#Bertrand Cereal Bar
konsum · 9 months
Bertrand Cereal Bar, Chocolate Bites, 70g
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
Pairing: Liam x MC (Kendall Mason)
Summary: The Walker/Beaumont wedding doesn’t go as planned.
I’m tired of my faves being held hostage on that God forsaken ranch like they’re trapped in the AHS Murder House, so I wrote this.
Word Count: 2.8K+
The day of the Walker-Beaumont wedding is a very busy one. And no one has been busier than Queen Kendall herself. She’s been up since 5AM, helping the planners get everything together, making sure Savannah was calm and collected, keeping Leona and Barthelemy from killing each other, the works.
The effects of the day are starting to wear on her. Kendall has been up for almost 8 hours straights, running solely on coffee and sheer determination. Yes, she feels exhausted. Sure the coffee is making her dizzy and if she drinks any more, she might pass out, but she can power through, at least until the ceremony is over.
“You need to eat something,” Madeleine says, catching Kendall in a rare moment alone. “Like, at least a bowl of cereal.”
Kendall shakes her head at the idea. “I’m already dressed. I’m not running the risk of getting milk on my dress minutes before the ceremony.”
Madeleine sighs. “You’re on the verge of crashing. At least eat a piece of fruit. Or a granola bar.”
Kendall doesn’t respond to Madeleine. Instead she walks to the kitchen and plucks an apple out of the large fruit bowl sitting on the kitchen counter. She takes a large bite. “Happy now?”
“Ecstatic,” Madeleine replies dryly. “God, must you always be so petulant and stubborn?”
“Madeleine, I really don’t have time to listen to you today, especially since you weren’t even invited on this trip, you just weaseled your way in,” Kendall snaps in a rare outburst. “So why don’t you go find your seat? The ceremony starts in a few minutes.”
Madeleine looks taken aback by the harshness in Kendall’s time, but she doesn’t argue with her. She knows that’ll only end in disaster. She just turns on her heel and walks off, mumbling under her breath.
With the blonde woman gone, Kendall breathes a sigh of relief. The last thing she needs is her breathing down her neck all day 
She quietly munches on her apple, ignoring the fact that she really doesn’t want to eat it and her stomach is doing somersaults at the taste. Has she gotten used to only eating Cordonian Rubies? Are they the pinnacle of apples? 
“Kendall!” Kendall snaps out of her thoughts and sees Hana. “Come on, the ceremony is about to start!”
Five minutes later, the ladies were in the Walkers’ spacious backyard. A gorgeous archway covered in various flowers is set up under a pair of trees, and Bertrand was standing at the altar, a smiling Maxwell next to him. Liam’s standing in the center of the archway, as he is the officiant.
Kendall’s heart beats double time at the sight of her husband. He looks extra handsome in his royal regalia and she tries to keep her more impure thoughts at bay. A wave of lightheadedness hits, much stronger than the last one, but she manages to brush it off and continues walking. Thankfully no one notices.
Liam smiles back at her as she reaches the end of the aisle. “You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you. This was a rush job, so my hair and makeup aren’t the best.”
“Could’ve fooled me. You’re still the most stunning woman here.”
“I married the most charming man on earth,” Kendall muses. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I’m the lucky one in this scenario.”
“Hey, your wedding is over!” Olivia hisses with an eye roll. “Save the lovey dovey shit for the current bride and groom.”
Before Kendall can respond, the wedding march starts. Everyone stands up and turns around, spotting Bartie toddling down the aisle, in front of Savannah’s who’s being escorted by Drake. 
They make it halfway down the aisle before Kendall realizes if she doesn’t sit down somewhere and soon, she’s going to be extremely sick. Her heart rate—which she originally chalked up to being a young newlywed excited to see her husband—has yet to return to normal, and the ground underneath her feet is unsteady. Before she can even attempt to excuse herself, she drops onto the ground with a hard thud and everything around her goes black.
When Kendall finally comes to, she’s no longer in the Walker’s backyard, but what looks like a hospital room. It’s not too bright, as the lights have been dimmed, but there is a loud and persistent beeping noise that won’t go away.
“Where am I?” She asks, and god does she instantly regret it. Her throat is so dry, and talking only makes it sore.
Liam, who’s been sitting at her bedside, perks up at her voice. “Kendall? Thank heavens, you’re awake!” He reaches across her bed and presses the small red button, alerting her doctor to come to her room.
“I need water,” she manages to croak out.
“Of course.” Liam grabs the cup of ice water on Kendall’s small bedside table and raises the straw to her lips. She greedily gulps down the water, unaware of how thirsty she truly is. 
“Thank you.”
Liam puts the cup down and runs a hand across Kendall’s cheek. He kisses her forehead. “You gave me quite a fright.”
“What happened? Am I in the hospital?”
“Yes. You collapsed at Bertrand and Savannah’s wedding.”
“What? Oh god, how embarrassing.”
“What’s embarrassing about it?”
“Collapsing in itself is embarrassing, and I’m sure everyone was gawking at me. And I ruined their wedding. They can’t even continue on without us because you’re the officiant and I’m the maid of honor.”
Liam dismisses the concern with a hand wave. “Nonsense. Bertrand and Savannah will survive. They know they can always find another officiant or they’ll have to wait. You come first.”
Kendall tries to sit up, but she’s exhausted and moving is too much effort. “Did the doctor at least say why I passed out?”
“When we first brought you in, she told me that your blood pressure was low. They drew blood, but those results haven’t come in yet.”
“Don’t tell Madeleine, but she was right, I should’ve eaten something.”
“Yes, you should’ve,” Liam agrees.
“Does the press know I’m here?”
“No. You weren’t wheeled in through the emergency room so no one really saw, and you were checked in under an alias. Any unsuspecting nurses and orderlies think someone named Isabel Martin is occupying this room. Plus, this is a private suite, only your nurse and doctor have access.”
“Okay.” That lessens some of the embarrassment. The last thing she needs is to be plastered on newspapers and on CNN, looking weak on a world stage.
There’s a small knock on the door and in walks a doctor. She smiles nervously upon seeing Kendall. “Hello!”
“Hi, doctor.”
“This is my first time meeting actual royalty. Do I address you as Your Highness? Your Grace? Queen Kendall? Your Majesty?” The doctor drops into an awkward bow. “Do I courtesy to you?”
Kendall shakes her head. “We’re on your turf, and calling me Kendall is just fine.”
“Very well. Hello Kendall, I’m your doctor, Dr. Washington. I’m an attending ER physician here at the hospital.”
“Nice to meet you. Will I be okay?”
“There are a few things I want to go over with you, point by point.” The doctor turns to look at Liam before turning back to Kendall. “With all due respect, is it okay if your husband stays?”
“Of course it is! You may speak freely in front of him.”
“We just have to make sure.” Dr. Washington logs into a computer and pulls up Kendall’s chart. “Your blood pressure was low, that’s probably why you fainted. We gave you some fluids to get you re-hydrated, so you should feel better soon. You need to be very conscious of how much water you drink, especially in a place like this, where it gets very hot. Your blood sugar was also low, so just make sure you’re eating enough throughout the day. I’m sure your schedule can be hectic, but you have to carve out time to eat, with some light snacking between meals.”
Kendall nods, taking in the information. “Will do.”
“And there’s one more thing I think you should be aware of: you’re pregnant.”
If Kendall wasn’t already in bed, she’s almost positive she would have collapsed again. Pregnant? She was actually pregnant? “What? How?”
“I think you guys know how.”
“But I took a test last week and it was negative.”
“Well you’re only about 6 weeks along, so you probably took the EPT too early. We did a blood test, and we can detect levels of hCG that are too low to be found in urine.”
Kendall feels Liam squeezing her hand tightly, but it barely registers. She suddenly remembers the alcohol she indulged in last week.
“Since I thought the test was negative, I haven’t been the most careful person. I had a glass of champagne at my friend’s bachelorette party, and I drank a lot of caffeine.” A tear rolls down her cheek. She’s already a horrible mother and her child isn’t even a fetus yet. “Will the baby be okay?”
Dr. Washington briefly glances at one of the monitors attached to Kendall, and she reaches out to touch the queen’s arm. “First things first, I need you to stay calm. You're not the first mom to be who drank before finding out she was pregnant, and you won’t be the last. Now that you know you’re pregnant, I say stop drinking alcohol immediately, and limit caffeine to one cup of coffee per day. But it’s still so early in the pregnancy, I don’t think one glass of champagne and some coffee will have an effect on the baby’s development.”
“Calm?” Kendall chuckles humorlessly. “My entire country’s future rests on my reproductive organs.”
“That may be the case, but none of that matters if you don’t have a successful pregnancy and delivery, and staying as stress free as possible is key. That’s the goal right?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t worry, Doctor, I’ll make sure she takes it easy,” Liam assures.
“Now Kendall, I think you’ll be okay, so I’m prescribing you some R&R. Pregnancy can make your blood sugar and blood pressure drop, because the baby is taking all of your nutrients and making your body work overtime. So I am forcing you to take it easy. Make sure you get something to eat, keep your feet elevated, drink plenty of water, and have your husband wait on you hand and foot for a few days.”
Liam smiles. “I don’t need to be told to do that.”
“And last but not least, congratulations! If you want, I can page one of our attending obstetricians to come down. It’s too early for an ultrasound, but they can go over more things with you if you have any questions.”
Kendall looks at Liam who’s just as eager as she is. She turns back to the doctor with a nod. “Yes. We’d like that very much.”
“Are you guys sure you can’t come back to the ranch tonight?”
Liam can hear the disappointment in Bertrand’s voice. “Yes. Kendall is exhausted, and I think there’s too much going on at the ranch, and her doctor said she needs some quiet and relaxation. If she’s there, she won’t relax.”
“That’s true. What was wrong with her?”
“She just pushed herself too hard. Lack of sleep, stress, the works,” Liam replies, not giving away any detail. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to officiate for you.”
“Don’t apologize, your wife is your priority. Thankfully Bianca’s minister was in attendance and he gladly married us.”
“Congratulations. I hope married life treats you well.”
“I do too. Will we see you guys tomorrow? Bianca is throwing us another get together, a goodbye party of sorts.”
“Yes, we’ll be back tomorrow,” Liam assures Bertrand. “Enjoy your reception tonight.”
“Will do. Take care of Kendall.”
“Absolutely.” Liam hangs up.
While Kendall was still in the hospital, Liam asked Hana to pack them a small overnight bag and bring it to the hospital. Liam decided that Kendall had a bit too much ranch living and thought it would be best if he got a hotel room for the night. That way, there would be no distractions, no noise, and no people bothering them.
He decided on the Ritz Carlton, and when the manager of the hotel realized that a king and their American queen would be staying with them, he gave them the entire top floor to themselves, for maximum privacy.
Liam walks back into their bedroom and finds Kendall sprawled out on the bed, wrapped up in a large white bathrobe. He gets into the bed with her. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired,” she answers honestly. “Like I can sleep for a year.”
“It’s been a long day, you deserve some rest.”
“I still feel bad about missing the wedding though.”
Liam sighs softly. He truly married the best person in the world. She was always looking out for others, even at the expense of herself. She deserve a night to be selfish.
“We can make it up to them tomorrow. They’re having another party before we all leave. And we’ll get them a very nice gift.”
“An amazing gift.”
“An amazing gift,” Liam repeats with a smile. “It’s been such a crazy day, I don’t even think we’ve had time to properly celebrate the good news. You’re pregnant!” 
The words sound like music to Kendall’s ears. “When I took the test and it came back negative, I lost a bit of hope. I thought we’d be a couple who went through years of trying before it finally happened.”
“But we didn’t.” Liam gently tugs on the belt keeping Kendall’s robe secure, letting it fall open. He places a warm palm on her stomach, stroking the skin with affection. They actually had a baby in there. He was going to be a dad. “I am married to the love of my life, the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, and you’re giving me a beautiful baby. You’ve made me the happiest man alive, Kendall. You’ve made all of my wildest dreams come true. And I hope we have a girl who looks exactly like you.”
“And she’ll have an accent like you, and speak fluent Greek and Italian.”
“Or maybe she’ll take after you and talk in a New York accent.”
Kendall rolls her eyes. “I don’t have an accent.”
“You do, and I think it’s adorable,” Liam argues.
“Well whatever we have, boy or girl, they’ll be the most loved baby in the world. Hana and Bertrand will fret with them over etiquette, Maxwell will teach them how to dance.”
“Olivia will probably teach them how to conceal weapons on their person.”
“After they turn 18.”
“Of course.”
Kendall reaches out and strokes Liam’s cheek. “Can I make one request?”
Liam catches Kendall’s wrist and kisses it gently. “You can make as many requests as you want, my queen.”
“I don’t want to tell anyone yet, at least until I’m out of the first trimester. And even when we tell people, it’s only our immediate circle. Let's not make an official, public announcement until we absolutely have to. I know we’re the king and queen, and we owe it to our people to keep them abreast on our lives, but I still want us to be a normal newlywed couple. I just want to enjoy this as much as I can, as much as we can.”
“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Liam says after a moment. “Though part of me would love to shout our good news from the highest mountain top, I also want to privately revel in this, with you.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Liam shifts his body and places a kiss on Kendall’s stomach. “Hello there, little one! I don’t know if you have ears yet, but I am going to talk to you anyway. I love so much already, and I’m incredibly honored to be your dad. I can’t wait to watch you grow up and explore. I can’t wait to show you all of the things my father never showed me. You and your mother are the most important things in my life, and I look forward to telling you that every single day.”
A tears slips down Kendall’s cheek and she tries to wipe it away before Liam notices. It doesn’t work. “Why are you crying?”
“I don’t know. Because I have an amazing, wonderful, beautiful husband whom I love. Because I’m having a baby with him, which is all I wanted to do. Because I’m just so ridiculously, deliriously happy in this moment.” Kendall sees Liam’s own eyes are glistening, unshed tears threatening to spill. “Why are you crying?”
Liam smiles, a smile so wide and bright, Kendall is afraid he might split his face in half. “I’m happy too. Actually, happy doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m euphoric. It almost doesn’t seem real.”
“Well it’s real.”
Liam drops another kiss onto Kendall’s stomach. She can already tell he’s going to do this all day, every day. And honestly, she can’t wait.
“We should order room service,” Liam murmurs against her skin. “Are you hungry?”
“Let’s order some food, and whatever looks best on the dessert menu. And then we can order a movie.”
“On one condition.”
“Whatever you want.”
“You have to put on the other fluffy robe.”
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trr-fangirl · 6 years
Remember Me? - Part III
book: The Royal Romance
pairing: Liam x MC (Kimiko), Hana x Maxwell, Drake x Olivia 
rating: General Audience
word count: 2,321+
warning: none
a/n: Hello! first of all, i want to thank everyone who commented, liked or reblogged my first two parts of ‘Remember Me’. I honestly thought no one would read it but I’m extremely happy that you all are enjoying it. I also apologize for how long it took for this one to be posted. It’s been a long week for me. I wanted there to be a lot of drama but I was like ‘No, let me save this for later’ but don’t worry, this part is pretty interesting in my opinion. Anyways...... Please enjoy this part! 
notes: I did use my King’s and MC’s name for this fic. This is set after the all of the events of book three. (This is the easiest for me) A read more cut is inserted below.
tags: @choicesfanatic86 , @captain-kingliamsqueen , @gracepedia , @hopefulmoonobject , @hhiggs , @umccall71 , @mfackenthal , @heatherfilliez (let me know if you want to be tagged! I’m sorry if the tag doesn’t work! 😭)
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Madeleine strode down the hallway as she made her way out to the palace’s garden. She glanced around before finding the Queen Mother sitting at a small table, shaded by an umbrella. She raised an eyebrow before walking over to her, “You wanted to see me?” She said, her voice just as cold and icy as ever. The woman before her smiled and motioned for her to sit across from her.
“No need to be so cold, dear. It doesn’t look good on you.” Regina stated as a staff member placed a tray with two teacups and a kettle onto the table. Madeleine stared at her for a moment before taking one of the cups and thanking the staff member.
“What is this all about? I should be preparing for today’s press briefing.” She told her before taking a sip of her tea.
Regina did the same before putting the cup down, “As you should but I think you’d like to stay for a while. As you know, the Queen is… indisposed and cannot rule with Aiden. I was just thinking that this could be another chance for you to… take back what’s rightfully yours.”
Madeleine raised her eyebrows in slight shock before shaking her head seconds later, “Though, Cordonia would be more successful with me by Aiden’s side again-- I’d rather not have the Queen’s hands around my neck when she wakes. My dreams of being the queen of this country have been crushed one too many times and--”
“She’s been in a coma for three weeks. It’ll be a month before we know it and her chances of waking up will cut down tremendously. There is no time to sit around and wait for her.” The Queen Mother said with a bit more tension in her voice than before. The area around them became quiet, only the sound of rustling tree leaves and birds chirping could be heard.
The Queen Mother cleared her throat after taking another long sip of her tea, “If she does wake up, there is no guarantee she’ll be the same.” She said as she put the cup down and looked at Madeleine, “I can’t change your mind if you decline but it is an option.”
Madeleine looked at her for a moment before standing up and fixing her dress, “I’ll think about it.” She lied before turning on her heel and walking back into the palace. Something caught her attention as she entered the hallway and looked around before shrugging it off as she continued her walk back to her office.
“I have a proposal.”
Aiden instantly frowned in confusion and curiosity, “A proposal?”
Olivia nodded, “If the Queen Mother wants you to remarry. I say we should give her what she wants and let me take over the throne.”
“Olivia, you… you can’t be serious.” Aiden muttered as he shot up in his seat and stared at her in disbelief. But she was. She stared back at Aiden with the same neutral expression she entered the room with. Aiden leaned back in his seat thoughtfully about her proposal.
Olivia watched him before continuing, “This is for Cordonia. I’m willing to help you out as much as possible.”
“What will happen if she wakes up?” Aiden asked, his attention fixed on her face. Olivia frowned for a moment as if she wasn’t expecting such questions. He could tell that she hadn’t thought this plan out that thoroughly. Which was unlike her.
“I’ll step down and let her reclaim her throne.” 
Aiden shook his head, “The monarchy will look unstable. I can’t risk that. Nor can I risk your relationship with Drake.” Olivia’s eyes widen but she quickly repressed it as she looked away from Aiden.
He frowned again, “Did you speak with Drake about this?” He sighed when she shook her head, “Olivia. I doubt he would be willing to let his partner—“ He was cut off by her suddenly clearing her throat.
“We aren’t together. You wouldn’t need to worry about him.” Olivia said, her eyes still trained on the carpet. She quickly became serious and elegant again, “If you’d like me to speak with Drake on this matter... I will. I doubt he’ll oppose when he realizes it's for the betterment of his best friend’s wife.”
Aiden glanced at her, “Is this really what you want to do?”
“You wouldn’t want to actually marry Madeleine, would you? I think I’m the best person in this scenario.” She said as she watched Aiden grimace, causing a smirk to appear on her face. “I’ll leave you to your work.”
Olivia stood up and walked to the door, placing her hand on the door handle. “And Aiden…” She called, still facing the door. Aiden looked up at her and hummed in response.
“Be careful around Regina.” With that, she opened the door and stepped out of the study, leaving the King confused and troubled by her statement.
She could barely move.
The thick wires were entangled in her arms, her head was throbbing, her torso felt like it was on fire every time she took a deep breath and her foot felt numb. But she knew she was alive after… something terrible apparently.
A bright light…?
A cry for help…?
Her eyes slowly fluttered open.
Everything was fuzzy and hard to put together. She couldn’t remember a thing and not to mention the world around her felt and looked foreign. She tried desperately to sit up but let out a soft whimper when she felt the burning pain in her torso return. Trying to move in the state she was in was useless and she knew it. An exhale left her lips as she laid back on her bed, giving into the sharp, burning and aching pains that spread all over her body. She squinted when the sun emerged from behind the clouds and into her room again. It was still hard for her to see anything but she knew the curtains of her room was open. As her eyes finally started to adjust, she scanned the hospital room as best she could. She stopped when she came across the TV in the corner of the room. The TV was so low, she couldn’t make out what they were saying. Not that it matters since her hearing hadn’t fully returned yet. She blinked her eyes a few times to clear her vision before she read what was on the small screen.
‘Queen hospitalized after a tragic accident. Press briefing in 10 minutes.’
A Queen?
How long had she been asleep? She didn’t know but the more she wondered about her situation, the worse the throbbing in her head became. The text of the scrolling bar at the bottom of the screen was too small and moved to quick for her to read, she couldn’t get any more information even if she tried. She let out another short sigh with a wince following shortly after it.  Soon, the King appeared on the TV and she frowned. Something about the man was familiar as if she had interacted with him at one point. She tried to remember but she was unable to recall it. The memory seemingly disappeared from its very existence. But maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. He was a king after all and she was just a girl from New York, as far as she could remember.
As the press conference continued, she could tell the man was upset and distraught about his wife being in such situation. She almost felt bad for the poor man, but she didn’t know why. As she tried to think about what might have happened to her, she kept drawing a blank. The last thing she could remember was being at work and waiting on four men at night but that was it. Their faces, a blur. She was so busy trying to recall some of her memories that she didn’t hear the door to her room open and close.
“You’re awake.”
Hana smiled as she watched little Bartie crawl around the living room area of the Beaumont Estate. There were blankets and toys scattered all around the room, a huge mess for her and Maxwell to clean later but they didn’t mind. They were just happy that Savannah and Bertrand were finally spending quality time together even with all of the confusion of taking care of the estate. Hana quickly grabbed Bartie before he could knock over the white vase, sitting on an end table next to her.
“No, Bartie. Your mom will be very upset with you if you break that pretty vase.” She said to the small child, who was staring back at her with a confused look on his face. He giggled before crawling out of Hana’s grip and over to another toy across the room. Maxwell soon came into the living room with a tiny bowl of Cheerios for Bartie to eat. He sat on the floor next to Hana and gave a Cheerio to Bartie, watching him closely as he ate.
“Have you visited Valtoria since the incident?” Maxwell asked as he handed the toddler more cereal.
Hana shook her head as she picked up the remote and flipped to the news, “No. It feels different there without her…. Thank you, and Bertrand for letting me stay here for the time being.”
“It’s the least we can do. I wouldn’t want you sleeping at the hospital or in a creepy estate by yourself.” Maxwell chimed as he continued to hand the child cereal, keeping him occupied. Maxwell and Hana looked at the TV to see live coverage of the upcoming press conference. There was already a crowd of reporters around the podium in front of the palace entrance.
The King is reportedly speaking on the Queen’s condition in less than ten minutes.
Hana looked away from the TV and over to Bartie who was slowly dozing off by Maxwell’s feet. She smiled and moved over to him, taking the child into her arms. She sat back in her spot and began to gently bounce him to sleep. Maxwell smiled at her at the moment but his face fell when he heard the sound of people talking at once and cameras going off. His eyes trailed across the screen as he watched Aiden approached the podium.
“He looks so tired..” Hana whispered as she watched with sad eyes. To his people, he looked like the strong, stoic king they all knew and loved. But to them, they saw right through his facade. They knew just how broken and sleep deprived he was but because of all of the lessons he received, keeping up a facade was like child’s play to him. The couple listened as Aiden updated the people on Kimiko’s slow progress towards recovery. They knew it wasn’t anything the press or the people wanted to hear but it was the best they were going to get until something major happened. If only they knew when.
“Do you think he’ll really remarry if Kimiko doesn’t come out of her coma?” Maxwell asked, his voice just above a whisper. Hana looked down at the child sleeping in her arms and shrugged gently.
“You know Aiden. He’ll do anything to benefit Cordonia… Even if it doesn’t benefit himself.” Hana said in the same tone before she looked back at the TV and continued to endure the press conference.
Her head shot over to where the voice came from but immediately winced at the pain in her head. A look of fear and panic appeared on her face as the woman walked closer to her bedside. The woman noticed her face and the spike on the heart monitor. She stopped in her tracks and reached into her coat pocket, slowly pulling out her badge. “I apologize. I didn’t announce myself. I’m your doctor, Grace Evans. I didn’t expect you to be awake, Your Majesty. How are you feeling?” She said as she began to make her way over to her bed again.
‘Your Majesty?’
She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. Her throat felt like it was on hell along with the rest of her body but she tried anyway, “I’m—“ She coughed softly, “I’m in— pain.” She said out before coughing again. Being in a coma for almost a month took a toll on her vocal cords.
“I’ll get a nurse in here to administer more medication to ease your pain in a few. But, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you know what happened to you?” Dr. Evans asked.
She shook her head. “I... I can’t— really remember anything.”
Grace frowned. “...Really? Do you know your name?”
She nodded, “K-Kimiko..” Another coughing fit. Dr. Evans walked to the door and whispered something to a person outside the door. She couldn’t see who it was since she didn’t open the door wide enough. Before she knew it, the doctor was coming back with a cup of water. Kimiko struggled to sit up but the doctor shook her head and she stopped struggling. She placed a straw into the cup and held it for her as she drank from it. After almost drinking the entire cup, Kimiko sighed and quietly thanked the woman.
The woman nodded but continued to stare at her, concern written all over her face, “Do you know what country you’re in?”
Kimiko looked at the television and then back to her doctor, “I suppose… it’s not the United States?” She muttered hoarsely. She could see her doctor’s face become far more concerned than before. “Is.. something wrong?”
Dr. Evans sighed, “... It’s nothing you should worry about right now. I need to prepare some tests for you, so I’ll be back soon.” She said to Kimiko before leaving the room.
Once she was out of the room, Grace turned to the guards in front of the door, “Alert King Aiden that the Queen is awake… and that I need to speak with him and anyone close to the queen privately.”
Part I - Part II - Part IV
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konsum · 9 months
Bertrand Cereal Bar Berry Bites, 70g
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