in hugs on the field before she runs to the bench and hugs her teammates. As they jog back to their half I see her look around before she lands on me and smiles seeing me on my feet clapping.
The rest of the game passes by slowly as the Dutch doesn't give in and keep playing. But it seems that Roses goal solidified their victory as finally the final whistle blows. The sub rush the bench as the stadium is in up roar as the US become back to back World champion's.
I smile as I can see some of the girls start to cry as they celebrate their victory. As the stage is being built the girls go celebrate with their families in the stands. I was surprised to see Rose jogging over to me as I catch her in a hug. "Congrats Rose I knew you would win!" I shout over the crowd. "Now you and Kelley can stop teasing me about not being a world champion" she tells me. I laugh, "Welcome to the club champ". She's about to say something but she's being called away by the girls. "Go join your team ma belle fleur" I tell her. She sighs and looks back at the girls, "I expect to see you at the party later as well. I'll tell them to let you in". "I'll be there" I smile.
She grins before she runs back over to the girls celebrating their world cup win.
I walk into the party a bit awkward seeing as I don't really know anyone here. "Y/n!" I turn and see Lindsey and Emily have spotted me and had already had a few drinks in them. "Hey guys" I laugh as Lindsey stumbles towards me with Emily close behind, you okay there?" "Never better! We're world champions!" Emily cheers sloshing her drink a bit.
"Any ideas where Rose is?" I ask. They both start giggling excessively as they both turn and walk from where they came from, "Rose!! Lover boy is looking for you". I scoff as I can feel my face heat up as I spot Rose talking at the bar with Mal. The whole bar pretty much turns to look at me as Lindsey and Emily start pushing me towards Rose. Mal waves at me before dragging the two blondes away leaving me with Rose who's still laughing at my expense. "Yeah yeah two of your best friends just embarrassed me infront of the whole bar. Laugh it up" I roll my eyes as she eventually stops.
"Well you clearly haven't see the news yet then" she giggles. I look at her confused before she pulls out her phone and shows me an article of us two hugging as the article talks about how the two of us are dating because I was wearing her jersey. "Well then. They got that done quick" I sigh as I run a hair through my hair. "Does that mean you'll buy me my ice cream tomorrow boyfriend?" She teases as she takes another drink. "If you remember that tomorrow then sure" I laugh as I get my own drink.
"So how is it feeling to be a world champion?" I ask. "Great you want to know why?" She smirks. "Okay I'll bite why?" I ask. "Well it's great being a world champion, but you know what's even better? Being a world champion who scored in the world cup final. Not that you would know" she says grinning in my face. "Oh okay then. I admit defeat. "You are clearly the superior player" I smile. "Now your getting it" she laughs.
For the rest of the night is spent dancing and a lot of drink as well as singing 4 stars. For a short while we were able to slip away into a corner under a bunch of fairy lights. "Well seeing as your my boyfriend now. Does that mean you would like to come to the ESPY's with me?" She asks as she looks up at me. I smile down at her, "I will on one condition". "What is that?" She asks. "This" I cup her face and bring my lips to hers.
When we break apart we were both breathless. "Woah" I breath out which causes her to giggle, "Not a bad way to end a great day".
"Who said it had to end ma belle fleur?"
Okay I'm sorry if this isn't really great. I had this for a while and every time I tried to write it, it was a bit eh so this is the best I could come up with. But it's longer than usual ones! I hope you liked it!!
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Evianne Crème Avis, Prix & Où acheter Evianne Skin Care en France
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Evianne Crème Avis France - Evianne Cream Every one of the fixings utilized in the arrangement of herbs and reviewed from Luxe Bella Cream onwards is 100% natural and hence its tendency is additionally totally characteristic. Evianne Crème Avis est une importante solution anti-âge qui hydrate les pores de votre peau et vous garde longtemps jeune. Il a des herbes naturelles remarquables qui améliorent le teint et l'éclat de votre peau. Il procure une hydratation ultime de votre peau et apporte fermeté. De plus, il crée une couche protectrice sur votre peau afin que vous puissiez rester à l'abri des effets UV. Il prévient les perturbations externes et les dommages Evianne Crème Avis peut nuire à la qualité de votre peau. L'une des principales caractéristiques de cette crème est d'augmenter le niveau de collagène dans votre peau. De cette façon, vous pouvez facilement vous débarrasser des rides et ridules laides sans aucun effet négatif. Il ravive et rajeunit les couches cutanées, résultant en une peau souple et lisse. Il contient les ingrédients efficaces qui peuvent rendre votre peau dense, ferme et saine à bien des égards. Vous pouvez efficacement surmonter toutes sortes d'effets du vieillissement en utilisant cette crème quotidiennement. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, visitez ici: https://ecuadortransparente.org/evianne-creme-avis/
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The Essential Steps Of Facial Skin Care
Skin is vital in one's life and to get yourself a beautiful skin isn't an one day perform. You need to take good good your skin and keep it on regular base so relating to keep it beautiful and glowing. In accessory for these remedies, you would like to use a dependable Anti Aging eye cream the appropriate approach . slow down the appearance of wrinkles. Really look for your ingredients Eyeliss, CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame. Bella Vous Cream
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lifting face With Facial massage.
They often tend to vary by the sort of incision, number of tissue layers dealt with, the location of the face that is targeted, and also their level of invasiveness. Normally, a facelift is executed under general anaesthetic, although for some surgical treatment such as a mini-facelift local anaesthetic and also sedation might be utilized. A facelift will certainly recover definition to your face, jaw and neck line as well as ravel deep lines. deals with loosened skin, lines as well as creases, absence of muscle mass tone, as well as other signs of aging by lifting up your skin, deeper cells and bordering muscles. A lot of cosmetic surgeons will wrap your face to reduce discoloration and swelling. These plasters will remain on for 1 or 2 days, and the stitches will certainly be gotten rid of after seven or eight days. Renovations and necklifts are typically lugged under a general anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic.
The mini lift is the perfect procedure for anybody in their 40s or 50s seeking to turn around the preliminary indicators of ageing. I have actually reviewed and also understand Cadogan Facility's Personal privacy NoticeFrom time to time we may wish to keep you current with info, offers as well as promos we really feel will be of passion to you. The treatment is typically combined with fat transfer to recover shed face volume. Fat is harvested by means of liposuction surgery and then used to increase the cheekbones, cheeks, temples, eyebrow, chin and also anywhere else where it will boost facial equilibrium as well as framework. The Cadogan Center only supplies 'mini' or 'mini' facelift methods to our clients, usually in mix with invigorating fat transfer shots to the face.
An US study that reviewed YouTube videos on face cosmetic surgery has found that most video clips are deceptive and also not instructional. Ramsay Health Care UK Procedures Limited will certainly utilize your individual details to provide you with an action to your enquiry such as to confirm treatment/specialist availability, a therapy rate quote or booking a preliminary consultation. Information gathered using our call type or phone number displayed on this website might be shared with medical care consultants who offer therapy concerning which you are enquiring under strict privacy arrangements.
origins and significances Of cliches, Expressions and Also Words.
Can alum tighten the Virgina?
Although chemicals and vaginas are not a good mix, applying potassium alum to the vaginal walls has been touted as an effective home remedy. It's said that the astringent properties of the chemical are good at tightening the vaginal tissue.
As a specialist, it helps me learn more about my patients even better and also builds a bond with them, which isn't feasible with a basic anaesthetic. But do not simply take my word for it, look at video clips of real person experiences on the website, our clients truly are Bella Vou's best adverts. The Majority Of Bella Vou's individuals locate the experience relaxing as well as worry-free. We beware about making certain the area is entirely numb, as well as we talk throughout the treatment to ensure that each person is confident that they remain in safe hands. Bella Vou incorporates sophisticated treatment and also professional quality with the high-end, convenience, as well as discretion of a medspa as well as the hospitality of a luxury resort. Bella Vou offers competitively priced plans of care, without concealed additionals.
Which locations Of The Body are Suitable For Fat Freezing?
The Idea ™ Facelift is generally performed under regional anaesthetic, although sedation and general anaesthesia are likewise offered. It is a day case treatment, so there is no demand to remain in the center over night. The face is meticulously numbed so that the treatment is pain-free, and Bella Vou's professional staff will provide assistance, advice, and also music to keep you relax, comfortable, and also unwinded throughout the treatment. The Idea ™ Facelift is a cutting-edge new method established solely by Bella Vou.
Amir made me feel completely secure, I really did not really feel worried at all. A pleasant yet professional group of individuals that made me feel super at ease at every visit. I am amazed at the results of my current treatment with Rohit and also can't start to thank him sufficient for the distinction it's made and also neither can my other half. After the operation, you can loosen up in the convenience of Bella Vou's healing suites. The encouraging staff will certainly use you a drink and also biscuits after surgery as well as discuss your aftercare as well as what to expect as you recoup. In the Bella Vou theatre, your surgeon will chat with you throughout the treatment.
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Your previous case history will certainly likewise be tape-recorded (consisting of previous surgery, drugs, allergies and so on) as well as an assessment of your physical fitness for surgical treatment. I was scared yet the nurses put me at ease and everyone made me feel very calm.
Among the huge advantages of the HIFU Facial is that it's a non-surgical treatment.
... Working with both the face as well as neck, it'll also enhance your skin's flexibility as well as shapes the face contours.
I had my examination with Dr Shirin today she has advised having Hydrafacial therapies to boost the structure and also thinning of my skin, I have scheduled these on her referral.
I was very happy with the examination and was comfortable with Dr Shirin.
She has likewise suggested more procedures to provide some volume to my face and also boost deep lines.
Face Lift 365 offers an amazing option suggests there's no scalpels or needles included and no recuperation time called for.
By raising as well as tightening your skin, it really can remove that double chin!
As the high-frequency ultrasound beam of lights are concentrated on a particular cells site listed below the skin's surface, there's no damage to the upper layers of the skin and no prompt visible signs of therapy.
It rejuvenates the face in a manner that looks natural as well as renewed instead of limited and also mask-like. It is carried out under neighborhood anaesthetic, providing a quicker recuperation, lowered bruising, as well as much less downtime, to make sure that you can get on with your life.
Is Femilift FDA approved?
FemiLift is extremely safe and received FDA approval because it meets the criteria of effectively treating vaginal laxity, with no risk to the patient.
The facility is positive in the abilities and professionalism and reliability of the staff and also provides a benefit warranty to offer clients with satisfaction. If there is a trouble or difficulty, the client will be looked after throughout, without any additional bills or costs. The laceration for the Idea ™ Facelift is short, running from the front of the ear to behind the ear, leading to a smaller sized mark as well as no loss of hair contrasted to traditional strategies. The skin is lifted together with a muscular tissue tightening up SMAS lift, to provide natural-looking, resilient results. The Idea ™ Facelift smooths the skin of the cheeks, lifts them to their original placement, and also gets rid of dewlaps, bring back meaning to the jawline.
What does ThermiVa help with?
ThermiVa can be used as a mild female incontinence treatment by tightening and firming the tissues under the bladder, reducing stress-related leaks and urge incontinence. Non-Invasive Sessions – ThermiVa is a completely non-surgical procedure that does not require anesthesia or any recovery period.
Hifu For Face.
Complying with surgical treatment, your loved ones ought to see that you look well and also fresh, but it ought to not be promptly obvious that you have had a procedure. The Idea ™ Facelift has actually been created to give a fresh as well as all-natural look. This kind of facelift surgery does not result in the very limited, mask-like look that some conventional renovations can develop. It is additionally not planned to make people look twenty years old once more, however instead to resolve the signs of aging that have actually made you look weary or older than your years.
just How Do I schedule a Cosmetic Surgeon consultation?
genital firm.
Please check out Spire Health care's terms for full information of what's included as well as omitted in your set price when spending for yourself. Financing options are available via our partner Omni Resources Retail Finance Ltd, 10 Norwich Road, London, EC4A 1BD. If you make a decision to have your treatment with us, you will be cared for by a knowledgeable multi-disciplinary care group. A more youthful looking face can share vigour and also power and rise self-confidence in your social, personal and also working lives. If you feel that your face no longer mirrors your vigor and you intend to do something about it, you could be considering getting this treatment. Review right here to find out more consisting of the process of the surgical treatment and the recovery.
Ramsay health centers are registered with the Treatment High Quality Payment, as well as are well-equipped with expert cosmetic surgery resources. Facelifts are taken into consideration relatively risk-free, yet as operations they carry possible risks that are inherent in any kind of operation. A revision facelift, likewise referred to as a restorative facelift or additional facelift, is succeeding facelift surgical procedure after currently having had a facelift. Generally, you will certainly have one to 2 weeks off job and also three weeks if you've additionally had blepharoplasty surgery. Various other added surgical treatments are often executed with a facelift, such as blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and also, facial implants to better enhance your outcomes. Mini or short-scar facelift consists of the MACS lift, s-lift as well as mini lift.
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After meeting Amir for the first time, I really felt that I had actually made the appropriate decision. The procedure was quick and well-performed, with the help of his excellent group. I have very little scars, which are recovering nicely as well as I never had discoloration, by itself a wonder for me. I'm so happy I picked to go on with my treatment with Bella Vou. My scars are barely visible and also the customer care is extraordinary. I've had nothing but praises, and also I really feel far more certain.
Is V Tight Gel permanent?
A V Tight Gel, when used in the right manner, will certainly have long-lasting effects. However, its outcome is not permanent. The user must keep using it on a regular basis to enjoy its positive results.
My best advice would certainly be if you have this procedure, stay calm, rest a little bit after that, even without a general your body needs a little time to recoup and also like your outcomes I recognize I do. Thank you Amir and your team, unique reference too for Will, he was terrific company throughout my op. I would definitely suggest Amir to anybody who is interested in a cosmetic procedure, my experience at Bella Vou was superb and the outcomes were every little thing I expected as well as much more. After a facelift, your expert will want to see exactly how you're doing. We'll prepare a follow-up consultation each time that's hassle-free for you. Having had a basic anaesthetic, you'll be asleep while the specialist as well as medical team do the surgical treatment. They can remind you of the important things you intend to review as well as work as an extra pair of ears to absorb info you can talk about together later.
how Much Time Does A Facelift Last?
It makes the experience kicked back, stress-free, and assists establish a close bond in between you and your specialist. Your face will be cleaned, and also local anaesthetic infused to avoid any kind of pain or discomfort.
Is FemTouch covered by insurance?
FemTouch is currently not covered by insurance, however it should be covered by your HSA plan.
These s are much less intrusive and also make use of much shorter scars that often quit at your ear to use marginal scarring. They are recommended for people with a light degree of jowling as well as drooping skin as well as are frequently carried out on younger ladies who desire a fresher look. There are different types of facelifts you can select from based upon your aesthetic goals, face makeup as well as your choices around healing as well as the dangers entailed.
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avissainsfr · 6 years
Wrinkle Bella Anti-Aging Cream Avis: est-ce que cela fonctionne sur des rides de peau?
Wrinkle Bella Anti-Aging Cream Avis: est-ce que cela fonctionne sur des rides de peau?
Wrinkle Bella Anti-Aging Cream Présentation
La crème anti-âge Wrinkle Bella est un produit qui vous attire. Il est facile de se laisser entraîner dans d’énormes cas de marketing sur Internet. Néanmoins, qui ne veut pas d’une peau joliment lisse et d’apparence plus jeune? Personne ne veut vraiment paraître plus vieux. Parmi les meilleurs moyens de prendre soin de votre peau en vieillissant, vous…
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Comment prendre soin de soi après une semaine chargée ?
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Hydrater sa peau avec des produits qui envoutent le flair et charment les mirettes 
Au cours de votre semaine de bourlingages diurnes et de nuits folles, vous avez oublié de vous occuper de votre peau. Si votre épiderme sensible présente des manifestations de sécheresse, il est bon d’envisager un véritable plan d’attaque en 5 étapes pour lutter contre la peau sèche  :
Utilisez un produit de douche hydratant. Pour être sure qu’il le soit, misez sur une texture crème formulée avec un agent nourrissant : du beurre de karité, de l’huile d’amande douce ou du Cold Cream contenu par exemple dans la Douche Creme Nutritive Nourrissante de Barnangen . Choisissez votre produit hydratant en fonction de sa texture afin qu’il convienne aux besoins de votre peau et à votre rythme de vie : peut-être n’avez-vous pas le temps de consacrer une demi-heure à la pénétration de votre huile hydratante ? Préférez alors un lait. Misez sur les ingrédients naturels pour...
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garousargarie-blog · 7 years
Even in case you are shopping for organic products, you still might not get a good bargin. Using the label reading tip, you for you to check the water content of your products or services. You could purchase an significantly that is mainly water. Since water is organic, they're technically not lying for. However, you're not receiving an amazing product. Purchase products with actual helpful ingredients. You will get water home. Bella Vous Moisturizer
But it's not that painless. Seriously, have you ever just stopped in the guts of a Skin Care aisle in a shop? Who knows which products are superior to? It's easy to feel defeated and just choose one at well known. Jennifer also admitted that she has always been obsessed with skin care products and lasers and gets regular facial peels to manage the sun spots and wrinkles she developed from years of sun tanning and making use of. Bella Vous Moisturizer
Before one jumps into trying differing types of ointments and creams, one end up being very careful with what ever put on his or her face. Sometimes testing everything out there blindly could cause adverse effects and make matters not only that than these kinds of are. That is the reason why the top 10 acne and blemish treatment that are suggested here may significantly fix one's problem. Bella Vous Moisturizer
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How To Be Seen Your Natual Skin Care Clinic With Wall Graphics
Bella Vous Yoga is actually Anti Aging therapies. It actually helps tone the dermis to helps it be less vulnerable to wrinkles. As well as to that, it helps release the strain in muscles. You can also use yoga to tone your facial skin if will be starting to look saggy.Anti-aging products used to raise a lot of controversy. This mainly happened because most among the products showed little or no improvements and some of the treatments used risky ingredients. This is also a common issue today, Bella Vous but at least now people can understand an anti aging skin care review and learn which products work and which ones fail terribly.Here are two of the easiest things to spot in ingredient list on the product package. If you see either ingredient utilized for an anti aging Skin Care Review care system product line, after that you know not to invest these days time and certainly not 1 of your money.Before one jumps into trying many types of ointments and creams, one end up being very careful with everything Bella Vous they put at their face. Sometimes testing everything out there blindly may result in adverse effects and make matters not only that than built. That is why the best acne and blemish treatment that are suggested here may significantly fix one's problem.Furthermore restoring elastin and collagen levels in the skin, shows scientific induces treating aging signs in conjunction with reversing it. So, you can certain that of seeing results by making use of products offer such regarding Skin Care. By making your skin heal itself through it own natural elastin production process, pores and Bella Vous skin regains it youthfulness and vitality. Place fell pores and skin to be soft, supple and in a healthy condition. So, while the tip for the question can elastin be made available to the skin is 'No', you can restore youthful skin, by using ingredients that increase skin elastin areas.When you are shopping a good Anti Aging wrinkle cream, find evidence not wearing running shoes worked your loved ones. Before and after photos is a better way to do this.The last major essential to succeeding being an affiliate marketing newbie merely have to educate yourself keyword reports. Keywords are simply the phrases your own family everyone Bella Vous else type into the search engines to find something.Remember that the skin from your face is more sensitive than skin color on away from the conversations of yourself. It's not necessarily true certain skin product advertised just like for your whole body will be going to good for your face.Smoking surely speed along the aging technique. To quit smoking isn't quick nevertheless it might is a must have for as Bella Vous well as women women on a quest to delay the ageing. You will find of course lots of other excellent reasons to stop smoking, as an end result be brave and look at techniques terminate smoking right now.The reason her lips felt moister initially followed by drier prior to now is because those ingredients strip away natural lubricants. Some people don't recognize they are the creation that is causing the problem, and they just use more and much more.One thing that really made us decide what product to use was that collagen molecules can not penetrate skin layers as it would be too key. You don't have to find for an awfully Bella Vous long a person to find a treatment that has collagen included to stop the telltale signs of aging. It's not interacting. The anti aging natual skin care system folks use, has two great compounds that instead increases our own production of collagen because elastin. Cynergy TK as well as an exotic Japanese sea product called Phytessence Wakam.On a final note, you shouldn't be afraid try to a new anti aging skin care system. The newer research and products fit in rather nicely with the tried-and-true methods such as healthy diet and safe amounts of sun. Bella Vous And newly discovered ingredients might keep skin color healthy and glowing. It doesn't what an anti aging skin care review board might testify to the fact.
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ameyyajah-blog · 7 years
Bella Vous Generally Clarins offer an excellent range together with few exceptions they're cost effective when you take into account Skin Care Review you shell out as much for something rather low-grade. Clarins do an expert job of maintaining deal with and body hydrated, smooth and as youthful looking as it's possible to optimism. We especially urge you go ahead and experiment the Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch and Clarins Extra Firming Neck Cream, particularly if you're over forty or starting to keep in mind fine lines on your neck.
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Bella Vous Moisturizer Bella Vous Revitalizing Moisturizer is made out of quick acting peptides and cancer prevention agents. Peptides are proteins comprised of amino acids and are the building pieces of skin. Peptides are in charge of keeping skin firm, winkle free and smooth. Our answer basically remakes separated peptides and renews the skin. The additional cell reinforcements work nearby peptides to keep the skin hydrated, shielded from free radicals and wrinkle free. This light weight cream repairs and ensures skin at both surface and cell level. It conveys quick acting fixings to the skin after each utilization. Clients ought to apply twice every day. Once before informal lodging in the morning.Our item is the skincare arrangement of the year. We take pride in our items and ensure you see and feel comes about. The majority of our fixings are clinically tried and tender to use on all skin sorts. Take control of the strength of your skin and request online today. The following is a rundown of the dynamic fixings We think about your fulfillment and need you to feel 100% sure when obtaining our items. Consequently, first time clients are qualified to get a free trial bottle. Essentially tap on any request catch to begin. For more data on time for testing, cost and transporting, see terms and conditions at the base of the request page. Give your skin the care it should sparkle with certainty, arrange online today!
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dusudaunord · 8 years
La Poutine Week 2017 Preview
If your New Year’s resolutions haven’t gone completely off the rails yet, I applaud you, but feel sorry for you, because they are about to. Get those extra hours of cardio in while you can because La Poutine Week is upon us and is about bring you and your cravings for cheese curds to your knees. From February 1 to 7, Montréal gets set to celebrate our unofficial-official national dish… poutine!
Techniquement les meilleures poutines. Soyez un bon citoyen et votez pour votre poutine favorite du 1er au 7 février! #SemaineDeLaPoutine
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 24 Janv. 2017 à 8h39 PST
If you haven’t heard, La Poutine Week is a weeklong food festival for foodies to celebrate and indulge in Québec’s most famous dish: poutine. Fifty restaurants around Montréal (100 throughout the province of Québec) will be participating and offering their renditions of poutine—that encompass much more than just fries, cheese curds and gravy. Restaurants will be featuring signature versions of poutine inspired by their cuisine types, bidding for awards that include “The Judge’s Choice”, “The Most Original Poutine” and “The Most Popular Poutine”.
Pour some GRAVY on me! The 5th edition of #LaPoutineWeek is coming soon …
Une vidéo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 27 Déc. 2016 à 7h21 PST
As tempting as it may sound “poutine-hopping” around the city may not be possible for everyone, but luckily for you, this year, the poutines can come to you! La Poutine Week has teamed up with Foodora, a food delivery service to offer on-demand poutine from select La Poutine Week participating restaurants. Pro tip: use promo code POUTINE and receive a $10 discount if you’re a new customer placing an order of $20 or more.
2017’s edition of La Poutine Week marks the fifth year of this gluttonous food festival that has seen versions in other cities across Canada as well as other countries such as Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, France and the United Kingdom.
The annual growth of La Poutine Week greatly benefits the participating restaurants as well as the community.
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 7 Févr. 2015 à 12h01 PST
Co-founder Thierry Rassam explains: “When we first began La Poutine Week our mission was, and still remains, to help stimulate businesses in cities based on this fun, delicious, and adventurous idea.” He adds, “Each year, every participating restaurant has greatly benefited from our festival as many restaurants have been known to run out of food and make record sales during La Poutine Week! This surge in sales is especially important during the historically quieter winter months”.
Na’eem Adam, the other co-founder, continues: “The popularity and consistent growth behind La Poutine Week also stems from the fact that is more than just a food festival. We have technically become the best and only platform out there that provides foodies with an opportunity to seek out the very best poutines that their city has to offer. We are a real and deciding factor in finding the best poutines in our province.”
To whet your appetites, here is a sneak peek at what you can look forward to during this year’s La Poutine Week!
Here’s a little sneak peek of @chefptitcreux masterpiece! #lapoutineweek
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 23 Déc. 2016 à 14h01 PST
Le P’tit Creux de Plateau – Le P’tit Creux
Quebec’s classic poutine recipe takes a Haitian twist – plantains instead of fries, creamy tarragon sauce instead of gravy, garnished with “pikliz” (coleslaw), accompanied with griots.
Bar Terrasse La Cabane du Portugal – “Le PORC-tugais”
Golden fries covered with marinated pork fillet (bifana), bacon, scrambled eggs, cheese curds and chorizo sauce.
GrillinGo – “GrillinGo Poutine”
Beer encrusted fries, rosé meat sauce, and parmesan shavings.
Deville Dinerbar
Chicken-fried beef ribs with honey and whisky glaze.
Reuben’s Deli & Steakhouse
Texas BBQ brisket and bacon cheddar tater tot poutine
Le Gras Dur – “La Poutine Cheeseburger”
Fries, cheese curds, pepper sauce, cheddar cheese, cheeseburger sauce, minced C.A.B. ground beef and fried onion rings
Chez Chose – “La Pêcheresse”
Fries, Sept-Îles shrimp, seal tataki, béchamel sauce, jalapenos, cheese curds, house smoked char, coleslaw made with lobster oil.
La rôtisserie portugaise @mapoulemouillee nous fait saliver avec leur poutine “Bon, les portugais font de la poutine”! #LaPoutineWeek
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 9 Janv. 2017 à 9h46 PST
Ma Poule Mouillée – “Bon, les portugais font de la poutine.”
House fries, barbecue-cooked chicken, chorizo, cheese curds, São Jorge cheese and homemade poutine sauce.
La rôtisserie portugaise @mapoulemouillee nous fait saliver avec leur poutine “Bon, les portugais font de la poutine”! #LaPoutineWeek
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 9 Janv. 2017 à 9h46 PST
Le Smoking BBQ – “La Redneck”
Homemade fries, fresh cheese curds, Le Smoking BBQ cheese curds (crispy coated), homemade poutine sauce, caramelized onions, 18-hour applewood-smoked beef, 8-hour homemade-spiced pork belly, homemade BBQ sauce and salsa criolla (Argentinian-style marinade).
Grillades Da Silva – “Poutine Alentejana”
Portuguese-inspired poutine: pork paprika-and-clam-spiced filet mignon, topped with veal juice and white wine sauce.
Medley Simple Malt – “Poutine à la Dubbel”
Homemade fries, Saint-Guillaume cheese curds and beer sauce. Available in regular format or in a pitcher.
Pub BreWskey – “La Big Easy”
Buttermilk fried chicken, cheese curds, smoked corn, peas, Fresno peppers, pickled tomatoes, sour cream, beef stock and beer sauce. All served on a mix of Yukon Gold and sweet potato fries, accompanied with house jalapeño cornbread.
Broue Pub Brouhaha – “Colonel Hathi’s Poutine”
House fries, curry and kaffir lime leaf poutine sauce, Vietnamese pork and shrimp dumplings, and cheese curds.
A true beauty “La Bella” made with braised cipollini onions, porcini mushroom, gravy, homemade vegan cheese curds (cashew based) and Yukon gold fries. #LaPoutineWeek – From @lolarosacafe
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 4 Janv. 2017 à 10h29 PST
Lola Rosa – Café “La Bella”
Braised cipollini onions, porcini mushroom gravy, homemade vegan cheese curds (cashew-based) and Yukon gold fries.
Poulet Bronze – “Poutine au poulet”
Fries mixed with cheese, spices and fried chicken breast topped with special poutine sauce.
La Champagnerie – “Poutine Waghyu Philly Steak façon Champagnerie”
Beef wagyu, fried mussels, Gruyère cheese, onions, roasted peppers, Gruyère sauce, cheese curds and foie gras.
Brasseurs Crescent – “Poutine Choucroute à la bière brune de 3 Brasseurs Crescent”
Fries in garlic sauce, 3 Brasseurs brown beer sauce, 3 Brasseurs braised sauerkraut, sliced frankfurt sausage, diced mettwurst sausage, shredded strips of grilled black forest ham, fried gherkins, garnished with parsley.
Le Trèfle – “Bhuntàta”
Bites of fish and chips in homemade colcannon soup, and aged cheddar cheese.
This “Portuguese Poutine” looks absolutely delicious 🧀 Available from February 1st to February 7th exclusively for @lapoutineweek #LaPoutineWeek #TabernaMTL #Poutine #Quebec #ComfortFood #OldMontreal #MTL #RosePR
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 18 Janv. 2017 à 5h38 PST
Taberna – “Portuguese Poutine”
Fries, grilled piri-piri chicken and chouriço, curd cheese, São Jorge cheese.
The chickpea fantasy… Meet the one and only “Hummus Poutine” from @bironahummus. Only for #LaPoutineWeek!
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 28 Déc. 2016 à 13h44 PST
Birona Hummus Bar – “The hummus BBQ poutine”
Homemade hummus on a bed of tasty potatoes and cheese curds.
Un désire soudain vous envahit? Voici la “Poutine au poulet grillé Campo” de chez @campomtl #LaPoutineWeek
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 23 Janv. 2017 à 13h39 PST
Campo – “Campo’s grilled chicken poutine”
Grilled chicken, homemade fries, fresh cheese curds, São Jorge cheese, homemade chicken sauce, chouriço chips
Êtes-vous un grand mangeur de poutine? Dans le cadre de @lapoutineweek, nous vous proposons une délicieuse poutine à partager. Vous ne voulez pas manquer ça! Téléchargez l’application sur leur site web. #LaPoutineWeek #brasseurmtl #poutine #food #foodie #resto #restomtl #restobar
Une photo publiée par Brasseur de Montréal (@brasseurmtl) le 18 Janv. 2017 à 13h03 PST
Brasseur de Montréal – “La Poutine Royale”
Poutine Royale for two: braised boar shank, duck leg confit, Black Watch beer sauce with foie gras (made with shallots, rosemary and blueberry jam).
@notreboeufdegrace nous met l’eau à la bouche avec leur “Croque-Poutine-De-Grâce” agencé de frites coupées maison, oignons caramélisés, piments jalapeños, croquettes maison farcies de dates Medjool, fromage de chèvre, herbes, et une sauce poutine végétarienne. 🧀 #SemaineDeLaPoutine #NotreBoeufDeGrâce
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 24 Janv. 2017 à 13h15 PST
Notre-Boeuf-De-Grâce – “Croque-Poutine-De-Grâce”
House cut fries, caramelized onion, jalapeño, house croquettes stuffed with medjool dates, goat cheese and herbs, house vegetarian gravy.
Taverne F – “La Poutine Bitoque”
Beef sirloin seared in thyme and garlic olive oil, egg sunny side up, white wine sauce, homemade fries, São Jorge cheese and fresh cheese curds.
Burger Bar Crescent – “Poutine a la Bourguignon”
Classic poutine topped with beef bourguignon (braised beef, red wine, pearl onions, bacon and porcini mushrooms)
Have you tried our award winning poutines? Voted best in Montreal during La Poutine Week! — Venez essayer la meilleure poutine à Montréal tel que voté pendant La Poutine Week! #dirtydogs #eatdirtydogs #montreal #mtl #plateau #poutine #foodporn
Une photo publiée par Dirty Dogs (@eatdirtydogs) le 16 Oct. 2015 à 5h08 PDT
Dirty Dogs – “The PIG Mac”
Fresh-cut fries, cheese curds, homemade Dirty Dogs gravy, topped with homemade 4-cheese mac and cheese, a signature 8-hour slow-cooked pulled pork and Dirty Dogs BBQ sauce.
What! Meet “The Birdbar Poutine 2.0” from @lebirdbar only for #LaPoutineWeek! by @arose_pr
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 6 Janv. 2017 à 16h16 PST
Le Bird Bar – “Birdbar Poutine 2.0”
Classic poutine topped with popcorn-fried chicken, pickled jalapeño and corn, fried onions, wagyu pogo slices, tomato chutney, spicy mustard sauce and frito crunch.
MESSAGE IMPORTANT: N’oublier pas de manger la poutine “Monsieur Tajine” à #LaPoutineWeek du 1er au 7 février! Fait par la talentueuse @labluesy au renommé @restobarmonsieur seulement pour #LaPoutineWeek.
Une photo publiée par La Poutine Week 2017 (@lapoutineweek) le 11 Janv. 2017 à 7h05 PST
Monsieur Restaurant + Bar – “Monsieur Tajine poutine”
Classic poutine topped with braised and shredded local chicken, confit lemon & green olive gravy, curd cheese, coriander and fried shallots.
Bistro Laurentien La Coupole
Yukon gold Ferme Valupierre potatoes cooked in duck fat, cheese curds from La Fromagerie Champêtre, pulled Québec grain-fed braised veal and natural gravy.
Paulo et Suzanne – “The Angus Southwest Sub-poutine”
Poutine with pepper sauce, Angus ground beef, Philly steak, sliced cheese, cheese curds, fried onions and mushrooms. Garnished with southwest sauce and pico de gallo.
Vices & Versa – “Poutine Trad”
Meatball stew poutine, crispy pork rinds and marinated beets.
For more information regarding La Poutine Week, please visit http://ift.tt/1aKdqZU
Up next:Where to eat a classic Montréal poutine
  The post La Poutine Week 2017 Preview appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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