mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
Just Living the Dream
So I had to get my feelings out as I was hyped up for getting a promotion at work by the people who interviewed me, only to find out they were just stringing me along…. It’s a little choppy, but I hope it’s ok…
This is a one shot where your husband Ben tries to make you feel better after finding out you didn’t get a promotion.
Warnings: none, just fluff and anger about not getting the position.
Benedict x F! Reader
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"Aasrrrggghhh" you screamed walking away from the building. It had not been an ideal morning, to say the least. You had been waiting to hear about your promotion for a week now. You had been so psyched as everyone involved said you did great during the interview. One of the people from the interview had shown up to discuss the outcome. You kept a brave face and voice steady while you talked even though they were telling you, you would not be going to the next round of interviews. The reason left you with total shock. Apparently others were already training for the position, something you had never been offered. You felt slighted and not at all valued for your time and experience in your position. You thanked them for their time and went back to your desk, dejected and hurt. You picked up your phone and texted your husband.
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'Hey, I just got fucked 😡🤬🤯'
'’Babe, what does that even mean?'
'I called it last night, I'm not getting the job'
'Love, I'm sorry, they don't know what they're passing up, you are amazing. Did they tell you why?'
'Because others were already being trained on how to do the job, I didn't even show as a blip on their radar when they offered, totally overlooking me, it's like everything I've given to this place, it means nothing. I'm so pissed I'm going to cry.'
'Assholes... keep your chin up, know that I love you, and their opinion means nothing.'
'Thanks, I'm just disappointed, I'll see you later at home.'
'If you need me text, I'm in rehearsal for the next few hours. Love you.'
'Thanks, love you too Ben.'
You went back to work knowing that you had to get through the day and when you got home you could let your feelings out.
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{Ben's POV}
"Hey everything ok, you look like someone shot your dog." Said the director, Sam
"I'll be fine, I'm just worried about Y/N... she just found out she didn't get the promotion, she's rather upset."
"So long as no one’s at the hospital..."
"Yeah, thanks...."
He had said his lines so many times and done the hand movements he was on autopilot. His mind kept filling with how to put a smile back on your face. He moved easily from one scene to the next thankful he wasn't in full costume, god it was heavy. While rehearsing his mind fast forwarded to the following scene.
"Huh?" Lizzie looked at him
Repeating the same line Ben looked at her dumbfounded. Letting his accent creep back in "What?? Why are you all looking at me….oh, shit, that's the next scene, isn’t it? Sorry all, I've just got something on my mind."
"Is Y/N ok? When something's up with her is the only time you lose focus." Smiled Xochil.
"She just got told she's not getting the promotion. Im just worried for her, she seemed pretty upset."
"Ben, you want to table the rest of this for now, and call it a day? We only had this scene to block out this scene?" Asked Sam.
"Yes, let's just finish this and then if it's ok, I'd like to cut out and go see her."
They all agreed. Ben was so lost in thought that he forgot to change his accent back to ‘Posh New York arrogant Neurosurgeon’, as he called it. Xochil started everyone giggling as Ben's accent somehow made Stephen more arrogant. Slipping back into work mode they finished for the day and Ben apologized for abruptly leaving, they all told him to go and take care of you. He hopped in his car and made a few stops on the way home.
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You parked your car in the garage, pounded in the steering wheel, and let out another anguished scream. You knew you shouldn't be taking it that hard, but it still hurt that they had overlooked you when grooming people for the position. Hoping you got it out of your system as you didn't want to bring Ben down into your crappy mood. As you walked through the house it was dark and quiet. This concerned you as you parked next to the Jag Ben drove today. You started calling his name.
"Upstairs, Darling." He called.
Making your way upstairs you walked into the bedroom he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you to his chest. "I'm sorry you had a bad day, but let me see if I can make it better for you." He turned you to face him, and that's when you finally noticed.
"Doctor Strange? To what do I owe the honor?" You giggled. Ben stood infront of you in his full Doctor Strange costume, complete with cloak of levitation and eye of Agamotto, with a small smile on his face.
His voice shifted to lose his accent, "Ben said you had a rough day, and that you'd probably prefer me to him tonight, is that ok? If not I'm sure I can find him."
"No, no this is good, as a matter of fact I think you're perfect for tonight. Thank you."
"We'll, let's start with you getting comfortable, I brought I set of robes for you to wear, if that's ok with you." Nodding you took the clothes and got changed.
"Can you help me with this belt thingie?" Kneeling infront of you he adjusted the belt and your robes. Your hands resting on his shoulders. He looked at you with such love in his eyes, standing up he held you to his chest. “Do you need to scream or hit something? I know you’re frustrated.” He stood behind you with his arms around your middle as he pointed you to the mirror. A small smile lit your face as you stood in front of the Sorcerer Supreme in red novice robes, quite the contrast.
“Nah, just want to be in your arms, it’s nice and safe.”
"Can I get dinner for you, did you want something to drink?"
"Yes please." You realized you haven’t eaten much today.
After serving your favorite dinner and cleaning up afterwards he took your hands and led you to the couch. He turned on some music he sat on the couch pulling you onto his lap. You set your glass of whiskey on the table and nuzzled into his chest. "Thank you, Doctor Strange." You said against his chest.
"I told you during dinner, call me Stephen." He kissed the top of your head. "And any time Love, that's what I'm here for, you have a bad day, and I get to figure out how to bring you out of it." His hands brought your face to his so he could properly kiss you. As he held you he asked for all the details. After you fished venting, you looked at him "so tell me Stephen, how long have you had this idea in your head?"
"I'd say since you saw the cloak and wanted to wear it. And considering I was doing this I grabbed a set of student robes for you. I figured you'd enjoy joining in."
"I don't deserve you Stephen, you think of every thing, do you think Ben would mind if we took this upstairs?"
"I think Ben would want us to dance first."
As he slid you from his lap he smiled as he held out his hand. Accepting it he pulled you into his chest, and swayed to the music with you. Through all the layers of clothing you could still feel his cock coming to life. Sweeping you into his arms he carried you to your bedroom, sitting you on the end of the bed. He removed the cloak with a flourish and wrapped it around you. He began the task of taking off the tunic, once his chest was bare you said "no, keep the pants on Doctor."
"You want to change?"
"Hell no, I'm finally wearing the cloak." You nuzzled further into your maroon cocoon, sticking your tongue out.
"I love you very much, but you're not sleeping in the cloak." Rolling you out of it he threw it in the floor and pulled you to his chest. "So you know you may fall asleep tonight with me, but I'll guarantee you'll wake up with Ben."
"Ok, and thank you for tonight it's just what I needed to take my mind off everything. I love you so much, and I'm lucky to have you."
"Stephen" held you til he felt you fall into a peaceful sleep. "I promise I'll always be there for you my love, weather you want solutions or just someone to vent to." He fell asleep knowing that you'd be feeling a little better in the morning, and he would be there to catch you again if you needed him.
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