#Bepo goes as Killer but who dresses up as Kid?
vergina-spva · 2 years
okay but... one piece characters... dressing up as other one piece characters for Halloween. But not like their friends, but like other pirates or marines or whatever, just to mock them or because they genuinely think it’s a scary costume.
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Well, well, well, guess who wrote about this chapter yesterday while being hyper excited on tumblr mobile, only for tumblr to betray them and erase it. So, naturally I got high again because I have to write about it that way, to honour the 2 ⅐ minutes I spent moping about it, until I got distracted.
First of all, how dare you, Marco, How. Dare. You. Be so perfect. So, Perospero thought they'd need the help of Marco and friends to defeat Kaido, and Big Mom is like of course I have a bigger plan.
We get it Marco, you're a little shit, I love you. I don't worry for Marco at all, maybe he'll kinda wound them and then go? Carrot is going there with Wanda, she wants to avenge Pedro and like girl, go kick hiss ass, wreck him, it's a full moon, go you. Will Law interfere, because hellooooo, where is he, and most importantly, where's Bepo? I miss that son of a gun.
Oh man, that edible is hitting h a r d.
The fact that the reason why Carrot is going to go beat the shit out of Perospero is Pedro, that gets me emotional.
I swear, if Maria goes into a full black metal solo in the anime I'll DIE, I'll be deceased, my soul will ascend.
I can't get over how cool Nekomamushi looks, he's a cool cat, he reminds me of my cat, look at that face
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Loves to eat just like his hero, Nekomamushi.
I love the action sequence, I can just picture it animated with the wanobudget, I know it'll be great.
Yes, fuck yeah, action sequence, oh my god I love Simply Red, what a man, yeah give me that saxophone, damn, listen to their music.
Maybe they can hurt him because they carry the will of Oden along that technique Luffy learned? Daaaaaamn Inuarashi, looking fine. His outfit is so good, like a pirate pirate, peg leg and all, he looks kinda foxy with a dash of wolf, foxy wolf, foxy wolfy, fuck I feel like I'm falling, pray for my soul 💜
That hair, Izo must have one hell of a shampoo, the tears of his enemies. He's fighting along his sister, I love that.
Blast Breath Scrolling Jutsu hiss ass back to Marineford so that Doflamingo can choke on his dick again.
#Corazon4ever #TeamCora #spontaneoushumancombutionlover #blackisthecolorofmytrueloveescoaaaat #bestdadever
Who am I? Law?
I remember I teared up at that part yesterday, because I was emotional and I was like, they ended up learning, that's so beautiful. And they cut Kaido, right on the same place Oden cut him. Get wrecked, bitch.
Unfortunately, I think Kaido will like resurrect? He's kinda immortal, do you remember that song My Immortal by Evanescence? Imagine Big Mom laying down on someone's roof, in a white dress singing it, why did I had that mental image, what the fuck.
He's immortal, so he may come back and that'd suck because everyone has been fighting for a while already, morning is coming so the minks won't be able to keep fighting, is this going to be a sunrise fight like Thriller Bark? I accept. Maybe Kaido was a subject to the Ope Ope no mi's ability to grant immortality, maybe he told Doffy about the fruit and that's why he wanted it, maybe they've talked since then?
Maybe Luffy and company will go up for the second round, Oda said this battle would be fine as hell, there are way too many variables at play. Where's Killer? I miss pasta boy, hope they find a cure for the smile thing, oh my god I love that son of bitch. Also, Kid where is he?
See ya on the next chapteeeer
Edit: I almost forgot to talk about the color spread, always thankful for that, what a beautiful thing, not the best but Jinbe is in it and like, that makes me so happy, he's one of the crew super officially.
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
Yay, I’m so excited that requests are open again! Here’s mine: How would Kid, Law, Zoro, and Ace react to their s/o being suggested by the crew to go on a mission to seduce the enemy, and they go? Who would be supportive, who would be like “hell no”, etc? I’m not sure what your character limit is, so definitely take out a character if I have too many! Thank you and have a great day!! 🥰
Ahhhh this is the first ask I've had with Kid in it and I love him. I LOVE HIM. So this was a lot of fun, I changed it from s/o to crush because I think if its s/o the boys have more say in whether or not they want their partner to do it and we dont want that!! Also I dropped Ace because 3 Is my character limit at the moment! Hope you enjoy @cleverusername-123 this was a great ask!
Kid, Law and Zoro reacting to their Crush seducing the enemy!
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. As soon as one of the crew suggest that you are the one to seduce the marines guarding the door Kid is instantly pissed off.
. You don't dismiss the idea straight away, instead you take a few minutes to think it over in your head, working out the possible issues. Which is even worse.
. Kid finds it hard to sit through those minutes without fidgeting - fighting down the urge to shout down the proposal before you've said anything.
. Because, technically, you aren't his. Yet.
. And he knows that. But it doesn't mean he's going to be happy about you flirting with some other guys right in front of him. Even if it is for the benefit of the crew.
. When you say you'll do it, Kid clenches his fists so tight that his nails cut into his palms and he has to repeat in his head that you can do what you like, you aren't his. You aren't his. Damn it.
. "Nah, that's a stupid plan, think of something else," He throws out anyway, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
. And he feels this heat coiling in his stomach when you look over at him, one eyebrow raised and that half smirk on your face (the one that drives him crazy) like you know what he's thinking.
. "You don't think I can do it, Captain?" You ask innocently, and it makes him want to shove you up against a wall and do awful things to you. But he does't, he just snarls in response.
. So you head back to the ship to get changed and when you come back he really struggles not to man handle you. You're dressed to kill, and it fucking turns him on. He has no doubt that you'll manage your objective. He hates this.
. Kid and the rest of the crew watch from a shadowed alley as you stride towards the guards, walking past them at first then back tracking like they caught your interest. The marines are immediately all over you and you start flirting hard.
. Twirling your hair and pressing a hand to one of the guards chests. They hear your laugh echo across the street, low and seductive and it sends chills up Kid's spine.
. One of the guards reaches out and touches your cheek.
. Killer doesn't even bother to try and stop his Captain when he breaks from their cover, stomping over to where you are standing, bits of metal already swirling angrily around him as he goes.
. One of the guards shouts a warning while the second one shoves you behind him to keep you from getting hurt. But you know Kid isn't coming for you, and you know your plan has flown completely out the window.
. Kid doesn't even use his devils fruit ability. He just stalks over and punches the first guy in the face, hard enough that you hear bones breaking. The second guard doesn't last much longer.
. "You know I almost had the keys, right?" You say, hands on your hips, trying to look annoyed as Kid glowers at you.
. "Don't care," He snarls already reaching for you. "Come here."
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. Right off the bat Law makes it clear that he doesn't like this idea.
. Trying to infiltrate a nobles resort to steal from them is fine. Having to seduce the bouncers in to letting you in is not.
. He's not against the plan because it's you that has been put forward to do the seducing, obviously. He would worry if any of the crew had to do it.
. But.. it is you.
. "Do you really think this is a good idea, Name-ya?" Law asks, frowning.
. "Can you think of a better one?" You reply, reasonably confident that all other avenues have been exhausted.
. Law tries not to clench his jaw because he has been wracking his brains to think of another plan - any other plan - and he has come up with nothing. His brain has failed him at the worst time.
. So now not only does he have to admit that he can't think of anything else but he has to let you go ahead with the original plan. 
. When you emerge from your quarters in your swimwear Law makes a very valiant effort to not keep looking at you. He fails, but he tries. Especially when you ask he thinks you look okay.
. "It doesn't matter how I think you look, Name-ya," He says, pulling at the peak of his hat in an attempt to hide the light blush that has risen on his cheeks. "I'm not the one you've got to seduce." 
. And then of course that is all he can think about.
. Bepo goes over the plan again with you and before you go Law pulls you aside, his fingers wrapping around your forearm, pulling you a little closer to him than is probably necessaryfor the conversation.
. "Are you sure you want to do this, Name-ya?" He asks.
. And you're confused because you've done things that were a lot more dangerous than this in the past and he's never acted like this before. But you tell him you'll be fine. 
. "If you need me..." Law trails off because he doesn't know how to end that sentence. So you nod and go off on your way. 
. Law will watch your progress like a hawk, he will tell himself it's just to make sure you are okay, and not because you look extremely good in that outfit.
. When you start flirting with the security guard Law will keep watching, in case you need him, but he won't enjoy it.
. He'll get this peculiar twist in his chest whenever you run your fingers along the guards arm, or laugh at something he said. You look like you're actually having a good time. And that... hurts. 
. Law has an itch to send a room spinning out across you and just mince the guard in to little pieces. But he doesn't. That would defeat the whole purpose of this mission.
. So instead he waits and tries to squash any and all feelings. Anger, lust, jealousy. 
. When you come back Law will congratulate you on completing your assignment, but he won't stick around to find out the details.
. Instead he will go back to his room. Sit at his desk, Trying not to think about you and how you make him feel. 
. Trying not to think about how much he wants you.
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. Zoro is conflicted because he doesn't quite know how he feels about you at the moment.
. But he knows he doesn't like this plan of Nami's.
. Why can't she be the one to get all flirty with the other pirates? It was her idea and she's the best suited to it anyway. But apparently she is going to be stealing stuff while you distract them.
. So he keeps quiet because you haven't complained about it and he doesn't want to be the only one to speak up - he doesn't want you to think that he thinks you can't look out for yourself.
. So he just sort of frowns and listens to his part in the plan and tries not to pay attention when you come back to join the group looking damn flawless.
. Zoro has never seen you in anything other than your day to day clothing, so seeing you like this makes something odd and entirely unknown flop around in his stomach. 
. Very kindly, Robin subtly leans over and pushes his jaw back up.
. He can't stop blushing.
. Now he really, really doesn't like this plan. 
. When you leave to approach your target he is watching you. He keeps an ear out for any interruptions, ready to step in if someone or something unexpected happens.
. If he strains Zoro can hear your conversation, and that makes him blush too because you aren't holding back.
. He accidentally imagines himself in the position of the other pirate and then gets flustered and resolutely reminds himself he is supposed to be on lookout.
. He does a good job at ignoring you until he hears you laugh - but it isn't your usual light laugh, it's forced.
. Zoro looks over and sees the pirate running a hand up your leg, touching all the exposed skin he can get at. Zoro's hand tightens on the hilt of one of his swords but he knows he can't act, not matter how much he wants to.
. And he does want to.
. He's never wanted to hurt someone for the sake of causing them pain but now he's thinking about it.
. To anyone else you look like you're having the time of your life, but Zoro knows you better than that. He knows your body language and he knows how uncomfortable you are.
. He watches as you place your hand over the Pirates, holding his hand in place to stop it roaming any further up your leg.
. Zoro sees Nami slip in behind you, her nimble fingers ghosting over the other Pirate to find her prize. Finally.
. But the Pirate is pushing you again, batting your hand away to slip under the fabric of your clothes and Zoro doesn't realise that he's moved until he is standing in front of you, sword half drawn.
. "You got a problem?" The Pirate asks, his words slurred as he looks up at Zoro. "I'm a little busy here." 
. Nami disappears, giving Zoro a wink as she melts in to the crowd. Zoro lets a slow grin spread over his face as his sword inches further out of it's sheath.
. "I said, you got a problem?" The Pirate asks, pushing to his feet and letting you finally escape.
. "Yeah," Zoro answers finally, sword glinting in the half light of the bar. He casts a glance at you as you move to stand behind him, then back to the pirate. "I think I do." 
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