xthrenody · 22 days
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How The Bond of Zuko and Katara Enhances the Themes of A:TLA
When a subplot is intertwined with a story’s core themes, it creates a more cohesive experience, resonating more profoundly with viewers. For this reason, a good writer must always aspire for a coherent narrative in all of its aspects. So, what are the themes of A:TLA, and how do Zuko and Katara fit into them? To answer that, I’m going to break down each theme and discuss how it relates to the pair.
On Destiny
Your destiny might be unexpected, controversial, but it’s yours. No one can take it away from you. In Lake Laogai, Zuko and Iroh shared the following exchange:
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Even if people try, even if it isn’t acceptable to other people. Your identity will always be there, and you must make the choices that reflect your identity will always be there, because it’s your destiny. Near the series finale, in Sozin’s Comet Part 2, Iroh said:
“Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord.When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation,so the Earth Kingdom can be free again”.
In the end, everyone goes to their destinies. The destinies that they’re forging. Aang will spare the fire lord, Toph will use her metalbending to take down the airship, and Zuko and Katara will stand side by side against Azula. Who would have thought? Your destiny might be really surprising. No one could have guessed that Toph would invent metalbending, or that Aang would meet a lion turtle, or that Katara would stand by her former enemy’s side - by Zuko’s side.
Katara and Zuko’s closeness fulfill the show’s themes of destiny by being subversive and unexpected. They are fire and water, the daughter of the chief and the fire lord. Their friendship is rather odd, but it’s their destiny - not what was forced upon them. Moreover, their bond is subversive because it didn’t start as lovingly as it ended. Zuko and Katara were enemies, no one could have anticipated that they’ll grow close, but as I said, and the show said, destiny can come from an unexpected place.
On Diversity
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Separation is an illusion as well as the four nations.
Zuko and Katara were not only enemies, from opposite sides of the war, but they were polar opposites – the Prince of the Fire Nation and the last waterbender of the small Southern Water Tribe, fire and water. However, all of these differences didn't matter for them to form a beautiful friendship. Because they're not actually separate, they're both kind empathetic people. They have much in common. The superficial predetermined differences aren't separation. They're one in the same.
Additionally, one will gain from learning about the other nations, or as Iroh put it:
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Zuko and Katara leaning into their opposites ties into the theme. In fact, Zuko himself learned to redirect lightning from a waterbending technique.
On Redemption
Many characters in A:TLA were given a chance to redeem themselves. From Mai and Ty Lee redeeming themselves by betraying Azula near the end of the show to Iroh whose redemption has long ended before the story starts. A:tla firmly tells us that while the path to redemption can be long and hard, it’s a path worth paving and it’s yours to carve. Zuko’s redemption arc specifically is praised as one of the best redemption arcs in tv history.
A part of Zuko’s journey towards redemption is his interactions with Katara. Earning her forgiveness is his final step into integrating into the Gaang, and his final act of redemption is to jump in front of a lightning bolt for her. It’s significant that it’s Katara who represents these milestones in his arc. He redeems himself to everyone, but not in the same way as Katara. The path to redemption through Katara’s eyes is longer and ends with a bang.
On Morality
Black and white notions of the world are incomplete. The Fire Nation isn’t all evil, as seen in The Headband, their citizens are simply indoctrinated. And there can be band people on the other side of the war, such as Jet. Fire isn’t just destruction, it’s also healing and life. And the opposite of fire can be just as destructive, as seen in The Puppetmaster when Hama showcases her bloodbending. In 06×03 A\ang concludes the following:
“Anyone’s capable of great good and great evil.Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.”
When Zuko and Katara first met each other, they thought of each other as enemies and nothing more. Katara saw Zuko as his worst self and the manifestation of her hatred of the Fire Nation. In the Crystal Catacombs Katara described him as "the face of the enemy". She saw him as all black and no white, but then he opened up. They discover they actually have shared experiences despite being on opposing sides. When he betrayed her, it seemed to confirm that they're not similar, that everything Katara thought of Zuko was correct. Of course, he came back, but Katara can only forgive him once she lets go of some of her hatred of the Fire Nation. His connection to Katara proves that they’re both seeing the world as shades of gray.
In conclusion, the profound connection between Zuko and Katara enhances the themes of the show and their connection is a perfect example of the messages it’s trying to put out. Rather it’s about destiny, morality, diversity or redemption, Zuko and Katara’s relationship is remains one of the most relevant examples of these themes in the show.
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xthrenody · 2 months
The dreadful melody that played, interspersed with cries and then a dry sound, made Zuko realize he was hitting her endlessly. His eyes closed at each blow as his breath became difficult to control. Why was he like this? This was the Fire nation way to make its enemies yield, to punish failure. She must’ve disrespected his father in her usual arrogance and was rightly punished for it, right? Like he had been.
You will learn respect and suffering will be...
No, no, he couldn’t let that memory come back so vividly. One painful memory at a time was more than enough. He had to get out of here. His feet started climbing down the stairs until something even more terrifying than her screams happened.
All he could hear now was the cracking sound of the torches and his own erratic breathing. His eyes went to the top of the stairs. The screams had died so suddenly. Was she… dead? Did he killed her? He waited a minute, then another, before his own mind turned against him.
You’re the one who killed her.
No. No, no! He never wanted this, he nev–
“No, please! Don’t!”
Her voice. Begging. He had never heard her beg before. Not even when Azula had kicked her in the ribs, nor when she had been close to die from thirst. She had been nothing but unyielding and fierce so far.
Until now.
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xthrenody · 3 months
Are , There  parallels and symbolism between Zuko and Katara in the cave of Two lovers and the  disguises,s they have as the blue spirit and  the painted lady .
I'm sorry for my late response. Cave of two lovers and Blue Spirit/Painted Lady were parallels with Zutara in different way. Here the analysis.
In The Cave of Two Lovers, Zutara were parallels with Omashu that shows Zuko was reincarnation of Oma, while Katara was reincarnation of Shu.
The main story
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The main story of Omashu was two lovers who being apart because their villages in a war. The couldn't be together because of the circumstances, not because of their own decision.
The Fire Nation and Water Tribe in a war for a hundred years. Long before Zuko and Katara were born. The war of their people forced them to hate each other, it was never their own decision.
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Omashu met on the top of the mountain that divides the two villages, in a neutral place where there was no war.
Zuko and Katara met in crystal catacomb that looks like the Cave of Two Lovers, in Ba Sing Se with motto 'no war in Ba Sing Se'. Zuko and Katara build a connection and trust each other despite they were enemies.
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Shu died in the war, leaving devastated Oma who unleashed a terrible display of earthbending power.
Zuko as the reincarnation of Oma protected Katara as the reincarnation of Shu with all his strength and didn't let her die in battle (again).
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Oma declared the war over, she built a new city with both villages and lived together in peace.
Zuko as the new Fire Lord declared the war over. Fire Lord Zuko and the avatar started a new era with love and peace, also building a new city called Republic City.
Katara didn't have a role in new city, she didn't have statue, she didn't even attend the bloodbending trial. She didn't literally die like Shu, but her absence represented that.
2. The symbolism
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I just realised, when Oma was waiting for Shu who never came, the clouds behind her formed like the shape of a crescent moon even though it wasn't perfect form.
Moon was symbol and source power of waterbender.
Oma unleashed a terrible display of earthbending power, the background was red colour and red sun.
Sun is symbol and source power of firebender. Meanwhile in final battle, Sozin comet was the source power of firebender that turned the sky red.
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When Oma declared the war over, the background was the sun. There were also people of two villages in front of her.
The sun in the background showed more that Zuko was reincarnation of Oma, because the sun is a symbol and the power source of firebender.
When Fire Lord Zuko declared the war over, there were people representing all places (fire nation people, water tribe, earth kingdom people, and foggy swamp tribe) in front of him.
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Even though Oma and Shu were first earthbenders, but they wore red and blue instead of green or brown. Oma/Zuko wore red, then wore green in neutral place. Shu/Katara wore blue.
Oma/Zuko and Shu/Katara also consistently have the same position. Oma always on the left, while Shu always on the right. In every Zutara relationship development moments, Zuko always on the left while Katara always on the right.
The Blue Spirit and The Painted Lady
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Blue Spirit was Zuko's alter ego, while Painted Lady was Katara's alter ego. In their disguise, they switch their roots.
Zuko, the firebender, first appeared as Blue Spirit in Book : WATER. He wore a blue mask, colour that was a symbol of water.
Blue spirit was an evil water spirit.
Katara, the waterbender, appeared as Painted Lady in Book : FIRE. She used red paint, colour that was a symbol of fire.
Painted Lady was a good Fire Nation spirit.
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Also, they appear in chapters with the titles The Blue Spirit and The Painted Lady, the names of their alter egos.
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The avatar is a bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. In parallel, Aang was the first person who discovering the identities of the Blue Spirit and Painted Lady.
Unlike Omashu/Zutara, The Blue Spirit and The Painted Lady weren't about romance, but the parallels could be the basis of their chemistry.
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xthrenody · 3 months
Does Zuko really loves Mai???
I know Zuko and Mai are together in end of the series. I won't denying either that Mai loves Zuko. But still, this couple is poorly written and so forced.
Mai loves Zuko, but most of the time she doesn't know how to comfort him. Zuko spent the time with her, but most of the time his mind wander off to something else. They only have a few scenes together in the entire show, and even then most of the time they are arguing.
Also, the storyline itself make me question about how Zuko really feels to Mai. Does he really love Mai or is he just with her because of circumstances?
No hints in the entire season 1?
I understand that Zuko playing villain role in season 1, he keeps trying to capture the avatar so he can go home. His motivation is to regain his honour and his father's love.
Unfortunately, Mai is never one of his reasons to go home. In fact, Zuko never remember Mai at all in the entire season 1. It seems like Katara's bending development makes more impression on him than remembering Mai.
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Zuko : I see you've learned a new trick, but I didn't come this far to lose to you.
Zuko : You little peasant. You've found a master, haven't you?
If the writers had plans to give Zuko a pairing, then a little hint is very important to build a story. Beside, although he is a villain, there is moment that show he's not completely evil. To shows that Zuko have feeling for someone back home won't ruin his character.
Mai doesn't need to appears in season 1, because her role is start in season 2. But there are plenty of ways to hint that Zuko has feelings for Mai.
Let's say, Zuko has memorable stuff that reminds him of her, or he has a glamps of his childhood memory with her, or a little conversation about her.
But, we don't see any hint. At all!
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Instead, Zuko picks up Katara's betrothal necklace, put it around her neck, and keeps it on his wrist when he doesn't have to!!
Like, c'mon!!!! What story did the writers actually want to build??
Still no hints in season 2?
Mai finally appears in season 2, there is also a conversation between Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee about Zuko.
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Mai : So, we're tracking down your brother and Uncle, huh? Ty Lee : [Turning to Mai.] It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again, [Teasing.] won't it, Mai? Mai looks away as a smile plays upon her face.
Mai's smile is a hint of what I was talking about earlier! It's not that obvious, but it shows that there's something between them.
Yet, Zuko still doesn't shows a hint or conversation about her to show that he remembers her. It is only appears on Mai's side, but not on Zuko's side.
Is she really important to him? Is there something between them, or is it just Mai?
Zuko memories in Zuko Alone
The only time Zuko remembers Mai is in Zuko Alone episode. But even that brief memories doesn't really show that they have a special relationship.
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In this memory, Mai blushes when she sees Zuko. Another hint that Mai has a crush on Zuko.
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But, Zuko doesn't seem to care. Mai and Ty Lee aren't his friends, they are Azula's friends.
Azula asks Zuko to play together, but he doesn't want to and refuse. He plays with them, because their mom asks him to. There's Mai there, but still Zuko's face doesn't look happy.
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Zuko helps Mai because he's surprised with what Azula doing, but it's not a hint that he has crush on her. There's no blushes on his cheeks or shyness.
This scene is not about Zuko and Mai's relationship, but with his sister, his family. In fact, in this scene, there's no conversation between Zuko and Mai at all.
Zuko and Jin's date
I'm not a fan of Jinko, beside I don't see that Zuko has a crush on Jin. They're going on a date because Jin asks him first and Uncle Iroh answers her. During the date, Jin is the active one while Zuko is very passive.
Once again, if the writers really want to pair Zuko with Mai, wouldn't it make more sense if there is a little conversation, maybe like...
Zuko: What do you mean, Uncle? You know I have someone - remember Mai. Iroh : You have to start a new life and move on from the past.
With this kind of conversation, we can assume that Mai is the reason Zuko left Jin during their date. But that's not the story.
Since there are no hints about Zuko's feelings for Mai, I can only assume that Zuko left Jin because he doesn't want to get too far into enjoying his life in Ba Sing Se. Zuko hates Ba Sing Se.
Iroh : I just want our place to look nice, in case someone brings home a lady friend! [He gives Zuko a nudge with the elbow.] Zuko : [Bleakly.] This city is a prison. I don't want to make a life here.
It's funny because, doesn't Uncle Iroh know Zuko very well? But he never thought that Mai is special to Zuko. He never asks or talks about her, even secretly hoping for Zuko to date another lady.
So, is Mai special to Zuko? There is no proof for that.
There are no interactions until the end of season 2?
Until the end of season 2, Mai and Zuko don't interact at all, even though they are in the same city, in the same palace.
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Even more ironic, Zuko builds a connection with Katara instead. Not only that, the scenes with Katara are crucial to Zuko's arc and the storyline in the next season.
Does Zuko remember Mai at this time? Of course not!
They are suddenly dating????
This is the reason why Maiko is so forced. They don't have enough hints and they don't have interactions at all in season 1 and 2, then suddenly they're dating in the very beginning of season 3?? How???
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At this point, I feel like Zuko is dating Mai just because, why not?? He's finally home, he got what he always wanted, why not get his woman too???
Does Zuko really love her? I highly doubt it.
I mean, he still remember his conversation with Katara after his betrayal. Yet, in The Beach episode, he remembering his family instead of Mai right after they're break up (with moon as background). So sad!
Zuko doesn't feel the need to save Mai
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Zuko says he doesn't want to drag Mai with him as a traitor to the Fire Nation. But when Mai saves him at Boiling Rock, when she betrays the Fire Nation - especially Azula, Zuko doesn't try to save her.
Though, Zuko knows Azula well and knows what could happen to Mai, he just watch her from afar and let Mai to face the consequences of her actions alone.
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Meanwhile, Zuko gave up everything, his throne, his nation, and sacrificed his life for Katara.
I don't understand, who exactly does Zuko love?
Zuko trying so hard for Katara
Zuko breaks up with Mai, locking her in prison, leaving her to face Azula on her own, but he tries very hard to fix his relationship with Katara. He cares about Katara more than he cares about his (ex-)girlfriend. That's crazy!
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Zuko : [Closes eyes in resentment.] What can I do to make it up to you?
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Sokka : So what's on your mind? Zuko : Your sister. She hates me! And I don't know why, but I do care what she thinks of me.
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Katara : [Angrily.] You look terrible. Zuko : I waited out here all night.
Zuko doesn't feel the need to get Mai out of prison
Not only Zuko doesn't feel the need to save Mai, he also doesn't feel the need to release her from prison even though he knows where she is.
Her uncle is the who helps her escape the prison. It's so sad considering the person who is the reason she is imprisoned doesn't help her even though he is the new Fire Lord.
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Zuko : Mai! You're okay! They let you out of prison? Mai : My uncle pulled some strings. And it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your boyfriend. Zuko : So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?
No, Mai. If I were you, I would really hurt and hate him so bad. You should realise that he doesn't really love you.
This is the reason why Maiko is one of my least favourite ATLA ship. Because, Mai is there or not won't affect Zuko's arc in the slightest. She doesn't really matter to him.
I can't ship them just because they kiss a few times, while their story is poorly written and so forced.
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xthrenody · 5 months
An Overanalysis of Zuko and Food (plus Iroh)
So, I've seen a lot of meta about how Zuko appears skinnier at certain points in the series depending on where he is in his arc. During the worst parts of Zuko's time as a refugee in season two, he seems to have lost a lot of his muscle mass, but towards the end of season two, he's less muscular than season one Zuko but distinctly rounder in the face, as he becomes more adjusted to a more (relatively) normal teenage life, living under a roof and not as a captain of a naval vessel, having access to a stable food source, and letting himself be taken care of by Iroh. At the beginning of season three he's in the palace, with plenty of access to food, but appears much thinner, and several people have made the inference that it was likely Zuko was not eating as well due simply to the anxiety of being back with his abuser.
But I've also noticed several other interesting things that could indicate something about Zuko's relationship to food. In book one, Zuko is built up, he's a military leader, he's trying to fulfill his role as prince of a nation that values strength and power, and there's one scene in particular that shows him not eating, in contrast to Iroh.
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We see Zuko raging over not being able to capture Aang while at dinner, and Iroh asks him if he's going to eat his food, to which he replies that he's going to eat it later, and angrily takes it away from Iroh.
The main purpose of this scene is to contrast Zuko's single-minded determination with regard to his mission with Iroh's hedonism. Even on a military vessel, Iroh is presented as the antithesis of Spartan Fire Nation military culture. Zuko shows clear distaste for this behavior, because he has learned to detest it from his father, and angrily takes the food away from Iroh, saying he's going to "finish it later." And book one Zuko looks like he probably isn't missing any meals. He's jacked, and he's probably eating a lot of protein to keep up that physic. But is he going to sit around enjoying a meal when he's stressed about finding the Avatar? Absolutely not. The food in this scene looks very inviting, steaming hot, but Zuko will eat only when it's necessary to do so, and won't tolerate uncle eating more than his fill.
At the start of book two, Zuko and Iroh are without the trappings of even Zuko's banishment. They've lost everything, and are forced to forage for food, an endeavor that is less than successful. They are fed by Song's family, and I've seen some theorize that Iroh intentionally poisoned himself in order to force Zuko to seek help, which is an interesting theory considering that given stressful and even dire situations, Zuko's inclination seems to be to turn down food more often than not.
When Zuko is later separated from Iroh, we see him contemplate stealing food when faced with starvation, but makes the decision not to steal from a pregnant family.
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Later in season two, Zuko and Iroh are living as refugees in Ba Sing Se. Zuko no longer looks bone thin, and presumably has stable access to food, although not the royal trappings of a prince. He's much more filled out, but appears more round and less lean muscle. We see him visit a restaurant with Jin, and we get a close up of him pushing around his food on the plate to indicate his anxiety about the date.
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(I also want to mention here that in the "Going Home Again" comic, which takes place before the start of book three, Mai says that the food in Ba Sing Se is awful and Zuko says it's not so bad once you get used to it.)
Then at the end of book two, when Zuko recovers from his sickness, he immediately is interested in the jook that uncle is making, to Iroh's surprise, who says that Zuko wouldn't like it. Zuko happily eats a bowl despite this.
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This is meant to show us Zuko's newfound appreciation for life after recovering from spiritual sickness. But it's also interesting when taken in the context of Zuko's previous relationship with food. Iroh assumes that Zuko will not want to eat the jook, but one thing that is interesting is that it's a meal commonly made by adults for children or others recovering from illness. We can infer that Iroh was making the jook for Zuko, despite his assertion that Zuko wouldn't want it. I think this is consistent with how we see Zuko turn down food when he is uncomfortable or anxious, but when he's in a place where he feels safe, he will let himself eat.
Finally, at the start of book three, we see Zuko turn down food when being offered it by servants.
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And finally only accepting a hot towel (used to wipe away sweat.) Despite having access to excesses, he's uncomfortable and constantly on edge.
I also have to mention Mai again here, and how Zuko, despite turning down food for himself, offers to get food for Mai, which is meant to show us how Zuko struggles to connect to the world in which Mai belongs. It's worth mentioning also that we see Zuko bring Mai food twice in the beach to try and make her happy (and failing) while eating nothing himself.
We also see Zuko offer Iroh food in prison.
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Zuko says that even though he knows it's not Iroh's favorite, it beats prison food. This actually mirrors Iroh making the jook for Zuko in book two, which Iroh says Zuko does not like, but making it for him anyway. Zuko is trying to return uncle's care for him, but what Iroh really wants is for Zuko to be safe.
At the tail end of book three, Zuko seems to have gained back some of his muscle mass, and appears much more comfortable with the gaang, but he's still shown not indulging when the rest are.
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The screenshot actually frames him in direct contrast to the rest of the gaang, as Aang's teacher who is strict about him goofing off during training (a callback to season one Zuko who was displeased with Iroh's hedonism). We don't know if Katara had any watermelon juice herself, but she's seen making several "glasses." (Hello, momtara and dadko.)
Anyway, I think Katara the gaang made sure Zuko had enough food and that he was eating, and that he reciprocated by making them tea in return.
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xthrenody · 6 months
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xthrenody · 6 months
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xthrenody · 6 months
i'm literally insane about the last agni kai and the lightning scene(s). i swear i've rewatched it 10+ times since my last rewatch of the show (which was my first watch in years) and like. azula sees katara come into view from behind. zuko doesn't. he follows azula's gaze and sees katara and is immediately horrified. he doesn't even think or hesitate because he doesn't have time and for once he doesn't have to look back at azula to figure out what she's doing because he knows what she's doing and he won't let it happen. time dwindling into slow motion as a haunting score plays? and zuko literally yelling out "no!" because that lightning absolutely cannot hit katara. as soon as he sees it there's no chance of that ever happening. and then katara watching in horror as the lightning flashes against features in what is probably one of the most hauntingly beautiful animated moments of the show? zuko hitting the ground still convulsing with lightning and katara crying out "zuko!" and immediately trying to run to him before azula attacks again? and the next scene we cut back to with them, zuko is groaning weakly and trying to lift himself up, and we see katara literally gasp in surprise as she realizes he's still alive (i'm sobbing because i do quite literally think she thought he was dead) and immediately tries to run to him again, nevermind that she knows azula is still there, and the hand katara uses for healing is already doused in water as she reaches for him. but then azula starts attacking again. and zuko, despite literally being in so much pain that he can't stand and can barely even move at all without whimpering, still tries to reach for the spot where he can see azula attacking katara. katara is forced to hide from azula's attacks. and as azula is mocking "zuzu, you don't look so good" down to zuko, the perspective shot is such that you can SEE that katara is also looking at where he lies prone in the distance, surrounded by flame (probably wondering how much time they have before it really is too late) before looking back up at azula and realizing she needs to defeat her as quickly and handily as possible so katara can get to zuko. obviously katara would have done this anyway (the whole reason they were THERE was to halt the continued cycle of the imperialist regime of the fire nation), but the scene is specifically framed as katara trying to figure out how to stop azula so the obstacle to her getting to zuko is no longer in the way. katara's defeat of azula was epic and deserves its own post. but then after making sure azula is securely chained, she runs to zuko, looks at him with such immense sadness and horror and fear as she hears him in so much pain, tenderly turns him over so she can get a good look at the wound. and she cups his head? briefly but so gently? so that he won't hit it as she turns him over? and when she tries to heal him you can tell she is so genuinely unsure if it will even work, and so relieved that she starts crying tears of joy when she sees it has (at least enough to keep him alive and somewhat lessen his pain.) they thank each other (and you can tell it's still really hard for zuko to talk and his eyes are barely open but he thanks her anyways i'm.) and she thanks him back and!!! when he starts to try to sit up she makes a little surprised face and then immediately helps him to do so (and puts a tender hand to his chest while she does!!!) and obviously that last shot of them standing together is also one of emotional support, but katara's hand on his back is also partly because i still think (and certainly katara still thinks) trying to walk/stand on his own would be a bad idea, so it's definitely not happening.
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xthrenody · 7 months
Did Zuko know Sozin was responsible for Avatar Roku's death?
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It's a question I'm asking now. Because in the episode "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" I realized all Zuko read is:
"With Roku gone, and the great comet returning, the timing was perfect to change the world. (...)"
But at no point does Sozin indicate that he deliberately left Roku to die in the volcano, that he refused to help him, condemning him to certain death.
For all Zuko know, Sozin could do nothing to help Roku, and his "unfortunate" death gave Sozin the opportunity he had been waiting for to carry out his terrible plans.
What makes it even less clear is what Iroh says later during the same episode:
"What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you."
This sentence can be interpreted in two ways: either Iroh was talking about Sozin's treachery to Roku (hence saying Zuko should be at least an ally to Aang, not like Sozin did) or he was talking about the Air Nomads genocide (or both).
Because Iroh could've known about Sozin's treachery since he went into the spirit world and could've made contact with Roku or his dragon.
I don't think it would change much things to Zuko's development, but I'm still wondering if Zuko knew and if not, how he would have reacted (his great-grand-father Sozin killing his great-grand-father Roku, and her mother killing his grand-father Azulon to protect him...).
What do you think?
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xthrenody · 7 months
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oh the things they don’t know yet 🤭
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xthrenody · 7 months
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So we put on a mask. It's not hard to understand why. What's hard is knowing that sometimes, the mask is who we really are.
Zuko in 1x06 - Masks
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xthrenody · 7 months
I have watched the Netflix Avatar the last airbender series, and while I’m overjoyed with most of the changes made (Ozai’s twisted relationship with Azula, Zuko navigating with the division he saved, all the scenes with the genocide of the airbenders and Sozin’s tricks, Aang and Zuko dialogue, some hints that could mean Zutara…), two things are quite off though:
- Zuko’s Agni Kai against his father (because he’s fighting when the whole point was about him refusing to fight) and the aftermath (Ozai’s visit which seems incoherent, as he wouldn’t have given himself the trouble to come directly to banish him), and
- The fact that Katara becomes a master without any training and will be the only one to teach waterbending to Aang.
Of course, there are other things strange but it doesn’t impact the story that much (the fight between Katara and Pakku was quite boring, Zuko’s scar is not so great…).
Other than that, I thought the series was great, with good ideas and a respect of all the characters (even though I would’ve had a more combative spirit for Katara). Can’t wait to see Toph in season 2 and more of Zuko (the actor is so great 🥰)!
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xthrenody · 8 months
Chapters: 4/? Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar), Katara/Ozai (Avatar), Sokka/Suki (Avatar) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Aged-Up Character(s), Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Rape/Non-con Elements, Canon divergence after The Crossroads of Destiny, Katara's brought back to the Fire Nation instead of Iroh, Explicit Sexual Content, Dark, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Loss of Virginity, Violence, Slow Burn, Trauma, Book 3: Fire (Avatar), Romance, Explicit Language
After the Crossroads of Destiny, which saw Aang fatally struck by Azula's lightning bolt, Iroh managed to escape with his body, but was forced to leave Katara behind. She's captured and taken prisoner on the ship set to take the royal siblings back to the Fire Nation, where Zuko could finally hope to regain his honour.
Only he didn't know the road to his honor would be far more tortuous and terrible than he had imagined.
“It’s fine. Anyway, I don’t need luck.” Zuko frowned, trying to control his frustration.
To his surprise, Mai smiled a bit. “No, you don’t.”
Then she moved closer to him and put her hand on his good cheek to kiss his lips. He kissed her back, barely holding back all the intensity he wanted to give it but couldn't in front of his sister and Ty Lee.
“Ugh, get a room you two, you’re disgusting.” Azula said.
Ty Lee, her hands on both her cheeks, was smiling at them. “I think it’s sweet!”
Mai ended the kiss, and looked away, her cheeks slightly red. Azula couldn't have been more right. Getting a room with Mai was all he wanted right now. But saying it out loud would only make him look like a pervert. And he couldn’t insult Mai’s honor like this.
“So, how about we spar together Zuko?” Azula asked.
Truth was, he was so full all he wanted was to have a nap. But he also needed to train. She may be better than him, but he would do his best to learn.
“Yeah, let’s do this.” he said before stretching his arms.
They got out of the room but as Zuko started to head towards the courtyard, Azula stopped him.
"Aren't we going to the courtyard?" he said abruptly.
“No, come on. Let’s go to the arena.”
Zuko gulped. He hadn’t set a foot there since it happened. He wanted so badly to ask her to just spar in the courtyard, but he would be seen as a coward. And he was many things but certainly not a coward.
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xthrenody · 10 months
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Zutara Week 2023 | Day 1: Home
🎵Dito ka sa piling ko
O dito ka lang, dito ka lang
Bumabagal ang ikot ng mundo
Kapag ika'y nariyan
O aking tahanan🎵
-Tahanan by Adie
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xthrenody · 11 months
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The Blessings of a Disney Father Reunites True Love
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xthrenody · 1 year
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar), Katara/Ozai (Avatar), Sokka/Suki (Avatar)
After the Crossroads of Destiny, which saw Aang fatally struck by Azula's lightning bolt, Iroh managed to escape with his body, but was forced to leave Katara behind. She's captured and taken prisoner on the ship set to take the royal siblings back to the Fire Nation, where Zuko could finally hope to regain his honour.
Only he didn't know the road to his honor would be far more tortuous and terrible than he had imagined.
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xthrenody · 1 year
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zutara being zutara
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