#Berta Cáceres
prensabolivariana · 7 days
Tegucigalpa, Honduras – Giorgio Trucchi Magistrados aún no confirman sentencias contra los asesinos Durante las últimas semanas, familiares de la lideresa indígena Berta Cáceres, asesinada en marzo de 2016, y el Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (Copinh), redoblaron esfuerzos para denunciar la indolencia del máximo órgano judicial, al demorar la confirmación de las sentencias condenatorias ya emitidas por los tribunales. Continue reading Honduras: Justicia ineludible para Berta
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redlatinasinfronteras · 2 months
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Honduras: 8vo aniversario del asesinato de Berta Cáceres https://redlatinasinfronteras.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/honduras-8vo-aniversario-del-asesinato-de-berta-caceres/
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thebowerypresents · 7 months
Damien Rice Launches New American Tour at Kings Theatre
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Damien Rice – Kings Theatre – November 29, 2023
I’ve followed the Irish troubadour Damien Rice for years and if you have the chance to see him live it is highly recommended. He creates an intimacy that’s often unmatched by other singer-songwriters, and it’s this talent that has the likes of Ed Sheeran and Niall Horan claiming his influence. Although he hasn’t produced much music since 2014’s My Favourite Faded Fantasy, the often reclusive artist released a haunting cover of Sia’s “Chandelier” in 2021 and more recently 2022’s “Songs for Berta,” a collaboration with Sandrayati and JFDR to honor Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres. Rice spent the summer touring Spain and Italy by sailboat, and now he’s in the United States for a short tour that kicked off at a sold-out Kings Theatre on Wednesday night. 
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The stage was lit with floor lamps, enshrouding the singer in shadows as he moved to the edge of center stage to tell a tale of 13-year-old boy who must navigate the world of temptation. In true balladeer fashion, the story led into an introduction of “The Professor & La Fille Danse,” from the 2004 B-Sides release. Rice mostly pulled material from his debut album, O, and its follow-up, 9. Former longtime collaborator Lisa Hannigan had an unmistakable stamp on those albums with her supporting vocals, but last night the Brazilian cellist Francisca Barreto beautifully filled those singing duties on “Volcano” and “9 Crimes.”
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Between songs, Rice shared stories and musings on life and music, describing the latter as an “emotional toilet,” wherein the rotten feelings are released and (hopefully) processed into positivity. The singer-songwriter hadn’t prepared a setlist so he fielded an endless stream of song requests, which led to playing the rare track “Insane.” Toward the end of the performance, Rice encouraged fans to rise from their seats and get closer to the stage while he strummed the upbeat “Coconut Skins” and shared the new song “Behind Those Eyes.” After a brief exit, Barreto and Rice returned to encore with “Cold Water” against a vibrant blue illumination to their background. Fearing the show’s real conclusion, fans shouted for more songs leading to Rice rocking out on “I Remember” as flashing floor lamps pulsated before fan-favorite “The Blower’s Daughter” sent everyone off into the cold, humming into the night. —Sharlene Chiu | @Shar0ck
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Photos courtesy of Ken Grand-Pierre | www.kenamiphoto.com
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leiamulheres · 3 years
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Síntese II (poemas de Bukavu)
[Judite Canha Fernandes]
a terra minguara, não se via grelo nem almofada de semente, tudo secou. não dava milho não dava batata não dava nada.
cinco quilos de farinha da onu cheia de percevejos e ilusões para nós sete.
não se entendia.
queria adiar futuro nos filhos, nas filhas depositar secreta esperança cinco quilos cinco e terra morta.
nem adiar um sonho se podia fazer.
cinco horas a pé pés na terra imaculada batendo, batendo pisando minhoca, graveto espalhado
berta flor a caminho entra na sala e pergunta:
a terra não dá nada. por quê?
entra vestida de furacão inteligência funda, antiga, nos olhos.
(conheci-a assim, entre as bombas, numa universidade pintada de fresco, a tinta vermelha ainda hoje no meu vestido branco)
há diamante perto? há.
(havia joia, não havia milho)
há buraco? há. a água vai na companhia? vai.
(a água corre como é seu hábito)
então fez ponte. o ar juntou água juntou enxofre murchou tudo.
berta flor foi e comunicou aos líderes.
a minha terra morreu de tanto lhe remexerem os bolsos disse a palestrantes do vácuo ceos e outras araras. calem as explosões. calem-se. quero dormir.
e o diamante? diz um, brilho de cobiça nas mãos. berta disparou-lhe cinco quilos de farinha da onu nos olhos e espetou-lhe na boca os percevejos.
estão a ver como o pessoal é político?
por causa da indústria automóvel o filho de berta ainda não anda. por causa de um offshore no panamá a batata foi exterminada. por causa dos estaleiros de viana o joaquim não dorme. por causa de uma hidroelétrica ou de uma construtora tínhamos sede, e berta cáceres foi assassinada na sua casa, ainda março mal começava.
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canadianabroadvery · 3 years
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Magalú - Argentina In Honduras, the executive of a hydroelectric plant was convicted for the murder of Berta Cáceres.The Honduran justice found Roberto Castillo guilty of the murder of the activist who opposed the construction of a hydroelectric plant on the Gualcarque River
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Essa semana foi aniversário de nascimento e também de morte de Berta Cáceres.
Berta foi uma ativista de Honduras que lutava pelo meio ambiente saudável. Ela acabou sendo assassinada por causa de sua luta, em 2014. Mas a luta continua, não vamos deixar que eles vençam!
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adribosch-fan · 5 years
Las otras Gretas no son rubias ni europeas: "¿Un velero? Aquí no tenemos ni internet"
Las otras Gretas no son rubias ni europeas: “¿Un velero? Aquí no tenemos ni internet”
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Laura Zúñiga, hija de la líder ecologista asesinada, Berta Cáceres, en un acto para exigir justicia en Honduras. (Reuters)
¿Por qué el mundo solo escucha el grito de auxilio de una chica rubia, europea y con recursos?, se preguntan en las zonas indígenas que llevan décadas luchando por el planeta
Greta Thunberg es una inspiración para…
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pacozeacom · 5 years
Condenan a asesinos de la ambientalista hondureña Berta Cáceres
Condenan a asesinos de la ambientalista hondureña Berta Cáceres
Exigen prisión perpetua para los asesinos
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volk-morya · 6 years
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thoughtlessarse · 6 years
Seven men have been found guilty of the murder of the Honduran indigenous environmentalist Berta Isabel Cáceres. An eighth defendant, Emerson Duarte Meza, was cleared and freed on Thursday.
Cáceres, a winner of the Goldman prize for environmental defenders, was shot dead late at night on 2 March 2016 – two days before her 45th birthday – after a long battle to stop construction of an internationally financed hydroelectric dam on the Gualcarque river, which the Lenca people consider sacred.
The court ruled the murder was ordered by executives of the Agua Zarca dam company Desa because of delays and financial losses linked to protests led by Cáceres. The murder was contracted to a group of hitmen who were paid to kill Cáceres.
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jroemeth · 6 years
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leiamulheres · 3 years
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Há pouco mais de 5 anos, Berta Cáceres era assassinada por lutar pelos direitos humanos. Não esqueceremos! Que a luta dela viva sempre!
Leia o texto completo aqui.
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chamerionwrites · 6 years
Seven men have been found guilty of the murder of the Honduran indigenous environmentalist Berta Isabel Cáceres. An eighth defendant, Emerson Duarte Meza, was cleared and freed on Thursday.
Cáceres, a winner of the Goldman prize for environmental defenders, was shot dead late at night on 2 March 2016 – two days before her 45th birthday – after a long battle to stop construction of an internationally financed hydroelectric dam on the Gualcarque river, which the Lenca people consider sacred.
The court ruled the murder was ordered by executives of the Agua Zarca dam company DESA because of delays and financial losses linked to protests led by Cáceres. The murder was contracted to a group of hitmen who were paid to kill Cáceres.
The seven men convicted of orchestrating her murder by a court in Tegucigalpa: Sergio Ramón Rodríguez, communities and environment manager for DESA; Douglas Geovanny Bustillo, former DESA security chief and ex-US trained army lieutenant; Mariano Díaz Chávez, US-trained special forces major who served with Bustillo; Henry Javier Hernández, former special forces sergeant who served with Díaz; Edwin Rapalo; Edilson Duarte Meza; and Oscar Torres...
Cáceres, the coordinator of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) was best known for defending indigenous territory and natural resources, but was also a respected political analyst, women’s rights defender and anti-capitalist campaigner.
Her murder became a litmus test for a country where corruption and impunity reign – and for a justice system which has received millions of US and European dollars in international aid.
But the case has been plagued by allegations of negligence, secrecy and bias. Lawyers representing the family and Castro were expelled from proceedings shortly before the trial after calling for the judges to be recused for bias and abuse of authority.
The verdict confirmed a DESA executive coordinated with Bustillo before and after the murder. During the trial the executive was identified as company president David Castillo, a US-trained former military intelligence officer. Castillo faces trial separately, accused of masterminding the murder.
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
Victory for Environmentalists as Landmark Environmental Treaty Signed - Escazú Agreement - ENVIRONMENT
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/escazu-agreement-landmark-environmental-treaty/
Victory for Environmentalists as Landmark Environmental Treaty Signed - Escazú Agreement
Environmental activists have reason to celebrate – the Escazú Agreement is the first ever multi-national commitment to protecting environmental defenders.
Heads of state in 14 Latin American countries have signed the first international treaty pledging specific protections of environmental activists to shield them from persecution.
The treaty, named the Escazú Agreement, was signed on September 27, just ten days after the trial focusing on the death of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres was suspended indefinitely by the Honduran Supreme Court.
Berta Cáceres, Murdered for Protesting Dams
Cáceres emerged as a public leader in opposition to the development of four hydroelectric dams, which were projected to be one of Central America’s largest hydropower projects. Her campaign said the project would flood and destroy land belonging to the Lenca indigenous group and ultimately displace their community.
Cáceres was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2015, but in March 2016 she was shot and killed in her home. Eight men were charged for the assassination, including Honduran military personnel and former employees of Desarrollos Energeticos SA, the hydroelectric company planning the project.
Now, the family of Cáceres is struggling to find a fair trial against those suspected of killing her.
Berta Zúñiga Cáceres, daughter of the deceased, speaks at a vigil following her mother’s assassination.
Hope for Environmental Defenders with Escazú Agreement
The Escazú Agreement was created as a response to citizen demands for transparency and inclusion regarding developmental projects impacting communities and their environments. It declares that people should be provided with reliable information concerning their surroundings, and should be participants in the decision-making process of environmental affairs.
It is also the first legal agreement in the world to ensure the protection of environmental activists.
“Each Party shall guarantee a safe and enabling environment for persons, groups and organizations that promote and defend human rights in environmental matters, so that they are able to act free from threat, restriction and insecurity,” reads Article 9 of the Agreement.
An online petition that parallels the state-signed agreement collected more than 33,000 signatures. Through the petition, citizens urged their government leaders to officially join the treaty that was being established.
14 States Sign Escazú Agreement, Many More Could Follow
The multi-national commitment to the Escazú agreement occurred in a ceremony at the United Nations in New York, and was led by UN Legal Advisor and Deputy Secretary General Miguel de Serna Soares.
The chief of state or representing minister of 33 different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean were present. Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Saint Lucia and Uruguay ratified the agreement immediately, and the Dominican Republic and Haiti added their commitment later in the afternoon.
“The fact that 14 countries have already signed today is extraordinary,” said Epsy Campbell, Costa Rica’s Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship. “This agreement was necessary.”
“It makes reference to something that for Costa Rica is very important, because it places citizen action and environmental defenders at the center, something that is fundamental for confronting all the challenges we face in environmental matters,” Campbell continued.
Epsy Campbell on the campaign trail for her position 2017.
The agreement has been in stages of preparation for more than six years, according to Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). It was adopted by Costa Rica in March 2018, and will remain open for signature as it proceeds through the UN.
“In seeking to guarantee the right of present and future generations to a healthy environment and to sustainable development, the Escazú Agreement aims to strengthen capacities and bolster cooperation among the countries of the region,” Bárcena wrote in the St. Lucia News. “It also expresses our shared priorities and aspirations and demonstrates the continued relevance of regional multilateralism to sustainable development.”
According to a report by Global Witness, 207 environmental activists were killed in 2017 and Latin America witnessed the most killings. In Brazil alone, 57 environmental defenders were murdered in 2017.
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diariomatutino · 6 years
Berta Cáceres, la justicia que no llega
El juicio por el asesinato de la activista hondureña ha sido suspendido. La familia de la ecologista teme una farsa que no llegue hasta el fondo from México https://ift.tt/2QRZBPL
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la-amarillista · 6 years
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El lunes comenzó el juicio de Berta Cáceres y fue suspendido el mismo día.
Berta Cáceres fue una activista indígena ambientalista hondureña que fue asesinada por dos sicarios en el 2016 en su vivienda
#JusticiaParaBerta. Justicia para el activismo latinoamericano silenciado.
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