thetaintedangels · 2 years
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My 1st Midjourney image.
I love the AI!!!
I am hooked!!!
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thetaintedangels · 2 years
Got my electronic copy of my Berkley Certificate for Guitar Skills. This made such a difference in music and performance for me. Thanks to this, I'm starting the process for my Master in Songwriting after the next certificate in songwriting I'm starting in September.
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thetaintedangels · 2 years
This is a great opportunity to put a foot at the door with the Federal Government.I did this for a year....
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
Got another tune.... Turn Up.
Let me know what do you think?
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
This is an amazing tip for everyone confronted with a writer's block or creative process.... Awesome!!!
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
Some electronic track.
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
An 80′s flashback track.
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
Yes, I need to practice my sound engineering and my play...LoL
Trying to push myself to record my playing. I am too conscious of my playing and I am trying to break out of it. Yes, I suck, but I'm practicing more and more everyday.
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thetaintedangels · 5 years
t's been a minute since I produced anything. Need practice like crazy......LOL!!! So, a practice project after few years out of producing music.
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thetaintedangels · 6 years
“A film should stand on its own. It’s absurd if a filmmaker needs to say what a film means in words.”
— David Lynch (from his book ‘Catching The Big Fish’)
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thetaintedangels · 6 years
Kononykheen Guitars Breed Fifteen Product Video......🤘
A little work. I'm out of practice, but I can say it's not bad for a 30 min project.......Right?
#production #video #samples #productvideo #finalcutpro #mac #canon #kononykheen #guitars #breed #fifteen #sequenceghost #miami #purple
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thetaintedangels · 6 years
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thetaintedangels · 7 years
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thetaintedangels · 7 years
Powerful women are tired of trying for lovers who never try for them.
r.h. sin (via lovelustquotes)
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thetaintedangels · 7 years
He looked at her the way all girls wanted to be looked at.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (via help-n-quotes)
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thetaintedangels · 7 years
I try to scrub you from my lips, but every bit of your taste clings to me like sand on my wet skin. I wash my mouth with the salt in your sweat and you fall beneath my lips like a tide that I chase to the waters edge. Until you swell again.
Dave Wise (via lovelustquotes)
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thetaintedangels · 9 years
Reflecting Through My Journey Of The IDTM Program
1) How has each course contributed to your personal and professional development 
 as an instructional designer?
From the beginning of this program I was in filled with excitement. Learning that I was able to utilize every skill and knowledge I have acquired for the last few years was of great value. Every single class pushed me to accomplish a higher level of skills. The total learning of the program made me realize the love I have for teaching. Many people told me I was a good teacher while I helped them with school projects or any skill that they needed to learn.
Is to this point I can proudly say I am an Instructional Designer, yes a beginner but a proud one. The journey has made me understand how I can look at any issue, problem, lecture, image, sound, or any other for of media and turn it into a learning experience.
2) How well were you able to utilize the concepts and techniques you learned from the program (theories, systems design, interface styling, and the creation of multimedia content) as you designed, developed, and implemented your Final Project?
Thanks to the ease of the learning process of each class I was able to utilize every concept and techniques I was thought. The combination of all the learned lessons of the program helped me understand and build my final project. It gave me the road map for a successful final project. Combining every single final project for the last classes it really presents the best of my work as a designer.
Been able to put together a portfolio that represents all of my skills and knowledge really becomes a step to be proud off. The way people sees my work and understand what I do it is very rewarding. With the ability to visually compile and review each one of your projects really brings the attention to detail to a more professional level.
3) Describe your most outstanding personal triumph in each course.
Emergent Technologies in a Digital Culture
This class really helped me realized how I can use everything around me to create a connection for learning. This was a very helpful class for my intellectual growth as a designer. Been able to see beyond what is in hand it really expands your horizon.
Personal Development and Leadership
This was the second time I took this class, as it was part of my Master’s in Entertainment Business. Even though I retook it as part of the curriculum it really helped me see a full picture of what a boss and a leader are. Always reminded to look at you and always try to better yourself as a person and a professional.
Strategies for the Learner Engagement
Thanks to this class I was able to think outside the box. It helped me to look at a situation in which the learning abilities are different and how I was able to approach it with success. Analyzing the problem, develop a solution, and implement the solution brings the learning engagement to new expectations.
Visual and Verbal Communication
I can say that this class was one of the most helpful classes I took. This class made me fully see and understand the necessity of real communication. Using your visual and verbal senses as part of the learning process as well as the development process.
Corporate Training and Motivational Development
During this class I got to understand the importance of keeping your employees and co-workers motivated. Without this important factor the interaction between the trainer and the learner can become a lost point of contact. Been able to understand the different levels of attention and retention in the corporate world is of vital importance for my success.
Instructional Design and Evaluation
Thanks to this class building the ability to fully comprehend and react to information that could be the main factor for success or fail. Understanding the behavior and etiquette of discussions and evaluations of projects and problems gave me the ability to create a workflow and standards to follow in my personal and professional life. This will help me complete some important factors as part of the development of any new project.
Digital Media and Learning Applications
The learning of such variety of applications and media to accomplish a goal in the designing of any project was of vital importance for me. Thanks to this I am able to research and utilize new tools for more successful and groundbreaking trainings or lessons. With the fusion of these elements the development and creation of new projects will determine how I can surpass my own limits and skills.
Music and Audio for Instructional Design
I learned to really focus in the main concept to be presented with quality and clarity. This class gave me a great look at new areas of the learning process utilizing verbal, visual, and hearing senses. Adding more interaction infused with sounds takes the learner to another place or time. Real attention to a sound world can become a successful tool as a designer.
Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design
During this class I was able to re-establish my prior knowledge of filmmaking to a new area of focus. Developing a lesson from idea to completion was of importance to understand the full process of a visual learning asset.
Game Strategies and Motivation
I really learned the importance of interactivity between the audience and the material. Adding a playful interaction with the main material or lesson to be learned was very eye opening. Been able to create a game for a digital interaction was a great factor for the connection of the material and the retention of the learners. Also, with the ability to create a non-digital version of games for learning really opens a new area of interest for future projects. Giving simple tools with the addition of a fun factor it presented me with a great vision for future projects.
Learning Management Systems and Organization
Here it became a challenging time for me. Been able to create a visual workflow and manage the learning path of the learner was very exciting. Learning how the order of learning needs to be followed foe a successful completion it is of major importance. Thanks to this class the ability to organize and distribute a lesson to the audience in a distant learning experience was of great challenge. This pushed me to a new level of understanding of how a path needs to be followed for a successful completion and retention of the material to be learned.
Media Asset Creation
With this class I was exposed to a new view of how to present material for a learning experience. It showed me how the visual presentation it is of major importance in today’s learning experience. From an interactive graphic to a full interactive lesson to a video presentation the experience becomes extended to new levels. It really showed me my limits and needs to better certain skills for a better Instructional Designer career.
Final Project
With all of these amazing skills and knowledge learned throughout the program this class really showed me how to accomplish a new set of skills. Been able to really look at my own material and be honest with myself to determine what it is good enough to be presented to the audience, but most of all the ability to learn from every single project that is not good enough. They all have something to show from the usage of software to a technique to be applied. It presented me with the acceptance of all of my work and how everything takes my learning to higher grounds and marks the path for a better and most skilled designer.
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