thetaintedangels · 2 years
Got my electronic copy of my Berkley Certificate for Guitar Skills. This made such a difference in music and performance for me. Thanks to this, I'm starting the process for my Master in Songwriting after the next certificate in songwriting I'm starting in September.
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empressempathidi · 6 years
"The Donald" is hate? #Repost from @freedom_faction - Thoughts? The #ADL has released a creepy #GeorgeOrwell #1984-esque video expressing that there is an increase of online hate and how to tackle it. The video shows bubbles that include labeling hate speech such as #911truth, #conspiracy, #FirstAmendment, #mensrights and many more. Oh and ironically also the topic of this article – #censorship. The video opens with a woman identified as Brittan Heller, ADL’s Director of the Center for Technology & Society, speaking about online hate and how the ADL and #BerkleyUniversity are going to tackle online hate speech, (a broad definition which hasn’t truly been defined.) Heller goes on to explain that Berkley and the ADL have been testing #artificialintelligence in a lab to help tech giants identify “online #hatespeech” which presumably is defined by the ADL through the list of topics above in their bubble chart. The dangerous precedent set for censoring the list above and deeming it hate speech is as follows. Censoring 9/11 truth one would have to ignore the dancing Israelis who said they were there to document the event, a van with a 9/11 mural painted found along with bombs on the George Washington Bridge, as well as the other white Urban Moving System white vans and the documented arrests of Mossad agents. Further, a person would need to completely ignore the insider trading that happened that day as documented by German security firm Convar. And that’s just scratching the surface of questions still no one has yet been able to explain how a building collapses in a controlled demolition matter from a fire like building 7. In fact, the #UniversityOfAlaska recently did a study on just that, finding that WTC 7 did not fall due to fire, contradicting NIST who said the building collapsed from structural damages due to the fire. Just so the ADL doesn’t call me #antiSemitic, I’ll leave a clear note that I am not blaming one of the other bubbles ADL came up with: “the Jews.” I am simply stating documented facts with questions lingering in response to the nonprofit seeking to censor “9/11 truth.” 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾#Technocracy #SocialEngineering #ThoughtPolice
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chexawe · 6 years
Regrann from @freedom_faction - Thoughts? The #ADL has released a creepy #GeorgeOrwell #1984-esque video expressing that there is an increase of online hate and how to tackle it. The video shows bubbles that include labeling hate speech such as #911truth, #conspiracy, #FirstAmendment, #mensrights and many more. Oh and ironically also the topic of this article – #censorship. The video opens with a woman identified as Brittan Heller, ADL’s Director of the Center for Technology & Society, speaking about online hate and how the ADL and #BerkleyUniversity are going to tackle online hate speech, (a broad definition which hasn’t truly been defined.) Heller goes on to explain that Berkley and the ADL have been testing #artificialintelligence in a lab to help tech giants identify “online #hatespeech” which presumably is defined by the ADL through the list of topics above in their bubble chart. The dangerous precedent set for censoring the list above and deeming it hate speech is as follows. Censoring 9/11 truth one would have to ignore the dancing Israelis who said they were there to document the event, a van with a 9/11 mural painted found along with bombs on the George Washington Bridge, as well as the other white Urban Moving System white vans and the documented arrests of Mossad agents. Further, a person would need to completely ignore the insider trading that happened that day as documented by German security firm Convar. And that’s just scratching the surface of questions still no one has yet been able to explain how a building collapses in a controlled demolition matter from a fire like building 7. In fact, the #UniversityOfAlaska recently did a study on just that, finding that WTC 7 did not fall due to fire, contradicting NIST who said the building collapsed from structural damages due to the fire. Just so the ADL doesn’t call me #antiSemitic, I’ll leave a clear note that I am not blaming one of the other bubbles ADL came up with: “the Jews.” I am simply stating documented facts with questions lingering in response to the nonprofit seeking to censor “9/11 truth.” 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾#Technocracy #SocialEngineering #ThoughtPolice - #regrann WAKE UP SHEEPLE
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cjtabaldo · 8 years
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Went to #sf #Berkley #berkleyuniversity for a great man's #bday! He is uncle Joe a very big Supporter for dreams and my loves life! We went site seeing and had a tour around the Berkley campus such a great experience! (at Berkeley, California)
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