#Berena Advent Fairy Lights
madam-wakefield · 9 months
Fairy lights
Why does Serena have so many fairy lights? My little drabble written for the @berenaadvent day 18 prompt "fairy lights"
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“Why does one need so many fairy lights?” Bernie questions confused as she opens a large box that is literally full of smaller boxes of fairy lights. It’s the first Christmas where she is living with Serena and they had wanted to keep to Serena’s tradition of decorating on the first weekend of December, thankful they’d managed to get one shared day off to allow them to do so.
Bernie had, being Bernie been the one who insisted on getting all of the boxes out of the loft and now the living room is so full of boxes that Bernie wonders silently if there aren’t more boxes here now than when she moved in. She’d lost nearly everything physical during her split with Marcus, he’d keep nearly every possession from the house, even though most of them had been accumulated during their time together. She’s just thankful she had a good enough solicitor that he didn’t manage to take all of the money too, and he definitely won’t be entitled to a penny of her hard earned army pension.
She’s brought out of her musing by Serena’s reply. “One can never have too many fairy lights. First there is the ones for the trees, both the one in here and the one in the conservatory. Then there are the fairy lights that go in the windows, and then I have a set or two that I like to put outside, though I must admit without Elinor’s help they haven’t been able to go up the past few years. Jason doesn’t feel comfortable enough holding the ladder and instead likes to reel off facts about how many people get seriously injured each year from falling off ladders, as if my job didn’t give me an insight into that.
So that is how Bernie and Serena spend the majority of their day, ensuring the fairy lights around the house are perfect. Once the inside lights are finished Bernie insist, she’s the one who goes up the ladder, big macho army medic and all that. It’s how she spends over an hour up a ladder outside their house hanging fairy lights to the guttering. By the times she’s finished her hands are numb with cold but it’s worth it to see the smile on Serena’s face when both her feet are finally back on solid ground.
That night when Bernie goes up to bed a few minutes after Serena, having offered to be the one to ensure the dishwasher was on and all the lights have been turned off, the last thing she expects to find is Serena naked expect for the fairy lights that she’s managed to expertly managed to wrap around her body, and well they are one set of lights Bernie definitely doesn’t mind untangling.
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berenaadvent · 9 months
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squishmittenficfan · 9 months
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Berena Advent 2023 day eighteen. Prompt: Fairy lights
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hartkinsao3 · 9 months
Berena Advent 2023 Day 18: Fairy Lights
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ktlsyrtis · 10 months
Berena Advent 2023
Day 8 - Lingerie
The silky ribbon comes loose with barely a tug and falls to the floor, the lid follows soon after. Nestled in the bed of tissue is some of the most beautiful lingerie Serena has ever seen.
Gossamer thin lace the color of rosé is held together by satin so luminous it can only be silk, woven through with filaments of golden thread that make it practically shimmer in the fairy lights from the tree. Carefully she pulls the garment free, taking in how sheer it is, how small.
Very small.
Keeping the disappointment from her face, she smiles at Bernie. The very last thing Serena wants is to make her think she's done anything wrong.
"Darling, it's gorgeous! Thank you." She leans in to press a quick peck to Bernie's lovely mouth. "I'm a little worried about the fit though. Did you keep the receipt?"
Bernie's pleased smile turns wicked, one of her hands sliding up to the nape of Serena's neck, stopping her from moving too far. This time she initiates the kiss - longer, deeper, and filled with promise.
"I said it was your gift," she says in that low voice that makes Serena squirm, punctuating the words with another soft kiss. "I didn't say that you'd be wearing it."
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cllrnat · 9 months
Berena Advent 2023
Day 18 - Fairy Lights
#Bernie #Serena
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berenaadvent · 9 months
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